Why are men infantile? Infantile man - instructions for use

The behavior of people can be different. Infantility in men is of certain types. These guys love to behave like children, this is manifested not only by cravings for toys.

What is male infantility

This type of character can manifest itself in different ways, a common feature is the unwillingness to take responsibility for one's actions. In French, these men are called "princes." They are capricious, mischievous and often change their mood.

Important! From the point of view of psychology, the infantile has an immature personality type. Over the years, he does not change psycho-emotional character traits. The number of years lived does not matter.

Infantile men are those who don't want to grow up. For them, the transition to a new stage of life means boredom, dullness, constant problems. Therefore, they prefer not to think about the future, live one day and not deny themselves pleasure.

An infantile man does not think about the well-being of people close to him. He can spend all his money on a toy, his wife and child will have nothing to eat. Often he either has no job, or it is unskilled.

In moments of turbidity, such a guy will behave aggressively, trying to offend others. He, without hesitation, will get into a fight. Often, infantilism in men is accompanied by alcoholism and other bad habits.

Such a person will have to be persuaded for a long time to go to the doctor. She may take loans and not think about how to pay them off. This is a person who lives for pleasure.

Types of male infantilism

The child's type of character does not develop against the background of various diseases. These are intellectually absolutely normal personalities. The whole problem is in their actions and attitude to life.

The first type is mama's sons. They prefer to behave in a relationship with a soul mate as with a parent. That is, a woman should do everything for them, help them everywhere, solve everyday issues.

Psychologists believe that this type often turns into homosexuality. This is a common model of behavior where a guy becomes effeminate and vulnerable, his partner protects him.

There is also a second type - those who deny their infantilism. Such men will assert themselves at the expense of meek and modest women. They will avoid strong and independent ladies, as they do not fit the strict requirements. Their potential target is a timid and insecure woman. Such will be glad to the appearance of any man.

Important! Even if he behaves aggressively, she will still hold on to him. It is an endless source of self-affirmation.

This kind of relationship will last for years. Therefore, when an infantile appears in life, a girl needs to immediately stop communicating with him. Otherwise, in the future, he may begin to beat her and humiliate her. It is difficult to deal with this personality type.

Signs of an infantile man

Experienced psychologists are sure that a person with a childish personality type is visible in appearance. It is worth taking a close look at the guy. If he looks like a big bearded man, but he has a ponytail with a bow on the back of his head, then this is most likely an infantile.

The first sign of an immature personality type is a teenage style of clothing: trousers with folds, a belt bag on the chest, etc. All this looks ridiculous, but this does not bother a person. There is often a bright hat on the head, and bright sneakers on the legs. They love to smoke vape, catch Pokemon and ride a hoverboard.

There is the opposite. Male infantilism can be expressed in the desire to look fashionable and stylish. Everything spoils the behavior, since such a person does not seem to be a gentleman, but a dressed-up teenager.

Infantile men look young. A carefree lifestyle only decorates them, the absence of life problems allows them to preserve their appearance.

If we talk about the character traits of an infantile man, then there is a strong dependence on the mother. He obeys her, constantly reports to her and considers the parent more important than his wife.

He is unfamiliar with the concept of shame or remorse. Even if he is to blame for something, he will not have any feelings about it. Someone will always be wrong around him: at work - the boss, in life - neighbors and friends. He will easily change jobs, places of residence, environment.

You can get rid of such behavior, but the infantile does not want to, since he has a normal life. He has no discomfort and sensations that something has gone wrong.

Often these guys do not burden themselves with earnings. They sit on the neck of their parents or are interrupted by temporary part-time jobs.

Infality in a man can be easily identified by the desire to make promises. Such personalities easily give a word, but do not embody them in life. Therefore, you should not expect help and support from them.

There is no need to treat the infantile either, since no magic pills for correction have yet been invented. Theoretically, this is corrected in the course of psychological therapy, but it will be effective only under one condition - the person must want to change.

