How to protect yourself and your family from the evil eye and damage. Causing pain and suffering

You know, a person sometimes faces such injustice! And there is no strength to wait for God's court. I want to restore justice right now.

Then trying to find information how to damage the one who offended. This, you see, from a human point of view, is quite substantiated.

Especially when the insult was undeserved. It is desirable, of course, to think well, and not to act.

After all negative energy It is better to recycle in good and love.

If you answer it anger or hatred, then it will be worse all.

And he will be completed by the egoist. He never was needed without you. What happens?

Yes, the offender will exist well, and you will remain alone. Rights on you will replace.

After all, you will wake up your intention terrible and evil forces.

They are not in your slavery. Assist will agree from "mercantile" considerations.

They need the suffering of the victim. And she, well, it happened, does not suffer from the damage that you tried to bring. Forces to the author of their activities and turn.

And since you suffered instinctively sacrifice your aspirations and values, the result is obvious. You will suffer from you, and not the one who deserves it.

It must be understood that it is value for yours.

  • Maybe this man loves money or sich with his post.
  • It happens - the first to him is appearance or status.

And they are that the person himself really appreciates, without which his life will turn into a nightmare.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(SV ****** [Email Protected])

To whom: Responsible site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: a house, work, children, concerns .... and a constant lack of money. Neither children once again toys, not buy new things, you will not please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has no money.

In general, every month just think-planning how to stretch the budget to make money for current needs.

Of course, we learned to live in the family to live in our finances. But in the shower there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for themselves. Why, I asked myself a question. Won, others have money, bought a new car, the cottage built, it can be seen that there are wealth.

I have already started losing hope for a good life. But one day came across on the Internet.

You just wonder how much positive changes happened to me! I did not suspect that the article would change my life so!

I got money! And not just a trifle, pocket coins, and really normal income!

Per last year We made great repairs in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent children to the sea!

But all this was not, if I did not get on this site.

Do not scroll by. Find a couple of minutes for of this information.

How to bring damage on someone who offended at home

  • Buy in the store a bunch of rye bread.
  • Still cook.
  • And photos of the offender.
  • Black fabric.
  • Coin (if wishes the abuser of launched).

The rite itself is held at night from Saturday to Sunday.

The most optimal is the time since midnight to the "first roosters".

  1. Cover the table with black cloth.
  2. In the middle place bread.
  3. In it stroke the candle. As if in Kulich at Easter stick.
  4. Light.
  5. Let's say out loud what you wish to the offender. Your monologue should be passionate and angry at the same time.
  6. Look at . Try to feel how the energy of you rushes right in this person.

Just keep in mind: Bed must be desired one.

In this case, it would be nice to place a small coin on bread. And in the morning, it is imperceptible to this squeege to throw or give if communicate with it.

By the way, the coin as a carrier damage is suitable in almost any case.

After all, most of human desires and aspirations are associated with material.

  1. Its wishes must be spoken six times.
  2. On the last - photo will be in small pieces.
  3. After start crumbling bread and read words:

"How not to become crumbs grains and you (the name of the offender) do not know peace, the trouble goes for you. Your thresholds bother, misfortune fills life! "

  1. Chips need to be collected in black fabric and take out the threshold. There, send the photo scraps.
  2. All this morning must be poured into the place where bird bread clock.

Most often, this bread was worn on the bird's enemy. But it was in those days when the farm had all.

By the way, if the rite was carried out correctly, then the morbidity was attacked by livery. It was a sign of the beginning of the enemy's misfortunes.

Do not leave candles in the house in the house. According to the rules, it must be buried near the ardent gate.

Today, not all of the listed, for obvious reasons, is performed. Therefore, the crumbs are recommended (with scraps of the photo and the grinding of the candle) to take the graveyard.

Pour on the old grave there. This is done so that the damage does not move on a random person.

And you throw off the offender to your coin.

How to damage on someone who offended in a simple way

If you do not want to mess around with crumbs and coins, then you spend another ritual, without a photo.

