Children's poems with Victory Day. Short poems Happy Victory Day (May 9)

Corner road Contains: - a cutting mock of a crossroads, with which the guys work out the skills of the safe transition of the roadway at the intersection. This layout with removable items, which allows children to simulate the street themselves, there are minor signs on the stands, to work with the layout;

- There is a floor layout of the roadway with switchable traffic lights (on batteries) and large road signs on the stands in which there are signs such as: informative - "Pedestrian Transition", "Underground Pedestrian Transition", "Bus stop"; warning signs - "Children"; Prohibiting signs - "Pedestrian movement is prohibited", "Bicycle movement is prohibited"; prescribing signs - " Footpath», « Bicycle lane"; Priority signs - "Main Road", "Land"; Service signs - "Hospital", "Phone", "Power point".

Gaming activity is a presenter in the life of a preschooler. Any child will quickly understand and set up traffic rules, presented not only in an ordinary conversation, but also the game. For this, there is: - great variety didactic games: "Associations according to the rules of the road", "Caution road", etc. - wall-printed: "ABC of pedestrian" "It is necessary to know", "Children and the Road", "Learn Road Signs", etc.

In the corner there is a selection of children's fiction According to the rules of the road and the rules of behavior on the roads. Reading and learning the poems on the rules of the road along with the children, I help them understand how to behave on the roadway of the road, how to behave in a particular situation.

Registration of passport corner of traffic rules in the group. IN medium group Observation develops, the ability to navigate the room, on the site of the kindergarten and in the nearest area. Children of this age continue to get acquainted with the concepts of "Street", "Road", "Crossroads", "stop of the route vehicle" and elementary rules of behavior on the roads. The knowledge of children about various types of vehicles, the features of them are expanding. external view and destination ("Ambulance", "Fire Machine", "Police Machine", Bus, Tram, Trolleybus). Children get acquainted with the work of a policeman.

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"Passport Corner PDD"

The educator of the Central Group Yakupova E.E.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

"Kindergarten of the general arraying species number 8" Sunny "

Menzelinsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

in the middle group of kindergarten.

With the children of 4-5 years, the educator continues to work on the development of orientation in the surrounding world. Children introduces specific rules of the road, tells them about the appointment of a yellow traffic light signal. Explains the rules of behavior of pedestrians: walking down the street with a calm step, stick to the right side of the sidewalk, go through the road only on the transition to the green signal of the traffic light. Forms the skills of cultural behavior in transport.

The teacher introduces children with the concepts: driving part, one-sided and bilateral movement, pedestrian, ground and underground transition.

In the middle group are monitored different species transport. Representations received by children during walks are fixed in class fine activity. At the site of the kindergarten, games are organized and consolidating the knowledge of traffic signals, transition rules across the road.

PDD corner in the middle group

    Layout with double-sided movement, with a pedestrian crossing;

    3 volumetric volumetric;

    Toys for playing (bus, cargo transport, passenger transport, specialized transport available);

A selection of books:

    V. Lyhodad "LESSONS OF LIGHTOR",

    R. Sharipov "Road Roads in verses",

    "Mixtur on the road",

    Poems about transport "Big Journey",

    Fairy tales for "integrity - 2",

    T. Koleova "Careful need to be",

    Road rules in verses,

    Poems and riddles about transport;

    Microdistrict layout;

    Visibility-didactic allowance "Road Rules",

    Didactic pictures "Transport",

    Developing Cards "Transport", "Special Machines",

    Training cards "Rules of a Little Pedestrian",

    Set of road signs "What traffic signs say"

    Illustrations S. various species transport;

Didactic games:

    "Peak hour",

    "The laws of streets and roads",

    "Attention road",

    "Road signs on the street"

    "Curled signs";

Card Surveillance:

    "Acquaintance with Street and Dear",

    "Observation of the traffic light",


    "Observation of the work of the traffic police officer" and I.D.;

Movable game card:


  • "Be careful"


    Colored cars ",

    "To your signs",

    "Three movements",

    "Guess the sign";

    "Wonders on wheels",

    "What sign is extra"

    "Geometric traffic light",

    "Merry waders"

    "Traffic light";

Video materials:

    "Care lessons of Tuptice owls" Educational program for children from 2 to 7 years,

    PDD presentations.

