Symptoms for severe poisoning. Poisoning

Food poisoning is one of the most unpleasant conditions. Everything hurts - the stomach, intestines, the temperature rises, the bones ache, etc. The degree of administration can be so strong that medical intervention is indispensable.

What nuances do you need to know about food poisoning, what to do in case of food poisoning and how to help yourself or a loved one before the doctor arrives? Let's figure it out.

Generally speaking, food poisoning is a violation of the normal functioning of human organs due to the ingestion of poisonous or toxic substances.

By the severity of food poisoning can be divided in several stages.

  • Moderate stage. It occurs when a small amount of a toxic substance enters the body. It manifests itself in the form of nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, sometimes a slight increase in temperature is possible.
  • Acute stage. It is characterized by sudden and severe damage to the body and the rapid onset of symptoms. Fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - all these effects quickly and abundantly appear within a short period of time.
  • Hyperacute poisoning. The most severe case of ingestion of a large number of poisons into the body. The consequences are extremely serious - depressed consciousness or its complete loss, convulsions, convulsions, respiratory arrest.
  • Chronic poisoning. With prolonged exposure to a small amount of toxic substances, for example, with the constant consumption of unsuitable foods, this type of disease is also possible. General passivity, drowsiness, malaise in the digestive tract, unhealthy complexion, nausea indicate chronic poisoning. Moreover, over time, a person's well-being only worsens until the disease turns into an acute form.

With its sufficient prevalence, food poisoning remains a kind of blank spot in our lives. This happens for two reasons.

First, the symptoms of poisoning are very extensive and characteristic of many other diseases, which means that diagnosis becomes difficult.

Secondly, and this is completely on the conscience of the patients themselves, we are often dismissive of what we eat. Snacks on the road, incomprehensible cafes, food of questionable quality, unsanitary conditions - nothing stops us from snacking.

General signs of poisoning are known to many, but not everyone knows what symptoms are characteristic of this or that type of phenomenon.

To provide effective targeted assistance, it is necessary to take into account the following classification of poisoning.

  • Damage by bacteria. It takes place when eating food contaminated with Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, etc. This poisoning is characterized by the following symptoms - vomiting, severe intestinal colic, diarrhea. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that the listed consequences occur quite quickly after eating poor-quality food - on average after 1-2 hours.
  • Poisoning with chemicals. To give an appetizing "fresh" look, many vegetables and fruits are treated with special chemical compounds. Or, similar chemicals are already present inside the fruits, since synthetic fertilizers were used in large quantities during their cultivation. Such poisoning manifests itself as follows - dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, profuse salivation and sweating, pain in the stomach, blurred vision. Symptoms of chemical poisoning appear very quickly, within an hour.
  • Botulism. Lovers of canned and pickled foods should be extremely careful. Microorganisms that appear in sealed jars can lead to death. Botulism appears 10-15 hours after eating food. The central nervous system takes the brunt of botulism. A person's visual and speech functions deteriorate sharply, dry mouth appears and swallowing reflexes are difficult, followed by nausea and vomiting.

Any of the listed poisonings can pass easily, and can cost health and even life. Do not waste precious time, if you see several signs of this or that poisoning, call an ambulance.

Treating food poisoning

Treatment of the disease is carried out in several stages.

  • First of all, this is gastric lavage. It is imperative to remove the poisonous element from the body.
  • Secondly, the intake of sorbing substances is required.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to restore the water-salt balance. During gastric lavage and as a result of diarrhea and vomiting, a person loses a large amount of fluid that needs to be restored.
  • The final stage- restorative preventive procedures.

In case of severe poisoning, a person is placed in a hospital for several days, where he is given all the necessary procedures.

The question arises - they called an ambulance, but what to do ourselves: sit back and wait? Of course no. It is necessary to provide the most comfortable conditions for the patient and help him in all possible ways. What to do in case of poisoning at home?

As in the case of inpatient treatment, at home, the first aid will be gastric lavage. But if the conditions of the medical institution allow the use of special devices for this procedure, then at home you will have to cope with the means at hand.

In case of poisoning at home, it is necessary to induce vomiting artificially. To do this, give the patient a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda (15 g per liter) to drink and press the root of the tongue with two fingers. Repeat the procedure two to three times.

After the initial cleansing, it is necessary to get rid of the remaining toxins as quickly as possible. Activated carbon works well for this. It should be taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of the patient's weight.

Further, it is necessary to provide the patient with plenty of drink. You should drink salted water, weak tea, compotes, fruit drinks. However, it is better to refuse food intake on the first day. And after recovery, start your diet with low-fat dietary and sparing foods - mashed potatoes, dairy-free cereals, jelly, crackers.

After treatment, the patient needs rest and bed rest until complete recovery.


