Liquid glass: components, features, use of silicate glue. Clay stationery: composition and application

Name Liquid glass is often used as silicate glue. This name is more common among consumers. Wikipedia gives us such a designation - aqueous alkaline solution of sodium silicates Na 2 O (SiO 2) N and (or) potassium K 2 O (SiO 2) N.

Despite the growing popularity - primers, putty, water-repellent and refractory mixtures, liquid glass today occupies a weighty component in the market.

In fact, the term "liquid glass" is called silicate glue, adhesive, waterproof characteristics of which and contribute to the popularity of the material.

Composition, description and properties of "Liquid glass" in construction

For general concept It is necessary to know that liquid glass was invented in 1818. This made the German scientist mineralogan Yang Nepomuk von Fuchs. The chemical process included flintic acid and a variety of alkalis. The classic composition of liquid glass, in principle, remained unchanged and, due to silica-containing materials and sodium solution of hydroxide.

The aqueous mixture of sodium silicate is able to dissolve in water, forming a thick liquid, and physicometer, mechanical, varies with different dosages, performance features Construction solutions. Hence the expansion of the scope of liquid glass.

It is important to remember that with your own hands the cooked solution is very quickly grasped and freezing, so working with building solutions With liquid glass it is recommended to specialists with extensive experience. But the final result of the finish is its strength and durability, worth their efforts.

Methods of application and algorithms for the performance of construction works with liquid glass

The scope of liquid glass use is almost unlimited, but the main consumer is the construction industry - such a component is indispensable primarily for waterproofing work.

How, where, when and in what quantity liquid glass (silicate adhesive) in construction and main advantages are used:

  • , construction of bridge structures: wherever concrete is in contact with water - a mixed soluble glass with water in a proportion of 0.4 / 1 is the best primer material. But, subsequent processing (painting / finishing) is not carried out, since the liquid glass forms a film on the surface;
  • Initially, soluble glass is added to the cement solution in the proportion of 8/1, and the concrete will be resistant to moisture;
  • Refractory cement for masonry furnaces, fireplaces. Composition: Cement with sand in a 1/3 ratio, add about 20% of total mass liquid glass, then enter water;
  • Production finishing materials In industrial conditions - refractory plugs, hydropobicators, various coloring and adhesive compositions;
  • Liquid glass is one of the best antiseptics, the introduction of it in concrete makes the material immune to the effects of fungi, various microorganisms;
  • Making male - processing of seams and joints of sewage and water supply systems;
  • Add liquid glass in paint makes paintwork Durable, resistant to all types of atmospheric influences.


when working with liquid glass it is necessary to observe regular rules Safety, the material is environmentally friendly, but to work with it it is necessary to wear gloves and avoid direct contact with the skin.

Liquid glass - not only in the composition of building mixtures

Silicatization is the most efficient and tested method of strengthening the soil, which are widely used by construction companies. The gradation of the foundation is a common phenomenon, and in cases of uneven sorting of soil, injection injection strengthens, strengthens the sands floating. For gardening and garden, treatment of spikes of trees with liquid glass eliminates plant disease, being an ideal antiseptic and monolithic protective crust on a spell.

What is still used silicate glue (liquid glass)

  1. Glowing glass.
  2. Solution of economic and household smakey:
    • removal scale and cleaning dishes,
    • metal protection from corrosion,
    • getting rid of stains on clothes.
  • Antiseptic agent in apartments and houses.
  • When placing linoleum.
  • Maskings for metal pipes.
  • Soak fabrics for refractoriness.
  • Processing of the wounded tree.
  • For polishing the car, countertops and other surfaces.
  • Liquid glass was and will be sought after necessary material for wide spectrum work.

    Liquid glass in different spheres of life

    Below you can see photos of made tabletops from liquid glass.

    Recently, use liquid glass for the floor. It looks very nice and unique. Several photo ideas, how can the floor from silicate glue.

    As you can see, liquid glass is applied on the floor, for decorating tables, countertops and much more. Try, experiment.

    The glue became a satellite of human life for a long time. The first glue, according to archaeologists, appeared 9.5 thousand years before our era. It was made from various components of animal origin. Bones and tendons, fish scales and natural resins were the main components of the adhesive mass. Stationery glue became the most common, as it is used by the population from Mala to Velik.