School playing important role In the prevention of children's injuries on the roads. Schoolchildren should understand that the road carries a potential danger and requires all the participants in the road traffic and strict discipline. In extracurricular activities, it is necessary to form a complex of knowledge in children, as well as instill in the skills of safe behavior on the carriageway. School corner according to traffic rules (hereinafter referred to as traffic rules) is created for the complex prevention of child road traffic injuries. Used with the educational and extracurricular activities, work with teachers and parents.

Why do you need school corner on traffic cops

Today, almost every way educational institution For schoolchildren, classes are held to study the rules of the road.

Within additional educationThe after school hours are organized various activities on the topic of traffic rules:

  • contests
  • quiz
  • games,
  • competitions.

However, visual agitation is, unfortunately, insufficient attention is paid. But competently decorated, a bright school corner on traffic cops attracts the attention of children, helps to visually study the rules.

Specialists are recommended to have in school not one corner, but several. All of them must be meaningful and functional. Corners are placed in a convenient and visible for all the place, the lobby of the educational organization is the most good option. Information must be available. large quantity People: students, teachers, parents, administration.

Registration of a corner on traffic rules at school and its informational content

You can arrange a corner on traffic rules at school in several versions, for example, a single stand, a set of multiple stands (each - for separate type information) or in the form of a clamshell book.

The design of the corner must be colorful: it is important to use bright colorsappropriate font. To draw attention to the school corner of PDDs, it is recommended to use brief, memorable slogans. For example:

  • "The price of a hurry - life!",
  • "The child has the right to live!",
  • "Attention - we are your children!"

It is best to place a corner in such a way that the information can be periodically changed as needed. For this, for example, "pockets", magnetic board and other elements are suitable.

Materials of the school corner on traffic rules should be distributed over rubrics and sections. The main headings can be:

  • reference Information;
  • information for students;
  • recommendations for parents.
  • extract from the order director of the school on the appointment of one of the employees responsible for the work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries, indicating the surname, initials, positions and phone numbers;
  • work plan for the prevention of road traffic injuries among students;
  • monthly traffic police (report) on the state of child road traffic injuries;
  • information about the accident involving children who occurred in the near future in the territorial proximity to school brief analysis The reasons for these incidents.
  • information about competitions, quizzes, games and other events held by the school as part of accounting for knowledge of traffic rules;
  • list of young traffic inspectors at school and a list of events that they spend;
  • information on the timing, place of participation, the conditions of participation in the All-Russian events, for example, in the "Safe Wheel" contest.

In the category "Information for students" of the school corner of the traffic corner, visual, interesting, artistic materials are posted. They can do students themselves, you can attract parents to this process.

The section should include assessed information, riddles and history. Communicable for accommodating in this part of the school corner according to traffic cops, the scheme of safe movement of schoolchildren in the territory adjacent to the educational organization. In the scheme, it is necessary to note all the paths of the organization and in the opposite direction, given the nearest metro stations, stopping public transport. Attention should be paid to the main place of residence of students, indicate the most dangerous areas of the road. The scheme must be the most understandable and readable.

In the scheme, mandatory for the corner of the traffic cop, mark:

  • green plantings, buildings, roads, crossroads, parking lots, stopping route taxis and public transport, etc.;
  • hazardous places covering review: Open hatches, Trouara repair places, cluttering from building materials etc.;
  • plots of roads with intensive motor vehicles;
  • main, reliable in terms of security, ways to move to school;
  • direction and speed mode of traffic flows;
  • location of traffic lights, road signs "Children!", "Pedestrian crossing", road marking, etc.;
  • the state of illumination of adjacent roads.

All inscriptions in the diagram must be clear, legipped. Traffic lights, road signs, pedestrian crossings should be specified in the exact location of their location.