It has already been mentioned more than once and everyone is familiar with the phrase - it is better to prevent than to cure. Of course, it is wiser not to bring the situation to a critical point. To prevent food poisoning, you should observe a few simple rules.

  • Observe the diet. By consuming food at a strictly defined time, you will save yourself from bouts of wild hunger, during which a person is able to eat anything and in large quantities.
  • Eat at home. Homemade food is the safest and healthiest. But if there is no way to eat homemade food, then visit only proven catering places.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Water helps to get rid of toxins and poisons, so its consumption will be useful not only for those already poisoned, but also as a preventive measure.
  • Buy food at proven mass points - hypermarkets, markets, fairs. Vegetable and fruit tents lonely by the road are not the most reliable supplier of healthy foods.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for over 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Food poisoning is a name that includes acute indigestion caused by inadequate food and drink.

Common Symptoms

All food poisoning is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • general weakness, apathy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pale skin (easily identified by the color of the lips and face);
  • sharp pain in the epigastric region or abdomen;
  • increased sweating;
  • dehydration;
  • a slight increase in temperature (37.5–38.0).

Symptoms of food poisoning can appear both a couple of hours after eating, and the next day, depending on the type of poisons and individual characteristics. In young children, symptoms appear faster and more intensely than in adults. When the first symptoms of food poisoning appear, one cannot ignore the patient's condition, but urgently provide first aid.

You cannot do without calling a doctor with such symptoms:

  • symptoms of intoxication do not disappear for two or more hours;
  • body temperature is kept at around 39 and above;
  • there was a very sharp pain in the abdomen, severe cramps;
  • there are traces of blood in the stool or urine;
  • a skin rash appears on the body;
  • there are inflammation and pain in the joints;
  • the patient is faint;
  • headache began;
  • the patient's stomach became hard to the touch, swollen;
  • the victim has difficulty swallowing, his breathing has become more frequent;
  • you suspect berries or.

In especially severe symptoms, increased salivation, muscle tone disturbances, double vision and a decrease in urine volume are likely.

Classification and features of food poisoning

While you are waiting for a doctor, try to find out the source of the toxins to facilitate diagnosis and treatment. The food that the victim ate must never be thrown away - it must be transferred to the laboratory for analysis. Store a small amount in an airtight container.

There are two types of food poisoning.

Infectious poisoning is caused by viruses, microbes, protozoa, as well as the results of their vital activity, which are ingested with food. Such poisoning occurs due to non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, violation of the rules for the preparation and storage of food. The concentration of microbes in food should be high enough (over 10 thousand units per gram of product).

Until the symptoms of food poisoning are clarified, the victim must be isolated from the rest of the family by providing him with separate cutlery and dishes. It is advisable to treat commonly used items in the home (such as doorknobs) with a disinfectant.

  • Ignore symptoms and do nothing.
  • Treat the patient with folk methods - herbal decoctions, tinctures.
  • Give antibiotics and other medications to the victim without consulting a doctor.
  • Drinking alcohol.

Possible consequences

The consequences of food poisoning depend on several factors: the type of toxic substances, the severity, and the time of care.

Women are especially dangerous. Some types of microbes can penetrate the placental barrier and harm the fetus.

Food poisoning can cause illness.

Dysentery (causative agent - Shigella bacterium) - severe intoxication, characterized by inflammation of the intestine and can cause its rupture;

Salmonellosis (causative agent - salmonella) - affects the gastrointestinal tract, further causing chronic renal failure;

Escherikhoz - disrupts the digestive tract, leads to the development of acute enterocolitis and enteritis;

- one of the most dangerous types of intoxication, can cause irreversible pathologies of the nervous system, and even death.

Non-infectious food poisoning is no less dangerous and can impair the functioning of all body systems. Thus, it destroys liver cells and leads to toxic hepatitis, acute renal failure. The least of the possible evils is dysbiosis, which is eliminated by the appointment of an appropriate diet. Full recovery from any food intoxication should take place under the supervision of a physician.

10 rules of prevention

To avoid food poisoning, try to adhere to preventive measures:

  1. Be conscious when choosing where you buy your products. You should not buy them in spontaneous markets, in subway crossings, stalls. This is especially true for meat, fish, milk and other perishable ingredients.
  2. Check expiration dates before purchasing. It is not uncommon for dishonest sellers to forge labels. If in doubt, ask for confirmation (receipt for the consignment) or select another store.
  3. Don't buy alcohol without a license.
  4. Avoid the so-called. "Dangerous products" - forest mushrooms, if you are unsure of their quality, raw eggs, perishable and fatty foods in the summer heat. Eat a healthy diet.
  5. Wash fruits and vegetables before eating.
  6. Keep cutting boards, knives, and utensils clean, especially after handling raw meat. Change your tea towel regularly and kill insects in your home.
  7. Store cooked food in the refrigerator for no more than three days, and discard if an unpleasant odor appears. Even long-term heat treatment is not capable of destroying all types of pathogenic microorganisms.
  8. Always filter and boil your drinking water.
  9. Watch out for the integrity of the dishes - scratched enamel or non-stick coating can add heavy metals to your diet.
  10. Follow the rules of personal hygiene and teach all family members to them, regardless of age.

