Folk games of different nations. Outdoor games of different peoples of the world

Oral pedagogical journal.

The magazine consists of 3-7 pages, each one takes from 5 to 10 minutes in duration. The total duration is no more than 40 minutes. The short duration of time is of no small importance, since often parents are limited in time due to various objective and subjective reasons. Therefore, it is important that a sufficiently large amount of information posted in a relatively short period of time be of significant interest to parents. Each page of the magazine is a verbal message that can be illustrated didactic aids, listening to audio recordings, exhibitions of drawings, crafts, books. Parents are offered literature in advance to familiarize themselves with the problem, practical tasks, questions for discussion.

Sample Topics for Oral Journals: "At the Threshold of School", "Ethics family relations"," The influence of nature on spiritual development child "and others. It is important that topics are relevant to parents, respond to their needs and help solve the most important issues of parenting.

Irina Rzhevskaya
Consultation "Oral magazine for parents" Traffic light "

Hello dear parents!

The most precious thing a person has on light are our children... And today in the pages oral journal« Traffic lights» we will talk not only about the safe behavior of our children in transport, on the street as pedestrians, but also about how we are educators and you parents should form knowledge in children about the rules of safe behavior on the road and in transport. And of course to follow these rules.

First page "The word of a specialist".

Before speaking to you, our teachers conducted the following diagnostics: how parents bring children by car to kindergarten. It turned out that over 90% parents come to kindergarten by car. Very often we observed that children sit not in car seats, but on their knees to their mother, grandmother. How important it is to transport a child in a car seat will be discussed today. Let's talk about child car seats. Is it possible to avoid accidents with passengers or reduce the severity of their consequences? A positive answer to this question is unanimously given by traumatologists, traffic police officers, scientists, if applied effective remedy protection - special restraints funds: for adults seat belts, for children car seats.

Even in the smallest accidents, when adults do not get scratched, children sometimes get severely injured. So at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, a child weighing five and a half kilograms at the moment of a collision exerts a load on the hands of a person holding twenty times its own weight. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to keep the baby, especially women. But if a child is fastened in a car seat, then it happens that only he remains unharmed. Come and buy a seat with your child's safety in mind, not the fine that would threaten you for not having a car seat. When going to the store, take your child with you.

Today, the stores offer car seats of many brands, which differ by an order of magnitude from each other in terms of prices and, accordingly, quality. The highest quality chairs are considered to be from such countries of manufacture as Germany, the Netherlands, France, Italy. Whichever brand you choose, please note that the products are certified according to ECE R 44/04 (2007)... Some firms are involved in additional, more stringent testing of their products. If you are looking for the safest seat, ask if it has been independently crash tested by European organizations.

The child car seat must be firmly and securely anchored in the vehicle. When the car seat is fastened using the system, Isofix the chair is held most steadily. This mount is the pins at the base child seat that attach quickly and easily to the metal brackets inside the car seat. If you wish to use this system fasteners, then it is necessary to check the presence Isofix in your car. You need to choose a car seat so that it fits the child in height and weight, do not forget consult for all your questions from the seller.

Second page "Kindergarten plus family".

We, educators, understand that very often children are the cause of road accidents. And this leads to an elementary ignorance of the rules road traffic and the indifferent attitude of adults towards the behavior of children on the carriageway. Children still do not know how to properly manage their behavior. They are not able to correctly determine the distance to the approaching car, its speed. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate possible danger in a rapidly changing traffic environment. Children find it quite natural to start fun game first on the side of the road, and then on the road. An adult, when a danger appears on the road, is sometimes rescued by the instinct of self-preservation, dexterity, speed of reaction. Unfortunately, babies do not fully possess these qualities and cannot immediately make the right decision.

You can only avoid danger by teaching children the rules of the road from the very early age and joint efforts kindergarten and family.

In our kindergarten, conditions have been created for children to consciously study the Rules of the Road movement: there is children's literature, we use posters, pictures, illustrations, each group has a corner according to the rules of the road, mandatory attributes in the group are traffic lights different sizes , different cars, footpath "zebra", board games etc.

