How to enable the patch for ranked battles. All about Ranked Battles

On December 12, update 0.9.12 for WoT is released. Last update completely ready this year! Celebrate this day in your calendar and join us, while in the meantime we will tell you in detail about the upcoming update.

World of Tanks Celebrates the End of 2017 with a Redesigned Customization System appearance, a new branch of heavy tanks in France, as well as the long-awaited balance changes British tank destroyers and a new map for general battles. You will definitely have something to do. Now let's get down to business.

Changes to the customization system

The appearance window interface has been completely revamped.
Permanent appearance styles can be applied to Tier X vehicles, as well as Premium Tier VIII vehicles, which completely change the appearance of the vehicle. Now only the whole style can be rented - individual elements appearance is not rented. Rental styles are available for all vehicle levels.
Styles are rented for the number of battles, not for calendar days. Rental styles are available for all vehicle tiers.
Tier X vehicles and Tier VIII premium vehicles can be repainted. Repaints from 4 to 5 parts of the vehicle (some guns do not have a mask).
For all vehicles, camouflage is now applied to three vehicle parts. You can change the size of the color spots of the camouflage, as well as the colors of some camouflage schemes. Important: to get a bonus to stealth, it is enough to apply camouflage only to the vehicle's hull. If the hull is left unpainted, the stealth bonus will not be added.
For Tier X vehicles, as well as for Tier VIII premium vehicles, you can add a coating wear effect, which will allow you to adjust the final appearance from freshly painted to pretty shabby. This effect does not work at low graphics settings.
Both historical and non-historical visual elements are available for application.
The display of unhistorical elements on other players' vehicles in battle can be disabled in the game settings.
The cost of customization items has been completely redesigned taking into account the new capabilities of the system.

Improvements to viewing team lineups in general battles

In the side panels of the general battle commands, the ability to display one of the three groups priority over the rest, just by clicking on it. When you press the Tab button, the mouse cursor will automatically appear - now it will be more convenient to view the complete list of vehicles that require scrolling.

Stronghold Changes

Players in the positions of "Commander", "Deputy Commander" and "Headquarters Officer" will be able to take command in the battle room of the Stronghold from a player with any clan position.

Players in the "Reservist" position will no longer receive bonuses from active clan reserves.

Correcting the display of stripes in battle

Player-installed patches will now appear in all types of team sidebars, including:

team fight;
training fight;
platoon battle.

For the "General Battle" battle type, a new 1.4 by 1.4 km winter map - "Klondike" has been added. The following types of battles are available on it: standard battle and counter battle. Wherein:

To get into an oncoming battle on the Klondike, the player must have the corresponding checkboxes “Encounter battle” and “General battle” checked in the game settings.

Eliminated the possibility of arrivals in hard-to-reach places on the following maps:

"Swamp" "Fjords"
"Quiet Coast" "Sand River"
"Redshire" "Promzona"
"Ruinberg" "Aerodrome"
"Fishing Bay" "Tundra"
"Robin" "Cliff"

Changes to vehicle characteristics

added technique:
FV217 Badger

Added a car for testing by supertesters:
Caernarvon action x

IX Tortoise:
Changed the reload time of the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun from 5 s to 5.6 s

Reinforced hull armor.

VI Churchill Gun Carrier:
Changed the reload time of the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun from 8.5 s to 9.5 s
Penetration of the APDS Mk. 2T gun for OQF 32-pdr AT Gun changed from 246 mm to 252 mm
Penetration of the AP Mk. 1 gun OQF 32-pdr AT Gun changed from 214 mm to 220 mm
Damage dealt by the HE Mk. 1A shell for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun gun from 330 to 370
The damage of the APDS Mk. 2T shell for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun gun from 250 to 280
The damage of the AP Mk. 1 gun OQF 32-pdr AT Gun from 250 to 280

X FV215b (183):
The car was transferred to promotional.
Increased ammo rack capacity from 12 to 20 shells.
The selling price of the vehicle is now 5 gold.

Changed the reload time of the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun from 5.9 s to 6.6 s
Penetration of the APDS Mk. 2T gun for OQF 32-pdr AT Gun changed from 246 mm to 252 mm
Penetration of the AP Mk. 1 gun OQF 32-pdr AT Gun changed from 214 mm to 220 mm
Damage dealt by the HE Mk. 1A shell for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun gun from 330 to 370
The damage of the APDS Mk. 2T shell for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun gun from 250 to 280
The damage of the AP Mk. 1 gun OQF 32-pdr AT Gun from 250 to 280
Reinforced hull armor.

V AT 2:
Weakened the armor of the hull.

VI AT 8:
Reinforced hull armor.

