Have a missing boy in Belarus found. A new version of the disappearance of Maxim Marhalyuk in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

First of charge: the impressions of the "CenterSpas" coordinator about the search operation in Belovezhskaya Pushcha (updated)

  • 26.09.2017 14:20

About the boy who lost in Belovezhskaya Pushcha speak a lot. The twelfth day continues searching for Maxim Marhalyuk from the new yard of the Svisloche district. Recently, the guys from the Lida, who spent in the Svisloche forests were returned with the search.

The correspondent "Lіdskay Gazeta" talked to the coordinator of the Central PSO "CenterSpas" Alexey Zolhem, who told how everything happens in place. Updated: search history from the reader of autogly Egor.

- Alexey, when did you start participating in the operation?

You can say, from the very beginning, on the second day. It was Sunday, on September 17, we left in Shchuchinsky district, D. Dembrovo, where the old woman disappeared, which went beyond the mushrooms. Almost already drove up to the place, as requested to arrive in search of a child. We turned the car and in a couple of hours were in the new yard. Already there, at the headquarters, we were familiar with the details of what happened.

- What exactly did the boy talked about the disappearance?

On Saturday, September 16, Maxim in the area 6-7 o'clock in the evening went to walk, ride a bike. At some point he left friends, saying that he would go to the "headquarters" - the slash, which the boys built in the forest. Parents, without waiting for her son, about 8-9 pm, have already scored alarm and appealed to the police. From now on, searches began. The first thing that was discovered by the Slash, and the Maxim Bike and Whose Lukoshko bike with a small amount of mushrooms near him. According to fresh trail, dogs were allowed. There were two of them, and both from this place, reaching the village, returned to the forest road, then the trail was lost. In addition, it turned out that the boy saw a mushroom picker from Minsk. He told that about it evening time I saw a boy who closed on the road, called him, but he ran faster.

- Who could scare Maxim so much?

The first and main version that began to be worked out - Maxim could scare bison. Nearby, according to locals, two big herds live, in one about a hundred goals, in another - more than 30. As you know, there were dry weather in those days, there were little water in the canals, and the bison came out close to the village. It was a big flock of one hundred goals and was noticed by residents shortly before the boy's disappearance. There is a chance that Maxim, being in a halary, saw the bison, was frightened and began to run in a panic. Hearing the mushroom souse, I did not understand in stress - who screams and why. Further for the specified expensive, to which the dogs were brought (on the other side), a swampy terrain begins after a few kilometers.

- When did you arrive, was there many people involved in search?

Yes, a lot, more than a thousand people. From everywhere. Minsk, Gomel, Brest, Mogilev, Grodno, Molodechno, Volkovysk. It is just that I remembered the one. I think there were volunteers from all over our country. We immediately began to work on a dedicated site, other groups on their own. Forest and swamp. Almost all night. Monday - working day, many volunteers were forced to leave, but the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs remained. I went back on Tuesday, worked with "Angels" (search and rescue detachment). From the same day, search engines organized duty: Tuesday - Lida, Minsk, Wednesday - Brest, Thursday - Soligorsk, Friday - Gomel. On Saturday, the overall collection of all search and rescue units of Belarus was announced.

- Is it true that volunteers refused?

Truth. But only because there were not enough coordinators - people who can lead groups. Wishing was a lot. But it is necessary to understand that the search in the forest, especially the protected, where cutting down, and the terrain of the swampy is very responsible work. Some experienced search engines at times viscous to the belt. And not all newcomers kept the load. Forest there is very heavy, many swamps and dawn. Again, volunteers are different people. It is difficult to form a cohesive group. Someone allows themselves to collect mushrooms instead of work, someone will get sick alcohol. And it happens, unfortunately. I want to say that we were able to collect an excellent group of 32 people on the second day. Even I note that this is the best group of volunteers for all the time of my participation in search of people.

- It was men or a representative of the "weak gender" too?