It must be performed in the temple.

  1. Buy twelve candles.
  2. Put eleven of them the Mother of God. Pray for the salvation of your soul.
  3. And the last take to the place where the funeral candles put.
  4. Tell the following words there:

"God forgive and save! Not death to your slave. I wish. Just ask! Let (say that spoiling a person). If the Lord does not help, the devil will begin. Everything will happen in my opinion! Amen!"

Only after such a rite can not be within a month.

And the result can manifest at all as you expect. In this case, the Lord himself will punish the offender, as it believes necessary. Not in your power will change his plans.

This method is not very fond of unpredictability. Higher Forces I have a different logic.

However, this method protects against an error of a frustrated person.

There are still rites:

  • on the ;

Choose yourself what you like more.

Nothing in life should be non-tailed. It happens that physical or moral pressure comes from a person who cannot be repulpring for a number of reasons. It may be a traitor - a friend who is far away, a strict head or a traitor husband. Their misconduct brought you strong painAnd they did not even repent, but there is a way out. Damage in the photo is the easiest and fast way Finally, to be bought for the caused suffering.

The effectiveness of damage

Everyone has noticed any unusual, magical phenomena in life. And at least it has not yet been proven scientifically, but the magic was, there will be. Believe or not believe it - everyone's personal matter. As for the photo, it is the strongest energy conductor. In the world of psychics, it is this element that is most often used in work, because the photo is an energy copy of a person.

In order to dispel the myth of the uselessness of Pulls, magician scientists decided to conduct a simple experiment. They photographed one newborn chicken a few days after the appearance of the light. Making many copies of the picture, the psychics distributed them to 15 people. The essence of the experiment was that during the month people had to look at this photo when some misfortune happened to them.

Science will not explain the fact, but after 3 days the chicken, whose photo was distributed, began to look markedly, and a week later he, in general, died. The second grew quickly and painlessly. Therefore, the answer to the question is, it is possible to bring damage to the photo obvious.

Even if people did not want a chick of evil, soreness, he still could not normally develop, because all these 15 people fed him positive energy, destroying normal life.

The photo of the newborn child until six months can be shown for the very reason. The kid has not yet installed any protective barriers, so contact with large quantity people are harmful to his health.

Of course, a strong spanking for a photo for a person requires much more influence from the side, but the process is no different from the experiment with a chicken.

Pulling on the photo will help to pump the enemy, but only if all the requirements are made in strict accordance. It is better that the whole process can spend or at least controlled professional psychic, because he knows how to damage the photograph effectively.

Independent interference in such matters If it is incorrectly performed at least one point from the damage may cause a reverse reaction.

How to damage through the photo correctly?

The ritual of damage by itself, though simple, but has a lot important nuances. Some magicians are inclined to the fact that a person who conducted a rite cannot be punished for his incorrect execution, but to check, as they say, do not want.

There are 3 basic rules that are required for each magic ritual By photo:

  • The newcomer in esoteric can not be damaged. Conduct with the highest strength, which man wants to ask for help is not so easy. It is important to choose the right words, and it will be able to an exceptionally experienced sorcerer.
  • Gather yourself from rollback damage - the basis of magical influence. Any damage can be redirected in the opposite direction, if you understand what it is. Therefore, after holding a ritual with a photo you need to protect yourself.
  • Plow through the photo will be effective only in the case of the full conformity of the picture with the stated standards. First, it should be clear. Secondly, the photo should have only a person who wants to pour. Other people, children, animals distract from the main, so the ritual can work not correctly. It will be nice if the photo is made no more than 6 months ago in full growth.

Tip: Rituals, in the subtext of which include appeal to the forces of darkness, it is necessary to formulate briefly and unequivocally. It is better to prepare the text in advance so that the interpretation of desires is understandable.

As you can see , spinning in the photo of the enemy is a rather complicated process that needs a lot of attention and responsible relationship, so before starting the ritual you need to thoroughly examine all the nuances of damage in the photo.

