Check 4G at a specific point speed check. Services for testing the real speed of the Internet, which is better

Learning to correctly measure the speed of the Internet connection. With what resources can you correctly check the Internet, which parameters you need to watch and how to determine the good result in front of you.

I will definitely tell about megabit and megabytes, they are often confused, as well as tell me what ping (ping) is and why because of it often expels from online games. In general, I will show in detail how to find out the Internet speed on your computer.


Hello everyone, today I decided to write an article that will allow efficiently analyze the speed of the Internet connection. You can find a lot of materials from different sources, where anyway it is shown where you need to go and what figures to see. But you repeated all this on your computer, saw numbers, large or small with different units of measurement.

Sit, look at them, sometimes even rejoice, and what do these data mean? It was highlighted for you, for example: entrance - 10 Mbps, Exodus - 5 Mbit / s, Ping - 14 And what's next, for you it is good or if you don't see the soul to see it, then you say, they say these numbers are nothing to you do not speak? And in most cases, everything is exactly the case, we see the result, but we cannot analyze it, because we do not know what every direction means.

Funny conversation with a friend

In general, I decided to write an article on this topic, just yesterday. Talked with a friend, and so it turned out that they were talking about the Internet. He asks me - Witches, what is your internet speed? Well, I said, crying 300 rubles for 8 MB / s. Without a long time thinking, a friend answered, well, you have the Internet with a link, I just have 250 rubles 30 Mbps. All this business was told with such a smart species, I could not restrain, laughed when I went away, I thought immediately - that's the topic for the new article.

Understanding users have already realized in what tricks, and for those who did not catch, carefully read the article and absorb useful knowledge. I also probably for about 15 minutes I had to explain to a friend that he was a little mistaken with the choice of Internet and the money he pays you can spend more intelligently armed good Internet. I will not make a lot of buckle, go further.

What is the measure of the Internet speed?

In order to understand and correctly analyze the speed of Internet connections, it is necessary to understand well in units of measure, which actually will measure your Internet in the future.

This is very important, it is necessary, well, rightly necessary, it is necessary, otherwise it just no way. You're into the store when you come, you say the seller how much kg apples to sell or count how many kilograms you need to buy, to have enough at least for a week for the whole family, even tritely consider how much you can buy candy grams to make you enough money to pay. Now closer to business.

When you start wondering the Internet, you meet two units of measurement - it will be megabits and megabytes. We go in order.

Mega's prefix is \u200b\u200bMilionnik's prefixes, you don't have to pay for them special attentionThis is just a reduction, replacing the figures 10 to 6 degrees. Once again, do not look at the prefix, follow everything that is written on, namely, we look at the bits and bytes. (Megabit, Mega Byte)

Bit is the smallest unit of measure used by the calculation in the "Computer World", imagine a bit, as one unit - 1

Bytes are naturally a unit of measure, but it contains 8 bits, which means the byte eight times more than the bit.

Once again, byte is 8 bits.

Examples. When testing the speed of the Internet, you can show:

30 Mbps or 3.75 MB / C, where you need to understand that these are two identical numbers. That is, when you did measurements and you showed the result in megabits, you feel free to share it on 8 and get a real result. In our example, 30 Mbps 8 \u003d 3.75 MB

I have not forgotten about my conversation with a friend, now you can go back and see why I did not agree with my friend, what was his mistake? Look, count, it will be useful for consolidation.

In addition to the units of measurement for competent analysis of the Internet connection, you need to know that there are two types of compound. Including and outgoing.

It's not entirely difficult here, but you need to read once to just know. Incoming information is all that you download on a computer, watch online, listen to music, in general all that you are viewing on the Internet will be called incoming traffic.

But when, your computer transmits information, let's say you play the online game and from your computer are mandatoryly leaving small packages of information that control the actions in the game or for example, you load a photo in social networkAll this will be considered outgoing traffic.


All we take on the Internet is incoming traffic.

All we give on the Internet is the outgoing traffic.

Now a small advice, with an analog you can not pay attention to the outgoing traffic. Why? Because with good incoming Internet connections, the outgoing will automatically be good. They are set by the complex, but you need to remember that the speed of incoming information is always higher, sometimes even twice, but it is not scary.

When measuring the speed of the Internet, you will see such pictures and this is normal:

I think with the numbers more less than figured and now you can easily analyze the speed of the Internet connection as accurately as possible. Although probably it is worth making a little retreat to promptly what speed will be enough for what purpose.

What is needed to me for stable work?

Here is a table that will serve as a prompt on this question, and if you did not figure it out, then write in the comments to this article as soon as I see, I will immediately write an answer.