And men and women. Moreover, you are not very weak (smiles). When we almost ended our square, there was an opportunity to send a part of people to the camp and, of course, first of all, offered to relax women. It was not here! Discustomed everything to one.

- Have you seen animals that could scare a boy?

Seen. Zubev, as well as wolf traces. But by that time, aviation had already been actively working, and the beasts, of course, went to other places. But, by the way, before leaving, on Sunday, we saw that a large flock of bison, the animals came out on the other side of the forest.

It is not true! Food was organized very well. Two field kitchens worked, none of anyone heard complaints that they left hungry or cold. The local school gym was organized, and the villagers themselves came and offered accommodation in their homes, they took everyone. For example, I with my group and others (all there were 10 people) are located in big House At the local resident. In general, people are very responsive: someone helps the products, someone's clothing, someone with money (for example, on gasoline).

And there are really many rumors around this story. Psychics were activated, and from different countries. Some call and almost in an ordered tone command - where to go. Immediately I will say - no landmark specified by psychics did not meet expectations. Moreover, I will add, this did not happen for all the time of my participation in different searches. So - to believe or not "clairvoyant" - a matter of course, personal, but it is better to believe yourself and official information.

- heard reproaches that little aviation and others technical means Search ...

Again not true. Aviation, thermal imagers, drones, divers - everything was involved immediately. I have never seen such a highly organized search operation. Of course, all sorts of fantasy versions are sounded: then the boy, they say, "deceives" the thermal imagers, hiding in some wells, then, allegedly, someone disappears and presumably wears me. Put forward these versions without considering that it a little boywhich only needs to be 11 years old, and nor Rambo and not Batman. Again on the roads, villages and abandoned houses: all objects - farms, stogs, villages, abandoned houses are worked out and fused "like rakes", on road roads around the clock posts. And all this is done not later, but immediately.

- How long will the rescue operation continue and did not want to seek to look for?

It will continue as much as possible, to the result. We are planning to go again in the second half of the week. The most difficult wetlands remained, and only more than 20 square kilometers of the square were worked out at the time of our departure. Those who wish to search on weekdays are always less, but as far as I know, and now there are 300-400 people there, the number of people will increase again.

Today, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on the fact of the disappearance of the ten-year-old Maxhalyuk.

On the fact of the disappearance of September 16, the minor resident of the village New yard The Swisloche district of Maxim Marhalyuk, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 167 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Belarus, a criminal case was initiated, "the SC press service said.

If within 10 days after the official statement the location of the missing is not established, then part 2 of Art. The 167 Criminal Procedure Code makes it possible to make a decision on the initiation of a criminal case on the fact of obseptive disappearance.

To date, there is no data that the child who disappeared in the Svisloche district was the victim of a crime.

While the whole public, people hope that the boy is still alive, that he probably lost, is waiting for anything about help, it would be even immoral to initiate a matter of murder. Not to mention what illegally, "the head of SK Ivan Noschevich said.

The CC does not guarantee that the child could not become a victim of a crime, but they would not want to run forward.

As soon as new actual data appear, which will judge the possible violent nature of the disappearance, we will immediately arouse the relevant criminal case, said the Chairman of the Investigative Committee.

Ivan Noschevich said that any new traces, except for bicycle and Lukushka with mushrooms, was not yet detected.

About 500 people were worked on the spot: volunteers, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Police, Forestry and Local Residents. The search continued in the village of the village of the new courtyard, near the town of Teraspol and in the forest, which adjoins the main route. The headquarters reported that the search engines had already reached the maximum distance that the child could overcome. Some sites are examined more than once.

Supplemented 27-09-2017 9:20

The story of how the work of volunteers is organized, the user of autogly Yegor told the user and shared the video:

"I arrived at the clock at 11 am. I was driving, as they pointed to the village council in the new yard. There were a lot of people there, cars, too, and the regions were different, I noticed the car even from Peter. Parking the car, went to look for where the volunteer was recorded. It was One of the tents. Maintained its data and number mobile phone, I began to wait for the formation of the group. Our group scored 33 people. Immediately the guys from the "Red Cross" conducted a briefing stay in the forest - everything is available and clear. Some group members tried to insert their "me", but in general, everything was carried out.