Relationship with such a man

Not every woman will immediately determine the infantilism of a man, what kind of behavior it is, she also will not understand. Often at the stage of acquaintance, such persons behave very nicely. A non-standard lifestyle quickly attracts.

Important! The girl may not even know what the word "infantile" means. In society, such people are treated condescendingly and rarely condemned.

A man will demand that a woman bring money to the family, provide him with comfort. In sex, it will manifest itself from a dominant position. He is not interested in the partner's emotions and feelings.

He will threaten with divorce or parting, blackmail for him is a common thing. It will be difficult to live with such a guy, as he can completely spend the family budget on a game console or easily leave, leaving the child alone at home.

It is useless to swear with such a person, since he will turn any situation so that the woman is to blame. It is almost impossible to correct the infantile, since he perceives any remark negatively.

With the upbringing of children, everything will be bad too. The man is sure that his presence is enough, this is already a great favor.

Why modern maninfantile

If you compare life with what it was a couple of centuries ago, then you can find big differences. There used to be a large number of wars, conflicts, men were forced to work hard. All this forced them to lead a certain way of life, which did not allow weakness and fun.

Infantilism in a man, what it is, is easy to understand by looking at the modern representatives of the stronger sex. They are used to being led, obedient. For a long time, the number of single mothers was large. Sons who grew up in single-parent families tend to obey the authority of their mother.

Important! Softness, lack of initiative develop in the family. Excessive aggression is bad, as well as unlimited love.

An infantile person is a man who does not want to grow up in any way. Change scares him, and he avoids them in every possible way. He is afraid to take responsibility into his own hands. As a child, all his initiatives were crushed by his mother, and he was used to obeying.

The modern way of life is quite calm. Men are no longer required to do anything special. Therefore, they prefer to stay in childhood.

Popular culture and media aggressively impose a carefree lifestyle. They raise ideal consumers who will do whatever it takes for entertainment. The idea of ​​expensive, impulsive purchases, loans and other questionable things is being imposed.

Nightclubs, entertainment complexes, parks open frequently. Their main consumers are not children, but adults who do not want to grow up and change their lifestyle.

When problems arise, the search for a solution is left to the mother or wife. Such a man is not interested in anyone but himself. Therefore, he will do everything to meet personal needs. He is prone to alcoholism, gambling addiction, etc.

How to get rid of

Infantilism is not a sentence for a person. The first step to solving a problem is to acknowledge its existence. Next, you need to look at yourself from the outside and evaluate the behavior.

Important! The healing process will not be easy. It will take a long time to eradicate established patterns of behavior.

For each aspect of life, it is better to develop a clear position. It is necessary to raise the intellectual level, as this will make it possible to find out the economic and political situation in the country. Analytical abilities will provide an opportunity to see the background of events.

It is necessary to get rid of naivety and illusion. This is the most difficult path that will be accompanied by negative emotions. But such experiences allow you to rethink your behavior.

You need to learn to keep your word and take responsibility for your actions. You will have to give up some habits, but the result will pay off the deprivation.

An adult knows how to control his emotions. Therefore, this area also needs to be worked out.

An infallible man can be found in the life of any woman. You should not build a relationship with him, since he is not set up for a serious union. Perhaps he himself is aware of his behavior and will change, but forcibly doing this will not work.


... He was like a little boy as before,

and she is already an adult woman.

But he did not notice anything, because he was busy with himself ...

(James Matthew Barry)


dear readers and guests of my blog!

In this publication, you will learn what is male psychological not maturity and who is an infantile man.

I really hope that the previous articles telling about what are and in relationships with each other, you liked and were useful.

This publication is their kind of continuation.

What is psychological immaturity or infantilism?

Infantil, what is he? And what are the signs of immaturity?

And from the next article

Find out why women often choose

exactly infantile men

(This article )

In addition, this publication will complement the article titled “ ».

Since he will talk about how eternal childishness is brought up, and with the help of what educational incidents an infantile person is brought up.

You may ask: why did I even choose this topic for discussion on my blog?

The fact is that it has long been noted that infantilism, both in men and women, is an acute problem of our time.

