Torticollis in newborns: possible ways to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. Orthopedic pillow for newborns Orthopedic pillow for babies how to use it correctly

Parents begin to collect the dowry for their baby long before his appearance, trying to provide him with everything he needs. Special attention is given to the child's sleeping place. Each mother tries to purchase everything of the highest quality and most convenient for her baby. Inevitably, future parents will be faced with the question: is a pillow needed in the crib and what should it be?

Not long ago, pediatricians were against newborn pillows for at least the first 5-6 months. Now the market is replete with various models of orthopedic products, including those intended for babies from 0 months. Let's try to figure out: in what cases the product needs a baby, what it should be like, how to sleep properly on an orthopedic pillow.

Which model to choose

Use a regular pillow under the baby's head is prohibited. It has an extremely negative effect on the spine and neck of the baby. In addition, there are a number of other reasons why this should not be done:

  • The baby can roll over in a dream and bury his nose in the pillow, which can lead to suffocation.
  • An incorrect head position is the cause of scoliosis.
  • The filler may cause allergies in the child.

Orthopedic pillow for babies, it is able to adapt to the anatomical features of the baby and have a positive effect on health:

  • Normalizes muscle tone.
  • Keeps the cervical spine.
  • Develops the correct shape of the skull.
  • When using a pillow, there is no need to wear a cap.
  • Supports optimal temperature for the baby.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Long service life.

But even taking into account all the advantages of these products, you should consult with your pediatrician before buying. He will help you make the right choice.

Indications for use

It happens that doctors not only do not prohibit, but even recommend the use of orthopedic pillows. The main factor is the child's physical pathology - "torticollis". In this case, the doctor will help you choose the right product, tell you how long the baby should sleep on and how to use the orthopedic pillow.

For newborns, apart from torticollis, orthopedic products may also be needed in other cases:

  • Birth injury.
  • The cervical vertebrae are damaged.
  • Uneven head.
  • Cervical muscle tone.

In any of the above cases, before buying an orthopedic pillow for an infant, be sure to consult with your doctor. Find out at what age you can put your baby on it.

How to choose the right one

For the manufacture of products, there are certain standards that correspond to the quality of the goods. The main factors when choosing should be:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • security;
  • thermal insulation;
  • quality;
  • wear resistance.

Shouldn't be neglected none of the listed characteristics.

It should be remembered that a nursing pillow and an orthopedic pillow are completely different things that have different purposes.

By choosing correct model, pay attention to how many centimeters the roller height reaches. It should be equal to your baby's shoulder.

Varieties of pillows

Today on the market there are a large number of all kinds of models of anatomical pillows. They differ in color, size, thickness. Each in its own way affects the child's body. Let's take a look at some of them.

Manufacturing material

When choosing a pillow for your baby, pay attention not only to individual characteristics his body, but also on what the product is made of. Orthopedic pillows must be made of hypoallergenic materials. The filler should be materials such as polypropylene, rayon, polyurethane or latex.

Before the birth of a baby, parents try to prepare as much as possible for this event. Given the fact that the child will spend a significant amount of time horizontally, it is necessary to equip the crib. Bed linen should be made from natural ingredients, the mattress should be tough. Previously, pediatricians believed that the anatomical pillow for newborns was strictly prohibited. However, now one can argue with this, because manufacturers produce such models that are not able to negatively affect the health of children.

The use of a regular pillow for a newborn baby is strictly prohibited by pediatricians. This can negatively affect his spine, neck.

Reasons why your baby shouldn't sleep on a regular pillow:

An orthopedic pillow is another matter entirely. It adapts to the physiological characteristics of the child and has a positive effect on his health.

What does it give?

  1. Supports the cervical spine, normalizes muscle tone.
  2. Helps to avoid flattening in the occipital region, from birth forms the correct shape of the skull in the baby.
  3. Allows you to avoid putting on caps, regulates a comfortable temperature for the child.

At what age can a baby sleep on such a pillow? This question is of interest to all young parents. Now manufacturers are producing such options for pillows, on which you can put a child from the first days of life.... Of course, it would be advisable to first consult a pediatrician. He will tell you what kind of pillow the baby needs.

The need for an anatomical pillow for pathologies

Sometimes an orthopedic pillow for children is needed due to the presence of congenital abnormalities. The pediatrician must first examine the child, to understand at what age this particular child must be put to sleep on an anatomical pillow.