Our square was 15 km in the forest from the collection point. But on the machines in a detour on more or less passing roads came about 40 km. Gathered in the column, began movement. People in our group were different and from different places: Minsk, Brest, Shchuchin, Grodno and others got to the desired square, but for some time they spent around the barrier at the entrance to the reserve, while permission was taken to enter.

They got to the point: Recalculation of people, the bearer edge of the square, asymouth is asked.

Yes, I thought everything was so simple. It turns out that people without practicing the column even at a distance of 5 meters from each other very a big problemAnd it is very annoying. Highly. Patience of the guys from the "Red Cross" is something. They can not say in rude and order. And so I want to shout: "People, you are not mushrooms come to collect"! And to look for a person !!! And girls ... You are not on a walk! "

Column of 33 people on average covers 250 meters. The step is slow, even very slow. Watch everything where you can hide and what is suspicious. Then you wait until everyone gather.

In the forest until 19:00 - then everyone needs to withdraw. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are starting with thermal imagers. By their signal, special teams with dogs are delivered. By the way, helicopters fly without stopping. But the forest is so huge, the fields are such large, irrigation channels. Mass, abandoned houses are a lot and corn fields everywhere.

With the friends of the missing, I understood that psychologists led the conversations. Those say - do not know anything. Communicate only in the presence of parents. And again, rumors: then the grandmother heard how the child was crying, then someone in the corn saw, then what else. By the way, in the crowd, it and it was also heard: "Give us his friends, we will choose the truth."

Many stayed with overnight. Local assist in overnight stay, free. Hung at the headquarters the phone numbers of those who can take for the night. Call, ask and spend the night. Feed. But take with you too. Before leaving, many ask who need home if the paths coincide, then bring. We will wait for the news.

Thanks to everyone who is not indifferent! "

Suppleant: on the 09:00 27-09-2017 Year of the boy not found!

Rescuers are convincingly asking not to spread rumors, and wait for an official statement from law enforcement agencies! All topical information will be published on the resources.

Grodno, 18 Sep - Sputnik, Inna Grishuk. In the village, the new yard all weekend worked the volunteer camp from Belarus, who came to seek the boy missing in Belovezhskaya. Mount has combined people and gathered more than two thousand people in one place. As the camp worked and what the participants of the search were talking about, in the Sputnik report.

Volunteer Camp at the School Stadium

Point of collecting volunteers was the stadium of the local school. Here organized the headquarters, deployed wild kitchen. Every morning, from 7 o'clock in the morning they began to be tightened by visiting.

© Sputnik.

Search for missing B. belovezhskaya Pushcha Maxim Marhalyuk

Volunteers from search detachments persistently asked everyone: "Guys, pass the registration, sign up into our lists, even if you participated in search yesterday."

© Sputnik.

Such formalities are needed not only for reporting. Each person in the notes to the lists indicated its level of preparation, whether he has a car, a radio or some useful equipment for forest searches. And the headquarters were already solved where to send a person.

The operational headquarters, which now leads the search operation and coordinates the actions of all volunteers, formed on Friday. Meetings are held in the morning, in the evening and during the day in the local village council.

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The leaders include representatives of the regional police department, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the leadership of the Swisloche district, representatives of search and rescue detachments.

Tasks gives headquarters

As long as the morning meeting of the headquarters, volunteers are small bandages and are waiting for them to be given instructions. All volunteers before departing in the forest, bright vests were distributed free of charge. Immediately deployed field kitchen. People poured hot tea, gave porridge, to the forest recommended taking sweet calorie bars and water.

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"Do you go with us in a swamp? Right now, in the fourth? No? Then why with questions we climb? Now you have to act, not talking," the chunky man answers and quickly leaves.

