How to go to the European server. Where are World Of Tanks Game Clusters? Invite codes for the European server here

Update 9.20 goes to a general test. You are waiting for battles in the format "30 to 30", Chinese PT-SAU and rebalance of technology -, and soon you are waiting for other materials about changes in version 9.20.

Well, while - all the freshest and interesting, as for rank battles. Read and do not forget to share opinions in a special topic on the forum. This will help us to configure the update more detail.

Rank battles

Most recently completed the first beta season of rank battle. We analyzed all your feedback and want to make changes that in the second beta season should improve the gameplay. It is them that we test in the framework of the overall update test 9.20.

Changes in basic mechanics

One of the most discussed at the forum by the simplicity of the regime. The basic mechanics of the selection of equal in the ability of the players worked, however, the achievement of the fifth rank did not prevent real difficulty for experienced tankers.

We tried to correct this by changing the mechanics of receiving chevrons and ranks. The number of ranks will remain the same, but the number of chevrons needed to achieve ranks will change. The distance between the ranks will be as follows: 1-3-5-7-9 Chevrons. To achieve the first rank, only one chevron will need, and it will be necessary for the whole nine to transition from the fourth on the fifth rank.

In addition, the mechanics of the car ranks will change. In the second beta season, any rank will cost 5 chevrons.

Mechanics of receiving Chevrons will also change. In the winning team, Chevron earn 10 best player experiences. The remaining 5 winning players, as well as the top 5 players of the loser team do not earn Chevron. Finally, the remaining 10 players of the loser team lose Chevron.

Thus, we want to push the players to interact: despite personal results in rank battles, the victory remains a team achievement. That is why we expanded the list of players who do not lose Chevron in case of a team loss. This means that even if the battle is unfortunately and the opponent pursues in all directions, not worth it. It is necessary to continue to help allies - your efforts will be rewarded.

Improvements balancing

We found several critical points related to the balance. And right how to solve them:
- improving the balance between teams by the number of medium and heavy tanks.
- We limit the number of SAU on the team two units.
- Add more cards and significantly improve their rotation. Thanks to this chances all the time fall on the same card will decrease.


We also reconsider the mechanics of receiving award. From now on, you will not need to wait for the end of the season to get the main part of the Bon earned. Value awards will also increase.

Stages testing

Testing the second beta season rank battle will be held during the total update test 9.20. Join - the next stage will last until August 9.

We are very important to your feedback on changes in the game. Leave comments on the forum and share opinions about rank battles.


Large-scale update of the first campaign of personal combat missions "long-awaited reinforcement"

Essence of changes

  • Fully redone visual and sound components of personal combat missions.
  • Added absolutely new and unique awards.
  • Terms of tasks are revised so that the technique does not need to receive a premium machine high levelthan the reward itself.
  • Added blanks of the order, which will greatly facilitate the performance of personal combat missions.
  • About changes in personal combat tasks, you can learn from a special video available directly in the game.

Interface and Sound

  • All personal combat missions are redone:
  1. In personal combat missions, you can now enter the "Campaigns" tab (under the button "into battle!").
  2. Added screen "General Staff" with a map of all operations.
  3. The operations screen completely redesigned - now it is a geographical map with tasks in the form of areas on it.
  4. Fully recycled campaign awards screen:
    1. Now the main award - the car is located in the center of the screen.
    2. Added statistics of the operation: Now you know how many loans can still be earned.
  • Added new musical accompaniment:
  1. For personal combat missions, a special music track is recorded.
  2. Added interactive musical accompaniment: the more tasks are performed within the same branch, the more intensive music.

New way to get premium cars

Premium sheets are removed - instead of them introduced machine components:

  1. To get a premium car for the operation, it is necessary to collect all five components: a hull, chassis, weapon, power plant and a radio station.
  2. Each component corresponds to its own branch of tasks in the operation:
    1. Power setting - a branch of tasks for light tanks.
    2. Chassis - Task branch for medium tanks.
    3. Case (+ tower or cutting) - Task branch for heavy tanks.
    4. The gun is the task branch for PT-SAU.
    5. Radio station - Task branch for SAU.
  3. To get a component, you must perform the final 15th task in the appropriate branch.

Blanks order

Added a new essence of the "Application Blanc":

  1. To earn an order form, you need to fulfill any completion task of any branch with honors.
  2. The order forms can be mortgaged (that is, apply) to any tasks. In this way:
    1. The selected task will be automatically reckoned without the difference.
    2. You will receive a reward for the basic conditions of the task.
    3. The spent order form will remain in the task.
    4. The laid form of the order does not disappear, but temporarily freezed until you take it back.
  3. To pick up the laid order form and then use it again, it is necessary to perform the task in which it is laid with honors.
  4. The number of blanks of the order required for laying in the task:
    1. To any task from the 1st to 14th - 1 order form.
    2. In the 15th task - 4 order form.

The order forms can be used to skip complex or uninteresting tasks for you. The most important thing is that you can put the order of the order in the final, the 15th task in the branch, even if the previous 14 has not passed yet. Thus, you can instantly get the missing fifth component of the machine, completing four branches of tasks with honors.

New awards

  1. Added new reward - stripes:
    1. In each operation, you can earn two stripes:
      1. Stripe II degree is issued simultaneously with the receipt of a premium machine.
      2. Stripe I degree is issued for execution with honors from all 75 tasks of a particular operation.
    2. For all tasks in all operations, you get a special unique stripe "Champion I Campaigns".
  2. Added new award - camouflage schemes:
    1. In each operation, you can earn a set of three (summer, winter, deserted) unique camouflage schemes:
      1. A set of three camouflage schemes on a premium machine is issued for the execution of all 75 operation tasks.
      2. The same set of schemes is unlocked for use throughout the technique of the same nation as a premium machine, for the execution of all 75 tasks of the operation with honors.

