Presentation on the theme "young lady-peasant". A.S. Pushkin A young peasant woman Why Alexey and Liza fell in love with each other

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The work was performed by: Olga Pavlovna Kvardakova, teacher of the Russian language and literature of the 1st qualification category

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1. Reveal the genre features of the story; 2. Check the attentiveness of students in reading a large work; 3. Develop the ability to analyze the character of a character in a work of art. THE PURPOSE OF THE LESSON:

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An old Besh crawled out of the sea: “Why did you, Balda, climb up to us?” - “But I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope. An old man lived with his old woman By the very blue sea; They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years. Through the wavy mists The moon makes its way, On the sad glades She pours sadly light.

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Belkin's Tale "- the first completed work of A.S. Pushkin. The cycle was created in the famous Boldinskaya autumn of 1830. Pushkin took over the role of the publisher. The authorship was attributed to the provincial landowner Ivan Petrovich Belkin. Thanks to his voice, the story is distinguished by extraordinary simplicity, artlessness of presentation, and reliability. Belkin does not compose his own stories, but only expounds what he heard from different people. Narrator's image

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"The young lady-peasant"

PRILUCHINO TUGILOVO Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky Liza-Betsy-Akulina Miss Jackson Nastya Ivan Petrovich Berestov Alexey Serfs

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Many events take place in the life of the protagonist; There are many characters, and there are 2 main characters; One storyline related to the main characters; The characters of the heroes do not change; The image of the narrator is important. "A young lady-peasant" - a story (genre features)

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Means of revealing character PORTRAIT Black eyes enlivened her dark and very pleasant face.

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ACTIONS Her playfulness and perpetual mischief delighted her father. “Oh, Nastya! I'll dress up as a peasant! " SPEECH How can one not recognize a master with a servant? And you are not dressed like that, and you bai differently, and you call the dog not in our way.

Lesson topic: The story of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin "The Young Lady-Peasant". Analysis of the work
Lesson objectives:
1. To acquaint students with the work of A.S. Pushkin's "Young Lady - Peasant Woman", its plot and heroes. Identify the role of antithesis in the story.
2. To form the ability to analyze a literary text.
3. To educate the emotional perception of the literary text, attention to the literary word; cultivate respect for human feelings.
Equipment: texts of the story "Young Lady - Peasant Woman", pencils, paper.
Methodical techniques: student message; teacher's story with elements of conversation; vocabulary work; commented reading; drawing up masks of characters; comparative analysis of characters
Lesson Objectives:
* Developing - the development of the ability to think independently, solve problematic issues, find the best way out of a problem situation.
* Educational - the development of students' ability to see the work in the unity of content and form, the ability to analyze the work, to see its relationships and patterns.
* Educational - fostering love and respect for Pushkin's work, pride in one's literature and one's nation, fostering moral qualities in students using the example of Pushkin's works, their problems and ideological sound.

Epigraph to the lesson:
"Belkin's Tales" is a precious monument
noble way of thinking and touching friendship.
A.S. Pushkin.

