How do you act in a conflict situation at work? How to evaluate the behavior of a candidate in a conflict situation.

The main thing is for an interview - honesty. Even if now you have not fell on lies, sooner or later, the truth will pop up onto the surface. Is it possible to call you a worthy candidate if you have to lie to give this position?

Some desperate job seekers try to make a good impression and inevitably begin to panic when they ask difficult questions. When an honest answer can kill all the chances of employment, people start to lie to somehow get out.

"Answers to some questions better think over in advance - in otherwise You risk spoiling a great interview, - Lynn Taylor, an international expert in the field working atmosphere And the author of the book "Taming the office tyrant: how to cope with the children's behavior of your boss and succeed at work." - On some interviews, you can specifically ask an awkward question to check how you cope with stressful situations. When you find yourself in a difficult position, you can easily say something, what you will regret, and some personnel specialists are just looking for gaps and inconsistencies in your resume. They understand that if you calmly manage to get out of an awkward position, then most likely you will cope with difficulties at work. "

Lynn Taylor advises to be straightforward and not leave the answer. The main trick is that later "quickly translate the conversation and take control of it into your hands."

This is how it is necessary to answer some of the complex questions of the interview, without resorting to lies:

"Have you had conflicts with the previous bosses?" Or "Tell me about the most bad boss, which you had, and how did you cope with conflicts?"

Frames from the series "Doctor Who"

"Perhaps such questions will be the most difficult, because many people are dismissed due to disagreements with the boss," Taylor believes. - asking about such things, the frames wants to make sure that you are a team player, not a rebar. "

The question may sound differently, but the essence is one - your employer wants to imagine you in the very bad form and understand how dangerous you are.

"It is best to remove the idea that you had conflicts, and set out all the facts without any emotions. Tell us about everything briefly and complete your story on a positive note. "

For example: "I was lucky - I had a very good relationship with the bosses. In the last place of work, I had disagreements with the manager about the date of the product launch. But he listened my opinion and we came to the decision that was satisfied with both. "

You can add the following: "Usually I avoid conflicts, because from the very beginning it is a trust relationship with colleagues and try to understand what awaits me. I understand that the final decision for my boss, and I should help him find the best option. "

"What didn't you like at the previous job place?"


"As in the case of other negative issues, you need to smooth the negative and answer in a positive key," Taylor advises. "You better briefly answer such questions than to get away from them, having flashed something farmed like" I liked everything! "."

You can answer like this: "I liked most of my duties, especially a, b and V. Perhaps, I liked the least administrative duties, but over time I did something and it was better to treat them."

"What would your rivals say about you?"

"If you want to seem like an open person, do not forget that you should not push a long embarrassed speech," Taylor believes. "The frames wants to hear a short response that will show your self-esteem and the level of your confidence in yourself - do not forget that there is a thin face between them."

If you are not easy to answer this question, Taylor recommends, resort to humor to smooth the tension.

For example: "I always try to work together and hold on friendly, so fortunately, I do not know if I have rivals. But if any of them still sneeze nearby, then they probably would say that I hardly work in such situations where others would surrender. "

"So you give your answer positive color. It sounds much better than "My rivals would say that I am stubborn and irritable," says Taylor.

"What happened at your previous job place? Are you fired, or did you go away? "

The frames wants to check how honestly you will tell about the causes of your care. He wants to know why you decide to leave, or why you have a gap in the resume. "Employees of the personnel department want to find the reasons why you may not comply with their requirements. They need to better understand your attitude to work, "explains Taylor.

If you were fired, it was better to explain that you, together with the employer, came to the conclusion that they were not satisfied with each other for a number of reasons (if, of course, it was so).

If the HR specialist wants details, give him them. You can say something like: "I was fired, but I, and my boss understood that we had different views."

"In any case, you have the opportunity to translate the conversation to what work interests you, and say that the position you apply for which you will be excellent option"Taylor believes.

"Can you explain the gaps in your resume?"

"When the frame asks you about big spaces in the summary, he wants to make sure that you do not silence about a job of a job and checks your attitude towards work," Taylor explained.

No matter how you respond, you need to convince the employer in the fact that you are still important career. Perhaps you did not work on family circumstances or you were engaged in study - anyway, the personnel department employee should understand that all this time you somehow developed to return to work.