In the mandatory, the scheme for the corner of the traffic cop in school should be regularly made changes occurring on the territory and the detaching route of the movement. For example, when transferring a bus stop, repair of the road surface, laying temporary structures that cover the overview of the carriageway.

All the dangers of movement along the routes, changes in the movement of transport should be fixed next to the scheme. All dangerous sites, the accident sites with the participation of schoolchildren, you should follow the red flags, explaining to children why these sites are considered dangerous.

In the category "Information for Parents" of the School Corner on traffic corners, it is necessary to place the scheme of the main routes of safe movement to the educational organization, as well as information containing:

  • tips for parents for the formation of children of safe behavior on the road;
  • clarifications on some age features of the behavior of children, psycho-physiological features, typical errors in their behavior on the street;
  • data O. preventive eventsconducted by the educational organization on road safety, with dates and terms of conduct, information about the possibility of participating in them parents;
  • information on autosports, cargoges operating in the city, area, microdistrict, where children can get high-quality training according to the rules of traffic rules, form the skills and skills of safe conduct on the roads;
  • data by methodical benefits, visual benefits, articles in magazines and newspapers that parents can use in conversations with children on the subject of road safety;
  • data on main assistance services with telephone numbers, as well as emergency numbers of mobile operators.
  • about learning children of observation on the street;
  • according to the rules of transportation of children in the car;
  • according to the rules of behavior at the public transportation,
  • on the causes of road injuries among schoolchildren.

Requests will be both flyers with infographics, such as leaflets developed by the traffic police.

Thus, a colorfully decorated corner of traffic rules at school serves several goals.

  • First, attracts the attention of students while changing on change, their time will be used with greater benefits in the presence of bright visual agitation.
  • Secondly, information posted in it can be used by children for independent training Competitions, quiz, playments on traffic rules.
  • Thirdly, information corner of security can be actively used by teachers and parents in order to prevent children's injuries on the roads.

Master class manufacturer of the game layout "Street of the city"

Norkina Oksana Sergeevna
Educator Madou kindergarten №21 "Rosinka" combined view urban district city of Kumertau Republic Bashkortostan
The master class is designed for educators, but may come in handy and parents.
Purpose: Training to game modeling, the formation of safe behavior on the carriageway.
Purpose: Making a layout for playing modeling in working with children of senior preschool age.
- introduce children with road rules, appointment and traffic lights, with road signs, to expand knowledge about the rules of the safe behavior of children on the street;
- intensify children for independent activities in the corner of the traffic cop,
Game layout can be used for development small Motoriki, visual perception, socio-household orientation, orientation in space.

I stage - base for layoutFor the manufacture of the basics of the game layout "Street of the city" we will need: 2 pieces from the MDF panel (I have 53 cm), piano hinge, screws and nuts for fastening.

Drill drill holes in mDF panels In the selected places, fasten the piano hinge with cogs and nuts.

In order for our layout at an angle of 90 degrees and did not fall back, on the one hand, screw the corner the limiter (I have part of the mount from the old curtain), paint the lower part of our brass layout.

Now we will issue the upper vertical part of the layout. For its design, we take 2 pictures with the image of houses (I apologized to myself).

Print pictures in a double copy, laminating, if there is no laminator, then you can simply enclose tape. The picture becomes brighter and easier to take care of the layout - wipe the dust for example.
On one copy of our cabled pictures, we stick, joking on the layout, that's what we should succeed.

Now we will give a crank volume. To do this, from the second copies, we cut the building at your own discretion, and we stick them to pre-prepared blanks from the ceiling tiles - single distant plan and double foreground, in our work I used glue for the "Master" ceiling tile

Cut the building with a stationery knife

We stick (I use all the same "master") on the layout, our street appeared "depth."

Go to the registration of the carriageway. We take the construction tape highlight a pedestrian crossing, a dividing strip, that is, what we will paint white, everything else is closed.

In the work I use conventional aerosol paints in the canister, sold in any construction store, quickly dry, easy to use. Allocated all the lines whites - remove the tape. Driving part and the transition are ready.

Stage II - paper machines. Now prints paper machines templates, there are a huge set on the Internet, for example, take such.

