The parade of the planets is one of the most magnificent natural phenomena. Parade of planets - interesting facts, does the parade of planets affect a person

Since ancient times, people have noticed that many natural processes are associated with the movements of the planets. Therefore, by signs from space, they tried to judge what troubles lie in wait for them tomorrow. The parade of planets is one of the most extraordinary cosmic phenomena, therefore, most of all kinds of predictions are associated with it, including about the coming apocalypse.

So what is this astronomical performance?

The parade of the planets is an event of amazing beauty, in which several celestial bodies turn out to be on the same straight line. To a person who observes what is happening, it seems as if the planets are located very close to each other.

What are these amazing phenomena?

The parade of the planets can be small or large. There are also visible and invisible phenomena. The minor parade of the planets is the configuration of Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn, while they rise from the star on one side. This happens no more than once a year. The parade of three planets sometimes even happens several times a year, although the conditions for their visibility are different everywhere.

A harbinger of the apocalypse?

The parade of planets on December 21, 2012, which journalists dubbed the Great Parade of Planets and the harbinger of the end of the world, turned out to be just a mini-parade, which began in November and ended safely. Heavenly bodies from all over Milky way did not line up in one line, we did not observe such a grandiose phenomenon.

Great parade of planets

Such a heavenly configuration looks even more majestic and more beautiful than all of the above. With this astronomical phenomenon, six celestial bodies appear on the same line at once, such as Venus, Mars, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus. This magnificent sight can be seen only once every twenty years.

Features of the visible parade

The visible parade of planets differs in that five such planets as Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn approach each other, they become visible in the same sector of the celestial ecliptic. If Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are at the same longitude, all five planets participating in the parade will be immediately visible. Another condition: Mercury and Venus must be located to the west of the Sun in the fall, and to the east in the spring. Mercury is visible especially for a long time at this time, since its elongation is no more than twenty-eight degrees. But Venus is much better visible, because its elongation, unlike Mercury, is as much as forty-eight degrees. Behold this wonderful astronomical phenomenon you can either at dawn or at dusk. The parade of four planets (except Saturn) could be seen in May 2011 early in the morning at the equator and in the Southern Hemisphere. In the summer of 2022, a new parade of all five celestial bodies is predicted; it will be possible to observe it in our latitudes.

Invisible option

A complete parade of planets (in another way it is also called invisible) is such an arrangement in which all these bodies are on one side of the Sun. But some of them, such as Mercury and Venus, cannot be seen from our planet. The closest such parade of planets to us in time can be expected only after two hundred years.

Since ancient times, formidable prophets and prophets have frightened people with a parade of heavenly bodies. It is all sorts of predictors, not scientists, who make the weather and the unhealthy hype in the free and democratic media.

Even a schoolboy studying astronomy can figure out whether a parade of planets is threatening our earth or not. The parade of planets in scientific astronomy it is considered to be such a position in the solar system when several planets, continuously rotating and circling in their orbits, for a short time, as it were, line up approximately near one line. This short and rather rare occurrence, the coincidence of the passage of motion through one line - and there is that parade of planets with which they began to seriously intimidate us this year. Scientific astronomy observes, records and divides the parades of the planets into large and small, visible and invisible.

For example, when small parade on one approximately straight line there will be 4 planets at the same time. These are mainly: Venus, Mars, Saturn and Mercury. A small parade of planets is observed often: about 1 time per year, and a mini-parade (when there are only 3 planets on one line) can be observed 2 times a year. The arrangement of celestial bodies during the "parade" is similar to the arrangement of the Sun, Moon and Earth during Solar and Lunar eclipses.

Big parade planets are less common, about once every 20 years. For this, 6 celestial bodies: Earth, Venus, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus must line up in one approximately straight line and be in the sector of the sky (approximately 10-40 degrees) for some time. The big parade of planets is rarely repeated, after about 20 years.

