Wise quotes about the house. Quotes about the house

The house is not only a place where a person lives, and also his personal living space. Exactly at own apartment We can truly relax, come to ourselves after nervous tensionobtained at work. Only at home we really rest and restore forces. Therefore, there is such a wise saying - "My house is my fortress." This is actually so.

Quotes about the house help assess the importance and significance of the coziness, which a person surrounds himself. When you read such statements, the feelings of warmth are created and the opportunity arises otherwise look at the usual way of life to appreciate everything that you have. The following quotes about the house demonstrate the position of humility and pacification.

"The house is not a place, but the state of the soul" (S. Ahern)

Since the person has a significant part of the time in his life, it is there that he feels as comfortable as possible. In the evening, people return from work and come to the atmosphere of comfort and peace. There reigns relaxation and harmony, so the opportunity appears well and with benefit for the whole body to spend time. If a person had no such personal corner, probably, he could not fully exist. Quotes about the house fully correspond to the ideas of people about life, about how it should be arranged.

By ourselves, we radiate the energy that envelops the space of the apartment, creating a unique atmosphere in it. You will not find two identical houses on all white light, they will definitely differ from each other. The state of the soul is how we feel in a particular space.

"The one who has no home can be anywhere" (E. M. Remark)

As a rule, such individuals cannot find consolation anywhere. They seek calmness everywhere, comfort, but something constantly prevents from feeling happy. The thing is that they have no specific place where it would be possible to bow the head, to fully rest, reflect on what is happening events. Quotes of writers about the house demonstrate family and personal values. Creative peopleAs a rule, more scrupulously look for answers to questions about the meaning of life and are actively engaged in self-knowledge.

"There is a native focus where we love and wait" (Byron)

Quotes of the Great about the house would be incomplete without this wonderful statement. The hearth is not called not so much a place of physical habitat, how much is the spatial dimension where a person meets relatives and beloved people. Where you are glad to see where you go to heal the soul wounds and there is a true house. In such a place, you can remove the social masks, allow yourself to be weak, achieve the state of soothing and comfort.

Relaxity is achieved due to the fact that it is possible to express its emotions to the fullest, and not to silence them from fear to get disapproval from the bosses. It is for this reason that conflicts arising at work are easily "treated" with warmth and comfort.

"The house is where your heart" (P. Pori)

When a person talks about himself, he in most cases understands the presence of a large and friendly family under his own well-being. The house is a place where close people are going, deeply loving each other. The willingness to give care, heat, understanding indicates that several personalities are good together.

Thus, the quotes about the house allow each of us to find their own individual values, look at the close environment with recognition and gratitude. A person can not be happy alone, no matter how hard he tried to prove the opposite himself or those who are near. Each of us needs to understand and recognize their own uniqueness.

The collection includes phrases and quotes about the house, comfort and homely hearth:
  • I love to travel, and find my house in different places.
  • Most of the domestic among those who have no corner. Leshek Kuzor.
  • It was a premium house, with all modern inconveniences. Mark Twain
  • Only kings, girls and thieves can be everywhere. Onor Balzac
  • The longer you live in one place, the more things and people are broken, decompose and begin to be done especially for you. Louheferdinand Celine.
  • In the old house, feelings and emotions are preserved - the pain of loss or parting, the fear of separation. It looks like a scratch recorder, which is constantly falling needle. And the same words are constantly sounding. Schreiber Joe.
  • A person without address is suspicious, a man with two addresses is the more. D b show
  • Return home is never late.
  • Well to learn to learn at your home. Chilon
  • Where they love us - only there is a focal of a birthplace. George Noel Gordon Bayron
  • You won't attend anywhere, until you come back home. Terry Pratchett.
  • The house is a building built for the residence of people, various mice, crickets, flies, all sorts of insects, rodents and microbes. A. Birs.
  • The one who lives everywhere does not live anywhere. Marcial
  • The house is a place where the woman works in the absence of a man, and a man is resting in the presence of a woman.
  • The temperature in the room, whatever it is, is always room temperature. Stephen Wright
  • The house is a place where we rest from efforts to be polite with others.
  • Your house is the fortress of your wife. Alexander Chase
  • The house is a place where, if you have to go back there, they will have to take you. Robert Frost.
  • The table is decorated with guests, and the house is children.
  • The house may be too crazy for one family, but will never be quite spacious for two families.
  • Repair cannot be finished, it can only be stopped.
  • The house in which there is no books, is like a body devoid of soul. Cicero Mark Tullya
  • Shame you, Watson. Mrs. Hudson will throw Baker Street? Rather, England falls! Sherlock
  • Houses of New, and Prejudice Olders. A. Griboyedov
  • One person is one adult man - can not fill out the house. Robert Frost.
  • Homemade focus warmed by the warmth of a faithful friend, makes a person invulnerable. Martin Andersennexe
  • Need a hundred men to arrange a camp, but quite one woman to arrange a house. Robert Ingersoll
  • If there is no owner in the house and the servant does not dispose, will the Besnowness and acking come true in it? Hong Zychiche
  • There are only two types of houses: those that we are not suitable, and those that we do not use.
  • There is no place to a nail home. Cicero Mark Tullya
  • The perfect size of the house: To be heard of children, but not too distinct. Mignon McLuffle
  • Not at home should read the owner, and the house for the owner. Cicero Mark Tullya
  • Each family of the family must be the master at home, and not in the neighbor's house. Volter.
  • Furniture is three species: an old, modern and comfortable.
  • What a mess in this house!
  • Apartment: a room in which after turning off the TV you are convinced that he listened to the neighbor's TV. Leonard Louis Levinson
  • When the time comes in life in life, when the previous one has already passed, and the new has not appeared, the best refuge is the father's house. And no matter how old you are. - Sophie Kinsella. Girl and ghost.
  • What is the owner, such and servant. Petronia Arbitrator Guy.
  • You can be a poet and pay for the apartment. Jules Renar
  • Each husband needs his closet for clothes that the wife did not fit in his closet.
  • Do not judge the house by the owner, but as of the state, judge the owner. Cicero Mark Tully.
  • Women's quarrels burn the whole house. Menandr
  • There is nothing better at homeIf you have no money to go somewhere else.
  • If you are tired of being the owner at home, get a cat. Valentin Domil
  • Nothing shares people as shared housing. Zbignev Kholuk
  • Homework is what you notice when the wife stops doing it. E. Esar
  • One move is equal to three fires. Benjamin Franklin
  • Homemade hearth - prison for a girl and a lounge house for a woman. B. Show.