The rest are also ready for any tests. Someone came even from Gomel or Mogilev, there were also Russian numbers on cars, but mostly Minsk, Grodno and Brest regions. Some took dogs with them, others - brought quad bikes, on which the forest can be performed on distant sites in off-road conditions.

"For the first time they go in search. But we can focus in the forest. We have such an ammunization, because we are from a private club," tell the guys in camouflage, with walkie trees, compass and backpacks.

Such as they are, are inexperienced, the majority gathered. But the headquarters calm: they need even very green. When forming search groups, all beginners are given by the commanders of experienced coordinators who know how to read cards, use the compass and strictly perform the indication of the headquarters.

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Volunteers taught how to clean the forest

A group of women sat on the bench near the school. They have rubber boots, scarves on their heads. "We are a teacher from the neighboring village. Pedagogues from the district of Man 200 should drive up. To the whole team and go in search. As the headquarters will decide, and let's go," says the teacher.

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Before you go to the forest, the commander of a small detachment receives a task and a map where the search place is marked. Mostly civilian sends the forest.

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"You must stand a chain at a distance of about two meters from each other. There is a compass only with me and the closing. On the team everything is rebuilt and moving forward. On the area there will be more places, there will be better, "holds a five-minute master class for the new team of the Red Cross officer.

As the head of the headquarters from the Grodno Regional Department of Internal Affairs Alexander Shastaylo explained, volunteers are divided into groups, give them coordinators, maps indicating the territory that needs to be examined. Everyone work on the soul of the terrain.

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"Cooked the territory around the village of a new yard within a radius of about 10 kilometers. The task was received by more than two thousand people. Divers and rescuers examine the lake and swamps adjacent to the village of Lake," added Shastaylo.

The camp was told that they were sent to on duty on forest roads, checking feeders for animals, gazebos for hunters, abandoned houses and sheds. If the group came across such places where you can hide from bad weather, then it should check whether there are no signs of finding a person. You need to pay attention to the roasters of trees, wells, straw stacks, road hatches.

In the Pushan wins of water by belt

Workers of the National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" also decided to join the search. They are on cars, they know the forest well. They say that it is especially difficult to look for in the forest.

"Swamps, in-depth forest arrays, where man's passability is problematic without special Tools and equipment. They thickets, buried, but mostly a swampy area, "says a specialist from the National Park.

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In the neighborhood, the rescuers of the Svislochesky district department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are running. Most of them have a day off. During the week, everyone was in the way in search, and now they joined own willing. They are sent to the most complex sections. The one who is in search of not for the first time, in high fishing boots, many boots and legs are wrapped in a film above the knees.

"Yesterday was looking for, then everything was wetted in the belt. And water, and dirt, and rain. There is the main thing - the boots are not lost. But this is only us to send us into the most difficult areas. Civilians will not be allowed, it is too dangerous. Waters there Maybe in the belt, "one of the rescuers notes.

All recognize that such an operation in the way for the first time. Usually every other day or two mushrooms lost in the forest are located.

Parents went on extrasensses

The house where the family of the missing boy is living, stands in meters 20 from the forest. The windows of the house go straight to the school stadium. A residential array is separated from the forest narrow country road. Family now does not want to communicate with outsiders.

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"You know, so many interrogations have, searches every day, no news. It's better not to walk to them. It is hard for us, and they are even more difficult for us," explains the director of the local school.

We are interested, maybe the family provided a psychologist?

"For them, the best psychologists are now neighbors. Help, support," says director.

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According to her, the mother has now began to refer to psychics in the hope that at least they will help find at least some hook. The team of teachers and disciples live in horror all week. The village rose in search for on the evening of September 16.

"No one might think that it would be impossible to find at night. Thought that, maybe they fell asleep. Now every night for a child is all terrible and worse. The rain went, and you wake up and feel that these drops are falling on you. And everyone thinks How is Maxim, "a woman shares experiences.