Reinforced hull armor.

A car has been added to the client:
VK 168.01 Mauerbrecher.

Added a car for testing by supertesters:
Aufklärungspanzer V.

Changing vehicle parameters:

IX VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B
Suspension capacity of the VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B verstärkteketten increased from 80 800 kg to 81 400 kg

Added car:
M4-A2 Sherman Loses.

Added cars:

AMX 65 t;
AMX M4 mle. 54;
AMX M4 mle. 51.

Added machines for testing by super testers.
Somua SM.

Changing vehicle parameters:

IX Type 61:
Changed the depression angle of the 105 mm Rifled Gun in the Type 61 turret from -5 to -3 degrees.
Changed the depression angle for the 90 mm Gun Type 61 in the Type 61 turret from -5 to -4 degrees.

Rework of game models of vehicles in HD quality

Technique translated in HD:
IX VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B
IV StuG III Ausf. B
VII T25 / 2
II Light Mk. VIC
VIII T-34-2
VIII 110
IX Type 61
IX WZ-120
VIII SU-14-2
IV Somua SAu 40
V S35 CA

List of known issues and fixed bugs

The invisibility of vehicles with a unique camouflage in the Hangar is indicated without a bonus from camouflage, but in fact the camouflage effect works

When a vehicle is overturned with its subsequent destruction after 30 seconds, the player who made the coup does not count the destruction of an enemy tank

It is impossible to sell equipment if both standard and improved equipment are installed

Recruits and reservists invited by him are not displayed in the recruiter's "Recruiting office" if the account was restored to a state on a date earlier than the recruits accepted his invitation

The ability to perform platoon personal combat missions is displayed differently when pressing the Tab key in battle, on the post-battle statistics screen and in the congratulatory window

The "Recruit Tanker" button is displayed in the congratulatory window, despite the fact that the tanker has already been recruited

The event tape in the battle about the capture of the base appears before the specified number of capture points is accumulated

In some cases, the sequence of events in the history of received damage in the damage panel is disrupted

The text of the combat mission condition is not displayed in the congratulatory window, if the mission says about the type of vehicle

Unable to deploy client in full screen mode with active Skype call

The installation of the elements of the appearance leads to the removal of ready style appearance

In some cases, when the cursor quickly rotates around the tank, the camera can change its position abruptly when viewed from the trajectory

Fixed incorrect display of engine power of light tank T92 (USA)

Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to apply winter camouflage to UK vehicles

Fixed a bug with obtaining the "Mechanical Engineer: USA" medal

Fixed a bug with obtaining the achievement "Target Indicator"

The Leviathan has been removed from the list of vehicles required to receive the Mechanical Engineer: Germany and Expert: Germany awards

Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to return the pledged award sheets

Fixed bug with disabling simple equipment when switching from siege mode

Fixed a bug due to which the camouflage received for completing LBZ could not be applied to vehicles

In the description of the tasks of LT-8 and TT-7, a clarification has been added about the need for a successful capture of the base

Fixed the description of the task SAU-15 on the "Object 260"

The name of the last captured base is no longer duplicated when capturing both bases in the "Attack / Defense" battle mode

Fixed a bug with displaying the bonus from the instruction "Optics Calibration" when installing a stereo tube

Fixed a bug due to which 100- and 105-octane gasoline was not displayed as a parameter affecting engine power

Fixed a bug due to which the indicator of penetration did not take into account the type of projectile used

What are Ranked Battles?

This is a new 15v15 game mode for Tier X vehicles only. The winner is the team that destroyed all enemy vehicles or captured their base. In fact, the conditions are the same as in random battles, but the main goal is to show high personal effectiveness in battle and move up the rating, earning ranks and rewards. The higher the combat effectiveness, the higher the rank in the special rating of ranked battles. Read about how to select the desired mode and play it.

How does the balancer work in ranked battles?

The main goal of the balancer is to collect a battle from players of the same rank. The balancer seeks to send you into battle with players of your level, which means that the higher your rank, the stronger the enemy will be.

Sometimes, in order to avoid a long queue, a battle with teams of players of different ranks can be assembled. The longer a tanker waits for a battle, the less strict rules apply to creating a battle. Nevertheless, the number of players of a certain rank in teams will always be the same.

Is only a standard battle used or is it possible to get into an assault?

Standard combat only.

How long will the ranked season last and what is the prime time schedule?

Prime time schedule by server:

Monday Friday:

  • RU5: 16: 00–1: 00 (MSK)
  • RU6: 11: 00–1: 00 (MSK)
  • RU8: 11: 00–20: 00 (MSK)

Saturday Sunday:

  • RU5: 13: 00–1: 00 (MSK)
  • RU6: 11: 00–1: 00 (MSK)
  • RU8: 9: 00–20: 00 (MSK)

What cards can you get in Ranked Battles?

