Methodical work stand at dhow. Requirement for registration of a methodological office of a preschool educational institution

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The center of all the pedagogical work of the kindergarten is the methodical cabinet-piggy bank of the traditions of the preschool institution. All of its content should be aimed at helping educators in organizing the educational process, improving pedagogical skills, interacting with parents and simply in everyday activities: preparing for a working day, pedagogical advice, etc.

  • Block of analytical and diagnostic support of activities
  • (analysis of classes, events, activities; development of guidelines, experimental work; diagnostics);
  • Block for improving pedagogical skills
  • (certification, advanced training, master classes, individual counseling);
  • Program-methodical block
  • (updating the content, creating educational programs different types, expertise of copyright teaching materials);
  • Information block
  • (generalization and dissemination of experience, publication of teaching aids, creation of didactic and methodological materials, creation of a video library).

The manuals of the methodological office of the preschool educational institution are a complex :

  1. Methodical (printed and handwritten).
  2. Visual (natural and visual).
  3. Technical (screen and sound, computer) teaching aids in kindergarten.

Based on this, the methodological office is designed to provide:

  • Building educational process based on the priority of universal human values; human life and health, free development of personality; education of citizenship, industriousness, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, homeland, family;
  • Adaptation of the preschool educational institution to the social order and the peculiarities of the development of pupils;
  • Effective and prompt informing of teachers about new methods, technologies, organization and diagnosis of the educational process;
  • Interaction with the structures of the methodological service, parents (legal representatives) of pupils, sociocultural and educational institutions district, city.

Thematic sections of the materials of the methodological office of the preschool educational institution:

- teacher's portfolio;
- methodical and reference literature;
- teaching materials and recommendations;
- Exhibitions;
- documentation on the content of the work of the preschool educational institution;
- children's fiction;
- photographic material;
- video material;
- educational videotapes;
- visual material.

Let's take a look at some of them.

In the methodological office there are duplicates of individual regulatory documents, concerning educational and educational work with children:

  • Family Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Labor Code;
  • the federal law dated 24.07.1998 No. 123-FZ "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in Russian Federation”;
  • Law of the Russian Federation of 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2005 No. 178 “On ensuring the implementation of the set of measures for the implementation of priority areas for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2010”;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 14, 2000 No. 65 / 23-16 “O hygiene requirements to the maximum load on children preschool age in organized forms of education ”;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 26, 1999 No. 109 / 23-16 “On the introduction of psychological and pedagogical expertise and criteria for evaluating children's games and toys”;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 07.04.1999 No. 70 / 23-16 “On the practice of diagnosing child development in the preschool education system”;
  • Instructive and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03.24.1995 No. 42 / 19-15 “On the software and methodological support of preschool education - in the context of development pedagogy”;
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, entered into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990);
  • Preschool education concept;
  • Documents on preparing children for school and continuity in working with school, etc.

All employees of the preschool institution must be familiar with all these documents. Each educator has the opportunity to clarify the questions of interest to him in these documents, to use them in his work.

Methodological and reference literature is widely presented. The central place is occupied by books and articles about the profession of the educator “Teacher: profession and personality”. Periodicals take an important place.

Special methodological literature is divided into sections of a comprehensive program and partial programs selected to ensure a holistic educational and educational process:

  • Game activity;
  • Physical culture and health work;
  • Education of cultural and hygienic skills;
  • Sensory education;
  • Child and the world;
  • Development of speech;
  • Formation of elementary mathematical concepts;
  • Moral education;
  • Labor education;
  • Fiction;
  • Artistic and aesthetic education;
  • Acquaintance with art;
  • Aesthetic developmental environment;
  • Visual activity;
  • Construction;
  • Manual labor;
  • Musical education;
  • Cultural and leisure activities;
  • Children early age;
  • Materials for preparing preschoolers for school and for the continuity of kindergarten and school;
  • Interaction with parents;
  • The child and his rights;
  • Ensuring safety and life.