Common pathologies:

  1. With torticollis, the muscles of the cervical spine are poorly developed, which leads to the fact that it is constantly tilted to one side. If treatment is not started on time, the baby will develop scoliosis in the future. In case of crookedness, the pediatrician recommends that the baby sleep on a special pillow with a depression (turn to the sore side).
  2. Hypotension and hypertonicity. In this case, massage and physiotherapy are often prescribed. The orthopedic pillow also helps to correct the condition of the muscles. Any orthopedic surgeon will advise you to purchase it.
  3. With birth injuries in a baby, the pain can be alleviated in this way. Surprisingly, the anatomically correct shape has been shown to calm nerve endings.
  4. When rickets has been diagnosed at an early stage, a special anatomical pillow can be used to avoid deformity of the cervical spine.

In any case, before using an orthopedic product, it is imperative to consult with your doctor and find out from what age your child can sleep on an anatomical pillow.

Varieties of pillows

Manufacturers produce today great amount anatomical pillows for children, different in size, color, thickness, characteristics of the impact on the body.

  1. Headrest with a small recess. It is called "butterfly". It is very useful for torticollis in a child. There are models on sale that are different in size, for your child you need to choose the one that will suit him in terms of head size. "Butterfly" supports muscles, maintains a comfortable temperature for the baby.
  2. "Positioner". This prosthetic model consists of two rollers connected in the middle with a tape. The model can be used for children of any age. It is possible to adjust the distance between the rollers with Velcro.
  3. Inclined. It is very similar to the usual one. The shape is the same, only the model is tilted at 30 degrees. This option is very convenient for a child.
  4. Anti-suffocating. When parents just hear the name of this model, they begin to have the most unpleasant thoughts. Of course, the name is scary, but for children it is safe and comfortable to sleep on. Perforated surface, covered with a special cotton cover. When the baby is spinning in a dream, this orthopedic pillow will provide a constant flow of air to the baby.
  5. Multifunctional model. It can be used by mothers when feeding a baby. She maintains the spine in the correct condition and will be needed during the growing up of the baby, when he will begin to sit down slowly.

Manufacturing materials

It is necessary to choose an orthopedic pillow for your child, taking into account the individual characteristics of his body. Check with your orthopedist and pediatrician in advance so that they can advise on the optimal shape and model of the pillow that your baby needs.

Anatomical pillows for small children are made of anti-allergenic synthetic materials, it is for this reason that you do not have to worry that the baby will develop a rash on the body. It will not happen.

Fillers used for pillows:

  • polypropylene;
  • viscose;
  • polyurethane;
  • latex.
  1. When choosing a pillow, pay attention that it is made by a trusted manufacturer and has a quality certificate.
  2. Buy orthopedic goods for children only in specialized stores so as not to stumble upon a fake.
  3. When choosing a pillow, you need to take into account the age of the baby and the size of his head. The child should be able to sleep comfortably.

Manufacturers do not just choose these materials for the manufacture of their products. Their main feature is elasticity, durability and slow wear. When the baby sleeps on such a pillow, his body and head will be in the correct position. This will promote better and healthier sleep, and you do not need to worry about discomfort - there is none.

A properly selected anatomically shaped pillow for babies is great option allowing you to take care of your child's spine from early childhood.

Even before the baby is born, parents begin to collect all the necessary things for him. When it comes to a pillow, many questions and doubts immediately arise. Does he need a pillow? If so, which one? How do I use it? From what age? Pediatricians say that up to two years old a child does not need a pillow, but orthopedists say the opposite. In order to help mom and dad resolve issues with the pillow, we will analyze them in detail.

Disputes about the benefits or dangers of an orthopedic pillow for newborns are ongoing to this day.

Initially, the idea of ​​creating this type of pillow was to correct the cervical spine due to congenital or acquired torticollis, as well as to ensure the normal development of the cervical vertebrae.

The pillow evenly supports the newborn's head and neck, reduces muscle stress, normalizes blood circulation and treats hyper / hypotension. But, despite all its advantages, an orthopedic pillow is not a necessary item for an infant. It is necessary only for children who have some problems and deviations in the development of the cervical spine.

The use of an orthopedic pillow for healthy children is not recommended, as it will not bring much benefit. The fact is that the natural process of development of the cervical vertebrae is regulated by the stages of growth, and placing a special pillow under the head can lead to an undesirable outcome due to the increased load on the neck.

The orthopedic pillow does not harm the baby, but it also benefits healthy child questionable.

