Prayer to the Holy Mother of God. Magazine about stars and astrology

"The Mother Original Rule is called reading 150 times a day Arkhangelsk Greeting:" Virodok Delo, rejoice, The fertile mariye, the Lord with you, blessed you are in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls! "
There is a church legend that the regime itself heavenly gave people this rule in the VIII century, and they once performed all Christians, but over time it was forgotten.

Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky recalled this rule, instructing walking around the groove circled around the Diveev Resident, reading 150 times " Virodok Delo, rejoice…»

In the chairs, the elder found an old book with a description of the wonders taking place with people who perform this dealement of 150 times the Arkhangelsk referee Queen Heaven.

In his conversation with Motovilov about the goal of Christian life, Monk Seraphim Sarovsky said:
"Although the enemy of the devil and seduced Eve and fell with her, but the Lord not only gave them the Redeemer in the fruit of the seed of his wife, death of the death of the Virgin Mary, either in his wife and in all respects the human chapter Zmiev, relentless Guodataitis to his son and to our God, the physician and incredulible concept even for the most desperate sinners. Therefore, the Mother of God is called the ulcer of demons, because there is no possibility to destroy a man, if only the person himself did not retreat from resorting to help God's Mother».
Many shepherds of high spiritual life performed the Virgin Rule themselves and blessed on it doing their spiritual children.
Here is an excerpt from the letter of the crottle father of Alexander (Humanovsky), in the monasticist of Daniel, nicknamed for his love and permanent ministry of Vestos Mary by the Motherod's old man: "I forgot to you to offer a significant saving council. Read daily 150 times "Virgin Devo", and this prayer will save you. This rule gave the Mother of God itself near the VII century, and he once performed all Christians. We, Orthodox, forgot about him, and Rev. Seraphim reminds us of this rule. In my hands, a handwritten book from the Piece of St. Seraphim with a description of a set of miracles on prayer to Our Lady, and in particular from reading 150 times the "Virgin Devo". If it is not difficult for unusual to overcome daily 150 times, read at first 50 times. After each dozen, read once "Our Father" and "Mercy Door Holds to us." Whoever spoke about this rule is miraculous, everyone remained grateful. "
Bishop Seraphim (Zvezdinsky), now glorified in the monitor of the holy new martyrs and confessors of Russian, daily committed a Virgin rule and knew his mighty effect on his own experience.

In 1926, Vladyka Seraphim (Zvezdinsky) lived in the Diveev-Skom Monastery. Winter he lived in Elena's rooms Ivanovna Motovilova, in their building, for the "groove". Igumenia Alexandra reassured: "Live calmly, the Bolsheviks will not touch this place. Rev. Seraphim said that the groove would become the wall from the ground to the sky, and the antichrist would not go for it. " "You do not understand the words of Rev.," answered Vladyka. "He taught to read a bowelial time" Virgin Delo, rejoice ... "and said:" Who fulfills this rule, the soul of that and the antichrist will never overcome. "

That's what he wrote from the reference to his spiritual children: "I hire a long and long way with transfers, tedious parking. But all this way from melankov to Moscow, from Moscow to Alma-Ata, from Alma-Ata to Uralsk, the coming from Uralsk to Gurev in the Caspian Sea there is a wonderful and unforgettable way. Briefly say, it is the way of miracles from reading 150 times "Virgin Delo, Rejoice!" Sometimes it seems that the Lord deliberately and sent me to this way to show me how much the prayer of his mother's preching mother and however, an archangelian greeting with faith, "the Virgin Delo, rejoice!" I believe and confession, Yako Az posts, how ever, on my way done now all the warmth, all the protection, the entire cover of the wonderful greetings of this "Virgin Delo, rejoice!" This appealing in the most impassable places satellite me in the most impassable places, in hopeless circumstances gave out the exit, had unwitted to me, the evil hearts have repeatedly softenedly, and the disadvantaged and burned, and disgraced. Yako Celebrately to them smoke. Arkhangelsk greeting "Virgin Delo, Rejoice!" full of challenities suddenly filed unexpected help and moreover from such a part, from where it was impossible to expect, I'm not talking about the inner world among the storms, about the inner arrangement in the surrounding union of the Greetings of the Arkhangelsk, the righteous of God, the righteous wrath of God removes and the most The sentence of proud core cancels. About great coup! About terrible intercession! From the fire of passions, I am withdrawn, from the bottom of the falling grief to heaven admires. Fencing yourself more often and diligently, my children are cute, I'm stony, it is imperceptible, I will restrain the fear of the Virgin Demo, rejoice! " With sow prayer, I will not die in fire, I do not burn in fire, I will not attend the sea. If Satan, hateing us, and spits us on our way and sneaks us, then, then the Archangel greeting is delighted, it is restored, rebelliously, darkened by enlightened, soulful souls will be healed, polluted by sin. Clean the soul and get drunk, IKO Snow Cleaning, Prayer "Higher Heaven and the purest lights of sunny. " The dead, killed by passion, Sunday, revive and delighted the Spirit Reophe: "Christ is Risen! Truly Risen! "