School went to search for all week. As the director adds, she went to the forest to Thursday every day. Now she was commissioned to work in organizational work.

The school provides overnight stays for soldiers and volunteers, people come here to dry the wet clothing, give a place to accommodate the equipment, the kitchen is open.

Maxim in the forest 10 kilometers passed

Most search participants are confident that the child is alive. True, many local skeptically refer to the version of the headquarters and law enforcement officers.

"He could not get lost in the forest. Anyone, but not Maxim," the man is tightened with a cigarette and begins to argue about why in the village do not agree with the version of the police.

"It will rise from the morning, even before the roosters, and in the forest goes. The brisk such guy. Mushrooms makes it possible and runs on the road to sell," says a resident of the new yard.

According to him, Maxim spent a lot of time in the forest. Often walked through the forest to the next village of Novoselki, where his native grandmother lives. Never plut.

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"He is very smart. Chalash can be folded in a few minutes. He and the Teraspol (this is about 5 kilometers from the new courtyard - Sputnik) went on foot and back. I do not know who, he said," says Maxim Kirill.

The guys believe that the boy could easily find shelter in the forest. According to them, there are many secret places in the forest. They remembered some dugout.

That the boy could scold the bison, they were already heard of adults. They say that they sometimes saw how these animals go on the outskirts of the village, to the school fence.

"Maxim is dumbish. He even stood up. Yes, he could be scared", "he is hungry there, and the man fools the same," the guys arguing among themselves.

Home Danger - Cold and Dehydration

"The main version - Maxim got lost in the woods. Assumptions a lot, people come up with a lot of things, say that they saw a child. But they are not confirmed by anything," Alexander Kritsky said the head of the head of the Grodno search and rescue squad.

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Head of the Grodno search and rescue squad "Center Savior" Alexander Kritsky

"If the meter is closed for the meter, and if the headquarters version is not confirmed, other questions will arise. But I know for sure that the police work in all directions," adds the head of the search and rescue squad "Angel" Sergey Kovgan.

Rescuers told what major dangers of a child who spent 9 days spent in the forest.

"First of all, dehydration, supercooling, in these days, when the search was happening, the temperature was warm. But at night it was cool enough. If not to find a shelter, then you can freeze," says Critsky.

As a result of a large-scale search operation, which was held on September 23 and 24, the boy failed to find. Searches will continue.

Recall that 10-year-old Maxim Marhalyuk went to the forest in the evening of September 16, so far its location is unknown. The search for a child has been going for 10 days, last week it was announced to the national wanted list.

1. How did the boy disappeared?

It is known that on September 16, closer to the evening, Maxim left the house in the agro-town of the new courtyard of the Svisloche district of the Grodno region. He went to the forest for mushrooms. Since then, nothing is known about him.

150 meters from the stadium there is a so-called base - the chalash, which was built boys. In this slash, his bike and lukshko with mushrooms was found. They collected mushrooms with friends, they sold them and bought building materials for their slate - slate, nails for this money. In the evening before the disappearance of a boy called friends to go on mushrooms. Two refused, and he went independently, "says one of the coordinators of the search and rescue squad" Angel "Dmitry.

True, it turned out later that the basket with mushrooms does not belong to Maxim, but the bike and the truth is.

2. When did you start looking for it?

On the same evening, when Maxim did not return home, native and neighbors went to the forest. Then the militia and search and rescue detachment "Angel" were connected. After in social networks and in the news information about the loss of a boy, first the prepared search engine volunteers from the whole country began to come to the new yard, and then the usual civil volunteers.

3. How many people are involved in search?

At the moment, the "Angel" and rescue squad "CenterSpas", the Volunteers of the Red Cross, Military, Military, Militia, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Lesteries are involved ... Plus, a group of ordinary non-indifferent Belarusians who want to help in search of.

More than 1000 volunteers were registered on the weekend, "says Dmitry CCSO" Angel "coordinator.

