The group is in contact world of tanks. WOT: VKontakte group dedicated to the game "World of Tanks"

In this article I will try to answer all the most FAQ regarding the most popular fashion World of Tanks - he is a reindeer gauge. This article was created for lazy people who have no idea that the mod's config, namely the XVM.xvmconf file, contains all the settings with comments from the developers in Russian. For all more or less literate users, the previous sentence is enough to set everything up yourself. For everyone else ... well, read on.

At the end of the article, watch a gorgeous video about the XVM mod!

This article in to a greater extent about manual configuration of XVM mod. If you don’t want to do this, don’t want to understand the structure of the config, then you can use. It is very convenient and will allow you to customize the reindeer meter to suit your needs and immediately see the result without having to start the game.

By the way, even if you create your config manually, I recommend loading it first into the visual editor to check the display of all elements.

To begin with, a small educational program for everyone who does not understand the essence of the mod.

Xvm is an abbreviation for e x tended v isualisation m od, it is also called the advanced combat interface mod. In fact, it combines several modifications included in one large assembly, controlled by one config.

The mod stemmed from another, no less popular modification - OTM, also known as over target markers. This mod allowed you to create your own tank markers and was notable for showing the damage done to tanks. Then, in one of the patches, such an opportunity was introduced into the game client and many players no longer needed a mark.

However, the mod continued to evolve and eventually evolved into something more than just a mod.

Today XVM combines the following features:

  • combat statistics and player ratings, also known as stagger (this function is only available in conjunction with xvm-stat);
  • displaying the chances of winning;
  • markers above the tanks (mentioned above OTM);
  • disabling the posthumous panel;
  • control over mirroring of equipment icons;
  • player and clan icons;
  • clock on the battle loading screen;
  • sets of equipment icons;
  • ear control - transparency, width, content;
  • extended minimap with the names of the vehicles and the memory function of the last light;
  • alternative swath;
  • a log of the damage done to you.

Fine tuning XVM

Next, we proceed to the answers to the most frequent questions of tankers. In order to enable or disable any mod option, you need to learn to understand and edit configuration files. For editing, you can use the standard notepad that comes with Windows, but I recommend you a professional and free program.

All config files are located here: World_of_Tanks \ res_mods \ xvm \ configs \ @Default

For the changes to take effect, you must rename the file xvm.xc.sample v xvm.xc... This file is located here: World_of_Tanks \ res_mods \ xvm

How to turn on the chance to win?

Important, this option works in full version reindeer when the game is launched via xvm-stat.exe. In battleLoading.xc, look for the text:


And change wherever we find the parameter from false to true, so that it turns out like this:

"showChances": true,

How do I turn on the damage log?

All in the same hitLog.xc we are looking for the line:


You will need to edit what is between the curly braces (). Below is a description of some of the damage log settings:

  • "visible": true, - switch to enable or disable the log. false - disabled.
  • "x": - numerical value, indicates the horizontal position of the log. Negative values ​​will snap to the right side of the screen. I recommend the value "285".
  • "y": - the same as the previous item, but vertically. I recommend the value "6".
  • "w": - block width in pixels.
  • "h": - block height.
  • "lines": - number of lines. Outdated data is pushed out.
  • "direction": - has the value down or up. Determines the direction in which the data is pushed.
  • "insertOrder": - end or begin, defines where new lines will appear.
  • "groupHitsByPlayer": - combine data by player's nickname.

Below are the wildcard macros that are responsible for appearance log. You can customize element colors, text, size, etc.

For clarity, here is a piece of the hit log config, which is used in the assembly of the mod from our site:

// Hit log (counter of its hits)
"hitLog": (
"x": 285,
"formatHeader": " Damage: ((dmg-total)) Penetration: ((n)) Last: ((dmg)) (((vehicle)))",
"y": 6,
"formatHistory": " × ((n-player)):((dmg-player)) (((vehicle))) - ((name)) ((clan)) ((dead))",
"visible": true,
"direction": "down",
"lines": 6,
"shadow": (
"size": 1.6,
"color": "0x000000",
"strength": 100,
"distance": 0,
"angle": 45,
"alpha": 100
"h": 300,
"insertOrder": "begin",
"groupHitsByPlayer": true,
"deadMarker": " N",
"blowupMarker": " M",
"w": 500,
"defaultHeader": " Haven't struck yet"

How do I enable the extended minimap?

