What you can write and draw in LD. How to arrange a personal diary: Ideas for LD

There is nothing complicated in this. There are three options.

Option 1. You can purchase a conventional thick notebook and record your thoughts in it.

Option 2.. You can download the application to the phone or tablet, which will allow regular notes to do.

Option 3. Make a diary. Let us dwell on this variant, since the first two should not cause difficulties in the implementation.

The diary consists of several main parts - this is the cover, the pages and the clasp itself, which is done at your discretion.

From materials you need to prepare white paper, cardboard, possibly fabric, ribbons. If you want a diary to be protected from prying eyes, you need to purchase a fastener or lock. Facilities of fittings can offer locks.

Stage 1.

First of all you need to make the creation of the cover. Tell you how to create a cloth design. With the help of scissors from cardboard, a rectangle is cut and bends in half - this is a cover. A cloth is taken - cotton, silk, flax and it is cut out of a piece of 2 cm more than a prepared rectangle. If you see that the fabric rolls, then lubricate the edges of PVA glue. With threads and needles, the fabric is stitched with cardboard.

If you wish, you can decorate the cover with dry flowers, photographs, beads or embroidery.

Stage 2.

Take the notebooks or sheets for the printer. If they are more than the cover, then with the help of scissors, give them the necessary dimensions. Initially, the sheet should be more cover 2 cm. To decorate them with stickers or pictures. With the help of a laser printer, they can "set" the desired background. Each sheet needs to be adjusted to 2 cm, and the seat of the fee is glued to the cover of the cover of the cover. Another option "Settings" of the diary pages - use threads and needle.

Stage 3.

If you purchased a fastener, then at this stage you need to install it. In most cases, the clasp can be attached to the glue moment.

If you have a small lock and key, then you need to seize on the cover on both sides. On this braid, the lock will be installed. Return from the top of the cover half its height and a hole package to do holes. With the rear crust, do also. Shoot the braid. If you wish, you can not weigh the castle, but to make a tape string.

A secluded place for storing thoughts and ideas is ready!

When the desire comes the DiaryTogether with him a need to make it not like everyone else. Yet it is something very personal, internal, often - hidden, so I want the diary to carry your imprint. We still hope that it will take some time, you will get it, scroll; Separate records carefully read, smiling at what was once, and think about others seriously. In general, how not to twist, but a personal diary is a serious thing. And since it is necessary to write in it only what worries, it means that it is worth it for the decoration with full responsibility.

You will need

  • - notebook or notebook;
  • - markers;
  • - pens;
  • - the pencils;
  • - glue;
  • - scissors;
  • - pictures from magazines;
  • - photos.


First of all, think about the decoration of the cover. Of course, the essence of what you will write is also very important, but it is default. The cover will help choose a mood or, if you like. Again, skeptics and moralists will say that everything is wrong, and first we need to decide on the style, then, sailing from it, make a cover. They are easy to speak, they may have been written in their time a bunch of diaries, but we will go our own way. So, rephrases the well-known saying, "they meet on the cover", army quite a thick notebook or notepad. The easiest option is to simply sign a diary. You can do this in the format "as is", beautifully writing the word "diary" and putting your name and surname in the parental case. And you can start decorating a personal diary from some kindergarten name, which is able to fully reflect your essence. If you are hidden and do not strive to keep your life "in sight" - let the name be "Secret Nora." If, on the contrary, you consider yourself an open person, that is, an extrovert, the diary can be called a "living room". Those who boldly recognize themselves the original and a little bit from the world of this, the name "Camera No. 6", "Combat List", "Shoullies of the Soul", "Nest", "Berg", and the like. That is why it is better to first decide on the name of the personal diary, and then begin to decorate. Living Room and "Secret Nora" cannot be decorated in one way - it will be incurred by inconsistency.