Types and models

To date, manufacturers of orthopedic pillows have made a lot of effort to make it comfortable, comfortable and safe for a newborn baby to lie on special pillows. A wide range of types, models and sizes will help parents find the right orthopedic pillow for their child.

The most popular types of pillows:

  • Butterfly headrest... The most common type of pillows for babies up to a year. In the center there is a recess, on the sides of the sides for fixing the head. Intended for correct development cervical spine (used mainly to correct torticollis). You can use the "butterfly" from four weeks. The size is selected according to the age of the child.
  • Bagel pillow. It is used for crankshaft. It is similar in functionality to a butterfly, but has the shape of a ring.
  • Fixing pad "Positioner"... Designed to fix the child in the desired position (on the back, on the side). Two rollers connected to each other are pulled (or expanded) depending on the position required for the child.
  • Wide reclining pillow (headrest pillow)... Such a model is matched to the width of the bed, has an inclined shape, raising not only the head and neck, but also the back of the child. The pillow has a wide rectangular shape, fits snugly on the sides of the crib, so that the child will not be able to roll off. The angle of inclination is no more than 15 degrees (if more, it will harm the spine).
  • Anti-choking orthopedic pillow for infants... Thanks to this pillow, the child can safely roll over during sleep. This model is very springy and has a low fit. Specially made of perforated breathable materials.
  • Pillow with multifunctional use (constructor)... It is used to ease the motion sickness of the baby, makes the baby more comfortable when feeding. A baby can rest on such a pillow (from six months). The device supports the back well and helps to quickly master the planting process (a construction pillow is recommended for planting after 6 months).
  • Freyk's pillow. A special orthopedic pillow device developed by Dr. Freik for the treatment of hip dysplasia in infants.

There are more than 5 different options orthopedic pillows, which are recommended for use with various pathologies of children.

When an orthopedic pillow is needed

Given the growing popularity of such pillows, it should be understood that they are intended mainly for the treatment of the neck and correct formation skull of a child up to a year. It is in such cases that an orthopedic pillow is a must. But you should know that children who are prone to constant regurgitation are prohibited.

The specialist prescribes an orthopedic pillow:

  • if the baby's neck was injured during childbirth (damage to the cervical vertebrae);
  • with torticollis (congenital or acquired);
  • if the child has problems with neck muscle tone;
  • with deformation of the skull.

For neck injuries, low neck muscle tone or deformation of the baby's skull, an orthopedic pillow is a must.

In case of serious problems, one pillow is indispensable. You will need to be monitored by specialists and, if necessary, drug treatment.

Only a doctor can prescribe an orthopedic pillow for your child. You should not buy it just because a neighbor advised you or you found this device a convenient item.

Can I use a regular pillow

Due to the high risk of suffocation, it is strictly forbidden for a child to put a classic pillow under his head (even a smaller copy of it). Experts recommend postponing familiarity with the pillow until 2-3 years and give the reasons.

  • Even the lowest and flattest pillow raises the baby's head, and this entails the risk of cervical scoliosis. For the correct formation of the cervical vertebrae, it is necessary to keep the head and the axis of the body at the same level.
  • In a dream, a child may accidentally roll over onto his tummy and burrow into a pillow. Because of what there will be suffocation.
  • Many plain pillow fillers can cause allergies in children. They are also ideal homes for dust mites.

From what age can you use

If a child is growing normally, he does not have any developmental disabilities, then he does not need a pillow (be it simple or orthopedic) until about two years old. Doctors and manufacturers still argue about when and why a child should use pillows. Considering the fact that such pillows have been made and used on children quite recently, it is difficult to say how this will affect human health and development in the future.


Any orthopedic pillow has non-standard shape and size. Take, for example, a butterfly pillow: the shape is unusual, and at first glance it is difficult to guess how to properly lay the child. One side of the pillow has a narrow crossbar under the baby's neck - it is intended for sleeping on the back. On the other hand, this crossbar is thicker and wider - in this place the child is placed when he is resting on his side. The dimple in the pillow is for the head (nape).

Before using such a pillow, you must first read detailed instructions, which is always attached to this product.


Despite the advantages of such pillows, there are still significant contraindications for their use.

  • Given the fact that the orthopedic pillow restricts the baby in movement, he may accidentally spit up and not turn around. In this case, the child will simply choke.
  • Newborn period (first 28 days). The cervical spine is not yet strong, and the extra load in the form of a pillow will only make the child worse.

Under no circumstances should the pillow be used after feeding and until the baby is 28 days old.