The image is reduced. Click to see the original.

The printed patterns are laminating (1 leaf of laminated film - 2 sheets of templates with vehicles) sheets are folded with white sides inside. We laminate so that the machines become more rigid, bright and the opportunity to wipe them. When the sheet is illuminated, cut it along the contour and we have 2 sheets of colorful color on the color, the second side remains not illuminated (paper) - the paper is better glued, and the laminated machines are shiny. This is how the laminated sheet is cut from 3 sides with templates.

Cut the patterns of machines, glue.

III Stage - Road signs. Now go to the manufacture of road signs.
Materials: Lees of conventional office paper White I went 2 pcs, ceiling tile (Better washing), stationery knife, toothpick, glue master, mosaic 3 colors (red, yellow, green), a cable sheet with blanks of signs, I used such.

The image is reduced. Click to see the original.

Cut and stick 1 instance on the tile, cut out the stationery knife along the contour, on the other hand we stick 2 copy (you can not stick the second part of the sign. We do a stand for our signs. Birosis sheet of white paper and cut a strip 4-5 mm on the long side Sheet. For one sign, you need 5 strips. We take one strip and screw it on the toothpick forming a tight "roll" - this is the upper part of the stand. Belt in a long strip of 4 bands, twist in the "Roll". On the big roll, we put a little on top We glue. Dry the edge of the toothpick in the glue, I pierce our "rolls", another edge of the toothpicks piercing the workpiece with a road sign. All our sign is ready.

In order for the traffic light to be more voluminous to add to the light mosaic of the corresponding colors, the punctures of the hole shill, insert the mosaic.

Our fleet

Our signs

Thank you all for your attention!

The site "Mom can all!" Assemmed the most interesting poems by May 9 for preschoolers. On the eve of the holiday of Victory Day in kindergartens, concerts and meetings with veterans are held. These verses will be quite by the way. Their children will be able to tell veterans, congratulate their great-grandmothers and grandparents. And with their help, adults will be able to tell children about the great day of victory, why May 9 are so important for us.

Victory Day

Sad to my grandfather on your knees, quietly commemorate:
- Tell me, cute grandfather, and I will sile!
I will listen to all you want me to tell
And I will not spin and interrupt!
About war I want to listen to how you fought
As in the battle of such a distant banner you saved!
About friends of your military, grandfather, tell
And in the album yellowed photo show!
Smiled grandchildren of his grandfather and pressed to the chest:
"I'll tell you about everything, of course, since I promised!"
How war we survived how to death we walked
How much mile washed in mud and in dust!
As the enemy with the battles of chas
And did not let me give up - they survived, could!
And now the Victory Day is celebrating with you,
Only in the festive parade on the team: "In order!"

(Natalia Maidanik)

Victory Day

May holiday -
Victory Day
Notes the whole country.
Outfit our grandfathers
Martial order.

They are calling them in the morning
For a solemn parade.
And thoughtfully from the threshold
Following Him grandmother look.

(Belozers T.)

Victory Day

We celebrate Victory Day,
He goes in colors, signs.
All the heroes we are today
We call it tasted.
We know: not just
He came to us - Victory Day.
This day was conquered
Our dads, our grandfathers.
And therefore today
The orders they put on.
We, going for a holiday with them,
Song brought to the song.
I dedicate this song
Our dads, our grandfathers.
Our homeland beloved
Glory, fame on Victory Day!

(Abdulhak Ijabayev)

What holiday?

In the sky, a festive salute,
Fireworks there and here.
Congratulates the whole country
Nice veterans.

And flowering Spring
Gives them tulips,
Gives white lilac.
What for the glorious May day?

(N. Ivanova)

On parade

Snakes, celebrating victory,
My city in the glow color,
And on the parade along with grandfather
We, holding hands, go.
Grandfather remembers how in dashing years
For his homeland, he rushed into battle.
How for the sake of life and freedom
His countryman hero died.
How did the fascists with our villages
We wanted to burn ...
And now the grandfather is cheerful -
Passed a terrible trouble.
Bright star flashed,
For her others shone.
I will never forget,
How our grandfathers fought!