Love and other cute fluffy - get on the cover at least one, at least a dozen. If your essence requires some beautiful "chic" - let it be photos of Paris, Milan, other cities that are firmly associated with fashionable things and a fashionable life. It is appropriate to cut from the magazine photos of your favorite actors or, singers, singers and groups, can politicians - and what, suddenly they like someone too?! You consider this approach to template, - excellent, draw a cartoon per person, about whom you think a lot (because it will surely be in your will appear quite often). The main thing is that a notebook or notebook cannot be turned on at hand when that dwells in a bad mood. If such a probability is, it is better not to risk and put this cartoon at least on the second page. Draw on the cover as if the door opening, cut the door from the cardboard, wake the glue vertical strip on the left and gently glue with the opening. The laconic inscription "Door to the Future", written on the cover - very eloquently suggests that you have in your hands. But in what color paint the space behind the doorway is an exceptional case. If you are an optimist, then you will certainly select bright and life-affirming colors. In another case, think a hundred times, "after all, remember the song of Lunner:" As you call, you will call, so she sails. " Embroidery - decorate the cover of the embroidery diary. Get fond of decoupage - more original! You can create at all, turning his main sheet in the arena 3-D: Heroes of "Games", steep foreign cars or trucks, right from the battlefield - show fantasy and will easily achieve originality.

If you do not hope for memory, write your "call sign" on the first page on social networks. Just do not write here and passwords, because if you do not belong to other, the diary is not protected from unauthorized penetration. By the way, the names and address of the pages of your friends can also be written in a paper diary. If suddenly you have a page - you do not lose those who are pleased to communicate with time from time to time. Next, it is appropriate to write something that is the main thing for you, as if disclosing your main features of character. It must be done not for others, we must always hope that a personal diary will never read outsiders, and for yourself, but only a little matured. After a year or two, you will be very interested in such a record.

Of course, they meet by clothes, but accompanied by the mind. Therefore, it is seriously attributed to the records, and to decoration inside the diary. Write what you really wonder or what is worried. Accordingly design. Records, like "Today is a regular day, nothing happened" empty, they do not make any sense, because after a week you will have to strain the memory to extend from there at least some associations with "April 17" or "September 30". Yes, and decorate such records - the only absurdity. Well, once or two you can draw something like a sign of infinity, symbolizing boredom, or glue a cut picture with a bagel, circling his hole, and a sense? You will not do so again and again every time the day will seem gray and dull to you. Probably, it is better not to write anything in such cases. Although in fact, we yourself are guilty of "thrown out" time. Man is generally a very strange creature. He first hurries the arrow on the clock, then regrets that everything went so fast. And just it was necessary that fill out empty days with something interesting, exciting, new. And then it would be interesting to write about it in, respectively, decorating the record, and leave pleasant moments among other carefully folded memories diaries for many-many years.


Take care of the diary from strangers. Unfortunately, there are people who will not be away from His.

Helpful advice

Decorating a personal diary, do not forget about the essence of what is recorded in it.

In the stores it is easy to find hedgehogs and or notebooks different sizes, colors and even forms. But the diary that "disguises" with his own hands will become the most beloved. With such a diary it will be nice to share hidden thoughts.

You will need

  • Notepad or diary, piece of dense fabric, dense colored paper, stationery knife, glue, scissors, line.


First pull out a block with sheets from the cover. Take advantage of the stationery: Both Floats are cut, be careful - do not damage the block. Put the block while the side.

On a piece of tight fabric, place the cover. Circle the cover on the fabric.

Now cut the scissors rectangle for tightness, leaving the allowances in a couple of centimeters.

Apply glue on the edge. One side of the rectangle is glued, then glue and the opposite side. If the cover of the cover turned out to be convex, then also apply glue on it.

Hello everyone! Today we will start the cycle of articles about ideas for LD. - Personal diaries!

In this article, such materials are waiting for you:

  • Ideas for LD: design options first page !
  • Ideas for LD: thematic Pages — 50 best ideDes Thematic pages!
  • Ideas for LD: Diary with password ! All about how to put a password on your diary !!

And this is only the first part! Here are other articles from this cycle:

  • : What you need to keep, options for design, secret pages!
  • Pictures for LD - Giant Collection of Picture Options for Personal Diary
  • Pictures and drawings for drawing - Super selection of beautiful pictures for a phased drawing in a diary!

Ideas for LD: first page

First page LD. - This is the face of the whole diary, so it needs to be done as much as possible and beautiful! Usually, the first pages are placed such elements as a greeting, whose diary is, what is it createdand of course special rhymes!

Here small selection The best poems for the first page:

The poems are a bit tough, but how else? 🙂

Example №1

Example number 2.

Example number 3.

Example number 4.

Example number 5.