    Creating glue

    Vaews natural materials And animal waste, our ancestors used to the 20th century.

    When science began to develop rapidly, people have expanded knowledge about the quality and properties of materials and substances, artificial components began to appear to create glue. The first who received a patent for the invented glue became Chemist Leo Bakelanda. This happened in 1901. And in 1909, patents began to massively produce phenolormaldehyde adhesives with electrical conductivity. Adhesive Clay appeared in the late thirties - early 40s of the last century.

    Now for the production of glue uses high-tech equipment. The process is increasingly automated. At the modern factory can perform a complete process, from the production of the bottle before the label stickers on it.

    Modern market

    Every year, the chemical industry produces more than 100 million packaging of the stationery glue.

    Sales turnover at the end of the year are estimated in the amount of at least 10 million dollars. Manufacturers suggest that the demand for glue the stationery does not grow, but is at a stable level. The form in which the product is moving. New types of pencils, stickers and tapes having high adhesive characteristics appear. The highest quality products are issued by such countries: South Korea, Russia, Malaysia and Germany.

    Appointment of glue

    The main purpose of any adhesive substance is the connection of two surfaces. All of them differ in their composition and for their intended purpose. They have a different smell, color, they are drying and unwaning. Clay stationery use for gluing paper various densities and cardboard. It can also be used for domestic purposes.

    Championship characteristic of stationery:

    • Drying.
    • Frost-resistant.
    • Transparent or white.
    • It may be liquid and solid.

    The manufacturer must receive a quality certificate for glue stationery. The composition is checked for toxicity and compliance with environmental requirements.

    Types of stationery glue

    Liquid type glue happens: silicate and stationery.

    PVA glue is also well known to builders and furniture makers.

    Options for using PVA glue.

    • Used by
    • Well fasten the carpet to the floor.
    • Reliable when attaching linoleum.
    • Used to glue a facing tile.
    • It will be useful when gluing wallpaper.
    • Add to primer and putty, in the water-emulsion paint.

    PVA glue was popular, due to its non-toxicity, fire safety, high adhesive ability and convenience of use. They can be glued to paper, leather, glass, cloth, plastic, metal.

    IN modern construction Silicate glue is used enough, simply speaking, liquid glass. In essence, this is a mineral compound that, in addition to the construction sphere, is widely used in national economy And everyday life for gluing materials of various nature. In this article, we will try as far as possible to talk about what the stationery glue "Liquid glass", we describe the features of its production and application.

    How is liquid glass manufactured?

    For the first time, the stationery glue was made in Germany in 1818 by a chemist and minologist Background Fuchs. To date, this material is made according to a variety of technologies.

    The most common of them are:

    • Trepal, diatomites, soils or other varieties of siliceous raw materials are placed in special alkaline solutions, where they dissolve under normal pressure and relatively low temperatures.
    • Compounds containing silicon are treated with concentrated sodium hydroxide. Perform such a procedure on a special autoclave.
    • Quartz sand and soda are melted for construction work.

    Silicate glue (liquid glass) is sold in the form of a ready-to-use solution or dry, resembles a powder that needs to be diluted with water in certain proportions. An instruction is attached to each composition, where it is clearly described, as in what proportions to dilute it:

    • In everyday life, of course, it is better to use the already prepared solution.
    • Industrial, construction enterprises more often this product is ordered in dry form.

    Important! The main indicator chemical composition This glue is a silicate module whose value indicates a silica yield into the solution. In addition, this module describes the ratio of sodium or potassium oxide to silicon oxide contained in silicate adhesive. But note that the quality of the glass is not determined by this indicator.

    Dry glass with natural and elevated temperatures. As a rule, manufacturers to speed up this process, the finished products are dried at 375 degrees. The glue dissolves in the water completely, there is no precipitate or particles. If you add ketones, salt compounds, aldehydes, ammoniac, alcohol substances into the solution, then you can observe the planting effect.

    Important! This material is incompatible with organic compounds, the only exception is sugar, alcohol, urea.

    The main characteristics of the stationery glue

    The solutions of this liquid compound include various arrogant forms, the simplest orthosilicates from the discharge of monomers. The key characteristics of this composition can be called the following.