IN different days In search of several dozen people up to several hundred volunteers. Plus rescuers, military, militia and people who go to the forest "in a shank" - without coordinators and coordination with the "Angel" and headquarters.

4. Who leads searches?

Until now, search and rescue activities were led by a special headquarters created in the new yard. It includes employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations and other responsible for the search for specialists. Volunteers are twisted several times a day with the head textbook to note which areas are already inspected, and where else you need to send people or special equipment.

The headquarters gives us squares. There are places where only narrow specialists prepared by people are sent. The same swamps: Volunteers will not pass there, - explains Dmitry.

In addition, the headquarters decides when to raise the helicopters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the sky (from above adjusts the chain of people who combine fields and forests, inspect the territory within the search radius). This includes reports on the work of drone controlles with thermal inspers that work at night.

On the 10th day after the boy's disappearance, the investigative committee opened a criminal case. Now searching for work and all other procedural actions are raised to coordinate investigators. The case took under personal control Chairman SK Ivan Noschevich.

5. What is the search work of volunteers?

Volunteers meter per meter are cleaned by the territory, where, presumably lost Maxim. Representatives of search and rescue detachments are specially trained people who know how to navigate the terrain, know how to organize volunteers and build search logic on the ground. They act as coordinators in groups. - Unfortunately, coordinators often lack at all. And it greatly complicates the work. City people come, who were still a couple of times in the forest, the mushrooms were collected, but now they really want to help, for which thanks them. The coordinator needs to be instructed, but also to trace themselves so that they themselves are not lost, "Kirill says to themselves," Kirill says.

In search of the groups from five people to several hundred. Volunteers fusify the forest, the surrounding fields: go a chain at a distance of an elongated arm and carefully look at feet and on the sides. All abandoned buildings, silo pits, cellars, animal feeders in the forest are investigated.

We draw special attention on traces of vital activity. Strokes, torn sunflowers and corn cobs, for example. All that we find are traces, things, sites in bed, we are passing all this information to the headquarters, and, if necessary, specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, specialists driven by specialists. Investigate traces - not our business, we are just looking for, - adds Dmitry.

6. What territory is already viewed?

In the forest, you can walk endlessly, but the version that the boy is lost in his native forest, we tried to work as much as possible. We sworn all the roads, the orientation hang everywhere ... At a distance of 8 - 10 kilometers from here, impassable swamps begin, there even an adult man will not be able to pass. Before them we all climbed, everyone went around. There is still a Novodvorskoye reservoir - divers worked there. Within the radius of the nearest 10 kilometers, we were repeatedly. Volunteers there are drunk constantly. There are no traces, - search engines several times a day strike out the surveyed places.

The search geography is constantly expanding - the detachments were cleaned the forest, farm and fields at 15 - 20 km from the new yard.

7. What traces were found?

Until now, only Maxim bike - he was thrown near the chalash in the forest, where the rustic boys had its own base. More volunteers found shoe prints in a swamp, clothes in the forest, but all this is not related to the missing. No longer hooks.

Immediately after the disappearance, the search dog was put on the trail, but she went on the road and lost his smell. But this does not necessarily mean that the boy was taken by car or something like that.

From time to time, information appears that a similar boy saw somewhere in the surrounding villages. This information is checked, but it has never been confirmed.

8. What versions of the boy's disappearance are considered?

Until now, the main version was like this: he is alive, but lost in the forest. Although the local immediately said that Maxim knew the forest in the vicinity of the village very well - he even took the lost from the forest.

However, volunteers are simulated different variants Event development.

The fourth day were the most critical. It was rained before that, and the boy was dressed quite easily - this is an instantaneous supercooling. If something has not eaten - it is diarrhea, vomiting and, as a result, dehydration. I think, if he moved, he passed no more than 1.5 - 2 or 3 kilometers, "the angel volunteer suggests. - north, west, east from the village everywhere there are roads, all in the breakfasts - get out very simple! But we did not find a single track.