And at home, you dear parents, should also create developmental Wednesday: look here at the exhibition, presents colorful literature for preschoolers. We educators advise you to subscribe to magazine"Journey to the green light» ... Very interesting magazine(teacher shows)... This magazine recommended for junior school age but children preparatory group understand the material given magazine... There are wonderful illustrations, poems, short stories, crosswords.

We introduce children to the Rules of the road through educational situation, by talking, reading fiction, inventing stories, fairy tales about the behavior of children on the street, we organize outdoor games, excursions, where we observe the traffic, learn to cross the road without traffic light... We hold puppet shows, parties, entertainment and much, much more. Educator middle group Makarova Yulia Sergeevna is working in depth on the topic "Education in children preschool age skills of safe behavior on the streets of the village and city ”.

The knowledge that children learn in kindergarten should be reinforced and at home: tell a fairy tale or story about the correct and incorrect behavior of children on the carriageway, cross the road with the child, be sure, I emphasize on green light, even if the transport is moving somewhere in the distance. After all parental example - a standard of behavior for a child. It is enough to cross the road once in front of his eyes or go to the red signal traffic lights and when left alone, the child will repeat the same thing. Therefore, constant attention and unrelenting care is required from parents, us educators, all adults, to instill in the child attentiveness and caution on the road.

Next page "Question answer".

Please feel free to answer questions.

Question: What should a pedestrian do to become more visible to the driver?

Answer: Put on reflective vest or wear reflectors.

Question: At what distance is it visible in the near headlight man whose clothes have light reflectors?

Answer: Up to 100 meters away.

Question: Why, when crossing the road, the child cannot be carried on a sled, but it is necessary to take him by the hand and so cross the road?

Answer: The sled may tip over when crossing the road.

Question: Who should be the first adult or child to get off the bus?

Answer: The first to get off the bus is an adult and take the child in his arms. If you put the child in front of him, then he can run to cross the road.

Question: Why is it undesirable for Small child cross the road with the ball in hand, even if you are holding it by the hand?

Answer: The ball can slip out of the child's hands and roll on the road, and the child will jerk and run after the ball.

Question: Why should a child's hand be held at a bus stop?

Answer: Stopping zone - danger zone. Passengers who are always in a hurry, without noticing the child, will simply push him under the wheels of the bus (the child is unable to hold back the onslaught of passengers).

last page "Children speak and show about traffic rules".

Entertainment « Traffic light at the pedestrian crossing "


Strengthen children's knowledge of safe behavior on the road, knowledge of road signs, signals traffic light, their meaning, how to cross the road correctly without traffic light.

Develop attention, memory, observation, speech.

Foster respect for the law.

Literature: VdovichenkoL. A. "A child on the street". (Poems taken from the book).

Equipment: Steering wheels, traffic lights, character Scattered, crossword puzzle, large construction material, chairs for children, cars.


Remember the traffic rules

Like a multiplication table

Always know them by heart:

Through the city down the street

Don't just walk around

When you don't know the rules

Easy to get screwed up.

Be attentive all the time

And remember in advance

They have their own rules

They have their own rules

Chauffeur and pedestrian.

Reading by Role:

Yurka lives on the other side,

He waves his hand across the street to me.

"I am now!"- I shout to a friend

And I fly to him with an arrow.

Suddenly I froze with fright

Yurka shouted in fear: "Ouch!"

And where and where

A dump truck appeared?

Just a miracle, just a miracle

I did not fall under it!

The chauffeur has a formidable look:

“Where are you going, come back!

Your buddy will wait

Look where the transition is. "

Zebra lives in Africa

The strip is very

Drinks water, chews grass,

He wants to frolic.

And on the street we have

Here at the crossroads

Like a zebra, just right

Transition to stripes.

Although the zebra is not alive

And he does not live in Africa,

But she will always point out


I'm an exemplary pedestrian

I know about the transition.

I won't go anywhere,

In order not to get into trouble!

Output Traffic lights

To help you

The path is dangerous

Burn both day and night

Green, yellow, red!

