What kind of Leo man is in love? Leo Man: A real king.

Nata Karlin

A man born under the zodiac sign Leo, distinguished by intelligence, extraordinary willpower, perseverance in achieving the set goals, courage and greatness. He is noble from birth, incapable of betrayal and meanness, decisive and fearless. This zodiac sign is influenced by the Sun, as evidenced by the characteristics of the Leo man by the zodiac sign. He is hot, passionate, impulsive and proud.

The Leo man is used to attracting a lot of attention to himself, people who want to "bask" in the rays of the glory and kindness of this person are always drawn to him

He knows his own worth and will never go to gimmicks to achieve goals. The Leo man is used to feeling like a leader, the main and the wisest. However, some people don't particularly like Leo's habit of always and everywhere being in charge. If this is normal for relatives and friends, then work colleagues are not always delighted with this state of affairs.

Leo man is a faithful protector of his loved ones and relatives

Leo belongs to the element of Fire, and woe to the one who encroaches on his property, good name or hurt loved one! Most Leo men become much calmer and more agreeable with age, but they will never be allowed to control themselves.

Even in a crowd, a true Leo man can be recognized by his behavior and demeanor.

If you observe this man in society, you will notice that many turn to him for advice and he willingly gives out recommendations. It is advisable to follow these instructions, because the Leo man will never speak without considering and weighing all the pros and cons of the situation. Or he bases his statements on personal experience.

Character traits of a Leo man according to the western horoscope

To make the Leo man feel comfortable, he simply audience and worship needed, he is a born boss. In return, he gives them vital energy, potential and mass fresh ideas... Sometimes it happens that a Leo man, being in a state of rest, can give the impression of a lazy cat who can be commanded. His psychology is such that he needs a short rest in order to recuperate for further achievements. However, you should not even think about it, he will never allow him to be guided. The description of the leadership qualities of a man of this zodiac sign can end with the fact that if he did not have a vulnerable and kind soul, he would become a real tyrant and despot for family and friends.

Leo Man is a natural born leader

The main disadvantage of Leo men is that they are great egoists. From them you can hear a lot of nagging and discontent if something does not go as planned.

However inflate conflict situation they don't need it, so they can calm down any scandal by giving a lot of reasonable arguments

Despite the fact that so many people would like to bask in the rays of the greatness of the Leo man and are drawn to him for help and support, he is too selective in his social circle. If someone from the inner circle of this person betrays him by malicious intent or negligence, begging for forgiveness will never be possible in my life... The most shameful thing for this person is to stain his reputation with dishonest acts and deeds.

What women do Leo guy like and dislike?

A well-groomed, arrogant joker and funny Leo guy will always look for a partner to match. The ideal girl for him is clever beauty with a bright appearance, outstanding intelligence and impressive talents. In fact, he needs a woman who is impeccable in everything. He needs to be proud of his chosen one and know that she is in no way inferior to his regal person. The lady next to him should surprise and amaze, but in no case cause pity or ridicule.

Extremely impulsive and emotional, the Leo man will demand the same from his partner. In relationships with women he must feel needed and desired, know this and be sure of the veracity of the manifestations of love. In turn, the woman next to him must give him what he wants, otherwise the Leo man will quickly lose interest in her.

The ideal companion for Leo is a clever beauty with a bright appearance

Of those who suit a Leo man in appearance and character, he will choose a real "lighter".

At the same time, the girl should have natural modesty and not obsession.

How to combine all these qualities should be understood by the woman herself. In addition, she will need to get used to the hot-tempered nature of her partner and the desire to rule always and everywhere. You just need give the "king of beasts" the ability to rule and you will see how generous he will be for tenderness and reciprocal affection.

Despite the fact that the Leo man will not tolerate pressure on himself from anyone, he will listen to the advice and words of the chosen one. A woman should become for him a force of inertia, which will make him move in the right direction. But remember that no matter how hard you try to circle the Leo man and take the leading position in the pair, he always sees lies and deceit and will not allow it to be done.

