How to find out the name of the mail host. Setting up mail Rambler, Mail, Yandex, Gmail on iPhone

You will probably agree that mail in an iPhone is not only convenient, but also a necessary thing. If you are a fan of the Rambler mail server, this is the place for you. Sometimes, having bought an iPhone of a new model, we are faced with the problem of installing and setting up our usual Rambler mailbox on the iPhone.

Surely the button for sending correspondence should always be at hand or in a prominent place. You can create several types of mail on the iPhone, each of which will be marked with a special icon.

In this article, we decided to reflect all the methods of installing Rambler mail for the iPhone, the peculiarities of enabling it and working with it. If you cannot install and run this mailbox yourself, then repeat the steps below to know how to set up mail on the iPhone, connect the incoming mail server.

Setting up mail from Rambler on the iPhone, in particular the iPhone 6, has its own structuredness of sequential actions.

To begin with, in the main screen menu, open the "Settings" section and select the section that contains "Mail, addresses, calendars". Going into it, we check for the saved accounts in the iPhone, if they are outdated, then delete them. Instead of the old entries, click the "Add" button and select among the proposed mail servers. If the desired mailbox is absent, then below we find the "Other" subsection and create mail on Rambler by pressing the "New account" button.

In the "New" window that opens, fill in the fields for creating an account. We consistently enter the "Name" of the account, which we come up with associatively with Rambler, then write down the "Address", which is already registered in the mail of Rambler, for example, " [email protected]", And accordingly fill in the" Password "to the created mailbox.

In the "Description" section, you can also enter associative records, for example, the time the record was created, city, date of birth. After the account sections are filled in, press the "Next" key to start the process of creating an account for the iPhone.

The server serving Rambler is called IMAP. IMAP is superior to POP3, but it is difficult for newbies to set up a mailbox. Therefore, in the "New" section, activate this button by repeating the existing sections. At the bottom of the page that opens, we find the necessary sections to complete the filling process and configure the server.

We write a node with a name consisting of the name "username" in the form of the first part of the mailbox name before the @ sign, for example, " name_name@ " and, finally, enter the password-protected key from the mailbox available on Rambler.

Rambler mail server data

For information: the host and its name or server for incoming mail is usually "", and the host name or server for outgoing mail is usually "".

The next step is to fill in the "Outgoing mail server" window, in which only the "Hostname" is filled in, the remaining sections - "Username" and "Password" do not need to be filled. We complete the process by activating the "Forward" key.

The data verification process will be launched and, if everything is filled in without errors, then the registered data will be indicated by the checkboxes opposite the filled fields, confirming the correctness of registration. Rambler mail on iPhone.

When all the created postal data is saved, you can use the mail on Rambler through the active window in the display. It will take a little time to set up the mail client, but it is not at all difficult to do this when a Rambler mail account is created and configured on the iPhone.

If you want to use an email client, then the process of creating it consists in specifying the account for the iPhone, which is described above.

In this manual you will find the answer to the question "How to set up mail on an iPhone (iPhone)" of any model. Follow the steps and everything will work out.

All you need is Internet access. Owners mobile phones Iphone often ask the question: how to set up mail on their gadget? In this article we will try to give step by step instructions mail settings on the Iphone.

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To become a mobile mail user, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the "Settings" section (for English versions - "Settings");
  2. We select the item "Mail, addresses, calendars";
  3. In the item "Accounts" select the item "Add ..." (AddAcount);
  4. From the list of proposed mail sites, select the required one, or click "Other" (Other);
  5. In the window that appears, select "New Account" and then enter your name. The entered name will be displayed for those to whom you will send letters;
  6. V next field"E-mail" enter your e-mail address. This can be a mailbox on,,, and so on. Be extremely careful when entering the address. It must be recorded in the same format as on the website;
  7. In the “Password” field, enter the password for your e-mail;
  8. In the “Decription” box, enter a name for the configured mail to easily distinguish one customized mailbox from another;
  9. And finally, click “Save”;
  10. After the performed operations, exit the settings menu and click on Pop on the screen.

