Presentation on the topic of bison. Interesting facts from the life of animals

Bison are deservedly considered the masters of the forest due to the amazing power, strength, greatness of this beast. The history of the animal, dating back to antiquity, is striking in depth and drama.

Bison were exterminated to a critical minimum, but specialists from reserves and private individuals created nurseries in which the last individuals of the population were taken under protection and rescued.

Features and habitat of bison

Bison- the largest representative of land mammals in Europe, a descendant of wild bulls. In the Middle Ages, forest giants were common in forests from east to west throughout Eurasia.

What animal is a bison, can be understood from its dimensions:

  • the weight of a modern adult bison reaches 1 ton. The ancestors were even larger, up to 1200 kg;
  • the height of the animal at the withers reaches 180-188 cm;
  • length - up to 270-330 cm.

Females are slightly smaller in size. The bison has a massive front part of the body with a large hump that unites a short neck and back. The back of the body is compressed, smaller in size.

The chest is wide. The tail, covered with wool, up to 80 cm long, ends with a hair bun, similar to a brush. Strong and sturdy legs with prominent hooves, the front legs are much shorter than the hind legs.

Bison is the largest representative of land mammals

The head with a wide forehead is very low, even the animal's tail is above the crown. The black horns are spread and extended forward. Their surface is smooth, the shape is hollow and round.

The length is up to 65 cm, and the collapse of the horns is up to 75 cm. The name of the animal probably goes back to the Proto-Slavic word "tooth", which meant a sharp object. The horns of the giant, pointed and directed forward, determined his name.

The ears are small, hidden in the hair on the head. Eyes with bulging black eyeballs, large and thick eyelashes. The mouth is blue. The bison's sense of smell and hearing are well developed, and his eyesight is slightly worse.

The coat is dark brown, with a reddish tint in young individuals. Short, dense and waterproof, protects the animal from dampness and cold weather. The neck and hump are covered with longer hair. You can even notice a small bison beard.

Mighty bulls live in herds, which also include young individuals. Sexually mature bison join their congeners during the mating season. One herd can contain from 10 to 20 heads.

Bison-like animal, - American. The differences between them are small. There is a common offspring of these congeners - bison.

In the 1920s, bison disappeared from the wild. Today bison is an animal from the Red Book, modern mighty forest dwellers descended from rescued individuals in special nurseries and reserves. It was only 30 years later that the settlement of the first gregarious bison became possible.

Two types of bison are recognized:

  • Belovezhsky (flat), larger, with long legs. Lived in England, Scandinavia, Western Siberia;
  • Caucasian (mountain), lived in the Caucasus. It was distinguished by its smaller size and curly hair. It was destroyed at the beginning of the 20th century.

Bison live in mixed, coniferous and deciduous forests, with open meadows, near the river. Currently, bison can be found in Russia, Poland, Moldova, Belarus, Latvia, Kyrgyzstan.

The nature and lifestyle of the bison

Animal bison striking in size, seems clumsy and indifferent to everything at rest. A bison in irritation and anger is dangerous. Warning by shaking his head, snorting and looking at the enemy, runs after him, strikes with horns.

In the photo Belovezhskiy bison

Neither thickets nor high hedges will stop the angry animal. The bulls go out to graze in the morning and in the evening. In the daytime they like to relax, bask in the sun, brush their wool in dry soil and chew gum.

The herd of females and calves is headed by the most experienced female. Males join them only at mating time. They live in small groups separately or singly. Sometimes family groups join together to protect offspring from predators.

In the photo, a group of bison with cubs

A female protecting a cub can be dangerous to humans. Approaching the beast breeds aggression. In other cases, bison can be indifferent to people, they come close to see because of poor eyesight. In nature, they avoid meeting, prudently retire.

In the spring rare animals bison keep closer to the river beds, and in hot summer they retire to the forests. Animals hide from the heat in shady thickets. If insects chase giants, then they seek salvation in wind-blown dry places. A few hours before sunset, the bulls are sure to move to the watering hole.

Bison graze, as a rule, in the selected area. If there is little feed, they move in search of a new place. Strong legs and endurance, the ability to swim well allow you to easily overcome tens of kilometers.

The herbivorous giant does not pose a threat to the inhabitants of the forests. The main enemies of the bison are,. Bison save themselves from their attacks on calves with a perimeter defense.

