Life George Victorious: photo and interesting facts. Saint Great Martyr George Victorious - Saints - History - Catalog of Articles - Love Certificate

Great Martyr George was the son of rich and pious parents who attacked him in the Christian faith. He was born in the city of Beirut (in antiquity - Berit), at the foot of the Lebanese mountains.
Entering the military service, the Great Martyr George was distinguished among other warriors with his mind, courage, physical strength, military posture and beauty. Having reached the title of the Mrigor, Saint George, became a favorite of Emperor Diocletian. Diocletian was a talented ruler, but a fanatical adherent of the Roman gods. After putting it a goal to revive in the Roman Empire, he entered the story as one of the most cruel persecutors of Christians.
Hearing once in court, an inhuman sentence of the extermination of Christians, Saint George inflamed compassion for them. Anticipating that he is also expected to suffer, George distributed his property to the poor, let him go to the will of his slaves, appeared to Diocletian and, declaring himself a Christian, inflicted him in cruelty and injustice. Speech George was full of strong and convincing objections against the imperial order to persecute Christians.
After unsuccessful persuasion to renounce Christ, the emperor ordered the saint of various torments. Saint George was concluded in the dungeon, where he was put back on the ground, the legs concluded in the pads, and a heavy stone was put on the chest. But Saint George courageously transferred suffering and glorified the Lord. Then the tormentors George began to be sophisticated in cruelty. They beat the holy casualties, chaired, threw in the next lime, they were forced to flee in boots with sharp nails inside. Holy Martyr Martyr all patiently tolerated. In the end, the emperor ordered to cut off the saint's head with the sword. So holy sufferer went to Christ in Nikomide in the 303rd year.
Great Martyr George for courage and for the spiritual victory over the tormentors who could not make him abandon Christianity, as well as for miraculous assistance to people in danger - they call another victorious. The relics of St. George the victorious put in the Palestinian city of Lidda, in the temple wearing his name, the head was kept in Rome in the temple, also dedicated to him.
On the icons, the Great Martyr George is depicted sitting on the white horse and the kite's amazing spear. This image is based on tradition and refers to the posthumous wonders of the Holy Great Martyr George. They say that not far from the place where Saint Georgy was born in Beirut, a snake lived in Lake, who often devoured people of the terrain.
Superval inhabitants of the terrain for the thickening of the snake started regularly to give him to relegate to the young man or the maiden. Once the lot fell to the daughter of the ruler of the terrain. She was taken to the shore of the lake and tied, where she was horrified to expect the appearance of a snake.
When the beast began to approach her, suddenly appeared on a white horse a bright young man who was hit by a snake and saved the maternity. This young man was the Holy Great Martyr George. In such a wonderful phenomenon, he stopped the destruction of young men and girls within Beirut and drew the inhabitants of the country that before it was pagans.
It can be assumed that the phenomenon of St. George on the horse to protect the inhabitants from the snake, as well as the wonderful revival of the only oxtern from the farmer, served as a reason for the worship of St. George by the patron saint of cattle breeding and defender from predatory animals.
In the pre-revolutionary time on the day of memory of St. George the Victorious, residents of Russian villages for the first time after a cold winter kicked cattle on the pasture, making a solebed of the Holy Martyr with a sprinkling of houses and animals with holy water. The day of the Great Martyr George in the people is also called - "Yuriev Day," on this day, before the reign of Boris Godunov, the peasants could move towards another landowner.
Great Martyr George is a patron of Christ-loving military. The image of George Victorious to Kone symbolizes the victory over the devil - "Ancient Zmeim" (Rev. 12: 3, 20: 2). Its image was included in the ancient coat of arms of the city of Moscow.

Name: George Victorious (Saint George)

Date of Birth: between 275 and 281

Age: 23 years

Place of Birth: Lod, Syria Palestinian, Roman Empire

Place of death: Nicomedia, Viphonia, Roman Empire

Activity: Christian Saint, Great Martyr

Family status: not married

George Victorious - Biography

George Victorious - Favorite Holy Many Christian Churches, including Russian. At the same time, nothing reliable about his life cannot be said, and the main miracle, martial arts with the snake, is clearly attributed to him later. Why did the usual Roman warrior from the provincial garrison awarded such glory?

Life George reached us in several options, which does not add clarity of the biography of the saint. He was born either in Beirut, or in the Palestinian Liddle (now Lod), or in Caesarea Cappadocyan in the current Turkey. There is also a reconcilatory version: the family lived in Cappadocia, until her head of Gononia did not get death for faith in Christ. His widow polychronia with his son fled to Palestine, where her relatives owned an extensive estate near Bethlehem. All close Georgius were Christians, and his cousin Nina later became the Baptist of Georgia later.

By that time, Christianity conquered the strong position in the Roman Empire, while undermining its ideological foundation - faith in the godlybody of the emperor. The new ruler Diocletian, hard hand restored the unity of the power, as strongly undertakes for religious affairs. At first he expelled Christians from the Senate and from officers; It is surprising that at this time, George, who did not hide his faith, went to serve in the army and did an incredibly fast career. Life claims that in 20 from a small years, he became a "militant" (committee) and the head of the protection of the emperor.

He lived at Diocletian's court in Nikomidia (now Izmit), was rich, handsome, brave. The future seemed cloudless. But in 303, Diocletian and three of his associates, with whom he divided power, began open persecutions for Christians. Their temples were closed, crosses and sacred books burned, the priests were sent to the link. All Christians who occupied public positions were forced to bring victims to the pagan gods, refused to wait for cruel torture and execution. The authorities hoped that the meek followers of Christ would appear, but was very mistaken. Many believers sought to become martyrs to get to heavers as soon as possible.

As soon as an edict against Christians were posted in Nikomide, a certain Esuvian ripped him from the wall, Mightwalling the emperor, for which he was burned on a fire. Soon his example followed Georgy - he turned to Diocletian himself on the palace holiday, convincing him to stop the persecution and believe in Christ. Of course, he was immediately thrown into the dungeon and became torture. At first he was given to the chest with a heavy stone, but the angel of Heavenly saved the young man.

