What will be in update 9 20 1. New form of battles

16-10-2017, 18:45

Complete list changes in update, which was released on 10/17/2017 in World of Tanks.

Large-scale update of the first campaign of personal combat missions "Long-awaited reinforcements"

The essence of the changes

The visual and audio components of personal combat missions have been completely reworked.
- Added brand new and unique rewards.
- The terms of the tasks have been revised so that the main reward for the operation is always relevant to the player.
- Added order forms, which will greatly facilitate the implementation of personal combat missions.
- You can learn about changes in personal combat missions from a special video available right in the game.

Interface and sound

All interfaces of personal combat missions have been reworked:
1. Personal combat missions can now be entered through the Campaigns tab (under the Battle! Button).
2. Added the "General Staff" screen with a map of all operations.
3. The operations screen has been completely redesigned - now it is a geographic map with tasks in the form of areas on it.
4. The campaign rewards screen has been completely redesigned:
4.1 Now the main reward - the car - is located in the center of the screen.
4.2 Added operation statistics: now you know how many credits you can still earn.

Added new music score:
1. A special music track was recorded for personal combat missions.
2. Added interactive musical accompaniment: the more tasks are completed within one branch, the more intense the music.

A new way to get reward vehicles

Award sheets have been removed - instead of them, machine components have been introduced:

1. To get a reward vehicle for an operation, you need to collect all five components: hull, chassis, gun, power plant and radio station.
2. Each component has its own branch of tasks in the operation:
2.1 Powerplant - a branch of tasks for light tanks.
2.2 Suspension - a branch of tasks for medium tanks.
2.3 Hull (+ tower or wheelhouse) - a branch of tasks for heavy tanks.
2.4 Gun - a branch of tasks for tank destroyers.
2.5 Radio station - a branch of tasks for ACS.
3. To get a component, you need to complete the final 15th task in the corresponding branch.

Order forms

Added a new entity "Order Forms":
1. To earn the order form, you must complete any final task of any branch with honors.
2. Forms of the order can be laid (that is, applied) in any task. Thus:
- The selected task will be automatically considered completed without distinction.
- You will receive a reward for the main conditions of the problem.
- The spent order form will remain included in the task.
- The pledged order form does not disappear, but is temporarily frozen until you take it back.
3. To pick up the pledged order form and then use it again, you must complete the task in which it is pledged with honors.
4. The number of order forms required for insertion into tasks:
- For any task from 1 to 14 - 1 order form.
- For the 15th task - 4 order forms.

Order forms can be used to skip difficult or uninteresting tasks. Most importantly, you can add order forms to the final 15th mission in the branch, even if you haven't completed the previous 14. Thus, you can instantly get the missing fifth component of the vehicle by completing four mission branches with honors.

New awards

1. Added a new reward - stripes:
1.1 Each operation can earn two patches:
- A badge of the II degree is issued simultaneously with the receipt of the award car.
- I grade badge is awarded for completing all 75 tasks of a particular operation with honors.
1.2 For completing all tasks in all operations, you will receive a special unique badge "Champion of the I Campaign".
2. Added a new reward - camouflage schemes:
2.1 In each operation, you can earn a set of three (summer, winter, desert) unique camouflage patterns:
- A set of three camouflage patterns for a reward vehicle is issued for completing all 75 missions of the operation.
- The same set of schemes is unlocked for use on all vehicles of the same nation as the award vehicle for completing all 75 missions with honors.

Changing the conditions of tasks

The objectives in each operation have been revised to enhance the relevance of the main bounty. For example, now all tasks from Operation StuG IV can be completed on Tier V vehicles, from Operation T28 Heavy Tank Concept - on Tier VII vehicles, and so on. At the same time, the restrictions on participation have not changed. You can complete tasks of any operation, even on Tier X vehicles.

We also made additional conditions more varied in the final 15 tasks of each branch. This is due to the fact that the additional reward for the tasks that complete the branches has become more valuable: now there are order forms.

Note! If, according to the condition of the task, you need, for example, to detect five vehicles in a battle, and you have found seven, obviously, the task will be successfully completed. This rule is true for all numeric conditions.

A complete list of the modified conditions of the knowledge base.

Booms and medals

From 9.20.1, winning medals in the Epic Achievements and Battle Hero categories, the player will receive additional bonuses. Please note: Bonds will not be awarded for cumulative medals. The number of bonds is not final and may change.

