The official diary of Mila fishing. Distinctive features of Tarot Wisconti from other deck

! Do not confuse card for playing Taro / Tarokccakes with fortuneful tarot!

"Taro Wisconti Sforza" - as it is considered, the oldest version of the playing cards tarot / trades. Nowadays, the name is used as a collective tracca card for expensive gift "old-year-old" cards, which were drawn by manually about the significant events in the life of the Milan rulers of the XV century.

A collective name is used to designate scattered cards that are in various museums and libraries in the world. Most of these decks have in currently Total 1-2 cards. There are 271 pieces such cards, and in appearance, size and other details they are divided into 15 groups.

The largest of these groups includes three of the most famous and complete "Viscont-Sforza" decks: Pierpont-Morgan Bergamo Visconti-Sforza deck, a deck "Cary-Yale Visconti-SFORZA", a deck "Brera-Brambilla Visconti-sforza".

There are even fewer cards in other groups: for example, 5 groups consist of only 1 cards. It is assumed that small groups are not the remnants of complete decks, but samples that artists showed their potential customers. Each group has its own conditional name, usually on the collection and storage location.

These cards were made from a pressed cardboard, which was applied by a thin layer of Levkas, which was covered with gold or silver, and painted by tempera.

Next, I wanted to consider the most picturesque version of these decks, namely "Cary-Yale Visconti-sforza". It is also known as the "Visconti Di Modrone deck". He received a name from the collection of the Carrie family, who was departed to the University of Yale in 1967. Date back to about 1466. Includes 67 cards. The deck, according to the same assumptions, could serve as a wedding gift of the Third Milan Duke, Filippo Visconti, Maria Savoy (1428).

Features of the deck.

Cards with figure images and written on a gold background, other digital with silver. All characters on the images are blondes.

IN ordinary maps Tarot Four Court cards: King, Queen, Cavalier / Knight, Valts / Page. But the Kavalera and Vaults are still present in the cacis-Yale knees - this is a lady / Virgo and Lady / Horseman.

Consider them separately.

Lady Swords

Lady coin

Lady Wands

Lady Cups

Horseman. There is no cup of cups.

Horseman Swords

Horseman coins

Horseman wands

Other cards look like this.

Sword currencies and currencies are missing.

Rash wands

Valts Cups

Cavalier swords and cavalier wands are absent.

Cavalier coins.

Cavalier Cups

On each map there is a second figure of Freillan, the Queen of the Cups is missing.

Queen of swords.

Queen Monet.

Queen Wands

The king of the wands is absent. Kings have a second figure on the map - this is the figure of the serurator.

King swords.

King Monet.

King Cups

Tuz swords.

Ace coin
At the Aces of the coat of arms of the Herzness of Milan - snake, absorbing a person with an arid hand.

AU of the wands.

Ace Cups

Now the younger license cards on the masters.


In this deck on younger cards, the rods are like arrows, spears or harpunas.

Now trumps.
With trumps, too, not everything is simple. Maps denoting trumps are not numbered and no one knows about them in self-esteem. Fitting a deck under the standard (if the Standard is considered to be Marseille Tarot) in modern faxifications - this is nothing more than the fiction of modern artists "Restorers". Devil and Fire (arrows) - Analogue of the Tower of Later Tarot - not stored in any of the fifteen gpps Kpt "Wisconti Sforge". Many experiments believe that such KAPT in Milan exclusive decks never happened!
The peculiarity of this deck is that it includes faith cards, "hope" and "mercy", which are the allegories of threeological virtues.

This card is often confused with the queen of cups, in fact the cup on the left is the Patir with the communion over which the round cloud.

and all the three cards on which three theological virtues are represented, we see the image of a person who is located, in fact, at the bottom of the card. On the map "Nadezhda" this person from the bottom around the neck we see the rope with the loop for the gallows. This is the image of Judas and there is an opinion that the "Hope" card corresponds to the "hanged" card in later decks.


The Empress keeps the image of the emblem of the Holy Roman (German) Empire in his hand.

He has the coat of arms of the sacred Roman (German) empire on the headdress.

Filippo Wisconti and Maria Savoyskaya under the canchine, which shows the coat of arms of their families.




Scary court


From the history of the name Visconti Sforge.
These are the names of Italian APITOCITICAL FAMILIES, for members of which were manufactured on the practical reasons for the decks of Kpt Topokki, as now to say, "in an exclusive version". Wisconti were Milan's Poorers from the end of the XIII century. The Sforce ("Strength") is a ppozing, given in 1387 by the condotem (hired warrior) Muzio Attenolo, which was made on the Stamp of Wisconti in one of the internecine wars. Muzio Sforpza was a real "good luck soldier": he served as a feudal, which was hired to his service, but if something he did not destroyed him, he could and continue to the Stona. So, one day he was transferred from Pope John to Kopol Naples.