The fact that space, and especially the celestial bodies close to our Earth, have a huge influence on our life is unambiguous, but our body has adapted to this so that many do not even know it. The influence of the parade of planets is not so great as to cause an Armageddon or a catastrophe of a planetary scale. Believe the scientists and their calculations: even the largest parade of planets, to our happiness, is not at all the Apocalypse, and not the distortion of our energy shells to the general death of all mankind. The Moon has the greatest influence on the Earth during the full moon. We are used to this and do not pay attention to this influence. The largest in terms of mass celestial body in the solar system is Jupiter. When Jupiter is in opposition to the Earth, then its gravitational effect on us is greatest. But even then, it is 1640.6 times farther from the earth than the Moon. Considering the masses of the planets, this influence will be 100 times less than the influence of the Moon on our Earth. The gravitational action of other celestial bodies Solar system to the Earth even less significantly, even if, with the parade of the planets, they all line up in one very even line.

From the foregoing, it is clear that the parades of the planets occurred quite often, will be observed with the same frequency, and in the future they will not have any significant effect on a person in the physical sense, they will not affect any of his shells more than before. Anyway ... there will be no big parade of planets on December 21, 2012: predictors and prophets are not astronomers, and cannot compete with scientists processing data from spaceships and the latest computer telescopes. Prophets predict mostly beneficial events for someone, absolutely not based on scientific data, and democratic media colorfully and emotionally present this to us. In general, this is a profitable business: to whip up fear on people ... you look - and no one needs candles sold out at inflated prices, fuel and food are stocked up, for tickets who go to hell, who puts money into heaven. Even the new word has appeared "bunkering". People are afraid for their lives, and they began to build and stock up huge bunkers in the ground - "from the parade of the planets." If things go on like this, the overcoming of the economic crisis is not far off. And the people will cheer up before the new year: what a joy! the end of the world has been canceled, you can continue to live and live in peace and make good money until the prophets come up with something new, and they certainly will not eat bread for nothing, and after the holidays they will take up their work. God willing, maybe they will take up their minds and they will predict and prophesy us a happy, paradise life on Earth. And the parades of the planets, according to their cosmic and astronomical laws, as they passed, will continue to pass, without interfering or threatening us.

They prophesy an evil parade of planets
that the package will give you all the disasters
which will block the light for us.
All 9 planets must rise,
create a straight line
to convene a great parade of planets,
play on gravity,
and get into the beam of the Galaxy.
The prophets scream for us not to live
and I burn for all the great things to be:
the light will go out, everything will be silent, shut up and not beep,
do not call on the phone and do not turn on the Internet,
the whole earth will crash, shudder, dry up
and all life will quickly die out.
But Globa is cunningly cunning,
all the same he will leave obedient ones,
4 signs will fly away, and the rest can be forgiven.
Or maybe the Sun and the Earth,
Another planet there
They will not stand in a row and undermine everything,
Our happiness will be prolonged
And the earth will still be revived.
And our brains are hovering decently,
Run, Laugh and Love!

A parade of planets is an unofficial periodic astronomical event, during which the planets do not line up in one row, or are on the same straight line with respect to the Sun.

Such a parade can be observed right now in Europe and Russia. From the end of January to 3–4 February, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were visible in the predawn sky with the naked eye. Also in the field of view of the telescopes was Pluto, invisible to man. The precise definition and characterization of such a phenomenon as a "parade of planets" is vague, as for millennia "parades" have been the subject of speculation by astrologers, mystics and religious cults.

A bit of background

One can easily understand the reverence of ancient people for the parade of the planets. Man, possessing limited knowledge about the structure of the world, was especially sensitive to events that went beyond the ordinary - and attributed to them supernatural and divine qualities.

If someone makes a rating unusual phenomena according to our ancestors, they will take one of the first places. So, they qualitatively stand out from other objects in the sky. Unlike static stars, which simply replace each other during the rotation of the Earth, the planets actively move across the sky. In addition, the light of the planet has a pronounced color and does not flicker like stars - and even planets are many times brighter. For example, Venus reaches –4.3, which makes it the brightest source of light in the Earth's night sky after the Sun and the Moon.

Therefore, it is not surprising that when the planets lined up in one row, this made a strong impression on our ancestors. Lacking knowledge about, thanks to which the planets revolve around the Sun, they considered such a coincidence of the positions of the planets to be something special. Moreover, usually the parades of the planets occur within certain constellations, which allows even now especially learned minds to "predict" the future and interpret the events of the past.