No need to say: "I needed a break for six months to come to myself after stressing from the terrible former chief" or "I could not decide for half a year what I want to do."

If so it was, it was better to say: "I was looking for a job, but was very elected. In addition, I was engaged design work And participated in charity, so it was very busy. "

"Tell us about any of your failure and how did you cope with her?"

It is best to choose some small failure, and not a large mistake that directly influenced your work or which will force your employer to alert.

"He wants to check if you can learn from your mistakes," Taylor explains.

It offers such an option to answer this question: "I always perceive failures as the opportunity to learn something. At the last place of work, I somehow got too much on my colleague, and we did not have time to meet on time. Since then, I try to check all several times. "

"What bothers you most about this post?"

Personnelies ask such sudden questions to look at your reaction in the stressful situation and see the "you real", Taylor believes.

"This is a very subjective question," she added. - It all depends on how the interview is. For example, if you think that, most likely, you will be hired, but the size of the salary can be a decisive factor, you can say about it. But if it is also just the beginning of the interview, then it is better to answer: "I am very interested in this work, and while I have little worried about me. I think more about whether I can answer all the questions you ask me. "

"What is your main drawback?"

Perhaps this is the most popular question about interviews, and the answer to it can determine the outcome of your conversation.

Therefore, many people either lie, or leave a direct response and say standard words like "I am a perfectionist" or "I am a workaholic".

The author of bestsellers for business themes and expert on the activities of Bernard Marr advises to tell about some small lack, which is unrelated directly with the post you are applying for.

For example, if you are set to work with a decider of medical records, it is better to say that you do not know how to perform in the public, than to admit that you do not know how to fit in time.

Then tell us about how you are trying to cope with this problem. The employer wants to see what you know your strengths and weak sides And ready to work on yourself.

Better already when interviewing, it is better to determine the addiction of the applicant for the incitement of conflicts than then to extinguish them in the team. There is a simple test suitable for checking the candidate: it is necessary to call the interlocutor to the dispute. More precisely, ask a question for which there is a formal, generally accepted position and the opposite. In the financial sector - a budgeting issue, in accounting - for taxes.

Offer the interlocutor to express your opinion and start to put forward the arguments against his position. Attempts by a candidate argue, increasing intonation or aggressively, mean that the test is not passed. A discreet person will explain and protect his position calmly.

There is also another useful test. Ask the candidate on the sheet of paper to draw a vertical line of about 10 centimeters long. Tell me that the most intelligent people are located at the top, and below are the most stupid. Ask the applicant to determine your place on this line. Most indicates the place just above the middle. Below - wise people and those who are in stress. At the very top - not very smart people.

These simple tests Can help find a reasonable and loyal employee.

Oksana Ivanova,
Personnel Manager RESTEC Group (services for the organization, conduct, media and consulting support of exhibition and congressive events):

The word "conflict", spoken by a candidate for an interview, I am not alarming me. After all, the conflict is not always a scandal with a slamming door, often this clash of oppositely directed goals, interests. After all, non-conflict people may be in such a situation. It is important how a person presents it whether it can objectively assess the reasons that led to the conflict, and the consequences. We recently accepted the company of two people who decided to leave their previous employer just because of the conflict. Today, their work is immediately satisfied.

And yet: any personnel manager has a couple of provocative issues that will help determine a conflict person or not.

Yaroslav Zarueva,
Director of Human Resources CJSC "Investment and Construction Group" Normann "(housing construction of economy class):

Of course, the information that a person quit due to the conflict with the leadership is alarming. However, any conflict is always an explanation that the frame is also trying to get from the applicant. Conflicts with the leader occur for completely different reasons - for example, about non-compliance with the financial arrangements. Such a conflict is completely understood for the employee of the company in which the word hold in this regard. In conflict on the functionality and quality of duties, everything is very relative. Quality of work in understanding different people Various. The person who is accustomed and ready to work only within the framework of clear responsibilities, is incomprehensible to the head of the Creator, which often changes his decision, which has a new one, which contradicts the previous task every half hour. Naturally, in the end there will be a conflict.