Hey my helpers

Colored lights!

To us for a holiday

Hurry up!

Your talents


The strictest red color

So that you calmly pass

Listen to our advice: wait,

You will see yellow soon

In the middle light.

And behind it is green light

Will flash ahead, say he:

“There are no obstacles,

Go boldly! "

Games: "Pedestrians, cars and traffic lights»

Runs in Absent-minded (rushes about)

What only happened to me

At the crossroads of two roads?

The car almost ran over,

I barely dragged my legs away.

Save, save, save

My broken heart!

Find, find her.

Like this every time

My name is Absent-minded.

There is no day without adventure.

I confuse everything, I lose, I always forget everything.

Cars, cars.

A whole stream to the whole wide street

Where and how to cross the road?

Children show and talk about the pedestrian crossing

The game "Permitted - prohibited"

On red light cross the road?

To yellow light cross the road?

Screaming on the bus?

Cross the street to green light?

Throwing pieces of paper on the street?

Play ball on the road?

Give way to an old lady on the bus?

Take tickets on the bus?

Sticking your head out of the bus?

Fast driving in a city, in a village?

At home we are all just children

Masha, Nastya, Roma, Petit.

On the road goes

Not a child - a pedestrian!

Road rules on light a lot,

All would not hurt to learn them.

Don't play on the pavement, don't ride,

If you want to stay healthy!

Leading: Guys, what proverbs, sayings about the rules of the road do you know? (You can't joke with the road, attention and caution are your friends! Color green traffic light says: "Come on, pedestrians, the way is open!" I follow the rules of crossing, only I step on the green one across the street. Don't try to cling to transport, think about yourself and others. Do not run around the trolleybus, bus, tram either in front or behind. Guys risk their heads if they play on the pavement. Remember firmly, passer-by, the brake cannot be applied instantly. First you skip the transport, make sure it is safe and go.)

Leading: Now let's play. We build a bus and go. We are passengers. Let's see how you comply with the passenger rules.

Leading: Can you guys solve the crossword puzzle?

1. Who is sitting next to the driver? (Passenger)

2. Who is standing at the intersections with a stick? (Adjuster)

3. What is pedestrian and underground? (Transition)

4. If it is red light? (Stop)

5. Part of the road where only pedestrians go? Pedestrian (Track)

6. When it's dark, what lights the road? (Lanterns)

7. Public transport? (Bus)

8. What is the other name for a pedestrian crossing? (Zebra)

Leading: Guys, you know all the rules of the road. I think that you will follow these rules!

The most precious thing a person has in the world is our children. And today on the pages of the oral magazine "Traffic Light" we will talk not only about the safe behavior of our children in transport, on the street as pedestrians, but also about how we educators and you parents should form knowledge in children about the rules of safe behavior on the road and on transport. And of course to follow these rules.



Oral Journal for Parents

"Traffic lights"

Hello dear parents!

The most precious thing a person has in the world is our children. And today on the pages of the oral magazine "Traffic Light" we will talk not only about the safe behavior of our children in transport, on the street as pedestrians, but also about how we educators and you parents should form knowledge in children about the rules of safe behavior on the road and on transport. And of course to follow these rules.

The first page of the "Word of the Specialist".

Before speaking to you, our educators performed the following diagnostics: how many parents bring their children to kindergarten by car. It turned out that over 90% of parents come to kindergarten by car. Very often we observed that children sit not in car seats, but on their knees to their mother, grandmother. How important it is to transport a child in a car seat will be discussed today. Let's talk about child car seats. Is it possible to avoid accidents with passengers or reduce the severity of their consequences? A positive answer to this question is unanimously given by traumatologists, traffic police officers, scientists, if you use an effective means of protection - special restraints: seat belts for adults, car seats for children.

Even in the smallest accidents, when adults do not get scratched, children sometimes get severely injured. So at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, a child weighing five and a half kilograms at the moment of a collision exerts a load on the hands of a person holding twenty times its own weight. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to keep the baby, especially women. But if a child is fastened in a car seat, then it happens that only he remains unharmed. Come and buy a seat with your child's safety in mind, not the fine that would threaten you for not having a car seat. When going to the store, take your child with you.