After Musio Attenolo in 1424, it is ppozing, by decree of John Ioanna II, Naplestea received the status of the surname. The son of the famous good luck soldier, FPANCHO Sforge, also became a condorte. In 1432, he was engaged in the Bianke of Wisconti, illegally friendly daughter, the Milan Gezoga Filippo Wisconti, and in 1441 he married her. So the two surnames were fameded, giving the name the most stable from the Kpt Tapo known to us. In 1447, the GePsya Philip of Umea, without leaving the head of the heir, and in 1450 it was fed to capture power in Milan. The former mercenary became the fourth Milan's Milan's Martha - Cupier is truly brilliant! It is necessary that "Pippong Mopan - Beportamo", the most complete of the Padrid dealers of Tapping, who kept to ours, was ordered, was ordered by the artist on the occasion of the FPANCHO-SFOPC (1450), or in honor of the 10th anniversary of the wedding of FPANCH and Bianca Magei (1451) . Dpugging a deck, "Cay - Yel", could serve as a wedding supply of Milan Gezogue, Philippo Visconti, Maidi Savoy (1428).

In the 20th century, Pierpont-Morgan Bergamo and Cary-Yale decks were published in several reprint editions for which the missing maps were invented by Luigi Skapini and Atanas Assanass.

Tarot Wisconti is a famous deck that received its name in honor of his creator of Wisconti Sforza. Maps were created in Milan in the 15th century. Symbols and illustrations of the decks were created manually, because of which the cost of the deck was very high. At that time, buy cards could only elite. The gallery of the original deck is found in international museums.

The composition of the deck

The current deck of Sforza differs significantly from the initial species.

Initially, there were 44 senior arkan, now they are 22. Despite the fact that the appearance of the cards has changed, the interpretation remains the same.

Before Tarot used for games, and not for predictions. Today, the deck of LA SCARABEO uses specially popular, because It most complies with the option created by Sofin. In the deck of that time there were maps that denoted natural elements and signs of the zodiac.

The founder excluded from a deck of a card with a bad meaning to avoid magical failures. At the same time, the arcane of death was left, because It was believed that death does not carry anything wrong.

Appearance of maps

Wiscontali deck is highlighted by its appearance. In illustrations, green and blue shades are dominated.

Each card has a signature on Latin and contains a certain sacral meaning. Thanks to this, it will be possible to interpret the value. Those who are just starting working with tarot will be difficult to work with this deck, because Younger arcans do not have drawings.

For truthful response from Tarot Wisconti, it is necessary to accurately formulate the question. With competent use, this deck will help solve the problem, to predict the future.

Card values

When deciphering the value of each card, it is worth considering their historical origin, mythological subtext, the reasons for which a specific character or plot is depicted. Brief interpretation of Arkanov:

  1. Jester - adventure, new emotions, pleasure. In an inverted form, denotes carelessness.
  2. Magician - novelty, creative potential. Inverted position - misinterdiction, confusion.
  3. Supreme Priestess - Intentionality, highly developed intuition. In a negative plan - disagreements.
  4. Empress - Fruitness, creative skills. In the negative sense - apathy.
  5. Emperor - power, independence. In an inverted meaning - immaturity, self-love.
  6. Supreme priest - soulfulness. In a negative plan - excessive sacrifice.
  7. Lovers - harmony, well-being. In an inverted form - fear of difficulties.
  8. Chariot - success, well-being. In negative - misfortune, defeat.
  9. Justice - honesty, prudence. In the inverted - bias.
  10. Hermit - Privacy.
  11. Wheel Fortune - a favorable incident.
  12. Strength - courage, courage.
  13. Having changed - the period of stagnation.
  14. Death - the destruction of unnecessary.
  15. Abstinence - quarrels due to misunderstanding.
  16. The devil is immorality, suppression of will.
  17. Tower - dictatorship and oppression.
  18. Star - inspiration, happiness, well-being.
  19. The moon is a long privacy.
  20. The sun is success in all endeavors.
  21. The court is the payroll for past sins.
  22. The world is reasonableness, genius.

Features tarot

Taro Sforza is interpreted by Marseille traditions. Some maps differ significantly from the usual deck:

  1. Arkana forces and justice are under other numbers. Power - under 8, justice - under 11.
  2. Arkan death without numbering. Map with a terrible illustration of the time has an important change.
  3. Arkana Supreme Priest and the Supreme Priestess in Taro Wisconti Sforza correspond to the maps of Pope and Abbatis.