Prayers of the Virgin

Prayer first

About the Most Mrs. Ladychitsa Virgin Mary! Erend us, the slave of God (names) from the depths of sinful and save us from death sudden and from any evil. Guess, Mrs., we are peace and health and enlightened the mind and eyes of heart, sinners, the kingdom of your son, the sin of your son, the Christ of our son: Jaco's powers of His blessed with his father and the Most His Spirit.

Prayer Second

The Most Holy Devo, Mati of the Lord, show me, we apart, and the slaves of God (names) of the ancient mercy of yours: lowered the spirit of the mind and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. She, Mrs. Prechaya! Milostiv to me Budi Zea and on the Scary Court. You boas, Mrs., the glory of Heaven and the hope of terrestrial. Amen.

Prayer Third

Unwair, unlable, unwanted, therapy, non-invalid Bogopevo, the Virgin Mary Marie, Ms. World and Hope! Watch on me, sinning, in the hour of this and the eggent of the pure blood of your inseciomeznozno bore the Esi of the Lord Jesus Christ, I prefer me to make my mother's prayers; That ripe convicted and weapons of sadness in the heart of a vulnerable, you vulnerable my soul my Divine Love! Togo in the UzAs and rules of the horsepower mourning, tears of crushing to me darue; With a free one to death, the soul is severely whimpering, diseases of them freedom, and I can Slavs, worthy of the famous forever. Amen.

Prayer Fourth

The intercession is a diligent, fragrant Lord Mati! To you, I resort to AZ, the pupinous and more of all the people of the sinner: the won praying of my prayer, and the cry of my and the lance of hear. Yako lawlessness is my forehead of my head and Az, I am a ship in the Pochini, I immerse yourself in the sea of \u200b\u200bmy sins. But you, all-inclusive and merciful Vladychitsa, do not despite me, desperynago and Gresh dyingly; Pommuyu me, Kayuchagosya in the evil decele of my, and turn to the path of the right lack of ankanese soul. On you, Mother Vladychitsa, I have all the hope of my. You, Mother of God, Save and follow your telescope, now and are confronted and forever. Amen.

Prayer Fifties

The Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mary, a single pure soul and body, a single eighteenth full of purity, chastity and virginity, the uniform fully pretended by the Human grace of all sorts of breath, the smallest of the best forces here is still incomparably surpassed the cleanliness and shrine of the souls and body, proud the soul And the body turns out the perfectness of my life of my life, to cleanse passionate my mind, immaculate prefigure and the landscaping of my wandering and pinching thoughts, bring my feelings and guide them, freeing me from tormented by me Zlago and Gnusnago skill to unclean prejudice and passions, stop all Sin, overshadowed in me, donate sober and disinterested to correct your excuses and falls, so that, having freesed from sinful darkness, I made a daring to glorify and picked you, the uniform Mother of Truthful Light - Christ, our God; because you are alone with him and bless him and famous any invisible and visible creature Now, and always, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer Six