Balancer improvements

Now the balancer is additionally trying to balance each part of the team's roster (bottom-middle-top), taking into account the peculiarities and roles of vehicles within types: the Maus tank is opposed to the Maus, Type 5 Heavy or E 100, the T57 Heavy tank is opposed to the AMX 50B, and so on. However, in some situations, a symmetrical balance of the playing roles will not work. For example, if a vehicle with different roles is in a platoon.


We switched to new version Wwise 2017.1.1, which will expand the scope for further audio enhancements.

Improvements for the grand battle

The following changes have been made to the "General Battle" battle type:

1. The message about victory or defeat in a battle has been changed.
Added a new type of message about victory or defeat in battle to make it easier for players to understand when and why the battle ended. The message has separate animations for win, lose and draw. Additional text shows why the fight ended. When the battle ends after capturing the base, the capture progress bar goes into a "locked" state shortly before the message appears, to indicate that the total will not change.
This innovation has been applied to all random and ranked battles, as well as to the general battle.
2. Updated tooltips for rewards that describe different conditions receiving. In a standard battle, oncoming battle and assault, the conditions are the same, but in a general battle the requirements are higher.
3. Improved the combat interface (HUD) in the general battle.
The transparency of the background of the panels with the list of players has been reduced to make the information easier to read on a light background (sky, water, etc.).
Added border markers to the top panel to improve readability.

Improvements for the "Training Ground" mode


Disabled irrelevant options in the context menus of the vehicle upgrade windows, research tree, and vehicle carousel.
Balanced rewards (credits and experience) for victories and defeats when passing the training ground.
The accrual of rewards for completing the training ground is now displayed in the notification center.
Added a notification to players that they will not receive a reward when replaying the training ground.
The crew recruitment window has become more informative.


Fixed a bug where some interface elements in color blind mode were displayed incorrectly.
Fixed errors that occurred when saving and restoring settings (vehicle panel and scopes), when the player entered the training ground and exited this mode.
Fixed rendering of some game tips (unmasking when shooting, the need to return to the capture circle).
Fixed a rare error of incorrect display of the "Skip tutorial" button.
The results of battles in the mode have been removed from the notification center.
Fixed display of the EULA license window when restarting the game client.
The description of vehicle characteristics in the loading screens of the training ground is now correct.
Fixed a bug due to which the music tracks of the battle, Hangar and the final video of the training ground overlapped each other.
Added descriptions of rewards to the victory screen.
Fixed bugs in the behavior of bots.
Fixed errors in displaying map borders.

New game models in HD quality

Valentine at
Batignolles-Châtillon 155 mle. 58
Valentine II
Batignolles-Châtillon 155 mle. 55
"Object 416"
Vickers Medium Mk. I
Vickers Medium Mk. II
Churchill I

Vehicle changes

X FV215b replaced with Super Conqueror.

VIII Caernarvon:

Changed the name of the second tower from Centurion Action X * to Centurion 32-pdr.
Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with an ammunition capacity of 50 units. into the Centurion 32-pdr tower. The projectile speed of the new top gun is 878/1098/878 m / s, the projectile speed of the old top gun is 1020/1275/1020 m / s. The basic performance characteristics of the weapon are as follows:
elevation angle 18 degrees;
declination angle –10 degrees;
spread of 0.34 m per 100 m;
reload time 6.5 s;
aiming time 2.3 s.

damage 280 HP;

penetration 220 mm.

damage 280 HP;
projectile flight speed 1098 m / s;
penetration 252 mm.

damage 370 HP;
projectile flight speed 878 m / s;
penetration 47 mm.
Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with 60 ammo. from the Centurion Action X tower *.
Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with 60 ammo. from the Centurion Action X tower *.

Changed the load capacity of the FV221A suspension from 63,000 to 64,000 kg.
Dispersion during movement of the FV221 suspension increased by 12%.
Dispersion during movement of the FV221A suspension increased by 14%.
Dispersion on hull traverse of the FV221 suspension increased by 12%.
Dispersion on hull traverse of the FV221A suspension increased by 14%.
Dispersion for the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII on traverse of the Centurion 32-pdr turret increased by 25%.
Turret traverse speed Centurion Mk. II gun from 30 to 26 deg / s
Traverse speed of the Centurion 32-pdr turret changed from 36 to 30 deg / s.