The body's response to these microorganisms is different for all people - some actually get poisoned, others do not.

The greatest danger of food poisoning is death, which most often occurs after poisoning with mushrooms or missing fish.

There are several types of food poisoning:

foodborne diseases- provoke missing products (expired), as well as products that have been improperly stored or prepared in violation of sanitary standards;

toxic poisoning (non-infectious)- caused by ingestion of natural or chemical toxins (poison of inedible mushrooms and plants, as well as chemicals) along with food.

If you suspect toxic poisoning caused by poisonous mushrooms, berries or chemicals that have entered the body along with food, consult a doctor immediately! This type of poisoning is very dangerous, so you shouldn't treat it yourself !!!

Food Poisoning Symptoms

The first signs of food poisoning appear within 2-6 hours after eating.

Symptoms of food poisoning include:

  • pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • pale green complexion.

If the correct first aid measures are taken, improvement in health should occur within a few hours. Although, some symptoms, such as -, and general weakness, can accompany the patient for several more days.

The final recovery of the body occurs within 1-3 days.

Complications of food poisoning

Do not let poisoning take its course, because it is a serious disorder of the body that can lead to:

  • changes in the level of electrolytes in the blood;
  • lethal outcome.

If there is no improvement after first aid, then an urgent need to consult a doctor !!!

Food poisoning can be caused by foods and beverages that contain harmful microorganisms. They can be found both in food and on it, for example, if food is taken with unwashed hands and then consumed.

As statistics show, poisoning is most often caused by:

  • unwashed vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries;
  • raw water;
  • milk, spoiled dairy products;
  • spoiled meat, eggs, fish;
  • products that have not been sufficiently heat-treated;
  • food that has been stored for a long time in the refrigerator or at room temperature.
  • poisonous mushrooms, berries and other plants;
  • chemicals on the products with which they are processed for better preservation, or giving a presentation.

Also, non-compliance can cause food poisoning.

Diagnosis of food poisoning

To make a diagnosis, the doctor collects a detailed anamnesis:

  • interviews the patient;
  • measures body temperature and pulse;
  • conducts a general examination for the presence and palpation of the abdomen.

Tests are also prescribed:

  • laboratory examination of feces;

In rare cases, the following diagnostic procedures may be prescribed:

  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • fluoroscopy.

In case of mass food poisoning, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SES) conducts a study of products that could cause poisoning.

Treatment of food poisoning includes taking first aid for food poisoning, restoring the body, and following certain nutritional rules (diet) after all the measures taken.

First aid for food poisoning

1. Gastric lavage

When the first symptoms of food poisoning appear, it is necessary to urgently rinse the stomach. This is done to remove any junk food residue.

A weak solution of potassium permanganate or is excellent for washing. To prepare the product: pour literally a few grains of potassium permanganate (until light pink) or 1 tbsp into 2 liters of room temperature water. a spoonful of soda.

Drink this solution and induce vomiting by pressing 2 fingers on the root of the tongue. Repeat the procedure until clear water comes out.

Important! If the victim of poisoning is a child under 2 years old, a person after a stroke or heart attack, in a very weakened or delusional state, a person is unconscious, then it is strictly forbidden to induce vomiting at home! Such patients may choke on vomit. In this case, only medical workers under their supervision can cause vomiting !!!

2. Removal of toxins from the body

After washing the stomach, sorbents are taken to remove toxins from the body.

Among other sorbents, one can single out - coal, which we often recognize under the names: "Activated carbon" or "White coal".

These drugs reduce the absorption of harmful substances in the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the elimination of not only toxins from it, but also salts of heavy metals, alkaloids and other harmful substances.

When taking activated carbon, proceed from the calculation: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. "White coal" is taken in 2-4 tablets, depending on the severity of the poisoning.

2. Replenishment of fluid lost by the body

After washing the stomach and taking a sorbent, to replenish the loss of fluid in the body (after vomiting and diarrhea), you need to drink plenty of fluids.

Drink 2-3 liters of boiled liquid a day. Alternate salt solution (add 1 teaspoon of table salt to 1 liter of boiled water), sweet weak tea and chamomile decoction.

Drinking plenty of fluids not only restores water balance, but also helps a person to keep warm and also reduces pain.

3. Other activities

Warming. Often, when food poisoning occurs, a person develops. In this case, it needs to be warmed up. To keep the patient warm, cover the patient with a blanket and put a heating pad on the patient's legs.