About the Most Holy Devo, Mother of the Lord Vynyago, the intercession and the cover of everyone, who are resorting to you! Watch from the height of the Holy Handie on me, the sinner (name), seizable to the preching image of yours; I hear my warm prayer and bring Ye before beloved the son of your son, our Lord Jesus Christ; his mind, yes, ozarks the gloomy soul my light of the Divine grace of God, yes will save me from all kinds of need, grief and illness, yes low to me a quiet and peaceful life, the health is bodily and mental, and it umiths my head and healed my wounds, let me push me For good deeds, my mind from the Thiege Thiege Thickness, I will consider the fulfillment of my commandments, I will take rid of my heaven of kingdoms, and I will not deprive your heaven. About the Most Holy Mother of God! You, "all the grieving joy", hear and me, grumble; You, referred to as "sorrow", quench and my sadness; You, "busty unalitable", save the world and all of us from malicious fiery armed arrows; You, the "recovery of the dead," do not, not, and for me to die in the abyss of my sins. On the boo bose all my hope and hope. Budge to me in the life of a temporary intercession, and about the life of eternisters before your son, the Lord, by our Jesus Christ, Guodatais. Teaching me to the worker with the faith and love of serving, the same, the Most Mother of God, the Mother of God, is reverently honorably to the condense of my days. Amen.

The prayer of the Virgin in front of the icon is an indeliable bowl

Prayers for the Blessed Virgin

Prayer Virgin Devo, Rejoice
Bo-go-de-di de-va, Ra Duy-Xia, Bla-Go Dalian Ma-Rie, state-pom with a blessing, blessed are you in the same time and blah-go - The fetus of Chron-Wa, His, Yako Spa-Sa Riding Esi Souls on-Shih.

Worthy is
It is worthy to eat Yako, the Bunny, the Virgin, the courtesy and the presets and Ma La, the Boy-ha on-neck. Chely-shely he-Ru-Vim and Slav-Neu-shely without compared to the NE-RA-FIM, without the east of the Boy-hectare of the Birth, the Super Virgin of the Mother of the Ma Ve-Chah.

My queen is predictive
Tsa-Ri-Tsa is my predictive, on-dige-to-my, bo-ro-di, the at-Yate-Yellow-Si-ryy and the country's subordinate, the Sorrow-Bay Those, Obi-di patroness!
See my trouble, seeing my sorrow; Pomping mi, Yako Weekly, Okammy, I, Yako strange! Updated my ve-si, allowing Tu, Yako Volishi: Yako is not imam in wanting in Mo-soup, Ra-Zo-Be, nor a bird's present, nor burglae comforter, Tokmo tek, about bo-th-ma ! Jaco yes, save me and covered in vesa vesk. Amen.

Kondak of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Do not imami help, / not imami ina hope, / Do you, Vladychitsa. / You are climbing us, we hope you, and you praise. / Your Boy Esma Rabi, let's not seem to.

Kondak with a woer victim
The winner of the victim's swirl, Yako from Bavl-neck from the evil, blah-gift-stem-naya will absolutely Rabi Your Bo-go-di-di: But Yako is a manual power invincible, from all of us troubles His-bo-di, yes Zo-Veri: Ra-Du-Xia Non-Weight is not-non-West.

Song of the Virgin
Majses my gentlemen's soul, and the spirit of my breath about the bose sacket is mine.
Honestly cherub and a sorry without comparing Seraphim, without the evillation of God, the words rising, sowing the Virgin, the Major.
Yako the prize for humility slaves, the CE BO is now imprisoned by MDSI.
Honestly Cherub ...
Yako coat the greatness of the greatness, and his name is His, and His mercy in childbirth fearing him.
Honestly Cherub ...
Schatvory Muscle Muscle, the rods are proud of their thoughts.
Honestly Cherub ...
Nicely lowered with the throne, and ascended humble; Achuccia is of the goods, and bending the seizure.
Honestly Cherub ...
The perception of Israel of his father-in-law, to remember the grace, the verb of the verb to our father, Abraham and his seed even before the century.
Honestly Cherub ...

Orthodox reverence of Our Lady

The Orthodox Church contains about the Virgin that the Sacred Tradition and Scripture reported on it, and daily glorifies it in their temples, asking for her help and protection. Knowing that only those praises, which correspond to her actual glory, the holy fathers and songs from her the most and her son had prayed to enjoy them, how to sing her: "My thinking fence, Christ, because the pure mother is taped." ( IKOS Assumption). "The church teaches that Christ was truly born from Mary of Nazideli" (St. Epiphany Cyprus. True word about faith). "We need to confess that Holy Naval Mary really has the Virgin, so as not to fall into the energization. For denying that the Holy Deva really is the Virgin, not the essence of the right, but students of Pharisees and Saddukeev "(prep. Efrem Sirin. Monk John).