What is a "parade of planets"?

However, is the parade of planets really a rare phenomenon? And what arrangement of the planets can be considered a parade? Now we'll figure it out together.

So what is a planetary parade? This is the position of the planets of the solar system relative to the Earth that in its night sky they are visible on one conditional line- and at the same time at an angular distance of up to 40-50 degrees from each other. According to this criterion, the parade of planets that is happening right now is not a parade - the participating planets are scattered among themselves in a field of more than 110 °. However, they can still be seen together, which is valuable for lovers of the night sky. Novice astronomers can compare a planet and a star, as well as assess the differences in color, brightness and size between different bodies in the solar system. In addition, even now, when invisible to the naked eye, it is easy to detect with binoculars or a children's telescope.

Many people believe that during the parade of the planets, all the large bodies of the solar system become in one row. It is not always so. For example, in this position, one of the main participants in the parades, Venus, will not be visible. Since it is closer to the Sun than the Earth, it will be on the daytime side of our planet, which will not allow observing it simultaneously with other planets. The same goes for Mercury. Together with they are visible mainly at sunset and in the morning, and then during elongations - periods in autumn and spring, when they rise above the horizon in the sky of the Northern Hemisphere.

No less interesting are the already mentioned "full" parades, when all the planets, together with the Earth, line up on one side of the Sun. Although in science there is no official term "parade of planets", the parades themselves are actively used in astronomy. The probe, the spacecraft farthest from the Earth, used the favorable position of the planets for a gravitational maneuver - having made orbits around Jupiter and Saturn, Voyager not only made unique ones, but also gained tremendous speed without using fuel!

Planetary parade frequency

During Voyager's flight, in 1982, the last full parade of planets happened. The next one has to wait already in 2162. It turns out that the parade of planets is a rare phenomenon?

Not really. Although full parades involving invisible to the naked eye Uranus and Neptune are indeed very rare, small parades do occur regularly. A parade of planets similar to the current one will take place in 2022 - and three planets in the sky at the same time can sometimes be observed several times a year. In addition, the outer planets like Jupiter and Saturn are visible not only before dawn, but throughout the night. And since in winter Venus "connects" to their celestial company, mini-parades cannot be avoided.

Parades are quite likely in the summer, however, to observe them, the minimum is already needed. For example, in late June and early July 2020, Mars, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter will be visible on the horizon in the southeast. Despite the fact that the planets will be easily observed at night, Neptune cannot be seen without a telescope - and the small distance between Saturn and Jupiter in the parade will pose problems for inexperienced observers.

In order to put an end to the theme of antiquity and step into the present day, it is worth noting right away - people in the past registered planetary parades much less often. They were hindered not only by the lack of optical instruments that allow them to see the planets in the blinding morning dawn, but also by the irregularity of observation and underdeveloped communication. The accumulation of clouds usual for autumn in Antiquity made astronomical observations impossible. It should also be borne in mind that some parades of the planets are visible only from the Southern Hemisphere, which only the Incas and Mayans followed 500-600 years ago. Today astronomers from all over the globe share data, images and even arrange their telescopes.

The impact of planetary parades on Earth

In our article, it has already been mentioned that people who are ignorant of the world order of antiquity were amazed by various natural phenomena - from volcanic eruptions. And when the latter have already ceased to inspire superstitious horror, the parades of the planets still allow scammers to speculate on coincidences - for example, the parade in December 1989 is often called "the cause of the collapse of the USSR."

The connection between politics on Earth and the movement of bodies in the Universe is one of the oldest disciplines of astrology, and needs no comment by astronomers. Therefore, we are primarily interested in how the parades of the planets affect the Earth - part of the Sun's gravitational system. There are also many myths here, some of which have leaked into popular culture- in the acclaimed science fiction film "2012" it was the parade of the planets that caused the destruction of the Sun.

At first glance, this is logical - since all the planets are on the same side of the Sun, the aggregate of their masses could affect, if not the Sun, then at least the Earth. However, the calculations show a completely different picture.