A task Speed \u200b\u200bInternet Connection Classification
View text and graphic information 10 Mbps or 1 MB / s Slow Internet
Watch online movies, listen to music, play, communicate in Skype From 20 Mbps to 40 Mbps Good, multitasking.
Work on the Internet, loading large amounts of information, high quality video and other high loads From 80 Mbps and above Universal for all cases

I often hear the question, but with this Internet, for what time I can download the movie? Me to honestly such questions are a bit annoyed if you know how to count, then why not do, adult and older people of the last generation are forgiven, and now youth must be educated and instantly issuing information that is interested in, so in the article I will not even write about This, but just in case I will show the principle of calculating the video, so reading the text not be lazy to pay a couple of minutes to view the video.

And besides, it should always be remembered that the virus and speed can fall on your computer will be reduced several times,

Where can I test the speed of the Internet?

As I said at the beginning, there are so many different resources that make it possible to say so say to weigh your internet. But as practice shows, some of them work stably and can give correct information, and not fantasize ... - For me, this is the best resource for measuring the Internet. - MEGA Popular site to determine speed, but it works fine for me only after the second scan. After the first time it shows not real numbers, so I immediately launch his second time and get a normal, real result. - the site is very much useful to do, I like it, but unfortunately often deceives with the internet measurements, but gives part useful informationWho is serviced which provider and where the maintenance platform is located.

By the way, examples of pictures, I took just from these sites, in the video I will show each site separately, and you yourself choose what you like. When you analyze the results obtained, you may notice another interesting parameter - Ping (Ping)

What is ping on the Internet?

This parameter can often be heard, especially from lovers to play in online Games. Data type of people should be honestly slightly on pinga during the game.

I even had 7-8 years ago, there was a case when I myself go into the game, as I remember now - it was a Counter-Strike. Well, so, I went, I play, here I hear a lot of fuss, shouting and discontent and in every sentence he shouts with His high Ping, let's upward it. And in fact, the general vote pound me out of the room, I was certainly not very pleased, but there was nothing to do.

That day I spent a few hours to study the word ping for me for me for me.

And in fact, the essence of his work is very simple, I will not upload your heads, and I will just say that this is also a unit of measure that shows the data transfer rate from your computer to the server.

Now it is completely simple, you went into the game, at the moment when you perform any action for you a character just makes movement. And from the technical side, to even simply move your character from a place, the computer must send a command to the server to the server and now that these files will fly to the server, processed there and return back will be called ping.

In fact, it turns out ping this data exchange rate between the computer and the server.

What does ping depend on how it is possible to lower?

Everything is simple enough, the first and main reason is the physical distance between your computer and the game server. For example, you play mosvk, and the server in China, it turns out a very long distance and therefore the transfer of packets with data is more time. And at this moment we are materially the game lags.

Naturally, the ping will affect the speed of your Internet, the faster the connection, the lower the ping. Next, you need to understand that Ping can increase if the transmission line is overloaded, that is, your provider serves not one of your apartment, but a whole home or street, and that if everyone has decided to sit on the Internet at the same time, it will be a small chaos.

The rational use of traffic is when you sit at home on the Internet through Wi Fi, play, and your parents at the same time watch TV shows through the same Wai Fi, the younger sister sits in the tablet in the next room and grasts into your games. Than more people At the same time use the access point, the lower the Internet speed becomes and, accordingly, it grows Ping.

You can lower ping in three ways:

  • Change the provider or tariff plan for a more powerful
  • Make some changes to the operating system register (improved not significant)
  • Loading specialized software. (throw away this method from my head and use the first two)

Curled what? I think that you all have long understood, so I will turn out. Below you can find videos to secure the read material, do not be lazy, you need to look.

Watch the video: How to find out the Internet speed on your computer?

What did you read? Then we fall lower and write your comment on this article, and otherwise how I recognize, read it at all or not? Before the emergency, while friends.

Many users of computers are often faced with low Internet speed. If you have connected high-speed Internet, and it is repeatedly or constantly freezing, then the first reason can be the provider. Also on the Internet speed can influence viruses, browser, and computer problems.

Many users of computers are often faced with low Internet speed. If you have connected high-speed Internet, and it is repeatedly or constantly freezing, then the first reason can be the provider. Also on the Internet speed can influence viruses, browser, and computer problems.

Before deciding what to do to increase the speed of the Internet, you must first find out its speed at the moment. In this article, we will tell you how to check the speed of the Internet on a computer with Windows 7, and with other operating systems, so that you will fully have been able to express a claim to the provider.