From the legend it is known that Mary was the daughter of the elderly Joachim and Anna, and Joacima came from the royal order of David, and Anna was from the priest. Despite such noble origin, they were poor. However, this was not pecked by these righteous people, and the fact that they did not have children and could not hope that their descendant would see the Messiah. And now, when, once, despised by the Jews for their not enough, they both in the soul souls brought the god of prayer, Joachim on Mount, where he retired after the priest wanted to bring his victims in the temple, and Anna in his garden, mourning his infertility , then the angel came to them, and said that they would call the daughter. Admitted, they promised to devote their child to God.
After 9 months, they were born a daughter called Marieu, from early childhood manifested the best mental qualities. When she turned three years old, his parents, fulfilling a promise, solemnly took a small Maria to the Jerusalem Temple, which herself sat down at high steps, and who met her the high priest, on the revelation of God, was introduced in the most holy saints, the grace of God was introduced to her In Dotol, the exchanging temple (Kondak Introduction. It was a newly built temple, in which the glory of God did not go as in the tabernacle or Solomon). She settled in those who existed at the temple of the premises for V., but so much time spent in prayer in the holy of the saints, which can be said, lived in it (the stimitations of the introduction, on the "Lord of the Appeal" of the 2nd and "glory and now"). Decorated with all virtues, she appeared an example of an unusually pure life. All the submissive and obedient, she did not insult anyone, did not tell anyone a rude word, to everyone was friendly, did not even allow bad thought. (Abbreviated from the St. Ambrose of the Mediogenian. On the applying of the Virgin Mary).

"Despite the righteousness and impairment of the life, which the Virgin Mary, sin and eternal death showed their presence in her. They could not not manifest: this is exact and correct teaching Orthodox church About Our Lady in relation to the original sin and death "(Bishop of Ignatius Bryanchaninov. Presentation of the teachings of the Orthodox Church about the Mother of God). "Alien to sinful fall" (sv. Amvrosiy Mediolsky. Interpretation of PS. 118). She was not alien to sinful temptations. "After all, God without sin" (St. Ambrose Mediansky. Ibid), and a person will always have in himself that you need to fix it and improve to fulfill the Commandment: "Saint Bu, Yako Az Saint Ey, Lord God God" (Lion 19: 2). The cleaner who is more perfect, the more he notices his imperfections and the more unfoundedly he thinks.

Virgo Maria, alone who gave God, although he reflected from herself any prolongation to sin, the weakness of human nature was stronger than others and wishes the survival of the Savior. She won himself in humility to be unworthy to be the maid having him to give birth to Virgin. In order for nothing disturbed it from prayer and attention to himself, Maria gave God to be a vow of celibacy, in order to please all his life to him only. The collapsed Older Joseph, when her years did not allow her to stay more at the temple, she settled in his house in Nazareth. Here he was honored to arrive the arrival of Archangel Gabriel, who gave her birth to her from her Most High. "Rejoice, gracious: Lord with you. Blessed are you in the wives ... the Holy Spirit will find on the stage and the strength of the Vyshnya will fall out; The son of God, the Son of God (Luch. 1: 28-35) admits to the holy son.

Mary Angelic Angels adopted humbly and submissively. "Then the word, as he knows himself, lowered and, as he left itself, wondered, entered Maria and settled in it" (prep. Efrem Sirin. Purchase Song of the Mother of God). "Like zipper illuminates the intimate and Christ cleans the intimate nature. He cleared the virgin, and then he was born to show that, where Christ, cleanliness is manifested there in the whole. Clealed the virgin, preliminary with the Holy Spirit, and then the womb, becoming clean, hurries it. Cleaned the virgin when she was blameless, why and born left the virgin. I do not say that Mary has become immortal, but that, spoken by grace, she was not indignant to sinful wishes. " (Prep. Ephraim Sirin. Word on heretics, 41). "The light was settled in her, my mind was washed, pure her thoughts, hesitated her care, consecrated her virginity" (prep. Efrem Sirin. Maria and Eve). "Human concepts made gracious-clean" (Bishop of Ignatius Bryanchaninov. Statement of the teachings of the Orthodox Church about the Mother of God).

Maria did not tell anyone about the angel's phenomenon, but the angel himself declared Joseph about the wonderful conception of Marieu from the Holy Spirit (MF. 1: 18-25), and at the birth of Christ with a lot of military heavened shepherds. Shepherds, having to bow down the newborn, said they heard about him. Previously, silently undergoing suspicion, Maria now silently listened and "heded in his heart" the words about the greatness of his son (Luke 2: 8-19). She heard in 40 days by the praise of Simeon's prayer and the prediction of weapons, which would pass through her soul. After saw, Jesus succeeded in wisdom, heard him in 12 years we teaching in the temple and everything "observed ... in his heart" (Lux 2: 21-51).