Recently, the percentage of infantile, psychologically immature people has grown significantly.

And if female infantilism is not very noticeable, since it is loyally perceived by society, then male immaturity is a serious problem.

So, for example, women began to contact me more and more often with complaints that

"My husband (friend, lover) is a big child and I have to take responsibility for solving purely male problems."

Women are increasingly complaining that they come across infantile men who are unable to build their lives and.

What is infantilism

or psychological immaturity?

It is important to distinguish between infantilism:

A) due to organic and physiological factors

(for example, resulting from a violation of the development of certain parts of the head or as a result of a violation of the endocrine system);

B) and formed as a result of improper upbringing, when a person, physically and, consolidates children's behavior patterns.

This is immaturity in a psychological sense.

In my blog, I will only talk about this type of infantilism.

It is best to define what the immaturity of an adult is through its opposite - psychological or personality maturity.

I wrote about this in articles:

According to the widespread definition, infantilism is the preservation in human behavior of manifestations characteristic of an earlier period of development.

To understand what infantilism is, you need to imagine a person who has only 3 (or less) of the 10 signs of a psychologically adult person described in the articles presented above.

In short, an infantile person is one who NOT is able to make responsible life decisions or this ability is severely limited and manifests itself very rarely.

Such a person with difficulty and difficulties, with which psychologically adults cope much faster and easier.

Childhood traits are often manifested in the behavior of such a person:

  • poor willpower development
  • impatience
  • excessive exactingness
  • resentment
  • capriciousness
  • selfishness
  • pettiness
  • the desire to shift responsibility for your life to others

Egocentrism is a key feature of psychological immaturity.

It seems to such a person that the whole world revolves around his person, which means that everyone should please him.

It is important to understand that infantilism can be one of the signs.

In addition, the presence of infantile traits in human behavior may indicate the presence of neurosis.

I wrote about this and.

Infantile man

what is he?

Before I tell you about the main signs of infantility in men,

we agree that we should not hang the label of infantile on everyone who has these signs.

Generally, it needs to be considered and judged individually.

It should be borne in mind that immaturity can manifest itself only situationally and only in some areas of a man's life.

For example, in the form of helplessness in everyday matters and selfishness in relationships with women.

For the rest, a man can behave like a completely adult and accomplished person.

He can even be quite successful professionally.

But about the average and severe degree of psychological immaturity (infantilism) of a man should be talked about,

if at least half of the following signs (symptoms) are very clearly manifested in his behavior.

Psychological counseling allows you to distinguish between these signs (symptoms) into two groups: basic and concomitant.

Basic features


  1. Egocentrism…

The term "egocentrism" was introduced into circulation by the psychologist Jean Piaget to denote the thinking of a 7-10 year old child.

At this time, it seems to him that the whole world revolves around him, he does not want to perceive and accept someone else's point of view, he is focused only on his interests and experiences.

This is what can be observed in an adult who has not reached psychological maturity.

Most often, such a person believes that he is always and in everything right. He practically does not perceive other points of view.

Such a person, and it can be very difficult to find a common language and come to an agreement with him.

It often happens that men with this kind of character show arrogance and a continuous desire to subjugate a woman and control her.


Read more about this in the articles:

  1. Passivity, abstention from responsibility and inability to make decisions ...

The classic manifestation of this character trait of an infantile man is the choice of the easiest.

As well as partial or complete refusal to deal with difficulties, combined with shifting responsibility onto other people.

Such a man strives for all the problems, sometimes even everyday trifles, to be solved for him by other people.

It often happens that it is infantile men who sit on the necks of their women and become their dependents.

They don't want to serve themselves. And if they suddenly do not get what they need, for example, a favorite tie or dinner served on time, then they throw a tantrum.

To evade responsibility, they often use lies, effectively, dodge and lie.

Such men, as a rule, live according to the scenario: "Someday ..." or "There is nothing you can do about it ...".

Read about this in the article:

  1. A negative symbiotic, emotional connection between a man and his parents, first of all, with his mother ...

In this case, one can observe how the parents of such a person actively interfere in him and in the life of his family.