    The level of polymerization of silicate adhesive does not have a constant value, it is constantly changing under the influence of oscillations of the ratio of silica acids and alkali. In addition, this indicator depends on the concentration characterizing the basic substance.


    This is the most important quality indicator of liquid glass. This value decreases with the increase in temperature, precisely at the level on which the material is manufactured. With an increase in the concentration of the solution, its viscose rises. The value of this value is determined using a special instrument - a viscometer.

    Important! It can also increase if adding a well-soluble salt to the glass.


    This indicator is measured by an ordinary aerometer. It reliably indicates the real density of the composition, even if there is too little glue for analysis. Measure this value with oscillations, even the most minor, ratios of the silic acid and alkaline component of the glass.

    Point of cooking

    It is directly dependent on the binding properties of glue, that is, the dilution temperature, varies from 760 to 870 degrees.


    It is impossible to change this indicator much. If you add 10-100 parts of water, the pH level will change no more than one unit, that is, it will become equal to 10-12. Holding glue occurs at a temperature of minus 2 to plus 10 degrees. It returns to the initial state when diluted, but its properties remain unchanged.

    Important! Store the stationery glue (liquid glass) at negative temperatures NOT, otherwise, crystals may form on its surface. Even after heating, they do not disappear.

    Application of liquid glass

    The largest consumers this material are construction enterprises. Most often it is used in concrete:

    • Despite the fact that it is characterized by a low price, with its help you can significantly improve the quality, operational properties of concrete, to guarantee a solution. high level Waterproofing.
    • Material has high antibacterial properties. Due to this, the concrete with which it is mixed is never covered with a fungus or mold. All modern pools, structures that work with high humidity are concreted by the compositions containing silicate glue.

    Important! Through the glass quickly enough, so it is better not to risk, do not mix it with concrete solution before the start of work.

    Liquid glass when dealing with the preservation of buildings, pumps straight into the ground under the base of the construction. This happens in two ways:

    • A simultaneous way. The mixture is formed from liquid glass and a special hardener, then it is served directly under the building.
    • Serial way. First, the glass is injected, only then the hardener.

    Other options:

    • Very common in construction is impregnation of wood and plaster with liquid glass.
    • They dilute silicate paint, ensuring excellent corrosion protection metal products For 25-30 years.
    • Silicate glue is part of modern plate chipboard. This impregnation makes any wooden product Durable compression resistant.

    Areas of using silicate glue

    The impregnation with a silicate solution of concrete and plastered surfaces guarantees a great antiseptic effect. Any coatings are becoming more resistant to the aggressive influence of external factors - high humidity and flue gases. Now it is clear why the glue "Liquid glass" glue is so popular in many areas. The use of this composition gives coatings treated with additional properties:

    • High level of hardness.
    • Abrasion strength.
    • The ability to block various cracks and irregularities that appear in plaster or concrete.

    In addition, other liquid glass is used in production.

    Silicate glue is widely used in everyday life. It also has other names - stationery glue or liquid glass. This is explained by an extensive spectrum of glue. It is also suitable for stationery, and for construction purposes. To know how to work properly with adhesive substance, it is necessary to study all its qualities, features of the composition, nuances of application, precautions.

    Glue liquid glass is an introductory alkaline solution of silica. For the first time, liquid glass produced a chemist from Germany Ya.N. Fuchs background at the beginning of the XIX century. Then he was able to detect the stickiness of this substance.

    The modern composition of the stationery can vary depending on the components used. Usually, the formula includes sodium or potassium silicates, sometimes lithium silicate that make a mixture amazing adhesive. Depending on the main silicate, which includes, will differ and the areas of use of this glue.


    Glue silicate liquid glass is usually a transparent dense consistency sometimes with a yellowish or greenish tinge. The sodium composition of the adhesive provides a good compression of a substance with any materials. It is used when working with the foundation, glass, porcelain, is used in refractory processing of building materials.

    Kalive glue is distinguished by resistant to the effects of aggressive factors. external environment, Used to produce protective paintwork. It falls on the surface in the form of a matte layer without glare.

    Silicate glue is produced in accordance with GOST 13078-81, therefore, to eliminate the acquisition of fakes, the seller can ask the quality certificate. IN pure form Liquid glass can be bought in 10 minutes. If he acts as an ingredient for another construction mixThe time of hardening will change.