Having learned the next day that George survived, the emperor ordered him to tie him to the wheel, covered with sharp nails. When the wheel began to rotate, the martyr's bleeding prayed until he lost consciousness. Deciding that he is about to die, Diocletian ordered him to untie him and carry him into the chamber, but there the angel was miraculously healed him. Seeing the next morning a universal prisoner, the emperor came to the rage, and his wife Alexander (in fact, the Empress was called Prish, he believed in Christ.

Then the executioners threw their sacrifice in the stone well and fell asleep with an next lime. But the angel was alert. When Diocletian ordered him to bring him a martyr's bone well, live George led to him, who loudly raised praise to the Lord. Georgia was put on red hot-hot iron boots, beat with sledgehammers, tied with scrolls from the violence - everything is useless. The emperor decided that Georgy saves the witchcraft strength, and ordered Athanasia to his magician to drink a martyr with water, relieving all the spells.

It did not help it - moreover, the martyr at the dispute was resurrected to the deceased, which the Gentham was not able to do, which was why she was dismissed. Not knowing what to do with George, he was put in prison, where he continued to preach the faith to Christ and work wonders - for example, revived the fallen ox of some peasant.

When the best people of the city, including Empress Alexander, came to the emperor to ask to free Georgy, Diocletian in Yaresti ordered "trick by the sword" not only a martyr, but also his wife. Before execution, he was the last time he suggested a former favorite to renounce, and he asked him to take him to the temple of Apollo. The emperor happily agreed, hoping that George will bring to the sacrifice of the Sunny God. But he, in front of the statue of Apollo, painted her with a cross-sign, and the demon flew out of it, loudly shining against pain. Immediately, all the sculptures in the temple fell dead and crashed.

Having lost patience, Diocletian ordered immediately sentenced to execution. On the way, the exhausted Alexander died, and Georgy, smiling, was last picked up by Christ, and he went on the fell. When the executioner compartment is a george head, there was a wonderful fragrance around, and many in the crowd of the crowd immediately fell on his knees and confessed the true faith. The faithful servant of the executed Pasikrat took his body to Lidd and buried there in the genital tomb. The body of George remained uncovered, and soon healing began to be made on his grave.

This story resembles many lives of the martyrs of that era. It seems that Diocletian just did that he invented the most sophisticated torture for Christians. In fact, the emperor continuously fought, built, visited different provinces and almost never happened in the capital. In addition, he was not bloodthirsty: in the persecution, His son-in-law also diligently developed himself. Yes, they continued only a few years, after which Christianity was again entered into force and soon became a state religion.

Diocletian was still taken by these times - he renounced power, lived in his estate and bred cabbage. Some legends are called George's tormentor not him, but the Persian king of Daqiana, or Damian, adding that after the execution of the saint he was immediately lit up with lightning. The same legends show great ingenuity in the description of torture, which was undergoing martyr. For example, Yakov Viorinsky in the "Gold Legend" writes that George tearned by iron hooks, "no intersection crawled out," poisoned by poison, threw a boiler with molten lead. In another, tradition said that George was planted on a hot iron bull, but the prayer of his saint not only instantly cooled, but also began to proclaim the praise to the Lord.

The cult of George, arising already in the IV century around his tomb in Lidd, gave rise to many new legends. One declared him as a patron of rural labor - just because his name means "farmer" and was in ancient times by the epithet of Zeus. Christians tried to replace the popular god fertility of Dionysus, whose sanctuary was everywhere turned into the temples of St. George.

Dionysus's holidays - Great and Small Dionysies, who were celebrated in April and November, were transformed in the days of memory George (today the Russian Church celebrates them on May 6 and December 9). Like Dionysus, the saint considered the owner of wild animals, "Wolf Shepherd". He also became the patron saint of warriors, like his colleagues, Feodor Tiron and Theodore Stratilat, who were also victims during Diocletian persecution.

But the most popular legend made him Smeaker. It said that near the city of Lasia somewhere in the east in the lake lived snakes; So that he did not ruin people and cattle, the townspeople every year they gave him to the excitement of beautiful from the maiden. Once the lot fell on the royal daughter, which "dressed up in Purpur and Vison", decorated with gold and took the lakeside. At this time, passing by the Holy George, who, having learned from the Virgin about her terrible fate, promised to save her.

When the monster appeared, the saint "hit the snake with the power of Gortan, struck him and pressed against the ground; The horse trampled the snake of his feet. " On most icons and snake paintings looks not terrible, and Georgy strikes it not too actively; This is explained by the fact that, according to his prayer, the reptile deterela and became completely helpless. Snake is depicted in different ways - it is usually a winged and fire dragon, but sometimes a worm-like creature with a crocodile.

Be that as it may, the saint immobilized the snake, told Tsarevna to tie him to his belief and took to the city. There he announced that he won the monster with the name of Christ and drew all the inhabitants, whether 25 thousand, or so far 240, - in a new faith. After that, the snake killed, destroyed it on the part and burned them. This story puts George in one row with such a mythical zmeekes, like Marduk, Indra, Sigurd, Zeus and especially Perseus, who exactly saved the ethiopian Tsarevna Andromed.

He reminds Christ, who also defeated the "Ancient Zmia", under which the devil is understood. Most commentators believe that Steme George is an allegorical description of the victory over the devil, which is not achieved by a weapon, but a prayer. By the way, the Orthodox tradition believes that his "miracle about Zmie" holy committed posthumously, which makes allegory not only a snake, but also his winner.

All this did not prevent Christians sincerely believe in the reality of George and the wonders committed. In terms of the number of relics and relics, he is ahead of, perhaps, all other saints. Some of the heads of George knows not less than a dozen; The most famous is located in the Roman Basilica of San George-John Velabrough along with the sword, which the dragon was killed. The keepers of the Saint Tomb in the Lod assume that genuine power is in them, but no one has seen them for several centuries, since the church, where the tomb is, was ruined by the Turks.

The right hand of George is kept in the Xenophon monastery on Mount Athos, another hand (and also the right) - in the Venetian Basilica San George-Maggiore. In one of the Coptic monasteries, Cairo Pilgrims show things that belonged to the saint - boots and a silver bowl.

Part of his relics is placed in Paris, in the Saint-Chapel chapel, where they brought the King Louis Holy Crusade. It is these campaigns, when Europeans were first in their native places George, made it a patron of chivalry and military art. The famous Crusader, King Richard Lion's Heart, instructed his army to the patronage of the saint and raised her white staging over it with the Red St. George Cross. Since then, this banner is considered to be the flag of England, and Georgy is her patron. Portugal, Greece, Lithuania, Genoa, Milan, Barcelona are also used by the patronage of the saint. And, of course, Georgia - the first temple in his honor is built there in the IV century on the will of his relative, Holy Nina.