Consequences from damage in the photo

Any interference in the human energy field, one way or another, will affect his life. As mentioned above, the photo is the perfect energy conductor, so you can affect fate and health can be impressive.

Depending on how the damage was done in the photo, that for the rite was used how strong the desire to pump and depends the result of the rite.

The main implications of damage in the photo:

  • health problems. Almost all damage affect this indicator. The enemy feels first the general ailment, stress, and only then more serious consequences;
  • family problems. Some rites are tuned to the disorder in relationships. If the mistress managed to hover a husband from the family, she can confuse misconduct;
  • no goal, desire to move on. A person who persistently moved through the career ladder, walking on his heads, you can also beat your wings;
  • bad luck in some separate sphere (love, work, rest) or in life, in general;
  • suicidal thoughts, death. It is important to carefully apply to such rites, since they have an irreversible result, it is impossible to fix it.

Such harm can be damaged by photography, the consequences of which, as we see, the most diverse. Conducting some rites requires special training, so it is better not to risk, doing similarly without the control of an experienced magician or psychic.

5 Effective Powered Powered Ways

Today there are quite a lot of options. , how to make a damage by photo with minimal cost time and strength. But in this matter, the result is much more important, therefore experienced psychics allocate 5 effective methods of damage:

  1. Cooking photo in boiled water.
    This ritual is carried out for the painful state of the enemy, common ailments and feelings of guilt. It is necessary to do it on a decreasing moon. To do you need several different photos (better if they are made under different angles and with different time) And the saucepan of water. When the water boils to put it gradually photo to it and senten:

    "The body (name) is burning, the blood is puffed, the power to come, and to be desire to be."

    In order for the deterioration effect to be more noticeable, you can repeat the process several times in a decreasing moon.

  2. Damage in the photo in the cemetery.
    It is worth saying right to say that this is a strong ritual, which will not just affect the vital activity of the enemy, and, perhaps, in general, will deprive him of life (it all depends on the state of its energy field and desire). To carry out damage it is necessary to come to the grave named the enemy by 17-18 moon dayBy printing his photo in advance. For years you need to bury a snapshot to the cemetery land and quickly leave the cemetery. In no case can not look around and talk until the morning. At the first crossroads on the road from the cemetery through the left shoulder, it is necessary to throw 10 coins and whisper: "paid (ls)." This is quite difficult to fulfill the method that is not for everyone, but is considered one of the most effective.
  3. Rite that will affect fate.
    The uniqueness of this Pori is that she absorbed several rituals at once for a more effective influence on the fate of the enemy. You can spend it at any calendar time. You will need a Chan with boiling water, photos, pepper, salt and needles. The rite begins with the fact that in boiling water simultaneously throw a pinch of pepper and salt. At this point, you need to present the face of the enemy and follow the photo sentencing:

    "Water boils, and your life is drurlit."

    Now all an important stage - a conscious and strong desire to destroy the fate of the victim (the disease, divorce, theft), together with which the needles are lowered in Chan. The contents of the Chan need to pour under the old one dry wood With the male name (Klyon, Oak). This is another efficient and easy way to make damage to a person by photo.

  4. Ritual, using black, sharp knife (dagger).
    This rite cannot be performed by an ordinary person because it has a very strong energy influence. Even a novice magician, knowing how to damage the photo using a knife, not able to cope with the pressure of power. The city is required to spend on the night from Tuesday on Wednesday. For this, the witch at midnight put an image of the enemy, ignites 4 wax candles And there are 2 black threads of medium length (therefore they need to be tied together, so that it turned out 6 nodes). Dealer you need to bring each node to the lips and speak the misfortune for your enemy. I need to burn thread immediately after that. The next stage of damage is the cutting of the cross from the photo. We need it with the help of a black knife, putting all the hatred of the offender in the process.

    The last thing to do is to order the ashes and a cross on the cemetery grave. The ritual is the most effective, therefore it applies to each stage of the damage, it should be carefully.

