Human psychology: how to manage people. Effective people management

The art of managing people can be useful not only for those who hold leadership positions at work, but also for everyone who is in contact with society on a daily basis. A simple set of psychological techniques and skills will help you in case of a dispute to convince your opponent that you are right, to avoid conflict, not to succumb to outside provocations.

Psychology is a full-fledged branch of science, in which there is a section that studies the direct and hidden impact on the consciousness of the collective and the individual. In other words, the tactics of controlling a person will give you the opportunity to find harmony with those around you. She works with almost everyone, regardless of gender, age, social status and views. If you want to know how to learn how to manage people, then our article is especially for you.

What is manipulation?

Manipulation is a hidden control of a person, that is, an inducement to make decisions, to perform any actions that are necessary for the manipulator to achieve his own goals (often selfish).

In no case should the victim understand that the thoughts and actions performed under the influence of the "puppeteer" are imposed by someone from the outside. This is the art of managing people. Such a skill provides quite serious opportunities that can be embodied as material or moral satisfaction.

On the one hand, the work of a manipulator is often perceived in the eyes of others as negative impact, but the medal always has two sides: so, the reverse in this matter is the manipulation of a teacher or parent in relation to a student or child for educational and educational purposes.

The main difference between manipulation and voluntary choice is the obvious lack of choice. A person does not act in accordance with his interests, but after realizing the fact of influence, he feels used, which is very unpleasant. But not from birth a person has such a skill.

What you need to know

  1. The human psyche is very individual. If one technique works for one, there is no guarantee that it will work for the other. Your skills should be used with caution.
  2. Any skill needs to be honed. One should not be content with one theory, practice is necessary in every case, no skill comes out of nowhere.
  3. It is possible to influence a person only if he is disposed towards you.
  4. Before trying to convince the interlocutor of anything, find out as much as possible about him, be it a place of work or personality traits.
  5. You must be confident in your words.

Affection points

  1. Influence on a person through her needs. Each person seeks to satisfy his needs or ambitions, be it the need for security, physiology, the desire to occupy a particular position, to receive a certain service. This is often the focus of the manipulator's attention. This skill is mainly used by the media. The most striking example is advertising on the Internet and on television. The tricks of marketers, the ability to correctly present information, inviting celebrities ... All this makes the masses buy what is offered from the screens.
  2. Manipulation through weakness. This method implies the skill of playing on human weaknesses, which include self-doubt, stupidity, excitement, curiosity, suggestibility, superstition, fear, and so on.
  3. Guilt management. Often, having committed a minor offense, the victim is looking for a way to atone for his guilt, which is what the manipulator uses. This skill is most often used by inexperienced manipulators.
  4. Vanity game. As well as self-doubt, you can use self-confidence: the manager achieves his goal by flattery and approving speeches.

Masked manipulation

Psychology also shares several main methods of influence that greatly simplify the achievement of goals in any spheres of human life: work, social activities, family. The main ones are the following basics:

  1. The ability to interest the object of influence. Whether it is the promised service or the provision of the information a person needs, the main thing is that the motivation is strong enough to induce action. You don't need to have a lot of skill here. A classic example that is quite often used in families in relation to children: "Come on, you do the work, and in return you will get candy." This also happens with adults, only a "candy" can be a promotion, material incentives. There is only one psychology.
  2. Gimmicks are manipulations that embarrass the controlled. Often this technique is used in disputes, debates.
  3. Managing people under stress. One of the most simple methods that do not require skills in the field of psychology. A person who is deeply depressed, fearful, or stressed is easily suggestible. It is not so important for him what to believe. The goal of such a person is to cling to something. Fraudsters often take advantage of this. Remember the gypsy fortune-tellers who, seeing that a person is not in best location spirit, take advantage of it.

All methods of manipulation, one way or another, are revealed through the above basics. Some of them are suitable for the crowd, others are quite suitable for domestic use.

A few more ways

  1. Influence through stereotypes. In this case, the influence is exerted through images rooted in the consciousness of a person, traditions, elements of mentality.
  2. Attraction is one of the methods that helps to control people even more invisibly. Attraction as such is not a method of manipulation. It is only a soil and is to attract the attention of a person, to create interest and proper disposition. The psychology of attraction is the desire and ability to achieve positive emotions.
  3. Suggestion. Simply an intervention in the human psyche. These methods include hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming (NLP). The impact is mainly on emotions, but this method requires a special skill. This work should be done by a professional who knows exactly how to manage people without harm to mental health.