In any case, the staffing person is obliged to find out the causes of the conflict. And also try to understand how the candidate tried to solve contradictions, whether the parties came to any decision. A good HR will pick up new employees based on the interests of the company, given the company's format or a specific unit, as well as the degree of alleged triggement of "old people" with "newcomers".

Lada Kudrina,
Public Relations Manager, OJSC St. Petersburg Printing Combine:

When it comes to conflict, this, of course, is alarming. I do not think that in this case truthful and frank stories are good. If a person at the interview reports conflict, it means that he did not bother to read the appropriate literature and does not know what to talk to this. I will also decide that the candidate is not psychologically. As a result, I will have to spend a lot of time to spend it - to test, evaluate its temperament, understand the degree of deulsiveness in the team, make it a psychological portrait. Perhaps even - meet him again.

Here much depends on how much such a specialist is needed. With the shortage of frames, maybe you will have to risk. In general, I consider it bad tone to report on the interview about the conflict with the boss.

Julia Sakharov,
Director Headhunter :: St. Petersburg:

The conflict at the previous job place should alert recruiter. A conflict officer is not the person who the employer wants to see in his team.

A rare candidate is open and in his own will declares such facts. He is bad to respond about the former company - the authorities and colleagues - not accepted, and fraught, as this can be perceived as evidence of the noncommunicability of the applicant. Conflicts with the authorities Applicants either hide, or soften the various wording, like: "dealt in opinions", "I could not find an understanding of the leadership", "Disagreements arose about the development strategy of my direction", etc.

The decision to accept work in this case depends on the degree of value of this candidate and its professional competence, as well as the results of the verification of its recommendations.

Answering an interview to this question, remember: work without conflict does not happen, and Eichar checks you for honesty. Interview is a psychological duel. And each asked question He has its own goal, no matter how absurd he seemed to seemed to be a applicant.

"Any question as defined in the course of a structured interview occurs not just like that," says Love Matveev, Head of the Department for the Implementation of HR-Technologies for Working with Human Resources of the Korbin company.

What purpose is the question of conflicts at work? applied for clarification.

"By asking such questions, the employer pursues two tasks: check the stress resistance of the candidate and evaluate its potential honesty, to understand whether the reason for leaving the previous work was associated with conflict situations," considers the consultant. Ekaterina Lukyanova.

"In such a question, as a rule, the interview does not begin, as it is quite specific. His goal is to determine the model of behavior of a candidate in conflict situations - comments Tatyana Solovyova, Director of the Department of Human Resources "Kaspersky Lab". - According to the applicant's responses, the employer determines how, most likely, this person will behave in conflict. In fact, this question is not entirely correct (like all other questions about behavior models in the past), as people are changing, studying their mistakes, etc., and the past behavior will not always be repeated in the future.

In addition, candidates often give socially desirable answers to such issues. It is unlikely that a person will sincerely describe the situation in which he initiated a conflict. Nevertheless, he is often asked and you need to be ready for this question - remember in a few minutes a conflict situation that has been successfully resolved thanks to you, and it is still right about it about it - a task not from the lungs. "

According to Love MatvevaThis question is asked to people who claim to position, which requires constant communication with people. This may be the position of the personnel manager, the sales manager, the Call Center operator. The question helps to identify such personal qualities as the ability to own themselves in stressful situations, constructive solution Conflict situations, tolerance, the ability to solve controversial issues.

What to say?

"Responding to such questions, keep calm, do not outraget and do not panic," advises Ekaterina Lukyanova.

Replies options:
- I am in the nature of a rather gentle person and bring the case to direct conflict, I do not know, so we always solved the differences in a constructive conversation.
- As a manager, I always paid great attention to the selection of the team, and usually my employees did not arise serious conflict.

but Tatyana Solovyova I do not agree with the options of answers Catherine: "It was not possible to answer" I had no conflict ", as it is assumed that there are no organizations without conflict, and such an answer is often perceived as reluctance to respond. If you were really not involved directly into conflict situations, you can describe the situation that happened next to you, in your eyes. When answering a question, describe in detail who was involved in the conflict, which was his subject, as events developed, as you behaved in this situation, as it was ultimately resolved how you assess the actions of the parties, etc. ".