Changing the Terms of Tasks

The tasks in each operation were revised to increase the relevance of the main award. For example, now all tasks from STUG IV operation can really perform on a level V technique, from the T28 Heavy Tank Concept operation - on level VII machines and so on. At the same time, restrictions on participation have not changed. You can perform tasks of any operation even on level techniques.

We also made more diverse additional conditions in the final, 15 tasks of each branch. This is due to the fact that the additional reward for tasks, final branches, has become more valuable: now the order blanks are located.

Note! If, by the condition of the task you need, for example, to detect five cars for the fight, and you found seven, obviously, the task will successfully go. This rule is valid for all numeric conditions.

Bones and medals

With 9.20.1, conquering the medals of the categories "Epic Achievements" and "Battle Hero", the player will receive additional encouragement in the form of Bon. Please note: Bones will not be charged for cumulative medals. The number of Bon is not final and can change.

Balancer refinement

Now the balancing driver is additionally trying to balance each part of the team list (bottom-mid-top), given the features and roles of equipment inside the types: MAUS tank is opposed to Maus, Type 5 Heavy or E 100, T57 Heavy Tank - AMX 50 B tank and so on. However, in some situations of a symmetric balance on game roles will not work. For example, if technique with different roles is in a platoon.


We switched on new version WWISE 2017.1.1, which will expand opportunities for further audio improvements.

Improvements for the general battle

The following changes are made to the type of combat "General Battle":

  1. The message about the victory or defeat in battle has changed.
  2. Added a new type of message about the victory or defeat in battle, so that the players make it easier to understand when and why the battle ended. The message has separate animations for victory, lesions and a draw. Additional text shows why the battle is over. When the battle is completed by the capture of the base, the strip of the progress of the capture goes into the "blocked" state shortly before the message appears to show that the result will not change. This innovation is applied to all random and rank battles, as well as to the general battle.
  3. Updated pop-up tips for awards in which are described different conditions receipt. In standard, oncoming battle and storming conditions alone, and in the general battle requirements above.
  4. Improved combat interface (HUD) in the general battle.
  5. The transparency of the background panels with the list of players is reduced so that the information is easier to read on a light background (sky, water, etc.). In the upper panel, the designations of the borders are added to improve perception.

Improvements for the "Training Polygon"


  • The irrelevant options in the context menu of the windows improvement windows, the study tree, and the "carousel" of the technique are disabled.
  • Balanced awards (loans and experience) for victory and lesions when passing a training landfill.
  • The accrual of the awards for the passage of the training landfill is now displayed in the center of notifications.
  • Added notification of players that they will not receive a reward when re-passing the training landfill.
  • The crew recruiting window is made more informative.


  • Fixed errors in which some elements of the interface in color blindness mode are displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed bugs that arise when saving and restoring settings (equipment panel and sights) when the player fell to the training ground and left this mode.
  • Fixed drawing some gaming prompts (Demasking during shooting, the need to return to the capture circle).
  • Fixed a rare error of incorrect display of the "Skip Training" button.
  • The results of the battle in the mode are removed from the center of notifications.
  • Fixed display of the EULA licensed window when the game client is restarted.
  • Description of the characteristics of the technique in the boot screens of the training landfill now corresponds to reality.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the musical tracks of combat, hangar and the final roller of the educational landfill were superimposed on each other.
  • On the winning screen added descriptions of awards.
  • Fixed bugs in the behavior of bots.
  • Fixed mapping border display errors.

New game models in HD quality

  • USSR: Valentine II, T-150, T-44-122, "Object 416", kV-4;
  • France: Bat.-Châtillon 155 55, Bat.-Châtillon 155 58;
  • Vickers Medium Mk. I, Vickers Medium Mk. II, Valentine AT, Valentine, Churchill I, FV215B;
  • China: T-34-3;
  • Japan: STB-1.