And more couple interesting video on the topics of the first page for LD.:



Ideas for LD: thematic pages

Thematic Pages - An integral part of any diary! Sometimes when decorated simply, not enough fantasy in order to come up with something new, so we prepared for you as much as 50! Best ideas for thematic ld pages

Classic - Page on the Days of the Year

1. Page about summer (what is summer for me, what I'm waiting for from summer, my plans for the summer)

2. Page on the autumn (similar questions)

3. Winter page

4. About spring

They are best done on the first day of each year of the year.

For example:

For example II:

Thematic holidays on holidays: ideas for l d

5. New Year

6. Chinese New Year (one of the days between January 21 and February 21, in 2016 was February 9, in 2017 will be January 28)

8. Maslenitsa (every year in different ways, in 2016 - from March 7 to March 13, in 2017 - from February 20 to February 26)

10. May Day.

11. Victory Day

12. The first of September

13. The Eighth of March (every year equally like Catholics and Orthodox 😀)

14. Valentine's Day

For example:

What I love and what I like most is my favorite:

16. My favorite food

17. My favorite sweets

18. My favorite drinks

19. My favorite books

20. My favorite poems

21. My favorite city

22. My favorite music tracks

23. My favorite movies and cartoons

24. My favorite colors

25. My favorite nail polishes


Page about yourself, your friends and family: Ideas LD

26. 10 facts about yourself

27. My best friend / girlfriend

28. My brother / sister

29. My family - Mom, Dad

30. My Pets

31. My name is the mystery of my name

32. My DR is a birthday


Calendars, schedules, lists:

33. Calendar for a year

34. Schedule lessons for every day

35. Quarter estimates, semester, year

Example - how to make a mood calendar

Love pages. Where without it 🙂

36. What is love?

37. My favorite

38. My love

39. Who I like

Ideas for LD: photo Pages with "Love Formula" 😛

Other interesting ideas of thematic pages:

40. Caps of the countries of the world - London, Paris, Istanbul, etc.

41. My wishes - what and what I want

42. My name in other languages \u200b\u200bis for example in Japanese

43. Page of my painting - there you can train your painting

44. My life rules

45. What I wear with me

46. \u200b\u200bBest bloggers (VK, from YouTube)

46. \u200b\u200bJokes

47. Riddles

48. My teachers

49. What makes me most

50. Secret page


LD ideas: a password for a diary!

Password on the diary - This is what everyone was waiting for a long time ago! After all, LD is primarily a personal diary, for yourself and your thoughts. And if he comes to the eye to those who do not need? To imagine!

How can you put a password on our LD?

Option I.

Buy special notebook with lock !!

That's what it looks like:

The large catalog of notebooks and dnanets on the lock is on this page:

Option II.

Is it possible to make a castle on LD - personal diary himself? Sure!

You just need to buy code Castle And close the notebook them.

Examples of code locks that can be bought:

Or such:

How do they close a diary?

To do this, it is simply necessary on the pages that see the Wood to encode make holes and insert the castle there!

This is how it is done:

№1 Take a hole punch and make one hole on the pages that need to pass. It can be done even on all pages - but it will take some time.

Here is how the hole in the hole:

Where to get a hole punch?

  • You can buy - on Aliexpress it costs everything cheaper

Ideas for LD. - Everything seems very simple!

Personal diary is a silent friend for a girl who listens and understands all her experiences and joy. In the 19th century, every young lady had his notepad for personal entries, making it with her own hands and decorating with pearls, feathers or flaps. So let's go and rather begin to make your diary!

How to make a personal diary do it yourself

A fashion trend began to enter personal records in the notebook diary, try to make it own hands - It turns out interesting and unusual. Bare large quantity Different paper - multi-colored, office, for scrapbooking, as well as a folder with rings, bright felt segments, dense decorative paper, cardboard, hole papers and glue moment.

  • Sheets punch with a hole package and spread them in an arbitrary order, in the folder.
  • We make the cover - pick 2 sheets of cardboard, they must be 1.5-2 cm more than the basis.
  • Cut the felt by adding 1 cm for each edge. Then impose the material to the cardboard, and turning the edges.
  • To make a beautiful edging, you need to shoot on sewing machine Felt, with the front of the cardboard.
  • In order to hide the inner seams, glue the bells with decorative paper and glue the pockets in which you can store memorable little things. Sample pocket can be taken in the granted photo.
  • Cover can decorate rhinestones, sequins, butt and so on. Be sure to hand the place of punctures.
  • The edges of the sheets in the diary can decorate the curly scissors, glue various cuts from magazines and newspapers or attach various scotchi.