I am glad to welcome you to the lesson, let us give each other a smile and begin our fascinating journey into the world of the story "The Young Lady-Peasant". At home you read the story, starting to read you probably noticed the unusual title and epigraph.
- What is the lexical meaning of words? A young lady ..., a peasant ... (leaves on the blackboard)
By combining these opposing concepts, the author intrigues the reader.
- what is the name of such a technique in the literature (antithesis) - a leaflet on a blackboard.
Next, consider the meaning of the epigraph (moral characterization of the heroine).
Can we say that the epigraph reveals the author's idea? (Yes. They love a person, not his position in society. They love a person for their spiritual qualities. The epigraph coincides with the author's idea, the author's idea: TO PROVE THE VALUE OF HUMAN QUALITIES, NOT SOCIAL STATUS)
People and their characters are of great importance in a literary work. Let's see how Pushkin creates the characters of the characters. Let's take the main characters. Who are they?
Conclusion: our task is to get to know the heroes and their lives.
- Where do the events depicted in the story take place? (remote provinces of Berestovs, Muromsky). Tugilovo and Priluchino.
- What pictures of the provincial nobility arise when reading the story? (lunches, rest, hunting, guests.).
- Are there portraits of heroes in the story, how do they characterize them?
(Work with text.)
- What actions do the heroes do, how do they characterize them?
- Do other characters give ratings to heroes, which ones? Find in the text.
- How is Lisa presented in the story? (In two faces.)
- What did Pushkin want to say with such a device as the splitting of the heroine?
(They love a person, not their position in society.)
- Do the characters of the characters change?
!!! Is it possible to divide the heroes in the story by generations?
Working with text (characterization of heroes) - see the table.
Younger generation
Aleksey Berestov Liza (Betsy) - Akulina (the name of the heroine was not chosen by chance: everyone knows "Poor Liza" by Karamzin, it is not by chance that the heroine reads "Natalia, the boyar's daughter" by Karamzin).
1. Characteristics of the character, portrait:
“He was brought up at *** university and intended to enter military service, but his father did not agree to that ... They did not concede to each other, and young Alexei began to live as a gentleman for the time being, letting go of his mustache just in case (a military attribute).
He was, “in fact, a fine fellow ... The young ladies looked at him, while others peeped in; but Alexey did little to them, and they believed that the cause of his insensitivity was a love affair. "
“It is easy to imagine what impression Alexey had to make in the circle of ... young ladies. He was the first to appear before them gloomy and disappointed, the first to tell them about the lost joys and about his faded youth; moreover, he wore a black ring with the image of a dead head. All this was extremely new in that province. The young ladies were crazy about him. 1.Characteristics of the character, portrait:
“She was seventeen years old. Black eyes enlivened a dark and very pleasant face. She was the only and, therefore, spoiled child. Her playfulness and perpetual mischief delighted her father and drove her Madame Miss Jackson to despair ... "
"Nastya followed Liza, she was older, but just as windy as her young lady."
-Why did Liza decide to dress up as a peasant, couldn't she charm Alexei in her true guise?
Alexei wears the mask of a suffering lover, cold to all young ladies, because it is fashionable in society, and with ordinary peasant women, he is cheerful, dear, plays with torches. You don't need to wear a mask with them, you can be yourself. In this way, Alexei is more interesting to Lisa.
- Why did Alexey and Liza fall in love with each other?
"... Aleksey, despite the fatal ring, the mysterious correspondence and the gloomy disappointment, was a kind and ardent fellow and had a pure heart, capable of feeling the pleasures of innocence." He was going to marry a simple peasant woman, disobeying the will of his parent.
Liza was too unusual for a simple peasant woman: self-esteem (even pride), an extraordinary mind, ease of communication and at the same time inaccessibility and adherence to principles.
"His relations with Akulina had a charm of novelty for him ... although the instructions of a strange peasant woman seemed burdensome to him."
All this speaks of the high spiritual qualities of Alexei. Liza-Akulina's uncommonness aroused strong feelings.
I. Group work
Students draw masks for the characters in the story and describe them verbally.
Alexei is the mask of a suffering lover (reminiscent of Pierrot's mask) and a "kind master".
Lisa - two masks: a funny painted French woman and a peasant woman Akulina.
The heroes of the story hide their true face, their real spiritual qualities under masks. However, some masks, on the contrary, emphasize the beauty of the souls of the characters.
Work with text.
-Find in the text a description of the morning, the grove, where the meeting between Liza and Alexei Berestov takes place. Read the passage expressively. (Dawn shone in the east ...)
-What artistic means the author used in the description.
The teacher talks about Russian nature depicted on the canvases of Russian artists Levitan, Polenov, Shishkin.
- What colors would the artist use when painting a grove this morning? (gold, blue, pink)
Vi. The final word of the teacher.
- Why is the story called "The Young Lady - Peasant Woman"?
- What artistic image of the era did Pushkin create in the story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman?" (era of joy, love, happiness, holiday).
- Was it the norm in that era?
- So, idealized the era? The peasant girl Nastya and the landowner's daughter Liza are friends. The landowner Aleksey Berestov plays with the servants and is ready to marry the smithy's daughter Akulina. No, Pushkin did not idealize. He wanted the life of landowners like Berestov and Muromsky to be the norm. This is what you need to strive for. After all, this is a story about eternal values: love, mutual understanding, forgiveness, the beauty of nature, beautiful human relationships without deception, without pretense. Pushkin called for this.
Vii. Reflection.
- Who did you like the most in the story?
- Do you want to get acquainted with other stories by A.S. Pushkin?
IT IS VERY GOOD THAT YOU ARE SO INTERESTED IN AS PUSHKIN'S WORKS, THAT YOU WANT TO READ AND HIS OTHER WORKS. Dostoevsky said: Pushkin ... took with him ... a great secret. And now we are now solving this mystery without him.
I want to say “thank you” for helping to reveal another secret of the works of Alexander Sergeevich.
VIII. Homework (optional)
1. Select and write down the phrases by which the author characterizes Berestov and Muromsky.
Creative task:
1. Illustration of the episode you liked (1 group "Artists)
2. Dramatization of the scene from the story you liked (group 2 "Theaters")
3. Review of the work "My impression of the story" (3rd group "Writers")

Presentation on the topic: The story of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin "A young lady-peasant woman"

A.S. Pushkin "Through the pages
the story "The Young Lady - Peasant Woman"

Vocabulary work

Dandy is a socio-cultural type of the 19th century: a man,
emphasizing the aesthetics of appearance and
behavior, sophistication of speech.
Russophile - a person who has a fondness for everything

The last fifth story from
cycle "Tales of the deceased
Ivan Petrovich Belkin "
Started 19 and finished 20
September 1830 and published
Alexander Pushkin in 1831
Ivan Petrovich Belkin -
character, fictional
"Belkin's Tales" are
a model of realistic
prose of the XIX century.