  5. Rite "Cross".
    This rite is considered one of the most high-speed, since the victim begins to wake literally immediately. For holding at night, come to the cemetery to any grave, taking with you 3 nails and photos of the enemy. On facial side the cross needs to be knit the photo so that the image does not fuck the wind or rain. For you need to get around the grave 3 times counterclockwise and immediately leave the place. It is necessary to immediately leave the cemetery quickly, without looking back and not listening to outsided sounds. To talk to a person who spent the ritual it is impossible to sunrise, so that the ritual worked correctly.

Is it possible to apply a strong damage without a photo?

It is believed that damage in the photo is the most efficient and an effective way Applying harm to the offender. But there are many other options for guidance of the negative. In many of them, the cemetery land is used, since it is precisely it has a strong negative energy.

Even bringing water from the grave to the house to a disagreeable person (flower in the pot) can be significantly affected by his state of health. The damage without photos in the world of gadgets and technologies is not entirely popular, but as an option exists and is used.

How to protect yourself from affecting damage?

Shoulder protection is the same measure as a scarf in rainy weather. It is especially necessary for those who have many ill-wishers or enemies. Therefore, if you need to protect a comfortable life for yourself and relatives, you need to know and perform certain rulesso that the haters could not with the help higher power affect you:

  • Amulets. You can buy for the whole family amulets associated with the date of birth. It can be knocked out an image of animals or stones, suitable human temperament.
  • Pin. This simple item scares negative energy. To protect, it is necessary to simply pinch it from the wrong side of the thing that you wear daily. An important rule: The pin should not be visible, because in such a look it loses its properties.
  • Mirror. This amulet will protect against loss of external beauty. For representatives of the beautiful floor, this is an indispensable accessory, which, besides, will be a strong protection against the influence of magicians.
  • Red pouch. Few people know, but it is the red color that is the personification of the bright energy side. Putting a bag of red material in the bag, inside which will be sea \u200b\u200bsalt Or any dried grass can be protected from evil intentions.
  • Power of thought. Sometimes the pressure is intuitively felt at the moment when there are no auxiliary means nearby. The main thing in this case does not panic. It is necessary to protect the aura from the inside, and for this to imagine how from the inside bright, silver and gold threads pierce the body. It is important to feel harmony with the body and soul so that the forces could not get inside. As soon as it is possible to protect yourself with the above items.

Remember that it is not enough to just know how to make a damage by photography for an efficient and effective result. For most rituals with images you will need experience.

It also needs to be remembered about the effects of damage in errors and not experiment, which often produce an irreversible effect.

No matter how benevolent and kind person you were, it is impossible to live life and not to acquire at least one enemy or a detractor. It happens that you are strongly offended and the usual insult can turn into a real element against the one who is your enemy. Of course, everyone decides himself, forgive the offender, that is, to leave the situation, as it is, or go further and make sure that the guilty suffered his punishment. How to make damage on one who offended what words to read and what does it give?

In order for the retribution trial, people are often wondering what needs to be done if you were smoothed, how to make damage on someone who offended to bring a curse whether it is possible to do this by photography, it is about this that we will speak further. Some are trying to apply scary Methods of black magic such as a conspiracy to the coffin and are not afraid of consequences.

We cause repentance with prayer

To punish the enemy, you can take advantage of simple way - by reading strong prayer. For this, the Varinta does not need any additional items, including the photo of the offender. However, before starting to pronounce the words of prayer, you must visit the church yourself, coming up and be sure to put a candle for the health of your offender, it will protect it from the destructive consequences and will not destroy completely. What can be achieved with this method without the use of black forces? You are settled in the mind who did in relation to you bad, good and repentance, he will feel very bad from what has done with you. If this is what you want, you need to pronounce, coming home, such words of question:

"You are forgiven, I don't hold an evil on you, I have a resentment for the bird to the sky. Before you there is a wine that I did, I want you to understand what was not right. Let God help you to correct everything. Amen". And entrust your words to the warm wind.