If you have conflict situations at work, it is not worth it, according to Tatyana, tell about those of them that you regret. "Try to remember the conflict before interviewing, in which you managed to compromise, showing flexibility and taking into account not only your interests, but the interests of the other side, and which was resolved constructively with your help."

Fast I. easy way Review a conflict employee

Have you ever met in the summary of the applicant on jobs the following characteristics: "inclined to theft", "conflict", "aggressive", "differs not adequate behavior", etc.? It would be, at least, strange that a potential employee wrote about himself at least part of the truth? On the contrary, many candidates are written as a copy of almost the same definitions: "Communicable", "responsible", "executive", etc., trying to create a portrait of a practically perfect employee - "excellent guy" or "Girls - Komsomolskaya".

With the personnel selection, HR specialists use various testing. But it happens that the candidate easily bypass all the "pitfalls", and as soon as the probationary period ends, then the whole "waterville" and problems in the team begins - this is only a small part of Iceberg. And no one is insured to accept such a person to work.

Of course, conflict situations are inevitable. But one thing when they happen from time to time, the other - if they occur constantly and deliberately provokes the same person. But it is such a person that can very negatively affect the coordinated work of the company's team, having delivered a lot of trouble afterwards.

How to avoid such traps and reveal conflict, or inadequate behavior of the future employee? How not to make a mistake?

Ask a candidate who came to you to write a small text from hand is the fastest and easy way to identify both conflicties, the presence of adverse individuals and the causes of their origin. Analysis of the handwriting today is one of the most informative psychodiagnostic methods, incl. And when selecting personnel. Its advantages have long been used by many companies in the European Union countries, as well as the United States, Canada and Israel.

The conflict of the employee can manifest itself as in an explicit, open form, when a person simply does not know how to restrain it and brightly splashing on others, and in a hidden form accumulating inside and leading to self-disconsement. To understand what it is precisely, as well as the motives of manifestation, let's turn to the handwriting and we will analyze every situation in more detail.

1. Open form of aggression and conflict behavior, antisocial

Internal impulses and the desire to have an exceptional power pushing a person to conquering aggressively dominant position in all areas, with whom he has to contact in any way. Ignore social norms and standards of behavior, seeks to counteract them, as a result of which he does not tend to be considered with the feelings of others. Single in life, incredulous and suspicious. Is waiting for a permanent arrival from the outside and for this reason it believes that the best way Protection is the attack first.

He will not be silent and sprawl on the "enemy" - namely, he perceives others - all his anger, peeliness and negative. Moreover, such a person is inclined to turn over the event that happened on your own eyes in his direction and with full confidence to insist on the fact that only his option is - truth, the "enemy" right in front of the surrounding people who believe it Arguments and will take His side.

The handwriting is most brightly traced between the rows, between the words, ignoring at all of any organization, the harmonious location of the text and paragraphs. A person shall be flooded with all the available space, his "much", it is his "territory", which he clearly indicates, dismisses and will defend from "encroachment" to the last.

In addition to the strong overload with text, a puller is present in the handwriting, power, dominant, assertive. Emissions are directed forward, with a strong pressure. The object of study is active, impatient and will not be silent if it affects his interests.

The handwriting shows the high intellectual level of the respondent, which manifests itself in high speed and non-standard of the shape of the letters, which has significant differences from the average prescription, is noticeable of individual style, thread-shaped ligaments, simplifying the letter trajectory. But in his case, they are expressed so much that we are already a matter of simplifying to the manifestation of damage and ignoring the shape of the letters in general - as conflict, aggression and total ignoring others and their interests.

This confirms the practically absent readability of the handwriting, which indicates the ignoring of the social aspect as a whole and the reluctance of this person to follow the generally accepted standards and rules.

Let's summarize the results.

    Expansion - seizure of sheet space,

    Impulse movement of the letter: too fast, confident, dominant, progressive lines ahead,

    Difference from standards in words,

    Simplify letters, abbreviation of the trajectory of the letter to the unforgettable form.

2. Open form of conflict behavior with manifestation of physical force

Before us is another bright Adept of aggressive behavior and conflict. With the manifestation of such a form of behavior, we can speak not only about the explicit active aggressive position of this person in relation to the people around people, but also the manifestation of its extremely physical force.