Upon Queen Tamara, Georgievsky cross appeared on the banner of Georgia, and on the coat of arms - "White Georgy" (Tetri Giorgi), reminding the pagan lunar God. In the neighboring Ossetia, his connection with paganism turned out to be even stronger: St. George, or Wastardji, is considered here by the main deity, the patron saint of husband-Chin-Warriors. In Greece, George, celebrated on April 23, turned into a fun fertility festival. The honors of the saint crossed the borders of the Christian world: Muslims know him as Jirjis (Girgis), or El Hoodie, the famous sage and a friend of the Prophet Mohammed. Sent to Mosul with the preaching of Islam, he was executed three times an evil ruler of the city, but he resurrected each time. Sometimes he is considered immortal and painted by an old man with a long white beard.

In the Slavic countries Georgii (Yuri, Iří, Jerzy), I love for a long time. In the XI century, his name received the Grand Duke Yaroslav Wise in Baptism, who erected in Kiev and Novgorod monasteries in honor of St. George and calling him two cities in his name - this is the current Tartu (Yuriev) and the White Church (Yuriev Russian). "Autumn" and "Spring" George in the Russian tradition is little similar to each other. The first, Hyrian brave, he is a victorious, - the warrior hero, established before the torture of the "rearness of the Demyani-SchA" and struck "Lutu Zmia, Luth Firenna." The second is a cattle protector, a yield donor, opening field work. Russian peasants addressed to him in the "Yurian Songs":

Iron you are our brave,
You save our cattle
From wolf predatory
From the bear latter
From the beast of the flange

If Georgy looks like the pagan god of Veles, the owner of livestock, then in the "military" look, he resembles another deity - the Terrible Perun, who also fought the snake. Bulgarians considered him the owner of the waters, who freed them from the Dragon power, and Macedonians - the Lord of the Spring Rain and Thunder. It was splashing with a lamb to the sighting field to ensure a rich harvest. With the same purpose, the peasants arranged on their stretch of meal and buried squirrels to the ground, and in the evening they ride naked in the middle ground and even engaged in sex there.

Spring Yuriev Day (Ederlese) is the main holiday of the Balkan Gypsy, the day of wonders and fortunes. With their customs, their customs are connected with the autumn, but in Russia he was known primarily as a day when the fortress can go to another owner. Cancellation of this custom with Boris Godunov was reflected in the bitter saying: "Here is your grandmother, and Yuriev Day!

The popularity of St. George reminds Russian Heraldry: since Dmitry Donskoy, he is placed on the coat of arms of Moscow. For a long time, the image of the "rider", rider, with a spear hitting the snake, was present on Russian copper coins, which they also got the name "Kopeyk". Until now, George is depicted not only on the Moscow coat of arms, but also on the state - in the shield on the breast of the double-headed eagle. True, there, unlike ancient icons, it goes to the left and does not have Nimba. Attempts to deprive George Holiness, submitting it to the nameless "rider", are taking not only our heraldists.

The Catholic Church in 1969 decided that the evidence of real essence of Tweese Georgy was somehow not enough. Therefore, he was transferred to the discharge of the saints "second grade", to believe in which the Christian is not obliged. However, in England, the National Saint is still popular.

In Russia, the Order of St. George was one of the highest combat awards, which only officers could receive. For the lower ranks in 1807, the St. George Cross was established, which was depicted by the same "ride" with a spear. The owner of this award enjoyed universal respect, not to mention the complete cavalier of four Georgiev, "such a Unter-Officer was, the future red marshal. Two Georgii managed to earn on the fronts of the first world and other Soviet Marshal, Georgy Zhukov, -simalo that it was he who was headed by a parade of Victory on the white horse, almost coincidently on the date on the day of Egoria.

The entire centuries-old history of St. Smeaker is full of symbols, is saturated with ancient mysticism and modern ideology. Therefore, it is not so important if a warrior really lived in Niccomedia named Georgius and did he committed miracles ascribed to him. It is important that his image perfectly corresponded to the dreams and aspirations of many people of different nations, which made George hero without borders.

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The most famous miracle of St. George is the liberation of the prince of Alexandra (in another version, Elisava) and the victory over the devilish snake.

It happened in the vicinity of the Lebanese city of Lasi. The local king paid the annual tribute to the monstrous snake, who lived among the Lebanese mountains, in a deep lake: he was given one year in her lot every year. Once the lot go to the egregation of the snake fell daughters of the ruler itself, chaste and beautiful girl, one of the few residents of Lasi, who believed in Christ. Tsarevna led to the snake in the lair, and she was already looking forward to terrible death.

Suddenly, she was a warrior on a horse, who, having mastered himself with the godfather, struck by the Snake's spear, the power of God devoid of demonic power.

Together with Alexandra George, he was in the city, saved by him from the terrible Dani. The pagans took the victorious warrior for an unknown God and began to praise him, but George explained to them that he serves the true God - Jesus Christ. Many citizens led by the ruler, listening to the confession of the new faith, accepted baptism. On the main square built a temple in honor of the Virgin Mary and George Victorious. The rescued princess accepted royal clothes and remained at the temple a simple obedient.
From this miracle originates the image of George Victorious - the winner of the evil embodied in the snake - the monster. The combination of Christian holiness and military valor made George with a model of the medieval soldier-knight - defender and liberator.

T. akim saw George the Victorious Middle Ages. And on his background, the historic Georgy Victorious - Warrior, who defeated his life and defeating death was lost and defeated.

San Georgio Schiavony. St. Georgy fights with a dragon.

In the rank of martyrs, the church glorifies those who suffered suffering for Christ and adopted a painful death with his name on the lips, without renounced from faith. This is the biggest rank of saints, numbering thousands of men and women, old men and children affected by the pagans, the godless authorities of various times who are militant. But among these saints there are especially revered - the Great Martyr. The suffering that fell on their share were so great that the human mind cannot accommodate the power of patience and faith of such saints and only explains them by the help of God, like all superhuman and incomprehensible.

Such a Great was George, a wonderful young man and a courageous warrior.