To properly decipher the alignment, it is worth studying myths that underlie images. The most correct interpretation is carried out only with the correct understanding of the overall picture.


This deck is great for predicting in the field of personal life, work, the future. It is better to make layouts on 3 or 5 cards or guessing with 1 card. To obtain a certain answer, it is worth clearly formulating the question. To the Taro Wisconti deck gives the correct answer, follow the following rules:

  • during the defold, it is not necessary to resort to too easy or difficult formulations;
  • do not guess for entertainment, but only to solve a certain problem;
  • all values \u200b\u200bto carefully analyze, focusing on the situation and intuition.

Divination with 1 card helps easy and quickly find an answer to a specific question. Thanks to this soda, Wisconti deck allows you to find out the events of the coming day, protect yourself from failures. Also with the help of one card will be able to get a positive or negative answer.

Divination time

To determine the favorable moment for divination on the maps Taro Wisconti Sforza, do the following:

  • neatly shuffle cards;
  • covered with a deck with hands and concentrated on feelings;
  • take 10 cards and lay them out in a row;
  • they consider the number of empty cards in direct and inverted form.

If there are more signs in the literal position - it is safe to guess.

Taro Wisconti Overview Decodes

Tarot Wisconti. Visconti Tarot.

Tarot Wisconti. Values.


For proper work With a deck of Tarot Wisconti Sforza requires constant practice. Any incomparable negative or positive card have perfectly miscellaneous Depending on the question. It is worth a review of all events relating to a certain situation for faithful interpretation.

Taro Wisconti is one of the most famous and expensive decks magic maps, created in Italy in the XV century. Its author became an artist from Milan, Visconti Softz. Like other decks of that time, the design of illustrations and symbols was carried out manually. Therefore, their price is commensurate with artistic works of the art of the Middle Ages. Recessed to our time cards are just copies that have changed significantly by external design.

Tarot Wisconti - one of the most famous and expensive decks of magic maps

What is the difference between the original and copies of Tarot Sforge Visconti?

Includes Taro Wisconti 22 senior arcana. Such a number of cards is incomplete. Initially, the original contained 41 Arcan. Because of the changes not only the structure of the deck, but also its design. Modern Tarology has long lost the trace of what the original looks like.

Those decks that have been preserved in private collections or museums, they published more than a century after their birth. And the images of the senior arcanes are a collection of "grateful" ideas and symbols of other, less well-known authors. The chief creator of a successful tarot, known to today's world only by his name and work, whose original no one has seen.

Cult Wisconti

Attempting to create a specific "cult" of Wisconti Sforza was successful. From under the pen followers, his work went out, which became perfect magical attributes. Tarot Maps are applied today. But their temporary transformation does not correspond to some kind of entertainment, in the form of games.

The species of Taro Wisconti cards are particularly popular, which are decorated as much as possible with the original style. It remained almost not treason and the structure of the deck. Younger Arcans are presented in the form of representatives of the elements.

The masters got a kind of name:

  1. The fire.
  2. Land.
  3. Air.
  4. Water.

And they all differ from each other by the number of certain elements depicted on the Arkan itself. The external similarity of such cards, can deliver a lot of difficulties and problems to beginner cartologists.

And what else surprises is the lack of negative arcanes. All maps carrying sadness, pain and disappointment were removed. Some barologists are confident that it was done for no accident. So, the author takes away from himself negative energy or responsibility for creating your creation.

Features of the appearance of the Wisconti deck

Unlike the younger Arcanes, in Taro Wisconti, older arcans are a real work of art. All illustrations are filled with colorful magical images. Even the slightest strokes transmit the features of the medieval era. All illustrations of colorful. Stress their blue and green tones. Taro Wisconti has a rather complicated interpretation.

Only an experienced tarologist, who has already tried his hand to work with other famous decks will be freely focused in the maps.

And the newcomer remains only in detail the nuances of the relationship of images and interpretations. Help, quickly know the meaning of this or other arcana, can only written phrases, mounted on the background of illustrations.

Tarot Wisconti - a deck, clearly responsible for the question

Younger Arcans and do not have any certain difference. No images are more comparable to popular, playing cards. Such arkans are distinguished by icons of a certain suit. With Taro Wisconti, layouts have a more directed target affiliation. The use of such for divination, determines the answer to a clear question.

Features of interpretation of a deck of tarot Wisconti

Modern barologists include the interpretation of Taro Wisconti to the rules of the classic school. But there is one nuance. Taro Ridera-White appeared much later than his predecessor. And the result of all this is uncertainty. Is such an interpretation correct?