Internet speed check through

The most convenient and more accurate sites for checking the Internet speed is considered.

But before starting the check, learn the status than the provider's speed of the Internet, most often they indicate the speed "to", for example up to 100 MB / seconds. Immediately it is worth saying that this lie, rarely meet the Internet, which will be able to reach a speed of 100 mg / second, (although Rostelecom issues even more declared under the contract of speed.

In this case, the declared speed is 50MB, and as can be seen in the screenshot, the speed of receipt is really higher), but our task will check if there will be at least 2-3 MB / s that will be enough to run music or video less quickly.

  • 1 . We go to the site by reference
  • 2 . Click on the "Start Check" button or if you have the English version of the website "Begin Test".
  • 3 . After pressing the button starts checking the speed of the Internet. You do not need to do anything, the program itself will check. It is advisable to disable all the processes that the Internet is loaded, as they may affect the final indicators. The verification process will take from a few seconds to a minute.
  • 4 . In the end, you will see Ping (Ping), (a little about the ping itself. Ping (from English) is called the reaction time of the Internet connection: namely, as a quick client computer, send a request, receives a response from the server. Ping is measured in milliseconds (MS, MS), and naturally the smaller Ping - the better . An ideal value is up to 40 ms, above - already a bad ping, which leads to "freezing" network applications). Download speed (download speed) and UPLOAD SPEED. The main thing is to know the speed of receipt, if it is 5 MB / second, then this speed is quite enough. Our task is to verify the real speed of the Internet with the stated provider. If they do not match even close, then you need to urgently contact the provider, or change it to another.

Checking the speed of the Internet through

If you want to fully make sure the speed of your Internet can use another site 2IP. . But know, both submitted sites can be slightly mistake, so count the average after checking the speed.

  • 1 . Go to the site by reference.
  • 2 . In the left side of the screen, click the "Speed \u200b\u200bInternet Connection" button in the "Tests" field.
  • 3 . On the page that opens, check if your location and internet provider is indicated. If all the data coincides, click on the "Test" button.
  • 4 . Wait a few seconds while the program counts the speed of the Internet.
  • 5 . After checking, the page will open in which your IP, provider, platform, ping and time will be written. Just below green numbers are the speed of your Internet.
    As already mentioned, both services are checked in their own way. different time. If there was 2 mg / s on Speedtest, and in 2IP 1 mg / s, then the average check speed will be 1.5 mg.

Yandex. Internet meter - Internet speed check

Our many good and useful services, including checking the speed of the Internet. We go through this link -, and press the "Measure" button

Now you know how to check the speed of the Internet on the computer. If you want to always know the current Internet speed, you can download a special program to the computer. But such programs have a minus - they slowly slow down the computer and the Internet connection. Therefore, you need to solve such a program on a computer or not!

Good day. Often computer users experience discomfort when surfing and work in the World Wide Web. Different data exchange, downloads of videos, lovers computer games Complaints for slow pings and delays in games. Before you make a claim with your providers, you should make sure that the fault is not on our side, for this in the article we will tell how to check the Internet speed on Windows 7.8.1 online using the most popular and demanded services.

There is a huge number of online services for checking the connection speed. Below will look at the most common Internet resources proven.

How to use SpeedTest

Speedtest perhaps the most famous among all, with it we will begin today's review. Before starting the test process, go to the site of your Internet provider, then in personal Area And see the stated speed. Often this item is displayed in the "Tariffs" column. When concluding an agreement on the use of Internet services, it also indicates speed. Many providers "sin" a sudden change of tariffs and connection plans.

Please note that Internet service providers promise the speed of "to" a certain indicator. For example, the declared standard "up to 150 Mbit" per second can actually issue only 5-10 Mbps of real indicators. Small and young novice offices often sin it.

Yet important moment. Before starting various Internet tests, we must disable the entire downloads of the files. Turn off torrent trackers, tabs with running music or video, programs that need Internet access to Steam (at this moment you can easily update the game). It is best to start the browser and open one tab.
Made? We proceed to the test.

Testing the speed of the Internet using the service

Users know our domestic service In addition to checking your IP, the site provides viruses check services, providing anonymity in the network, as well as check the Internet speed online for free.

As we see, 2IP gave us the indicators higher than on the Speedtest, because their servers are closer to us.

How to check the speed of the Internet Rostelecom

Open a page with Rostelecom check. Perform these recommendations. The third point is very important. If the computer is connected directly to the cable, excellent. When using the router, it is recommended to turn off Wi-Fi on connected devices: tablets, teleofines, laptops. Click on the blue button "Start Testing" and waiting for tables with results.