"In all of you, Darling,
outfits are good ... "
The author took a quote as an epigraph
from the poem "Darling" by IF Bogdanovich.
The meaning of the epigraph is that not a dress
paints a man that genuine beauty
- this is the beauty of the Soul, and it does not depend on
the position of a person in society.

Priluchino (estate of the Muromskys)
The first meeting of Lisa and Alexei
Tugilovo (estate of the Berestovs)

Elizaveta Muromskaya

Brought up by her father - Gregory
Ivanovich Muromsky
Seventeen years
Her father called her in English
manner of "Betsy"
A typical county girl, but
was quick-witted and
developed ingenuity
The name Liza means "God's
Akulina - what does it mean in translation

Alexey Berestov

Did not receive a blessing from Berestov - senior
for military service
A slacker, an anglomaniac and a rake
“He was kind and
ardent fellow and had
pure heart "
Submits only
the girl who
in love, the rest
hard to deal with it

Berestov Ivan Petrovich

An underlined Russophile, in
his youth served in
Was married to a poor woman
a noblewoman who died in
I built a house according to
own plan, started at
yourself a cloth factory
Considers himself the smartest person in everything
He reads nothing but the Senate
statements "

Muromsky Grigory Ivanovich

A real Russian master,
spender and prankster
Anglophile by modern
Long lost his wife
he indulges his daughter in everything and
she does not like a soul
frivolous man
He constantly enters
new debts. His farm
does not generate income

Public attitude to the story

By the public and magazines
"Stories" were accepted
pretty cold.
“Some critics thought
an unworthy story
Pushkin's talent, condemned
its frivolity. "
The author himself said:
“Precision and brevity - that's
the first merits of prose "
There were also those who appreciated the story
(V. Küchelbecker, P. A. Pletnev,
Baratynsky, P.A. Katenin)

"The young lady-peasant"
denial of the tragedy on
"Romeo and Juliet"
Many have seen the similarity of this
story with "Poor Lisa"


The Outset - Lisa's Adoption
solutions disguised as
peasant girl
meet Alexey and
commencement of this
Climax - Arrival Scene
Alexei to the house of Muromsky,
“So that frankly with him
explain yourself ", meeting with Lisa and
recognition of her beloved
Interchange - parental
blessing and further
happy fate of the young

The idea of ​​the story
Man's happiness
simple folk
prejudice, have
kind outlook on life and
a person, and most importantly,
show us what
capable of a real one,
true love-
basic idea long-term feud
Arrival of Alexey
Berestov in his
Adventurous plan
Liza Muromtseva
First meeting
"Akulins" and
Meetings in the grove.
Reconciliation of old
enemies, landlords
Muromtsev and Berestova
Bad acquaintance
Alexey and Lisa.
Liza and Akulina - one

What do you think is the main idea of ​​the story?

The main theme of the story is the theme of love and its
infinity. For the sake of love, a person is ready without
doubt, overcome all prejudices. The main
the idea is to show us what the real one is capable of,
true love.
The author's position is also visible in the epigraph,
preceding the story. "In all you, darling,
the outfits are good. " They love a person not for
position in society, not for anything, but simply
so. Despite the fact that Akulina was
a peasant woman, Alexei preferred her rather than a rich
heiress Liza.


1. How did you understand the main idea of ​​the story?
2. Why did Alexei come to visit his father in the village?
3. What is the meaning of the epigraph?
4. Why did Lisa disguise herself as a peasant and
introduced herself as Akulina, and not as a young lady Liza?
5. Who is Nastya and what is her role in the work?
6. Briefly tell about Lisa's father.
7. How did Liza behave when she learned that Alexey and
will his father come to dinner with them?
8. Why were the fathers of Liza and Alexei at enmity?
9. How did they reconcile?
10. How does the piece end?