Expanded minimap XVM displays tank models directly on the map. This will allow you to better assess the combat environment. Another feature is that such a map remembers the last place where the enemy was seen and marks it on the map. Something like this:

To enable such a map, look in the minimap.xc file:


Below, we are looking for the line "enabled": and change the value to true to get it like this:

"enabled": true,

How do I turn off mirroring of tank icons?

In the battle.xc file:


Change it to false so that it looks like this:

"mirroredVehicleIcons": false,

How to remove the mode switch of the ears with the mouse?

In the battle.xc file, look for "removePanelsModeSwitcher": and change to true:

"removePanelsModeSwitcher": true,

How do I use standard client tokens?

As you know, XVM uses its own tank markers, which, for their own reasons, are not liked by many tankers. So, in order to cut them down, you need to find a line in the battle.xc file ::


And change the value to true. If you do everything right, it will look like this:

"useStandardMarkers": true,

XVM Mod Video

The first video is an interview with one of the mod's developers. We already published it somehow, but I decided to post it here as well.

We published the second video in our public VKontakte. If you have not yet subscribed to it, we recommend that you do so.

Dear friends, today we will talk with you about a game that has captured the minds of millions of gamers! Its name is World of Tanks. Surely you have heard these three more than once. English words... World of Tanks! A world where your iron horse will be a multi-ton machine that spews deadly shells at the enemy! And when else was it worth writing this article, if not May 9? Go!

By the way, today we will talk with you about the community on the VKontakte social network, which is dedicated to this game. You yourself know that our site specializes in information that is dedicated to social networks... But before that, it will be fair to briefly explain what kind of game this is - WOT. The VKontakte group, by the way, will seem very interesting to every fan of this game. So, novice tankers, listen!

The essence of the game

World of Tanks is a very addicting multiplayer game that is dedicated to the Second World War. In it you will need to take part in exciting battles on a completely diverse range of tanks. By the way, there are more than 150 types of tanks! The number is impressive, isn't it? And each of the tanks is made as faithfully as possible, according to the original prototype. The game is constantly being improved, so playing is doubly interesting. Amazing graphics, great sound, great gameplay, what more to expect from computer game? You will pump not only your tank, buy new, more advanced parts for it, but also improve the skills of your crew. In addition, you can choose which country's tanks you will develop. Attention! The game can captivate you for hours. Therefore, if there are exams ahead, you should not risk so much.

Community Vk

However, this article is already focused on those people who have played World of Tanks at least once. We would like to make not a review of the game, but a review of the VKontakte community, which this interesting game dedicated.

Follow the link and join the community of more than a million members from all over the planet. People are completely different in age and country of residence. Communicate with them is a pleasure. By the way, as far as communication is concerned, this is the most important feature of this group. The community has more than two hundred topics that will be useful to every novice tanker. And in each such topic there are a lot of messages on the topic. Rest assured, there will be answers to ALL your questions about. You can see for yourself by looking at the screenshot from the VKontakte WOT group.

In addition to communication, constant competitions are a great advantage of this community. Very often, in your news, you can find, for example, photographs of tanks. And under them there will be a question like: "What kind of tank is this? The first one to guess 300 gold on the account in the game." And for these 300 gold you can improve your tank, buy it, say, camouflage. Nice and practical, as they say!

Every Tuesday you can enjoy new high-quality pictures on the topic. Every day you will view photos that users themselves send. In general, the group is what you need! The WOT group is an excellent proof that the developers have taken seriously not only the game, but also the group in the most visited social network. Russian Federation, and nearby countries.

The game is easy to learn - just try it a couple of times, and the controls will become accessible and understandable. The game features tanks from ten countries: the United States, Britain, China, Germany, Soviet Union, Japan, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Poland and France.

Over time, the player learns more and more new opportunities. For example, that each tank has its own weak points, hitting which, you will almost certainly disable some tank module. Everything is so realistic that if a crew member is injured, the performance of the entire tank deteriorates.

The ammunition load may explode or the caterpillar may stop working, which will completely immobilize the vehicle. Each tank can be improved and "pumped" (and it will drive faster and shoot more accurately). Choose from a fast and agile vehicle or a sturdy but slow-moving machine. And after playing a little more, you will acquire tactical skills that will help you out more than once in difficult battles.