Evaluation of certain achievements (results) of activities, a report on the organization of the educational process can be traced through the teacher's portfolio.

It is advisable to keep a portfolio in several sections.

Section 1. General information about the teacher.

  • Surname, name, patronymic, year of birth.
  • Education (what and when he graduated, specialty and diploma qualification).
  • Labor and teaching experience, work experience in this preschool educational institution.
  • Professional development (name of the structure, year, month, course topics).
  • Copies of documents confirming the availability of scientists and honorary titles and degrees.
  • The most significant government awards, certificates, letters of thanks.
  • Diplomas of various competitions.
  • Other documents.

This section allows you to evaluate the process of individual development of the teacher.

Section 2. The results of teaching activities.

  • Comparative analysis of the teacher's activities over 3 years based on:

- sections of ZUN, value relationships of children;
- creative works of children;
- abstracts of the types of activities most successfully organized by the teacher.

  • Feedback from parents about the activities of the teacher.
  • Photos on the organization of the environment and the life of the pupils.

Section 3. Scientific and methodological activity.

  • The list of consultations for teachers (for 2 years).
  • Copies of publications.
  • Participation in professional and pedagogical competitions (materials).
  • Summaries of the organization of activities of children at the level of the master class.
  • Preparing a creative report on their teaching activities with photographs.

Section 4. Creative findings of the teacher.

  • List of creative works, projects, abstracts carried out by the teacher.
  • Programs, scenarios of events in the collective of the preschool educational institution.
  • Interaction with parents.

Section 5. Creation of a subject-spatial environment in a children's team.

  • Description of "islands", "corners", group rooms that characterize activity, accessibility of the environment.
  • Photos of the methodical office, the organization of the pupils' activities.

The portfolio is designed with a title page and expanded design with the indication of pages.

In the methodological office, permanent and episodic Exhibitions.

Permanent are such as “Best Practices - School of Mastery”, “Novelties of Pedagogical Literature”, “Introducing Children to Nature”, “Attestation of Teachers”, “Materials for Shows-Competitions”, “Significant Dates of Our Country”, etc.

All the material in the methodological office is intended for teachers. It is important for us not only to select and correctly place the material, but also to take it into account and analyze how teachers use it in their work. For this, a journal for issuing methodological aids (free form) is used, which is maintained by a senior educator. A questionnaire has been developed for the same purpose. The survey is conducted with educators at the end of the school year. All their wishes for organizing the work of the methodological office, its content are taken into account in the new academic year.

Questionnaire for teachers

  1. How often do you use the materials?
  • Often;
  • Seldom;
  • Do not use.
  • Is the literature (visual aids) conveniently located, in your opinion?
      • Difficult to find right away;
      • Comfortable.
    1. What sections do you use more often?
    2. What material, in your opinion, can be added to the existing one?

    The organization of methodological work in our institution provides for the formation and development of professional qualities teachers, creating conditions for their professional growth and improving pedagogical skills, improving the creative potential of each teacher, aimed at the optimal formation and development of the child's personality.

    Memo on creating and improving the work of the methodological office of the preschool educational institution

    A task: providing effective assistance to educators in organizing the pedagogical process, in improving pedagogical skills and organizing self-education.

    4 blocks:

    1. Analytical and diagnostic support of activities ( analysis of classes, events, activities; development guidelines, experimental work; diagnostics);

    2. Improving pedagogical skills(certification, advanced training, master classes, individual counseling);

    3. Program-methodical(updating the content, creating educational programs of various types, examination of copyright teaching materials.

    4. Informational(generalization and dissemination of experience, publication of teaching aids, creation of didactic and methodological material, creation of a video library).

    Methodical office DOU-complex

    • Methodical
    • (printed and handwritten),
    • Visual
    • (natural and fine),
    • Technical
    • (screen and sound, computer) teaching aids in kindergarten.