(Elena Ranneva)


Front songs,
Combat awards
Red tulips,
Meetings veterans
And salute in full
Huge like victory.


My great-grandmother is gray,
Such a nice, native.
Playing with me, sneaky,
But it does not like to remember
How did the war fought
Sighs and tell me:
- Total more than the world and children!
And on the day of Victory, at dawn,
His order will give their orders
She will brush the hand in a tear.
Put on the festive outfit,
And we go to her parade!
It is quietly, she
With a wand, spin hurts.
Burn in the sun of the Order.
All veterans honored the country
For defending Russia!
I am proud of a great-grandmother,
I am proud!

(Tatyana Petukhova)

What is Victory Day

What is victory day?
This is a morning parade:
Rut tanks and rockets,
Mars the system of soldiers.

What is victory day?
This is a festive salute:
Fireworks takes off into the sky,
Scattering there and here.

What is victory day?
These are songs at the table,
These are speeches and conversations,
This is grandfather album.

These are fruits and candy,
These are smells of spring ...
What is Victory Day -
This means there is no war.


Early, get enough sleep!
Mostly call the guys!
In honor of the Victory Day
The guns are palying.
Everything was quiet around
And suddenly - salute! Firework!
Rockets in the sky flashed
And there, and here!
Over the area
Above the roofs
Over the festive Moscow
All the above are being sealed
Lights fountain alive!
On the street
Everyone joy is running
Scream "Urra"!
On festive

(Olga Vysotskaya)

Day of Remembrance

Day of Remembrance -
Victory holiday,
Carry walnkov
Live lick
Heat bouquets
Paints of different,
That was not lost
With the past link.
And slabs mournful warms
Flowers with breather field.
Accept, fighter,
As a gift, all this
After all, it is necessary

Old picture

Photograph on the wall -
In the house the memory of the war.
Dimkin Grandfather
On this photo:
With a machine gun near Dota,
Tied hand
Smiling slightly ...

Here just ten years
Older Dimka
Dimkin Grandfather.

(S. Brewerov)

On the radio

I tried a letter
Write without blots:
"Please make
Grandfather gift ... "

Was long in the way
Musical hello.

But here came
And hugged me grandfather -
Came to him on holiday
9th May
Favorite song HIS


Frozen fir in Karaul,
Blue sky peaceful clear.
Go for years. In anxious gule
War remained far away.

But here, the faces of Obelisk,
In silence the head bowing
We hear rumble of tanks close
And the gap bombs gap.

We see them - Russian soldiers,
That in that distant terrible hour
The life was paid
For happiness, bright for us ...

Story veteran

I guys in war
I went to battle, burned on fire.
Murz in the trenches near Moscow
But, as you can see, - alive.
Did not have guys, rights
I climb on the snow,
Native home to give the enemy.
I should come to my mother,
Bread to raise, mow grass.
On the day of victory together with you
See sky blue sky.
Remember everyone who is in the bitter hour
Himself died, and the land saved ...
I am talking today
That's what guys:
It is necessary to be Motherland
Soldier's sacred!

No one is forgotten

"No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten." -
Burning inscription on granite lump.

Four leaves wind plays
And snow cold wreaths falls asleep.

But, as if the fire, at the foot - carnation.
No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.

(A. Shamarin)

Grandfather friends

May ... piercing poultry might and
And the parade goes to the capital.
Grandparents walk in orders.
Congratulations on Victory Day!

Come to the grandfather friends
Come on Victory Day.
I love to listen to a long
Their songs and conversations.

Burn in the sun with gold
Combat awards
And enter the house
In our peaceful house,
Front roads.

I silently sit down
But sometimes sometimes
What I'm in the sight looking
What am I getting ready for battle.

Come to grandfather friends
Celebrate victory.
Less than them
But I believe:
They will arrive again.