Changes in technology

  • Changed the name of the second tower with Centurion Action X * on Centurion 32-PDR.
  • Added instrument OQF 32-PDR Gun MK. II with a wip 50 unit. In the Tower of Centurion 32-PDR. Basic TTX guns are as follows:
    • angle of elevation of 18 degrees;
    • angle of declining -10 degrees;
    • scatter 0.34 m per 100 m;
    • recharge time 6.5 s;
    • time Information 2.3 s.
    • damage 280;
    • pushing 220 mm.
    • damage 280;
    • starting speed of 1098 m / s;
    • pushing 252 mm.
    • damage 370 units;
    • starter speed 878 m / s;
    • pushing 47 mm.
  • Removed gun OQF 20-PDR Gun Type A Barrel with a wiping unit 60. From the Centurion Action X * tower.
  • Removed OQF 20-PDR Gun Type B Barrel gun with a second-hand 60 unit. From the Centurion Action X * tower.
  • The load capacity of the running FV221A is changed from 63,000 to 64,000 kg.
  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the running FV221 is increased by 12%.
  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the running FV221A is increased by 14%.
  • The spread of the guns from rotation of the running Fv221 is increased by 12%.
  • The spread of the gun from the rotation of the FV221A is increased by 14%.
  • Scatter OQF 17-PDR Gun MK. VII When turning the Centurion Tower 32-PDR is increased by 25%.
  • CENTURION MK Tower rotation speed. II Changed from 30 to 26 deg / s.
  • The rotation speed of the Centurion 32-PDR tower is changed from 36 to 30 deg / s.
  • The angle of elevation of the OQF 17-PDR Gun MK gun. VII in the Centurion MK Tower. II changed from 15 to 18 degrees.
  • OQF 17-PDR Gun MK gun declining angle. VII in the Centurion MK Tower. II changed from -8 to -10 degrees.
  • Changed the name of the first tower with Centurion Action X ** on Conqueror MK. II.
  • Changed the name of the second tower with Conqueror MK. II on Conqueror MK. II ABP.
  • Added instrument OQF 32-PDR Gun MK. II with a wip 50 unit. In the conqueror mk tower. II. Basic TTX guns are as follows:
    • angle of elevation of 15 degrees;
    • angle of declining -10 degrees;
    • scatter 0.33 m per 100 m;
    • recharge time 5.9 s;
    • time information 2.1 s.
  • Added instrument OQF 32-PDR Gun MK. II with a wip 50 unit. In the conqueror mk tower. II ABP. Basic TTX guns are as follows:
    • angle of elevation of 15 degrees;
    • angle of declining -10 degrees;
    • scatter 0.33 m per 100 m;
    • recharge time 5.9 s;
    • time information 2.1 s.
  • Added aPCBC MK projectile. 3 For OQF 32-PDR Gun MK. II. TTH shells are as follows:
    • damage 280;
    • pushing 220 mm;
    • speed \u200b\u200b878 m / s.
  • Adds installed APDS MK. 3 For OQF 32-PDR Gun MK. II. TTH shells are as follows:
    • damage 280;
    • pushing 252 mm;
    • speed \u200b\u200b1098 m / s.
  • Added HE MK projectile. 3 For OQF 32-PDR Gun MK. II. TTH shells are as follows:
    • damage 370 units;
    • pushing 47 mm;
    • speed \u200b\u200b878 m / s.
  • Removed gun OQF 20-PDR Gun Type A Barrel with ammunition 65 units. From the Centurion Action X * tower.
  • Removed OQF 20-PDR Gun Type B Barrel gun with a 100th unit. From the Centurion Action X * tower.
  • Removed gun OQF 20-PDR Gun Type A Barrel with ammunition 65 units. From the Conqueror MK tower. II.
  • Removed OQF 20-PDR Gun Type B Barrel gun with a 100th unit. From the Conqueror MK tower. II.
  • Removed the AP MK projectile. 1 for OQF 20-PDR Gun Type a Barrel gun.
  • Removed APC MK projectile. 2 For OQF 20-PDR Gun Type A Barrel.
  • Removed HE MK projectile. 3 For OQF 20-PDR Gun Type A Barrel.
  • Removed the AP MK projectile. 1 for OQF 20-PDR Gun Type B Barrel.
  • Removed APC MK projectile. 2 For OQF 20-PDR Gun Type B Barrel.
  • Removed HE MK projectile. 3 For OQF 20-PDR Gun Type B Barrel.
  • Cargo capacity Conqueror MK. I changed from 65 004 to 65,504 kg.
  • Recharge time 120 mm Gun L1A1 for Conqueror MK tower. ABP II changed from 10.5 to 11.3 s.
  • CONQUEROR MK Tower rotation speed. II changed from 36 to 30 degrees / s.
  • CONQUEROR MK Tower rotation speed. ABP II is changed from 34 to 32 degrees / s.
  • Strengthen the booking of the tower and the case.
  • Strengthen the booking Tower.
  • Strengthen the booking Tower.
  • Added to the OQF 32-PDR AT GUN MK gun. II with a wip 30 unit. In the tower of Avenger. Basic TTX guns are as follows:
    • angle of elevation of 20 degrees;
    • angle of declining -10 degrees;
    • horizontal angles -60 and 60 degrees;
    • scatter 0.35 m per 100 m;
    • recharge time 7.8 s;
    • time information 2 s.
  • Added aPCBC MK projectile. 3 For OQF 32-PDR AT GUN MK. II. TTH shells are as follows:
    • damage 280;
    • pushing 220 mm;
    • speed \u200b\u200b878 m / s.
  • Adds installed APDS MK. 3 For OQF 32-PDR AT GUN MK. II. TTH shells are as follows:
    • damage 280;
    • pushing 252 mm;
    • speed \u200b\u200b1098 m / s.
  • Added HE MK projectile. 3 For OQF 32-PDR AT GUN MK. II. TTH shells are as follows:
    • damage 370 units;
    • pushing 47 mm;
    • speed \u200b\u200b878 m / s.
  • The rotation speed of the Challenger tower is changed from 14 to 16 degrees / s.
  • The rotation speed of the Avenger tower is changed from 16 to 18 degrees / s.
  • Strengthen the booking Tower.
  • Rolls-Royce Meteorite 202B engine power is changed from 510 to 650 liters. from.
  • OQF 20-PDR AT GUN TYPE A BARREL to decline the angle is changed from -5 to -9 degrees.
  • OQF 20-PDR AT GUN TYPE B Barrel tool the angle of the OQF 20-PDR AT is changed from -5 to -9 degrees.
  • The angle of declining gun 105 mm AT GUN L7 is changed from -5 to -10 degrees.
  • Added to the gun B.L. 5.5-in. AT GUN WITH BIUMA 30 URL. In the Tower FV4004 Conway. Basic TTX guns are as follows:
    • angle of elevation of 10 degrees;
    • angle of declining -10 degrees;
    • horizontal angles -90 and 90 degrees;
    • scatter 0.38 m per 100 m;
    • recharge time 14.4 s;
    • time information 2.4 s.
  • Added projectile AP MK. 1 for guns B.L. 5.5-in. AT GUN. TTH shells are as follows:
    • damage 600 units;
    • publishment 260 mm;
    • speed \u200b\u200b850 m / s.
  • Added HE MK projectile. 1t for guns B.L. 5.5-in. AT GUN. TTH shells are as follows:
    • damage 770 units;
    • penetration of 70 mm;
    • speed \u200b\u200b850 m / s.
  • Added hesh mk projectile. 1 for guns B.L. 5.5-in. AT GUN. TTH shells are as follows:
    • damage 770 units;
    • pushing 200 mm;
    • speed \u200b\u200b850 m / s.
  • The speed of rotation of the FV4004 CONWAY tower is changed from 16 to 18 degrees / s.
  • The angle of declining guns 120 mm AT GUN L1A1 in the FV4004 CONWAY tower is changed from -5 to -10 degrees.
  • The maximum speed forward is changed from 35 to 40 km / h.
  • The maximum speed of the movement is changed from 20 to 15 km / h.
  • Added engine Rolls-Royce Griffon. The basic TTH motor is as follows:
    • power 950 l. from.;
    • chance of ignition 20%.
  • Removed engine Rolls-Royce Meteor MK. IVB.
  • Scattering gun 183 mm L4 when turning the FV4005 Stage II tower is reduced by 12%.
  • The rotation speed of the FV4005 Stage II tower is changed from 12 to 16 degrees / s.
  • The angle of declining gun 183 mm L4 in the FV4005 Stage II tower is changed from -5 to -10 degrees.
  • The angles of horizontal guidance of the gun 183 mm L4 in the FV4005 Stage II tower are changed from 45 to 90 degrees in both directions.
  • The buzz is changed from 12 to 20 shells.
  • Strengthen the booking Tower.