Today, the stores offer car seats of many brands, which differ by an order of magnitude from each other in terms of prices and, accordingly, quality. The highest quality chairs are considered to be from such countries of manufacture as Germany, the Netherlands, France, Italy. Whichever brand you choose, please note that the products are certified according to ECE R 44/04(2007) ... Some firms are involved in additional, more stringent testing of their products. If you are looking for the safest seat, ask if it has been independently crash tested by European organizations.

The child car seat must be firmly and securely anchored in the vehicle. When the car seat is fastened using the isofix system, the seat is held most stable. This anchorage consists of pins at the base of the child seat that can be quickly and easily attached to the metal brackets inside the car seat. If you want to use this mounting system, then you need to check the presence of "isofix" in your car. It is necessary to choose a car seat so that it is suitable for the child in height and weight, do not forget to consult the seller on all questions of interest to you.

Second page "Kindergarten plus family".

We, educators, understand that very often children are the cause of road accidents. And this leads to an elementary ignorance of the rules of the road and the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the carriageway. Children still do not know how to properly manage their behavior. They are not able to correctly determine the distance to the approaching car, its speed. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate possible danger in a rapidly changing traffic environment. Children find it quite natural to start a fun game, first on the side of the road, and then on the road. An adult, when a danger appears on the road, is sometimes rescued by the instinct of self-preservation, dexterity, speed of reaction. Unfortunately, babies do not fully possess these qualities and cannot immediately make the right decision.

Danger can be avoided only by teaching children the rules of the road from a very early age and through the joint efforts of the kindergarten and family.

In our kindergarten, conditions have been created for children to consciously study the Rules of the Road: there is children's literature, we use posters, pictures, illustrations, each group has a corner according to the rules of the road, traffic lights of various sizes, different cars, a pedestrian path are mandatory attributes in the group. Zebra, board games, etc.

And at home, dear parents, you must also create a developing environment: look here at the exhibition, there is a colorful literature for preschoolers. We educators advise you to subscribe to Journey to the Green Light magazine. Very interesting magazine(teacher shows)... This magazine is recommended for primary school children, but kindergarten children will understand the material in this magazine. There are wonderful illustrations, poems, short stories, crosswords.

We acquaint children with the Rules of the road through the educational situation, through conversations, reading fiction, inventing stories, fairy tales about the behavior of children on the street, we organize outdoor games, excursions where we observe traffic, learn to cross the road without a traffic light. We hold puppet shows, parties, entertainment and much, much more. The educator of the middle group, Yulia Sergeevna Makarova, is working in depth on the topic "Raising the skills of safe behavior in the streets of the village and city in preschool children."

The knowledge that children receive in kindergarten should also be reinforced at home: tell a fairy tale or story about the correct and incorrect behavior of children on the carriageway, cross the road with the child, be sure, I emphasize the green light, even if the transport is moving somewhere in the distance ... After all, the parental example is the standard of behavior for the child. It is enough to cross the road once in front of his eyes or switch to a red traffic light and, left alone, the child will repeat the same thing. Therefore, constant attention and unrelenting care is required from parents, us educators, all adults, in order to instill in the child attentiveness and caution on the road.

The next page is "Question - Answer".

Please feel free to answer questions.

Question: What should a pedestrian do to become more visible to the driver?

Answer: Wear a reflective vest or have reflectors on your clothing.

Question: At what distance is a person with reflectors on their clothes visible in the dipped headlights?

Answer: At a distance of up to 100 meters.

Question: Why, when crossing the road, the child cannot be carried on a sled, but it is necessary to take him by the hand and so cross the road?

Answer: The sled may tip over when crossing the road.

Question: Who should be the first adult or child to get off the bus?

Answer: The first to get off the bus is an adult and take the child in his arms. If you put the child in front of him, then he can run to cross the road.

Question: Why is it undesirable for a small child to cross the road with a ball in his hand, even if you are holding his hand?