Georgy was born in Cappadocia - areas in the very center of Asia Minor, which was part of the Roman Empire. This area from an early Christian times was known for its cave monasteries and as-Christian devotees, leading in this harsh edge, where we had to endure the daily heat and night cold, drought and winter frosts, ascetic and prayer life.

Georgy was born in the III century (no later than 276) in a rich and noble family: his father named Gherontius, the PERS, was a senior one - senator with dignitystratilate 1 ; The Polychrony Mother is a native of the Palestinian city of Lidda (the modern city of Lod near Tel Aviv) - owned extensive estates in his homeland. As often happened at that time, the spouses adhered to various beliefs: Genonius was a pagan, and polychronia professed Christianity. Polychronyus was engaged in the education of the son, so George from childhood I absorbed Christian traditions and grew up with pious boys.

George from youth was distinguished by physical strength, beauty and courage. He received a brilliant education and could live in idleness and pleasures, spending parental inheritance (his parents died even before he entered the age of majority). However, the young man chose a different way for himself and entered military service. In the Roman Empire to the army taken from 17-18 years old, and normal time Services amounted to 16 years.

The emerging life of the future of the Great Martyr began under the emperor Diocletian, who became a sovereign, commander, benefactor and the tormentor, who gave the order about his execution.

Diocletian (245-313) came from the poor family and began service in the army by a simple soldier. He immediately distinguished himself in the battles, the benefit of such opportunities in those times was abuse: the Roman state, torn by internal contradictions, was to the same recruitment of numerous barbaric tribes. Diocletian quickly passed the way from the soldier to the commander, won popularity in troops due to the mind, physical strength, determination and courage. In 284, the soldiers proclaimed their commander by the emperor, expressing love and confidence in him, and at the same time, putting it before the most difficult task of managing the empire into one of the most difficult periods of its history.

Diocletian made his co-associate of Maximian - an old friend and comrades, and then they divided power with young Caesar Galeriy and Constance, according to custom, adopted. It was necessary to cope with the rebellion, wars and difficulties of destroying in different parts of the state. Diocletian was engaged in the affairs of Malaya Asia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and the residence did the city of Nikomidia (now Ismid, in Turkey).
While Maximian suppressed the uprising inside the empire and opposed the raids of the German tribes, Diocletian moved to the east - to the borders of Persia. Most likely, in these years, the young man George and entered the service in one of the legions of Diocletian, passing through his native land. Then the Roman army fought with the tribes of Sarmatov on the Danube. The young warrior was distinguished by courage and strength, and Diocletian noticed such and promoted the service.

Especially Georgy distinguished himself in the war with Persians in 296-297, when the Romans in the dispute for the Armenian throne broke the Persian army and moved him for the tiger, attaching to the empire a few more provinces. George who served incohort Invicators ("Invincible"), where they fell for special combat merits, was appointed by the Military Tribune - the second commander in Legion after Leah, and later appointedkomit. - So called the Senior Warlugress, who accompanied the emperor in his journeys. Since the commits were a retinue of the emperor and at the same time were his advisers, then the position of this was considered very honorable.

Diocletian, a coordinated pagan, the first fifteen years of his reign referred to Christians completely tolerant. Most of his closest assistants, of course, were his like-minded people - adherents of traditional Roman cults. But both Christians - warriors and officials - could well move to the career ladder and occupy the highest state posts.

The Romans generally showed great tolerance to the religions of other tribes and peoples. Various alien cults were freely sent everywhere in the empire - not only in the provinces, but also in Rome itself, where it was only necessary to respect the roman state cult and send their rites in a private way, without imposing them on others.

However, almost simultaneously with the advent of the Christian preaching, the Roman religion was replenished with a new cult, which became the source of many troubles for Christians. This wascaesone cult.

With the appearance of the imperial power in Rome, there was also an idea of \u200b\u200bthe new Divine: the genius of the emperor. But very soon reverence of the genius of emperors turned into a personal deification of the vendranos. At first, deified only dead Caesarians. But gradually, under the influence of the Eastern ideas, in Rome, they used to be considered to be considered God and Live Caesar, he was provided with the title "God and the rule of our" and fell in front of him. With those who, in negligence or disrespect, did not want to express honoring to the emperor, came as with the greatest criminal. Therefore, even Jews, in all the rest of the firmly holding their religion, tried to get along with the emperors in this matter. When Caligule (12-41) was conveyed to the Jews, that they insufficiently express reverence to the sacred person of the emperor, they sent a deputation to him say:"We bring sacrifices for you, and not ordinary victims, but hecaters (hundreds). We have already done it three times - on the occasion of your entry into the throne, on the occasion of your illness for your recovery and for your victory. "

Not in this language spoke with the emperors of Christians. Instead of the kingdom of Caesar, they missed the kingdom of God. They had one Mr. - Jesus, so it was impossible to be at the same time to worship the Lord, and Caesar. In the time of Nero, Christians were forbidden to use coins with the image of Caesar on them; Moreover, there could not be any compromises with emperors demanding that the imperial part of the title "Lord and God". The refusal of Christians to bring victims to the pagan gods and deify the Roman emperors were perceived as a threat to established relations between the people and the gods.

The pagan philosopher Celsius appealed to Christians with exhortations:"Is there something thin to acquire the favor of the lord of people; After all, not without Divine Flavor, it turns out the power over the world? If you demand an oath with the name of the emperor, there is nothing wrong with that; For everything you have in life you get from the emperor. "

But Christians thought otherwise. The TERTULLYAN has learned its brothers by faith:"Give your money to Kesar, and God himself. But if you all give Cesare, what will remain for God? I want to call the emperor of the Lord, but only in an ordinary sense, if I do not force him to supply him to the lord of God " (Apology, Ch.45).

Diocletian eventually demanded the detention of divine honors. And, of course, immediately came across the disobedience of the Christian population of the empire. On trouble, this is a meek and peaceful resistance of the followers of Christ coincided with increasing difficulties in the country, which opened open senses against the emperor, and was regarded as a rebellion.

In the winter of 302, the Competition of the gallery indicated Diocletian on the "source of discontent" - Christians and suggested starting the persecution of innerians.