Quotes about the house

There is no place to a nail home. Mark Tully Cicero

If all people once brought all their sins and vices to the market, then each, seeing the defects of the neighbor, would gladly carry their home. Herodotus Galicarnassky

One child is enough to fill the whole house and courtyard. Mark Twain

The house in which there is no books, is like a body devoid of soul. Mark Tully Cicero

Houses, like people, have their own soul and their face, which reflects their inner entity. Alexander Duma (Father)

A kind wife in the house as an ant, and the evil wife how to breathe a barrel. Menandr.

If the neighboring house caught fire, it is not superfluous to get water and our own. Edmund Burk

I would love to spend your whole life in closer travel if I could buy another life to spend her at home. William Gazlitt

The originality feels good at home, but he has nothing to do with the fence. George Savil Halifax

Neither the house nor the estate, no piles of bronze and gold will be cast out of the sick body of their owner a hot, and from the Spirit of him - sadness: if the owner of all this pile of things wants to use them well, he needs to be healthy. Quint Horace Flacc

Let our house be divided into our house, not our dishes. Lutions of Annese Seneca (Jr.)

Mistress at home - that's what is a house. And the house without the hostess is similar to the forest. Ancient India, Unknown Author

Do not participate in your friend's friend, so that he does not bother to you and did not wave you. Book of proverbs

Random visit to the house of Naemichenny shows that faith proves nothing. Heinrich Heine

In someone else's do not hock the house unmanned, Kohl should be kept from evil. Lope de Vega

Who enters the house of happiness through the door of pleasures, he usually goes through the door of suffering. Blaise Pascal

The seeker of happiness is like a drunk, who can't find his home in any way, but he knows that he has a house. Volter.

A man building his house on one heart builds him on the fireless grief. People who are based on all the benefit of their lives on family lifeBuild a house on the sand. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

If you built a house of happiness, the most large room It would have to stay under the waiting room. Jules Renar

Live so that you are not ashamed to sell a home parrot to the main city gossip. Will Rogers.

Is yours native home Where you think about you.

Good is when in my head, at home and in bed the same person ...

The main house is the one who pays for the Internet ...

Everyone must have such a place where he can return with confidence that it loves him there and wait.

With the birth of children in the house, the order, money, peace and serenity disappear ... and happiness appears.

House, work, house, work, house, work ... It is difficult to live a double life.

The road home begins at the very moment when we are leaving ...

I love the gentle look of my mom and the face of her cute oval really is on earth someone better, who has given your life?

Nothing in the house is stored so tremendous, as an unnecessary trash called "And suddenly it will come in handy."

The family is not where everything is perfect, and this is the place where each other is forgiving!

Happiness is when there is someone to wish good morning, good night ... and just know what you are waiting for and you have to hurry.