Added Testing Machine SuperTests:

  • The spread of the gun from the movement of the RHEINMETALL PANZERWAGEN rheinmetall is reduced by 22%.
  • Ranzerwagen RHEINMETALL PANZERWAGEN rotation is reduced by 22%.
  • The spread of 105 mm kanone guns when turning the tower is reduced by 17%.
  • Recharge time 105 mm Kanone tool changed from 10 to 9 s.
  • Time aiming Tools 105 mm Kanone is changed from 1.9 to 1.6 s.
  • Damage applied by EXP projectile. APDS gun 105 mm Kanone, changed from 360 to 320 units.
  • Damage applied by EXP projectile. HE gun 105 mm Kanone, changed from 440 to 420 units.
  • Damage applied by EXP projectile. HEAT guns 105 mm Kanone, changed from 360 to 320 units.
  • The ammunition is increased from 30 to 35 shells.


  • The spread of the guns from the movement of the Type 59 movement is reduced by 22%.
  • The spread of the guns from turning Type 59 is reduced by 22%.
  • The spreading gun 100 mm Type 59 when turning the tower is reduced by 25%.
  • Time aiming tools 100 mm Type 59 is changed from 2.9 to 2.3 s.
  • The buzz is changed from 34 to 50 shells.
  • The aiming time of the gun 122 mm D-25TA is changed from 3.4 to 2.9 s.
  • The angle of declining back tools 122 mm D-25TA is changed from 0 to -4 degrees.
  • Enhanced Booking Cases and Towers.
  • The armoredness of the projectile AP M318 tools 90 mm Gun M41 is changed from 190 to 212 mm.

Update 9.20.1 WOT comes on RU cluster official on October 17, or rather on the night from Monday to Tuesday (October 16-17). Time before replacing FV215B is less and less. Many are waiting for each other game update.

Overview of update 9.20.1

What to change in World of Tanks, in October update?

1. Replacing FV215B in updating World of Tanks and a newly translating equipment!

2. New Personal Rating and Hall

3. Change booking equipment:

  • AP T-34-3 Tank in Update 9.20.1
  • Changing Booking Bat.-Chatillon 155 55, Bat.-Chatillon 155 58, Churchill I, M6 at 9.20.1
  • Change Valentine's booking, Valentine II, kV-4 at 9.20.1
  • Change booking T-44-122, T-150, STB-1 at 9.20.1

4. Changes in LBZ in 9.20.1 WOT

In the new patch, we recycled the LBZ. And these are not only changes in conditions, with the adjustment by complexity or changed the conditions of "Randoma" - we made a new, user-friendly interface and revised the mechanics of the task chains.

A little about the interface: the entry point will be changed in personal combat tasks, now it will be in the hangar cap, a new "Campaign" will appear between "tasks" and "achievements" (the name is not final and may change).
- In the Hovgar, the LBZ is made in a separate button.
- The main menu of the LBZ was also recycled. The interface now displays the required operation of operations and combat missions.
- A new interface for selecting an operation on which you can see the progress of execution. The progress of tasks should now be monitored on a specially created tactical map. This screenshot shows the execution of all 15 bz with honors.

// New mechanics Performance of combat tasks: no premium sheets no longer. Now for the execution of the final bz from the branch, you will receive a tank module, and for fulfillment with honors - also the order form.

"Modules" are needed to obtain a premium tank - performed all five chains of the BZ and received a tank. But the "order form" is more interesting, because It allows you to skip the performance of any combat task. That's right - if you are stuck on some kind of task, you can now skip it if earlier you managed to perform any final bz with honors and get a major reward for it. Including the final combat task, but for its passing you will need as 4 orders. A little more difficult, but it is worth it. By the way, the task then can be exceeded and get the "order form" back, it is reusable. Also, the "order forms" are accumulated and transferred to the next operation, i.e. Over time, as accumulated, you can skip the execution of not one chain of the BZ, but several. If you have enough "order blanks" ,.