The emperor addressed the prediction regarding his future to the temple of Apollo Delphic. Pythia told him that he could not do pronounce because she was bothering those who destroy her strength. The priests of the temple interpreted these words so that all the wines - Christians, from which all troubles occur in the state. So the nearest environment of the emperor, secular and priestly, pushed him to make the main mistake in his life - to start persecution of believers in Christ,the name of great persecution in history.

On February 23, 303, Diocletian published the first Edict against Christians who prescribed"To destroy the churches to the ground, burn the sacred books and deprive Christians of honorary posts". Soon after that, the Imperial Palace in Nikomidia covered the fire twice. This coincidence has served as a reason for the silent accusations of Christians in arson. Following that two more decisions appeared on persecution of priests and obligatory for all sacrifice to the pagan gods. Refusing sacrifices were subjected to imprisonment, torture and death penalty. So the persecution began, the lives of several thousand citizens of the Roman Empire - Romans, Greeks, immigrants from the barbaric peoples. All the Christian population of the country, quite numerous, was divided into two parts: Some of the sake of relief from the torment agreed to bring pagan sacrifices, while others confessed Christ to death, because they considered such sacrifices to renunciation from Christ, remembering his words:"No servant can serve the two gentlemen, for or one will hate, and to love another, or one will be zealous, but a friend to the other. Can't serve God and Mammon " (Lux. 16,13).

Holy George and thoughts did not allow the worship of the pagan idols, so he prepared for the torment for faith: gold, silver and everything else, he distributed his own riches, his slaves and servants did his freedom. Then he appeared in Nikomidia for the Council to Diocletian, where all his warlords gathered and close, and openly declared himself a Christian.

The meeting was amazed and looked at the emperor, sitting in silence, as if struck by thunder. Diocletian did not expect from his loyal military man, a long-standing associate, such a deed. According to the life of the saint, the following dialogue took place between him and the emperor:

"Georgy," Diocletian said, "I have always vacated your nobility and courage, you received a high post for military merit. From love for you, like a father, give you advice - do not circumcote your life on flour, bring the victim to the gods, and you will not lose your San and my location.
"The kingdom that you are now enjoying," answered Georgii, "it's badly, vigorously and transient, and his pleasure will die with him." No benefit get those who are seduced by them. In the true God, and he will give you the best kingdom - immortal. For the sake of him, no flour frighten my soul.

The emperor was angry and told the guards to arrest George and quit. There, it was spread on the prison floor, put on the legs of the pads, and a heavy stone was put on the chest, so it was difficult to breathe and impossible to move.

The next day, Diocletian ordered George to interrogate:
- Whether you repent or will you be dismissed again?
- Do you really think that I'm exhausted from such a small torment? - answered the saint. "Rather, you get tired of tormented me than I am - to endure the torment."

The angry emperor gave an order to resort to torture to force George to renounce Christ. Once, during the years of the Roman republic, the torture was used only to slaves to knock out testimony during the judicial investigation. But during the Empire, the pagan society was so corrupt and harder that torture began to be used to apply to free citizens. Trying St. George differed in particularracy and cruelty. The naked martyr tied to the wheel, under which the tormentors put the boards with long nails. Rotating on the wheel, the body of George was swung by these nails into parts, but the mind and mouth prayed to God, first loudly, then all quieter and quieter ...

Mikael Wang Coxy. Martyrdom of St. George.

- He died, what Christian God did not save him from death? - Diocletian said when the martyr was completely sat down, and with these words left the execution of the execution.

On this, apparently, the historical layer in the life of St. George is exhausted. Next, the aguiograph tells about the wonderful resurrection of the martyr and the ability acquired from God from God to emerge and unharmed of the most terrible torments and executions.

Apparently, the courage, manifested by George during the execution, had a strong influence on local residents and even at the nearest environment of the emperor. Life reports that these days, Christianity adopted many people, including the priest of the Apollo Temple named Athanasius, as well as the wife of Diocletian Alexander.

According to the Christian understanding of the martyrdom, George, it was a brand with the enemy of the human race, of which the Holy Passionerpiece, courageously underwent the most severe torture, who had ever undergoed human flesh, came out the winner, for which he was named the victorious.

His last victory - over death - Georgy won on April 23, 303, on the day of the Great Friday.

Great persecution completed the era of paganism. The tormentman of St. George, Diocletian, just two years after these events had to be folded with himself the powers of the emperor under pressure from the same court environment, and conducted the rest of his days in the distant estate for the cultivation of cabbage. The persecution of Christians after his resignation began to merry and soon completely stopped. Ten years after the death of George, Emperor Konstantin issued a decree on which Christians returned all their rights. The blood of the martyrs was created a new empire - Christian.


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In the Christian religion, the symbol of justice and courage is Georgy Victorious. There are many legends describing its numerous feats for the sake of the people. Prayer facing victoriousness is considered strong protection From the troubles and assistant in different problems.

What helps Saint George?

The victorious is the personification of male strength, so it is considered the patron saint of all servicemen, but other people are also praying.

  1. Men who are in war are asking for protection against injuries and victories over the enemy. In antiquity, before each trip, all the soldiers gathered in the temple and read prayer.
  2. Holy helps people to remove the homemade cattle from different misfortunes.
  3. Contact him before long journeys or business trips so that the road is easy and without any trouble.
  4. It is believed that Saint George can defeat any illness and witchcraft. It is possible to pray to him to protect your home from thieves, enemies and other problems.

Saint George Victorious

Georgy was born in a rich and noble family and when the boy had gone, he decided to become a warrior, and he showed himself as an approximate and brave. In battles, he showed his determination and a considerable mind. After the death of the parents, he received a rich inheritance, but decided to give it to the poor. The lives of St. George took place during the times when Christianity was not recognized and pursued by the emperor. The victorious believed in the Lord and could not betray him, so he began to defend Christianity.

The emperor did not like such a decision, and he ordered to expose him to torment. Saint George was thrown into the dungeon and tortured him: they beat the whites, put on the nails, they used a negated lime and so on. He suffered everything stall and did not refuse God. Every day he was miraculously healed, calling for the help of Jesus Christ. The emperor was only more angry, and he ordered to cut off the victorious head. It happened in 303.

George was attracted to the face of saints as the Great Martyr, who suffered for the Christian faith. The victorious acquirer received his nickname for the fact that during the torture showed an invincible faith. Many saint wonders are posthumous. George is one of the main Saints Georgia, where he is considered to be heavenly defender. In ancient times, this country was called George.