If you talk about what kind of girl looks like a Leo man, you can see important feature- the length of the legs and the size of the chest are not so important to him, the main thing is the lady should be well-groomed and stylish... Of course, it is very important that in the character of the girl there is not even a hint of scandalousness or infantilism. She must be stress-resistant and strong psyche.

To please Leo, a girl must be well-groomed and stylish.

When you marry a Leo man, do not forget that he very picky about food and considers himself a real gourmet. Family life for a Leo man, this is the enjoyment of peace, comfort and delicious food.

Zodiac signHighAverageLow
Aries woman Love, friendship, sex, work, marriage
Taurus woman Love, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Gemini woman Love, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Cancer Woman Love, sexMarriageFriendship, work
Leo woman Love, marriage, sex, work, friendship
Virgo woman Love, sexMarriage, friendship, work
Libra woman Love, marriage, sex, friendship, work
Scorpio woman Love, sexMarriageFriendship, work
Sagittarius woman Love, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Capricorn woman Love, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Aquarius woman Love, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Pisces Woman Love, marriage, sexFriendship, work

Sex with an impulsive and passionate Leo man - what is it like?

Sex life for a Leo man is as important as breathing or eating. Poems can be composed about how a Leo man looks after his beloved. On the first date, he will appear before a lady in the form of a knight in shiny armor and tries to conquer her by all possible ways... At the same time, for a long time he chooses a woman who will like him. However, the self-confidence of the Leo man often misleads him. He sincerely wonders why the person he had chosen refused his attention. After all, there is no more valiant gentleman and more magnificent lover in the whole world.

The overconfidence of a Leo man can play a cruel joke with him.

Leo man not very fond of foreplay in bed... He is as impetuous and unstoppable in sex as he is in life. Even in bed, a Leo man primarily cares only about his own satisfaction.

After sex, he has a period of calming down and enjoying life.

He is able to satisfy any partner if he knows exactly what she needs. IN family relationships you need to remember that if a Leo man is rejected for a long time, he simply finds a new partner.

To please a Leo man, a woman must first of all be no lower than him in intellectual development and not give in in appearance, demeanor, grooming. After all only the chosen and worthy can become the "queen of beasts"... To begin with, a lady needs to get used to the fact that she will not only be always close to her chosen one and play a supporting role, but also become part of his many fans and admirers.

You should not persistently attract the attention of a Leo man, he doesn't like obsessive ladies... Falling in love with this guy is quite simple - you just need to become the best among all his friends girls and conquer the prefix "most" in all areas: beauty, intelligence, sociability, sense of humor, talent, etc.

To become the chosen one of Leo, you need to be the best among all his girlfriends.

It should be noted that the Leo man is not pathologically jealous, therefore, he is rather calm about the fact that his lady of the heart is flirting with others. But until he begins to see a spark of passion in the eyes of his opponent and believes that further connivance may harm his good name... In order to attract a Leo man for a serious relationship, it is enough for a lady to "accidentally" let slip several times about the intention of other men to hit her and show special signs of attention to one of them. As a true king of beasts, the Leo guy will definitely rush to the opponent, and the lady won in an honest battle will call down the aisle.

A woman who wants to be next to a man of this zodiac sign must remember that all Leo men simply adore flattery in any of its manifestations.

What are the main signs of a Leo guy in love?

How to understand that a Leo man is in love? This question occupies the thoughts of any woman who is crazy about a man of this zodiac sign. This is not as difficult as it seems. For example, everything is own free time the guy of this zodiac sign tries to spend with a girl who is not indifferent to him... At the beginning of a relationship after a hard day at work, he is not lazy to make a date and rushes to him with a bouquet of carefully selected flowers. The behavior of a Leo man in love becomes characteristic:

  • He begins to doubt his irresistibility and in the presence of a lady demonstrates and flaunts all his talents and advantages... I must say, it will be difficult to miss.
  • If he is really interested in the girl, he will call her on the phone all day, constantly reminding her of his presence in her life.
  • Shows his love compliments, presents and tokens, so uncharacteristic in the ordinary life of this person.