The progress of the implementation of the LBZ, of course, is performed after the renewal is released, you will receive the "order forms" for all completed final bz with honors - provided that the final combat missions did not miss. And a reward for the implementation of the basic conditions of missed final combat missions. For example, if you have completed the Stugiv operation and the T-28 HTC operation, passing the SAU chains - we will accruem you for the basic conditions. But these are two additional tankers, by the way.

The conditions of combat missions are revised: the video will be added later.
- Other changes: But this is not all. We added a lot of new things: new awards, revised the mechanics of recruitment girls tankers (now you do not need to get it to start performing the following operations) and so on.

16-10-2017, 18:45

Full list Changes in updating, which came out 10/17/2017 in World of Tanks.

Large-scale update of the first campaign of personal combat missions "long-awaited reinforcement"

Essence of changes

Fully redone visual and sound components of personal combat missions.
- Added absolutely new and unique awards.
- Terms of tasks are revised so that the main reward for the operation has always been relevant for the player.
- Added blanks of the order, which will greatly facilitate the performance of personal combat missions.
- On changes in personal combat tasks, you can learn from a special video accessible directly in the game.

Interface and Sound

All personal combat missions are redone:
1. In personal combat missions, you can now log in through the "Campaigns" tab (under the "Battery!" Button).
2. Added screen "General Staff" with a map of all operations.
3. The screen of operations is completely redesigned - now it is a geographical map with tasks in the form of areas on it.
4. Fully redesigned campaign awards:
4.1 Now the main award - the car is located in the center of the screen.
4.2 Added statistics Operations: Now you know how many loans can still be earned.

Added new musical accompaniment:
1. For personal combat missions, a special music track is recorded.
2. Added interactive musical accompaniment: the more tasks are performed within the same branch, the more intensive music.

New way to get premium cars

Premium sheets are removed - instead of them introduced machine components:

1. To get a premium machine for the operation, it is necessary to collect all five components: a hull, chassis, instrument, power installation and a radio station.
2. Each component corresponds to its task branch in the operation:
2.1 Power installation - a branch of tasks for light tanks.
2.2 Chassis - Task Branch for medium tanks.
2.3 Corps (+ tower or cutting) - Task branch for heavy tanks.
2.4 The gun is the branch of tasks for PT-SAU.
2.5 Radio Station - Task Branch for SAU.
3. To get a component, you must perform the final 15th task in the appropriate branch.

Blanks order

Added a new essence of the "Application Blanc":
1. To earn an order form, it is necessary to fulfill any finishing task of any branch with honors.
2. The order forms can be mortgaged (that is, apply) to any tasks. In this way:
- The selected task will be automatically reckoned without the difference.
- You will receive a reward for the basic conditions of the task.
- The spent order blank will remain in the task.
- the laid form of the order does not disappear, but temporarily freezed until you take it back.
3. To pick up the order of the order form and then use it again, you must perform the task in which it is laid with honors.
4. The number of application forms required to lay in the task:
- To any task from the 1st to 14th - 1 order form.
- In the 15th task - 4 order form.

The order forms can be used to skip complex or uninteresting tasks for you. The most important thing is that you can put the order of the order in the final, the 15th task in the branch, even if the previous 14 has not passed yet. Thus, you can instantly get the missing fifth component of the machine, completing four branches of tasks with honors.

New awards

1. Added new award - Stripes:
1.1 In each operation, you can earn two stripes:
- Stripe II degree is issued simultaneously with the receipt of a premium machine.
- Stripe I degree is issued for execution with honors from all 75 tasks of a particular operation.
1.2 For performing all tasks in all operations, you get a special unique stripe "Champion I Campaign".
2. Added new award - camouflage schemes:
2.1 In each operation, you can earn a set of three (summer, winter, deserted) unique camouflage schemes:
- A set of three camouflage schemes on a premium car is issued for the execution of all 75 tasks of the operation.
- The same set of schemes is unlocked for use throughout the technique of the same nation as a premium machine, for the execution of all 75 tasks of the operation with honors.

Changing the Terms of Tasks

The tasks in each operation were revised to increase the relevance of the main award. For example, now all tasks from STUG IV operation can really perform on a level V technique, from the T28 Heavy Tank Concept operation - on level VII machines and so on. At the same time, restrictions on participation have not changed. You can perform tasks of any operation even on level techniques.

We also made more diverse additional conditions in the final, 15 tasks of each branch. This is due to the fact that the additional reward for tasks, final branches, has become more valuable: now the order blanks are located.

Note! If, by the condition of the task you need, for example, to detect five cars for the fight, and you found seven, obviously, the task will successfully go. This rule is valid for all numeric conditions.

Full list of modified BZ conditions.

Bones and medals

With 9.20.1, conquering the medals of the categories "Epic Achievements" and "Battle Hero", the player will receive additional encouragement in the form of Bon. Please note: Bones will not be charged for cumulative medals. The number of Bon is not final and can change.

Balancer refinement

Now the balancing driver additionally tries to balance each part of the team list (low-mid-top), given the features and roles of equipment inside the types: MAUS tank is opposed to Maus, Type 5 Heavy or E 100, T57 Heavy Tank - AMX 50B and so on. However, in some situations of a symmetric balance on game roles will not work. For example, if technique with different roles is in a platoon.


We switched to a new version of WWISE 2017.1.1, which will expand opportunities for further sound improvements.