Diet. After first aid and treatment of poisoning, a gentle diet is prescribed, which contributes to the fastest resumption of the functionality of the digestive system. We will look at the diet in this article a little later.

4. Medicines for food poisoning:

To restore water balance. They are used after gastric lavage to prevent dehydration of the body: "", "Oralit", "Chlorazol", "Litrozole" and others.

To restore intestinal microflora. Applied after gastric lavage: "Hilak Forte", "Linex", "Mezim" and others;

Antipyretic drugs. They are used if the body temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees: "", "", etc.

Antibiotics are used only in severe cases of poisoning and are prescribed only by the attending physician.

See your doctor immediately if:

  • symptoms of poisoning persist for 3 or more days;
  • the course of poisoning becomes more severe;
  • there are pain in the kidneys, liver or other internal organs, as well as prolonged abdominal cramps;
  • holds on;
  • there is increased sweating and a feeling of suffocation;
  • a child or an elderly person is poisoned;
  • there is a suspicion of poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, berries or fish.

After food poisoning (Diet for food poisoning)

Diet is an integral part of the treatment for food poisoning.

In the first days, after poisoning, it is necessary to give up fatty, spicy and heavy food, milk and dairy products, alcohol and other bad habits.

Eat small meals. Steam or boil dishes. Drink a lot and gradually return to your diet.

For a complete recovery of the body, after food poisoning, follow some nutritional rules:

  • the first day, when the symptoms of poisoning have disappeared, stick to bed rest and just drink - boiled water, weak green tea, broth, tea from (warm, you can sweeten a little);
  • on the second day, food should be light, boiled and chopped as much as possible. Start eating with cereals and broths - oatmeal, rice porridge (on water). Cook vegetable or chicken broths. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids;
  • on the third and fourth day you can eat mashed potatoes, rice, lean fish fillets (steamed).

Folk remedies for food poisoning

Treatment of food poisoning with folk remedies is permissible only with a mild course and only after the consultation and permission of a doctor.

Dill. Pour 1 teaspoon of seeds with 1.5 cups of boiling water and let them brew for about 5 minutes. Now boil the infusion for a couple of minutes, strain, let it cool slightly, and when the product is warm, add 1 teaspoon of honey to it. Take the resulting product instead of tea, throughout the day. The daily rate is 1 liter.

Cinnamon. Pour ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon with 1 cup boiling water and mix thoroughly. Let the product infuse for 15-20 minutes, then strain. Drink this broth in small sips throughout the day. The daily rate is 1.5 liters.

Wormwood and Yarrow. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over 1 teaspoon dried and 1 teaspoon. Let them steep for about 20 minutes, then strain. Divide the resulting product into 5 servings that you need to drink during the day.

Marshmallow root. Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped ½ cup boiling water. Let the product stand for about 30 minutes, strain and add to it (to taste). Drink the resulting infusion 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Marshmallow flowers and leaves. 2 tbsp. pour 2 cups of boiling water over spoons of marshmallow flowers and leaves. Leave to infuse for 3-4 hours, then drink instead of tea 3 times a day.

To prevent, or at least minimize the risk of food poisoning, adhere to the following preventive rules:

Try to purchase and consume less frozen convenience foods - pizza, cutlets, fish sticks, etc.

Do not buy or eat fish that are shriveled or fish with white gills.

If you are allergic to certain foods, keep them in mind.

In the summer, when it's hot outside, do not buy or eat sweets with creamy, dairy filling - cakes, rolls, eclairs, etc.

Do not consume under-the-counter alcohol, as well as cheap wines, low alcohol drinks, energy drinks, etc. Better yet, do not consume alcoholic beverages in any form at all. this drink is of no benefit to a person, except for medicinal purposes, for example, red wine to increase hemoglobin levels, etc.

Change your washcloth and tea towel frequently, and keep your kitchen clean.

Which doctor to contact in case of poisoning:

Food poisoning. Video

Food poisoning has clear symptoms, resulting from the consumption of food or liquids containing food toxins, viruses, microorganisms or their waste products.

Food poisoning is not contagious. However, the mass illness of people who participated in a joint meal is a typical symptom of food poisoning.

Causes of food poisoning

Poisoning occurs when two types of toxic agents enter the body.
1 group. Infections caused by protozoa, viruses or microbes. These include E. coli, staphylococci, salmonella, botulins and listerins, shigella (dysentery), rota and enteroviruses.
Food prepared by a person infected with microorganisms becomes a source of disease.
Group 2. Toxic poisoning caused by ingestion of inedible fungi, plants, poison, heavy metals or chemical toxins contained in food. For example, toxic dyes, preservatives; fertilizers or salts of heavy metals trapped in vegetables or fruits growing in ecologically polluted regions.