Although fertile, she was not quite easy to see what the ministry and the greatness of her son will consist. Jewish concepts about the Messiah were close to her, and the natural feelings made her take care of him, guarding him from excessive, as it could seem, works and dangers. Therefore, it became involuntarily in the way she became on the path of her son, which caused his instructions on the superiority of the spiritual kinship over bodily (MF. 12: 46-49). "He had a care and his mother's honor, but much more about her spiritual salvation and the welfare of people, for which the fleet was enhanced" (John Zlatoust. Interpretation on the Gospel of John, conversation 12). Maria has enjoyed this and, "hearing the speech of God, kept it" (Lux. 11: 27-28). Oddly, she had the same feelings as Christ (FLP. 2: 5), the maternal sorrow was badly moved, when she saw her son with persecuted and suffering. Announced on the day of the resurrection, she enjoyed the power on the day of Pentecost (Lux. 24:49). The Holy Spirit "He taught everything" (John 14:26), and "taught the truth for any" (John 16:13). Enlightened, she was still right to work to work hearing from her son and the Redeemer to go to him and be with him.

The end of the earth's life of the Blessed Virgin Mary to be the beginning of her greatness. "Plugged by Divine Glevoy" (Iros Canon's Assumption), it stands, will stand on the day of a terrible court and in the future century, the saint's sown's sister, reigns with him and has a keen on him, like his mother in the flesh and as unfulfilled in spirit As the will of God created and the other learned (MF. 5:19). Loving and merciful, she is love for his son and God manifests his love to the human race, it is presented for him to merciful and, by commuting the land, helps people.

I experienced all the severity of the earthly life, the intercession of the kind of Christian sees every tear, he hears every lamination and plea drawn to her. Especially it is close to those who work in the fight against passions and are jealous of life-life. But in everyday care, it is an indispensable assistant. "All mournful joy, and offended intercession, and accurate nutrient, strange consolation, spurred, sick, sick, weak cover and intercession, the rod of old age, Mati God Vysnyago, you are the pretty" (the poemic of odigitria). "Hope, and the PRESENCE, and the refuge of Christians," in the "Prayers of the Prayer Mother of God" (Kondak Assumption), "Saving Peace internally, the Prayer Prayer" (the Virgin of the 3rd Glass), "Day and night praises about us and the Skipstra of the Kingdom of Her prayers are approved "(Casual Quarter).

There is no mind and words to express the greatness of the one that was born in a sinful human role, but became the honest cherub and the sorry Seraphim. "Insissible God's and divine secrets in vain in the Virgin grace that is and executed clearly, I am glad and the image of intelligence is not-free, strange and inademic, as choosing a clean one is wondering than all creatures visible and intelligible. Skinny praise, though, I am horrifyingly, the mind and word, Obache, daring, preaching and greatly: this is the village of Heavenly "(Ikos introduction to the temple). "Unsfoliates all kinds of tongue in the property, the mind and premium Petit Peta, the Virgin, Obech, the good of the land, faith, and for the love of Weighing Divine to our: you bo Christian Esi Substitute, Major" (IRMOS 9th Epiphany Songs).

Ieromona John (Maksimovich), Inok Milkovsky Abode of Introduction to the Temple of the Most Holy Mother of God. Yugoslavia, 1928

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People pray to the holy so that they help them in some complicated matter, healed from the ailments. When we appeal to the Virgin, we ask her to hear us and fulfill our request. The Mother of God is a mediator between the world of people and God. She gives God our words and prays him about our happiness.

The Mother of God is the earthly mother of Jesus Christ. In the Catholic tradition, it is customary to call the Queen of Heaven. The Virgin gave birth to the light of the Savior after immaculate conception: he descended by the Holy Spirit. The Orthodox Church celebrates the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin every year. People who came to the temple sing the laudation of prayers and the glorious image.

The Mother Original Rule - Prayer "Virgin Delo, Rejoice ..."

This short prayer It has another name. It includes the appeal of the Archangel Gabriel to the Mother of God with the words of the joy that the Savior of the human kind of human Jesus Christ will be born in the spirit of the Music of the Virgin.