Video tutorial on how to set up mail on iPhone.

In this section, you need to configure the incoming mail server (for English-speaking phones Iphone - Incoming mail server):

  • In the “Host name” column, enter or, or another site on which an email account is created;
  • In the “Username” column, we again very carefully enter the postal address, without errors;
  • You do not need to enter the password, because you have already written it down.
  • In the “Host name” column, enter or;
  • In the "Username" column, again very carefully enter the full email address, for example [email protected];
  • Enter the mailbox password.
  • We save the changes, and your mail is ready to use!

For owners mobile devices on iOS, it is possible to synchronize your device with your Yandex mail account. About,
how to do this, and will be described in this article.

Yandex.Mail, like most mail services, requires certain permissions to be used in third-party client applications (both desktop and mobile). To provide them, do the following:

Setting up Yandex.Mail on iPhone

There are several options for connecting this mail service, after which it will be possible to work with letters on a mobile device.

Method 1: System Application

For this procedure, you will only need the device itself and account information:

  • Incoming mail server: Hostname -
  • Outgoing mail server: Hostname -

  • To synchronize information, you must activate the sections "Mail" and "Notes".
  • After completing the above steps, Yandex.Mail on iPhone will be synced, configured, and ready to work. But sometimes these manipulations are not enough - the mail does not work or gives an error. In this case, you must do the following:

    1. Open up "Settings" devices and go to them to item "Accounts and Passwords"(on older versions of iOS it is called "Mail, addresses, calendars").
    2. Select Yandex and then Custom Account.
    3. In chapter Outgoing mail server select the appropriate custom box SMTP(there should be only one).
    4. Mailbox it was already tied by us, but so far it does not work. To "start" it, in the section "Primary server" click on item if she is there.

      In the cases where there are no mailboxes yet, select the item "Not configured"... In field "Hostname" write down the address

    5. Note: The Username field is marked as optional. This is partly true, but sometimes it is the absence of the information specified in it that causes problems with sending / receiving letters. In such cases, you must enter the mailbox name there, but without part"@", that is, if, for example, our email [email protected], you only need to enter lumpics.

    6. Save the entered information and click again on
    7. Make sure item "Use SSL" activated, and in the field "Server port" written value 465 .

      But it so happens that mail does not work with this port number. If you have a similar problem, try to write the following value - 587 , everything works well on it.

    8. Now press "Done" - "Back" and go to the tab "Additionally" located at the very bottom.
    9. In chapter "Incoming settings" item must be activated "Use SSL" and the following server port is specified - 993 .
    10. Now Yandex.Mail will definitely work fine. We will consider another option for setting it up on the iPhone.

    Method 2: Official App

    The postal service provides a special program for iPhone users. You can find it on the website. After downloading and installing, launch the program and follow the instructions of the installer. To add an existing mail, you only need to enter its address and password in the application.

    This completes the Yandex mail setup. All letters will be displayed in the application itself.

    Despite the development of the Web, email has not gone anywhere since its inception and is still needed. V this material describes how to configure Yandex mail on the iPhone.


    Communication via e-mail is very successful and to this day cannot be replaced by any other method of interaction. Mail is used for work and for communicating with family. It has migrated even to the most modern and advanced devices.

    Setting up Yandex mail on iPhone

    Yandex is a fairly popular postal service in Russia - a kind of domestic Google. A large audience of users has been using its products for a long period of time, including mail.

    After purchasing a new device, for example an iPhone, it becomes necessary to connect an already beloved mailbox in order to save all the necessary data and not lose many years of correspondence. It is also quite convenient to use e-mail on a smartphone due to its constant availability, because such a gadget is always at hand, which means that the mailbox is always with you.

    There are several different ways, which configure Yandex mail on the iPhone. There are options for full-fledged work with outgoing and incoming mail, as well as for receiving e-mail from a Yandex mailbox.