    When creating, equipping and organizing a methodological office, it is recommended to rely on the following principles:

    • The equipment of the office must be simple and rational, must ensure a high level of the educational process;
    • The design of the office must comply with generally accepted aesthetic requirements;
    • The main equipment of the office is educational literature, sets of visual and systematized materials, audio and video recordings, filmstrips and transparencies, didactic materials.

    Thus, the methodological office of the preschool educational institution is a kind of analogue of the subject-developing environment of the kindergarten, aimed at improving the quality of the professional activity of teachers of the methodological service as a whole.

    The work plan of the methodological office for the 2008-2009 academic year.

    The work of the methodological office is based on 4 blocks:

    • Block of analytical and diagnostic support of activities.
    • Block for improving pedagogical skills.
    • Program-methodical block.
    • Information block.

    Analytical and diagnostic support unit

    1. Monitoring the quality of education and upbringing in kindergarten.
    2. Diagnostics of knowledge, skills and abilities of children, according to the educational program.
    3. Monitoring the physical condition and fitness of preschoolers.
    4. Open views of classes with their subsequent analysis and conclusions about the result of the pedagogical activity of each specialist and educator.
    5. Training in diagnostic methods on various issues.
    6. Organization of administrative control by introducing new forms: cutting knowledge and skills, skills, regulation of correction, etc.
    7. Diagnostics of mental processes. Examination of children of the preparatory group.

    Block for improving pedagogical skills

    1. Develop a work plan for the certification of educators and specialists:
    • Individual topics for each student;
    • Solving collective issues of attestation;
    • A long-term work plan for the preparation of certification in the coming years.
  • Training of teachers in the course of certification.
  • Round table: “Social development of preschool children”; “Implementation of traditional teaching methods”; "Diagnostic map of opportunities and difficulties of educators and specialists"; “Respect for the rights of the child in the educational environment”; "How can you interact with your parents?"
  • Creation of creative groups based on the topics of teachers' councils. Plan meetings of creative groups, their topics.
  • Experimental work on GOMP.
  • Meeting of the clubs: “Safety Island”; “Family hearth”.
  • Work on self-education of educators and specialists.
  • Main directions:

    • Consulting and guidelines for the development of the topic;
    • Creation of conditions for the work of a teacher in self-education;
    • Help in registering the results of self-education;
    • Assessment of the teacher's work on self-education when attending classes and other forms of the educational process.

    Program-methodical block

    1. Generalization of experience in environmental education
    2. Development of a legal education program.
    3. Drawing up a work plan with young specialists.
    4. Agreement on a work plan for succession.

    Information block

    1. Making corners for patriotic education.
    2. Issue of the newspaper "Window to the Children's World".
    3. Keeping a card index in the methodical office.
    4. Results of methodical work, reports of creative groups.
    5. Creation of a cumulative system for assessing the achievements of a teacher - a portfolio.

    The center of all the methodological work of the preschool educational institution is the methodical office. He plays a leading role in assisting teachers in organizing the educational process, ensuring their continuous self-development, generalizing advanced pedagogical experience, increasing the competence of parents in raising and teaching children. Methodical office is a piggy bank of the best traditions preschool.



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    Slide captions:

    Requirements for the design of a methodological office. Regulatory framework for the methodological office of a preschool educational institution (in the context of the federal state educational standard for preschool educational institutions) Prepared by the senior educator of MBDOU "Kindergarten" Vishenka "s. Red "Dubina V.A.

    Methodical room A place for communication of teachers of a preschool educational organization

    Functions of the methodological office Interaction of teachers with each other; Informing teachers; Methodological support Storage of didactic material

    Methodical and didactic material is completed in accordance with: Federal State educational standard preschool education; exemplary basic educational programs, adapted programs, partial programs, methods; group orientation; the duration of the stay of children in the preschool educational institution.

    Requirements for the content of the methodological office 1. The equipment of the methodological office should be rational and provide high level educational process; 2. The design of the methodical office must comply with generally accepted aesthetic requirements. 3. The main equipment of the office is educational and methodological literature, sets of visual and systematized materials, audio and video recordings, multimedia presentations in accordance with educational areas FSES DO, didactic materials.

    Classification of materials of the methodological office a) regulatory and legal documentation b) basic methodological documentation c) "Scientific and methodological support of the educational and educational process d) visual and illustrative material (demonstration and handout) e) pedagogical and children's literature, periodicals e) exhibitions

    All documentation is divided into blocks: Block: Regulatory and legal documentation (federal, regional, municipal legal documents and documents regulating activities of preschool educational institutions) Block: Basic methodological documentation Block: "Scientific and methodological support of the educational process Block:" Work with personnel "Block:" Control and guidance "Block:" Interaction with the families of pupils, sponsors, the public "Block:" Continuity in the work of children kindergarten and school "

    Regulatory legal documents regulating the organization of preschool education in the Russian Federation are structured in several directions: 1. Federal documents documents Laws, programs of the Russian Federation, government decrees 2. Regional documents 3. Municipal documents 4. Documents of the educational organization (local acts regulating the educational activities of preschool educational institutions)

    The main methodological documentation is based on the nomenclature of cases of the methodological cabinet; The nomenclature of cases of the methodological cabinet; Materials for the certification of teaching staff; Annual work plan of the preschool educational institution; Materials and minutes of teachers' councils; - Passport of the methodical office; - Work plan of the senior educator for the year, cyclogram, (cyclograms of specialists); - Journal of minutes of seminars, workshops, materials of seminars; - Materials of consultations, open classes, week of "Pedagogical skills"; - Materials for monitoring the development of OOP and the development of integrative qualities in children; - Meeting materials, PMPC documentation; - Materials of operational, thematic and final control;

    The main methodological documentation of the methodological office Materials on additional educational services (adaptation group of short-term stay - if available in a preschool educational institution); Materials of the Consultation Center (if available at the preschool educational institution); A journal, a notebook for attending classes (recommendations and their implementation), schemes for observing the activities of teachers, questionnaires. Journal of checking plans for educational work of educators and preschool educational institutions. Materials for interaction with parents: a plan for working with parents for the academic year, materials for the protection of the rights of the child, a plan for working with families in a difficult life situation, minutes of meetings of the parent committee;

    The main methodological documentation of the methodological office Plans for the methodical (thematic) week; Orders of the head of the preschool educational institution; Instructions, protocols for conducting briefings with preschool educational institutions on protecting the life and health of children; primary instructions Materials for preparing preschoolers for school and for the continuity of the kindergarten with the school, society. Lists of materials and equipment for all premises of the preschool educational institution (in paper and electronic (disks) versions). Book of reviews about the municipal and regional events held in the preschool educational institution.

    Scientific and methodological support of the educational process The main educational program of the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard Development of preschool educational institutions Work curriculum Preschool educational institutions and curricula developed by specialists Work programs of preschool educational institutions Plan of methodical work for a month Plan of work with young specialists Work of a creative group. The minutes of the meetings of the creative group Summaries of open classes and regime moments. Long-term plans, notes, development to help educators in all sections of the education and training program for preschoolers. Advanced pedagogical experience in sections. Schedule of GCD in all age groups. Schedule additional educational services... Modes of the day (warm, cold period) Documents on the organization of summer recreational work

    Work with personnel Cyclogram of the work of preschool educational institutions. Information about the teaching staff, accounting for methodological activity. The plan for improving the theoretical level and business qualifications of teachers Cyclogram of the participation of teachers in the intercourse period in the methodological associations of the district and the preschool educational institution Maps of observations of the work of teachers. Diagnostics of teaching staff. Information about the self-education of teachers. (on an annual basis) Portfolio of teachers.

    Control and management 1. Control schedule for the year 2. Control materials:> Thematic> Operational> Frontal> Medical and pedagogical 3. Control maps> Control results (analytical information on control results, reports, service notes) 4. Pedagogical diagnostics> Diagnostic cards by program sections; > Results of diagnostics of pupils for the reporting period

    Interaction with families of pupils, sponsors, the public Plan of work with families of pupils for the year. Work plan with social partners of the preschool educational institution, the public. Monitoring of families of pupils. Plan of work with a dysfunctional family (if any) Forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family (materials on organizing general parent meetings, lectures, conversations with parents, other forms of work.) Methodological recommendations for parent meetings. Recommendations for parents on parenting

    Continuity in the work of the kindergarten and the school Agreement on cooperation between the kindergarten and the school. Regulations on interaction with the school. A plan for holding joint events between the preschool educational institution and the school. Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school (materials for joint activities). Achievement of targets by children entering school (monitoring the achievements of graduates)

    Literature: Normative base of modern preschool education: the Law on Education, Federal State Educational Standard of DO, the order of organization educational activities... - M .: Education, 2014 .-- 112s. Collection of federal normative documents for managers of a preschool educational organization / author-comp. T.V. Volosovets. - M .: OOO Russian word- textbook ", 2015. - 456 p. Internet resources.


    Organization of the work of the methodological office of the preschool educational institution

    (from the experience of MDOU №2 "Fairy Tale" senior educator Pikus Tatyana Evgenievna)

    Methodological office of a preschool educational institution is a center that provides preschool educators with the necessary information, teaching aids, educational and methodological literature. The creation, equipping and organization of the work of the methodological office is based on the following principles:

    The equipment of the office should be simple and rational, it should ensure a high level of the educational process;

    The design of the office must comply with generally accepted aesthetic requirements. The aesthetic appearance depends on the choice of furniture (sectional or wall cabinets with removable shelves, table, chairs, etc.), on the color of the walls, and on the rational placement of teaching materials.

    The main equipment of the office is educational and methodological literature, sets of visual and systematized didactic handouts, audio and video recordings, film strips and transparencies, didactic materials.

    The equipment of the office and its placement must comply with the requirements of fire protection and safety measures.

    Block of analytical and diagnostic support of activities(analysis of classes, events, activities; development of guidelines, experimental work; diagnostics);

    Block for improving pedagogical skills(certification, advanced training, master classes, individual counseling);

    Program-methodical block(updating the content, creating educational programs of various types, examining copyright teaching materials);

    Information block(generalization and dissemination of experience, publication of teaching aids, creation of didactic and methodological materials, creation of a video library).

    On the basis of the methodological office, both permanent and episodic expositions and exhibitions are held

    Permanent are such as "Best Practice - School of Mastery", "New Pedagogical Literature", "Introducing Children to Nature", "Teachers' Certification", "Materials for Shows - Competitions", "Significant Dates of Our Country""Tips for the educator", "It's interesting, read it", "Knots for memory"; problem pages: "Your opinion", "Read, think, argue", "Very Short News" (WINDOW), "With a smile and seriously", "Learning together", "Tips of the masters" - and others.. “Reflecting, delving into, arguing”, “Homework”, “A competition is announced”, “Hurry to participate”, “The dispute-platform invites”, “Change”, “Check yourself”, “Methodical piggy bank”, “Situation”, "Information", "Supernova!" - etc.

    1. Holidays and significant dates: a list of thematic literature (poems, songs, scripts, etc. for different age groups), methods (classes, conversations, etc.), evening programs, recommendations for decorating premises and for cooperation with parents.

    2. Stages of the curriculum implementation: a list of recommended literature on topics, tools and materials for its successful implementation.

    3. New items of methodological, pedagogical and other literature, periodicals: directions and recommendations for use in work, material for self-education.

    4. Advanced teaching experience:

    Educators of the preschool educational institution:

    Photo of a caregiver representing work experience;
    - basic data of his biography;
    - the main content of experience, new methods and techniques of work, ways of their implementation;
    - report presented at the teachers' council,
    - from work experience; performances at the Moscow Region;
    - children's work;
    - class notes, extracts from calendar plan work;
    - long-term plans and programs for this experience work with children;
    - statements of children;
    - questions for conversations;
    - photographs of children's activities;
    - scenarios of festive matinees and entertainment;
    - video recording of the creative report, holding open events of the educator, their results and conclusions;
    - recommendations for the use of experience by other educators.

    PPO work of educators of other preschool institutions, as well as the experience that is introduced on the pages of periodicals

    - obligatory annotation and recommendations for its use. --- analysis of experience and a note of what is interesting, new in it, what can be taken for work by educators of different groups, how to roughly distribute their work in order to implement it into practice.

    In the methodological room, a stand has been arranged for placing the necessary information for educators, on which is placed: the schedule of classes, the schedule for using the hall, information about consultations, seminars, meetings of the teachers' council and decisions made there by the educational authorities, events (courses, reviews, etc.) ...

    When systematizing training facilities, guidelines, etc. in the methodological office, their functions in the organization of the educational process are taken into account.

    For all age groups provided:

    - a sample of the daily routine in kindergarten and at home;

    - sets of exercises for morning exercises;

    Materials for teaching traffic rules (paraphernalia, educational games, pictures, filmstrips, etc.);

    Sets of various materials from which everyday items are made (wood, metal, plastic, fabric, marble, glass, etc.);

    Various subjects applied arts, figurines, paintings, illustrations for books, etc .;

    Various means to teach children about color and different shapes.

    Visual activity (familiarization with various materials, teaching simple labor techniques, manual labor);

    Academic work.

    List of labor tools for different age groups;

    Drawings of labor tools;

    Samples of objects made by children and educators;

    Reproductions of works of art (paintings, sets of postcards, etc.);

    Board and word games,

    Lesson outline diagrams;

    Children's program literature.

    Audio recordings with program pieces;

    Visual aids and toys for teaching songs and dances;

    - musical educational games;

    Baby musical instruments;

    Musical instruments.

    Programs for holding thematic matinees, holidays, entertainment evenings;

    Characters and paraphernalia for the puppet theater;

    Materials on the topic “To help the teacher in working with the family”;

    Long-term and annual plans for cooperation with the school;

    The book fund of the methodological office is systematized:

    1. Books for educators:

    Preschool education documents:

    (normative documents related to upbringing and educational work with children: Family Code of the Russian Federation; Labor Code;

    Federal Law No. 123-FZ of 24.07.1998 “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”;

    Law of the Russian Federation of 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2005 No. 178 “On ensuring the implementation of the set of measures for the implementation of priority areas for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2010”;

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 14.03.2000 No. 65 / 23-16 “On hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education”;

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 26, 1999 No. 109 / 23-16 “On the introduction of psychological and pedagogical expertise and criteria for evaluating children's games and toys”;

    Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 07.04.1999 No. 70 / 23-16 “On the practice of diagnosing child development in the preschool education system”;

    Instructive and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03.24.1995 No. 42 / 19-15 “On the software and methodological support of preschool education - in the context of development pedagogy”;

    Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, entered into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990);

    Preschool education concept;

    Documents on preparing children for school and continuity in working with school, etc.

    Preschool education program, orders and instructions, standards, circulars, etc .;

    - periodicals: newspapers, magazines, systematization of articles contained in them on the topic of preschool education;

    Reference books: dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc .;

    - educational and methodical literature.

    2. Children's literature:

    Program literature by age groups;

    Children's magazines.

    To systematize the book fund, a thematic card index was opened

    The card file provides:

    The ability to quickly and easily find the information you need;

    The possibility of systematic replenishment of the library.

    Replenishment and renewal of funds is planned in accordance with the main objectives of the academic year, based on the existing educational and material base. All the material in the methodological office is intended for teachers. It is important for us not only to select and correctly place the material, but also to take it into account and analyze how teachers use it in their work. For this, a journal for issuing methodological aids (free form) is used, which is maintained by a senior educator. A questionnaire has been developed for the same purpose. The survey is conducted with educators at the end of the school year. All their wishes for organizing the work of the methodological office, its content are taken into account in the new academic year.

    The work of the methodologist is to select from the mass of the available book fund for each teacher the literature that will provide him with the necessary assistance in preparing for the teacher's council, for the lesson, for parent meeting, for self-education or generalization of experience. For this, the methodologist compiles the appropriate annotations for articles in magazines, books, develops the necessary recommendations, memos for working with literature.

    you can involve educators to help process the available material, sort out magazines and books, choose what you need for work, make a card index with annotations, etc. Working in the teaching room will help them in the future to independently find everything they need and easily navigate in the abundance of teaching materials and books.

    the work in the study is organized in such a way that educators can sit there with a book, reflect, consult, get advice, so that each visit to the methodology room brings them new knowledge, new thoughts, and enriches their experience.

    The teaching room should become a laboratory for the creative work of educators, a friendly exchange of views and experience. The preschool institution has drawn up a work schedule for the methodological office, in which the time for issuing literature and manuals is determined. It is necessary to teach educators in advance, on the eve, to prepare for the upcoming working day. It is completely unacceptable when the teacher comes for the desired picture or handout before class. As a rule, this is an indicator that the teacher has not thought about the upcoming work.

    Methodical cabinet-piggy bank of preschool traditions. All of its content should be aimed at helping educators in organizing the educational process, improving pedagogical skills, interacting with parents and simply in everyday activities: preparing for a working day, pedagogical advice, etc.

    General principles for the design of a methodological office

    In the teaching room or outside it is recommended to arrange a stand for placing the necessary information for educators, on which you can place: the schedule of classes, the schedule for using the hall, information about consultations, seminars, meetings of the teachers' council and decisions made there by the educational authorities, events (courses, reviews, etc.).

    1. Holidays and significant dates: a list of thematic literature (poems, songs, scripts, etc. for different age groups), methods (classes, conversations, etc.), evening programs, recommendations for decorating premises and for cooperation with parents.

    2. Stages of the curriculum implementation: a list of recommended literature on topics, tools and materials for its successful implementation.

    3. New items of methodological, pedagogical and other literature, periodicals: directions and recommendations for use in work, material for self-education.

    4. Advanced pedagogical experience: articles, reports, illustrative material (photographs, diagrams, drawings).

    Corner of certification in the methodical office.

    What should be in the methodological office of the preschool educational institution for certification.
    ("To help the assessed" or "Attestation corner")

    Sample application
    Attestation Commission Addresses
    Application deadlines
    Terms of certification and assignment of a category
    Qualification characteristics by category
    Experience writing scheme (indicating the design requirements, number of copies), terms of provision finished material
    Variable forms and procedures of certification (list)
    Information sheet (diagram or sample) for category confirmation
    An example of writing an annotation for work experience
    Samples of generalized experiments available in the preschool educational institution, corresponding existing requirements or recommendations where you can see
    List of documents for the attestation folder

    List of documents for the attestation folder:

    -Attestation sheet (2 copies, respectively category)
    -Experience annotation
    -Short description experience
    -Help-information about the work done in the inter-certification period on the topic
    - Questionnaire "... through the eyes of a methodologist"
    - Questionnaire "... through the eyes of colleagues"
    -Questionnaire "... through the eyes of parents"
    -Copy of the certificate of passing the previous certification
    -Copy of coursework document
    -Materials confirming the review of the teacher's activities (2 notes)
    -Materials confirming the selected form of certification (materials of the creative report, interview questions and answers, etc.)

    If the show open class for MO. Then attached: a synopsis, a turnout list, reviews for the lesson.

    Classification of teaching aids

    Educational tools in preschool educational institutions can be conditionally divided into three large groups: for the teacher, for the child, special means.

    1. Means used by the educator. Visual means:

    - printed aids - individual pictures, series of paintings, albums, posters, sets of photographs, printed table games and so on;

    - audiovisual films, video films (games), tape recordings, etc .;

    - spatial and natural objects: herbariums (collections of dried plants), dummies (an exact cast of an object made of wax, plaster, etc.), fruits, vegetables, etc., models (copies of real objects to scale).

    Technical means:

    - computer;

    - record player;

    - TV (for watching discs, children's programs);

    - video player

    - camera.

    2. The means used by children are necessary for organizing various games (creative, role-playing, outdoor, educational, dramatization games, games with rules).

    The tools for the game can be divided into the following:

    - themed toys: various dolls, clothes and shoes for dolls (according to the season), bedding, dishes, doll furniture, a toy is a tool of labor ( sewing machine, washing machine etc.), animal toys, sets of toys related to professions (hairdresser, doctor, etc.);

    - technical toys: carts, means of transport, cranes, locomotives;

    construction material: large building material, desktop building material, constructors;

    - board games: pyramids, towers, nesting dolls, means for stringing and folding, loto, cubes, checkers, chess, picture cubes, paired pictures, etc .;

    - entertaining toys: mechanical (clockwork), electric;

    - means for staging games: sets for staging various fairy tales, shadow theater, etc .;

    - material for games: natural material(cones, acorns, etc.), residual materials.

    3. By special means used both in the classroom and for organizing the independent activities of children. These include:

    - sports equipment for physical education and development motor activity in free time(balls, rings, skipping ropes, etc.),

    - means of labor (boards, stands, stands, etc.),

    - means for artistic creative work (musical instruments, paints, brushes, plasticine, clay, etc.).

    // October 30, 2009 // Hits: 43 357

    Passport of the methodical office

    Cabinet equipment
    The methodological office has a room in which the teaching and methodological activities of the team are carried out, as well as methodical and reference literature is placed.
    The office is equipped with:
    - bookcases, which concentrate normative and instructive documents, methodological and children's fiction, didactic materials, audiovisual means.
    - desks, chairs, for organizing and conducting teachers' councils, seminars, methodological associations and other forms of work.
    - computer
    - scanner
    - Printer
    Methodological support
    Information and analytical department.
    Materials for certification, advanced training, comprehensive assessment of teaching activities. Monitoring and analyzing the state of the educational process, its quality. Assessment of the effectiveness of the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions.
    Department of software and methodological support.
    Educational programs implemented at the preschool educational institution; alternative educational programs; thematic planning for the program "From childhood to adolescence"; methodical literature on psychology;
    Department of Artistic - Aesthetic Development.
    Methodical literature, lecture notes, consultations on activity, design, manual labor; Information about artists, reproductions of paintings; Information and samples on folk art, folk toys;
    Physical development department.
    Methodical literature and development of abstracts, consultations on physical education and health improvement of children; literature on valeology, encyclopedias (physical education, anatomy, human structure). This section contains literature, methodological developments, workbooks, video materials for working with children on life safety.
    Department of fiction.
    Collections and individual works of children's, fiction; Scientific - methodical magazines, booklets.
    Department of Social and Personal Development.
    Methodological literature, development of abstracts, consultations on familiarization with the native land, the Republic of Khakassia. Literature for implementation nationally - regional component in preschool educational institution (fiction, teaching aids, clearly - illustrative material).
    Department of cognitive - speech development.
    Methodical literature, development of abstracts, consultations; Children's encyclopedias, visual - illustrative material.
    Department for work with parents.
    Information on general problems of raising children, preparing children for school, protecting the rights of the child. These are: regulatory documents, methodological literature, development of consultations, conversations, visual - illustrative material related to these topics. Materials for the protection of the rights of the child.

    Presentation on the topic: Modern methodological office of a preschool educational organization