10 years old Maxim Marhalyuk, a resident of the village is a new courtyard of the Svisloche district, looking for from September last year, but so far - to no avail. Through "BelSAT", local residents ask for help.

"I turned to establish justice. Contact the head of the state so that all these villains who wanted to intentionally hide traces, or unintentionally, to be held accountable, "said the resident of Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the former Eger Igor Sharulov.

Ten-year Maxim did not return home on September 16, 2017. In the woods near the house found a bike boy and his basket. In search of thousands of people took part.

"I think so exactly on this road something with this child happened. Because no trace, nothing from this child is left. Officials ride, he could go out, vote in the evening, and turned out to be tragedy, "the sharks are sure.

Search the boys began at night. The whole road was a break with the wheels of the participants of the Trophy club "Belovezhskaya Zubera", which were invited to search. The road leads from the farm Bridge, where the hotel is located with a bath, which belongs to the office of the President's business, through the new courtyard, where the boy lived, to the lake, which rents SEC.

"In that hotel, officials are very often resting, the local know. On this road, they are rushed like caustic, drunk, "the former huntsman testifies.


For officials, an asphalt road was laid here, not marked on maps, with monitoring and surveillance cameras. She connects the hotel on the farm Loop Bridge from the rings and leads to the airfield in Klepach.

"It was necessary to seek not immediately according to the version of the disappearance, but by crime, I think. Because they were looking for so much, but no results, "says one more local resident Mikhail Sushko.

Conducting the investigation causes questions from experts

"From the very beginning of the disappearance of Marhalyuk, the investigation has long been pulling - 10 days. Why did it pull when it was necessary to react to it? ", - the former investigator pays attention to Oleg Volchek.

Lossed in the forest without a trace boy could not.

People in the village are afraid to talk on this topic. And officials are afraid of journalistic investigations?

"It is necessary that everything is neat. And right !!! Because there was a lot of interpretations. You arrived, arrived from different channels, television, radio. It is necessary that one thing was interpreting! Because they take different peoplewho are deprived of parental rights, and you take an interview, they are pouring dirt there. It is necessary to do all this neat ... Do you understand? (Smiles). Let's hope that you will do everything right ... "," said the chairman of the village council Vladimir Zdanovich.

The eleventh days are looking for the 10-year-old Maxim Marhalyuk, who disappeared in the new yard of the Svisloche district.

There are still no traces of Maxim Marshushka. The Investigation Committee started a criminal case under Part 2 of Art. 167 CPC. "Swaboda" gathered 10 major facts about the disappearance of a 10-year-old child:

1. The circumstances of the disappearance

The first messages about the disappearance of Maxim Marhalyuk appeared on September 18. The summary said that the Mother of the 10-year-old boy turned to the police and reported that at around 20.00 in the evening of September 16, he went on a bike toward the forest near his village and disappeared. Already at 22 o'clock on the same day, Maxim began to look for - parents, fellow villagers, police officers and MES. In the forest found a bike boy, a package with mushrooms, but no more traces.

2. Where does it happen

All events occur in the village new courtyard of the Svisloche district on the outskirts of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The village council said that the house of Marhalyukov stands on the outskirts of the village, next to the forest. Meters for 500 from the house in the forest was built by Slash, where Marhalyuki dried mushrooms.

Already on Monday, on September 18, not only policemen and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the teachers of his school, high school students, residents of the new yard and surrounding villages came out, came volunteers from different cities of Belarus.

3. About Marhalyukov

Maxim Marhalyuk 10 years old. According to the police report, it looks 8-9 years old, was in blue sports pants, a brown sweater with a hood, cherryless doorless.

Valentina Nikolaevna's mother is working in school, Father Valery Nikolaevich is a local agricultural enterprise.