Perennial use of this deck, produced several exceptions that do not fit into the classical interpretation of events. Additionally, the interpretation of the cards was the subject of mixing the features of Tarot White and Marseille school. The individual characteristics of Taro Wisconti include:


The illustration shows the lion and the man who fought for their existence. In the original performance, there is no struggle. A girl who tame the beast was depicted on the map. Such "submission" and "superiority" was determined by the "power" card.

Arkan "Hermit" is depicted as an hourglass. But in the original, a girl holding a candle in his hand was drawn.

"Supreme Priest" and "Prize"

These senior arcans are depicted here as other characters. In Karta Wisconti, these are "Pope" and "Abbatys".

Man who does not understand historical eventswhich occurred in medieval Italy, to determine the full picture of the defold values \u200b\u200bwill be difficult. All descriptions and instructions for this work of art, and a certain collection of myths are also attached. He is a kind of plot with his hierarchy, truth and false, good and evil. And depending on how much gone to feel this picture, he will be able to give the most accurate information about the upcoming event.

Distinctive features of Tarot Wisconti from other deck

In Taro Wisconti 22 senior arcana layouts determine how separate values Maps and their combinations. But learn how to work out correctly and efficiently with such cards. A person needs to explore the traditions of Marseille and White. Only such a combination will make a tarologist stronger, dismantling in the subtleties of the Italian tarot. But on this difficulty do not end.

All business B. distinctive features individual cards. Without knowledge of those, the interpretation will not be true. These differences include:

  1. "Power" and "Justice" in the deck have other rooms. Strength has number 8, and justice is 11.
  2. "Death" does not have its own number. "13" was skipped by the author. This is a kind of precaution and fear to suffer punishment for your own vision of death in Tarot.

Illustrations of junior arcanes do not have images.

Taro Wisconti is used for the same fortunes as with other cards. For beginners, it is better not to rush with complex scenaries. Based on light variations with 3-6 cards, you can gradually learn how to correctly interpret the leen prediction.

Card values, literal and inverted position

As in any other decks, Taro Wisconti is interpreted on the basis of the position in which one or another Arkan is. Most often, the meanings are the opposite character in relation to each other. Examples are:

Map Magic - Confidence in Your Forces

  1. "Magic" is confidence in your abilities, composure. An inverted position is a lack of will or own forces.
  2. "Empress" - equilibrium, practicality. In the inverted - indecision, uncertainty, infertility.
  3. "Lovers" are passionate hobbies. In the inverted position - impermanence and unreliability of relationships.
  4. "Jester" is the danger of the consequences of stupid actions. In the inverted position, this card is already talking about the person's coming act. You can not turn back, you should go further.

Only a few arcanes have weighty differences that do not have antonyms or the nature of some areas relating to each other. So, the "chariot" refers to the equilibrium of the mind and body. Physical development is fully consistent with spiritual and intellectual development. And in an inverted position, this Arcan indicates the inability of a person to distinguish the truth from lies. Such people constantly fail in both work and personal life.

This is a collective name of the historical design of the cards that once drawn manually. They are also called "Milanski". In fact, today, different samples of these unique cards have been preserved, and it is simply not possible to tell about all of them. The deck that we will consider today is Tarot Wisconti artist Atanas Atanassov.

History of creation deck

Despite the fact that there is full version The decks of Tarot Wisconti, I still stop in today's review on the elderscans. The fact is that not all the younger arcans were restored from the preserved cards - in the 20th century the missing did the Italian artist Luigi Skapini, and many simply do not represent much interest, as there are no plot images on them. Our goal is to show it that are 22 trumps that have an important historical meaningSince they are essentially mini-reproductions of the most vintage illustrations that now can be contemplated only in museums. Therefore, my today's review will have a somewhat different structure - without the description of the younger arcanes and court cards.

So, the Tarot Gallery Wisconti is essentially the image of the oldest tarot cards. What is the most amazing: until our time, several sets of these cards have been preserved, but in any of them, at an amazing coincidence, there was no Arkanov Devil and Tower. More precisely, once they have indeed attended decks, but for some reason were destroyed. There is a legend explaining these "losses" so: the aristocrats of that time independently destroyed these arcans in order not to attract trouble in their life. But surprisingly the other: if the devil and the tower are not preserved, then why did the trump card of death come to us in order and preservation?