How to recognize food intoxication?

What are the signs of food poisoning?

Poisoning manifests itself suddenly, the state of health sharply worsens from normal to requiring medical intervention. The first signs can appear half an hour after the ingestion of a harmful toxin. The average time for manifestation of food poisoning is 2-5 hours. Some toxins are stored in the body for up to a week, but this is a rare exception.

1 group of symptoms of food poisoning

The body is trying to get rid of the harmful substance. During this period, the gastrointestinal tract, affected by toxins, tries to get rid of spoiled food on its own.
In the first period of the development of the disease, the symptoms of food poisoning are as follows:

  • Vomit. First, the stomach gets rid of all the food in it. Desires continue even when the stomach is already empty, vomiting of gastric juice or painful desires begins. Drinking any liquid, food, or medicine will induce vomiting. During this period, rapid gastric lavage can stop the disease.
  • Diarrhea. The intestines, like the stomach, are rapidly emptied. First, the entire contents of the intestine are released, followed by a liquid greenish stool with a pungent odor.

Any ingestion of food, liquids, or drugs will cause fulminant bowel movements.
The adsorbents and drugs taken at this stage are hardly retained in the body.
The gastrointestinal tract is inflamed, which manifests itself in a number of typical symptoms:

  • painful abdominal cramps and excruciating colic - difficult to be upright;
  • nausea - any food and drink, except water, causes acute disgust;
  • increased salivation.

2 group of symptoms of food poisoning

Intoxication of the body. During this period, pathogenic toxins enter the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract, and a general deterioration begins. Intoxication occurs almost immediately after the manifestation of damage to the stomach and intestines and manifests itself as follows:

  • weakness, lethargy - with food poisoning, bed rest is immediately required, since the patient is not able to be on his feet;
  • temperature rise - depends on the toxic agent, the temperature rises to 37-39 C.
  • chills - the patient will need warm clothes and a blanket, since he is freezing all the time;
  • pain - due to blood intoxication, the painful toxin spreads throughout the body, and widespread severe pain occurs. The head, muscles, joints hurt.

During this period, the body's defense mechanisms are turned on. When the above signs of food poisoning appear, intensive treatment should be initiated under the supervision of a physician. Intoxication with botulinum or shigella derivatives can be fatal.

Poisoning is especially dangerous for the elderly; children - they have a weak protective reaction of the body to toxins; pregnant women - poisoning in some cases leads to the production of oxytocin, a sharp contraction of the uterus, a possible miscarriage.

3 group of signs of food poisoning

Dehydration of the body. It occurs as a result of vomiting and diarrhea, which deprive the body of fluid. A dangerous symptom that, against the background of intoxication, can lead to death.
For example, in a small child, the loss of 500 ml of fluid is deadly. Self-medication at this stage is unacceptable. If you have not consulted a doctor yet, you need to do it immediately. Fluid loss can be replenished by intravenous fluids and nutrient solutions.

Symptoms of dehydration.

  • Thirst - at the same time, any liquids, except water, cause disgust, and drinking provokes vomiting or diarrhea. Drinking is necessary, as some moisture will remain in the body and help fight poisoning. With severe weakness, the patient is forced to drink - usually this applies to children.
  • Decreased urination - there is no urination against the background of diarrhea.
  • Palpitations are frequent and weak - dehydration leads to thickening of the blood, which in some diseases threatens with thrombus formation. Blood pressure drops significantly.
  • Severe weakness - as the patient loses moisture, the patient weakens so much that he can hardly move and even talk.
  • Dryness of the skin and mucous membranes - the lips dry out, even the inner surface of the mouth does not seem wet. In adults, wrinkles appear sharply, dehydrated skin "sags", loses its elasticity and smoothness.

At the stage of loss of a large amount of physiological fluid, food poisoning: symptoms and treatment should be under the supervision of a physician.

4 group of symptoms of food poisoning

Damage to the central nervous system.
Some toxic agents affect the nervous system. Damage to nerve cells is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • hallucinations;
  • rave;
  • paralysis of the muscles of the larynx - without lightning-fast assistance, the patient suffocates, since the respiratory muscles do not work;
  • paralysis of the muscles of the face, body;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • paralysis of the eye muscles - leads to visual dysfunction;
  • coma.

Poisoning caused by Clostridium botulinum (botulism) damages the central nervous system. Symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea are absent in botulism. After the incubation period (several hours - 2 days), weakness and headache occur. Then the damage to the nervous system manifests itself:

  • visual impairment;
  • damage to the facial muscles - the face turns into a frozen mask with smooth nasolabial folds - this is a typical sign of botulinum damage;
  • paralysis of the muscles of the pharynx and palate - the patient cannot swallow, breathe - it is suffocation that most often leads to death.