The most unprotected calves and weak females hide inside the ring. Communication of bison is almost silent. They can make quiet sounds similar to grunting, rumbling. A snort emanates from them in irritation.


The diet of herbivorous bison is based on several hundred varieties of plants. The diet consists of leaves, shoots, tree bark, branches of shrubs, some herbs, lichens.

The nutritional value of feed depends on the season. In summer, they love maple greens, willow, ash. In autumn, they additionally eat mushrooms, berries, and acorns. In the cold winter period, animals dig up snow with their hooves in search of food, feed on bark, thin branches of shrubs, coniferous needles, lichens.

One bull needs up to 50 kg of feed per day. In nature reserves, bison are fed with hay. The bison do not let anyone near the feeding troughs in the reserves. Cases of reprisals against animals are known - forage competitors in nature.

The bison can feed on thin branches and coniferous needles.

Reproduction and life expectancy of a bison

The struggle of bison for the best female begins in July and lasts until the end of September. Strong males come to herds, chase calves away and compete fiercely. The female's pregnancy lasts up to 9 months.

One calf appears in a secluded place, weighing up to 25 kg. The newborn's coat is light beige. He immediately stands on his feet, drinks fat milk and follows his mother by smell. Plant-based feeding will begin in three weeks, but the calf will need breast milk for up to a year.

Young calves stay in the herd for up to three years, learning survival skills from adults. At the age of 3-5, they become sexually mature. The growth of young bison continues up to 5-6 years. Bison live on average up to 20-25 years. In protected areas, life expectancy can be up to 30 years.

In the photo a bison with its calf

Description of the animal bison, a contemporary of the mammoth, its history of life, extinction, revival makes one think about the value and preservation of wildlife in its unique guise.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

1 slide

Slide Description:

GUESS WHO IS HE? A bull lives in the forest, a shaggy horn scratches an oak with a sharp horn. Big-headed, bearded Strong, fast-footed ...

2 slide

Slide Description:

This Bison Bison is the largest animal among mammals. Its body is about 3.5 m long, 2 m high, and weighs up to a ton. It is a wild bull with a large mane. In the wild, this forest giant lives up to 25 years. The fate of the bison is sad. Once upon a time, numerous herds lived in forests and mountains. But in the end they were almost gone. Today, bison hunting is strictly prohibited. Now they are bred in special reserves. The bison is listed in the "Red Book".

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These heroic animals see poorly, but they have a well-developed sense of smell and hearing. But, despite its powerful constitution, the bison moves easily and quickly through the forest, through deep snow. They are not only able to run fast, but, if necessary, can overcome an obstacle up to 2 meters high.

4 slide

Slide Description:

Bison graze in the morning and evening. During the day they lie and chew gum. A huge bison feeds on grass, branches and shoots of shrubs, gnaws at the bark of trees. Can also eat mushrooms. Eats up to 40 kg of feed per day.

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Small bison are born in early summer or late spring. After birth, mother's milk is the best food for them. The born baby - a bison very quickly gets to its feet and runs after its mother. She takes care of him: she feeds the calf with milk, protects him from trouble.

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Slide Description:

These animals live in small herds of 3-20 individuals. Herds are often made up of females and young calves, and the female is also the leader. Males live alone and adjoin the herd only in exceptional cases, for example, during the rutting season.

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Slide Description:

In ancient times, the Bison was considered the main animal among all animals. He didn't have a hump back then. He received it much later, as a punishment. Here's how it happened: Most of all, the Bison loved to rush through the meadows and forests, and in front of him he certainly sent a flock of foxes, which in loud voices warned everyone that their leader, the Bison, went for a walk. Everyone had to get out of the way so as not to be trampled. DO YOU KNOW: "WHY DOES THE BISE HAVE A HUMP?"

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Slide Description:

Once, when the Bison was racing through the forest, the small bird could not make way for him in time: it was just sitting on the nest. And although all the animals tried to stop the Bison, he did not even think to turn and trampled down both the bird and the nest with his heavy hooves. The Bison did not expect that Nanabozo, the son of a heavenly spirit, would find out about his deed. Nanabozo became very angry. He rushed to cut the Bison and stopped him with one movement of his hand. "How dare you destroy what I have created?" - menacingly exclaimed Nanabozo and hit him on the back with his staff. - "How dare you offend those who are weaker than you?" The bison, fearing more blows, lowered his head, but Nanabozo only said: "Let from now on all bison grow a hump on their backs, and they always keep their heads low from shame."