Elevation angle of the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII in the Centurion Mk. II gun from 15 degrees to 18 degrees
Depression angle of the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII in the Centurion Mk. II changed from -8 to -10 degrees

Changed the name of the first turret from Centurion Action X ** to Conqueror Mk. II.
Changed the name of the second tower from the Conqueror Mk. II on the Conqueror Mk. II ABP.
Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with an ammunition capacity of 50 units. into the tower of the Conqueror Mk. II. The basic performance characteristics of the weapon are as follows:
elevation angle 15 degrees;
declination angle –10 degrees;
spread of 0.33 m per 100 m;
reload time 5.9 s;
aiming time 2.1 s.
Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with an ammunition capacity of 50 units. into the tower of the Conqueror Mk. II ABP. The basic performance characteristics of the weapon are as follows:
elevation angle 15 degrees;
declination angle –10 degrees;
spread of 0.33 m per 100 m;
reload time 5.9 s;
aiming time 2.1 s.
Added the APCBC Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 280 HP;
penetration 220 mm;
speed 878 m / s.
Added the APDS Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 280 HP;
penetration 252 mm;
speed 1098 m / s.
Added the HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 370 HP;
penetration 47 mm;
speed 878 m / s.
Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with 65 ammo. from the Centurion Action X tower *.
Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with 65 ammo. from the Centurion Action X tower *.
Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with 65 ammo. from the tower of the Conqueror Mk. II.
Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with 65 ammo. from the tower of the Conqueror Mk. II.
Removed the AP Mk. 1 for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel.
Removed the APC Mk. 2 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel.
Removed the HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel.
Removed the AP Mk. 1 for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel.
Removed the APC Mk. 2 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel.
Removed the HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel.
Suspension capacity of the Conqueror Mk. I changed from 65,004 to 65,504 kg
Reload time of 120 mm Gun L1A1 for the Conqueror Mk. II ABP turret from 10.5 s to 11.3 s
The traverse speed of the Conqueror Mk. II gun from 36 to 30 deg / s
The traverse speed of the Conqueror Mk. II ABP changed from 34 to 32 deg / s
Increased armor of the turret and hull.

X FV215b transferred to special machines:

The cost of the tank has been changed from 6,100,000 to 5.

VIII Centurion Mk. I:

Increased the armor of the tower.

IX Centurion Mk. 7/1:

Increased the armor of the tower.

Added OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II with an ammunition capacity of 30 units. to the Avenger tower. The basic performance characteristics of the weapon are as follows:
elevation angle 20 degrees;
declination angle –10 degrees;
horizontal guidance angles -60 and 60 degrees;
spread of 0.35 m per 100 m;
reload time 7.8 s;
aiming time 2 s.
Added the APCBC Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 280 HP;
penetration 220 mm;
speed 878 m / s.
Added the APDS Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 280 HP;
penetration 252 mm;
speed 1098 m / s.
Added the HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 370 HP;
penetration 47 mm;
speed 878 m / s.
Changed the traverse speed of the Challenger turret from 14 to 16 deg / s.
Traverse speed of the Avenger turret changed from 16 to 18 deg / s.

Increased the armor of the tower.
Changed the power of the Rolls-Royce Meteorite 202B engine from 510 to 650 hp with.

VIII Charioteer:

Changed the depression angle of the OQF 20-pdr AT Gun Type A Barrel from -5 degrees to -9 degrees
Changed the depression angle of the OQF 20-pdr AT Gun Type B Barrel from -5 to -9 degrees
Depression angle of 105 mm AT Gun L7 changed from -5 to -10 degrees.

IX FV4004 Conway:

Added B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun with an ammunition capacity of 30 units. into the FV4004 Conway tower. The basic performance characteristics of the weapon are as follows:
elevation angle 10 degrees;
declination angle –10 degrees;
horizontal guidance angles –90 and 90 degrees;
spread of 0.38 m per 100 m;
reload time 14.4 s;
aiming time 2.4 s.
Added the AP Mk. 1 for B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 600 HP;
penetration 260 mm;
speed 850 m / s.
Added the HE Mk. 1T for B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 770 HP;
penetration 70 mm;
speed 850 m / s.
Added the HESH Mk. 1 for B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
damage 770 HP;
penetration 200 mm;
speed 850 m / s.
Traverse speed of the FV4004 Conway turret changed from 16 to 18 deg / s.
Depression angle of 120 mm AT Gun L1A1 for FV4004 Conway turret changed from -5 to -10 degrees.
Maximum forward speed changed from 35 to 50 km / h
Maximum reverse speed changed from 20 to 15 km / h

X FV4005 Stage II:

Added Rolls-Royce Griffon engine. Basic performance characteristics of the engine are as follows:
power 950 hp with.;
fire chance 20%.
Removed the Rolls-Royce Meteor Mk. IVB.
Dispersion on turret traverse of the FV4005 Stage II gun 183 mm L4 decreased by 12%.
Traverse speed of the FV4005 Stage II turret changed from 12 to 16 deg / s.
Changed the depression angle of the 183 mm L4 gun for the FV4005 Stage II turret from -5 degrees to -10 degrees.
The traverse angles of the 183 mm L4 gun in the FV4005 Stage II turret changed from 45 to 90 degrees in both directions.
Changed the ammo rack capacity of the 183 mm L4 gun for the FV4005 Stage II turret from 12 to 20 shells

X Centurion Action X:

Increased the armor of the tower.