    Configuring incoming mail using the forwarding method

    Similar on the iPhone 6, as well as on other models in the series, is identical. The first and easiest way to set up is to send to another mailbox, for example iCloud, which is already connected to your smartphone. To do this, you need to visit the Yandex.Mail website, go to the settings and find the "Create rules" item. There you can specify what kind of mail will be forwarded (for example, messages from a specific circle of people or with a specific topic). Next, select the "Forward to address" option and indicate the mailbox that is already connected to your phone.

    Full connection to the Mail client on iOS

    Setting up Yandex iPhone is a little more complicated. For full-fledged work, you will need to connect the box directly to the client of the iOS system.

    Setting up "Yandex" mail on iPhone 5s, as well as on others modern models with iOS 9 installed, it works the same way. To do this, go to the "Settings" of your device, go to the "Mail" item. At the top of the display will be the item "Add a new account". Select "Mail" from the entire list. The first problem that you will encounter is the absence of "Yandex" among the options for choosing a box, so we go down, select "Other" and fill in the fields provided.

    • Name - enter any name you like.
    • Email address (e-mail) - your mailbox registered on Yandex.
    • Password from your mailbox.
    • Description - describe the box. For example, work, personal, and so on. Sometimes the domain name is indicated here, in our case it is

    This should be enough for the box to work, but it may not, so you will need to fill in some of the data manually.

    • The host name is
    • Username is your Yandex email address.
    • Password.

    To configure POP, the same data is used, only POP is prescribed instead of IMAP.

    Now, if necessary, you can configure ports for the two servers. To do this, we find the already connected mailbox in the settings, go to the SMTP settings, and then to the node. Here you need to perform two tasks: first - enable SSL, second - register port 465. Usually, all this data is registered automatically, and manual configuration is not required, but if suddenly this does not happen, then now you are ready to specify the necessary data yourself and make mail work.

    Setting up Yandex mail on iPhone 6 using the official application

    The last and the simplest option for comfortable and full-fledged work with Yandex mail is to use an application developed by the company that created the mail service. In the AppStore, you can find an email client that was developed with a special interface and convenient authorization (you just need to enter your username and password).

    The application also has one big plus - support for push notifications, that is, messages from the server. As soon as a letter gets into your mailbox, you will immediately find out about it. Standard cannot do this and checks mail by means of sampling (checking occurs in a certain, specified period of time).

    Instead of a conclusion (other possible options)

    This material describes the main optimal options, which configure Yandex mail on the iPhone. But the AppStore also has a ton of applications for this. In some, the installation process is the same as in the official application, and there should be no problems.

    Apple products are a kind of quality mark, a symbol of modern technology and further progress. However, these same modern technologies sometimes they develop so rapidly that ordinary users do not always keep up with them. As a result, it may not be an easy task for someone to set up Rambler mail on the iPhone. To avoid colliding with similar problems, let's see how to do it right.

    Create a profile

    To access Rambler mailbox on iPhone 5 or other versions of Apple's smartphones, the first step is to create a new account. If you know how to set up mail on iPhone, then you can handle this task without any problems.

    Open "Settings". Go to the "Mail, Addresses, Calendars" section. In the Accounts field, click the Add button.

    A list of email services that iPhone works with by default will appear on the screen. Rambler, unfortunately, you will not be able to find among these mail services.

    Therefore, scroll down the screen and press the "Other" button.

    The Other menu appears. In the Mail box, click the New Account button.

    A window titled "New" will appear. Here you need to enter:

    After filling in all the indicated lines, click the "Next" button.

    Mail service parameters

    Next, you need to specify the data for the mailbox to work. Rambler mail works through the IMAP server, so in the next window you need to select the appropriate tab. The "Name", "Address" and "Description" fields should be filled in by default. Scroll down the screen. Here you need to specify the hostname, registered mailbox and mail password.

    The next field is "Outgoing mail server". Be sure to specify only the hostname - The rest of the parameters do not need to be entered. Click "Next" to start checking the specified data.

    If you entered everything correctly, a check mark will appear next to each line, which signals that the mail is configured correctly.

    The final window looks like this: Click the "Save" button to start using the created account. If necessary, you can delete the mailbox on Rambler, as well as remove the created account from your mobile device.