The main causes of food intoxication

Subsequently, the patient can determine exactly what food caused the poisoning. Food contaminated with microorganisms may have a normal appearance and smell, it is just that the toxic agents inside have not yet begun to multiply.

There are a number of foods that should be treated with caution, especially on hot days:

  • milk products;
  • raw and not fully cooked eggs;
  • dishes with raw, not fried fish or meat;
  • cream cakes, pastries;
  • homemade preparations;
  • salads dressed with mayonnaise;
  • all perishable foods (especially cottage cheese, sausages, salads);
  • products in packaging, the integrity of which is violated.

In case of food poisoning, the earlier treatment is started, the faster the patient's well-being will improve. With the rapid adoption of measures for infectious poisoning, improvement in the condition may occur several hours after the onset of the disease. Treatment is best done under medical supervision.
Be sure to call a doctor if an elderly person, child or pregnant woman is sick.
Toxic poisoning in most cases is treated only in a hospital.

Food poisoning is a fairly common pathological condition. If treated incorrectly, it can lead to serious and dangerous consequences. This disease is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women.... In this article, we examined in detail the symptoms of food poisoning, first aid rules, situations in which you should urgently go to the hospital.

What can provoke food poisoning

There are many reasons why acute food poisoning can develop. Any product that is improperly prepared or stored can be hazardous. for the human body. The following are the main causes and risk factors for the development of food intoxication in humans:

  • Eating foods that are past their expiration date. In expired food, putrefactive bacteria begin to multiply, which are capable of producing toxins that cause intoxication syndrome.
  • Poisoning with meat and foods contaminated with bacteria that cause intestinal infections in humans, such as salmonellosis, dysentery. Dairy and meat products are especially dangerous.
  • Improper and insufficient heat treatment of meat, fish and eggs can cause poisoning. Most of the dangerous microorganisms in these products are killed by prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
  • Storing food at the wrong temperature. Perishable food should only be kept in the refrigerator.
  • Eating poor-quality or poisonous mushrooms. Fungal poisoning is a particularly dangerous and serious condition.
  • Poisoning with canned food develops when they are infected with botulism. If the canned food is swollen, there is a coating on the surface of the food, it is prohibited to use them. Botulism is an infection that affects the food and nervous systems. It can only develop in an oxygen-deprived environment. Rolled up canned food is an ideal medium for the growth of botulism.
  • Re-freezing food. All food can only be frozen once.... When defrosting and re-placing in the freezer, food becomes dangerous, proteins are destroyed in it, toxins and pathogenic microorganisms are formed.
  • Poor washing of food or hands before eating or preparing food. Also, poisoning can develop when eating food from dirty dishes.
  • Cooking food by people who are carriers of intestinal infections. They contaminate food with poorly washed hands after using the restroom. It is for this reason that mass poisoning can occur after visiting catering establishments.

The clinical picture of food poisoning

Signs of food poisoning develop within the first 6 hours after ingestion of low-quality food or food contaminated with intestinal infection
... Symptoms of poisoning from chicken, meat and other foods are on the rise. With severe intoxication, the patient's condition may worsen for half an hour.

The table below describes in detail the main signs of food poisoning, their main features.

Symptoms of food poisoningDescription and characteristics of symptoms
HeadacheIt develops against the background of intoxication. A person may develop a dull aching pain in the head, accompanied by general weakness, dizziness. The skin becomes pale.
Abdominal painThe pain can be localized around the entire perimeter of the abdomen or in some specific area of ​​it. So, with damage to the gastric mucosa, it is more pronounced in the epigastrium, with inflammation of the pancreas, the pain is girdle in nature. In the case of cholecystitis or hepatitis, the pain syndrome is localized in the right hypochondrium.

Also, in acute poisoning, intestinal colic can develop - these are painful spasms that occur along the entire perimeter of the intestine.

Nausea and vomitingVery rarely, poisoning proceeds without vomiting. This symptom is a protective reaction of the body, which is aimed at cleansing the body of poor-quality toxic food.

Vomit may consist of food debris. Vomiting of gastric juice and bile is characteristic of severe intoxication, pancreatic lesions.

After vomiting, the nausea subsides for a while, the patient becomes easier.

In case of poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, vomiting can be of central origin, occur as a result of irritation with toxins of the vomiting center, which is located in the brain. Such vomiting does not bring relief, and most often it develops without nausea.

DiarrheaDiarrhea with food poisoning can be repeated, frequent and profuse. With salmonellosis, feces foam and have a green tint. In the case of dysentery, inclusions of mucus and blood streaks can be seen in the stool.

Diarrhea is often accompanied by abdominal cramps and the passage of large amounts of intestinal gas

HyperthermiaBody temperature with intestinal infection can rise to 39 degrees. Also, hyperthermia is characteristic of some complications of intestinal poisoning (gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis).