The Leo man shows his love with compliments, gifts and tokens

It is especially important for him that the lady is worthy of his care and attention in all respects. If a Leo man truly loves, he will constantly ask a woman about how she feels next to him, how great is her admiration and was she as good with others as with him... He needs to know that he is the best and the lady of the heart is crazy about him. A man of this zodiac sign confesses his love as he lives - bright, extraordinary, sublime!

How to behave correctly with a Leo man?

First of all, so that the Leo man does not take offense, you never need to strive to take a leading position in tandem.

Most likely, this will not end with resentment and the "king of beasts" will go into open conflict

Remember a few simple commandments:

  • Never don't lie to the Leo man, he feels a lie and cunning with every fiber of his soul and will be very offended even if this lie is for the good.
  • Leo will not tolerate a hysterical, fussy or aggressive woman next to him.
  • Admire your partner without ever criticizing (especially in public) his shortcomings.
  • Show affection and feminine tenderness towards the Leo man.
  • You cannot be satisfied with what has already been achieved, you must improve in everything in order to arouse the interest of this man.
  • Watch your partner's outbursts of jealousy through your fingers., answer them with a wise woman's smile. A married Leo man always knows everything about his partner, so such manifestations are more likely a desire to once again strengthen their position.
  • Try to attend all events together with a Leo man and be on top.
  • Praise your partner for his skills and talents, he just adores it.
  • Show respect and consideration for his words.

Leo will not tolerate a tantrum

You can always surprise a Leo man with a new, bright, stylish outfit. If for many representatives of the strong half of humanity things do not mean anything, then an adorable dress on a beloved woman will just drive a man crazy of this zodiac sign. Reviews of many women living with Leo men indicate that this is how they lured their beloved down the aisle.

How to return a Leo man or prevent a break in relations?

In order not to be faced with the dilemma of how to return the Leo man, you need to know how to avoid a break with this difficult but so attractive person. It will not work to keep the "king of beasts" by force, he has never been on a short leash and will leave unhindered at any moment.

For example, a Leo man will never tolerate a slut woman next to him or one who will whine and moan about her troubles.

You must hold on and look so that the Leo man could never even think that someone could be better than you.

The beloved man has left, does not write, does not call and, as it is already clear, this is a break in relations. What to do? It's very simple - to become again the one with whom he was in love:

  • Courageous and fragile at the same time. Change, improve, achieve the assigned tasks and then he will look at you with new eyes.
  • Don't let your emotions go... Leo men just hate scandals. You must be self-restraint and prudence. However, do not stay cold, try to betray with a glance or an involuntary impulse how worried you are.
  • Try to surprise a man the conversation you have with him. Do everything to keep his attention for a long time. Behave differently, but completely eliminate tears, reproaches, and admonitions.
  • In case of your betrayal, the chances of reconciliation are negligible.... However, if you know for sure that the man loves you, try to talk to him about how deeply you regret and this will never happen again, because you realized how dear he is to you. Loving man, of course, he will not rush into your arms immediately, but you will give him a ground for thought.

In order for a Leo man not to leave, his chosen one must look the best.

What can you give a Leo man and what gifts will he like?

To understand what to give a Leo man, you just need to understand their regal essence.

The gift should be unexpected, interesting, exclusive and original

The more expensive the present is, the more favorably the recipient will accept it. Ideally a luxury item or a new car. But not everyone has such opportunities, so you need focus on creativity and invention.

A gift for Leo must be original and worthwhile.

The presentation should be:

  • high quality and original;
  • creative and exclusive;
  • expensive.

A Leo man will accept any gift with pleasure if he sees that a person makes a present from a pure heart and with respect.