Otherwise, baits work, allowing the manipulator the opportunity to attract and hold the attention of the controlled or society to a certain part of the whole case, distracting from the main goal. This method can be called almost ideal, because a person, even after the manipulator has received his, does not notice the influence.

The described techniques are versatile and are suitable for both domestic use and for managing people at work. Managing people is a very useful skill these days. However, it should be remembered that it is advisable to use these methods in the masses only if the points on which you intend to "press" are the same for most of the controlled ones, or at least are close. Other methods are suitable only for personal influence at the household level, often carried out unconsciously.

In conclusion, it should be said that science does not stand still and is developing rather quickly, new information, data, and techniques appear on the topic of human management, but the main points that exist at the moment and are listed above will not lose their relevance over time.

In the process of studying in detail the topic of human management, the books by Paul Ekman are of particular importance. To improve your manipulation skill, start with them.

Many people believe that management techniques are useful only for those whose profession is related to management. In fact, this is a set of techniques that can be applied in any area of ​​life where society is present.

Do not succumb to the provocations of an old harmful neighbor, build correct relationships with children, establish contact with unpleasant relatives or employees, in the end, it is profitable to sell a dacha or even a sofa on Avito.

In other words, a set of techniques will work with absolutely all people, regardless of their gender, age and social status.

For people in leadership positions and entrepreneurs, the first thing they need to do is learn how to manage people. Of course, it is not enough just some chips, gleaned from different sites.

For masterful management of people, you need a full set of techniques and even a slightly changed worldview.

But I'll talk about this later, and now - 10 ways that will be useful to you in your career and in life.

1. Correct view

There is a special look that makes people reckon with you, recognize you as a strong adversary at the subconscious level.

This look can come in handy in any controversial situation when you want to declare that you should be reckoned with and you make the decisions here.

It is necessary to look into the eyes, but not to the surface of the eye, but, as it were, through it, looking into the soul. It turns out a piercing look that declares your decisive attitude. And people feel it.

2. Energy break

To get what they want, people sometimes use the tactless questioning method around other people. In private, you would not hesitate to answer or answer negatively, but in public you are confused and you can agree or answer so as not to seem greedy, secretive, and so on.

In order not to fall for this bait, you can use the energy pause method. You look the person in the eye as if you are about to answer. He prepares to accept your answer, but you don't answer.

You keep looking at him, but you don't say anything. He looks away in confusion, and then you start talking about something else. After such an incident, he will no longer try to force you to answer in public.

3. Pause and encouragement

Sometimes people try to demand something by relying solely on the intensity of their demand. That is, a person, in principle, understands that his demand is unfounded, and you understand that.

Nevertheless, he actively and very emotionally demands something, hoping that you will give in, fearing conflict. If you support his tone or start to object, the conflict will take place.

Instead, take a break and kindly encourage the person to continue the conversation. Feeling support, the person will cease to get excited, will begin to speak more calmly.

But even after that, do not break the silence, nod and encourage him to speak further. The person will begin to explain, then - to make excuses and, finally, to apologize.

4. Protection from gaze

Of course, some techniques are used not only by you and not only consciously. It happens that people unconsciously feel how to act in order to achieve what they want, and behave that way.

If you notice the intent gaze of the interlocutor, he may apply some kind of psychological influence to you, it does not matter, consciously or not.

Remember: you don't have to play peepers with him by accepting the rules of his game.... Look into his eyes, smile, making it clear that you noticed his gaze and you do not care, and look at other objects.

5. Overcome dislike

Life often confronts us with unpleasant people with whom we simply have to communicate and maintain good relations.

To maintain normal communication or get something from this person, you have to really overcome the dislike for him. And not just putting on a fake smile, but imbued with sympathy and kindness.

How to do this if you have a scandalous vile type?

Imagine him as a small child. If a child is behaving badly, then he is angry, unhappy, or spoiled. In any case, the environment is to blame.