Grandfather portrait

Grandmother put on orders
And now there is a beautiful one!
Victory Day celebrates
About the war remembered.
Sad grandmother face.
On the table, the soldier triangle.
Grandfather from the front of the letter
She read and now it hurts.
We look at the grandfather portrait
And we divor the handles with a brother:
- Well, what kind of grandfather is it?
He is completely a boys!

(V. tours)

No war

Sleep down once children -
The windows are all darkened.
And woke up at dawn -
The windows light - and there is no war!

You can no longer say goodbye
And to the front do not wish -
Will be returned from the front,
We will wait for the heroes.

Grass trench tangle
On the places of the old battle.
Every year good,
Hundreds of cities will be standing.

And in good minutes
Remember you and I remember,
How from ethnic hustleling
We cleaned the edges.

Recall everything: as we were friends,
How fires we tushed
Like our porch
Milk pair Podili
Dropped from dust
Tired fighter.

Will not forget those heroes,
What lie in the ground is raw
Life giving on the battlefield
For the people, for us with you ...

Glory to our generals,
Glory to our admirals
And soldiers ordinary -
Walking, floating, equestrian,
Tired, hardened!
Glory fallen and alive -
From the soul thanks to them!

(S. Mikhalkov)

Eternal flame

Above the grave, in a quiet park
Blowed tulips brightly.
Eternally, the fire is burning,
There is a Soviet soldier sleeping.

We bowed low-low
At the foot of the obelisk
Our wreath flies on it
Hot, fiery fire.

The world of soldiers defended
Life for us they gave.
Save in the hearts of your
Memory will light about them!

How to continue the life of soldiers
Under the stars of peaceful powers
Flowers on the rational graves are burning
Wreaths of non-worn glory.

Salute Victory

Salute and glory anniversary
Forever a memorable day!
Salute victory that in Berlin
The power of the fire broke the fire!
Salute her big and small
Creators that went through one way
Her fighters and generals,
The heroes of the fallen and alive,


Stand in Russia Obeliski,
They are surnames soldiers ...
My peers of the boy
Under obels are lying.
And to them, sick in sorrow,
Flowers bring field
Girls those waiting for them so
Now completely gray.

(A. Ternovsky)

Died and alive

Dead -
Be permanently
They live in the names of the streets and in the eponymies.
Their feats holy beauty
Made artists in the paintings.
Alive -
Heroes honor, do not forget
Their names to store in immortal lists,
About their courage to everyone remind
And put flowers to the foot of the obelisk!

Need a world

Peace and friendship need everyone
The world is important in the world,
On earth where there is no war,
Sleep calmly children sleep.
Where the guns do not go away,
In the sky the sun shines brightly.
We need a world for all guys.
Need a world throughout the planet!

Let the world be!

Let the machine guns do not strict
And Grozny guns are silent,
Let the smoke be smoke in the sky,
Let the sky be blue
Let bombing on it
Do not fly to anyone
People, cities do not die ...
The world is needed on earth always!

Victory Day

Victory Day on May 9 -
World holiday in the country and spring.
On this day we remember soldiers,
Not returned to families from the war.

In this holiday, we celebrate grandfathers,
Defending their native countries
I gave the victory to the nations
And the world and spring returned to us!

(N. Tomilin)

Who was in war

The daughter turned one day to me:
- Dad, tell me who was in war?

- Grandpa Lena - Military Pilot -
In the sky drove a combat aircraft.

Grandfather Zhenya was a paratrooper.
He remembered the war did not like

And I answered my questions:
- Very heavy were fighting.

Grandma Sonya worked by a doctor,
Life saved fighters under the fire.

Praded Alyosha Cold Winter
He fought with enemies under Moscow.

Praded Arkady died in war.
Motherland all served quite.

Many people have not returned to people.
It is easier to answer who was not on her.

What is Victory Day

What is victory day?
This is a morning parade:
Rut tanks and rockets,
Mars the system of soldiers.

What is victory day?
This is a festive salute:
Fireworks takes off into the sky,
Scattering there and here.

What is victory day?
These are songs at the table,
These are speeches and conversations,
This is grandfather album.

These are fruits and candy,
These are smells of spring ...
What is Victory Day -
This means there is no war.