After analyzing the statistics and your feedback, we have selected the following cards:

  • "Monastery",
  • "El Halluf",
  • "Cliff",
  • "Ensk",
  • Lost City
  • "Highway",
  • "Himmelsdorf",
  • "Karelia",
  • "Live Oaks",
  • "Robin",
  • "Pass",
  • "Murovanka",
  • "Paris",
  • "Promzona",
  • "Prokhorovka"
  • Redshire,
  • "Sandy River"
  • "Quiet Coast"
  • Siegfried Line
  • "Steppes"
  • "Tundra",
  • Lasville.

How do I get ranks?

To get a rank, you need to earn a certain number of chevrons. The higher your position in terms of earned experience among allies, the more likely you will receive a chevron.

How are chevrons credited or debited?

In the winning team, the chevrons receive the top 10 players in terms of experience earned. Players who finished 1-3rd in XP on the winning team receive an additional chevron.

On the losing team, the chevron is awarded to the player who takes the first place in the experience earned.

The players of the losing team, who finished 2-5th places, retain their chevrons.

The players of the losing team who finished 6-15th place lose their chevrons.

If the fight ends in a draw, both teams are considered to be lost. In this case, only the best players of both teams receive the chevron. The rest retain or lose their tokens, depending on the place taken in the team at the end of the battle.

The number of tokens you need to earn to advance to the next rank increases as you progress from rank 1 to rank 15. Information about how many tokens are needed to increase the rank and how many are left to earn can be found after selecting ranked battles in the modes menu to the right of the "Battle!" Button. Tokens will be displayed below the button.

What are divisions?

In the new season, participants in ranked battles will have to go through 4 divisions one after another, with 15 ranks in each:

  • Qualifying,
  • Third,
  • Second,
  • First.

All competitors start the season in the Qualifying Division. If you have moved to a higher division, then you will not be able to fly out of it - at most you will return to the initial rank of the current division.

The first rank of each division is non-combustible. Rank 10 and 13 in each division have loss protection:

  • At rank 10 - two unsuccessful battles.
  • At rank 13 - one unsuccessful battle.

If you exceed the protection limit, you will return to the previous rank. However, if you earned a token in an unsuccessful battle, your protection against loss will be restored.

Depending on the effectiveness of your game in each division, you will receive a special reward - a certain number of bonus battles.

What are Bonus Battles? How are they charged?

Bonus battles are your reward for successfully playing within a division. The principle of their work resembles the system of double experience for the first battle: once a day, on a certain machine, you can earn twice as many tokens. If the prize fight was unsuccessful, it will not be written off - and you can try again.

Whether you have bonus battles, you can see in the Garage on the image of your current rank.

Vehicles for which bonus battles are available are marked with a special icon on the vehicle panel.

The number of bonus battles that you receive after playing in a division depends on your performance. Efficiency is the ratio of the number of chevrons received to the number of battles you have fought in a division.

Conditions for awarding bonus battles

Based on the results of passing the Qualifying, Third and Second Divisions:

  • with an efficiency from 0 to 10% - 2 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency of 10 to 20% - 3 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency of 20 to 40% - 4 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency of 40 to 60% - 5 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 60 to 90% - 6 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 90 to 120% - 7 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 120 to 160% - 8 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 160 to 250% * - 9 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency over 250% * - 10 bonus battles.

* In the Qualifying Division, the maximum possible efficiency is 200%.

Based on the results of the passage of the First Division:

  • with an efficiency from 0 to 10% - 5 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency of 10 to 20% - 8 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency of 20 to 40% - 10 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency from 40 to 60% - 13 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency of 60 to 90% - 15 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 90 to 120% - 18 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency from 120 to 160% - 20 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency from 160 to 250% - 23 prize battles;
  • with efficiency over 250% - 25 bonus battles.

What are prize leagues? How to get there?

After you reach the maximum, 15th rank in each of the divisions, you will be placed in one of three prize leagues. Which one depends on your efficiency.

  • Gold league. It will include the 20% of players who have shown the highest efficiency.
  • Silver League. The next 30% of players in terms of efficiency will fight in it.
  • Bronze League. The remaining 50% of the players will get there.

The principle of playing in prize leagues is the same as in divisions: you must fight as efficiently as possible, earn as much experience as possible. If your efficiency improves, you will be promoted to a higher league. If it goes down, go back to a lower one.

What is role-playing experience?