Answer: The ball can slip out of the child's hands and roll along the road, and the child will jerk and run after the ball.

Question: Why should a child's hand be held at a bus stop?

Answer: The stopping zone is a danger zone. Passengers who are always in a hurry, without noticing the child, will simply push him under the wheels of the bus(the child is unable to hold back the onslaught of passengers).

The last page "Children talk and show about traffic rules".



  1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about safe behavior on the road, knowledge of road signs, traffic lights, their meaning, how to cross the road correctly without a traffic light.
  2. Develop attention, memory, observation, speech.
  3. Foster respect for the law.

Literature: Vdovichenko L. A. "A child on the street."(Poems taken from the book).

Equipment: Steering wheels, traffic light, character Scattered, crossword puzzle, large building material, chairs for children, cars.


Remember the traffic rules

Like a multiplication table

Always know them by heart:

Through the city down the street

Don't just walk around

When you don't know the rules

Easy to get screwed up.

Be attentive all the time

And remember in advance

They have their own rules

They have their own rules

Chauffeur and pedestrian.

Reading by Role:

Yurka lives on the other side,

He waves his hand across the street to me.

"I am now!" - I shout to a friend

And I fly to him with an arrow.

Suddenly I froze with fright

Yurka shouted in fear: "Oh!"

And where and where

A dump truck appeared?

Just a miracle, just a miracle

I did not fall under it!

The chauffeur looks menacing:

“Where are you going, come back!

Your buddy will wait

Look where the transition is. "

Zebra lives in Africa

The strip is very

Drinks water, chews grass,

He wants to frolic.

And on the street we have

Here at the crossroads

Like a zebra, just right

Transition to stripes.

Although the zebra is not alive

And he does not live in Africa,

But she will always point out


I'm an exemplary pedestrian

I know about the transition.

I won't go anywhere,

In order not to get into trouble!

Traffic light exit

To help you

The path is dangerous

Burn both day and night

Green, yellow, red!

Hey my helpers

Colored lights!

To us for a holiday

Hurry up!

Your talents


The strictest red color

If it burns - stop

So that you calmly pass

Listen to our advice: wait

You will see yellow soon

There is light in the middle.

And behind it is the green light

It will flash ahead, he will say:

“There are no obstacles,

Go boldly! "

Games: "Pedestrians, Cars and Traffic Lights"

Runs in Absent-minded(rushes about)

What only happened to me

At the crossroads of two roads?

The car almost ran over,

I barely dragged my legs away.

Save, save, save

My broken heart!

Find, find her.

Like this every time

My name is Absent-minded.

There is no day without adventure.

I confuse everything, I lose, I always forget everything.

Cars, cars ...

A whole stream to the whole wide street

Where and how to cross the road?

Children show and talk about the pedestrian crossing

The game "Permitted - Forbidden"

  1. Cross the road at a red light?
  2. Cross the road at a yellow light?
  3. Screaming on the bus?
  4. Crossing the street on green light?
  5. Throwing pieces of paper on the street?
  6. Play ball on the road?
  7. Give way to an old lady on the bus?
  8. Take tickets on the bus?
  9. Sticking your head out of the bus?
  10. Fast driving in a city, in a village?

At home we are all just children

Masha, Nastya, Roma, Petit.

On the road goes

Not a child - a pedestrian!

There are many road rules in the world,

All would not hurt to learn them.

Don't play on the pavement, don't ride,

If you want to stay healthy!

Leading: Guys, what proverbs, sayings about the rules of the road do you know?(You can't joke with the road, attention and caution are your friends! The color of a green traffic light says: "Come on, pedestrians, the path is open!" Do not run around the trolleybus, bus, tram either in front or behind. The guys risk their heads if they play on the pavement. Firmly remember, passer-by, the brake cannot instantly work. First you let the transport pass, make sure it is safe and cross.)

Leading: Let's play now. We build a bus and go. We are passengers. Let's see how you comply with the passenger rules.

Leading: Can you guys solve the crossword puzzle?