Congratulations to grandfather
Happy Victory Day.
It's even good
That he was not on her.

Was then like me now
Vertically challenged.
Although he did not see the enemy -
Hated simply!

He worked as big
Behind the hill bread,
Brought by Victory Day,
Though the fighter was not.

Standing all deprivation of snow,
Having paid by childhood
To live and grow in the world
His grandson is wonderful.

To input and love
Enjoyed life
So that I have not seen war,
Grandfather my saved schism.


Veteran - the fighter is everyday,
She seemed a lot of life.
He is with a courage in battle
Defended his country!

On the day of Victory flashed
On the chest of his medals.
On his chest - medals!
My sister and I were counted.

Let the children know the war

I have not seen the war, but I know
How hard it had to people
And hunger, and cold, and horror -
All of them experienced.
Let peacefully live on the planet,
Let the children know the war,
Let the bright sun shine!
We should be friendly family!

Let the sun shines over the earth!

Victory Day - the holiday of the whole country!
Adults and children are celebrated.
So that there is no war in the world,
The man of the earth for everything in response.
Let the sun smile at dawn,
And joy will go to every house.
Let the children are having fun on the planet.
And it will be a clear blue sky.
At least now we are a small people.
The world is ready to build on Earth.
To save the planet from adversity,
Let's throw off the War of Shackle.
To hear children's laugh in spring
In the blue arms of the ether,
It is necessary to live together one family,
Try to all the peoples of the world.

(Galina Herosueva)

Victory Heroes - Thank you!

Thanks to the heroes,
Thanks to the soldiers,
That the world was presented
Then - in forty-fifth!

You blood and then
Get victory.
You were young
Now - already grandfathers.

We are this victory -
Will not forget!
Let peaceful sun
Shins all people!

Let happiness and joy
Live on the planet!
After all, the world is very necessary -
And adults, and children!

At grandfather

Today is grandfather with me.
He is a big hero.
I touch the medals
And the Order of the hand -
Won, under Kurky Dali,
And the Order - near Moscow.
For the fight one risky
The grandfather is marked under Pskov.
I read Goredely:
"For the capture of Berlin!" ...
Today Victory Day -
I am a grandfather hug
Listen to the conversation
About a terrible war.

(Anatoly Mohorev)

Let the world be

How did the wars in the world
Soldiers and small children die
Moans land when shells are torn,
Mothers are crying and crying a community.

I want to shout: "- People, posttoye,
Stop the war, we live with dignity,
The nature of the nature and the fuss of the planet,
Well, do you really like it ??? "

War is pain, this is death, these are tears,
On fraternal graves tulips and roses.
Over the world for some time is lyful,
Where the war rules, there is no rest to anyone.

I urge you, we all need it,
Let the world be on earth, there will be friendship,
Let the sun shy with a radiant,
And the wars - never anywhere !!!

(Olga Maslova, St. Petersburg)

I'm alive! On the place of the hand, legs!
I eat tasty, and slept regularly!
I am your descendant, I am one of many
My birthmarks, I love you!

Here we are sometimes your life in the offense,
Problems, debts - a nonpauger field!
None of us saw the sidet
What fell, then on your share!

We know the books, films about winning,
Historians of the word sounds unbelievable!
I closer to the heart conversations with my grandfather,
Throw through the facts to the heels!

That's where trouble! That's where steel will!
Here is the pain of loss, from the edge and to the edge!
They were shed blood rivers for us,
We are in the bright way the way punching!

I remember you grandfather, although you are not with us,
And still fresh on the heart of the wound!
I feel sacred, all of you became angels,
You are eternal memory! Native veterans ...

Even then we were not in the world

Even then we were not in the world,
When it thundered salute from the edge to the edge.
Soldiers gave you to the planet
Great May, winning May!

When in the military bora of fire
Fate solving future centuries,
You fight God, sacred battle!
Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with a victory.
May soldiers, thank you forever
From the whole land, from the whole earth!
Thank you, soldiers, you
For life, for childhood and spring,
For silence
For a peaceful house,
For the world in which we live!