Role-playing experience is an additional experience that you will receive after a battle if you did not just inflict damage, destroy opponents and help allies, but also acted in accordance with the role of your vehicle in battle. For example, a heavy tank should block projectiles and deal damage in melee, while ambush lightly armored tank destroyers should deal as much damage as possible from long distances.

In total, there are seven roles of combat vehicles within the season.

  • Defender. This role is suitable for most heavy tanks.
  • Fire support. Role for medium tanks with modest armor, but comfortable guns and good mobility.
  • Light attack aircraft. Role for versatile medium tanks with rational armor or low-mobility medium tanks with good armor.
  • Heavy attack aircraft. The role is best suited for tank destroyers or heavy tanks with magazine loading system.
  • Sniper. Role for ambush weakly armored tank destroyers.
  • Scout. Best suited for light tanks.
  • Artillery. The role of ACS.

During the battle, the successful role-playing action of your vehicle is marked in the event feed with a special icon. You can find the exact amount of additional experience in the post-battle statistics.

How does the economy of Ranked Battles work?

In addition to the standard reward based on the results of the battle, you will receive additional experience for the successful completion of role-playing actions. You can see its amount in the post-battle statistics.

You will also be rewarded for earning ranks. Along with the next rank, you can get:

  • booms,
  • loans,
  • gold,
  • days of the tank premium account,
  • in-game equipment (for example, equipment or pre-battle instructions).

To view all possible awards and the conditions for their receipt, click on the chevron image under the "Battle!" in the Hangar, and then - to the "Awards" tab on the left side of the screen.

What are Bonds?

Bonds are a special in-game currency that cannot be purchased with credits or gold. For bonds, you can purchase various in-game items, including pre-battle instructions and advanced equipment, which significantly increase the efficiency of the vehicle and the parameters of the crew.

What are pre-battle instructions?

This is a new type of equipment that is used to enhance the characteristics of a vehicle or crew. Pre-battle instructions can improve the equipment installed on your vehicle, increasing the bonus from it, or enhance the skill / skill of the crew.

You can only put one instruction per machine. After it is used in battle, you will need to purchase a new one.

how many pre-combat instructions can be used simultaneously?

Only one.

Do pre-combat instructions work with standard equipment?

Yes, pre-combat instructions work with any equipment.

About rewards in Ranked Battles

What are Milestone Achievements and how do I get them?

Milestone Achievements are medals that you can receive for a certain number of battles played in divisions and chevrons won in leagues. Each of the medals can have four degrees.

"Seasonal hike". Awarded for battles in divisions:

  • IV degree - for 20 battles;
  • III degree - for 200 battles;
  • II degree - for 500 battles;
  • I degree - for 1000 battles.

Citius, Altius, Fortius! Awarded for chevrons earned in leagues:

  • IV degree - for 20 chevrons;
  • III degree - for 100 chevrons;
  • II degree - for 250 chevrons;
  • I degree - for 500 chevrons.

What rewards will I receive for playing in prize leagues?

Once in any of the prize leagues, you will receive a reward:

  • Unique style for Tier X vehicles, specific for each league.
  • A commemorative patch specific to each league.

How do I get the Sprinter award?

This season of Ranked Battles, we decided to introduce additional incentives for active and effective play. The first 1000 players to complete all divisions and advance to any league will receive the Sprinter award and the Golden League trophy regardless of which league they actually end up in. In the player rankings, all sprinters are marked with special icons.

What are Rank Tokens?

A rank token is a reward that you receive when you move from one division to another, and also get into leagues. At the end of 2019, after all seasons of Ranked Battles, you will receive a valuable reward, which will depend on the number of tokens collected.

  • 3 rank tokens are an incentive reward with a small amount of valuable in-game property.
  • 7 rank tokens are a standard reward with a standard amount of valuable in-game property.
  • 10 rank tokens - an increased reward that contains a large number of valuable in-game property and a unique Tier IX vehicle.
  • 15 rank tokens are the maximum reward containing the maximum amount of valuable in-game property and a unique Tier IX vehicle.

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We are launching the Beta Season of Ranked Battles! Enter the game, choose a Tier X car and fight against players of your equal strength. Demonstrate high efficiency and compete for high places on the leaderboard of the season.

At the end of the season, the top 50% of players who have made it to the top of the season will receive exclusive patches showing their combat achievements, as well as a new in-game currency - Bonds.

Moreover, absolutely all players registered before June 3 at 3:00 (Moscow time) will receive a gift in the amount of 100 Bonds! This currency will definitely come in handy, because it can buy something unique: improved equipment and pre-battle instructions, which are ways to further increase the effectiveness of your tank in battle.

Choose a car and go to battle!

How do I get involved?