In principle, this is true, so you are not even kidding yourself. When you see this person as a child, you cannot be angry with him, and people always feel kindness and compassion, and this disarms them.

6. Pressure

Many people pressure their co-workers, relatives and friends to get what they want. How it looks from the outside: repeated repetition of the same requirements - sometimes soft, sometimes hard, sometimes persistent and emotional, sometimes unobtrusive.

The main purpose of pressure is to deprive you of the hope that a request or demand can be avoided.

The person makes you understand that you simply cannot do it differently, he will stand his ground until the very end.

What can you do about it? It helps a lot to call things by their proper names. For example, you can immediately ask a person: "Are you pressing me?" As a rule, the person is then lost. The ability to say “no” firmly is equally important.

7. Ability to say "no"

You must learn to say no, this will be very useful in the fight against different kinds manipulators, which may include not only obsessive partners, but also your friends or family.

You must learn to say exactly this word - "no". Not "it won't work," or "I don't know," or "we'll see," but a firm "no."

8. Don't explain your refusal

This is also a great skill that is acquired with experience. If you turned down someone, said your firm "no", manage to do without explanations, and even more so without excuses.

At the same time, you should not feel guilty for the fact that you refuse without explanation. People feel an inner attitude, and if you hesitate within yourself, then they will get comments from you and maybe even persuade you.

And again, it is not always necessary to refuse without explanation, but there are times when it is necessary.

9. Position without evidence

Proofs often play a negative role in negotiations. Rightness is a state that is transmitted at the level of sensations. You feel right and other people agree with you.

If you start to prove your position with arguments, it can destroy your confidence in the rightness.

Let's say you give one argument, and your interlocutor refutes it. If after that you give the second argument, then you agree that the first was unsuccessful, and this is the loss of your positions and unshakable faith in your righteousness.

10. Commit the new role

If you join some new role- the head of the department, the captain of the team or some other - you need to immediately fix it, indicating your powers. As soon as possible, do in your new role what you could not have done in your old one.

Give some order, make a decision, ask an answer from subordinates, and so on. The longer you wait to take on a new role, the more your rights may be curtailed.

These ways to manage people and not allow themselves to be manipulated are only a small part of all management art techniques that change not only your communication style, but also your worldview. And you can get it by learning from professionals.

Management art and a new worldview

A large-scale program of 40 online management arts seminars will begin at the end of January 2015.

For 10 months, once a week, a seminar will be held in the form of an online broadcast around the world, where a business coach will tell interesting techniques, analyze individual cases of participants and help them create their own strong philosophy.

Coaching consists not only of useful practices and techniques that may come in handy, but also of working with participants, with specific people and their problems.

Moreover, the program is suitable for both startups and experienced entrepreneurs.

You will find out how many mistakes you made in management, correct them and never repeat them again.

If you are going to manage people, you just need a solid philosophy, strength of character and knowledge of various psychological tricks. You will find all this in the program of Vladimir Tarasov. It's time to sign up.

How to manage people

"How to manage people? Is nothing more than motivating other people."

This article will provide you with a number of tips on how to manage people at work that you can use to help you make the transition to a leadership position less stressful. This is not intended to be a day-to-day operating manual, it is out of the question, but a blueprint to guide you through the goal setting process and manage your people. So breathe deeply and let's get started!


Understand what it means to manage

What really sets managers apart is a departure from the concept known as "personal contribution." Basically, managers are not the contributions of individuals. This means that you will be held accountable for the work of others; your success depends on how you deploy your governance. You are now in charge of more work than you could possibly have done on your own (see the warning section). You won't be able to fix all the problems yourself - don't even try - it's not your job anymore.

Prepare for the transition

It will be a test of embarrassment and frustration - maybe not immediately, but managers are often "leverage" in several ways.