In general, the history of Taro Wisconti is quite confused and ambiguous. Someone says that in historical decks contained not 22, but as much as 41 trumps, and that these cards were not intended for predictions, but for the game. Drew such illustrations from hand, and the deck had more decorative than predictive meaning. Whatever it was, but the talented artist Atanas Atanass was recreated by historical illustrations, it is those 22 cards that we now call the older arkans, and we will consider them now. The decks of the Atanassov lay down the reproduction of the decks, the people called "Pierpont Morgan-Bergamo" (by name geographic locationswhere the originals are stored), and it is this version to date today enjoys the widest popularity among the tarologists that value the historical design of the cards.

Key features of the deck

The tradition itself, in which these cards are made and is called - Wisconti. This is not Wate, not paws, not Marseille, it is an independent structure, where the images of the senior arkanov - not someone modern idea Or variation on a familiar theme, namely historical reproduction. In the deck of Atanassov, the fool has a number 0, justice - 8, power - 11. Since Arkana Devil and Tower, as I said, did not preserve, the artist simply recreated his vision of these cards on the likeness of the rest of the deck.

Symbolism decks

The values \u200b\u200bof 22 maps of senior arcanes Taro Wisconti, of course, differ from the modern. Images correspond to the representations of the XV century person. This is told about the appropriate character costumes, details of the background, surrounding the situation. No additional correspondences, like astrology or Kabbalah, on the map of Taro Wisconti, of course, no. To understand what exactly means one or another image, it will be necessary to deeply penetrate the story. On the one hand, the cards look pretty simple, uncomplicated, but at the same time, for their complete understanding, you need to look at them with the look of man of the historic era.

Senior Arkana

Of course, the meaning of each map of Tarot Wisconti, I can not include in this article, otherwise it will not be an article, but a whole brochure, so I propose to go through them only partially, and to stop more on five senior arcans.

Let's start with a fool. On the map we see young man In fenced clothes, barely covered his body. On the head of his feathers, in his hands - a stick. The stick was actually an integral attribute of street tramps of the Middle Ages. In principle, it can be said that people of that time thought very straightforwardly. Today we know that the appearance is deceptive, then everything was much easier: if a person is externally untidy, then his soul is as poor.

Pay attention to the goiter on his neck - it too important detail. The fact is that in the Middle Ages to the formation of the gooba, the lack of iodine in the body, and the street fool, of course, could not eat good products, so the goiter is an indicator of physical illness, which were often suffering at the time of the beggars. Fool's eyes slightly kit, and squint - another characteristic sign The nearby mind, according to beliefs of that era. In this image there is nothing to do with the court joke, as many other, later historical decks were represented by Zero Arkan. Here it is just a beggar, patient, vicious, crazy man and nothing more.

The next map of Tarot Wisconti, which we consider are in love. On it we see a man and a woman holding hands, they have medieval costumes. Behind the pair stands on the pedestal Cupid blindfolded and is preparing to start your arrow. As you can see, the "choice" values \u200b\u200bdoes not have this card. And Cupid's blindfold, apparently, symbolize the belief that the modern manner can sound like "love evil, love and ..." You know whom.

Interested in a hermit image. This is an old gray grandfather in a luxurious hat, decorated with gold fur (I am, however, I reminded the hats of the mushroom to the mushroom) and a blue cafetan. His outfit looks rich: on hand - gloves, on legs - white stockings. In the left hand of the hermit, the stick is clamped, and in the right - hourglass, Symbol of time. As you can see, in Taro Wisconti, the value and this arcana is still different from the classic one.

But the hanged very much resembles images from modern decks, however, in a somewhat simplified form, but the point remains the same: it is a young man who hangs down his head on a wooden galloper. On the legs of his green tights, on the body - a white shirt with lanterns sleeves. The map, as in the current interpretations, means a suspended state, a different look at something, delay, sacrifice, repentance.

The value of the Moon Taro Wisconti is quite difficult to remove from an old illustration. Here we see a young woman (according to sources - it is most likely a goddess Diana). In one hand, a woman broken onions, in the other - crescent. A bright girl's suit resembles ancient Greek. The following interpretations are given to the deck in the MBC: deception, sell, dishonesty, disappointment, caution, error, poor influence, hidden motifs, insincerability, hypocrisy, trick, shame, slander, superficial, hidden enemies, contradictory influences, get into trap. As you can see, with the world of the subconscious in those days, the card was not associated, she soon symbolized the "reverse side of the moon" in the literal sense of the word.

Of course, for each arcana you can write much more, but for this required historical references. If desired, the holders of the deck can find them on their own.

Features of interpretation of cards

Layouts for 22 senior arcans Taro Wisconti can choose any suitable for a deck exclusively from the vision. The only thing is to deal with interpretations will be somewhat more complicated, especially if you are not interested in history. Since these cards were not so much for fortune telling, how much to play, mantic values \u200b\u200bwill need to be output independently, based on historical images. Of course, the speech cards are not going.