St. George Victorious Icon - Meaning

There are several saint images, but the most famous is where he is on horseback. Often, the icons are depicting a snake that is associated with paganism, and George symbolizes the church. There is also an icon on which the victorious is written by the warrior in a raincoat over Hiton, and in his hand he has a cross. As for the appearance, they represent his young men with curly hair. The image of St. George is customary to perceive protection against different evil, so warriors are often used.

Legend of Saint George

In many paintings, the victorious is represented by the snake and this is the plot of the legends of the "Miracle of St. George about Zmie". It tells about the fact that in a swamp near the city of Lasia, a snake was swinging, which attacked on local population. People decided to draw up to the governor coped to somehow with this problem. He decided to pay off the snake, giving him his daughter. At this time, Georgy was passing nearby and he could not allow the death of the girl, so he joined the fight with the snake and killed him. The feat of St. George the Victorious was noted by the construction of the temple, and the people of this area adopted Christianity.

Prayer Saint George Victorious to win

There are some rules for reading prayer texts that should be considered to get the desired one.

  1. The prayer of St. George the victorious should go from the pure heart and pronounced with a huge faith in a positive result.
  2. If a person prays at home, then it is necessary to pre-purchase the image of the saint and three. It is still recommended to take holy water.
  3. Light the candles in front of the way, put a jug with holy water.
  4. Looking at the flame, imagine how the desired becomes reality.
  5. After that, the prayer of St. George is read, and then, it is necessary to cross and get off the holy water.

Greek legends

According to life, Saint George was born in the third century in Cappadocia in the family of Christians (the option was born in Lidda, Palestine, and grew up in Cappadocia; either, on the contrary, his father was tortured for the confession of Christ in Cappadocia, and his mother with his son fled to Palestine). When he entered the military service, he, distinguished by the mind, courage and physical strength, became one of the Russians and the favorite of Emperor Diocletian. His mother died when he was 20 years old, and he got rich inheritance. Georgy went to the court, hoping to achieve a high position, but when the persecution of Christians began, he, being in Nikomide, distributed the property to the poor and in front of the emperor declared himself a Christian, he was arrested and turned to torture him.

George suffered all these torments and did not reject Christ. After unsuccessful persuasion to renounce and bring a pagan sacrifice, he was sentenced to death. On this night, he was the Savior with a golden crown on his head in a dream and said he was waiting for him. Georgy, that hour called the servant, who recorded everything said (one of the apocryphas was written on behalf of this servant) and ordered after death to take her body to Palestine after death.

At the end of the torment, George Emperor Diocletian, descending into the dungeon, once again he suggested that the former commander of his bodyguards renounce Christ. George said: " Take me to the temple of Apollo" And when it was executed (on the 8th day), Georgy got in full growth in front of a white-name statue, and everyone heard his speech: " Did I really go for a mischief? And can you take this sacrifice from me like God?"At the same time, George painted himself and the statue of Apollo with a congestion - and this forced the demon who dwells in her, to declare himself with the fallen angel. After that, all the idols in the temple were crushed.

The priests hung up with these priests rushed to beat George. And the wife of Emperor Alexander, who came to the temple, rushed to the legs of the Great Martyr and, sobbing, asked for a sin of her husband-tyrant for the sins. She was addressed to faith what he had just miraculously. Diocectian cried in anger: " Cut! Cut off your head! Both cut off!"And Georgy, praying for the last time, with a relaxed smile put his head on the fell.

Together with George, the martyrdom of Queen Alexander Roman, named after the wife of Emperor Diocletian (the real spouse of the emperor, known for historical sources, was called Prsk).

Legends about Saint George, Simeon Metaphrause, Andrei Jerusalem, Grigory Cyprus. In the tradition of the Byzantine Empire, there is a legendary relationship between George the Victorious and Saint Warriors Feodorami - Theodore Pratilat and Theodore Tiron. Researchers explain this by the fact that Galatia and Paflagonia, which were the centers of honoring the proximity of the Holy Feodors, were not far from Asia Minor and Cappadocia, where he was honored with St. George.

There is another connection between Theodore Pastlatite and Georgy Victorious. In Russian spiritual poems, Feodor (without clarification) is the father of HIR (George Victorious). There is also a German medieval poem in which Georgy's brother is called the feodore warrior (from context is unclear, thiron or stratulat).

Latin texts

Latin texts of his life, being initially the translations of Greek, with time they became very different from them. They say that for the adultery of the Devil, the Persian Emperor Daqian, the Lord of the 72st Kings, subjected to cruel persecutions of Christians. At this time, a certain Georgy from Cappadocia lived, a native of Melitna, he lived there in some pious widow. It was subjected to numerous tortures (punch, iron mites, fire, wheel with iron tips, the boots, naked to the legs, the iron chest, from the inside the stunned nails, which was discharged from the cliff, beat the sledgehamps, put a pillar on the chest, the heavy stone shoulded On the hot iron bed, Lily melted lead, threw into the well, scored 40 long nails, burned in a copper bull). After each torture, George was healed again. The torment continued for 7 years. His resistance and miracles turned 40,900 people into Christianity, including the Queen Alexander. When George and Alexander were executed on the orders of Daqiana, a fiery whirl was gone from the sky and seeded the emperor himself.

Reinbot Background Tourna (XIII century) retells a legend, simplifying it: 72 of the king turned into 7, and countless torture declined to 8 (bind and put a heavy cargo on the chest; beaten by sticks; they are hunger; they are fascinated; fourth and thrown in the pond; Sun down from the mountains in a copper bull; drive under the nails with a poisoned sword), and finally cut off the head.

Jacob Voorgin writes that at first he was tied to the cross and dragged with iron hooks, while the intestines did not get out, and then they were salted water. The next day forced to drink poison. Then they tied to the wheel, but it broke; Then they threw into the boiler with molten lead. Then, by his prayer from heaven, lightning went down and hesitated all idols, and the earth sprout and absorbed priests. Daqiana's wife (here it processed with Diocletian) turned, seeing this, in Christianity; She was beheaded with George, and Daqiana after that was also incisible.