As we know, the Moon has the strongest gravitational influence on the Earth after the Sun. Its rotation creates a tidal wave on Earth, following the Moon across the sky. The absolute height of the tidal wave is 60 centimeters. However, the unevenness of the Earth's surface allows the tide to reach even 18 meters in height! The tide occurs not only in water, but also in the liquid parts of the lower layers of the Earth - this catalyzes plate movement, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The influence of the Moon is most powerful during the full moon, when it reaches perigee - the point of its orbit closest to the Earth.

The moon, of course, is lighter than any of the planets of the solar system, and is not even the largest satellite - however, it is only 384 thousand kilometers distant from the Earth. The minimum distance to the closest planet, Venus, is 38 million kilometers - nearly 10 times the distance of the Moon. Therefore, the Venusian tidal wave on Earth is hundredths of a millimeter. Even the huge Jupiter, shifting by millions of kilometers, is unable to seriously affect the Earth - even at the moment of its closest approach, it is 100 times weaker than our Moon!

Then maybe a parade of planets can affect the sun? The numbers will all speak for themselves. When the ratio of the mass of the Moon to the mass of the Earth is 0.012, then the mass of all objects in the Solar System is related to the Sun as 0.0013. Proceeding from this, the influence of the objects of the system on the Sun is already 10 times weaker than the influence of the Moon on the Earth. In addition, the matter of the planets is unevenly distributed throughout the solar system - therefore, the maximum height of the tidal wave on the Sun from the planets is 10 centimeters. Given that the Sun itself is capable of tens of kilometers, this tide can be neglected.

Jupiter is many times larger than Earth. Fortunately, they are separated by a huge distance - otherwise the giant would simply swallow our planet.

Finally, I would like to recall the motto of the Enlightenment, formulated by the famous philosopher Immanuel Kant: “Have the courage to use your mind. You should not be afraid of lifeless planets in space - people bring much great misfortune to themselves. And the first step on the road to progress is to take responsibility upon yourself, instead of shifting it to indifferent heaven.

Heaven at all times attracted people, at first the representatives of humanity admired space, the stars, worshiped and feared the formidable manifestations of the sky.

Then, with the development of technical progress, they began to study in detail starfalls and planets, the phases of the moon and eclipses. One of the most mysterious remains the so-called parade of planets.

In this material, an attempt will be made to answer the questions of what kind of astronomical phenomenon it is, when will people be able to observe it in the near future of the year, whether it has an impact on human life and health, or is it completely safe and does not pose a threat.

How astronomers explain this phenomenon

In astronomy, such beautiful name, like a parade of planets, received a phenomenon in which several planets find themselves in a fairly small sector, and on one side of the Sun.

At the closest approach of space objects, scientists talk about the connection, although in fact this does not happen. There is a division into different kinds parades of planets, for example, large and small, visible and invisible.

Not all stars of our galaxy can become "participants" of the parade, such an opportunity is provided only to some of them - Earth, Uranus, Venus, Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter.

Mercury, joining with Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter, forms a small parade. Six planets take part in the big parade, of the above, only Mercury is "on the sidelines."

A visible parade of planets can take place under certain conditions, from its name it is clear that such an astronomical phenomenon can be observed by a person with the naked eye. Accordingly, the invisible parade "passes", but out of sight without a telescope.

Should I be afraid of him?

The parade of the planets is a fantastic phenomenon, although it is very difficult for people on Earth to assess the scale of what is happening. It remains a mystery whether one should be afraid of this, or be happy to prepare for observations.

Some scientists who have been researching this phenomenon for many decades, note that the consequences of planetary parades for earthlings can be the most fantastic.

The parade of planets, which was "created" by the galaxy 26 thousand years ago, is considered fatal. Scientists put forward a version that it was this astronomical phenomenon that provoked climate change on the planet, and, as a result, the extinction of all living things, that is, the onset of the apocalypse.

A similar arrangement of the planets was expected in 2012, when in different parts of the Earth they began to talk about the coming of a new end of the world.