2) how to make a personal diary with your own hands like Violetta

The originality of the diary of the heroine lies in the transfusing gamme purple color, in trendy floral patterns and unusual to design the cover. We offer you 2 methods how to make a personal diary:

  • First method - copy the front side template below and print it. Cut the sample and glue stationery glue to facial side, on the notebook chosen by volumes. Separately cut and glue the openwork flower from felt or fine cardboard.
  • The second way is from purple cardboard Cut the cover pattern and pencil draw the flower ornament lines. After that, paint the drawing with a gouache or colored handles with sparkles. To decorate a diary, use interesting adviceshown below.
  • If you draw on a purple cardboard with white gouache, it will turn out pink coloras in the original.
  • So that the flower lock is firmly closed your secrets, glue the magnet or a button with a fastener to its opposite side.
  • Make a lock brilliant to you will help with a transparent nail polish.
  • Notebook is better to choose with a dense cardboard basis, so as not to use the additional layer of cardboard.
  • For long term The operation of the finished diary is illuminated by the cover or use the "hot" film that is attached to the front side with the iron.

How to make a personal diary with your own hands from the total notebook

To turn the usual notebook in a luxurious personal diary, you will need some time and fantasy.

  • Select a notebook of any volume, for long use, stop your choice on a notebook of 96 sheets.
  • Get out the outer I. interior design Diary - Subscribe a diary, draw pictures and aphorisms on the pages, color the background of white sheets with multi-colored pencils.
  • In order to save personal records, buy a small lock. Keep the key in a secret place.
  • For convenience, make a bookmark, so you will always find the page on which they stopped. We bring to your attention the transformation of ordinary notebook to a personal diary with the help of pens and pencils.

How to arrange a personal diary - a question that worries very many. And not just arrange, but make your personal diary one of the most beautiful and original. You can stick to some one style of registration, and you can fill it with a variety of various ideas. What are the ideas for LD to choose?

How to arrange a personal diary

First, let's talk about the cover of your diary. It must be remembered that the cover is the face of your personal diary. It must be neat! Decorate the cover of wrapping paper, or make it in a denim style. You can decorate the cover with beads or bright beautiful buttons.

It is also very important to make the beautiful and original first page of a personal diary. Here you can glue your photo (as an avatar in social network). You can draw some big beautiful drawing - Invitation to visit the diary.

How to arrange a personal diary inside

How to arrange a personal diary Inside? You can make a variety of interesting pages.

Pages ideas for LD.:

  • page about your favorite movie;
  • page of beloved music;
  • sweet page;
  • page of secrets;
  • desires page;
  • dream page;
  • love Is ...
  • page Friendship or Page About Best Friend;
  • page favorite poems;
  • fashion page;
  • page of your hobbies.

And a lot - many other interesting pages! It all depends only on your imagination!

More ideas for a personal diary

Of the artistic materials for the execution of personal LDs, absolutely everything will be suitable! And do not forget about the beautiful hand writing! If it is written beautifully - it's always nice!

Want to see photos of beautiful personal diaries? Then go through this

Personal diary: where to start?

So, you made the decision to start LD! First you need to decide on the tools and materials necessary for this classes. First of all, you should decide what size your diary is, and after that, to seek the answer to the question "How to make LD?". If most records plan to maintain at home or in another convenient location, the usual notebook is perfect for this purpose. Good choice It can become both a notebook on rings or a thick album for drawing. In the diary of this format it will be convenient to make entries, because it is always easier to do it on a large page.

However, if you plan to travel a lot and "secrete" at this time with a "paper friend", then you need to take care that he does not take much space in the bag and has always been at hand. An excellent choice in this situation will be a small notebook on the rings or a book. Good option It is also the maintenance of a diary on separate sheets - A4 format, A5 or so-called patches, which periodically need to be sewed together.

In addition to actually, "paper" for recordings, you will also need all sorts of writing and drawing tools. It can be multicolored markers, pencils, feathers, oil and simple pencils and of course, you can write the whole diary with one handle, but you will certainly look for options, how to make LDs beautiful, and this is one of the ways.

Why do you need a personal diary?

Different people have a personal diary for different purposes. So, some of the "paper friend" are set to fix their thoughts and splash out emotions. Such records are extremely personal and entered into a diary from a pure heart. In most cases, such LD is simple and concise, although there are exceptions, if, for example, a teenager leads, who seeks to invest in him the whole soul.