Apocryphic texts

The earliest sources of apocryphal legends about Saint George include:

  • « Martyrdom George"Mentioned in the Decree of Pope Gelasia (Early edition End V - the beginning of the 6th centuries). Gelacy rejects the acts of the martyrdom of St. George as a heretical falsification and relates George to the saints that God are more famous than people;
  • Vienna palimpsest (V century);
  • « Acts Georgia"(Nessian passages) (VI century, found in 1937 in the Negev desert).

Apocryphah agiography relates George's martyrdom to the board of the legendary Persian Tsar Dadian. These lives reported on its seven-year torments, three-year death and resurrection, to score to his head of nails, etc. In the fourth time, George dies, a truncated sword, and his tormentors comprehends the heavenly car.

Martyrdom of St. George is known in the Latin, Syrian, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian and Arab translations that contain various details about the suffering suffering. One of best texts His lives are in Slavic Mis.

In the east

In Islam Georgy ( Jirjis, Girgis, El Hoody) It is one of the main non-melting figures and the legend it is quite similar to Greek and Latin.

He lived in the same time as the prophet Mohammed. Allah sent him to the ruler Mosul with a call to accept the true faith, but the Vladyka commanded to execute him. He was executed, but Allah was resurrected and sent back to the ruler. He was executed for the second time, then in the third (burned and ashes threw in a tiger). He rebelled out of the ashes, and the rulers and his approximal were exterminated.

Saint George was transferred to arabic At the beginning of the 7th century, and under the influence of Christian Arabs, the reverence of St. George penetrated on Wednesday Arab-Muslims. Arabic apocryphate text of the lives of St. George is contained in "The stories of the prophets and kings" (The beginning of the X century), in it, George is called a student of one of the apostles of the Prophet Isa, whom the pagan Tsar Mosul subjected to torture and executions, but Georgy every time he was resurrected by Allah.

The Greek Historian of the XIV century John Cantakuzine notes that in his time there were several temples erected by Muslims in honor of St. George. The same man says the traveler of the XIX century Burkhard. Dean Stanley in the XIX century recorded that he saw the Muslim "chapel" on the seafront near the city of Sarandend (Ancient Sarepta), which was dedicated to Al-Hugeder. Inside it was not the tomb, but only a niche, which was a retreat from Muslim canons - and was due to the words of local peasants by the fact that El Khudder was not dead, but flies throughout the Earth, and wherever he appears, people are eating similar "chapels "

There are a large similarity of the legend with a story about the resurrect chaldean deity Tammouze, known from the "Book of Nabatoye Agriculture", the holiday of which is about the same period, and this similarity indicated its ancient translator Ibn Whashia. Researchers suggest that special respect for Holy George in the East, and its extraordinary popularity was explained by the fact that he was a Christian version of Tammuz - the dying and resurrecting God, similar to Adonis and Osiris. According to the assumptions of some researchers, George as a mythical character is the Semitic Divine, which has passed into Christianity, some changes were made in whose history in the process of adaptation to clear it from unnecessary details and deprive an erotic shade. Thus, the goddess of love of such myths turned into a devout widow, in the house of which he lived the Holy Young man, and the queen of the underworld Kingdom is to Tsaritsu Alexander, who will follow him in the grave.

Miracles of St. George

One of the most famous posthumous wonders of St. George is the murder of the Snake (Dragon) spear, devastating the land of one pagan king in Beirut. As the legend says when the tsar's daughter fell to the confusion, Georgy appeared on horseback and pierced the snake with a spear, having saved the princess from death. The phenomenon of saint contributed to the appeal of local residents in Christianity.

This legend was often interpreted allegorically: Tsarevna - Church, snake - paganism. It is also considered as a victory over the devil - "Ancient Zmeim" (Open.10: 3; 20: 2).

There is an option for describing this miracle relating to the life of George. In Him, the saint conquers a snake prayer and a sacrificing girl leads him to the city, where the inhabitants, seeing this miracle, take Christianity, and Georgy kills the snake sword.


It is believed that the relics of St. George are currently located in the Greek Church in the Israeli city of Lodda (Lidda), and the head is kept in the Roman Basilica of San Georio-In Velabro.

Reality of existence

The reality of the existence of St. George, as well as many early Christian saints is in question. Eustian Caesarian says:

It is assumed that this martyr, whose behalf of whom Essiew does not call, could be holy George, in which case, that is all that it is known from a reliable source.

The inscription is mentioned in 346 in Greek from the Church in Ezra (Syria), originally formerly pagan temple. It refers to Georgia as a martyr, which is important, since in the same period there was another Georgy - Bishop Alexandria (mind 362), with which the martyr is sometimes confused. Calvin was the first to doubt that George the Victorious should be honored with the saint, followed by Dr. Reynolds, according to which he and Alexandrian bishop - the same face. Bishop Georgy was Arianin (that is, for the modern church - heretic), he was born on a submount mill in Epifania (Kilicia), was a provider provider for the army (Constantinople), and when he was caught in fraud, fled to Cappadocia. Ariana's friends forgave him after the payment of the fine and sent to Alexandria, where he was elected a bishop (in opposition to St. Athanasius) immediately after the death of the Arian prelace Grigory. Together with Dragon and Diodor, he immediately began the cruel persecution of Christians and pagans, and the last and killed him, raising the uprising. Dr. Hayin (1633) objected to this identification, but Dr. John Pettinal (1753) again raised the question of the identity of the victorious. Dr. Samuel Pegg (1777) responded to him in his report made for the Society of Collectors of Antiquities. Gibbon also believed that George Victorious and Arian Bishop was the same person. Sabin Baring Gould (1866) resolutely objected to such identification of the imminently existing bishop with a holy martyr: "... the incredibility of such a transformation makes any doubt in the truth of this statement. Too great was a hostility between the Catholics and Arians to adherence to the latter, and the persecutor of Catholics could accept for the saint. The writings of St. Athanasius, in which he painted far from the flattering portrait of his opponent, in the Middle Ages had a fairly widespread, and such an error would be simply impossible. "

There is also a hypothesis about the existence of two saints with the name George, one of which suffered in Cappadocia, and the other in Liddes.


This saint has become extremely popular since early Christianity. He has undergone flour in Nikomidia, and soon he began to read him in Falley, Palestine, then all east. In Rome, in the VII century there were already two churches in honor of him, and he was honored with the V century in Gaul.