Punishment with chicken egg

How to make damage on someone who offended or smoothed you? Despite the fact that the ritual is used by the usual eggThe essence of it is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. The fact is that the ritual spent at home can punish the enemy using the power of black magic. It is desirable that you know the victim personally, only in this case the damage on the egg will work.

To carry out the rite, the damage will require one stuffing egg and the container in which you will boil it. Throw the egg to boiling water, seniting such words:

"I cook my anger, you send you, you, my enemy, evil covering, wash the wind. Let all that appear here, in your fate it turns stains. Feel everything that I did. To whom you do not experience evil. "

Do not be afraid to show the maximum of the feelings that boiled with respect to the offender, it will make damage to the enemy more powerful. After the last word is spoken, it is necessary to get an egg out of the water and give it to cool. Already a cold egg thrust to the entrance doors victim of the ritual of damage.

Damage to the coin

We learn more about one way to punish the offender to damage on your enemy, spend it with the help of a coin. It is important to find a coin of a small nominal value, preferably 1 or 2 penny coins. What is the meaning of this damage? When a meeting with the enemy occurs, you need to challenge this coin in my feet, saying such words to myself:

"The cross will do you, but not happiness, but trouble. Let in full force feel what I did. "

After it crosses, or comes to a coin, damage will come into force. In order to consolidate the result, it is necessary to whisper to him as "paid." In no case cannot be raised from the ground of the coin, their purpose has already been completed. After a few days, there will be unpleasant events in the life of the offender, which will make him revise the newly made actions and feel completely guilty for them.

Damage through the photo

Most often, the person who dared to offend you is at a certain distance from you. To punish it, despite the distance located between you, you can apply damage by photo. Also, there are often divided into maps in the photo. Select the image on which the person's face will be clearly visible, and his eyes will look forward. Also, two candles will be needed for the ritual.

Deep at night, being in full solitude, burn both candles and put on the table at a certain distance from each other. On the resulting distance between the candles, put a photo, look at it and say these words:

"The black and darkness let them surround you now, you will be friends with the hell. There is no way to the light, stay in the darkness of deep. In fear, live now you will be, you don't deserve the happiness of the age. "

When the last word of conspiracy is pronounced, take the Gypsy needle and punish my finger so that there are several drops of blood. Blood will be needed in order to draw the cross of damage from which it will not be so easy to get rid of the victim. This photo must be stored until you learn that the offender receives punishment for the deed.

Magic and conspiracies, how to punish the offender.

Prayer - to punish enemies and offenders. (Curse of Judah)

Romanian rites: the punishment of the offender with the help of damage "33 misfortunes"

Damage on the needle

This embodiment of damage is called even returnable magic, that is, you return all the bad things that caused you offender. What will be needed for the ritual:

  • 2 needles used in sewing, and one of them should be longer and thicker
  • Black threads to impose spell
  • offer's photography (it can be taken from any social network profile)

Insert a smaller needle in the ear of greater so that the semblance of a cross is formed. The place that the connection forms is binding to black thread, it will symbolize the dependence of the victim of the rite from your will. When the connection is ready, you need to say these words:

"The needle of your life will be eradicated, mine - good, yours is pure evil. I learned everything (I learned), I was talking about you (Recognized), I return everything that I sent (sent), emit. "

The step of witchcraft on this is completed. Now you need to imperceptibly get to the place where the offender lives, and insert a thick needle not far from his entrance door, Ideal is a jamb. Next, throw the photo torn to pieces. It is important to insert a lining so that a small needle looks at a sunset, which will be a symbol that a series of events will begin to take place in the life of your enemy, which will bring a lot of grief and disorders.