To consider what questions fits the deck?

Honestly, I do not know which themed layouts on Tarot Wisconti can be used, but I suspect that the deck is still universal. Another question is how fully it is possible to consider the question solely on the trumps. Still, the younger arcans, as you know, give some very important details. In fact, if they deeply imbued with historical images, then you can withdraw a list of card values \u200b\u200bin different categories: love, money, domestic situations. However, as I said, there is a complete deck of 78 cards: those who cannot do exclusively by trumps, it is worth buying it.

Who will suit the card data?

Personally, I recommend buying Taro Wisconti to all interested in historical design cards and avid collectors. But a daily deck for constant predictions, it seems to me, it is unlikely to become. Although much depends on your personal skill and perception. A somewhat similar story was formed with Tatrochi Manteny: I bought this deck clean out of interest, for the collection, however, as it turned out, it is perfect for it you can wonder the talents, abilities, human care guidelines.

The fortune telling on the maps of Tarot Wisconti from 22 senior arcans, layouts and interpretation of images can be found in the book L. E. Kuznetsova-Fetisova called "Taro Wisconti". This book, by the way, is suitable for those who have a full version of a deck of 78 cards, as the younger and court arcanes are also described there. Quite a lot of interesting information on the topic can also be found on the Internet forums, where the owners of this tarot are discussing a deck.

Tarot Wisconti Sforza - Unique artifact in history hadal maps. According to scientific sourcesThe deck is the most ancient one of its kind, preserved to the present day. Probably, these cards were created on the basis of earlier their predecessors, but no images and information about them, alas, not survived.

In the middle of the 15th century, value card deer equated to the cost of works of art. Artist manually inflicted images by tempera on a dense cardboard covered with soil. For the background ornament, tin gold and silver were used. The deck was created in 1450, in Milan, in honor of the anniversary of the wedding, representatives of noble family births: Francesco Sforza and Bianca Maria Wisconti. There is a version that members of these families served as personalities for the image of the senior arkanov.

Nowadays Tarot Wisconti is published in printing houses traditional waythat does not make it less valuable and attractive for professional tarologists and self-development lovers.

Taro Wisconti Sforza: the value of arcanes and features of the deck

Reading cards (keys) of elder (great) Arkanov in Taro Wisconti is considered from the standpoint of interpretation of symbolic signs. All of them describe the alchemical process of transformation of the soul and body ordinary person In the perfect condition: aspiration to full deliverance from vices.

The zero card is called a fool or the jester - personifies man as such, it is any of us. But everyone encompasses the possibility of growing and improving personality. It is these stages of development and conversion enclosed in other keys. Passing all the way, a person is able to gain the highest degree of spiritual harmony. Value of Arcanes:

  • The jester - symbolizes the absolute nothing, the universal emptiness, but which can be filled with anything: the choice of life goals and path directions. A direct position indicates an adventure crawler who has a lot of opportunities, but the main thing is to make a decision you need with the mind. The inverted position warns about the unreasonable choice or the indecisiveness of the questioning in responsible moments.
  • Magician (wizard, magician) - the path of the Creator begins with awareness of his position, determining itself as a conductor Higher Forces. Direct position predicts the creation of a family union, building new housing, creative insights and new working ideas. It characterizes the good organizational abilities of a person who is able to control the forces of nature and exist with them in harmony. The inverted position speaks of the abuse of universal benefits or manipulation destructive power. Warns about rash deeds or irrelevant intentions.
  • The Supreme Priestess (Papes) - personifies the living mind that can know the truth within himself. Papeese stores communication with the highest start, which does not allow to interrupt the infinite life stream. The direct position of the key symbolizes the subconscious perception of the hidden essence of things. For a man can predict passionate mutual love, acquiring the ideal of female beauty. The card in the inverted position indicates a woman hypocritical, selfish and vain. Surface knowledge lead to careless life. At despondency, a woman shows that the solution to the issue depends on its behavior and nature.
  • The Empress is a symbol of the material embodiment of creative designs. In the literal position, a rich harvest is promoted, satisfaction from the actions taken, marriage, replenishment of the family, harmony and stability. Compact business partner, open character, prosperous deal. The key in an inverted position warns about married infidelity, unspoken offended: it is possible to break the relationship.

Thoroughly studying the Senior Arkan Tarot Visconti The observant person will understand that the images keep in themselves some symbolic ideas, images, ideas. Perhaps thoughtful "decoding" of each value will help to realize the deep meaning of being, conveyed to us from the past. Representatives of some esoteric directions believe that Tarot Wisconti was used as a "visual manual" for learning magic and occult sciences of noble people.