Surprise in this service, Ping was higher, compared with previous methods.
Not many know that our Russian company Yandex also has an Internet connection tester, you will be briefly reading with its capabilities and interface.

We test the Internet connection - Yandex Internet meter

On the Internet meter page, in addition to the usual test, a lot of useful information has been displayed: IPv4 address and IPv6 address, browser version, operating system, location region and even Flash version. By clicking on the yellow button "Measure" the verification process will start. Following the result, the result will be displayed in the plate.

Internet meter from Yandex - Results

Many users often confuse ideas about speeds in megabits and megabytes, Yandex developers have provided this moment. As we see 18.22 megabits equals 2.28 megabytes per second. It is at such a speed that downloads files from the World Wide Web.

What to translate megabits to megabytes themselves just split the result by 8.


The real Spartans read to the end and tested the proposed ways of ways, we hope questions how to check the speed of the Internet on a Windows online 7.8.10 computer no longer arise. I wonder how our readers use? Write your answers in the comments on the site or our group in contact. If you have questions about online services, offer you interesting to your attention themes that we will consider in the following articles.
Want to pump the maximum and increase the speed of the Internet?

If you have long loaded online pages or inhibits the video on YouTube, it is first to see the speed of the Internet connections. How to see the Internet speed on Windows 7 or Windows 10 Consider below.

Note! Some processes can affect the accuracy of the results. Before testing, turn off video, music, download files, etc.

Standard tools of Windows

First of all, you need to know what speed you provide the provider. You can use for viewing standard means Systems.

Tip! If there is a contract with the provider nearby, then you can look at the speed of the Internet connection in it.

  1. On the toolbar, click PMK on the Internet connection icon.
  2. Open "Network and Internet Settings".
  3. Next, go to the "Network and Shared Access Control Center".
  4. Clicking on the Ethernet icon, look at the connection speed.

Internet resources

We now turn to online services that give us the opportunity to watch the speed of the Internet connection in several clicks.

Yandex internet meter

This is a popular service from Yandex, which is used by most users.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. All actions occur in automatic mode.

This service is popular all over the world, and not only in Russia. It definitely determines the maximum load speed limit and indicates ping.

It is worth noting that the results are quite accurate. No wonder the service gained popularity around the world.


Site S. huge number opportunities. Starting from checking IP and ports, ending with vulnerability passwords. The most functional site from the entire Runet.

Additionally, the site will show your location, browser, IP and provider.

The service is designed for German users, but it does not prevent you from using it.

After graduation, you can watch speed, ping and location.

Internet providers boast the maximum data rates, but what is the situation actually? Speed \u200b\u200bdepends on many factors: the time and day of the week, the coupling channel load, the technical status of the servers, the status of communication lines and even the weather. By buying a specific package of services, I want to be sure that money is paid not in vain, and the speed of the Internet corresponds to the stated.

We will check with the help of special services on the network, because it is the most convenient, affordable and accurate way to determine the speed of the Internet. The speed is measured from the computer to the server on which the service works. Accordingly, the indicators from different services will be different.


  • incoming speed, i.e. the one with which we download from the Internet
  • outgoing - the rate of recoil information, i.e. When data is transmitted from our computer, for example, when you send a letter or file, a torrent is opened.

As a rule, these two indicators differ, I have to three times, depending on how to test. Outgoing speed is usually smaller because it is less common.

The data transfer rate is measured in kilo or megabits. In one pate - 8 bits plus a service couple of bits. This means that with a result of 80 Mbps with a real speed equals 8 MB per second. For each speed test is spent about 10-30 megabytes of traffic!

Ookla Speedtest

The best service for today is sharpened to test the bandwidth of the Internet connection. Accurately defines the highest possible speed for your computer at the moment.

To start the test, press the big "Start" button. The service will determine the optimal server and starts to transmit the data. Through the test, the current speed is displayed. It usually grows in the course of the process.

Note which indicators are determined:

Very exemplary good values \u200b\u200bfor wired Internet:

  • "Download" - incoming speed: 30-70 Mbps
  • "Download" - Outgoing speed: 10-30 Mbps
  • "Ping": 3-30 MS

For mobile 3G / 4G Internet:

  • included: 5-10 Mbps
  • outgoing: 1-2 Mbps
  • Ping: 15-50 MS

Ping - an important indicatorThis is the time you need to establish a connection. The closer the server, the smaller the value and the better.