Kanonenjagdpanzer 105.

X Rheinmetall Panzerwagen:

Decreased dispersion during movement of the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen suspension by 22%.
Decreased dispersion on hull traverse of the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen suspension by 22%.
Dispersion on turret traverse for 105 mm Kanone decreased by 17%.
Reload time for 105 mm Kanone changed from 10 s to 9 s
Aiming time of the 105 mm Kanone gun changed from 1.9 s to 1.6 s
Projectile Damage Exp. APDS gun 105 mm Kanone gun from 360 to 320
Projectile Damage Exp. HE gun for the 105 mm Kanone gun from 440 to 420
Projectile Damage Exp. HEAT for the 105 mm Kanone gun from 360 to 320
The ammo rack capacity was increased from 30 to 35 shells.

Decreased dispersion on the move for the Type 59 suspension by 22%.
Dispersion on hull traverse of the Type 59 suspension decreased by 22%.
Dispersion on turret traverse of the 100 mm Type 59 gun decreased by 25%.
Aiming time of the 100 mm Type 59 gun changed from 2.9 s to 2.3 s
Changed the ammo rack capacity from 34 to 50 shells

Aiming time of the 122 mm D-25TA gun changed from 3.4 s to 2.9 s
Changed the depression angle of the 122 mm D-25TA gun from 0 degrees to –4 degrees.
Increased armor of the hull and turret.

Changed penetration of the AP M318 shell for 90 mm Gun M41 from 190 mm to 212 mm

The ammo rack capacity was increased from 36 to 40 shells.

Added a car for testing by supertesters:
M4A2 Sherman Loza.

Reload time for 100 mm T-100 gun changed from 8.4 s to 7.8 s
The ammo rack capacity was increased from 38 to 43 shells.

Added technique:

M48A5 Patton ( new model instead of M48A1 Patton)

X XM551 Sheridan:

Projectile Damage Exp. APDS for the 105 mm Lightweight Gun gun from 360 to 390
Projectile Damage Exp. HE for the 105 mm Lightweight Gun gun from 440 to 480
Projectile Damage Exp. HEAT of the 105 mm Lightweight Gun gun from 360 to 390
Changed the ammo rack capacity of the 105 mm Lightweight Gun for the AR / AAV XM551 Sheridan turret from 37 to 42

VIII M41 Walker Bulldog:

Removed 76 mm Gun T91E5 with 60 ammo from the M41 turret.
Removed 76 mm Gun T91E5 with 72 ammo from the M41A1 turret.
Removed the HVAP-DS-T M331A2 shell for 76 mm Gun T91E5.
Removed the HE M352 shell for 76 mm Gun T91E5.
Removed the HEAT-T M496 shell for 76 mm Gun T91E5.

IX Bat.-Châtillon 155 55:

Bat.-Châtillon 155 55 weight changed from 46.33 to 33.99 tons.
Batignolles-Châtillon 155 mle. 55 was changed from 47,000 to 35,000 kg.
Batignolles-Châtillon 155 mle. 56 was changed from 50,000 to 38,000 kg.
Changed the power of the SOFAM 12 GS / A engine from 810 to 630 hp with.
Changed the power of the SOFAM 12 GS engine from 770 to 600 hp with.

X Bat.-Châtillon 155 58:

Weakened the armor of the hull and turret.

Changed damage of the OCC-105 D. 1504 shell from 360 to 390 HP
The damage of the OE-105-Mle. 60 D. 1504, changed from 440 to 480 units
Changed damage of the OFL-105 D. 1504 shell from 360 to 390 HP
The ammo rack capacity was increased from 30 to 33 shells.

Increased the armor of the tower.

List of known and already fixed bugs

New bugs:
- The name of the last captured base is duplicated when capturing both bases in the "Attack / Defense" mode.
- The text of the combat mission condition is not displayed in the congratulatory window if the mission condition contains restrictions on the type of vehicle.
- The ability to perform platoon personal combat missions is displayed differently when you press the Tab key in battle, on the post-battle statistics screen and in the congratulatory window.