In the Orthodox Church:

  • May 6 (April 23 to the old style);
  • November 16 (November 3 to the old style) - an update (sanctification) of the temple of the Great Martyr George in Liddes (IV century);
  • November 23 (November 10, on old style) - the rustling of the Great Martyr George (Georgian celebration)
  • December 9 (November 26, by the old style) - the consecration of the church of the Great Martyr George in Kiev in 1051 (the celebration of Russian Orthodox churchfamous for the people as autumn Yuriev Day)

In the Catholic Church:

  • April 23.

In the west of St. George - the patron saint of chivalry, participants in crusades; He is one of the fourteen holy assistants.

Cult of St. George

According to one of the versions, the cult of St. George, as it often happened to the Christian saints, was put forward to the pagan cult of Dionisa (Greek. Georgos, the farmer), the temples were built on the place of the former Sanctures of Dionysus and were celebrated in honor of him holidays in Dionysia.

George is considered the patron of warriors, farmers and shepherds, and in some places - travelers. In Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia, believers addressed him with prayers for rain. In Georgia, George addressed requests for protection from evil, about giving good luck on the hunt, about the crop and the rating of livestock, about healing from the ailments, about Chadorody. In Western Europe, it is believed that the prayers of St. George (George) helps to get rid of poisonous snakes and infectious diseases. Saint George is known for the Islamic peoples of Africa and the Middle East under the names of Jirjis and Al-Hdra.

In Russia since ancient times St. George worshiped under the name of Yuri or Republic. In the 1030s, the Grand Duke Yaroslav founded the monasteries of St. George in Kiev and Novgorod (see the monastery of the monastery) and commanded all over Russia "Creating Holiday" from St. George on November 26 (December 9).

In Orthodoxy is considered a patron of agriculture and cattle breeding. April 23 and November 26 (old style) are known under the name of the Spring and Autumn Yurian Day. Images of St. George are encountered since ancient times on high-grade coins and seals.

Holy George, together with the Virgin, is considered to be the heavenly patron of Georgia and is Georgian the most revered holy. According to local legends, Georgy had to relatives equivalent to Nina, the enlightenment of Georgia.

The first temple in honor of St. George was built in Georgia in 335 by the King of Mirian at the site of the burial of Holy Nina, from the IX century the construction of churches in honor of George became massive.

The love of the saint was first translated into the Georgian language at the end of the 15th century. In the XI century, Georgy Svyatogorets, with the transfer of "Great Synaksar", performed a brief translation of Life George.

The George Cross is present on the flag of the Georgian Church. For the first time, he appeared on Georgian banners under Queen Tamara.

In the Ossetian traditional beliefs, Wastardji (Wassgergi) occupies the most important place, which appears to be a strong gray-row old man in armor on a three-or-four-headed white horse. He patronizes men. Women are forbidden to pronounce his name, instead of which they call him L? Gta dzaire (Patron Men). Celebrations in his honor, as in Georgia begin on November 23 and continue the week. Tuesday of this festive week is especially revered. The cult itself is syncretic by its nature: with the beginning of the spread of Christianity in Alanya (V century) and before its final adoption (X century), a certain deity from the Pantheon of the Ethnic Ossetian religion, the cult of which originates from the time of Indo-Iranian community was subjected to the transformation church. As a result, the deity took the name George, also the name of the holiday in his honor ( Jorguyba) It was borrowed as a result of a significant impact of Georgian Orthodoxy from the Georgian language. Otherwise, the cult of the patron remained ethnic by its nature.

Teony Wastardi. Easy to deteriorate from old-ion form Wasjyrgiwhere uAS. - The Word, which in the early Alan Christianity marked the saint, and the second part is the Iron Option name Georgy.. An even more transparent etymology of the theondim appears when analyzing the Digor form Weshergi.


In art

There are two directions of the iconography of Miracle of St. George about Zmey: Western and East.

  • in East School, the image of St. George is more spiritually: not a very muscular young man (without a beard) without heavy armor and helmet, with a subtle, obviously not physical, spear, on an unrealistic (spiritual) horse without much physical tension pierces a spear of an unrealistic (spiritual) snake with Wings and paws.
  • in Western School, the image of St. George is more materialistic: a muscular man in heavy armor and helmet, with a thick spear, on a realistic horse with a physical tension pierces a spear of an almost realistic snake with wings and legs.

In Heraldik

Since the time of Dmitry Donskoy is considered the patron saint of Moscow, since the city was founded by the theeen prince Yuri Dolgoruky. The image of the rider who affects the spear of Zmia, from the turn of the XIV-XV centuries appearing in Moscow Heraldry, was perceived in the people's consciousness as the image of St. George; In 1730, this was fixed officially.

Currently, this figure in the emblem of the Russian Federation is described as "Silver rider running to the silver horse in a blue raincoat, striking the silver spear of a black tipped, and the meal of a dragon, also facing left", that is, without a direct reference to St. George, and depicted without Nibe. It should be noted that in fact it is not a dragon on the coat of arms, and Zmey. In Heraldry Zmiy - a negative character, and the dragon is positive, it is possible to distinguish them by the number of paws - two at the dragon and four in Zmia. The use of the Dragon's references in the official documents of the Russian Federation instead of ZMIA should be regarded as an annoying misunderstanding and non-professionalism of the heraldic service. At the same time, in the emblem of Moscow, the saint of Georgia, striking by Zmia, is referred to:

Geragian's coat of arms depicts a heraldic shield of red with depicted George the victorious of the striking snake.

Also, Geragiyevsky Cross is a straight red cross on a white field in Heraldry and Ixillology. It is presented on the flags of Great Britain and England, Georgia, on the flag and the coat of arms of Milan. Do not confuse the St. George Cross with another Christian symbol - the Scandinavian cross.

In toponymy

Russian Prince Yaroslav Wise in honor of his Sacred Patron George founded and called the following cities: Yuriev (Gurgev, now Tartu) and Yuriev Russian (now the White Church).

Links and literature

  • "Miracles of St. George. " Text of VII-IX centuries, Russian Yaz.
  • The suffering of the holy and glorious Great Martyr George, written by Master of Fyodor Daphnopath
  • Consecration of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George in Kiev
  • Vlas Mikhailovich Doroshevich. "In the land promised. At the tomb of George Victorious "
  • Georgy, Great Martyr // Orthodox Encyclopedia