Man impatient, "explosive". There are several words enough so that he boils and began to protect his emotionally vulnerable "ego." Roughness, arrogance, vulgarity of behavior, the sense of its own greatness occupy a domicile role, being, in fact, a compensatory protective mechanism of personality. Integration in society occurs the only acquaintance for him by using aggression on the surrounding, provoking conflicts, in some cases expressed in the manual application. The reason is the desire to dominate and asserted by suppressing others. He simply does not know and does not know how to conquer the authority and express itself differently. Such a scenario of relationships is laid in early childhood and bears the imprint of the behavior of parents.

The first thing that stands out is not just large, but anomalously large size The font, as a manifestation of compensatory self-esteem, reaching even to mania of greatness - the type of self-consciousness and behavior of the person, expressed to the extreme degree of revaluation of its own importance, government, genius, etc. - Up to omnipotence.

The second most notable sign is the loaded layout of the text on the sheet. The letter comes with a single solid massif, the sheet is too recorded, overloaded with text. And for such a person, his own opinion becomes dominant - even if the wrong, and subjective. He does not know how to listen and hear others, their problems and needs are simply not important. In this handwriting, there is not only no "air", the free space between rows and words, but the lower processes of letters invade the upper next line, passing through the middle zone of the next row. It is clearly visible in the words "running" - the lower parts of the letters "s" and "y" break into the lower line below, invading the word "given". In the word "decree" - "s" and "y" pierce the word bottom line "domination". The same happens in other words, for example, "undivided", "protection", etc.

The following is a very strong push, head in handwriting. Bright, rich color in the touch as a projection of the strong internal energy and the motivation of the embodiment, but not aimed at that direction. In combination with impulsive, unbridled movement of the handwriting, a debris graphotor speed without any control, emissions to stubbornness, authority and dominance, suppressing other people with their "pretrial".

And most importantly is the abundance of sharp, stupid finishes of the strokes, especially in the lower end of the lower end of the letters. Here the stroke line is not only not thinned by the end, but on the contrary, it is sharply stronger and also confirms the presence of such qualities as a rejection, aggression from the author of this hand writing.

Characteristic signs Hand writing:

    Expansion - seizure of sheet space,

    Uploaded text location - too little white, unwritten space on a sheet,

    Close distances between words and lines,

    Ignoring or partial ignoring paragraphs,

    Hiding the lower process of letters of adjacent rows or invasion in their zone,

    Large or very large size letters

    Impulsive letter of writing: too fast, confident, dominant; Progressive lines aimed forward

    Strong or very strong push,

    The abundance of sharp, hard strokes, especially in the letters having flowing downwards - "P", "F", and the like.

3. Hidden form of conflict, internal stress, autoagression

Often it seems aggressive and conflict behavior It has only pronounced, even a public character, but it is not quite so. It can also have hidden forms of manifestation, not quite noticeable to those surrounding at the initial perception of a person.

We are talking about the form of aggressive behavior in which hostile actions are directed by the respondent on himself. It is in constant voltage, a state of chronic anxiety and stress. The person is hard, suitable for everything from a critical position, stubborn, who does not know how to relax. "It's a lot", next to the "sigh" difficult. Due to the sensory, specific perception of reality and low level of development and intelligence, the world sees only with a narrow practical point of view. The emotional needs of the surrounding perceives like whims, in response to which there can be rude and rather cut. The verbal attacks react to any criticism directed in his direction, or the side of his actions, actions, etc. Squitis inside the uneasred energy, it presses both in a sharp, negative, categorical form splashing on others, which, in fact, is protection against "attack".

There are handradulted in which the number of angular shapes is in the limit of the norm and in combination with natural fluency, flexibility, productive speed, they will give us an association - the ability to get along with others in the presence of its own position. There are handradieflates where corners are practically no, which can speak, both about the excessive advantage of this person and about the "prediction between the fingers" and even negligence. Here, the other side of the medals - corners and straight too much, which, in combination with a slow psychomotor speed of the handwriting, speaks about a strong level of criticality, stiffness, stubbornness, with a categorical attitude to everything and to all - when a person does not get natural, ease, flexibility.