February 10, 2018 9:17 pm

Sign period: (July 24 - August 23)
Planet: The sun
Element: Fire
Sign property: stable, constant

a lion- a noble creature. His majestic gait and condescending attitude towards those around him give him the real King of beasts. The Fire Release adds energy and lazy strength to Leo. Leo's overconfidence cannot be compared to the conceit of any of the zodiac signs. It is interesting that the ambitions in the characterization of this sign are extended only to the expectation of gifts from fate. Despite his activity, he is not inclined to show special purposefulness in achieving what he wants. When his life goes out for more high level, Leo takes it for granted.

Leo believes that there is no such person nearby who will be worthy to criticize his royal person. In the choice of friends, Leo also has certain rules... Usually, among the acquaintances of this fiery person, there are potentially helpful people, or business partners. The desire for money and power, as well as the love of luxury - distinctive feature Leo. He is used to evaluating everything around him through the prism of a material basis, and this often ruins him.

Leo man - characteristic

The characteristic of the Leo man, born under the sign of the Sun, shows that he craves attention to his person. The audience should admire his exclusivity without showing a shadow of doubt about his talent, beauty and intelligence. In life, the Leo man chooses the role of a player. He is used to taking everything that is due to him, without worrying about the excess of money, clothes, attention of women, since this is his element. In order to awaken passion in a man born under the sign of Leo, you need to admire his physical and spiritual qualities every minute. Then Leo will become an unsurpassed lover, husband and father.

When a Leo man is looking for a life partner, he tries to win the heart of the most worthy woman, while he is so confident in his irresistibility that this conquers all the girls in the district. In the matter of seducing the one who should share his great fate with him, Leo is an unsurpassed master. He spares no money and effort to create a romantic halo of love and passion around the chosen one. Among the obvious disadvantages that determine the characteristics of the Leo man are his unbearable jealousy and hot temper. It is enough for a Leo woman to cast a careless glance to the side, and a major quarrel is guaranteed. Only that representative of the fair sex can build a relationship with him who can instill in him a sense of stability and will be truly loyal to Leo.

The Leo man is very proud, criticizing him is like playing with fire. He is also afraid of being ridiculed and insulted, in his opinion, undeservedly. The characteristic of a Leo man suggests that he is a typical extrovert. Among his qualities are generosity, a kind attitude towards the weak and a great love for communication. He has a sense of humor, unless jokes are directed at him. This fiery man might be good friend and is able to take risks for the sake of his loved ones.

The marriage of Leo will be harmonious if his lady of the heart unravels the laws by which her partner lives. When everything in the house revolves around Leo, he is happy. In such an atmosphere, you cannot find a more tender and loving spouse.

Leo woman - characteristic

A lioness is always confident that she is right. She cannot bear the domination of a man over herself, because she is used to acting, listening only to the voice of her mind.

A woman born under the sign of Leo is not difficult to recognize in the crowd. She has a noble grandeur and a rather eccentric demeanor. The eyes of men are always turned to the Lioness, and she believes that everyone around must be in love with her person. The characteristic of a Leo woman testifies to her boundless charm. Even being confident in her own irresistibility, this lady will not cause the slightest irritation among others, since she has a warm smile and a disarming look.

In fairness, it is worth noting that the Lioness's conceit is usually not devoid of foundation. These sunny women, as a rule, have beauty and grace, combined with a lively mind and innate diplomacy. The characteristic of the Leo woman is a reminder to all men that the Lioness does not lend itself to taming, you can only earn her favor by buying expensive gifts and doing beautiful deeds in her honor. In addition, a man who has become the chosen one of such a lady must be physically attractive, intellectually developed and wealthy enough to surround his beloved with luxury.

The characteristic of a Leo woman also speaks of her ability to be creative. In the role of wife and mother, the Lioness is great. As a hostess, she is amazingly talented. The fiery woman often finds pleasure in creating a beautiful and cozy environment for her home, while not sparing money for luxury goods. The presence of her delicate taste cannot be questioned. However, leaving her career in order to constantly maintain a warm atmosphere in the house is far from her vocation. The Leo woman is a queen, and any man should know this.