We speak water for damage

If you suspect that someone wants to harm you in one or another life of life, apply fortune-telling, and then you can already bring damage, which will begin to act only if the enemy fulfills its ominous plan. To carry out such a rite you will need:

  • pure water
  • water tank
  • the mirror in which the face mapping is fully placed
  • Bible, without her, holding a rite can be dangerous for you
  • Candle

Light a candle, it is desirable that the candle is church. Pour water into a glass or any other transparent container, put a glass of the en on the Bible. The mirror must be placed opposite herself, say the words of the conspiracy so as to see their reflection in the mirror. Think only about who offended you, focus on those negative emotions that the offender causes you, then proceed to pronounce the words of the conspiracy that you need to read a person by a quiet voice:

"Forest walks, walks the field, Wolf Wolf, wanders, wanders. Evil in the shower, resentment in mind, never forgive you. If you come to me with evil, you will get an evil in the stock edge. "

Now it remains to pour out conspiracted water near the house of the offender or on his photo, the damage will begin to act on the fifth day after the rite of damage.

Damage to stone

In order to take revenge the offender at home, you can use a stone with which damage to a person who caused you harm. In addition to the stone, find a large long rusty nail and the most ordinary hammer. All actions will need to be done carefully, so as not to be hurt, otherwise you hurt yourself not only physically, but at the energy level, find ways to put items for the ritual correctly. Take a nail and put it with the edge in the middle of the stone. Then you need to hit the hat several times, pick up the power so that, God forbid, do not split the stone. Speak whispering words:

"Stone on stone, water water. Top by breaking your will, I will not give away not punished. All that deserved, get.

The damage will be induced only if the stone did not split, but it is clearly visible traces from a hammer of a nail with a hammer. By the way, if you revenge need not to one person, but at once a few, you need to take such a number of stones as a person.

The oldest rite of damage

People were damaged back in ancient times, because the sense of justice was relevant always and chose for this different methods. To spend the oldest rite, you will need:

  • One candle
  • Paper and pencil

We describe all actions in stages:

  • Imagine in your mind how to think your offender, how he reckoned by causing you harm
  • Needle on the candle wax write his name
  • On paper, you need to write the magic words that our ancestors used, they sound like "Zammu Wigor"
  • On words need to pour heated honey
  • From paper roll ball
  • Knife need to make a small incision in the candle
  • A rolled paper ball is inserted into this section.
  • Litigate the wick candles, wait for that the moment it is to the end
  • The grinding must be buried near the house where the offender lives or his environment. It is advisable to bury the beam under the old tree or in the cemetery there, Ghe recently was buried the coffin with the dead.

How to punish a person if you don't know who offender

It happens that you were offended, but you do not know exactly who it was and why he does it. What to do in this case, can I punish an unknown person and stop what he does? Yes, magic offers and such an option to make a curse. In order to hold such a ritual you will need:

  • Black tablecloth
  • Mirror
  • Three matches and candles

Sit at the table on the lunar night, it is desirable that at this time there was a full moon. You must stand the mirror. Right put the candle. Two first matches need to be lit and immediately put out, they are needed to wake the desired magic power. Third matchmill litto a candle, say these words, looking at the fire:

"I sit in front of the mirror, I think about you who makes bad for me. Let the payload find you and will not leave, burn as a witch. "

Look in the mirror not blinking, wait for the moment when the reflection will be not your face, but the face of a person who causes you harm. When this happens, say these words:

"Get out, rascal, from my life, begging with his envy, I treat you to her."

After that, spit in the mirror three times and break it at the crossroads of two roads or in the cemetery. This ritual meets black magic.

How to put protection

If you often become an object of envy and hand over your back, it is necessary to bother in advance that not to become a victim of evil intent on the side of the unfriendliers without which there is no live. After all, as you know, the human envy may contact the evil eye and cause a lot of harm.