Preserved overload text, very little white, clean space, many angles and sticks with strong control And with a strong naja, static, frozen handwriting movement. The undeveloped shape of the letters is quite primitive and banal, - as if he wrote a schoolboy of junior classes, which only learns the process of writing. The subjectivism of the perception of the surrounding world, the surrounding reality and the interpretation only at its point of view. Aggression has a secretive shape, a person is trying to not show it, hide, but from time to time it finds a way out. And any response to the stressful situation is aggressive behavior as a defense method.

Characteristic signs Hand writing:

    Strong overload text,

    Close distances between words and lines,

    The abundance of sharp corners and direct in the form of letters,

    Slow grafomotor speed, static movement of the handwriting,

    Strong push

    Strong handwriting,

    Underdevelopment of letters

    Stupid, tearing end of the stroke.

4. Hidden form of conflict, psychological disorders

In this case, we are dealing with hidden, suppressed from time to time, aggression. This man is experiencing stress and deepest discomfort, being in the familiar society for other people. He saves his aggression, pursues inside himself, trying to control. But from time to time it still breaks through and splashes in the threads of peeling and neglecting those around the people. All this is happening due to internal psychological discomfort and disobedience. When inside a person is bad when there is no harmony and coherence, then, naturally, it finds a way out and in other areas, only complicating the life of both his own and the people around him in general.

The first thing that rushes into the handwriting is definitely huge number sharp, sharp, angular letters. Hand writing reminds spiny hedgehogOr a fence consisting of sharp rods and stakes. At slow speed, the abundance of the angles are visible quite close distances between the words. Attempts to write nullify to the inept attribution of letters one to another, creating an excess workload and fullness of text. Also visible also grafomotor difficulties in the witness. Such a person ignores other people, it lacks flexibility, in expressions it is ulcer and zinic, quite aggressive, does not think about what can offend the other. All this happens due to the presence of difficulties in adaptation, inability to adapt in society, the absence of a flexible position. Also, the almost complete lack of readability speaks about it - as ignoring the social aspect as a whole, ignorance and misunderstanding on how it is correct and harmoniously to build relations with other people.

In addition to these problems, the author is handwriting a plight psychological state, the presence of psychoneurological pathologies. If you look at the words of the text, it can be seen that they seem to fall apart, consist of separate parts. For example, the letter "b" in the word "love" - \u200b\u200b2 elements detached from each other: a circle and upper line, only in meaning resembling parts of the letters. The same happens in words: "Gratitude", "add", "technologies", "additional", etc.

Strong gramotomotor difficulties are very visible. Some letters seem to appear - a person by writing a part of the word, suddenly remembered that she forgot another part of him and attributed later. This can be seen in the word "company" in the letter "Yu", the word "high-quality", "turn". With an increase in this handwriting, there are failures on the micro level - the stroke shake, the failures in the regulation of push, as if someone constantly pushed the person during the letter. There are also stupid final strokes.

Characteristic signs Hand writing:

    Strong overcrowding leaf text,

    Close distances between words and / or rows,

    Abundance of angles or direct in the form of letters

    Slow, broken grafomotor speed, static,

    Severe gratefulness of signs

    Strong pressure with drops and oscillations,

    Stupid, tearing, end lines of the stroke,

    Stroke shake on the micro level (noticeable with a strong increase in the handwriting),

    Decaying letters

    Words consisting of individual parts.

    Other signs of psychological disadvantage.

As we see, despite the different causes and manifestations of conflict, many signs are similar and tend to repeat from the handwriting to the handwriting. But it is these characteristics They will give you the key to the definition of conflict and aggression of possible future employees. And they will show the secret workarounds that sweep you as much as possible from mistakes to host such people who would bring the breakdown in your established friendly team.

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  • Look for a person with burning eyes! What HR specialist will be as efficient as possible and will be able to raise the startup project

    The start of the new project is always something fascinating, dynamic and not fully understandable. Any employee participating in the process should be not just a first-class specialist, but a professional with "burning eyes." And HR is not an exception manager. After all, it is he forms the team and configures her for success!

  • How to fill in complex jobs: recruiter as customer consultant

    1 What is it? As is known, recruitment is massive (for example, retailers or cashiers), standard (accountant) or piece (top management, rare specialists). The first and last are the most difficult. Mass - since they are always required and a lot. ...