Leo sexual compatibility

In his younger years, Leo is especially energetic and will find his happiness in the arms of or. A little later, he will make a good game, which will be able to give Leo a constant confirmation of his own exceptionalism. Alliances with air signs because understanding in such a relationship is not achievable.

Leo man horoscope

Male lion: appearance

Leo is a man, if not handsome, then what is called, interesting, imposing. His movements are calm and confident, he inspires trust and respect. He walks with his head held high, has a proud posture, his soft gait is somewhat reminiscent of a cat, but great strength lurks behind it. Men of this sign are accustomed to dressing tastefully, elegantly, prefer expensive respectable outfits famous brands... Leo cares very much about the image, is ready to spend a lot of money on it, knows how to splurge.

Male Leo - Characteristic of Behavior

This is a cheerful, smiling, lavish compliment person who, even if he wants to, will not be able to get lost in the crowd. However, these men do not have such a desire - on the contrary, they always strive to be in the center of attention, to be in the thick of things. They create an environment for themselves that adores and adores them. Fueled by this energy of worship, the Leo man himself no less generously endows his relatives and friends with it, supporting them with advice and even money. Leo is used to "crushing" others around him, but they do not perceive this as despotism, because he, as a rule, is very kind, generous, open and sociable. But the one who allows himself to speak pejoratively about his merits, to question his "royal" status, will learn in his own skin what the lion's claws and the formidable roar of the king of beasts are.

Leo sign - man in work and career

As a rule, Leo holds a good position, or at least does everything to get to this position. He just needs to feel like a winner in the professional field, and he has enough personal qualities to emerge victorious from the fight with competitors. Leo do not like hard, routine and boring activities, but if he is interested in the matter, he will burn at work, the main thing is that this zeal is constantly fueled by universal recognition of his merits. Leo men are very hard-working and resourceful, but their actions sometimes lack depth, purposefulness and planning. But even a carelessly performed work, Leo will be able to hide behind external ostentatious effects.

Leo man in love

The vain and selfish Leo man is in dire need of love, romance, and the feelings that communication with the opposite sex gives. Leo chooses his partners himself, and they are always beautiful, spectacular, who know how to make an impression of a woman. Leo can be exquisitely gallant, behave tenderly, attentively, bathe the darling in compliments and gifts, so his courtship most often reaches the goal. But even loving a woman with all his heart, Leo will not allow her not only to control him, but also to become his equal; he will always remain the main one in alliance with a woman. He will not tolerate even the shadow of a rival in his path, being extremely touchy and jealous - such is the character of the Leo man.

Leo man in sex

Leo perceives the intimate side of life together far from just physical contact - for him it is something much more and more delightful. He can be very passionate in bed, but at the same time, he often fears for his reputation as a lover, fearing not to correspond to his partner's ideas about the ideal. However, in most cases there is no special reason for this, in sex, Leo men are very technical, inventive and never skimp on gentle words.

Leo Man characteristics in marriage

Family life with this person is both difficult and simple. On the one hand, Leo, squandering right and left compliments for the fair sex, is not really aimed at extramarital affairs. He is quite capable of being faithful and loving husband- provided that from the spouse will receive enough attention, affection and love.

On the other hand, Leo considers his spouse to be his property, tries to subordinate all spheres of her life to his will. He does not encourage his wife's ardent love for work, and even more so her desire for a career, he prefers that she only dealt with him and their common house... Leo is interested in all, without exception, the affairs of the spouse, hates her secrets, constantly tries to regulate her lifestyle, the manner of dressing, the choice of hobbies, circle of friends, etc.

As the horoscope warns, male Leo is not the kind of person whose wife can maintain interest in herself through innocent flirting with others. Such a strategy can be dangerous even in a physical sense, since jealousy literally rages Leo.