9 slide

Slide Description:

The foxes tried to avoid punishment: after running away from Nanabozo they dug a hole and hid inside. But Nanabozo found them and said: "You also killed the bird. For this you will always live in a cold land!" Since then, all foxes live in burrows, and the bison has a hump.

10 slide

Slide 1

Bison animal of the Red Book
Completed by a primary school teacher of the 1st category Progymnasium No. 63 of JSC Russian Railways Grigoryan S.S.

Slide 2

He is the owner of the forest, the grove. Possesses strength, power. Protected by law. Its weight is within a ton. Height - two meters at the withers, Two slits for myopic eyes. There are horns and there are hooves, The body is all covered with wool. With a brush, his tail is short, Beard on his chin ... He feeds on bark, Also - leaves, grass ... The first animal does not attack - When threatened, it runs away. In anger, in a rage, terrible - Dangerous for offenders. The symbol is always fair and wise to Belarus - ...

Slide 3

The European bison is the heaviest and largest land mammal in Europe and the last European wild bull.

Slide 4

Its body length can reach 330 cm, its height at the withers is up to two meters, and its weight reaches one ton. Life expectancy is 23–25 years. Its body length can reach 330 cm, its height at the withers is up to two meters, and its weight reaches one ton.

Slide 5

Most of the day, bison sleep or doze, only occasionally spending the day in the pastures. In most cases, they go to the pasture or watering hole 3-4 hours before sunset.

Slide 6

Calf weight at birth - 19-25 kg. 1.5 hours after birth, the calf follows the mother. The calf eats grass from 19–22 days.

Slide 7

Historically, bison were herd animals, even older males kept in small groups. Bison live in small herds ranging in size from three to twenty animals, consisting mainly of females and young calves. The leader in the herd of bison is the female.

Slide 8

Back in the Middle Ages, people highly valued bison and protected them from poachers, but over the years the number of bison has steadily decreased. Soon, bison could be found only in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and in the Caucasus.

Slide 9

The First World War and the years of devastation became a disaster for the bison. The last bison living free was killed in Belovezhskaya Pushcha in 1921, and in the Caucasus the last three bison were killed in 1926 in the vicinity of Mount Alous.

Slide 10

Unlike domestic cows, bison practically do not make any sounds. Their voice is very quiet and is a short, abrupt grunt, which, when irritated, turns into a rumbling, and when frightened, turns into a snort.

Slide 11

The first bison nursery, which appeared in Russia in 1948, is located in the Serpukhovsky district of the Moscow region in the Prioksko-Terrasny nature reserve.

Slide 12

As of January 1, 1927, only 48 bison survived in various zoos and parks, and all of them descended from 12 founding animals (5 bulls and 7 cows) kept in European zoos at the beginning of the 20th century.

Once powerful bison were common throughout Europe. However, due to massive poaching and deforestation, these bulls have practically disappeared from the face of the Earth. Skillful actions of biologists and caring people helped to preserve the appearance of European bison. As of 2015, the total population of bison in the world was 6083 individuals.