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Pushkin is an extraordinary phenomenon and, perhaps, the only manifestation of the Russian spirit: it is the Russian man in his development, in which he, perhaps, will appear in two hundred years. N.V. Gogol

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A.S. Pushkin - Russian poet, prose writer, playwright. Born June 6, 1799 in Moscow, in the family of a retired officer, landowner Sergei Lvovich, descended from an old noble family. Mother, Nadezhda Osipovna, was the granddaughter of the arap Peter the Great, Hannibal. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

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Little Pushkin was raised by his grandmother Marya Alekseevna Hannibal and his nanny Arina Rodionovna. In 1811, Pushkin entered a private privileged educational institution - the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Pushkin's closest friends were Ivan Pushchin, Wilhelm Kuchelbecker and Anton Delvig. At the Lyceum, Pushkin began to write poetry in earnest. For his freedom-loving poetry, Pushkin was exiled from St. Petersburg to the south of Russia. In 1824, Pushkin was transferred to the village of Mikhailovskoye. In the fall of 1826, Pushkin returned from exile. He lived first in Moscow, then in Petersburg, then in the countryside.

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The last years of his life were years of hard work and lofty designs. But fate decreed otherwise: defending the honor of his wife, he challenged the French officer Dantes to a duel. The duel took place on January 27, 1837 on the Black River near St. Petersburg. Dantes fired first ... On January 29, Pushkin died. In 1880, a monument to Pushkin was unveiled in Moscow on Tverskoy Boulevard.

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Belkin's stories, despite the fact that they were written by Boldinskaya in the fall of 1830, in the days not the most joyful and bright for the poet, are permeated through and through with love for man. Belkin's stories

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In addition, in these works, the author very clearly showed the discrepancy between the nature of man and the role imposed on him by society and social status. Each of Belkin's stories is a kind of performance from one point of view or another. Take "The Young Lady-Peasant", for example.

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"The Young Lady-Peasant" is the fifth, the last one to hang from "Belkin's Tales", told by the girl K.I.T. It is based on mystery and dressing up. Pushkin laughs at the tricks of the characters and shows real faces shining with youth and health. Young peasant

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The work is based on the relationship between two young people: Liza Muromtseva and Alexei Berestov. In order to somehow get to know the young Berestov, Liza dressed up as a peasant girl and set off early in the morning to the forest. Alexey Berestov soon appeared. Lisa "knew what kind of hatred existed between their fathers." Alexei's despair reached the limit after his father began to insist on marriage. Soon the denouement followed - Alexey learns that Akulina is not really Akulina, but Liza. Denial of these prejudices, their exposure, a kind look at life and man - this is the idea of ​​the story "The Young Lady-Peasant".

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“Lisa was 17 years old. Black eyes enlivened her dark and very pleasant face. She was the only and spoiled child. Her playfulness and perpetual mischief delighted her father. " Lisa

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The heroine appears in the story in three guises: these are the county young lady Liza Muromskaya, the peasant Akulina and the Anglomanian young lady Betsy.

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1. Identify the genre features of the story; 2. Check the attentiveness of students in reading a large work; 3. Develop the ability to analyze the character of a character in a work of art.
An old Besh crawled out of the sea: “Why did you, Balda, climb up to us?” - “But I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope.
An old man lived with his old woman By the blue sea; They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years.
Through the wavy mists, the moon makes its way, On the sad glades She pours sadly light.
Belkin's Tale "- the first completed work of A.S. Pushkin. The cycle was created in the famous Boldinskaya autumn of 1830. Pushkin took over the role of the publisher. The authorship was attributed to the provincial landowner Ivan Petrovich Belkin. Thanks to his voice, the story is distinguished by extraordinary simplicity, artlessness of presentation, and reliability. Belkin does not compose his own stories, but only expounds what he heard from different people.

Young peasant lady
Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky
Miss Jackson Nastya
Ivan Petrovich Berestov
Serfs of the landlords
There are many events in the life of the protagonist; There are many characters, and there are 2 main characters; One storyline associated with the main characters; The characters of the heroes do not change; The image of the narrator is important.
Black eyes enlivened her dark and very pleasant face.
Her playfulness and perpetual mischief delighted her father. “Oh, Nastya! I'll dress up as a peasant! "
How can you not recognize the master and the servant? And you are not dressed like that, and you bai differently, and you call the dog not in our way.
Dawn shone in the east, and golden rows of clouds awaited the sun, as courtiers await a sovereign; the clear sky, morning freshness, dew, the breeze and the singing of birds filled Liza's heart with infant gaiety.
Cutesy, dyed and powdered
A modest, intelligent peasant woman
Swarthy, playful young lady 17 years old
Lisa - Betsy
Daughter of Muromsky
Pushkin wanted to tell the reader that they love a person, and not his position in society.

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