They show extraordinary concern and take care of him in every possible way.

They can continuously call him, give advice, indicate what and how to do it.

At the same time, the infantile can aggressively resist such an attitude towards himself.

But in fact, he himself cannot live a day without such intervention and overprotection of his parents.

  1. Emotional instability ...

The emotions of the infantile are unstable. It is characterized by unpredictability. He can be funny or sad.

Maybe and sometimes fall into sentimentality and indulge in slight melancholy.

Moreover, the infantile behaves completely differently with people.

For example, with his wife, he can be very strict and even cruel, and with an outsider woman, he can be extremely gallant, courteous and attentive.

In a family, an infantile can soar on the wings of egocentrism and humiliate everyone, and when he encounters a really strong one, he very easily obeys her.

At this moment, his egocentrism and belief in his own exclusivity disappear somewhere in an instant.

In almost all cases, the emotional instability of the infantile brings instability and conflict into his circle of communication.

It can be a lot of fun in company with him, but after a minute everyone can quarrel and quarrel.

Very often the infantile in his life obeys the scenario: "I am good, and the people around (and the whole world) are bad."

Read about this in the articles:

Associated signs


Escape from reality

into a world of illusions ...

Faced with reality, with its pain and difficulties, many (not all) infantile men try to escape from it.

They run into the illusory world of computer games, television, alcohol, drugs, or any other addiction.

So, for example, a person can go headlong into reading books or watching TV series, day and night playing "shooters" or building virtual cities.

Workaholism is a common escape from reality.

When a man goes headlong into work, just not to touch on some important decisions and generally communicate less with loved ones.

Many infantiles are inherent in the desire for a fun and carefree , to parties, clubs, fun companies.

Many of them suffer from shopaholism, demonstrative behavior.

They tend to change friends as often as their favorite gadgets.

Money problems ...

As a rule, an infantile does not know how to manage his wallet.

He can spend the received money in a couple of hours, and on completely useless things.

It takes a lot. People do it willingly, because he knows how to be charming and.

It is among such people that there are many credit debtors.

As a rule, an infantile has constant problems with work.

He often quits, and then long and reluctantly looks for a new job. Especially if he has someone who takes care of him.

All this happens because the infantile ...

Can't plan

and set goals ...

Most often, he just floats with the flow of life and lives for one day.

He does not make plans, does not strain much and hopes for the help of other people at random.

Sometimes it is very difficult for an infantile.

If he nevertheless planned something, then only in rare cases does he bring the matter to the end.

Most often, he realizes desires and aspirations in the illusionary worlds of his own fantasies, in computer games or with the help and expense of other people.

Criticism and

disputability ...

Due to his egocentrism, the infintile is used to blaming others for all problems.

“Everyone around is to blame! No body understands me!" Is the slogan of psychologically immature men.

Hence the extreme and aggressive disagreement, which, by the way, belong to the character traits of a man, .

Propensity to

dependency ...

As I wrote above, infantiles love to sit on the necks of their wives or parents (or both at the same time).

They can lie on the couch all day and look for work for years, and the closest person will provide everything and bend their backs for them.

Moreover, infantiles are always not happy with his care, they constantly reproach the guardian for some and for the fact that he does everything wrong.

They rarely show gratitude. And then only in those cases when they need something from you.

Well, what, perhaps, on this basis, I will end, an orderly lengthy article about who an infantile person is and what psychological immaturity is.

As I said, in the next article we will definitely talk about how the childishness of an adult is brought up.

And also why an infantile man is often chosen by a woman and how to fix it.

Do you see a man in front of you who behaves completely out of age, and in the direction of its decrease? Is he afraid to make any serious decisions and does not take responsibility for his own actions? Most likely, this is an infantile man - a fairly common phenomenon today. Nevertheless, most women do not fully understand what infantility is, whether it is possible to somehow overcome such a state and what, in fact, to do with it. Let's deal with everything in order.

How to recognize?