Taro Wisconti: Layouts, interpretation of each card

The simplest, but in this case, the alignment of "three cards" is meaningful. It is used to obtain an unambiguous response to some particular question in the near future. 3 cards are chosen from the deck and laid in order:

  • indicates past events that caused the current situation;
  • circumstances at the moment;
  • the coming outcome of the case.

Alignment " Magic square"- An ancient way of divination, when a person is not able to accurately formulate a question or problem, but wants to figure out what he led him to such a confusing and prank position. To choose 9 cards with the usual way and decompose them in the form of a square 3 × 3. Starting the interpretation follows from the left upper card to the right:

  • physical, emotional and mental state of what is currently in the moment;
  • unexpected influences from the outside, the factors that the man carelessly neglects;
  • influence of family, friends, colleagues familiar;
  • the essence of the problem, hopes and fears of the questioning;
  • what opportunities is provided to fate to correct the situation;
  • aspirations, unconscious desires, human beliefs;
  • negative, dangerous, mating either hostile influences on the part;
  • favorable and constructive external circumstances that will help in solving the problem;
  • personal force, will, initiative and skills leading to the final result.

The peculiarity of the interpretation of this scenario is to read the ability to read and interpret the information obtained by the triads, namely by the ranks of 3 cards. "New Love Union" - optimal option For a single person, learn how soon he will be able to gain long-awaited love. With the help of the scenario, it is possible to get an additional advice, how to maintain and increase your personal happiness. From the deck to choose 5 cards, decompose in order from left to right:

  • individual vision of himself in new relationships;
  • will a person meet in the near future partner;
  • if so, whether this satisfaction will bring and further sharing happiness if not, it will not be the best in this section of life one;
  • if so, how can I strengthen the new alliance how to create a benefit for your beloved person if not, what actions need to be taken to gain love, which is to be changed in thinking and behavior;
  • council of paramount importance for further searching for a partner or for development harmonious relationship.

The value of each card in the Slads of Taro Wisconti is carried out from the position direct position (positive) and inverted position (negative). It is worth considering that the card that lay down "upside down" is not always a negative and bad news. For example, the direct position of the falling tower symbolizes the wreck of hopes, the failure of the case, falling from the height of his ideals and ambitions. Then as an inverted position shows that the threat undoubtedly exists, but its influence is weakened and does not promise a complete catastrophe. Consequently, the card in a positive value has a pronounced and significant impact. The negative value is interpreted as a weakened card effect or postponed.

Impact of the appearance of the Taro Wisconti cards for fortune telling and layouts

Interpretation of younger Arcans in Taro Wisconti deck is considered from the position of suit and numerology. The direct position of the wands (scepter) means creative energy, ambitious aspirations, the manifestation of wisdom and patience, the latitude of the worldview, superiority in affairs, scientific inventions and masterpieces of art. The suit of the wands symbolizes a noble, honest and responsive person. Wands in an inverted position - secular and family scandals, unfavorable situations, alarming news, emergencies.

Coins (dinerials) in the system of Wisconti is the most controversial suit. Live is the personification of the patronage of the universe, stable material wealth, successful business transactions. The inverted position of the coin indicates social manipulations for the purpose of personal enrichment, despite the interests of other representatives. Coins in a negative meaning, indicating a person warn about a fraudster, a cunning and dishonest partner, a vasivota envious.

Cups in the literal position embody happy romantic relationships leading to the wedding, sensual and emotional gusts of the soul of man, joyful events in life. Water filling Cups is a gradation symbol in the family, fertile land And rich crop. The inverted position of the Cups: the inconstancy of the partner, fake feelings, emotional devastation, inacked resentment.

Waste the swords in the literal position: the direction of force, the manifestation of the initiative, passionate emotions, the conquest of personal interests, prosperity in society, the success of the enterprise. The inverted position of swords: betrayal of friends, gross mistakes because of a rush, rash actions, the collapse of hopes, the incomprehension of the interests of the spouses, neglect the safety rules.