  1. Bison are the largest and heaviest land mammals on the European continent.
  2. Adult males weigh about 850 kg; in the 19th-20th centuries, individuals weighing 1200 kg were met. Plain Bialowieza bison are somewhat larger than their mountain relatives living in the Caucasus.
  3. Females are significantly inferior in size to males.
  4. The characteristic features of the European bison are a hump on the back and a beard in the lower part of the head.
  5. Thanks to the discovered fossils, it has been proven that the genus of bison (Bison), which includes two modern species, the European bison (Bison bonasus) and the American bison (Bison bison), is a contemporary of mammoths.
  6. The bison was first described by Aristotle in the distant IV century BC.
  7. Bison live in small herds - from 5 to 20 heads (sometimes - up to 30). The herd consists of females and growing juveniles. The bison is led by a leader - an old and experienced female.
  8. Bison seem clumsy at first glance, but this is not at all the case. They are able to jump over a hedge with a height of more than 2 meters. In addition, large bulls run quite fast, move dexterously even on steep slopes, swim well and walk freely in swampy swamps.
  9. These animals echo each other with a short dull grunt, and in case of danger they snort. Signs of irritation are manifested by loud sniffing and frequent licking of the muzzle with the tongue.
  10. The only enemy of the bison in its natural habitat is the wolf. Female bison and young animals become victims of predators.
  11. When attacked by a wolf pack, bison quickly organize a circular defense, protecting young and weak individuals.
  12. The thick skin of bison, covered with thick fur, helps the animals withstand cold winters. Zoologists have not yet observed the death of these bulls from low temperatures.
  13. Bison feed exclusively on food of plant origin.
  14. There are 350 types of herbaceous plants, as well as about 50 species of trees and shrubs, suitable for feeding bulls.
  15. Pregnancy in a female bison lasts 9 months.
  16. Only one bison is born, with rare exceptions - two. The newborn weighs about 25 kilograms. A few hours after birth, he can already walk.
  17. The fur of baby bison has a reddish tint, but over time it darkens and turns brown.
  18. Bison are large animals, but rather shy. When they see a person, they run away.
  19. These animals have poorly developed eyesight, they cannot see the object of interest from afar, and therefore they try to get closer. Such actions are often assessed by a person as the readiness of a bison to attack.
  20. In the wild, mighty bison live up to 25-28 years. Moreover, females live about 10 years longer than males. The registered lifespan record for a female bison is 30 years, for a male - 23 years.
  21. Bison are the only large wild bull that has survived in Europe.
  22. The closest relative of the bison is the American bison.
  23. At the beginning of the 20th century, the species Bison bonasus was on the verge of extinction. Absolutely all bison living today were born from several animals born in reserves and zoos.
  24. Most of the plains bison living today come from one male and 90% of their genes come from only two animals.
  25. The subspecies Caucasian bison (another name is dombai), which today lives on the territory of the Caucasus reserves, is a bison. He was born thanks to the selection of the last thoroughbred Caucasian bison with the Belovezhskaya female.
  26. The main reasons for the disappearance of bison are poaching and environmental pollution.
  27. The largest reserve on our planet with bison, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, covers the territory of two states - Belarus and Poland. The largest herd of bison in Europe lives there - 700 heads.
  28. These animals are a symbol of Belarus, and therefore the attitude towards them is special. It is noteworthy that in the middle of the 20th century, not a single European bison remained in the forests of the biosphere reserve. Bison began to return to these places only in 1929.
  29. In nature reserves, bison do not get along well with other animals, especially large herbivores. In Belovezhskaya Pushcha, near the feeding troughs of the bulls, the bodies of dead deer, elk, and horses were found.
  30. In 1923, biologists for the first time carried out a census of all bison in zoos and nurseries.
  31. In order to renew the gene pool of European bison, they are crossed with American bison. As a result, viable bison are born, capable of procreation.
  32. In Poland, pedigrees and pedigree books are published annually, which indicate in which country how many bison live.
  33. In ancient times, some peoples worshiped these hoofed animals, identifying them with the symbol of their native land.
  34. The tribes of North America believe that the birth of a bison with a white fur color will certainly bring prosperity to the territory where the bull was born.
  35. The image of a bison is a worldwide symbol of the conservation movement for the preservation of endangered and rare species of animals.
  36. In the entire history of their existence, these bulls have never been domesticated.
  37. The bison is the only species in the world that has been returned to the wild after being completely exterminated by poachers.

Scenario development of the quiz "Bison - a contemporary of the mammoth"

Target: acquaintance with the way of life of the bison.
- to promote the study of the life of the bison as a representative of the fauna of the Republic of Belarus;
- to promote the development of interest in the world of animals;
- to contribute to the education of respect for nature.
Description: The publication introduces one of the animals of the Republic of Belarus - the mighty bison. The material will be useful for teachers of biology, elementary schools, preschool teachers, teachers of additional education.
Tsyganov Miroslav, 12 years old, student of the Eureka interest association, State Educational Institution "Slutsk Ecological and Biological Center for Students", Slutsk, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus.
Supervisor: Danilchenko Oksana Anatolyevna, teacher of additional education, State Educational Institution "Slutsk Ecological and Biological Center of Students", Slutsk, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus


In the Republic of Belarus they say that the bison is similar in character to the Belarusians.
This beast is distinguished by wisdom, calmness and justice. He never attacks first. But if you make him angry, then he becomes furious, and then no one can cope with him.
Since ancient times, Belarusians have considered Belovezhskaya Pushcha and bison as symbols of their country. Our ancestors told each other curious stories about this majestic beast, always admired its strength and wisdom. In the famous poem "Song about the Bison" by Mikola Gusovsky (appendix), written in the first half of the 16th century, the dense forests of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and their "king" - the bison are glorified.