The first thing to do is to clearly answer the question, what kind of infantile man is this? Perhaps you were in a hurry with the diagnosis and panic ahead of time. Many modern representatives of the stronger sex are unable to provide that notorious stone back that women dream of so much. But this does not mean at all that one can put the stamp "infantile" on the forehead. Perhaps the ladies also have a very biased impression on this score, because everyone, to some extent, dreams of meeting a prince.

Disappointed in this or that instance, a woman looks for a hidden meaning in the unreasonable behavior of her partner. This is where you need to look at the clearly developed signs of an infantile man in order to confirm your guess:


Most men in relationships unknowingly take on the role of head of the household and take responsibility for other family members. Such a distribution of roles began in ancient times, when the representatives of the strong half were the main earners and defenders. Infantiles, on the other hand, try to throw any problems onto the woman. In the event of a reproach from her, he will either run away, or start to scandalize, or even begin to wash down his grief with something intoxicating.

Dependence on the opinion of parents

Many questions arise from women if they notice that their chosen one is afraid of the disapproval of their parents, more often of their mother. Here, of course, it is worth distinguishing between showing respect for them and blindly submitting to their will. A grown man should have his own point of view. If he cannot even choose a companion for himself without the approval of his parents, this is already a symptom of a kind of addiction.

Inability to earn and handle money

Such a person can be immediately detected by learning more about his attitude to work. As an infant, he does not stay in one place for a long time, does not strive for constant earnings and looks for reasons to leave his next position. As a rule, such a man has no ambitions and no desire to provide for his family at all. Many of them spend most of their time on the neck of their parents or spouse. If he earns a penny, he spends it exclusively on himself. Such people are stingy in relation to loved ones. But for their own entertainment, they always have the means.

Lack of will and patience

Infantilism in men often manifests itself in laziness, eternal fatigue and inability to complete what was started to the end. Usually these qualities prevent them from moving up the career ladder. At the same time, they want to have everything at once. Their consumer attitude to life immediately comes out.


Unwillingness to engage in physical labor leads to the fact that he increasingly talks about the meaning of being. Many words - zero action. This is how an infantile person can be characterized. Real work introduces him into unreal boredom, from this any requests for help will be perceived negatively, especially requests to help around the house. In response, you can even hear a tirade about male and female responsibilities. And God forbid you to reproach him for lack of money. Then you will be known as a selfish woman.

Competition with children

"Men, they are like children!" You've probably heard this phrase a lot. So, with infantiles, it takes on a completely different meaning. They are unable to be responsible parents. Quite the opposite, such people will constantly compete for love and care from their wife due to their childhood. If the situation with the distribution of attention in the family does not suit them, then the guy is even able to leave the family.

Reasons for infantility

Psychologists say that most of the problems in adult life and attitudes towards the world originate from childhood. The upbringing given to us by our parents left an imprint on all of us. Among the main reasons why an infantile man appears, the following can be distinguished:

  • Excessive custody on the part of parents and a desire to protect your child from any difficulties in life.
  • The strong personality of the mother in the family - from her side there are constant indications of how to live, how to build relationships, and with whom to do it.
  • The lack of a male position in the family - this is often observed in single-parent families, where all the upbringing was carried out by the mother or grandmother.
  • The perception of the child as the center of the universe is similarly often observed when the long-awaited and only son appears in the family, whom they begin to pamper in every possible way.
  • The desire for a youth lifestyle, eternal entertainment, consumerism - this causes a kind of stop in the man's growing up, he wants his childhood to last longer, because it is during this period that no effort is needed.

Of course, the list is not exhaustive. The above are just the most common factors. In each specific case, it is necessary to understand in detail a specialist.

Types of infantile men

There are two types of such personalities:

Perception of a woman as a mother

A man realizes that he just needs the care that his mother gave in childhood. For complete happiness, they need to be fed, serviced and, preferably, provided financially. He recognizes and gives all power to his chosen one. Such guys are popularly known as "henpecked". In the modern world full of tolerance, we often have to talk about the departure of men, so to speak, to the other side. In their case, becoming a homosexual also means falling under the care of a strong personality, in this case, another man.