The price of an orthopedic pillow depends entirely on its manufacturer. Popular brands always inflate prices for their products, as they promise more reliability and safety. Goods less famous brands cost hundreds of rubles cheaper, but the buyer will not receive any guarantee of the purity of the material.

Approximate models and prices for them:

  • A regular butterfly pillow costs around 500 rubles.
  • F-505 Luomma has a classic version, size 23X25 cm, the manufacturer gives a quality guarantee, approximate price- 1100 rubles.
  • Feretti cushion composed of flazelin with interwoven fiber. The price is around 1800 rubles.

Expert Opinion: Don't skimp on buying a quality pillow for your baby. Moreover, you cannot sew it with your own hands, because only specialists can correctly draw up a pattern, choose the desired shape and size.

It's great when parents understand that the best solution for quality sleep of the child is correct arrangement sleeping place... In this case, the use of orthopedic mattress and pillows that provide the most correct state for the spine while the child sleeps.

Several aspects of the application

So, the complex and responsible process of choosing and buying an orthopedic pillow for a child is behind and the long-awaited purchase is finally at your home. On the one hand, caring and loving parents feel relief, and on the other hand, a question that is new in its relevance is brewing: how to put an orthopedic pillow under the child's head so that it really becomes a useful addition and does not harm?

There are a few things to consider here. First, it is the age of your child (newborn, child under 5, child over 5). Secondly, the state of his health (the pillow is used for prophylaxis or to achieve a certain therapeutic effect) etc.

The question of "how to lay" is no less important and requires understanding and responsibility than the question of how to choose an orthopedic pillow.

The nuances of using an orthopedic pillow

If you look closely at the design of the orthopedic pillow, then it is easy to see some kind of "asymmetry" in it - on the one hand it has a large roller, and on the other - small. It turns out that this is how it should be!

A smaller roller fits under your baby's head when he sleeps on his back. This allows you to maintain the natural level position of the neck relative to the rest of the spine, evenly distribute the load and relax the muscles. As a result - normal breathing, blood circulation, and oxygen supply to the brain.

Roller bigger size relevant if the baby sleeps on its side.

The height of the bolster should be equal to the width of the child's shoulder, only in this case the neck will remain level during sleep.

it important points, which every parent should know, since they want to use an orthopedic pillow for the benefit of their child's health, and not vice versa!

How relevant is a pillow for a child?

Many doctors, as well as parents of the "old school" are sure that a newborn child does not need a pillow (including an orthopedic one), since at this age the child's spine is so fragile that the slightest imbalance in position can lead to poor posture. It is difficult to disagree with this. However, the question remains: does a child need an orthopedic pillow, say, at the age of one year old?

And here it is fundamentally important that parents take a responsible approach to the issue of choosing a pillow for their baby. Shape and color alone should not be the only arguments parents use when choosing a pillow for their child. much more important is the size, materials, health of the child. there are a number of cases when an orthopedic pillow is essential! It helps to correct disorders in the development of the baby's spine, to exclude the development of diseases.

Of course, an orthopedic pillow itself will not teach you how to sleep properly, but it can become an excellent assistant in the hands of caring parents, for whom the baby's health is most important!

Recently, in regular and online stores, you can find a large number of orthopedic pillows for babies. They are designed to fit under your baby's head. The orthopedic pillow for babies from birth to one year old has both supporters and opponents. And they all put forward their arguments about the benefits or harms of an orthopedic pillow.

To understand in detail what functions it performs and what to expect from it, we first describe the type and shape of the orthopedic pillow.


The most common type is a butterfly-shaped device.

The baby's head is fixed with side bumpers, and the neck is supported by a special surface.

The standard baby pillow is a product with a recess in the middle. Even an inexperienced mother will guess where the baby's head should be.

The right product doesn't just repeat the shape of the baby's head, it shapes it. This is what is called one of the advantages and indications for the use of an anatomical head pad.

Anatomical pillows - "FOR" and "AGAINST"

Popular models

  • F-505 Luomma. The classic version. It has dimensions of 23 by 25 cm, the height of the recess is 3.5 cm. The price is 1,080 rubles.
  • Trelax Banana. For 3 100 rubles. you get a quality item that is popular all over the world. Highly elastic PU, cotton pillowcase, nice appearance and other advantages will please both the baby and the mother.
  • Klin TM Womar. Belongs to inclined pillows. The angle of inclination is 17 degrees. Price - 900 rubles.
  • Feretti. Made of flazelin and woven fiber. Cost - 1500 rubles.