World of Tanks is suitable for Windows 7, XP, 8, 10, Vista.

Features of the game:

  • tank battles around the world during World War II;
  • a huge number of different combat units;
  • "Pumping" the command staff of the tank opens up new possibilities for the crew (notification that you have been noticed, accelerated fire extinguishing, master of disguise);
  • the ability to create or join clans, after which you can fight for territory against other clans around the world and participate in rating battles;
  • special mode for beginners "Training ground".

We liked:

  • you can download and play World of Tanks for free. Moreover, the game will automatically update to the latest version;
  • the number of players is so large that there is no need to wait for a team to be recruited for the game - it is assembled instantly;
  • after your tank has been hit, there is no need to wait for the end of the battle, you can leave it and start looking for a new one;
  • donation practically does not affect the quality of the game;
  • constant optimization of the gameplay and the addition of new models.
  • good graphics - you can see it far and clearly.

We didn't like:

  • sometimes you are thrown into a team with tanks one or two levels higher than yours, it is very difficult to compete with them, since it is not easy to penetrate their armor;
  • The best quality of rendering details is achieved only on the HD client, which is quite demanding on PC resources.

Anyone can download the Russian version of World of Tanks. The popularity of the game is so high that its derivative name "danchiki" can be considered a household name, jokes are written about it, and many comedy videos are dedicated to it. The realism of the locations gives a special "zest" to the game - for example, solid objects (stone buildings) cannot be shot through, but wooden fence can be crushed with ease.


  • War Thunder is an "air" analogue of the World of Tanks, in which battles take place at the aviation level.
  • World of Warship is a popular online game recommended to all fans of naval battles.

Story line
What needs to be done first? Choose the tank that's right for you. You have the following options to choose from: heavy vehicle, light or medium-sized tank. The second will be easier to manage. Having opened a large-scale battle map, you choose the level where your vehicles will be located. Also, for destruction on all enemy fronts, you will have artillery installations at your disposal. Gamers in this game World of Tanks, which can be downloaded from the torrent on our website, will have to become the most important at the game levels and gradually oust the enemy from their positions. To conduct an experiment in an adventure, you first need to pump your iron horse well, namely: weapons, armor and speed data of your tank. And then you will have at your disposal new experimental machines. You will not be able to play this game quickly, it is designed for a long passage, with the constant saving of the achieved achievements.

Game process
For the protagonists, the most modern system modernization of iron machines. During the battle, you will be able to experiment with new tanks that you create on your own, and more than one hundred and fifty different prototypes will be available for gamers. And you can control each one. In order to find out where the enemy is, you need to constantly look at a large-scale map. For best destruction enemy, you can create alliances with other protagonists and jointly build whole tank armies. And first, you just need to download the World of Tanks project via torrent on our website to see how colorful the battles in this strategy are. Together with other players, you can perform game tasks, gain experience in the game and receive rewards. Shoot down enemy iron vehicles, increase your tank troops and gather resources. Gamers will face confrontational battles on game levels.

It is interesting
A unique opportunity available for gamers in the World of Tanks project, download from a torrent, which can be found on our website, allows chatting in real time, receiving support or recommendations from friends. Here you can also advise other players how best to pass this or that level. This is a very bright and entertaining multiplayer game!

Distinctive features of the World of Tanks project, download via torrent, which can be found on our Internet resource:
- Get more experience in the project. You have to knock out enemy tanks in order to gain more experience. And then other protagonists will join you.
- Game by the whole team. Go on an adventure with friends. Get your hands on enemy levels, but that's not all. In this project, collect joint points to upgrade your tank world troops.
- Game maps on a global scale. On the map you will see how your level develops and how many tanks you managed to knock out. This number will be visible on the screen, and immediately you will see your achievements.
- Be a good shooter. Try to control the firing system from an artillery installation and use it to destroy enemy tanks in one salvo.

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / Windows Vista / 7/8/10
Processor: Pentium 4 2.4 GHz
Video Card: 512 Mb - 1024 Mb / nVIDIA® GeForce ™ / ATI Radeon®
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX® 9.0c
Free place hard disk space: 20 GB

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