An infantile man who categorically denies his inadequacy

This type chooses a nondescript woman as the chosen one, who will elevate him in the eyes of those around him. He has a constant need to improve self-esteem. Self-sufficient women not only do not attract such personalities, but even repulse them altogether. They are catastrophically afraid of equality in relationships, therefore they choose girls who are incapable of this due to their intellectual qualities. But in the future, such men become bored, which leads to overgrowing with mistresses. This method allows you to hide your immaturity and be considered very popular in the eyes of society.

Can the situation be corrected?

If your only goal is to change your partner, then let's say right away that this is almost impossible. An infantile man has gone through a long stage of formation as such a person from childhood to the present day. Such a categorical aspiration can immediately be called a failure. It is impossible to completely rewrite a person's character, you can only direct him in the right direction. At the same time, this must be done very carefully, relying on his needs and desires. If something can be done with the first type of infantile, then it is better not to fight the second at all, because it will only result in complete disappointment.

Think about whether you need to spend your own energy on re-educating an adult, to behave with him like a child. Perhaps it is easier to hand it over to the very mother or another woman who is more suitable for the role of mistress and breadwinner? If you nevertheless decide to sacrifice time and energy for your loved one, you should familiarize yourself with the next paragraph.

What to do with him?

An infantile man is a rather shy person, so it's worth starting small so that he doesn't notice the re-education process. So, you can give him small instructions (make a shopping list, go to the store and choose one or another item on your own, etc.). These actions will give him a sense of responsibility, albeit a small one.

Motivate your partner for new beginnings, create joint traditions, hobbies, and hobbies. The main thing is to find something that will captivate him for a long period and will not make him quickly give up or quit.

Infantile men are very touchy, so you shouldn't scold them for failures or mistakes. Only a positive attitude will help in re-education. You can find positive moments everywhere, try to draw his attention to them, so that he does not lose the desire to act.

Try to direct him to find interesting work. This aspect is one of the most difficult, therefore it requires special care and accuracy. Accept that you cannot give him such a job or just send him to it. Here you need simple attention to new beginnings, an emphasis on his skills and hobbies. Constant encouragement will give your chosen one an incentive to go for new career exploits. Be discreet and mature.

Don't think that change is coming soon. This is a lengthy process that is best done in conjunction with a specialist. However, the presence of a "third" in your relationship must be approved by the man. It is very difficult to achieve this, but with the proper approach, it is possible. Do not give up if you do not want to part with your loved one. It took a long time to become what it is now, and the reverse process will be no less lengthy.


Snezhana Ivanova

An infantile man is perceived by most people extremely negatively, causes general dislike and irritation.

An infantile man is perceived by most people extremely negatively, causes general dislike and irritation. Such a person is understood by others as weak, dependent, devoid of all ambitions and aspirations. However, for many women it becomes a real problem to meet an infantile person in their life and start building relationships with him.

Signs of an infantile man

How do you understand that this is exactly the option in front of you? There are several signs that help distinguish an infantile man from an emotionally mature person.


Such a person does not know how to make decisions, because he always and in everything hopes for the help of others. Self-doubt is the main distinguishing feature of infantilism. Sometimes it seems that such people are deliberately trying to attract more attention in themselves because of their own mental weakness. Self-doubt often leads to tensions with others. These guys don't know how to make decisions and don't know what they want to achieve in life. As a rule, many of them rush through life in search of the best solution and cannot find the optimal way out for themselves.

Lack of independence

In most cases, an infantile man is distinguished by a great lack of independence. This is because he is really afraid to make decisions, to act in accordance with his inner convictions. Independence manifests itself literally in everything: in thoughts, deeds, actions. Guys' infantilism is expressed in the fact that they do not want and do not strive to be useful, to take responsibility for what is happening. Such a person often asks for help from relatives and friends, even if there is an opportunity to cope on their own.