Leo zodiac sign - male host

If Leo is not annoyed, a warm and sincere atmosphere will reign in his house. The life of the family will be arranged with maximum comfort - largely due to the fact that the head of the family will not spare money for it. By the way, Lviv may have problems with finances from time to time. people of this zodiac sign are very imprudent in spending. But the Leo man is more likely to force himself to earn more than spend less.

Zodiac signs: Leo male - father

Families of Leo are usually few in number: they may not have children at all, or he is raising an only child. He makes a wonderful, loving and considerate father. His child very quickly and easily picks up the key to dad's heart - this is flattery and praise, so he knows how to get everything he wants from him. Leo is used to indulging his child and can easily spoil. No matter how much Leo-man loves children, he is quite capable of being jealous of his spouse and of them, if he gets less attention. A tourist ticket, a subscription to a respectable club. If the budget is much more modest, a gift for a Leo man can be chosen from accessories, for example, key rings, belts, cufflinks, handbags, but, again, not cheap in their category. Gifts for a Leo man can serve as a decoration for the home, creation original interior, for example, a fireplace or a beautiful hookah, but unremarkable items of a purely economic purpose can be safely excluded from the circle of searches.

It is difficult to find a more charming man than a lion - this sign knows its worth, looks after itself and loves everyone's attention.

Such a person will never be in the shadows - he is a leader. He has something to be proud of - the male lion has a lot of merits, is not arrogant and assesses himself adequately. This zodiac sign has a vivid characteristic - he is the first in everything, sets very big goals for himself and goes to them. He is not lazy, fearless and strong, the lion is difficult to stop in front of his goal.

This guy has many friends, it seems that everyone knows him - while a lion can have both friends and enemies. It is difficult to pass by him - he attracts to himself, is very open to communication and loves to get acquainted.

With the opposite sex

Leo adores women. This gentleman is tuned in to love, loves novels, he is never alone - girls can change often, or they can stay for a long time, it depends on them.

A proud male lion in love is extremely jealous, his lady of the heart should belong only to him. He will respond with passionate love, adoration, compliments and gifts, it is easy to turn him from a wild beast into a gentle kitten.

Undoubtedly, a male lion in bed is a real predator. He is so emotional that next to him every woman loses her head, and in the intimate sphere she just flies into heaven.

He knows how to make a woman forget about everything in bed, a lion man in love is inventive, resourceful, courageous, loves experiments and everything new. He is a passionate, tireless and restless lover.

Lions often remain bachelors and lead an active personal life without commitment. It is easy to charm and seduce him, but taking him down the aisle is not an easy task. And in marriage with this man, you need to behave wisely so as not to lose him. Leo is a fickle and very active person, he is quick-tempered and will not tolerate disobedience.

A man of this zodiac sign will be faithful and loyal if the wife deserves it and proves that she is worth it. He needs the best - in principle, he is in no hurry to get married, and will go down the aisle only with a real ideal, if he is lucky enough to find it.

Is it worth trying?

Before setting yourself up for a serious relationship with a man of this zodiac sign, you need to understand whether there is compatibility and chances for a harmonious life together.

1. Leo man goes well with Aries woman - this is an emotional, bright and harmonious couple. Both of them are active, expressive and bold, it will be easy for them to understand and love each other. When a lion is in love with an Aries lady, a long and vivid romance often arises.

2. With a Taurus lady, a man of this zodiac sign has every chance of a strong connection. Taurus is a soft, gentle sign, but for a lion it is good, this woman will be able to tame him, envelop him in affection, she will be faithful and devoted, and this is what a man needs. The compatibility here is very high.

3. A twin woman is not particularly looking for adventure, she is quick-tempered, ambiguous, she does not know what she wants. The characteristic of the union with a male lion is doubtful - even if he is in love and the romance has begun, it will be difficult for them to understand each other, there will be conflicts and struggle.