So, if all of the above can be attributed to you, then you need to do not let it go bad and put strong protection at the energy level. To carry out a protective ritual, you will need:

  • Blank sheet
  • Pen or pencil
  • Thread black
  • Glass with water, preferably with holy

On the sheet you need to write the names of those people who can hurt you, that is, it will be alleged offenders. It is important to write a maximum of information that you know, that is, it can be of birth dates and even a person's profession. Then twist the paper, tie with black threads and put into the water. It is necessary to store such water with paper in the refrigerator, with each Wednesday you need to read such words before bedtime:

"Diragona Amate Gar. Let all evil pass by me, let these people be able to hurt me, otherwise the curse will overtake them. "

Be sure these people no longer represent any danger to you, as they are sealed at the energy level. Even if this happens, now you know how to recognize the curse and envy, damage the offender, how to curse and send retribution on it.

Before as talk about the methods of targeting damage, It is worth disassembling what this term means. Under the damage, a certain negative program is usually implied, which carries a certain task and a charge of low-frequency energy. It is usually placed on the human energy meter, or on one of the energy structures - where it should harm. By her own damage is dangerous from the position of a long exposure. It immediately does not bring tangible harm, but if it does not remove it with time, she slowly, but will surely destroy life. Some damage affect health, others on the relationship, third to the person.

Attention: This is a guest article from the Black Magician. We are uniquely not recommended to engage in black magic. The consequences are usually very very dangerous!

In order for the person to bring damage to another person, you definitely need volts. Even those who can do without physical volts use their counterparts on energy plans. Their most common types of Volt is photography. Although it does not mean that he is the strongest. There are much better part of the human body, since they have a better connection with a person.

The photo is used for the reason that any impact through it will go through the canal to the person himself. And even if the interested person is simply to scold him by photography, then part of the negative will accurately move.

Damage to the photo in the cemetery

Very simple and enough effective example Powering through a photo is associated with the cemetery. It is done quite simple: a photo of a man who wanted to harm is taken. We must come to the cemetery and find the grave (preferably fresh), in which the name coincides with the name of the victim. Sometimes it may not be easy if you want to make a damage to a person who has an unusual name for these places. And, in fact, burst into the ground this photo. When you instart the photo you need to say the words of damage, and then leave without turning around.

Damage to a photo with a knife

A rather good claw on the photo is the following technique. You need to take a photo of the enemy, put on wooden surface And get angry with him. Remember everything bad what he did why and for which he hates. Then you must speak on the knife of the word deterioration, chargeing it by negative energy. It is necessary to bring emotions to the peak, and then take a knife and stick it right in the face. Be sure to imagine that with this blow a person becomes very bad and believing that it really will work (faith is very important). If after the knife stuck in the photo, the whole negative slept, then everything is done correctly.

In the above rituals, there are no damage words that are needed in order for the ritual to be full. I specifically did it to dare people who want to damage quickly and without any consequences. If the porch is vitally important for you, then needed words You can find, in more cases, forget about these rites.

How to protect yourself from rollback

After they made a damage, it usually occurs some refund of this impact, which can be called a rollback. It is important to understand what it is and how it works. Rolls are different. If you try to damage on a strongly believer person, it will roll back from religious egregor. Not to defend him. Here is analogy with the magicians and sorcerers. And if on ordinary person, the rollback is possible only under certain conditions.

In fact, the rollback comes only to those people who feel guilty for the deed. That is, if there is a damage to the person thought about what would make another unfairly bad. Then we can assume that everything will come back with interest. And on the contrary, if a person was completely confident in his rightness, then the rollback will not come. The main condition is not to regret the act later. It often happens that when the damage works, people begin to understand that they made another person really bad and their conscience begins to talk about the wrong act. If we succumb to do not assume that then they did absolutely true, then the rollback is guaranteed.

Of course, there are still protection techniques, but they do not go to any comparison with faith in the righteousness of their act and the fact that the solution is the only true. A bright example: people "poop" who are confident that they are always right, live much better than others and no rejection comes to them.

The negative impact on a person, carried out using a special rite, is called a damage. Even in itself the name is already talking about something bad and scares many people. And it is not surprising. After all, the negative program laid in the ritual has a bilateral effect: blocks beneficial energy and replaces it for negative.