Improvements for the general battle

The following changes are made to the type of combat "General Battle":

1. The message about the victory or defeat in battle has changed.
Added a new type of message about the victory or defeat in battle, so that the players make it easier to understand when and why the battle ended. The message has separate animations for victory, lesions and a draw. Additional text shows why the battle is over. When the battle is completed by the capture of the base, the strip of the progress of the capture goes into the "blocked" state shortly before the message appears to show that the result will not change.
This innovation is applied to all random and rank battles, as well as to the general battle.
2. Updated pop-up tips for awards, which describe various conditions of receipt. In standard, oncoming battle and storming conditions alone, and in the general battle requirements above.
3. Improved combat interface (HUD) in the general battle.
The transparency of the background panels with the list of players is reduced so that the information is easier to read on a light background (sky, water, etc.).
In the upper panel, the designations of the borders are added to improve perception.

Improvements for the "Training Polygon"


The irrelevant options in the context menu of the windows improvement windows, the study tree, and the "carousel" of the technique are disabled.
Balanced awards (loans and experience) for victory and lesions when passing a training landfill.
The accrual of the awards for the passage of the training landfill is now displayed in the center of notifications.
Added notification of players that they will not receive a reward when re-passing the training landfill.
The crew recruiting window has become more informative.


Fixed a bug in which some interface elements in color blindness mode are displayed incorrectly.
Fixed bugs that arise when saving and restoring settings (equipment panel and sights) when the player fell to the training ground and left this mode.
Fixed drawing some gaming prompts (Demasking during shooting, the need to return to the capture circle).
Fixed a rare error of incorrect display of the "Skip Training" button.
The results of the battle in the mode are removed from the center of notifications.
Fixed display of the EULA licensed window when the game client is restarted.
Description of the characteristics of the technique in the boot screens of the training landfill is now correct.
Fixed a bug due to which the musical tracks of combat, hangar and the final roller of the educational landfill were superimposed on each other.
On the winning screen added descriptions of awards.
Fixed bugs in the behavior of bots.
Fixed mapping border display errors.

New game models in HD quality

Valentine AT.
Batignolles-Châtillon 155 MLE. 58.
Valentine II.
Batignolles-Châtillon 155 MLE. 55.
"Object 416"
Vickers Medium Mk. I.
Vickers Medium Mk. II.
Churchill I.

Changes in technology

X FV215B is replaced with Super Conqueror.


Changed the name of the second tower with Centurion Action X * on Centurion 32-PDR.
Added instrument OQF 32-PDR Gun MK. II with a wip 50 unit. In the Tower of Centurion 32-PDR. The flight rate of the shells of the new top gun - 878/1098/878 m / s, the flight rate of the shells of the old top gun - 1020/1275/1020 m / s. Basic TTX guns are as follows:
angle of elevation of 18 degrees;
angle of declining -10 degrees;
scatter 0.34 m per 100 m;
recharge time 6.5 s;
time Information 2.3 s.

damage 280;

pushing 220 mm.

damage 280;
starting speed of 1098 m / s;
pushing 252 mm.

damage 370 units;
starter speed 878 m / s;
pushing 47 mm.
Removed gun OQF 20-PDR Gun Type A Barrel with a wiping unit 60. From the Centurion Action X * tower.
Removed OQF 20-PDR Gun Type B Barrel gun with a second-hand 60 unit. From the Centurion Action X * tower.

The load capacity of the running FV221A is changed from 63,000 to 64,000 kg.
The spread of the guns from the movement of the running FV221 is increased by 12%.
The spread of the guns from the movement of the running FV221A is increased by 14%.
The spread of the guns from rotation of the running Fv221 is increased by 12%.
The spread of the gun from the rotation of the FV221A is increased by 14%.
Scatter OQF 17-PDR Gun MK. VII When turning the Centurion Tower 32-PDR is increased by 25%.
CENTURION MK Tower rotation speed. II Changed from 30 to 26 deg / s.
The rotation speed of the Centurion 32-PDR tower is changed from 36 to 30 deg / s.

The angle of elevation of the OQF 17-PDR Gun MK gun. VII in the Centurion MK Tower. II changed from 15 to 18 degrees.
OQF 17-PDR Gun MK gun declining angle. VII in the Centurion MK Tower. II changed from -8 to -10 degrees.