  • Finding a mentor: Not your immediate boss, but another manager with extensive experience. He should be asked how to facilitate your transition. This is a very important tool.
  • Show maturity: Make contacts, ask other managers and executives about the local clubs they attend. It is necessary to acquire as many contacts and acquaintances as possible in your area.
  • Read literature: Go to HR and ask if there are books or training programs you can use to help you. Read a little about how to be a manager. There are mountains of literature on this topic. Most famous on this topic. ("‘ Manager for a minute "and" Seven Habits of Effective People "are basic for a manager).
  • Help from your staff to use it: It is possible that for people who were former colleagues, your new position will cause jealousy (possible resentment) and friction. You cannot avoid this, but you can keep the lines of communication open, this will reduce the "problems". However, you must remember that you are higher now, but you must not allow yourself to use this ratio with your old comrades. Also, if you were not colleagues, getting a new position is always unnerving for others. Let them know what your plans are. Establish your connection with employees as quickly as possible.
  • Don't neglect your family: your spouse and your children, if you have any, as friends, still need your attention, as it was before. It is clear that you will have more things in sight now. Reconsider your priorities. You will not want to leave your career to ruin your relationship with your family (God forbid that this happens).
  • Do not neglect your health: Okay, you found this to be really fun. Work is fun, you work more hours maybe even work from home, wake up earlier in the morning, go to bed later in the evening, do great work. Are you sure about that?

Define your goals

What, specifically, are your goals important? Do you have a plan for a day or a week? What can you say about your new goals like improving productivity? Write down and memorize in a special way. (see the Tips section). This will be your checklist. In this regard, you should be careful, it should be a dynamic document, some things change over time. Some remain the same as the service level, but others can vary depending on the strategies that define the upper levels. Review your list, often with a critical eye, when necessary.

Know your people

You need to know the strengths and weaknesses of individual team members. One works very quickly, but sometimes ignores some of the details. The second has problems with the amount of work it is doing. The third has an exciting relationship with clients but can never say no to clients, while the fourth has excellent technical skills but not close relationships with people. You need to know about these points very, very well. You will use this knowledge to balance the performance of your people.

Assign appropriate tasks to your employees

Use the information you gathered from the previous steps to assign the appropriate tasks to the appropriate people. Use your strengths and try not to assign them tasks in the implementation of which you will suffer from your weaknesses. If you have the opportunity, put the job on people with a complementary skill set.

Meetings with your team members

Conducting regular one-on-one interviews is usually very important to good governance. These meetings have several purposes.

  • Give feedback on the progress of their function: Discuss the goals of the previous week, including what worked out well, in what area they can improve next time, and how that improvement can be obtained. This will lead to:
  • Set goals for the next meeting: these are commonly referred to as "actionable" and will be the basis for next week's revision.
  • Study of issues related to personnel: You are going to be a little out of touch with the staff now and you should understand that. The only way to stay on top of things that affect the productivity of your people (and therefore your work) is by listening to your employees!
  • Motivation: The best leaders find ways to motivate their people, do their jobs well, and do their jobs with pride. Use these sessions to find out what motivates your employees and use this feedback to improve your input.

Be visible

Under no circumstances should you give the impression that you are an inhabitant of an ivory tower. If your team members can't see their leader, anarchy ensues. Then things get really bad for you. Even if you are leading staff remotely, you need to make sure that they "feel" your presence. If there are multiple shifts, give tours of all shifts on a regular basis.

Documenting group activities

Assessing your performance is based largely on the performance of your people, so keep a journal of challenges and accomplishments. This will be especially important if serious problems arise.


It doesn't mean money .. although money is good, it motivates paramount to work results. Recognition is much more effective. If you have the power to do this, you can guarantee something, like an extra day off for that exceptional thing. When you give an award, make yourself known. (rewarding in the audience).


There will inevitably be times when you need to correct certain behaviors. Learn how to do it right. If you do everything right, you can achieve the results you want. If you do it wrong, things can turn out really bad for you.

The art of managing people

Completely revised and updated the art of managing people, offers the latest wisdom on essential principles and methods for creating positive work.

  • Publish goals: When posting your goals, make sure they are very visible. Your team should review them at any time. "A 5% increase in service levels in the next 6 months" should not be a secret. Show goals as soon as they become available.
  • Praise your employees: Tell someone what they really do Good work, let your employees know that they are highly valued.
  • Chat, chat and chat! Your people will feel more confident if you let them know what's going on. Everyone wants to see the "general situation".
  • I know for sure: There will be times when you need to take disciplinary action and even firing. This can be incredibly difficult, even for experienced managers. How to punish employees? This topic is beyond the scope of this article, but there are many good links out there.
  • Use Human Resources: If you have a human resources department, it is now your new and best friend... It is a resource that can be used. They can help with rewards, disciplinary action, they can help you stay out of trouble with the law, and they like bosses who recognize them.
  • To give an example: the leader must focus on all aspects of his work. Being an example for your colleagues is a positive result. Compassion, understanding, and respect, allows you to focus on your tasks, to be in a team and dedication to your cause.
  • Hire a coach: In addition to a mentor, he hires a coach (if you have the opportunity and funds). A mentor can be of great help. The coach works professionally and will help you develop your own, authentic management style.