    If we mix sodium-based silicate glue with cement-sandy compositions, then the speed of solidification will be increased. Therefore, such combinations are often used when working with the foundation and to create waterproofing coatings. Stationery glue has a special composition, allowing it to quickly penetrate into the structure of solid materials, giving moisture and increasing viscosity and density.


    Silicate glue conquered great popularity and demand, thanks to such qualities:

    • Universality - can be used to perform various types of construction work.
    • Creating a protective layer on the surface of any material, reliable protection.
    • Abbreviated period of frozen.
    • The presence of antiseptic properties, preventing the appearance of fungus and mold on materials.
    • Refractory characteristic.
    • Lack of part harmful substancesThanks to which they can be used even inside the residential premises.
    • Long period of operation.
    • Simplicity and ease of application, easily lies with a smooth layer on working grounds.
    • Long storage time, approximately 2 years. On the quality of the composition do not affect regular frosting and defrosting. With a debt of storage, a precipitate may appear, which is considered quite admissible.
    • The created insulating base of silicate glue can withstand the temperature of 1300 °.

    In addition to numerous positive qualities, Silicate glue has shortcomings:

    • This includes a significant amount of herring, so it is necessary to avoid contact of the substance with human skin. It is necessary to carry out work in rubber gloves.
    • High frosted speed, for 20 minutes. Work should be carried out very quickly, since the glue is no longer suitable.

    Application area

    Silicate glue is sold in all building stores. It is considered a universal composition that can be used in any construction work. Glue is used as waterproofing material in residential and non-residential premises. Any seams and bases he makes the most resistant to moisture, protects them from further deformation. If you spend high-quality work with liquid glass in the basement or in the basement, then groundwater will not be able to penetrate inside, ensuring dryness all year round.

    Working with silicate glue can be as with vertical surfaces - walls and horizontal - floors and ceilings.

    Important! When applying silicate adhesion, it is not only possible to prevent the appearance of various malicious formations, but also to eliminate the existing mold or fungus on the surface. After applying the composition on the surface, bacteria and fungi themselves will disappear.

    Silicate glue looks like a homogeneous transparent layer, therefore, it is used as an alternative to the polyrolol. They can cover any home objects, such as tables, couch, headsets.

    The glue is performed in cellulose-paper production. Silicate glue can perform the role of antiseptics. It is applied to the walls under the stacking wallpaper not breathing type. They close the seams and cracks, handle interior walls in pools and wells. Silicate glue protects structures from leaking and destruction.

    In its work, silicate glue uses plumbing and autoslery. If the installation and repair of the pipeline is needed, then it will perform excellent sealant. Avtoslesey shall apply it on the car body. You can use glue and tissue, but the material must be fire-resistant.

    Note! If wounds appear on trees and bushes, they can be melted with silicate glue. It allows you to protect the tree from the fall of malicious microorganisms and progression of the disease, protect the plant from rotting.

    Construction silicone glue can be used to glue ceramics, creating mosaic paintings, mounting suspended ceiling structures.

    How to prepare a solution

    Silicate product that is sold in stores has a rather high price. Therefore, many are interested in how to make silicate glue on their own. It is quite possible if you know the main technology.

    First you need to prepare all the necessary components and tools:

    • Bucket.
    • Cement.
    • Tassel.
    • Electric drill.
    • Putty knife.
    • Water.
    • Small graffitable sandy mix.
    • Individual means of protection.

    According to the instructions, you need to mix all substances.

    Important! Dilute the dry mixture is necessary with cold water.

    Depending on the base material, you need to select the optimal proportions for mixing. The first thing in the bucket is poured by water, it is cement behind it. The resulting combination is needed well for complete dissolution. To do this, you can use a building mixer. If the composition is required for waterproofing, then in the same fractions, sand, cement and silicate should be taken.

    Do not everyone know that a refractory mixture can be prepared from silicate adhesive. The process includes such steps: the cement-sandy substance is divorced, then the adhesive mixture is added to it in the amount of 1/4 from the entire mass.

    Note! The fire-resistant mixture is necessary for finishing the surface of fireplaces and furnaces.

    At home, you can create an antiseptic silicate solution that must be coated wooden surfaces. In this case, all components are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. It is possible to apply for applying plaster and concrete.