Biologists note that the European forest bison at the beginning of the 19th century existed in two regions - in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and in the Caucasus. In the Baltic states, the last representative of this species was killed in 1755, in Romania - in 1762, in Germany - in 1793, and in Holland, Belgium, Sweden, France and the Czech Republic, bison were exterminated even earlier. The last Caucasian bison was destroyed in 1927; however, by the 20s of the 20th century, these animals were not left in the wild either in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. According to the International Society for the Conservation of Bison, created in 1923, on January 1, 1927, there were only 48 bison in various zoos and parks in Europe. Today, according to scientists, thanks to purposeful work, the death of this rare species of animals is no longer threatened.
Today we, no less than our ancestors, are proud that such a mighty beast lives on the territory of our country and we are glad that we managed to save it for posterity.

What do we know about the European bison?

Quiz "Bison - a contemporary of the mammoth"

1. Who manages a herd of bison, consisting of females and calves: an experienced male, an experienced female, or a male and a female? (experienced female)
2. At the end of May - beginning of June, babies appear at the bison. Where are the females in the herd or leave it at this time? (females leave the herd)
3. Can a bison jump over a two-meter-tall fence? (Yes)
4. What is the basis of the bison's diet? (grass)
5. Are plant poisons dangerous for the European bison? (most not)
6. Who is the closest relative of a bison, a cow, horse or bison? (buffalo)
7. What is the maximum length a bison can reach: 4 meters, 3 meters, 2 meters? (3 meters)
8. What is the maximum height at the withers a bison can reach: 1 meter, 2 meters, 2.5 meters? (2 meters)
9. What predators are the main enemies of the bison on the territory of the Republic of Belarus? (wolves, bears, lynxes)

10. What animal of the Republic of Belarus can be called a contemporary of the mammoth? (bison)
11. Do bison have territorial areas assigned to individual individuals or herd? (No)
12. What are the herds of bison in terms of composition? (mixed, consisting of individuals of different sex and age; male from adult and semi-mature bulls; groups of adult females)
13. Can herds of bison unite with each other? (Yes)
14. Who is more likely to lead a solitary life male or female? (male)
15. The bison is often depicted on the coats of arms of cities. What is his image symbolized? (a symbol of hard work and vitality)
16. Who is the biggest enemy of the bison? (Human)
17. What are the main reasons for the disappearance of bison in Europe? (deforestation - the main habitat of these animals, hunting and diseases)
18. Is it possible to find an illustration of a bison in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus? (Yes)
19. In which region of the Republic of Belarus is there the most bison? (Brest region)
20. What is the maximum life span of a bison: 10 years, 20 years, 25 years? (25 years)


Today the European bison is the heaviest and largest land mammal on the European continent and the last European wild bull. The original range of bison spread from the Iberian Peninsula to Western Siberia and also included England and southern Scandinavia. In this large area, bison inhabited not only forests, but also open areas. Today, due to intense human hunting, it is found only in dense forests.

Equal among equals ... fable

The TIGER against the BISON was in the dispute.
The intensity of the arguments was high.
That session as the judge conducted
known to all by the wisdom of the BEES.

Opponents decided for the fifth time:
- who has more rights to their class?
- who is considered a mammal?
- and whose father and mother are more important here?

The TIGER made important arguments:
- that he represented the Panther family here,
- that he is from the Feline family here.
- Everyone is waiting in the class of Predatory Rights Squad.

More! - He winked importantly at the BEE.
We go after the Bears on Earth!
- There are very few of us left in the world.
And it is worth giving us the rights to the class!

Here the ZUBR got his word for it.
And he listed all his rights
He said that his family was Bison.
That he is from the Bovine family.

Artiodactyl squad. BISON is such
that, except for poachers, there are no enemies.
- More! - noted, looking at the judge,
Big bison create a family.

They live in friendly herds in the forests,
like the Bees in their little houses.

The wise BEE listened to everything.
And then she said her verdict:
- Class is a general concept, friends.
You cannot privatize it!

The moral of this fable, in general, is as follows:
Homo sapiens was born - right
you have equal among equals you per class.
Show your Reason! And it will be - CLASS !!!