  • Selection of narrow-profile specialists. SAP

    IT technology is rapidly developing. Large companies We depart from domestic development type 1C and switch to Western, expensive systems like SAP.
    Like any ERP system, SAP integrates key processes of the company (finance, personnel, logistics, production). SAP experts, as a rule, come out of experienced programmers or specialists in a certain functional areawho decided to master the advanced IT technologies in their specialty.

  • The selection manager does not appreciate the identity of the candidate. Teach subordinate to carry out a projective interview

    The recruitment manager for the third time the search for the head of the department for working with clients. With two leaders selected earlier, it was necessary to part, as they did not speak well enough with people well, they missed some complaints. The HR director decided to find out what causes.

  • We check the vacancy candidate

    When looking for a candidate for an open vacancy, the employer is forced to check not only professional qualities, but also other aspects of his life and activity. This is necessary to minimize the risks associated with the company's personnel security.

  • Personnel security: recruitment

    An employer needs to take care of personnel security. If a personnel agency is involved in the search for a vacancy candidate, in the contract with it, it is necessary to provide important conditions that will provide the company to protect information and personal data of employees.

  • Recruitment and corporate culture of Russian business

    From HR often have to hear that one or another did not take place, because "does not correspond to our corporate culture." But not everyone can clearly explain what this corporate culture is, and how one or another candidate corresponds to it or does not match.
    Let's try to figure out.

  • Recruitment 2.0, or for which we need social networks

    The main sources of staff selection for the company can be counted on the fingers. Today, employers use specialized paid and free Internet resources, place ads in printing facilities, sometimes interact with universities if the company's policy involves a set of young professionals, or seek help to personnel agencies. But every day, with each new opening vacancy, these methods are not enough, not lasting - not least because the leaders are not ready to pay at all the cheapest services both personnel agencies and Internet portals.

  • If the applicant requires a written refusal

    In our organization, I wanted to settle one lady. I was not too lazy to ask her success in previous areas of work, called her former colleagues and received the most impartial reviews, frightening. Of course, we will not take this particular person. But now she demands to provide it with an argued written refusal. How to competently make up?

  • Practice of evaluation interviews

    Conducting evaluation interviews (conversations) with working staff is currently just beginning to enter HR - the lives of many of our domestic enterprises. In this regard, each company by trial and error is trying to develop its own unique approach to this area of \u200b\u200bstaff assessment.

  • We read resume by Sherlock Holmes

    If you do not have direct tip from the customer to the candidate ("get me Petrov at any cost !!!"), then, with any scenario, your acquaintance will begin with a resume. For most of my friends, HR - ditch, especially those who are constantly engaged in a set of personnel (no matter, from the position of the company - an employer, or a personnel agency), the thread of the resume resembles a "dull a bunch". It is the one that, according to the grandfather of the wings, a rooster, breaking, found a pearl grain.

  • Estimate (about selection and assessment of auditors)

    In the process of finding an auditor, managers and Eichara (HR-Manager - Human Research Manager - Personnel Manager - Ed.) Fights with the lack of candidates in the market, as well as the problem of assessing professional and personal qualities applicants. The decision in favor of a certain specialist will largely predetermine the quality of the accounting audit of accounting, the accuracy of the data reflected in the audit report. Based on the own experience of the selection of specialists in the field of audit, I offer several recommendations for the search for an auditor and the criteria for the selection of candidates.

  • How to conduct an interview with the applicant to the top position

    You are an HR-Department employee. Your company requires a key employee - top manager. You have already selected a few suitable summary or directly went on a candidate you are interested in with a proposal about work. The first stage of the selection was passed. The next your task is to prepare and conduct an interview with the fact that the applicant is an experienced leader, and you have a subordinate position. What nuances should be considered to choose the most worthy candidate?

  • We select staff with minimal financial costs.