"The Virgin Delo, rejoice, the graceful Marie, the Lord with you: You are blessed in the wives, and blessed the fruit of your female, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls."

People appeal to this prayer when the trouble is closest. If someone from your relatives fell ill, and doctors are unable to help him, then read this rule. If your prayer is sincerely, the Most High Deva will definitely respond and help get out of a difficult life situation.

Even if you do not threaten danger, you can still read this rule to protect yourself from heavy life turns. Thanks to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you will avoid many temptations and diseases.

Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky, being in the Diveevian monastery, decided to remind the statements that if you read this rule 150 times and get around the groove, it goes down from the heavens of the Mother of God and would cover you with a bright Omophore.

This appeal has a wonderful power, because it indicates the exit in a deadlock and softens the evil hearts. Even if the help to wait is very now now, this rule brings calmness and gives hope for the celebration of justice.

Prayer for the Most Holy Virgin about healing from ailments

Prayer is sincerely appeal to God. This is a call of a man's soul when he is confused and does not know who to seek help. If a person is severely sick, then you can read next prayer Virgin, and soon a miracle will happen:

"My tsarice is predictive, my hope, the Virgin Morod, the privifulity of the Syrah and Strange Substitute, Grieving Joy, insulted by patroness! See my trouble, seeing my sorrow; Pomping mi, Yako Weekly, Okammy, I, Yako strange! Harmony of my weight - Allow those whims of Volishi! Yako is not imam in wanting help, don't you, nor a bird's present, nor burghi comforter, Tokmo to you, about the Bogomati! Yako Yes, save me and covered in eyelids. Amen".

Prayer is best known by heart. It is necessary that the words accurately reached the hearing of God's mother. Persons are presented in the sources in the Church Slavonic language, as well as translated. It's easier for a person to remember the prayer written by the modern language. But you can also write a prayer on a piece of paper and put it in a wallet to wear as a charm. Let nobody know about it, and the Virgin may turn away from you.

It is worth understanding that if you decide to enter the path of religious education, then the church charter must be observed. If you have made a choice to read in the morning and in the evening prayer, then try to avoid taking meat food.

Prayers of the Virgin Mary possess big powers. If you will periodically read them, then the desired will surely come true. It is necessary to believe due to prayers, then their impact on your life will be tangible. Remember that if someone else is in the house besides you, it is best to read a prayer for yourself so that you are not heard. Communication with God is an intimate matter of everyone. Always remember the holy prayers and do not forget to press the buttons and

12.07.2015 09:26

For each Orthodox Christian, it is extremely important to pray and righteously to live his life, committing both ...

The Mother Original Prayer is also known as the Lord. It is resorted for each other case.

Virgin Devo, rejoice,

The history of the appearance and spread of prayer

Prayer "Virgin Mary, Delo, Rejoice" called an angelic greeting. Such words, the Heavenly Messenger Archangel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary good news about the rapid birth of the Savior. The event itself described the evangelist of Luke. Prayer is sometimes called "Angelic News."

This day is celebrated by Orthodox Christians as an appeal. IN folk traditions It laid big sacred meaning. From the holiday, the real spring begins, the benefit of the news awakens nature. The abnormal of heaven is open to prayers.

The text of the prayer appeared in the early years of Christianity and quickly spread through countries where Christianity is confess. All known "Ave, Maria" (translation - rejoice, Maria) is a prayer for Latin. She touches in his pure heavenly beauty even the souls of convinced atheists.

I survived the Mother Original Prayer time of oblivion. And reminded her of the laymen of Seraphim Sarovsky. It was he who introduced the rule of daily reading of prayer. Holy Extremely honored God's Mother and founded the monastery of the Virgin - the Diveev monastery.

Mother's prayer from the bottom of the sea will give. This is confirmed by numerous historical facts. When Great Patriotic War I did not gently gentle, they survived those fighters, whose mother or wife was sewn into the gymnasters, caps or loudspeakers "challenges" with the text of the prayer "Virgin, Delo, rejoice."

The mother of Jesus Christ is honored everywhere, but the Russians have a special attitude towards her. The Mother of God favors Russia and is considered by her patroness - protects, protects, cuts out of the troubles, saves from misfortunes.

When and why read prayer

Prayer "Virgin Mary, Delo, Rejoice" is part of the daily morning and evening rules.