Changed the name of the first tower with Centurion Action X ** on Conqueror MK. II.
Changed the name of the second tower with Conqueror MK. II on Conqueror MK. II ABP.
Added instrument OQF 32-PDR Gun MK. II with a wip 50 unit. In the conqueror mk tower. II. Basic TTX guns are as follows:
angle of elevation of 15 degrees;
angle of declining -10 degrees;
scatter 0.33 m per 100 m;
recharge time 5.9 s;
time information 2.1 s.
Added instrument OQF 32-PDR Gun MK. II with a wip 50 unit. In the conqueror mk tower. II ABP. Basic TTX guns are as follows:
angle of elevation of 15 degrees;
angle of declining -10 degrees;
scatter 0.33 m per 100 m;
recharge time 5.9 s;
time information 2.1 s.
Added aPCBC MK projectile. 3 For OQF 32-PDR Gun MK. II. TTH shells are as follows:
damage 280;
pushing 220 mm;
speed \u200b\u200b878 m / s.
Adds installed APDS MK. 3 For OQF 32-PDR Gun MK. II. TTH shells are as follows:
damage 280;
pushing 252 mm;
speed \u200b\u200b1098 m / s.
Added HE MK projectile. 3 For OQF 32-PDR Gun MK. II. TTH shells are as follows:
damage 370 units;
pushing 47 mm;
speed \u200b\u200b878 m / s.
Removed gun OQF 20-PDR Gun Type A Barrel with ammunition 65 units. From the Centurion Action X * tower.
Removed OQF 20-PDR Gun Type B Barrel gun with a 100th unit. From the Centurion Action X * tower.
Removed gun OQF 20-PDR Gun Type A Barrel with ammunition 65 units. From the Conqueror MK tower. II.
Removed OQF 20-PDR Gun Type B Barrel gun with a 100th unit. From the Conqueror MK tower. II.
Removed the AP MK projectile. 1 for OQF 20-PDR Gun Type a Barrel gun.
Removed APC MK projectile. 2 For OQF 20-PDR Gun Type A Barrel.
Removed HE MK projectile. 3 For OQF 20-PDR Gun Type A Barrel.
Removed the AP MK projectile. 1 for OQF 20-PDR Gun Type B Barrel.
Removed APC MK projectile. 2 For OQF 20-PDR Gun Type B Barrel.
Removed HE MK projectile. 3 For OQF 20-PDR Gun Type B Barrel.
Cargo capacity Conqueror MK. I changed from 65 004 to 65,504 kg.
Recharge time 120 mm Gun L1A1 for Conqueror MK tower. ABP II changed from 10.5 to 11.3 s.
CONQUEROR MK Tower rotation speed. II changed from 36 to 30 degrees / s.
CONQUEROR MK Tower rotation speed. ABP II is changed from 34 to 32 degrees / s.
Strengthen the booking of the tower and the case.

X FV215B translated into special machines:

The cost of the tank is changed from 6,100,000 to 5.


Strengthen the booking Tower.

IX Centurion MK. 7/1:

Strengthen the booking Tower.

Added to the OQF 32-PDR AT GUN MK gun. II with a wip 30 unit. In the tower of Avenger. Basic TTX guns are as follows:
angle of elevation of 20 degrees;
angle of declining -10 degrees;
horizontal angles -60 and 60 degrees;
scatter 0.35 m per 100 m;
recharge time 7.8 s;
time information 2 s.
Added aPCBC MK projectile. 3 For OQF 32-PDR AT GUN MK. II. TTH shells are as follows:
damage 280;
pushing 220 mm;
speed \u200b\u200b878 m / s.
Adds installed APDS MK. 3 For OQF 32-PDR AT GUN MK. II. TTH shells are as follows:
damage 280;
pushing 252 mm;
speed \u200b\u200b1098 m / s.
Added HE MK projectile. 3 For OQF 32-PDR AT GUN MK. II. TTH shells are as follows:
damage 370 units;
pushing 47 mm;
speed \u200b\u200b878 m / s.
The rotation speed of the Challenger tower is changed from 14 to 16 degrees / s.
The rotation speed of the Avenger tower is changed from 16 to 18 degrees / s.

Strengthen the booking Tower.
Rolls-Royce Meteorite 202B engine power is changed from 510 to 650 liters. from.

VIII Charioteer:

OQF 20-PDR AT GUN TYPE A BARREL to decline the angle is changed from -5 to -9 degrees.
OQF 20-PDR AT GUN TYPE B Barrel tool the angle of the OQF 20-PDR AT is changed from -5 to -9 degrees.
The angle of declining gun 105 mm AT GUN L7 is changed from -5 to -10 degrees.


Added to the gun B.L. 5.5-in. AT GUN WITH BIUMA 30 URL. In the Tower FV4004 Conway. Basic TTX guns are as follows:
angle of elevation of 10 degrees;
angle of declining -10 degrees;
horizontal angles -90 and 90 degrees;
scatter 0.38 m per 100 m;
recharge time 14.4 s;
time information 2.4 s.
Added projectile AP MK. 1 for guns B.L. 5.5-in. AT GUN. TTH shells are as follows:
damage 600 units;
publishment 260 mm;
speed \u200b\u200b850 m / s.
Added HE MK projectile. 1t for guns B.L. 5.5-in. AT GUN. TTH shells are as follows:
damage 770 units;
penetration of 70 mm;
speed \u200b\u200b850 m / s.
Added hesh mk projectile. 1 for guns B.L. 5.5-in. AT GUN. TTH shells are as follows:
damage 770 units;
pushing 200 mm;
speed \u200b\u200b850 m / s.
The speed of rotation of the FV4004 CONWAY tower is changed from 16 to 18 degrees / s.
The angle of declining guns 120 mm AT GUN L1A1 in the FV4004 CONWAY tower is changed from -5 to -10 degrees.
The maximum speed of movement is changed from 35 to 50 km / h.
The maximum speed of the movement is changed from 20 to 15 km / h.

X FV4005 Stage II:

Added engine Rolls-Royce Griffon. The basic TTH motor is as follows:
power 950 l. from.;
chance of ignition 20%.
Removed engine Rolls-Royce Meteor MK. IVB.
Scattering gun 183 mm L4 when turning the FV4005 Stage II tower is reduced by 12%.
The rotation speed of the FV4005 Stage II tower is changed from 12 to 16 degrees / s.
The angle of declining gun 183 mm L4 in the FV4005 Stage II tower is changed from -5 to -10 degrees.
The angles of horizontal guidance of the gun 183 mm L4 in the FV4005 Stage II tower are changed from 45 to 90 degrees in both directions.
The ammunition gun 183 mm L4 in the FV4005 Stage II tower is changed from 12 to 20 shells.

X Centurion Action X:

Strengthen the booking Tower.

Kanonenjagdpanzer 105.