An offended, disappointed person in the rustling of emotions is often asked how to damage the person. And not everyone understands the strength of such a rite and its negative side. Therefore, before making a decision and the choice of a ritual, it is best to weigh everything over and against this rite, because the consequences can touch all the participants, and not just the victims.

The strongest influence and, of course, the most dangerous is the damage to death. This rite implies the fatal outcome of which the ritual is directed. However, it is impossible to do the damage thoughtlessly, in order not to hurt yourself. The damage should be done on the cold head, so you do not confuse important words and actions in the rite.

Methods for negative magical impact

In most cases, a person who is interested in the question of how to damage the death, impose a curse, and can at least smooth out a person, dreams of one - revenge. Moral harm, physical injuries, financial turmoil - revenge is dictated by quite strong emotions, it is very difficult to fight them.

However, it should be remembered that the rooting should be carried out by either a professional magician, a person familiar with the esoteric sphere. Errors and inaccuracies in ritual can contribute to the opposite result. And sometimes the right ritual is accompanied by side effects and the consequences of the performer.

The most common methods of guiding negativity per person:

  1. Curse and damage in the photo.
    Pretty popular method and very affordable - use of photography. This is due to the position of things with the fact that the snapshot, if it is made no earlier than a year before the rite, is strong binder link between the performer of the ritual and the victim. Impact damage is easy and, depending on your intentions, the impact is on the various spheres of human life.
  2. Using genetic material.
    Among the magicians is considered a vast success of the possession of a genetic material of any person. In this case, the management of the owner of the hair, nails becomes simple process. The use of human body particles in order to bring a negative impact - an option that is characterized by high efficiency. In addition, the curse is actually done using hair, nails of the victim.
  3. With the use of needles, nails and other stitching items.
    Powering is possible to be carried out using stitching items. Conspiracy is read on these items. Usually final stage Rite - drivening, inwing a conspiracy nail, needles in a jamb of the door of the victim, instillation in a place where man usually goes.
  4. Using water.
    Pulling damage to an objectionable person often involves the use of water. Water is not required. Most often water is used after washing the dead man, as well as swamp fluid. The use of this composition is used and when a curse is made.
  5. Using cemetery items.
    Earth from the cemetery, elements of graves and other similar attributes can be used by those who want to damage, impose a curse.
  6. Damage on the figure.
    This rite is similar to voodoo damage. A figurine will be required that identifies the victim. Its creation depending on the ritual involves the use of photography and \\ or genetic material of man.

Types of negative impact on man

Black envy and hatred are strong feelings. And, if a person in love to achieve the goal and tied of the beloved, makes a spell, then hate and envy can push a person to perform damage to death, for loneliness.

Depending on the sphere where a person should begin to begin, the black effects are divided by several types:

  1. Damage to death.
    The worst and strong impact. Ends father outcome. However, it is dangerous not only "thowned", but also a man who makes the ritual. Performance of this ritual may become black seal and on the artist.
  2. Negative health effects.
    If a person does not want another death, but only big problems Health, then, in this case, this ritual is done. Although it is believed that such an impact can also lead to a fatal outcome.
  3. Damage to the relationship.
    This rite allows you to destroy even the strongest families. Often, this impact is made like a mistress with one - the sole purpose - to achieve a man and lead from the family. Black damage to the rival is most often done by his wife, whose husband wants to lead another woman.
  4. Damage for loneliness.
    This ritual is done usually out of revenge on the beloved beloved \\ beloved.
  5. Damage to business.
    These impacts turns out to be competitors for business, on more successful partners, the success of which can harm the person in the field of work.
  6. Rite for good luck.
    Ritual is done from envy, to destroy a happy coincidence of the circumstances in a certain person.
  7. Negative impact on money.
    It is done as a damage to business, and simply for failures in the financial sphere. Losses, theft and other economic trouble will become permanent satellites in a person's life.

The most common types are considered above. negative impact per person. However, in this case, a strong black love spell can also be considered a ritual of dark magic on possible consequences.