Light poisoning can occur at normal, unchanged body temperature.

TachycardiaWith severe poisoning and severe dehydration, an increase in heart rate develops. Heart rate can exceed 120 bpm.

There is a relationship between pulse rate and hyperthermia. With an increase in body temperature by 1 degree, the heart begins to contract by 10 beats / min. faster.

Breathing disorderThe sick person begins to breathe more frequently and shallowly. Such changes are caused by intoxication syndrome. Dyspnea of ​​a mixed nature may develop.
Change in consciousnessWith severe intoxication or with mushroom poisoning, a disturbance of consciousness may occur. The patient may become drowsy, lethargic, lethargic. In the absence of timely assistance, he can load into a stupor or coma. It is also possible to experience hallucinations and seizures similar to an epileptic seizure.

Description and manifestation of possible complications of food poisoning

Food poisoning can lead to severe complications from the internal organs. The risk of developing them is reduced if there is a minimal time interval between the onset of the first symptoms and treatment.

List of pathological conditions that can complicate food poisoning, presented below:

  • Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining that can be triggered by toxins and bacteria that come in with spoiled food. With gastritis, heartburn, vomiting, pain in the stomach, belching develops. The body temperature may rise.
  • Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Especially often this complication develops with the abuse of fatty foods, alcohol. Acute pancreatitis is treated only by surgery. It is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature, the appearance of girdle pain in the abdomen and purple spots around the navel.
  • Acetonemic syndrome - an increase in the level of ketone bodies in the blood. This condition develops mainly in children under 10-12 years of age. A characteristic symptom is the appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth and from the urine of the child. The atytonemic syndrome is accompanied by damage to the pancreas.
  • Infectious toxic shock is a critical condition that occurs against the background of severe intoxication and severe dehydration. The patient's blood pressure drops sharply, shortness of breath, tachycardia occurs, consciousness may be impaired.
  • Acute renal failure can develop with the ingestion of poisonous mushrooms. It is characterized by the development of anuria (lack of urine) and edema throughout the body. The patient develops an unpleasant odor from the mouth, the skin may turn yellow.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding most often occurs with poisoning in people who have peptic ulcer disease or chronic gastritis. Profuse vomiting and toxins can disrupt the integrity of the vessel in the submucous ball of the stomach or duodenum. Internal bleeding is characterized by the appearance of black vomiting and diarrhea., pallor of the skin, tachycardia, lowering blood pressure, hypothermia.
  • Disruption of the work of the liver or gallbladder is manifested by pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, yellowness of the skin, temperature.

The basics of first aid before the arrival of doctors

When the first symptoms of food poisoning develop emergency medical attention should be called immediately... By phone, inform the dispatcher of the patient's symptoms, name your exact location.

Remember that if there is no way to call a doctor at home, you need to urgently go to the hospital yourself. It is very dangerous to self-medicate poisoning. Only an experienced doctor can accurately diagnose and prescribe the correct, effective treatment, so you should turn to him for help as soon as possible.

Immediately after calling the doctors, you need to start providing self-help.
... It can help relieve intoxication, remove some of the toxins. In the case of severe poisoning, the prognosis of the survivor's survival depends on first aid.

The main components of first aid are listed below.

Gastric lavage

Cleansing the stomach should be done as quickly as possible. after the first clinical signs of food poisoning appear. This procedure helps to stop the increase in intoxication and to remove the remnants of spoiled food, the toxins of which have not yet entered the bloodstream.

For self-cleaning of the stomach at home, you should drink in one gulp a liter of ordinary clean water of neutral temperature. Then you need to provoke an emetic urge. This can be done in the "folk" way by pressing your two fingers on the back of the tongue. In order to completely flush the gastric cavity, you need to repeat this procedure several times.

Remember that gastric lavage is strictly prohibited with the development of dark vomiting, impaired consciousness of the patient.

Previously, it was believed that cleansing the stomach is best done on the basis of a solution of potassium permanganate. According to the latest research, it is the substance is ineffective and dangerous, can cause burns to the gastric mucosa and esophagus.

Colon cleansing with an enema

Enema is carried out on the basis of plain water. It is done to clean intestinal waters. The temperature of the water for rinsing should be room temperature. The use of cold or warm water for an enema is prohibited.

Colon cleansing is an effective method for quickly removing toxins from the body. and pathogenic microorganisms that provoked poisoning.

Drinking plenty of fluids

After washing the patient's stomach, it is necessary to begin to solder with plain or mineral water without gases. You need to drink a little and often, sip every 5 minutes... This is necessary to prevent new vomiting attacks, which at this stage of the provision of assistance will only worsen the person's condition and increase dehydration.