To the squads of different Earth
They could live their lives worthily.
After all, everyone: tigers, bison, and bears
only God's creatures on the living planet.
Irina Ashomko

Excerpt from Nikolai Gusovsky's poem "The Song of the Bison"

Predatory animals are no match, surpassing them with ferocity,
The bison is safe for people. If you don't touch it, it won't touch it,
But he vigilantly follows, like a sentinel, every movement;
You will not find a bolder beast in our forest land.
You see, it used to graze calmly, with eyes
Sharply leads, mows them to the right and left.
You hid, the hunter, it would seem, is hidden behind the bushes -
Where exactly! He sees everything. You blinked an eye - notices.
The lightest rustle, a twig will inadvertently crack under your foot -
Immediately, his ears prick up and puff up, shudder.
If your sword doesn't shine and your spear doesn't sparkle
Feel free to go in front of him - it will not affect.
Only, staring blankly, stands motionless
And, without blinking, sees off, until you are out of sight,
Doesn't take a step, watches your behavior.
If you accidentally come across a bison with a calf -
You move a little, you grab a weapon in a fever -
Immediately it will go berserk, and the forest is filled with a roar,
A sign of fierce anger: who dares to disturb?
But if you backed down and took cover,
You can leave uncomprehending, he will not chase.
In the herd, heifers are a feast for the eyes, frolic, butt each other,
Old heifers are frightened by the game.
Oh, how understanding he is, bison! For example, calves
From the first step, mothers are imitated in everything:
Run after, graze with the elders together,
They jump over the rubble, taste the horns,
Meeting the beast il mossy stumps in a windbreak.
So in play and struggle, the body is tempered from infancy;
Really, they hardly have rest and sleep.
Although the giant is patient, but considerable effort
Should he tame his thirst for movement.
Love to look at how easy he is in his impetuous run
And along the forest glades, and along the swamp paths.
It will rush from its place, as if thrown with a sling,
In an instant, turning back with my whole body,
Catch the droppings and shake it off right there, neat,
And it will sweep before it touches the ground.
But an incomparable sight in a herd of bison -
Fighting bulls for females in a bloodless battle.
The Feast of Venus is in the midst of leaf fall
Every fall and the marriage pranks last
More than a week. During the period of such delights
You can only hear how invitingly and tenderly everywhere
Pushcha hums, and in the chills of the earth is barely audible
Century oak groves rustle with quivering leaves.
Whoever saw and heard this will probably say -
The music of our forests is sweeter than the lyre
And the thunderous sound of trumpets and calls, and stricter.
In a chorus of countless rustles, this presenter
The voice of violent blood - well, which is nicer?
I don't know how long they live, bison, -
Who considered the longevity of the wild beast?
They write, however, that somewhere was noted in the herd
The old leader, two hundred years old, noticeable by his mane,
Black, shiny, with whitish gray in the bangs.
The whole herd called him this sign,
If the traditions are not free from delusions,
He lost his eye during the fight and became lonely.
It is possible. They enter with a dubious right
Strong in the battle for power and domination, and the dispute is the reason
Only over the years does it become apparent, even though the signs
The power-hungry man remained from the battle forever.
I won't tell you how long unrecognized in the herd
He remained, but in the same folk legends
The timeframes are too long.
Fiction often delights the ears,
That is why the whisper of folk tales
Heard here on the edges, flowering meadows and forests.
I have no right to write here about little-known things:
For those for whom I write, only the truth is to their liking.
Animals graze in the wild, enjoying freedom by right.
By a joint effort, the bison defend themselves, and the guards
Vigilantly monitors that there is strict order in the herd.
The strong will not share power with the weak,
Strength and experience give him the headship
In front of the enemy in the herd, in the corral and everywhere.
In mortal combat, the strongest usually wins,
And not a minute in the forest is without anxiety.
The lust for domination their bloody anger inflames -
And the fights end in death.
The one who prevailed over the weak receives a reward,
And the defeated, having sensed the alarm, dejectedly
Together with a friend from the herd he wanders into a foreign land.
He, separated from the flock, is now afraid
Even spears, in the herd everyone is fearless.
However, the herds do not disdain even the lonely,
They are accepted into other herds without a fight.
If a spouse dies in a forest duel,
The loyalty of friends is broken by an unexpected death,
Maybe the bison will then return to its herd.