The Mother Original Prayer in the temples sounds three times in the morning worship and once in the evening. At home, it can be read as much as you like and ever.

Torricular people treat this prayer to Mother of Christ during pilgrim trips. Helps the Virgin, if necessary, distant complex hiking transitions. The path to any shrine in 7, 15, even 20 kilometers pilgrims are shown behind the choir singing of the text of the Maiden.

With the words "The Virgin, Delo, Rejoice" will dip in the hole in baptism or perform ablution in key sources.

To whom and how the prayer helps today

Prayer "Virgin Mary, Delo, Rejoice" has colossal strength and is able to help in any difficult situation. Whatever happened in life, you need to trust the Mary of Maria, and all the difficulties will disappear, as if by magic.

Having thought about something, guessing the desire, you need to give yourself a vow to read a prayer for a certain number of times over a certain number of days. It will be a certain prayerful work, even perhaps a feat. But the effort spent will not be unrequited.

A request after reading is set out in your own words. In difficult life situationsFor example, during surgery or severe disease, someone from loved ones, it is all pronounced, with any opportunity.

Under the cover of the Virgin Mary are all resorting to her with prayer. They turn to the protigrous maiden in minutes of disorder and despondency. It helps to avoid loneliness. "I read the prayer as I talked to Mother," they say in the people.

Help Mother of God will follow very soon. The Lord can not refuse his mother. She is an intercession and a suit for all Orthodox Christians.

Rules of appeal to the Mother of God for help

After reading the text of the prayer, you can ask Maria the Virgin about anything. If the desired is really necessary, the Virgin Mary will definitely respond and will definitely help.

You can and need to pray to the Virgin for other people. First of all, pray for children, their relatives and benefactors.

Separately remember those who are on the way, and ask for help in all endeavors.

Prayer read, going to leave the house. Helps appealing to the Mother of God for Family Disorders and Other complex situationsWhen you need to reconcile with the enemies and pacify the ill-wishers.

It is necessary to resort to prayer with humility, attention and diligence. The main thing is to penetrate the whole soul and not be afraid of your feelings. Then the Mother of God hears the request.

Having received the desired, it should be applied with gratitude to God and his mother. And it is impossible to be proud, boasting your prayer zeal, you can lose everything achieved.

How to read prayer

At first, it is difficult to repeat the prayer of 150 times. Therefore, the process is better divided during the day by 15 times 10 repetitions.

But if during the day it is not enough time, you can use the Council of Seraphim Sarovsky. He recommended reading the "Father Our" three times a day, three times the "Virgin Major" and once "Symbol of Faith."

Particularly diligent prayer rooms, monks, hermits perform a special Virgin Rule, which includes other prayers, excerpts from the Gospel, as well as akathist (praise, hymn). At the same time, they remember all the stages of the life path of God's Mother from birth to death.

In the temples pray, standing in any or especially revered in the family icons with the image of the Virgin.

Text and value

The text of the prayer is clearly divided into three parts. The first, as already mentioned at the beginning, said Arkhangel Gabriel. This appeal to the Virgin Mary and alert about the upcoming Christmas of the Baby Jesus.

The fact that the most famous from all earthly women was evidenced by the Holy Route Elizaveta - the future mother of John the Baptist, the relative of Mary, her first Maria informed the joyful news.

The last, final part is very important. This is a symbol of the possibility of the redemption of sins, for the birth of Christ and his subsequent earthly life about this testify.

Virgin Devo, rejoice,
Fertile Marie, Lord with you,
blessed you in the wives
and blessed with the fruit of your fraught
Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

In Russian

Virgin Mary Virgin Mary, performed by the grace of God, rejoice! Lord arms to you; Blessed you are between my wives and blessed frown, you born, because you gave birth to the Savior of the souls to our.