    How to use

    It is most convenient to apply silicate adhesive on any surfaces using a tassel or spacing. With a pulverizer, you can reduce costs, it is necessary to take the ratio of 1 to 5. The silicate mixture must be applied solely on the outer part of the surface to ensure its protection. If there are separate details of small sizes, they can be completely dipped into liquid glass.

    Before working, it is better to read the right technique of working with the stationery glue:

    1. Pre-surface need to be cleared of contamination, degrease, apply primer.
    2. After drying the first layer of primer, the second, very carefully, without inclects and skips, is applied.
    3. After drying the second layer, the spatula is applied with liquid glass. Be sure to work in special clothes, gloves and glasses.

    If you need to apply silicate glue to the car body, the technology will be different:

    1. It all starts with cleaning pollution and degreasing.
    2. Then the car surface is polished, an old coating is eliminated.
    3. When the surface is perfectly smooth, liquid glass is applied in several layers from 3 to 10.
    4. The body must dry for 8 hours.

    Note! It is better to entrust the implementation of this procedure by a specialist who owns certain technology and skills. The newcomer will be very difficult to fulfill the work for the first time.

    Manufacturers and reviews

    Now you can find a lot of high-quality products from various manufacturers.


    This company is engaged in the release of sodium glass in accordance with the requirement of GOST. You can order with absolutely any substance consisting of the necessary ingredients.


    St. Petersburg company Silicat has long won the leadership positions in the domestic market. It produces silicate glue, which is perfect for small repair work and large construction. It can be used in everyday life, when repairing garages, houses, apartments. Has an acceptable price, so won a large number of admirers.


    The organization "PHYPROPRODUKT" produces foam glass, glass bottles and silicate glue. Liquid glass from this company has found its application in industry. The company manufactures only qualitative compositionwhich is regularly checked.

    In working with liquid glue, you must be guided by such advice and recommendations from experienced masters and specialists:

    • The finished surface should be perfectly smooth and smooth, without flaws.
    • Avoid hitting glue on open areas Skin.
    • After the end of construction and repair work, you need to carefully close the bottles and jars from glue to keep the ability to operate the product another time.
    • To slow down the period of solving the solution, you need to knead the composition in a different order. First add glue into the water, and then cement and sand.
    • You need to apply glue only on skimmed and projected surfaces to increase the hitch level.
    • It is necessary to exclude the fall in the composition of foreign particles in order not to disturb the adhesion.
    • Cooking glue better in small portions to manage to work with it until full of frozen.
    • After treatment with liquid glass, you need to ensure the surfaces of the surface at a certain period. It will take at least a day for complete drying.

    The use of silicate adhesive (2 video)

    Silicate glue (15 photos)

    Silicate glue is the most popular household adhesive composition, is an alkaline solution of potassium and / or water-based sodium silicates. In its composition, it is very close to the glass, so I got my second name "Liquid glass". Another name is "Stationery Glue." He acquired it because of his property well glue the paper. Before coming to the use of staplers, in the office and accountants, all the documentation was combined by this adhesive composition.

    Glue liquid glass (click to enlarge)

    The history of the emergence and composition

    "Father" of the stationery glue is the German chemist Yang Nepomuk von Fuchs. In 1818, he first obtained liquid glass by exposure to alkali on silicic acid. After having studied the resulting solution, the scientist found that it was such a remarkable substance with unique adhesive properties. At the same time, it is easy to make it, and the raw materials are widespread and is inexpensive. All this made silicate glue by a popular and affordable product.

    Why silicate glue (click to enlarge)

    The basis of the composition of silicate glue is silica (silicates) - inorganic compounds Alkali metal and methacremnyic acid. The glue formula depends on the ingredients used. Mostly for the production of the product, silica acid salts (sodium silicate Na2O (SiO2) N and / or potassium silicate K2O (SiO2) N) are used. LI2SIO3 lithium silicate is used less often in production. Female silica give the composition of its basic adhesive properties.

    Methods of production

    Silicate glue is obtained by several technological methods. It is possible to fuse quartz sand with sodium bicarbonate (food soda) in a special vessel. It is possible to obtain the product and exposure to silicate solutions of the caustic satellite (NaOH), caustic (KOH) and / or lithium hydroxide (Lioh).