  • Don't try to do the job for your people. There is an old saying: "If you want to do something well, do it yourself." Forget it. Remove it from your mind. This will backfire. If you want to do something well, find the right person and motivate your employees. If you try to be in everything, then soon you will not be able to do anything well. Your job is to guide.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of your employees (if possible): at some points this is not possible (some issues related to human resources), but if someone comes to you with a problem, be very careful with your secrets. It will only be an excuse to destroy your reputation.
  • You have to be willing to work longer hours is a fact. Now you are a mercenary, and you will do what it takes to get the job done. The bosses do not have bonuses and advantages like the employees, but on the contrary, they have additional responsibilities.
  • Never convict an employee in public.

He argued that the ability to properly interact with people is a commodity that can be bought, like regular sugar or coffee. But this skill is much more expensive than anything else in the whole world.

If you want to achieve success and learn how to manage people, then these words of the great American entrepreneur should become your credo in life. An individual is able to grow only in close interaction with society. From childhood, each of us has been mastering the basic patterns of behavior and worldview, obtained through a long path of historical, biological and mental development of mankind.

In order to have influence and control another person, it is not enough to know his personal and behavioral characteristics. The most important thing is to learn to use this knowledge, to master special methods and techniques of influencing and controlling the behavior of another, based on his worldview, character, personality type and other important psychological characteristics.

If you want to learn how to manage people, the secret technologies from this article will open you not only the theoretical side of the issue, but also allow you to use this knowledge in real life.

To help people look beyond consciousness, professionals use different methods and technology. One of the most effective of these is hypnosis. This is a method of direct influence on the psyche, the essence of which is to introduce a person into a narrowed state of consciousness, in which he easily succumbs to someone else's suggestion and control.

It is unprofessional and even illegal to use hypnosis for this purpose. Therefore, psychologists use hypnosis solely for the purpose of "pulling" from the unconscious sphere of the psyche those repressed thoughts and experiences that interfere with productive life and are the foundation of many problems and conflicts.

The ability to manage people, first of all, lies in the use of knowledge of human psychology, his personal characteristics. They help you change your own behavior in such a way that the change triggers the response you want from the other. Try to be more observant in your interactions, this will help you get to know individual psychological characteristics interlocutor. Based on this knowledge, try the following methods and techniques to help you manage people correctly and effectively:

Demand More Technique

The essence of this technique of managing people is to ask a person for much more than you actually need. Or just ask him to do something weird. He will definitely refuse. After a while, you can confidently ask for what you really need. The psychology of managing people in this case is that a person will feel uncomfortable and will no longer be able to refuse you, moreover, the second request, in comparison with the previous one, will look insignificant in his eyes.

Contact by name

This is advice from the famous psychologist Dale Carnegie, who argued that referring to other people by their first name confirms their personal importance. For each of us, our name is the most pleasant combination of sounds, it is a real confirmation of the fact of our existence.

By naming others by name, thus reaffirming their importance, you will receive favor and respect in return. The same is the case with titles, titles and social roles. For example, if you call a person your friend, then soon he will really have friendly feelings towards you.

Technique "Flattery"

At first glance, everything is very simple, you just need to arouse someone else's sympathy with the help of compliments and pleasant comments. But be careful, because if you notice insincerity, you will cause very strong negative emotions in the interlocutor. You always need to know in relation to whom and in what situation such methods should be used. If you flatter a demonstrative person with high self-esteem, then expect a positive reaction.

The psychology of management here is that each of us feels comfortable in a state of cognitive balance when external influence confirms his own thoughts and feelings.