1. Who is sitting next to the driver?(Passenger)

2. Who is standing at the intersections with a stick?(Adjuster)

3. What is pedestrian and underground?(Transition)

4. If the light is red?(Stop)

5. Part of the road where only pedestrians go? Pedestrian(Track)

6. When it's dark, what lights the road?(Lanterns)

7. Public transport?(Bus)

8. What is the other name for a pedestrian crossing?(Zebra)

Leading: Guys, you know all the rules of the road. I think that you will follow these rules.

Oral magazine for parents: "Seriously about the health of the child"

Target : to acquaint the parents of pupils with the main factors contributing to the strengthening and preservation of the health of preschoolers at home and in the conditions of a kindergarten. Formation of motivation in parents healthy way life, responsibility for their health and the health of their children, increasing the skill of parents in using health-saving technologies at home. Develop a sense of unity, cohesion.

Educator: Good evening, dear parents! We are very pleased that you found the time and responded to our invitation. Our parent-teacher meeting today will be held in an unusual form-in form « Oral journal", Which is called" Seriously about the health of the child "

I would like to ask you a question: What is health?

Educator: 1st page: What is health for us?

The child is ill endlessly.
The mother is in a panic, in tears: both fear and sadness.
- After all, I have him from the cradle
I always strive to keep warm.
The apartment has windows even in summer
Afraid to open - suddenly a draft,
With him, then to the hospital, then to the pharmacy,
Medicines cannot be counted.
Not a boy, in a word, but suffering.
So, sometimes, we are from children
We grow a greenhouse creature
And not fighters - heroes.

No wonder, I started our conversation with a poemV.Krestov "Greenhouse creation", asin modern society, in the XXI century, new, higher requirements are imposed on a person, including a child, to his knowledge and abilities. Caring for the health of the child began to occupy priority positions all over the world. This is understandable, since any country needs individuals not only creative, harmoniously developed, active, but also healthy.

Caring for education healthy child is a priority in our work and our preschool. healthy child has a good body resistance to harmful factors environment and fatigue resistant, socially and physiologically adapted. In preschool childhood, the foundation of the child's health is laid, its intensive growth and development takes place, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in health improvement, both ourselves and our children. So what can adults do to encourage healthy lifestyles in children? We will try to find out this during our meeting.

2nd page who is a healthy person?

The next page of our magazine is entitled: Who is a healthy person?

During our meeting, I would like to speculate a little. Let's answer one seemingly very simple question: "Who is a healthy person?"

Parents' answers. (Prepared in advance)

"My child will be healthy if I ...".

Parents' answers.

We have listened to many different answers, and now I would like to bring to your attention a presentation: What you need to do to be healthy.

3 page learning to be sick without medication

The third page of our magazine : learning to get sick without medication. And now I would like to give the floor to Nurse Klementyeva Svetlana Aleksandrovna. Coming winter period, it's time for colds, she will present to your attention games, exercises that can be carried out with children to form a rhythmic inhalation and exhalation, to prevent diseases of the nose and throat, etc.

1 game: "Mouse and Bear", is aimed at the formation of a deep rhythmic inhalation and exhalation, heals diseases of the nose and throat, strengthens the muscles of the spine.

Course of the game: The facilitator shows the movements and pronounces the words, the parents perform the movements:

Mishka has a huge house (to straighten up, stand on his toes, raise his hands up, stretch, look at his hands - inhale).

The mouse has a very small one (sit down, clasping your knees with your hands, lower your head - exhale with the pronunciation of the sound "w, w, w").

The mouse goes to visit Mishka. He won't get to her. (You have to walk around the hall), (repeat 4-6 times).

2 game: "Who is the loudest?" Purpose of the game: Training of nasal breathing, closing the lips, treatment of diseases of the nose.

Course of the game: The presenter shows how to play: straighten your back, close your lips, place the index finger of your left hand on the side of your nose, firmly pressing your left nostril, inhale deeply right nostril th (mouth closed) and say (exhale) "mmm" while patting forefinger right hand on the right nostril. The result is a long chanted exhalation. The sound “mmm” should be directed to the nose, it should be sonorous. Then the right nostril is pressed.