X Rheinmetall Panzerwagen:

The spread of the gun from the movement of the RHEINMETALL PANZERWAGEN rheinmetall is reduced by 22%.
Ranzerwagen RHEINMETALL PANZERWAGEN rotation is reduced by 22%.
The spread of 105 mm kanone guns when turning the tower is reduced by 17%.
Recharge time 105 mm Kanone tool changed from 10 to 9 s.
Time aiming Tools 105 mm Kanone is changed from 1.9 to 1.6 s.
Damage applied by EXP projectile. APDS gun 105 mm Kanone, changed from 360 to 320 units.
Damage applied by EXP projectile. HE gun 105 mm Kanone, changed from 440 to 420 units.
Damage applied by EXP projectile. HEAT guns 105 mm Kanone, changed from 360 to 320 units.
The ammunition is increased from 30 to 35 shells.

The spread of the guns from the movement of the Type 59 movement is reduced by 22%.
Split guns from turning Type 59 rotation reduced by 22%
Split gun 100 mm Type 59 when turning the tower is reduced by 25%
Time aiming tools 100 mm Type 59 is changed from 2.9 to 2.3 s.
The buzz is changed from 34 to 50 shells.

The aiming time of the gun 122 mm D-25TA is changed from 3.4 to 2.9 s.
The angle of declining back tools 122 mm D-25TA is changed from 0 to -4 degrees.
Enhanced Booking Cases and Towers.

The armoredness of the projectile AP M318 tools 90 mm Gun M41 is changed from 190 to 212 mm.

The ammunition is increased from 36 to 40 shells.

Added Testing Machine SuperTests:
M4A2 Sherman vine.

Recharge time 100 mm T-100 changed from 8.4 to 7.8 s.
The ammunition is increased from 38 to 43 shells.

Added equipment:

M48A5 Patton ( new model Instead of M48A1 Patton)

X XM551 Sheridan:

Damage applied by EXP projectile. APDs gun 105 mm Lightweight Gun, changed from 360 to 390 units.
Damage applied by EXP projectile. HE gun 105 mm Lightweight Gun, changed from 440 to 480 units.
Damage applied by EXP projectile. HEAT guns 105 mm Lightweight Gun, changed from 360 to 390 units.
The ammunition gun 105 mm Lightweight Gun in the Ar / AAV XM551 Sheridan tower is increased from 37 to 42 units.

VIII M41 Walker Bulldog:

Removed gun 76 mm Gun T91E5 with Boezapaz 60 from the M41 tower.
Removed gun 76 mm Gun T91E5 with Boezapaz 72 from the M41A1 tower.
Removed HVAP-DS-T M331A2 shell for guns 76 mm Gun T91E5.
Removed HE M352 shell for guns 76 mm Gun T91E5.
Removed Heat-T M496 shell for guns 76 mm Gun T91E5.

IX Bat.-Châtillon 155 55:

The mass of Bat.-Châtillon 155 55 is changed from 46.33 to 33.99 tons.
Load capacity of the running Batignolles-Châtillon 155 MLE. 55 Changed from 47,000 to 35,000 kg.
Load capacity of the running Batignolles-Châtillon 155 MLE. 56 Changed from 50,000 to 38,000 kg.
Sofam 12 GS / A engine power is changed from 810 to 630 liters. from.
Engine power Sofam 12 GS is changed from 770 to 600 liters. from.

X Bat.-Châtillon 155 58:

Weakened Booking Cases and Towers.

Damage applied by OCC-105 D. 1504, changed from 360 to 390 units.
Damage applied with OE-105-MLE projectile. 60 D. 1504, changed from 440 to 480 units.
Damage applied by ITL-105 D. 1504, changed from 360 to 390 units.
The ammunition is increased from 30 to 33 shells.

Strengthen the booking Tower.

List of famous and fixed bugs

New mistakes:
- Duplicates the name of the last excited base when capturing both bases in the "Attack / Defense" mode.
- The text of the combat task is not displayed in the congratulatory window, if there are limitations on the type of equipment in the task condition.
- Different displays the possibility of performing platoon personal combat tasks when you press the Tab key in battle, on the post-time statistics screen and in a congratulatory window.

Errors that were present in the previous update, but not yet corrected:
- When turning the equipment, with its subsequent destruction after 30 seconds, the player who committed a coup is not counted the destruction of the enemy tank.
- The imperceptibility parameter of technology with a unique camouflage in the hangar is indicated without a bonus from camouflage, but actually the camouflage effect works.
- In the recruitment item, the recruits invited to them and reservists are not displayed if the account was returned to the state before the recruitment received its invitation.
- In some cases, with a rapid rotation of the cursor around the tank, the camera can dramatically change the position at the sight of the trajectory.
- In some cases, the sequence of events in the history of the resulting damage is violated in the damage panel.
- Tape events about capturing the base in battle appears earlier than the specified number of capture glasses is recruited.

Corrected mistakes:
- In the afterbound statistics window, technical text is no longer displayed when the enemy is destroyed.
- On the map "Silent Beach" there are no longer observed graphic artifacts in the form of bands between tanks.
- Fixed a bug with the unavailability of a combat room for the "Strevilion: Battle" mode.
- The rules for accrual of chevrons in the hint are now displayed correctly.
- The marker of the Allied Artillery on the mini-card is no longer freezing when the marker is installed for the long distance.
- Fixed a bug in which it could be displayed different time Stunning in the "doll" and over the tank.
- When playing the machine with a siege mode in sniper guidance mode in the horizontal plane is now performed correctly. (The error was detected on the total test.)

Changed the rounding mechanism in the characteristics of the tank and in TTX. Now the values \u200b\u200bare rounded the same.