Reflection technique

The point is to copy a person's demeanor to some extent. People are more attracted to those who are like them. It is interesting that if recently someone "reflected" a person, then for some time it will be much more pleasant for him to interact with other people, with those who did not take part in the previous conversation. The psychology of management in this case is the same as in the case of addressing by name.

Opponent fatigue effect

If you ask a person for an important request at a time when they are feeling tired, they will most likely refuse to fulfill it. But if you emphasize its importance, then the next day it will be difficult for him to refuse you a second time, and he will fulfill the request.

The fact is that failure to fulfill a promise causes psychological discomfort in people.

A simple request.

Ask the person for something insignificant, something that will not be difficult for him to do. Then ask them to do something more challenging. The effect of this request is that the person subtly gets used to the gradual increase in complexity.

Be careful, do not ask to do everything at once, there should be rather long pauses between requests. V otherwise people will regard your attitude as arrogance.

Listen carefully to the interlocutor.

This is the ability to find compromises and be sensitive to a person's emotions, respect his personal opinion. If you do not agree with the position of the interlocutor, you do not need to immediately express your protest and put forward counterarguments. You need to learn to listen carefully.

After his monologue, agree that his opinion is valuable to you and only then express your vision. Thus, he will feel his worth and will try to listen to you, even if he does not share your opinion.

Paraphrasing words

This technique is an important tool for building trusting contact between people. Its essence lies in the fact that during a conversation you should sometimes pronounce the general meaning of the words and feelings of your interlocutor, only in your own words. This will help the other to understand themselves better, and will also build an image of you as an understanding and compassionate friend.

It is especially easy for strong-willed and powerful people to manipulate others. It is usually difficult to refuse, so they have a greater impact on others.

Now you know how to control people, secret technologies in this case are the secrets of the human psyche. As you can see, such methods of interaction with other people can become the tool that will help form in the mind of the interlocutor a positive image of yourself and your “I”.

Obviously, it is not at all necessary to use hypnosis in order to learn how to influence a person and direct his behavior in the direction that is beneficial to you. At the same time, the person does not receive negative emotions and does not feel used up.

Managing people means influencing, motivating and persuading them. It means to have special qualities, to be a leader and leader for them, a person whom they will follow and who will be respected. After all, the art of managing people lies in the ability to lead them and make them successful, and not in achieving unconditional obedience. It involves knowing the secrets and techniques of effectively managing people, not manipulating them.

How to distinguish control from manipulation?

The latter, as a rule, has a specific goal that is unknown to the victim. This is also control, but hidden, based on knowledge of human psychology and his weaknesses. The manipulator forces him to perform actions that are beneficial to himself, but not to the one he controls.

How is the latent influence accomplished?

First, it becomes clear what needs and values ​​are inherent in the object of manipulation. It can be a desire for safety and comfort, or a sense of belonging to a group, possession of status and social position; a desire to show their abilities, to be recognized or to learn and develop.

Knowing the needs - they are also weaknesses - the manipulator builds a relationship with the person, giving him the right compliments, making the right promises, giving out information according to the expectations and fears of his victim. He can also exert pressure, create conflict situations, violate the norms of etiquette and morality, do not give a person time to think and make a decision. And, in the end, forcing him to act in a certain way.

Ways to protect human behavior from covert control

The most important thing is not to give a reason for manipulation. That is, do not tell everyone about yourself, do not share personal information. If the latent influence is evident - you are forced to commit undesirable actions, shifting all responsibility, do not give you time to come to your senses, think over the answer - defend yourself.

Allocate active and passive protection. In the first case, the technique of direct questions brings the hidden management of people into open influence. It is enough to ask directly: what do you want, what are you trying to achieve? what do you want from me?

In the second case, attempts to influence are simply ignored. Provocations are ignored, pauses in conversation are used to collect thoughts and calm down. The main thing is not to behave impulsively and frivolously, which is what the "expert" in the art of secret management of people is trying to achieve.

How to lead correctly?

The psychology of managing people and their behavior is based on knowledge of the basic principles of leadership:

Lack of mutual trust and recognition, like managing people without considering human psychology, will never lead to the same results. Authoritarian leadership and ignorance of the interests and needs of subordinates suppresses their initiative and motivation, they do not seek to prove themselves and are indifferent to the results of their work.