4. But the characteristic of a couple with cancer in a lion is excellent. Leo is looking for a woman like cancer - although this zodiac sign has completely different character traits, the couple is harmonious.

Both of them are good family men, value loyalty, in addition, cancer is a faithful and devoted woman, will be able to understand and appreciate the lion with its merits. Here the compatibility is almost perfect!

5. With his own kind, with a lioness, this man can initially feel good and comfortable. They are similar, and friendship, partnership, understanding arise between them.

However, then this union can develop into rivalry and struggle - both of them want to take, not give. Understanding another person is not an easy task for them, and none of these two lions will be able to obey and admit their weakness. Union is possible if only a lady can behave wisely and yield to a man.

6. When this sign is in love with a virgin, the whole world around ceases to exist - they were created for each other. Virgo is faithful, loving and gentle, and he is strong and impetuous, it is these partners that both of them are looking for. The pair's compatibility is excellent.

7. Although the compatibility of a lion with a woman is not very high, there are sometimes exceptions. They are different - the Libra lady is fickle, amorous and unbalanced, in a couple there is a high probability of constant conflicts.

At first, if the lion is in love with her, the relationship can be bright and rich, but then there will be a danger of falling out. If a Libra girl manages to behave correctly with a male lion, chances are that the opposites will converge.

8. But a male lion and a female scorpion are generally a dangerous mixture. There is only a struggle, and without rules - they will not yield, they will fight and prove to each other who is right and who is stronger.

Everything will end with a loud scandal and enmity - this is exactly the characteristic of this combustible union. It is better not to start a relationship, unless you are ready to change, adjust and immediately admit that he is the main one, in everything he is right, and he is stronger.

9. Sagittarius woman for a lion is a dream and an ideal. She is bright, emotional, loyal and insatiable.

It is not surprising that a lion is in love with such a girl - with her he will behave like a real hero-lover, give her a star from the sky, and so on. Very high compatibility, especially if both of them are serious about living together and not live by the same emotions.

10. Capricorn is generally not created for people like the man of this zodiac sign. It is unlikely that she will look at him - as a rule, this lady likes other men.

And a lion who is in love with a capricorn is a rare case. There is low compatibility, they are different, they will not be able to understand each other, and very rarely there are exceptions.

11. Aquarius woman for a lion is a strange choice, but it happens. She is emotional, it can attract a man, but the relationship will not immediately be harmonious.

It is difficult for her to understand what she wants - and the man of the Leo sign is used to certainty. If he is in love with Aquarius, the relationship depends on how the partners will behave - if they open up and show attention to each other, understanding and chances for a strong couple are possible.

12. Although the fish is a soft, modest and gentle woman, for a lion she is not a prey, but almost an ideal. They are incredibly different, but the characterization of the pair is nevertheless extremely successful. The lion next to her will feel like a hero - she wants to be protected, protected and loved, and she knows how to be loyal and loving. Such couples often make happy families.

What year was the lion born?

The eastern horoscope will help to reveal more widely this difficult zodiac sign, and its characteristics will be more complete if you know in which animal this bright man was born. Depending on the east sign lions can change beyond recognition.

  • The rat sign is not the best for a lion. He is restless, fussy and restless, sometimes aggressiveness is visible in him. But there is a sharp mind, resourcefulness and fearlessness.
  • The bull is a very strong and powerful sign combined with a lion. Energy and strength are in full swing, he achieves everything, goes ahead and does not notice the victims. It is reliable with him, and his enemies are not lucky - he sweeps away everything on the way when he moves towards the goal.
  • Leo tiger is a unique combination of two predatory natures. He can do everything, it seems - nothing will stop him, he is always looking for a goal and achieves it, this sign is impetuous, fast and strong.