Valentine said to journalists that they were in search of Maxim all the surroundings and day and night, inspected the swamps and abandoned houses, fusked the forest, but to no avail. Maxim Sasha's elder brother (he graduated from the military school) said that the brother warned him: they say, only on the edge of the forest and returns home. He also says that Maxim one did not go anywhere that she didn't quarrel with anyone that day. According to Sasha, his brother could be afraid of the herd of bison - where Maxim left his bike and a basket, there was a lot of vigorous traces.

In the first days, as a boy disappeared, the parents turned to fortune tellers and psychics - those allegedly said that the boy is alive.

4. Search staff version

10 days after the disappearance of Maxim Marxalyuk, the investigative committee opened a criminal case under Part 2 of Art. 167 CPC.

The article decides to start the case if within 10 days from submitting an application for the disappearance of a person to detect its location failed.

Earlier, investigators have not seen grounds for a criminal case. As they said, there is no reason to believe that the boy became a victim of a crime.

The main version, which for ten days followed in the search headquarters, the boy got lost in the forest.

The territory of the forest is divided into squares, each of them is checked. The headquarters say that the seekers passed the maximum distance that the boy could overcome during this time. The search for helicopters and drones with a thermal imager are involved in the search. Searches continue.

5. Main danger in the forest

According to the coordinator of the "Angel" coordinator, Christina Bass, which went to the new yard twice, the most dangerous for the boy - wild animals, impassable swamps and the weather itself.

"During these days we met bison, and wolf, and boars, and a root," says Christina. - At the week there were rains, raw and frosty. It is all very difficult even for a prepared adult. "

6. What people say

Locals argue that the boy is prepared and disappeared into the forest so simply could not. Many of the townspeople believe that the bison could scare him, and allow that he is just hiding there.

True, the same local add that such cases in their village never happened before. They say, and the children rustic know well where you can go, and where it is not worth it. About Maxim say that with unfamiliar people He would not go anywhere and all the less she would not have drove away.

7. Large-scale search operation

The search operation was called the most ambitious in Belarus.

A week after the disappearance of Maxim in Belarus, all distortion and rescue detachments were announced. Last weekend, several thousand people took part in search of the boy. In addition to police officers, servicemen, border guards, policemen, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, people from all over Belarus arrived in the new courtyard, volunteers from the Smolensk region and Lithuania.

8. An unthinkable number of volunteers

The greatest number of search engines was observed on weekends. According to official data, in Saturday, over two thousand volunteers came to the new courtyard. Experts noted that many people did not have any experience in such operations at all, sometimes they simply did not know how to behave and what to do.

Nevertheless, everyone broke into groups, each of which received its search square.

Volunteers say that they went to forest and swamps for 10 hours, sometimes in the rain. But no traces of Maxim failed to find anyone. Coordinator of the "Angel" squad "Kristina Basova, despite of different kind Disadvantages in the organization, believes that the search is conducted at the highest level.

"Yes, at the beginning there were problems and did not even have a single coordination point where information was flown from all search groups. But in a very short time, experts managed to streamline coordination and send people to search engines. They managed to feed people, warm and give a place to relax. All participated in it. Just people were actually motivated to find Maxim, "said Basova.

According to Christina, those who could not come and help in finding money translated money to the settlement account of the detachment. And this, she says, is also a great help.

9. Can a child survive in the forest for so long

Coordinator of the Angel detachment Kirill Golubev, who today coordinates work in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, says that the likelihood that the boy is alive is real. According to him, there were cases when a four-year child disappeared in the taiga, survived for 10 days.

"We assume that the boy is still alive. Searches continue, no new traces of Maxim have been identified, but we believe and are looking for, "says Kirill Golubev.

The "Angel" squad commander Sergei Kovgan said that the operation has the status of search and rescue.

"The fact is that now in the forest there is especially nothing to eat. I understand that the hunter could still get food, but he is not a hunter, it's only a teenager, and it is difficult to imagine how he could eat here, "says Kovgan.

10. Operation continues

According to official information, on September 25, more than 500 people were involved in search of Maxim. Searches continue, no new traces of Maxim have not yet revealed.