Parental house is a small paradise: it sleeps well there, smells with snacks, and mirrors are dried!

Happiness is when you wake up from the fact that you are twitching for your hair, shouting in your ear: "Maaam". Embank the whole body on the face, overlapping oxygen, and then kiss a lot - many times!

Domestic affairs they are such arrogant, just that they come without demand and a large company, they don't even leave, they are hidden in the corners, along the cabinets and are fruitful.

But it is so important that in the evening I wanted to go home ...

Once a daughter, hugging me, said: "Mommy, it smells so tasty," on the question: "What?" She replied: "Mom" ...

Want to be at home King - Make a queen's wife.

Children are happiness! Children are joy! Children is a light breeze in life! They do not earn, it is not a reward. Their grace of adult gives God !!!

The mystery of family life lies in the 3rd words: "You are right, love!".

I do not scold my wife, I will never bother her, it's bad it became bad, and I took it good.

Visiting is good, but at home ... Internet !!!

Happiness is when in the morning I really want to go to work, and in the evening I really want to go home.

Work-house, house-work, work-house ... however! Difficult to lead such a double life!

Happiness is more worse in the house, where a good mood always reigns.

In the house where you laugh, happiness comes.

For someone, the house is a fortress, and for someone - prison. Therefore, some live with comrades, while others - with models.

Only I have a pan in the oven?)))

The house is a place where our junk is stored at the time while we are outside the house to get more junk.

Repair is disastercommitted by a group of persons, according to the preliminary conspiracy, in particularly large amounts.

The best way to get into your hometown is to lose the SIM card in it. Verified.

Talk about a housewife: "She is sitting at home, she is unemployed," just blasphemous!

Happiness is when you go to your home and understand what you are waiting for you.

Strange, but cleaning in the house helps to be cleaned of bad thoughts, the dirt is erased, the dust of the old one, brings freshness. And the world looks like a new one. Cleaner.

Homework is what you notice when the wife stops doing it.

The most interesting findings are found under the pudded sofa.

It turns out ... When we are alone at home, everything suits us. And like guests - so immediately: "Bardak! Need to take !!! "

Nothing climbs the family as a lack of light in the apartment!

You are sitting at work and think: now I will come to your home, attempted, I will do homework and go to sleep.

At work rest from home, and at home rest from work)))))))))

I will be expelled from my homely home ... for not attendance ...

When a husband comes home early, he thinks: "What would you read?", And when it's late: "To compose?"

I have all the duties are clearly distributed: the wife is engaged in everyone, and I all else.

If your child does not feel that your home belongs to him too, he will make his house street.

Observation: faster and more efficient I clean the house at moments of strong anger.)

Do not be afraid to be late, where they like to wait there!

Women - like cats - often do not like the owner, and the house.

It is said that the native home has a person where charger his mobile phone)))

A person in the world has two joys: one - in his youth to get out of the house, the other - in old way to return home.

Not that hometown, where a person was born, and the one he himself created, where every thing, bought or was made by his hands, where he always had a place for him.

Statuses about the native house


Quotes about the house, family, children.

The family begins with children.

A. I. Herzzen

All happy families are similar to each other, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

L. N. Tolstoy

The key to family happiness in kindness, frankness, responsiveness ...

E. Zola

In family life, the most important screw is love.

A. P. Chekhov

A strong family is when all her members live together together with each other.

T. Kleimima

Family is one of the masterpieces of nature.

D. Santyana

The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to create good.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Family is a society crystal.


Mother and father, Dad and Mom are the first two authorities, on which the world is based on the child, the faith is in life, in a person, in all honest, good and holy.

G. Medynsky

Only a family, only she alone, can bring up the essential sides of the culture in children, to instill its spiritualized particles.

V.V. Rozanov

If your own heart, your own habits, your own life cannot serve your sample children, then everything will be lost efforts and in vain efforts.

I. Camp

A friendly family is a ship, which during a storm is held by two anchors: faith and morality.


Your son, when he is 5 years old, is your lord; When he is 10 - your slave; When he is 15 - your twin; But then one of two: either a friend or an enemy, depending on the upbringing.

A. Khasdaym.

Children make up the most beautiful, the most sonorous and joyful part of society.
A. Makarenko

Do not part with childhood, do not part as long as possible, and the world will never hang in your soul.

P. P. Bazhov

The child learn what he sees in his house.

I. Brandt.

Happy one who is happy at home.

L. Tolstoy

Children never obeyed adults, but it was always regularly imitated.

D. Baldwin

We do not create laws for our children, everything that we can do for them is to give them a valuable example.

T. Macaula

Home focus should not be a seat, but the place where we always return.

A. Montterlan

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