The meaning of the senior arcanes tarot in lovelines

How to interpret the meaning of the keys of the Senior Arkana Taro Wisconti when performing layouts for love:

  1. The emperor is the symbol of the ruler of the world. The card in a literal position for a woman personifies an ambulance meeting with a strong and influential man who can become for her not only a lover, but also a reliable financial patron. But the preservation of relationships is hard work, it is not worth relaxing: due to the illusions and delusions of one partner, another may suffer. In an inverted position, you should pay attention to your own defects and negative habits that can negatively affect the love alliance. The manifestation of facilitates and inattention either, on the contrary, is also a rigid nature also does not contribute to the development of romantic relations.
  2. Ierofant (High Priest, Supreme Priest) - symbolizes the initiator of the sacrament of life. Listening to himself and fulfilling their cepete desires Do not forget about the intentions of your partner. The direct position in the aggregate with adjacent cards can predict happy marriage, new friendly connections. Protects a devotee and noble man with pure thoughts. In an inverted position - a scheduled marriage threatens or breaking relationships. One of the partners is not confident in their feelings and pulls time.
  3. Beloved - the key personifies the continuous relationship of human consciousness , his subconscious and superconsciousness. Direct position: the origin of romantic feelings, the acquisition of true "halves", the development of harmonious relations, the patronage of the highest strength. Inverted position: dismissive attitude towards the holiness of the marriage relationship, the choice between the bored virtue and seductive vice, the invasion of relatives in the relationship of her husband and wife (guy and girls).
  4. Star - harmony of subconscious and matter: one of the happiest keys for love Salmon In Taro Wisconti. In the literal position, the acquisition of mutual feelings, awareness of the meaning of life, an infinite cycle of the life-giving forces of nature. Love - driving force Universe: She was and always! And if one day a man experienced a betrayal or disappointment in relations, sooner or later he will be able to regain his happiness again. In an inverted position, there is a depressive state, uncertainty in its capabilities, slowness in making important decisions, the lack of desire to see the gifts of fate.

Structure of Tarot Wisconti Deck

The Wisconti deck consists of 78 keys, many of which are present in other traditional decks. However, differences in images play an important role in understanding the values. Senior Arkana Taro Wisconti (from lat. Arcanum - mystery) owns 22 keys. A more numerous group of junior arcana includes 56 keys. The symbolism of the Visconti system is rooted in deep antiquity and contains elements of astrology, magic, mythology, numerology, religious rites.

If you carefully consider the image of each key, you can see that 4 cards are present in the deck, distinguish by the letter and color decoration. Namely: the devil, the falling tower (the tower of destruction), 3 swords and knight coins. They probably were withdrawn due to their negative meaning, in order not to punish trouble and misfortune. Nevertheless, in the 20th century, the missing representatives of the younger and older Arkanov were restored. The reprint of the 1975 Wisconti deck contains images of these keys performed by the Bulgarian artist of Atanas Atanassov.

How to work with Taro Wisconti Sforza

Taro Wisconti to interpret the layouts of Taro Wisconti when there is already experience with simpler gadetting systems.

Dragging a deck, which looks mentally or loud, formulates a question, focusing on all the nuances exciting his problem. The rules of work with the Taro Wisconti deck suggest that it is necessary to taste until a person feel a complete and harmonious energy relationship with the artifact in his hands. The interpretation of the direct position and the inverted position of each key should be based on the mutual influence of symbols and numerology.

Principles of card interpretation and interaction rules with Taro Wisconti:

  1. With competent formulation of the issue and the correct interpretation of Taro never give out random, confusing information or false position of things.
  2. No representative of the older Arkana and no suit of the younger Arkana are bad in their essence. In Tarot, Wisconti Sforza does not exist "evil", deadly characters. Symbolism, which at first glance looks awesome, should be interpreted as a warning and tip to overcome problems. Interpretation of layouts of the Tarot Wisconti deck should be benevolent and deep.
  3. With the interpretation of each defold, it is necessary to take into account the mutual influence of neighboring cards on each other. In this case, the key content can be slightly transformed and the boundaries of the information received are significantly expanding.
  4. The fortune telling system Taro Wisconti eliminates the possibility of putting the result, it is impossible to manipulate or get a controversial answer. The correct interpretation of the defold gives extensive and in-depth information to reflection and the action, tangent of each issue.
  5. Do not believe stupid prejudices, which can not be guessing on Taro to yourself. Only the person itself is able to understand the complexity of the current situation and with the help of a deck that has absorbed the centuries-old wisdom, to see the way to solve the problem and transform their lives for the better.

Distinctive features of Tarot Wisconti from other deck

The specificity of Taro Wisconti from other systems is that initially none of the cards of the deck had no numbering, nor notation, and no other identification symbols. There was no strictly installed sequence in the older Arkan. Moreover, on the maps of the younger Arcana there are no plot illustrations, such as in the traditional Taro Raider - White. The image is limited only by the masters and the number of items, their personification: Cups, wands, swords, coins.

This is partly due to the fact that in medieval Europe, Taro Wisconti card was used not to predict fate, but as a TAROCCHI board game. Modern publishers consider it necessary to "simplify" the interpretation, calling the cards.