With food poisoning any sorbents can be taken, for example polysorb, activated carbon, enterosgel, smectu, atoxil. Preparations of this group quickly cleanse the intestines of toxins and pathogenic bacteria. They also reduce the severity of diarrhea, thereby preventing the loss of fluid in the body and the development of infectious-toxic shock.

Before taking any sorbents, you should check their expiration date and read the dosage calculation rules in the instructions.

What to do with the onset of gastrointestinal bleeding

If the patient develops black or bloody vomiting, dark stools (melena), he should be sent to bed, put an ice pack on the stomach area.

Remember that if you suspect the development of gastrointestinal bleeding, it is forbidden for the patient to give any liquid or medication to drink. Doing so can exacerbate damage to the vascular wall and increase the amount of blood lost.

Actions in case of loss of consciousness

In case of impaired consciousness, the patient should be placed on a flat surface. He needs to raise his legs up, and turn his head to one side. Before the doctors arrive, the presence of pulse and respiration should be constantly checked, in their absence - immediately begin to conduct a closed chest compressions.

Medical treatment

Ambulance doctors will conduct a quick examination of the patient and begin to treat the poisoning. First aid consists of:

  • droppers to help relieve dehydration;
  • drugs to eliminate nausea, abdominal pain;
  • improving the functionality of the heart and regulation of pressure, respiratory rate.

After stabilizing the patient's condition, he is immediately taken to the hospital (to the infection department or to the intensive care unit). There he is provided with qualified medical care, further treatment is prescribed. Also, in parallel with therapy, an examination is carried out, which helps to determine the cause of the disease, diagnose and choose the right treatment.

The length of stay in the hospital depends on the severity of the patient's condition. and his response to treatment. Only mild poisoning can be quickly cured, in which a person began to receive treatment in a timely manner and consulted a doctor.

Hospital treatment consists of:

  • bed rest;
  • diet;
  • drinking regime;
  • droppers;
  • antibiotics (for intestinal infections);
  • the introduction of anti-botulinum serum (with laboratory confirmation of botulism);
  • enzymes;
  • antispasmodics;
  • sorbents;
  • hemodialysis - in case of intoxication with poisonous mushrooms;
  • treatment of complications of poisoning.

After poisoning, a diet and drug therapy are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at restoring the digestive system. In this period showing enzymes, probiotics, hepatoprotectors... After being discharged from the hospital, the doctor gives the patient recommendations on nutrition and regimen, can prescribe medications, and name the date of the control visit.

Treatment of poisoning in adults at home

How to treat food poisoning at home? Diet and medications are prescribed by a family or local therapist. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.... All medications must be agreed with the doctor.

The main components of home treatment are listed below.

Bed rest

During the treatment of poisoning the patient needs complete rest... You cannot go to school, work, do household chores or sports.

You should lie in a well-ventilated area. Wet cleaning in it should be carried out every day.

Diet and Drink

Diet nutrition is the basis of treatment... It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, and smoke. It is necessary to give up rich, smoked, fatty and spicy foods.

You need to eat a little and often. The size of a single serving should not exceed the size of the patient's palm. You can eat:

  • rice, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • lean chicken meat;
  • bananas, baked apples;
  • dried white bread and biscuit biscuits;
  • stewed or boiled vegetables.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor for an intestinal infection. Their must be taken strictly according to the scheme.


These medications are taken when abdominal pain is felt. They help to remove intestinal colic and flatulence. Antispasmodics: no-shpa, drotaverine, platifillin.


Enzymes are prescribed to regulate digestion and the work of the pancreas. They are taken with meals. Preparations: Creon, Mezim, Pancreatin.


These drugs are prescribed to restore intestinal microflora after poisoning and taking antibiotics. Preparations: linex, bifidumbacterin.

Prevention of poisoning

Continuous prevention of poisoning will help you protect yourself and loved ones from this disease. The following are guidelines to follow at all times:

  • When buying or using food products, check their production date, inspect packages for integrity. It is advisable to sniff meat and fish.
  • Purchase food products only from authorized and licensed retail outlets. Forget about spontaneous markets forever.
  • Wash your hands, dishes and food thoroughly.
  • Store food properly. Food that perishes quickly should be kept in the refrigerator.
  • Do not re-freeze meat or fish... This can lead to the growth of putrefactive bacteria in it.
  • Don't buy ready-made meals. It's best not to be lazy and cook your own food. This is the only way you will know what, how and in what conditions it is made.

Food poisoning in adults can occur for a variety of reasons. Its treatment should be taken seriously. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, call an ambulance. While the doctors are traveling, flush the diseased intestines and stomach, give a drink of water and sorbents. Light poisoning can be treated at home after diet and medication are prescribed by your doctor. Do not self-medicate. Take care of your health.