As you can see, this prediction did not come true, although the parade of the planets passed to the "stormy applause" of astronomers and scientists of other specialties. Another parade of planets, as astronomers say, fantastically coincided with the tragic events of 1941 - the introduction of the "Barbarossa" plan by Nazi Germany, the attack on the USSR, an increase in the number of earthquakes on the planet was noted.

The next parade of planets (small, but with the participation of the "five" bright celestial bodies) will take place in 2022, so today you can start preparing for observations.

True, astrologers immediately warned that not in all regions of the planet this phenomenon will be seen in all its glory, for example, Russians are better off planning a trip to other countries.

The impact of this phenomenon on people

Most scientists are skeptical about claims that large or small, visible or invisible parades of planets can have an impact on everyone and on humanity as a whole.

Events of a different scale take place on the planet every year, and therefore there is always an opportunity to "juggle" the facts. For example, it is possible to "attribute" to this astronomical phenomenon man-made and natural disasters, military action, etc.

Astrologers say that the planets lined up have an impact on certain signs zodiac, which these very planets patronize.

Therefore, if a person is susceptible to suggestion, he cannot live without individual horoscope and day, then he should prepare especially carefully for the parade of the planets, especially if his "patrons" are involved.

Thus, the parade of planets is just an astronomical phenomenon that has already been well studied by scientists. It remains only to prepare for observing the next heavenly miracle, and believe that it brings only good things.

The visible parade of planets is a planetary configuration when five bright planets of the solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) in their movement across the sky approach each other at a close distance and become visible at the same time in a small sector (10 - 40 degrees ) of the sky.

In order for all five bright planets to be visible at the same time, the condition must certainly be met that Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have approximately the same longitude and are visible near the inner planets, and Mercury and Venus are in the eastern elongation from the Sun in spring, and in the western elongatsi, in autumn (for the northern hemisphere of the Earth and for middle latitudes). It is in such elongations that Mercury can be observed for quite a long time. Venus has less severe visibility conditions because its maximum elongation is 48 degrees (for Mercury it is 28 degrees).

From the above, it can be seen that the parade of planets can be observed either in the evening or in the morning. A mini-parade of planets with the participation of four planets occurs more often, and mini-parades of planets with the participation of three planets can be observed annually (or even twice a year), however, the conditions of their visibility are not the same for different latitudes of the Earth.

So, for example, a wonderful parade of 4 bright planets in mid-May 2011, when the planets gather in the sector of 7 degrees (!), Can be observed in the equatorial regions and the southern hemisphere of the Earth, and for residents of the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere, the parade will be practically invisible since the planets will rise simultaneously with the Sun.

The closest mini-parade of planets will take place in August 2008 (sector 20 degrees). Visible parades of planets with the participation of five bright planets occur no more than once every 18-20 years, and the next close parade of 5 planets in the 38-degree sector will take place in March 2022, but its visibility conditions will be unfavorable for the inhabitants of Russia.

But on the other hand, already in June 2022, the residents of Russia will still be lucky, and they will see all five planets at the same time, but located already in the 115-degree sector, and they will be located Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. This combination happens even less often than the parade of 5 planets.

In addition, the End of the World on December 23, 2012, as the ancient Mayans allegedly predicted, will not happen. This was stated by an employee of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Alfonso Arellano.

Thus, the scientist refuted the interpretation of certain Indian "prophecies" widespread in esoteric circles.

A specialist at the Institute of Philological Research UNAM explained that this date marks the end of the "current cosmic cycle", as it was imagined in one of the greatest pre-Columbian civilizations.

According to the Mayan hieroglyphic inscriptions of the classical period (III-IX centuries AD), it began on August 13, 3113 BC and should end on December 23, 2012.

This circumstance gave rise to many pseudo-scientific, apocalyptic speculations. Although the texts on which they are based are not prophecies, but records telling about the deeds of local rulers.

Nevertheless, on the significant day of December 23, it will be possible to observe an astronomical phenomenon of extraordinary beauty - a parade of planets. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will line up, and, as the scientist says, “a huge“ star ”will be visible. Thus, according to the ideas of the time of the ancient Mayans, a new 5125-year cycle will begin.