Bugs that were present in the previous update, but not yet fixed:
- When the vehicle is overturned with its subsequent destruction after 30 seconds, the player who made the coup does not count the destruction of the enemy tank.
- The parameter of invisibility of vehicles with a unique camouflage in the Garage is indicated without a bonus from camouflage, but in fact the camouflage effect works.
- The recruiter's recruiting office does not display the recruits and reservists invited by him, if the account was returned to the date before the recruits accepted his invitation.
- In some cases, with a rapid rotation of the cursor around the tank, the camera can change its position abruptly when viewed from the trajectory.
- In some cases, the sequence of events in the history of received damage in the damage panel is disrupted.
- The event stream about the capture of the base in battle appears before the specified number of capture points is accumulated.

Corrected mistakes:
- The technical text is no longer displayed in the post-battle statistics window when the enemy is destroyed by a coup.
- On the "Quiet Coast" map, graphical artifacts in the form of stripes between tanks are no longer observed.
- Fixed a bug with the inaccessibility of the battle room for the "Stronghold: battles" mode.
- The rules for calculating chevrons in the tooltip are now displayed correctly.
- The allied artillery marker on the minimap no longer freezes when placing the marker at a long distance.
- Fixed a bug where it could be displayed different time stunning in the "doll" and over the tank.
- When playing in a siege vehicle in sniper mode, the horizontal guidance is now performed correctly. (The bug was discovered on a shared test.)

Changed the rounding mechanism in the characteristics of the tank and in the performance characteristics. The values ​​are now rounded the same way.

Update 9.20.1 WOT is officially released on the RU cluster on October 17, or rather, on the night of Monday to Tuesday (October 16-17). The time before replacing the FV215b is getting shorter and shorter. Many people expect each game update differently.

Patch 9.20.1 Preview

What's changing in World of Tanks in the October update?

1. Replacement of FV215b in update World of Tanks and transfer to special vehicles!

2. New Personal rating and Hall

3. Change of vehicle reservation:

  • AP of the T-34-3 tank in update 9.20.1
  • Change of booking Bat.-Chatillon 155 55, Bat.-Chatillon 155 58, Churchill I, M6 at 9.20.1
  • Changes to the booking of Valentine, Valentine II, KV-4 in 9.20.1
  • Reservation change for T-44-122, T-150, STB-1 at 9.20.1

4. Changes in LBZ in 9.20.1 WoT

In the new patch, we have reworked the LBZ. And this is not only changes in conditions, with adjustments for difficulty or changed conditions of the "random" - we have made a new, user-friendly interface and revised the mechanics of completing task chains.

A little about the interface: the entry point to personal combat missions will be changed, now it will be in the hangar header, a new Campaign tab will appear between the Tasks and Achievements (the name is not final and may change).
- In the hangar, the LBZ are placed in a separate button.
- The main menu of the LBZ has also been redesigned. Now the interface displays the required order of execution of Operations and Combat missions.
- New interface for selecting an operation, where you can see the progress of the operation. The progress of missions can now be monitored on a specially created tactical map. This screenshot shows the completion of all 15 BRs with honors.

// New mechanics completing combat missions: there are no more award sheets. Now, for completing the final BZ from the branch, you will receive a tank module, and for completing with honors, you will also receive an order form.

"Modules" are needed to get the award tank - you completed all five chains of BZ and got the tank. But the "Order Form" is already more interesting, because it allows you to skip completing any combat mission. That's right - if you are stuck on a task, you can now skip it, if you previously managed to complete any final KB with honors and receive the main reward for it. Including the final combat mission, but to skip it, you will need as many as 4 order forms. A little more complicated, but worth it. By the way, you can then overfulfill the task and get the "Order Form" back, it is reusable. Also, "Order forms" are accumulated and transferred to the next operation, i.e. over time, as you accumulate, you can skip the execution of not one chain of knowledge base, but several. If the "Order Forms" are enough,.

The progress of completing the LBZ, of course, is carried out, and after the release of the update, you will receive "Order Forms" for all completed final BZ with honors - provided that you did not miss the final Combat missions. And a reward for fulfilling the main conditions of the missed final Battle missions. For example, if you have completed Operation StugIV and Operation T-28 HTC, skipping the SPG chains, we will award you a reward for the main conditions. But these are two additional tankers, by the way.

The conditions of combat missions have been revised: the video will be added later.
- Other changes: But that's not all. We've added a lot of new things: new rewards, revised the mechanics of recruiting female tankers (now you don't need to get it to start performing the next operations), and so on.