    During the crisis, many organizations in our country have reduced the financing of personnel search to a minimum level. Now, despite the revival of the labor market and the growing need for personnel, the leaders are still in no hurry to allocate additional funds for the selection of new employees. In such a situation, the recruiter faces a difficult task: how to find suitable candidates and at the same time avoid extra spending

  • The frequency of changing places of work is almost the first thing that the HR manager pays attention to, studying the summary of the next candidate. Finding more than 5-6 records in the service list, he often ceases to delve into the text, believing that it deals with "flying", which is nowhere to delay anywhere, which speaks of his personal and business qualities. Especially closely belong to this sign of professional success when evaluating candidates for VIP

  • Look for ... Accountant. On the search and selection of an accountant

    Many managers and owners of private businesses are employed by the accountant, but after a while they understand that the specialist does not suit them. Tax reveals violations, reporting is leaving late, the financial documents detect errors or the knowledge of the specialist is not enough for accounting in the company. Such situations often arise because, when searching for a specialist, there was no sufficient time to assess the professional competence of the candidate. But this is fraught with serious financial losses for the company and problems with the tax service

  • The problem of the "Prodigal Son"

    You are the head of the enterprise or the personnel director. An employee comes to you with a message that found another, more attractive, place of work. Further plot to omit, the main thing is the final. After 2-3 months later, the "prodigal son" (or daughter) returns, asleep, asking him to take it back. Your actions?

  • How to choose a specialist IFRS

    On the introduction of mandatory use international Standard Financial statements in Russia have been spoken for many years. In accordance with the requirements of the law "On Consolidated Financial Reporting", IFRS can be mandatory for Russian public companies since 2012.
    In connection with the adoption of new rules, public companies will have to either direct their employees to study, or plan a set of necessary personnel. How to select such specialists, which requirements for them to present, tells the head of the Direction of "Accounting and Finance" of the personnel agency of unique specialists Olga Gofman

  • Workers with character features: who work with?

    Probably, it's not entirely to start an article from the TRUISM, but still you need to recall again that all people are "very different." In the hands of skillful leaders, this is a resource, and in ineptly - a problem (remember the wonderful film "Police Academy" - he is almost about it). But also " skillful hands"We must know how to distinguish a potential resource from a possible problem.

  • What to expect from the applicant who writes calligraphic handwriting

    Quite often come across the conviction of some executives and HRs that the owner of a beautiful calligraphic handwriting - good employee. What does a graphologist think about this?

  • Learn to speak "no!", Or how to make a refusal to work

    In the practice of recruitment professionals exists standard scheme Hiring employees. Announcement (on Internet sites, in newspapers, on television) - a response candidate is invited to an interview - according to the results of the interview, it is decided to conclude with a future employee labor contract or not. If a positive solution is made, everything is clear with the documents. And if the company is not going to take a person to work? How to report - orally or writing? How to make a letter-failure, so as not to leave the slightest opportunity to appeal it in court? Read further.

  • Personnel search - on their own or through the personnel agency?

    Olga Gorjunova, Head of the Department of Human Resources, "Russian Automotive Association": - Do not give the personnel agency Vacancies, which are cheaper to close independently. Basically, the staff of the company with developed motivation systems, selection, ...

  • In search of a valuable employee: how to make a profile post

    The "Profile of Position" firmly entered the terminology used by HR specialists in personnel management. However, many of them have their own look at the question of staff assessment.

  • Summary with admixture of lies. How to detect it?

    You came to get a job next applicant. He has an excellent education, experience - decent and personal qualities - above all praise. We take a job, and he does not cope with the duties, quarrels with colleagues, and the unclean is also in hand. So, did the resume and the interview? How not to be deceived because of the speeches of charming liars-applicants?

  • Traps and traps of relationships between employee and company

    All agree with the fact that work is needed that it gives money, fills the time, saturates the life of victories and defeats? Yes! Work makes it possible to feel in demand, successful, the ability to realize your ambitions, show your abilities and skills.

  • Motivational Career Assessment Approach

    The success of the career is determined by the internal satisfaction of the person by their work, the feeling of the importance of its own professional achievements, degree of personal intellectual, creative potential and professional recognition.

  • How to make the recruitment agency work better for you than for other customers?

    Is such a personnel agency that all its customers have the services of the same quality level? You can ask the head of the personnel agency the question of whether he has customers who are made all the best, and customers who receive worse services.

    What is "hunt for heads"? How is the direct search? Personnel protection methods from "hunters"? What is the Code of Business Conduct Hadhanther?

  • How stars are selected