There are people who have a diary need for creative implementation. They enter into it various thoughts and plans arising throughout the day in their heads. Especially often they are important not to forget new idea. Before making LDs with their own hands, such people spend a lot of time to think about his design and means of keeping, because this notebook will accompany them constantly and help preserve all sorts of interesting thoughts. Such diaries often contain not only text records, but also thematic illustrations, clippings from magazines, stickers, photos, lines from songs, drawings, poems.

Another feature that can be assigned to LD is self-control. Question "How to make LD?" Often, people who "paper friend" are needed to stimulate them to achieve a certain goal. It may be desire to lose weight, overcome any complex, learn a foreign language, etc. Entries in such diaries are often accompanied by evidence of the work done. These can be photos of outdoor scales with testimony, written test work, check from the beauty salon, etc.

LD from notebook or notepad

Notebook at 48, 60 or 96 sheets or notepad of the A5 format is the most suitable base for LD. In such a diary, not only it is convenient to write, but you can put all sorts additional elements, such as stickers, schemes, photos, etc. In addition, there will be great amount Options for its decoration both externally and inside. The main thing, asking the question "How to make LD from the notebook?", Do not be afraid to exercise fantasy and use all sorts of materials, even those that at first glance are absolutely not suitable for the diary decoration.

LD from the album for drawing

Holders of creative and creative thinking can choose an album for drawing as a basis for a diary. Such LD will allow you to do not only write on its pages, but also pictures. Of course, no one can forbid you to draw in an ordinary notebook, but remember how quickly paints or markers are interrupted on the opposite side of such pages, and therefore the text on them is practically not visible. Other business is an album. Its dense pages will allow you to use any markers or paints in operation, keeping a clean page from the back. In addition, such sheets easier to glue a variety of design elements - cardboard inserts, pieces of fabric, buttons, etc.

Old book - an unusual basis for LD

If the option is not suitable with the notebook or the album and you still think how to make LD yourself, then look for an old book and use it as a basis for a diary. Conduct time with such a "paper friend" will probably make you feel an extraordinary and unique person. If the book is very thick, then you should remove some pages from it, but not all together, but, for example, every third or fourth. An exception is the case if in such a diary it is planned to draw, then some pages will have to be shorted in two together.

External diary design

So, the basis for LD is chosen, the tools are prepared, the time has come to take care of appearance His "paper friend", namely, decorate his cover. For this you can use the most various materials. You can make a removable cover from bright gift paper or sew it from an interesting coloring fabric and pleasant to the touch texture. On top, it will also be possible to put a guipure, braid, beads, bows, sticking rhinestones or fasten with different edges of the notebook two pieces of fabric and make a lacing imitation. In a word, ways to make LD original there is a huge amount, the main thing is to allow you to manifest your imagination.

If needlework is not your luck, you can limit more simple option And decorate the cover of a notebook, album or book with funny stickers with images of your favorite characters from movies or stick out logs.

Interior diary design

After placing a beautiful cover, it is simply impossible to assume that there is no "highlight" inside the diary. Agree, if you do not know how to make a page in LD original, then communication with a "paper friend" can become quite boring and very quickly bored. That is why the recordings should be made by multi-colored handles. Moreover, the author can use color depending on his mood. For example, black - in a state of sadness, blue - calm, pink - romantic mood. You can also put drawn or braided illustrations that will give a more complete picture of an event or emotion.

Interesting records, drawings, schemes are only a small part of what can be done in LD. Every person is unique, and therefore all the diaries are different. Making your LDs and bringing records to it, it is important not to limit yourself, because it is one of the few ways to splash your emotions.

Envelope for a personal diary

For even greater individuality and creating an effect of interference, an envelope should be made for LD. To do this, use double-sided standard or color glossy paper, fabric, newspaper, gift paper, foil and other materials. Difficulties The manufacture of this accessory should not cause, sufficiently wondering for LD? "And prepare the necessary materials.

In addition to the materials listed above, you will also need a needle with a thread or no matter if you decide to do or tissue, first need to cut a rectangle, two and a half times greater than the diary pages. It must be folded threefold, while two half must be the same, and the third smaller is for closing. Then two large parts need to sew or glue. If you wish, you can decorate the product with various elements. LD, laid in the finished envelope, you can carry with you everywhere and make records at any convenient minute.