The game is repeated several times.

3 game: "Bee" goal of the game: formation of correct breathing (depth and rhythm) strengthening the muscles of the arms, belt, upper limbs.

Course of the game: The host offers to play "bee". Parents are shown that they must sit upright, with their arms crossed over their chest, their head bowed from the words of the presenter "The bee said -" zhu, zhu, zhu ", the parents rhythmically squeeze with both hands chest and he says "zhzhzh" - on the exhale - and together with the leader, on the inhale, spreads his arms to the sides and, straightening his shoulders, says: "I will fly and buzz, I will bring honey to the children." He gets up and, spreading his arms to the sides, makes a circle around the room and sits down again in the same place. The game is repeated 4-5 times. The leader needs to make sure that inhalation is through the nose and breathing is deep.

Herbal tea

The conclusion is clear: if you want to see your child healthy, you must constantly, every day, devote time to hardening procedures. The “minimum” hardening includes the mandatory use of non-overheating clothing, air and water treatments, hygiene of clothes and shoes.

4 page do we need a walk?

Page 4 of our pedjournal: do we need a walk?

On the beneficial effect of walking on fresh air wrote A.S. Pushkin

"My friends! Take your staff
Go to the forest, roam the valley,
And your house will have a deep sleep at night ”.

Children's daily walks can and should be effective method hardening the child. Since the needs of a growing organism for oxygen are more than 2 times higher than that of adults.

Under the influence air baths not only the tone of the nervous, respiratory and digestive system, but the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin also increases in the blood. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games. Children should walk at least 3 times a day for at least 4 hours a day, unlimited in summer.

On a walk and in a group we spend whole line games that are disease prevention.

Winter is coming soon, and winter games are a great tempering.

Air hardening is, unfortunately, an underestimated method of hardening a child. Although what could be simpler than a constant supply of fresh air? Oxygen, negatively charged ions, are needed for children twice as much as for adults. On the contrary, the guys who are constantly in the room are lethargic, pale, often ill ...

In winter, stuffy air in a room is especially harmful - it has a high temperature and dryness due to heating. Therefore, the house must be systematically ventilated, and in order to avoid excessively cold air, the window can be hung with 3-4 layers of gauze.

Walks in the open airperfectly temper children. The child should walk the more - the better. In winter - at temperatures up to 20 degrees below zero, in the absence of wind - at least 2 hours.

Wherein baby's winter clothes should bewarm, but light, so as not to impede movement. No need to wrap up the child - the temperature of the skin under thick layers of clothing rises, heat transfer is high, moving - the child sweats, and the likelihood of hypothermia is higher than with "insufficient" clothing. Therefore, ideally, you need to use special children's thermal underwear.

But the most important elementhardening winter walks- outdoor games.They not only cheer up - they strengthen health, prevent colds - movement in this case is simply necessary!


"Like on a hill - snow, snow,"

(Raise our hands up, show the mountain)

"And under the hill there is snow, snow."


"And there is snow, snow on the tree."

(Get up. Pull the handles of the twigs up)

"And there is snow-snow under the tree."

(Squat again)

"And a bear sleeps under the hill,"

(Cheek handles)

"Hush, hush - do not make noise!"

(Movements with index finger)

Once upon a time there was a bunny

Once upon a time there was a bunny
Long ears.
(we put our palms to the head)
Frostbitten bunny
The nose is at the edge.
(cover the nose with our hand)
Frozen nose
Frozen tail
(cover the ass)
And went to warm up
(hug ourselves)
Visit the kids.

Page 5 "A little about nutrition"

Let's move on to the next page of our magazine, which is called "A Little About Nutrition." Proper nutrition for children - the basis of children's health.

Dear Parents. Remember that your child's health is in your hands! You need to create conditions for a healthy lifestyle for the child. Remember, you are obliged to monitor the child's health, both physical and mental, because he himself cannot do this, and relying on the baby's instincts would be very unreasonable, because we live in an artificial world created by man, and not among virgin nature where it might have worked.