  • The Beta Season of Ranked Battles will be available from June 5, 11:00 (GMT).
  • Any Tier X vehicle is required to participate in the mode.
  • To go to Ranked Battles, you must select them from the menu for selecting modes in the Garage.
  • Ranked Battles are available only during prime time.

Same prime times on weekdays and weekends:

  • RU5: 15: 00-24: 00 (Moscow time);
  • RU6: 11: 00-24: 00 (Moscow time);
  • RU8: 11: 00-16: 00 (Moscow time).

Features of the mode

Battles are available only on Tier X vehicles, and to win, you need to destroy all enemy vehicles or capture their base. While winning increases your chances of earning a chevron, it is a secondary factor. It is much more important to be highly effective in battle and gain experience, because it is the position in the team's list in terms of the amount of experience earned that determines your progress. When you hit the top 12 for XP on the winning team, or in the top 3 for XP on the losing team, you earn a chevron and move one step closer to a new rank. In other words, you don’t lose anything if you give your best - even if your team played poorly. At the same time, if the team won, and your personal result did not allow you to enter its top-12 in terms of experience, your current progress in ranks will be saved: the chevron will not be debited or credited.

The higher your personal result, the higher your rank - and the enemy is selected exactly in accordance with the rank.

Check out the Ranked Battles Guide to learn more about player and vehicle ranks, season structure, and progression.


For any success in Ranked Battles, you will be awarded a reward. You receive prizes for all significant achievements: completing a combat mission, gaining a new rank, or getting into the prize league.

Pioneer of Ranked Battles

  • Combat mission
  • Restrictions
  • Condition
  • Reward
  • Reward for Perseverance

At the end of the season and its stages, you will receive a certain amount of new currency - bon , as well as award boxes. Booms can be used to purchase pre-battle instructions and advanced equipment. The number of bonds earned at the end of a stage depends on the maximum rank achieved during that stage. For example, if you first gain rank IV, and then lose one and complete a stage at rank III, then you will receive 400 bonds (the number of bonds received for rank IV). The number of coupons that will be credited at the end of the season depends on overall rating, which is calculated based on the ranks earned in all stages of the season and your position in the Leaderboard of the season. Only the top 50% of players will receive an additional reward at the end of the season. So, the higher your ranking position, the higher your chance of receiving Bonds and the more rewards you will earn.

Upgraded equipment, pre-battle instructions, rewards and bonuses earned in the Beta Season will not be debited from players who comply with the Laws of the Game.

In addition, all players in the Beta Season who earn four or more Rank Points will receive an exclusive medal.

Go to to view complete list awards.

Leaders and leagues

The strongest players in Ranked Battles will be among the Season Leaders. The place among the Season Leaders will be determined by the number of rank points earned upon reaching new ranks. The more points you earn, the higher your position. You can check your position and compare your progress with other players at any time right in the game client.

With the beginning of a new stage, rank progress is reset, and the earned rank points go into the overall standings of the season. The overall result at the end of the season will be calculated based on your performance at each stage. This means that getting to the Leader of the season directly depends on the stability of the game results throughout the season. The ultimate goal is to make it to the top half of the Season's Leaderboard and maintain that position for the rest of the season. Thus, you guarantee yourself a place in one of the prize leagues, an impressive number of bonds, as well as a unique patch (depending on the league) indicating the level of your skill. The patch will be displayed in the Garage, as well as in battle next to your nickname, confirming your effectiveness.

If you do not need extra attention and you prefer to do your thing without standing out, the display of stripes can be turned off. While in the Garage, just left-click on your nickname in the right upper corner screen, and then on the patch slot to hide them.

Go to the Ranked Battles Regulations and Rules for detailed information on leagues and patches.

Further steps

The beta season for Ranked Battles is pilot in nature. During this season, we will collect feedback and make necessary changes based on it.

Analyzing player feedback will allow us to understand the need for changes in functionality, reward system and economy of the mode, including improved equipment and pre-battle instructions.

Despite the fact that Bonds are being introduced into the game as part of the Beta Season of Ranked Battles, this mode was not planned as the only way to get Bonds and will not be considered in this capacity in the future. In the future, we will make it possible for players to earn Bonds in other game modes, as well as expand the list of what can be purchased with their help.

With the start of the beta season, all players will receive 100 bonds

All players who register before June 3rd will receive 100 Bonds at the start of the beta season. Players will also be able to try out the new pre-battle instructions for the crew or equipment in battle, which will collect a significant amount of feedback.

In developing Ranked Battles, you are the one who will put the final point. We look forward to hearing your feedback on gameplay, balance, and the ranking system. See you in battle on June 5!