    The resulting substance has a high adhesion with almost any surface. The grip of heterogeneous planes (adhesion) is based on physical properties solid. Application of silicate adhesive stimulates the occurrence of attraction between molecules that are weaker than inside the surface. Due to adsorption of adhesive fluid, viscosity increases, and the glue seam becomes denser. Due to the equilibrium of the surface particles and the modification of silicic acid chains, the polycondensation process occurs and reliable glue seam is formed.

    Look at the video and you will learn more:

    Scope of application

    Silicate glue is used in the most common different areas Human activity. He is needed in everyday life and in demand different industries Industry.

    In household

    Many since childhood is a transparent glue in a plastic bottle, which can quickly and reliably glue paper and cardboard. How children were happy, bringing home appliques glued with their own hands. Used for this household version of liquid glass - stationery glue. It can be applied to connect leather, fabric, ceramic and glass products. Found glue silicate application and in gardening: they are treated with fresh sleep. This adhesive makeup has excellent antiseptic properties and prevents the appearance of fungal diseases on the tree.

    From the video, you will find out the details:

    Tip! With the help of this product, you can easily eliminate the tag in a skillet with your own hands. For this, a solution is made of connectors and water glue and the required cleaning of the dishes is boiled. After that, the Nagar will easily go away, and the skillet will need to rinse carefully.

    In construction

    The widest use of liquid glass found in modern construction. Adding glue into concrete, putty and primer mixtures will give them greater strength, additional waterproofing and antiseptic properties.

    Using silicate floor glue (press to enlarge)

    Such formulations are successfully used in places with high humidity or directly in contact with water. Make a pool waterproofing, protect the foundation of the building from exposure groundwaterYou can prevent the destruction of floors, walls and floors of basements with liquid glass.

    After watching the video, you will find out how to use in construction:

    Interesting! Silicate glue - non-combustible substance. Processing with them or mixtures based on wooden, plastic, synthetic parts of the building structure is largely able to increase the fire resistance of the structure.

    Most recently, the liquid glass in the construction was used in its pure form. Masters with her own hands added it in a mixture, observing the necessary proportions. Now the market sells ready-made mixtures, with already included in silicate. They are manufactured in compliance with regulatory prescriptions, which allows you to be confident in quality and the final result.

    In other industries

    Another useful property Liquid glass is used for the manufacture of heat insulators. The fact is that glue has a very low thermal conductivity in the populated state. Such material is able to withstand repeated heating and cooling. Maximum temperature load - 1300 degrees.

    In addition, glue based on silicic acid salts is applied in such industries:

    • metallurgy and foundry - in the manufacture of molding forms, rods and coating for electrodes used in welding works;
    • mechanical engineering - for the gentle connection of parts;
    • light industry and pulp and paper production - the addition of silicates gives the flavors and paper shine and additional strength;
    • chemical industry - as a sour-resistant coating, when working with aggressive components. As part washing powder Also there is a glue. I add silicate and in different kinds facade paints.

    Learn more information from the video:

    Stationery glue to now remains in demand in various kinds of institutions where a large flow of paper documentation passes. And this is despite the fact that competition is compiled by such modern devices Like stapler, files and folders.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The main advantages of liquid glass can be attributed to its relative cheapness, ease of production and availability of source materials. Thanks to its properties, he found labor application In various industries. But this composition has a number of shortcomings:

    • working with paper, it is worth keeping in mind that after some time the bonded places will yellow and deform. And such paper looks spoiled;
    • in the composition of liquid glass there are chemically active metals. They are able to react with many elements, which can lead to negative consequences;
    • when contacting air, the glue, the stationery quickly hardens and loses its properties. Therefore, the dishes with the adhesive composition should be opened only while working with it.

    Important! If children will be glued with the stationery glue, then they necessarily need to be briefing about safety equipment. Silicate components adhesive composition Very dangerous for the eyes and, working with him, you need to remember this.

    Despite the presence of a number of negative characteristics in silicate glue (liquid glass), it remains in demand product and sold quite well. Although gradually use it in pure form is reduced. He is supplanted from the market with modern developments. But in a variety of mixtures as an additive, liquid glass will not lose its relevance for many years.