Speedtest has servers throughout Ground Shar., Therefore, first defines your location and the closest server, then the test data is passed. The measured speed is obtained as much as possible for your computer at the moment. This is achieved due to the fact that the data sharing server is in your city or area, and the server is closer to the computer, the speed above. But you can choose any servers!

Thus, it turns out that we get the speed, which for most sites in the internet is not achievable, well, because their servers are further. Thanks to this "Fishka" I got the highest results. The figures obtained can be compared with the provider declared from the provider, but the real speed on the Internet is still less.

Speedtest has applications for smartphones:

After testing, a permanent reference is provided to the results and on the picture you can brag in social networks.

Checking the speed several times in a row, you will notice that every time it is different. It depends on the load provider and server. Therefore, I recommend to spend a test time several times and calculate the average speed, it will be more correct.

After registration, the history of all inspections becomes available and the ability to compare them, which is also important. You can start the test from time to time and then see the story for the year, and in graphical representation. Immediately becomes clear where your provider develops (or, on the contrary, it turns out that it is time to change it).

SpeedTest application for Windows 10

With the application, you can find out what the quality of the connection of your Internet connection.

Communication quality differs from speed. For example, it can go loading a file on a rabid speed and suddenly the download is interrupted, you have to start first. After the end of the test in the application, you need to click on the results:

To determine the quality of communication, use indicators:

  • Pulsation (Jitter) - phase pulsation, the smaller the better. Up to 5 MS.
  • Package loss (Packet Loss) - how many percent of the data was lost and had to be sent again. Should be 0%

Internet meter from Yandex

Unlike Speedtest, the service from Yandex will measure the data transfer rate between your laptop and its servers, only with its own. It turns out that here the speed should be lower than in Speedest, but it is closer to reality to work in RuNet.

Press the "Measure" button and wait for a while while Yandex tests. The time will depend on the speed itself, and if it is too low, or there are communication interruptions, then the test may hang or end with an error.

Yandex tests as follows: downloads and downloads the test file several times, and then calculates the average value. For better accuracy, strong failures are cut off. However, after each re-check, I received different results With an error of 10-20%, which in principle is quite normal, because Speed \u200b\u200b- the indicator is not permanent and jumps all the time. It was a day, and then I tested early in the morning and the result was jumping with a difference of up to 50%.

Yandex-Internet meter also shows the IP address and detailed technical information About browser.


I have been using this wonderful service for a long time. The service will also show full information at this address, check any of your file for viruses, will tell a lot of interesting things about any site on the Internet (IP, site engine, availability of viruses, distance to the site, its availability, etc.).

2IP defines your provider, the optimal server and checks the speed between you and this server, as well as, but 2IP servers are smaller, so ping will be higher. But there are statistics for medium speed in your city and your provider. With each re-test, the speed changed slightly - within 10%.

Another service works on HTML5, without a flash or java, however, as the previous services.

OpenSpeedTest will help measure the bandwidth between Western servers. You will notice that Pinggi has become even more.

It works stably, averaging the values \u200b\u200bobtained, rather predictable and repetitive results.

The service is not particularly interested in testing high-speed Internet, but it can be interesting to those who use the modem or other not the fastest Internet. The results show average results for various network interfaces (modem, coaxial cable, Ethernet, Wi-Fi) and yours for comparison.

There is accuracy of measurements in percent. It is calculated on the basis of whether there was a stable speed during data transmission, or strongly jumping. The more stable, the higher the accuracy.

Separately, I note the method of testing with. To do this, take torrent with large quantity Side and look at the actual speed of data reception.

For all, before testing, it is desirable:

  • Close All Programs In addition to the browser (especially those that can download something) and leave only one Speed \u200b\u200bTest Service tab
  • Wait for the end or stop all downloads in the browser!
  • Check if any network program does not use. To do this, open the "Task Manager" using the "CTRL + SHIFT + ESC" buttons, go to the "Performance" tab and click on the network adapter. If there are several of them, then only one will be with the data:

Look how much data was sent and passed for the last minute. If no program uses the network, then there must be units for dozens, a maximum of a hundred kbit / s. Otherwise, reboot and check again.

Let's sum up

Finally, I want to say that no service was able to determine the maximum possible indicators for my Internet connection. I say it because when downloading from torrents, my speed comes up to 10 MB / s. This is due to download from various sources scattered around the world, at the same time (exactly the torrents are working). But services work only with one server, albeit powerful. Therefore, I can recommend the UTorrent program as a tester, but it works on active distributions where dozens of siders.

Do not forget that a small speed may be due to, or due to a weak Wi-Fi adapter. In the comments, please email your results and do not forget to throw an article on social networks.

Video review: