What does it mean to smash a small mirror. What to do if you looked in a broken mirror

A mirror is an item that is in every home. It is impossible to imagine our life without mirrors, because they are everywhere: in shops, bathrooms, car salons, and even in a cosmetic bag! It would seem that this is the most common everyday object.

Why do we often hear that a mirror is called a magical object, and also that it must be handled very carefully? Should you be afraid of a cracked or broken mirror if you can just sweep up the shards and throw them away, after a few minutes forgetting about it? In this regard, there are many signs and prejudices. Believe them or not - everyone's business. But you should know at least some of them in order to protect yourself from trouble if necessary.

Why is a mirror considered a magical item?

As once upon a time, and now the attitude to the mirror is very reverent. This is due not only to its fragility. Our ancestors believed that a mirror could open a passage to another world. The restless soul of a person can also get lost in it. That is why it is customary to close all mirrors when there is a deceased in the house. After the death of a person, an unrepentant soul cannot find its refuge, therefore there is a risk of permanently settling it in an open mirror. It is fraught negative consequences for all family members.

With the help of a mirror, a lot of magical rites are performed. And in general, this item, along with candles, can be considered the most popular in the arsenal of magicians. With the help of correctly aligned mirrors, you can create a magical corridor, open a portal for otherworldly substances and summon soul of the dead person. If all these stories give you goosebumps and you have already decided to remove all mirrors from your apartment, do not rush to negative conclusions. Indeed, with the help of mirrors, you can do a lot of good things. For example, "pull out" a disease from a person and seal it, remove spoilage and adhesions. Well, in the end, do your morning makeup.

For a long time, the mirror was considered a double of a person. If you look at your reflection for a long time, you can even see your own aura. That is why it is considered a bad omen to harm the mirror. By breaking or scratching it, you thus "pass judgment" on your own person. In no case should you hit your reflection in the mirror with a hammer if you need to break it. And also you can’t say swear words and shout, standing next to him. "Magic" surface with your reflection remembers all vibrations in your voice, as well as facial expressions. By uttering swear words, you are thus addressing them to yourself.

Do you know the feeling of gradually increasing anxiety when you look in the mirror for a long time? Did you get scared from the fact that you, fooling around, made faces at the mirror? It is difficult for even the most inveterate skeptic to explain where the fear of this object comes from, and why a person sleeping in front of a mirror so often wakes up and has disturbing dreams.

Broken mirror in the house

All objects that are in our home are saturated with a special energy. Every thing we use absorbs something from all family members. In other words, even the smallest little thing that we touch every day carries some information about ourselves. The mirror is no exception.

When a mirror is broken in a house, then all the information that is written into it “splits”. You should immediately remove the shards without looking at them. In no case should you ignore even the smallest cracks on the mirror surface. Especially when it comes to a large mirror that is in a prominent place. By looking into a cracked mirror, you voluntarily split your life, character, and habits.

Did you feel sorry for the large and expensive mirror, deciding to leave it at home, even though it was cracked? Get ready for sharp drops mood, bad news and illness. It is especially dangerous to keep old cracked mirrors in the house. Even though these are expensive antiques. Inadvertently splitting an ancient mirror, you run the risk of releasing from it those events that were sealed there even before your birth. Despite the fashion trends, do not try to buy antique mirrors in your apartment, because you never know what actions were performed with them earlier.

It is strictly forbidden to keep an antique mirror in a house where there is a small child. Families with babies are generally not recommended to keep antique objects with a mirror surface in the apartment. It's a shame if the mirror box, which your great-grandmother with the best of intentions once gave you, fell and chipped. But if the health of children and the well-being of your own family are more dear to you than the memory of a deceased person, part with the trinket.

Broken mirrors

On this occasion, there are many signs. Of course, believing everyone is a big foolishness. So you run the risk of provoking trouble on yourself, not because of the split object itself, but because of your over-worked nerves. However, it is also not worth ignoring the signs tested by centuries and generations. If a mirror is broken in your house, expect trouble. This is what the proverb says. It is up to you to ignore this fact or take the necessary measures. But if you have something to risk (for example, the health of young children), then it is better to sprinkle the fragments with salt, and only then remove them. It is very good if you have salt brought from the church in your house. During church service it is charged with strong energy and subsequently serves as a kind of amulet for the house.

Old-timers say that by looking into a broken mirror, you can see otherworldly creatures. True or not, the fragments are not worth considering. As the saying goes - "away from sin." Prevent your child from accidentally looking into a broken mirror or stepping on a shard. It's not even that it is fraught with cuts and bandaged feet. It is believed that while the mirror is broken, negative energy comes out of it. If a mirror breaks in a house where there were many scandals and divorces, then in this place you should generally light a church candle and read the prayer "Our Father".

The worst omen is when the mirror cracks or breaks without anyone's help. Agree, this in itself is creepy. There is an opinion that in this way otherworldly beings are trying to escape from there. By the way, in places of congestion negative energy not only mirrors can break by themselves, but also objects with reflective surfaces - dishes, appliances, tiles.

It is difficult to clean such an apartment of negativity on your own. There you need to invite either a clergyman or a person who knows magic. Following old take, do not look in the mirror for a long time before going to bed. Also, do not admire yourself after the evening prayer.

It is very bad if the mirror breaks during magic ritual... That is why amateurs are not advised to tackle complex magic rites using this item. The negative from the mirror broken during the ritual can only be neutralized by a specialist who knows what to do.

Security measures

What if you still break the mirror? Your actions should depend on the specific circumstances under which this happened. If a new mirror breaks, removing the fragments is to say the words:

“I clean, drive out, sweep. Let all grief go away with fragments, and happiness and good luck remain with us. "

After breaking the antique mirror, take a pinch of salt and sprinkle it on the shards. In some cases, you can sprinkle salt in a cross. When breaking a mirror at a party, in no case start collecting the fragments yourself. Leaning over them, you can pick up the negative of the family, which was sealed in the looking glass. In this case, you just need to apologize to the owners of the house and donate new dishes as compensation. By the way, you cannot donate a mirror.

But what if you bought an expensive and beautiful mirror in a store, but it was damaged during transportation home? Since this item is completely new and "not inhabited", the precautions are not so serious. If you don't want to part with the purchase at all, and the crack is insignificant, you can glue it with a decorative sticker. Having placed a new mirror in the house (by no means in the bedroom), be sure to read the conspiracy:

“I pray to God, the Most Holy Theotokos and the guardian angel. May wealth and prosperity in my house multiply in the same way as my beauty multiplies. Save, O Lord, your servant from all evil, and do not allow defilement in my house. Let it be according to your word and your desire, Amen! "

Remember that by getting too hung up on various signs and superstitions, you yourself attract negativity into your life. Of course, you cannot ignore the danger, but you should not exaggerate the role of prejudice in your life either.

All signs help predict events or prevent trouble.What to do if the mirror is broken and what is the danger? What to do with the fragments and what conspiracies exist that help prevent negative consequences?

Psychics mirrors are considered guides to the other world, so they are often used for rituals and fortune-telling. They are also able to accumulate negativeenergy , therefore, there is a belief that a person who breaks a mirror will be unhappy for 7 years, and if it is unmarried girl, then she will not be able to get married in the same period.

Signs if a mirror is broken

Several signs can be distinguished that make it possible to determine what kind of danger awaits ifcracked s erkalo:

  • If the largest mirror in the house breaks, this means the imminent death of a close relative or family member, perhaps evenmurder.
  • Break any mirrorunintentionally - to a quarrel with a friend, most often - because ofmoving.
  • Look to the fragments and see your reflection - to illness and other unpleasant events.
  • The mirror cracked by itself in the hands - to a falling out with her husband.
  • Damage to the mirror onwork - to a change of place of activity and total changes in a career.
  • A broken mirror in a car portends a change of vehicle or an accident.
  • A cracked mirror in a powder box - to failures in your personal life. The best thingpowder discard or carefully pull out the shards, wrap them in paper or cloth and bury them in the ground.

These are just the main popular signs about broken mirrors. In general, this phenomenon portends negative events, so it is important to know how to properly dispose of the fragments, what conspiracies exist and whether it is possible to prevent misfortune with the helpof magic.

In some countries, broken mirrors, on the contrary, help to cure the patient.human: he is brought totrellis , he stares there for a few minutes to capture the mask of suffering. After that, a new dressing table is hung, where healthy and smiling people look, thanks to which the disease recedes from the unhealthy one and he recovers over time.

Can the mirror be thrown away?

Regardless of what item needs to be thrown away -cracked dressing table or a whole - it is best to do this on the waning moon, so it will take all the misfortunes with it. You can use special rituals for this procedure to prevent trouble. It is best to discard the item alone, leaving it near trash can, not in it, in otherwise stray people and stray animals are at risk of injury, as they won't notice it.

How to do it rightdispose of mirrors:

  • If a person absolutely does not believe in omens and does not get hung up on what happened, it is enough to collect all the fragments in a bag and send them to the trash bin.
  • Disguise the fragments with opaque paint, and then they will stop emitting negative energy, and then throw them into the trash can.
  • Clear broken object with water, rinsing it in it, because it gets rid of bad energy well.
  • Light candles in the room: just like water, fire perfectly cleans away bad energy.

What to do with an old mirror?

Withold the pier glass is much more complicated: if it is several centuries old and it was inherited, it will certainly contain energyprevious owners andthe dead. Even if it has a smallcrack, from it is imperativeget rid of , so as not to bring trouble on yourself and your family.

Now aboutwhat to do with the old mirror and how to properly dispose of it:

  • We try to stay at home alone so that loved ones do not interfere with the ritual.
  • We drink a little holy water, read Our Father.
  • We take a piece of fabric so that it can be folded into itglass.
  • We sweep everything with a broom, averting our eyes to the side. You cannot look at the fragments.
  • When the glass is in a rag, wrap it up, rinse it under running water and we read: “Water, water, take away the bad, leave the good. The mirror served as good, good and go away. Do not disturb me or those close to me. "
  • We go to a quiet place onstreet, We bury a flap with fragments there. If this is not possible, we just throw everything into an iron trash can.
  • Upon arrival home, we take off our shoes outside the threshold, take them in our hands and go to wash them in the bathroom. Finally, rinse your face, hands and neck with water to remove negative energy.

Important! You cannot use a vacuum cleaner to clean the glass: in any case, small particles will remain in the bag and will spoil the life of the owners of the house. During the procedure, you also cannot talk, you must maintain silence and stay in a calm state.

How to properly throw away a mirror: ceremonies

To guarantee the prevention of disasters, our ancestors several centuries ago used suchconspiracies:

  • We collect the fragments properly and go to the trash heap without speaking to anyone along the way. We throw everything away with the words: “I did not break a mirror, but my misfortune. I am not throwing away the mirror, but my misfortune. "
  • When the pier glass is damaged, regardless ofspecially or unintentionally, we read the text of Psalm 90 in a calm state.
  • Immediately after the incident, we say: “Let the mirror break, the trouble will not touch me (name). Amen". Then we go to dispose of it.

Cando andso, if there is a spruce branch plucked during Epiphany holidays: we take it, moisten it in holy water and baptize the pier glass. Then we wipe it with a cloth dipped in water and read "Our Father".

Break someone else's mirror

Oftendamage to someone else mirrors pose a danger to both its owner and the person who broke it. Most often, this means that a major quarrel will occur between the owner and him, as a result of which they can stop communicating.

If damagedstranger powder box, together with the mirror in it, you can carefully pull it out and throw it away, wrapped in a thick cloth. If the hostess does not mind, you can perform a cleansing ritual, but it is best to do this alone.

Broken mirror: dream book

Contrary to reality, seeing the shards indream does not always portend major setbacks and misfortunes:

  • Looking into a broken dressing table in a dream and seeing the reflection of a loved one means a quarrel between a couple in a short time.
  • Destroy mirrors on purpose in a fit of rage - soon find out the news that will shock you. Perhaps betrayal on the part of a loved one.
  • See your reflection in glass: smiling - to frightening changes, sad - to disappointment and problems.
  • Finding the fragments under your feet, but not seeing your reflection - soon you will receive an advantageous offer at work.
  • Accidentally breaking a mirror in a dream - to tears and sadness. If at the same time a person stares at his reflection in the fragments for a long time, in reality contradictions and difficulties await him.
  • If a young girl in a dream breaks a mirror into small particles, soon a person with whom she wants a close relationship will appear in her life.
  • To break the mirror in your room so that the fragments scatter into dust and do not have to be collected is a harbinger of a bright streak in life.

Of course, it is best to try to make sure that the mirrors always remainwhole , but if by chance you managed to break them, do not despair: thanks to ancient prayers and rituals, you can neutralize bad energy and prevent all the troubles that the fragments can bring.

Mirrors are a thing, indisputably, useful and necessary for every person. It is very uncomfortable to comb your hair, put on makeup or shave to the touch. Unfortunately, mirrors are very fragile and break quite often, and there will certainly be someone who will immediately retell you all the signs associated with a broken mirror. But few people will be able to tell what to do if the mirror breaks.

Signs about broken mirrors are not diverse and promise either one misfortune in the near future, or even seven years of failure.

Mirror crashed: actions

  • If you do not believe in omens, and no one is disturbed by a broken mirror from your environment, then you can simply throw it away and buy a new one. However, you can make a disco ball out of it that will delight you or find another use with benefit. A sign works as a psychological setting, knowing it and its consequences, you yourself will expect troubles or misfortunes and subconsciously look for them everywhere. For those who do not believe in omens, life is much calmer.
  • Don't look into a broken mirror. According to various sources, this will deprive you of youth, beauty or vital energy... In general, nothing good will come of it. And especially terrible beliefs promise that a broken mirror will become a door to the other world, drawing your soul there. This does not sound particularly good, so follow the further advice “what to do if the mirror is broken”.
  • Rinse the shards with running water - according to legends, water washes away negative energy, thus it can cleanse a broken mirror. So rinse the shards under the tap. Be careful - wet mirror fragments can slip out, rinse them very carefully so as not to get hurt. But even after that, it is better not to keep the fragments in the house.
  • Since the essence of a mirror is in its reflective properties, you can cheat and paint over it with black paint to make these properties disappear. So the universe or otherworldly forces that are responsible for the fulfillment of the signs will not be able to detect the broken mirror, since formally it is not it anymore. Legends say that a painted mirror does not let out dark energy that could harm you. So if you have black paint - go ahead, paint the shards carefully and try not to get hurt.
  • Light a candle where the mirror was broken. According to popular beliefs, a candle perfectly cleans the space from negative energy, so maybe she will help in this case too.
  • The fragments must be removed from the house, while it is better to fold them with the reflective side to each other so that the matte back surface remains outside. Wrap the shards in a cloth, preferably dark, tie a few knots, and take them outside. It is believed that it is better to bury them, but watch the situation, if, having cut yourself, you go to bury a dark bundle on the street with bloody hands, a lot of interesting things might think about you.
  • Replace the mirror with a new one - hang it in the same place, or buy a new powder compact if it was a compact mirror. Buy it yourself and treat it with care.
  • And finally, for everyone: those who believe in omens and those who consider them nonsense - vacuum and wipe everything with a damp cloth so that small fragments do not cut or get into the eyes of anyone. Glass dust is practically invisible, but dangerous, it can be accidentally inhaled or cause a splinter. Clean especially carefully if there are animals and / or children in the house.

So what to do if a mirror breaks: Don't panic thinking about all the misfortunes you've brought on yourself. Be careful and attentive - do not look into it, carefully collect the fragments, wrap them in cloth, take them out of the house, thoroughly clean the room in which the mirror broke and replace it with a new one.

Any house has mirrors, moreover, there can be several of them, both large and small, both in the closet and in the bathroom. Today, a person does not associate them with anything mystical, but perceives them as an ordinary piece of furniture. Esotericists believe that these subjects should not be treated this way, since ancient times there have been many beliefs. Most of these superstitions are related to broken mirrors.

The meaning will take about a broken mirror

Almost every nation since the appearance of mirrors in everyday life has developed many signs about this subject. The product has always been attributed to sacred things, believing that through it you can pave the way to the other world. People were sure that such objects, being in a person's dwelling, absorb a lot of energy and not always positive energy, which is stored as long as they remain intact. In fact, mirrors are fragile products that often fall and break, it will take a lot about it.

Broken house mirror

Any even minor accidental impact can easily break the mirror surface or crack. The crack becomes a portal through which negative energy will begin to penetrate into the dwelling, which the product has absorbed over the years.

Interpretations of signs about an unpleasant phenomenon are as follows:

  • Our ancestors sincerely believed that a broken mirror in the house for the next 7 years will bring failure and misfortune to all the inhabitants of an unhappy home.
  • The product literally crumbles into many small particles, which means that trouble is already on the doorstep. Perhaps a family member or a close friend will die.
  • Spouses will begin to quarrel, conflicts will arise from scratch.
  • Family members will feel painful, depression, apathy will begin, indifference to everything that happens.
  • If one of the family members accidentally looks into such fragments and sees his reflection in them, then he will soon be struck by a serious illness from which he may not recover.

Esotericists and sorcerers argue that the greatest danger is in old products. Such objects have lived a long enough life together with humanity. We saw the change of owners, absorbed their energy, everything that was happening around. The worst thing happens to people who break just such rare things.

Note! Our ancestors believed that a cracked and broken mirror is definitely a bad omen, the difference is in how badly the product is damaged - the dangers will be so strong.

Broken mirror at work

Mirrors often break in the workplace. This phenomenon also has its own mystical explanation.

  • Work questions will lead to misunderstandings with colleagues, bosses.
  • Minor trouble will arise if the crack or mirror is small. A large product, broken into small particles, indicates an imminent dismissal, and the process will be painful and unpleasant.
  • Accidentally breaking beautiful product in the workplace, a person runs the risk of being in discomfort. Colleagues will endlessly gossip, gossip, envious people will appear who will start to harm, mark in his place.

Along with negative interpretations, there is one that testifies to the fact that if the mirror was new, as they say, “clean,” “without history,” then the problem, the threat that has long hung over the enterprise will soon disappear by itself.

If a child breaks a mirror

Children quite often hit various household items, and mirrors also suffer. Children have weak protection, unlike adults, therefore negative energy acts on them more strongly. However, babies have enough strength to resist evil. Therefore, if the very fact of the "crash" does not affect the child in any way, then he definitely should not look into the fragments. A child's examination of his face in the fragments of the mirror means the following: the baby will become irritated, nervous, quickly excitable, capricious.

At the same time, experts on this matter argue that only those children are subject to all this, whose parents seriously and even too much believe that the omen must certainly come true.

Important! Young children are not able to correctly perceive the threats that omens lament. Therefore, if the parents behave as usual, then nothing will happen to the child!

The cat broke the mirror

Too active pets, especially cats, often cause many troubles. When your favorite furry "household" hits the mirror, you should expect the following:

  • the cat attracted trouble to the family;
  • someone will get very sick;
  • death is on the verge.

Given the negative interpretation of omens, you should not think that everything will turn out badly. Even superstitious people believe that by chance, trouble can be bypassed. Again, before transferring the meaning of omens to your life, you should compare how the object was - old or new, small or large. After all, a new small mirror, broken by a cat, obviously will not bring anything bad, except for minor troubles that a person may not even notice in the hustle and bustle.

Can you keep a broken mirror at home?

Of course, few people will glue a large broken mirror, but some manage to "return" a small fragment back. The question involuntarily arises: why? Today in any store you can buy a new mirror, which will be even more beautiful than the old one and will complement the interior and the owners will be pleased with the purchase ...

According to popular superstition keeping mirrors, and even more so looking into cracked and broken "reflections" is strictly prohibited. Therefore, if a trouble occurs, the owner can only collect all the parts of the product and throw it away. Even if it is "grandmother's memory", it is impossible to keep it in the house.

Positive sign value

Surprisingly, along with negative interpretations of omens, there is also a positive meaning:

  • for a long time, the product absorbed the negative that hovers around. It cracked, since there is no more room for negative energy in it. It will not do any harm if you immediately collect everything and throw it away;
  • an odd number of fragments predicts a quick wedding.

Mystics believe that together with broken mirrors streams of negative energy emerge from the dwelling, which harmed the owners.

It is interesting! In some peoples, white magicians, healing seriously ill patients, break mirrors into which the sick constantly looked.

What to do if you break a mirror

Superstitious people, accidentally breaking mirrored household items, certainly begin to panic, worry, get upset. For those who “don't care”, the unpleasant phenomenon will not even seem like a problem - they go and buy something new and that's it! However, the ancestors believed that before removing and throwing out the fragments, you need to carry out a kind of ceremony, and perhaps read the conspiracy if the product is old:

  • in spite of their reflection, the fragments are neatly covered with a red cloth and wrapped;
  • collecting fragments you need to try not to cut yourself;
  • if there is no red cloth at hand, take a wet broom and sweep everything into a scoop;
  • the remains of the product are immediately taken out as trash; they are not stored at home or in the yard.

Removing the remnants of the shattered beauty, they read "Our Father", a prayer and should be perceived as a conspiracy from misfortune and misfortune.

Replacing the old broken mirror with a new modern piece of furniture is not worth worrying about once again. A beautiful purchase should be looked at with love and joy, then it will store less negative energy, and what happened to the old mirror will not bring anything unpleasant.

Mirrors frighten many by their very existence.

Many stories and mystics are associated with them. Almost from the very birth, we know that there is a sign of breaking a mirror. This frightened every girl of the grandmothers: it crashed or cracked - expect a big trouble.

Even whole mirrors didn’t carry anything good. Do not eat in front of the reflection, or eat beauty, or do not look at reflective surfaces, otherwise they will drag the soul.

Even now, many believe that giving a mirror is unfortunate. And if it broke, then what to do, because all the misfortunes from Pandora's box will come to the house.

And indeed, a sign, a broken mirror, works almost without misfires! But how real is the mirror itself? Maybe it's just that a person himself attracts all the misfortunes that he ascribes to broken glass? We will try to find out the truth, and what to do in this situation.

Mystical reflection or negative energy

People who work with human biofields and energy are sure that there are “bad” and “good” mirrors. Moreover, it depends only on the person what his reflection will be.

If a person is accustomed to doing good, possesses a positive, then his mirror cannot become bad in any way. It is believed that the human biofield is saturated with its reflection and if it is broken, then the events determine what kind of owner was.

If trouble comes, then the owner was not a very positive person. If you break the mirror of a cheerful and energetic person in the house, then nothing will happen.

In general, an initially cracked mirror or a broken one meant one thing: changes are coming soon. But the nature of the changes was not written anywhere. Over time, someone came up with a scarecrow and the change was transformed into a necessary misfortune.

They stopped giving them for fear of breaking, just as a watch does not give. Also, they say, it is impossible: to parting or to the deceased. There are people who only see bad omens... And why be surprised if they always have something going on.

But all at once forgot about such a thing as the realization of thoughts, and about the fact that thoughts are material. Remember: be afraid of desires, for they will come true. It's the same with broken mirrors: if you give it and don't think about bad things, nothing bad will happen.

A person has a great ability to attract all negativity to himself. At the same time, almost everyone owns the art of self-hypnosis no worse than local girls or psychiatrists. It was from here that unjustified omens were born, a broken mirror on which means:

  • Broke - unfortunately for many years.
  • Cracked - to loss or quarrel with loved ones.
  • To give even a little one - to an early separation.
  • To break during fortune-telling - to loneliness.
  • Look into a shard - see a demon, lose energy.

Mirror riddles

However, the mirror world has its own secrets. For example, in Rostov, while dismantling the ruins of an old house, they found a strange handmade mirror.

Moreover, they discovered it by accident: one of the workers caught hold of the planks in the floor. These boards were pulled apart, and under them lay the find. The workers admired him for a long time, and one of them decided to take the find with him. At first everything was calm, but one night the worker was awakened by an indistinct sound. As if someone were clawing at the glass with their claws.

He got up, walked around the apartment: everything was as usual. He glanced briefly in the mirror and it seemed to him that he saw the face of a young girl. Writing it off to chronic fatigue, the man went to bed. But an hour later the situation repeated itself.

Then the man took the phone and went to the reflection: the girl's face was clearly visible. She was sad, with an unusual shape of her eyes. The man, without losing his mind, clicked the camera. More then, to be sure of the soundness of your mind.

But the photo clearly reflected what was in this strange mirror. The man spent a lot of time on the archives, but found out who this lady is.

It turned out that once lived in this house evil person but rich. During his wanderings, he saw a girl of fabulous beauty. His assistants stole the unfortunate woman and brought her by sea to her abductor.

The girl was locked in a room and sobbed for hours in front of this mirror. Until one day there was a fire, everyone died in that flame. But who and why hid the mirror remained unanswered. There was also an image of the girl: a complete copy of the photograph. How did she come, what did she want to say or ask for?

But this happens more with ancient mirrors, moreover, with a bloody history. For example, Jeanne Dark's mirror. The mention of it is almost erased from history due to the fact that everyone who later owned it died in a fire several years later.

What to do: the mirror is broken

First of all, remember the initial interpretation of the upcoming changes. Maybe they will be good, or maybe they will be bad - nobody knows. What will the signs say? The mirror is broken - what to do next?

Clean the house, collect the pieces, cover with a dark cloth and take them outside. If the situation is of great concern, then take it out to the wasteland and burn it. Fire, by definition, purifies souls, so it will take everything negative with it.

Some then consecrate the house with an ordinary church candle and holy water. It's simple: cross each corner, starting from the left corner and in a circle around the room, like the hands of a clock.

But do not forget that the mind owns life, and not vice versa. We can attract the bad as well as the good. One who creates himself out of superstition and fear cannot be happy.

We control missiles, trains, cars, and complex equipment. So do not be afraid of some unfortunate piece of glass! Author: Ekaterina Lesovaya