Fear of judgment

Another characteristic feature of an infantile man. Such a guy literally hides from life for fear of being misunderstood and condemned. The feeling of inner tightness interferes with the manifestation of individuality, prevents them from starting to take any productive steps towards the desired result. Fear of condemnation often leads to the fact that a person does not develop, does not work on himself and his character. The fear of doing something does not limit consciousness so much, prevents a meaningful understanding of the essence of things.

Helplessness in everyday matters

An infantile person is completely unfit for life. Looking at him, one gets the impression that he himself suffers from his own innocence. The most mundane things make him fear and panic. If a tap breaks in the apartment or some other nuisance occurs that requires immediate participation, such a person will most likely be confused and will seek help from his closest circle. Characteristic helplessness prevents him from living, building normal relationships with the opposite sex. Such a guy usually wants a woman to take care of all the worries and worries. Fortunately, this is hardly possible in real life. A rare girl in a relationship wants to become a “mommy” for her boyfriend and please him in everything.

Refusal to work

Strong bond with mother

An infantile man is always characterized by emotional immaturity. He, as a rule, is observed to be dependent on the mother, her mood and state of mind. Such a person never makes decisions without consulting the most important person in the world. It is convenient for him to feel like a small child next to his mother, who will always be thought of, taken care of. A strong bond with the parent often interferes with building harmonious relationships with members of the opposite sex. Such a guy is looking for a life partner for a long time, and if he finds, then the most similar to his mother.

An uncertain relationship

Another characteristic feature of an infantile man is the inability to meet and communicate. He can keep the girl at a distance for a long time, without making any attempts to get closer. Most often, the guy himself does not know what he wants. His fear of life is so great that it does not allow him to feel confident in the future. A young man cannot make any girl happy until he overcomes his own infantilism. A child's view of life is a serious obstacle to fully communicating and trusting the world around them.

How to fix an infantile man

The question is quite interesting and at the same time controversial. It is usually asked by girls who have managed to start dating a typical "mommy" boy. Of course, this situation requires correction and revision of the roles in the relationship. How to fix a man who does not want to grow up, and can this be done in principle?

Taking responsibility

Unwillingness to leave childhood is always associated with some reason. Having dealt with his real childhood experience, a person gets the opportunity to correct the situation. Taking responsibility for what is happening will allow you to form an adequate attitude towards life. An infantile man is afraid of responsibility. It seems to him that he will not cope with the difficulties that arise. Inexperience in important matters causes him fear and a subconscious desire to avoid all kinds of difficulties with all his might. It is imperative to work with this. Otherwise, the consequences can be very unpredictable.

Finding your way

This step also stems from taking responsibility. The search for your individual path begins with the realization that the same mistake is constantly made in life. It is not easy, it takes a lot of time and certain volitional efforts. As a rule, infantilism prevents a guy from starting to realize the existing prospects and opportunities. He just constantly finds himself immersed in his own experiences. The hallmark of growing up is the understanding of how to correct an unsatisfactory situation. Sometimes it can take several years before a person realizes his mistakes and wants to really move forward.

Work searches

It is difficult for a guy prone to infantilism to get out of a child's view of the world. He really does not think much about who is buying food, who pays for his meals and training. Such a person would agree to live his whole life on someone's support. The search for a job for him becomes a serious step that can gradually change the attitude towards the surrounding reality. It is only important to start moving in the direction of the desired, how gradually the situation will actually start to change for the better. Successful job search will increase self-confidence and self-confidence.

Admitting your mistakes

The most difficult thing for a guy who is used to shifting responsibility for his life onto others is to see the senselessness and absurdity of his childhood behavior. Admitting your mistakes is half the battle. Indeed, in order to see the hopelessness of your own behavior, you need to mature internally and grow up in something. Not everyone who has fallen into childhood is really capable of this. This is because a person gets used to justify his own inaction with something over time.

Thus, a man suffering from infantilism suffers himself and forces others to endure significant inconveniences. He will need to work a lot on himself in order to overcome the state of fear and helplessness in front of real life.