  • A cat is a flexible, active sign, such a man loves adventure and new emotions. You will not get bored with him - this cat is not inclined to adventures, but a boring, familiar life is not for him.
  • The dragon is a bright leader, a winner in everything, he is always the first. If this dragon has decided to participate in something, there is no doubt and make the highest rates on it. He can do everything and can, does not deviate from his plans, and loves to have the best.
  • A snake for a lion is a dangerous sign. Such a man will get his own, by all means, he will even go over their heads. He is unpredictable, cunning and very smart.
  • The horse endows this man with hard work and an iron grip. If he is passionate about his work, no matter what is happening around - he is completely immersed in it. This man brings everything to the end, you can rely on him, he is hardworking and incredibly strong.
  • If his sign is a goat, then we have a real star. He is a little lazy, does not like to strain, but he loves to be in public, to show his considerable talents and to collect applause.
  • The monkey gives the lion luck, a cunning sharp mind and activity. He will have time for everything, he can think about many things at once and always wins.
  • The rooster is a dangerous sign for him, he is an aggressive person, he loves to fight and compete in everything.
  • The dog makes the lion noble, devoted, calm and easy with him, he can be trusted.
  • And the pig softens the lion's arrogance and pride - this man is kind, smart, gentle and very honest.

A difficult sign is a lion, but there are no simple signs in the horoscope. Every soul is a mystery, and to solve it even a little, you need intuition, attentiveness and a sincere desire to understand a person. Author: Vasilina Serova

Ruler Planet:☼ The sun. Element: Fire.

Male lion

Next to a Leo in love, any woman will feel like a lioness: he is ready to throw the whole world at your feet, but be prepared for the fact that he will demand the same from you. However, being in a free bachelor search, the Leo man behaves more like an easy prey than like an independent king of beasts. He is very partial to female charms, and if you use the whole arsenal of his charm, most likely he will soon be at your feet.

Leo will be especially pleased if you not only notice and appreciate his many advantages, but also do not forget to tell him about it.

In turn, Leo knows perfectly well how to make his chosen one happy. Flowers, gifts, expensive restaurants - he will spare no effort and money to fulfill any of your whims.

Often, a Leo man prefers not to delay for a long time with a marriage proposal. So what if this is far from his first marriage, but you are exactly the only love that he has been waiting for all his life!

However, if it comes to a wedding, do not rush to relax. Remember: in the case of Leo, a stamp in a passport is not at all a guarantee of a long life together. The fact is that although Leo is sincerely and ardently in love with you (no less sincerely and ardently than with his former wives and chosen ones), he expects a lot from his life partner, and will be very disappointed if his expectations are not met.

What does Leo expect from you? In his opinion, nothing at all: just being in the shadow of his proud I. What to do, both at work and in the family, Leo should feel first, adored and unique. If you are one of those women who dream of equality and even try to share housework equally with a man, alas, you have no place next to Leo.

Yes, Leo is the undivided owner, and he is proud of it. He is ready to take care of you like no one else, he is ready to buy you jewelry and take you to luxury resorts, but in return he needs you all entirely. Everything means everything without a trace: at any moment he must know for sure not only what you are doing, but also what you are thinking about. And if your thoughts are not about him, he will be very, very upset.

Naturally, with such a homebuilding state of affairs, it will not only be difficult for you to make a career, but even just go to work. That is why many Lviv wives sooner or later become housewives.

However, in spite of everything, the life of Leo's wife can hardly be called monotonous and boring. Feeling behind him a strong and loving rear in the person of his adored wife, Leo is ready to move mountains, just to make her happy. Despite all his amorousness, he will not allow himself to have an affair on the side, if you are his muse and inspirer. And, despite all his jealousy, Leo will gladly lead you to numerous parties, theaters and other events, allowing you to shine, as befits a socialite.

Oddly enough, but Leo, who gravitates towards creating a family, usually does not want to become a father. Moreover, if you begin to give your child more attention and tenderness than Leo himself, he will begin to show clear signs of jealousy. After all, it is Leo who is the real center and head of the family! However, if you show wisdom and do not give Leo a reason for such a rivalry, he will be a loving father, from the very sight of which children are delighted.