Prayer 1st

To whom I will have, Vladychitsa? Who resserved in my sorrows, isn't it for you, the queen of heaven? Who is crying my and sinking my binding, isn't you, forekloric, hopefully Christians and refuge us, sinful? WHO WILL PROTECT YOU WILL PROTECT? We hear a slaughter of my womb and scream your ear to me, the Mother of Mother's Mother of God, and do not despise me, requires your help, and do not remove me, sinning. Inceckers and teach me, the queen of heaven; Do not retreat from me, the slave of yours, Vladychitsa, for the Raptation of my, but let me Mati and the intercession. I give myself a merciful cover to yours: bring me, sinning, to a quiet and serene life, but we are looking at Gresh my. To whom Bo is resorted by the borrowed Az, not to you, hopefully and refuge the sinful, hope for the ineffable mercy and the generotes of your salary? About Vladychitsa, Queen Heaven! You hope and refuge, cover and intercession and help. Queen is my preparing and ambulance, my preventive petition, to protect me from the enemy visible and invisible; Soften hearts evil manarmed at me. About Mati Lord My Creator! You are the root of virginity and unfavorable color of purity. About the Virgin! You are supposed to help with a weak carnal passion and a painful heart, one and your son and the god of our imam interpreting; And your stupid intercession can get rid of any trouble and attack, about the foreloping and the Pressenger of God Mati Marie. Tormy with the verbose of verb and yoke: Rejoice, fertile; Rejoice, delighted; Rejoice, predicted: Lord with you!

Prayer 2nd

Queen is my preparing, my hope, the Mother of God, the priviful hitch of the sirah and strange subsidiaries, which are grieving joy, inspired by patroness! See my batch of seeing my sorrow, pomping, I can be sad, shames, sly, is strange. Miscellaneous of my weight, allow the one, Impo Volishi: Yako is not imam in wanting to help you, nor a bird's present, nor Bogia comforter, Tokmo to you, about the Bogomati, Yako yes, save me and covered in eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 3rd

About the Most Holy Devo, Mother of the Lord Vynyago, the intercession and the cover of everyone, who are resorting to you! Watch from the height of the Holy Handie on me, the sinner (name), seizable to the preching image of yours; I hear my warm prayer and bring Ye before beloved the son of your son, our Lord Jesus Christ; his mind, yes, ozarks the gloomy soul my light of the Divine grace of God, yes will save me from all kinds of need, grief and illness, yes low to me a quiet and peaceful life, the health is bodily and mental, and it umiths my head and healed my wounds, let me push me For good deeds, my mind from the Thiege Thiege Thickness, I will consider the fulfillment of my commandments, I will take rid of my heaven of kingdoms, and I will not deprive your heaven. About the Most Holy Mother of God! You, "all the grieving joy", hear and me, sorrow; You, referred to as "sorrow", quench and my sadness; You, "busty unalitable", save the world and all of us from malicious fiery armed arrows; You, the "recovery of the dead," do not, not, and for me to die in the abyss of my sins. On the boo bose all my hope and hope. Budge to me in the life of a temporary intercession, and about the life of eternisters before your son, the Lord, by our Jesus Christ, Guodatais. Teaching me to the worker with the faith and love of serving, the same, the Most Mother of God, the Mother of God, is reverently honorably to the condense of my days. Amen.

Prayer 4th

Virgo Mother of the Virgin, who worn in the womb of the Savior of Christ and God of our god, lay on you all my hope, I hope for you, the highest of all celestial strength. You, the most preching, guard me by Divine Your Grate. Governance my life is mine and guide according to the saint will of your son and our God. Give me to leaving the sin, be me refuge, cover, protecting and supervisor, transmitting eternal life. In the terrible hour, the mortal would not leave me, my master, but speed up to help me and disappear from the bitter torment of demons. For in more than their own, you have and strength; We pretend to be a truly Mother of God and over all who is dominic, and you have a common one who has been brought to your gifts from us unworthy of your slaves, the bad, all the birth of the Mother of God, selected from all kinds, which turned out to be the highest of all the creatures of heaven and earthly. Alone, you learned the Son of God, through you, the Lord had become with us, and we were encouraged by the saint body and blood of him, then you are blessed in childbirth, the Holy Holy Cherubimov and the Sorny Serafimov; And now, who has been playing, all-in-law, do not fully be silent for us, unworthy of your slaves to get rid of us from any of the goat Lukavago and from any extreme, and observe invulnerable at any nuclear income. Even to the end of your prayers, you will save us unlucky, and you will always be saved by your intercession and you will always be represented by glory, praise, thanksgiving and worshiping in the Trinity of God and the creator of all. The good and predicted laddy, Mother of Bolago, all-incaging and extensive God, on the prayer of the unworthy and indebugo the slave of yours is a merciful ocom of yours, and go with me in the great grace of inevitable to your industry and not loose on my pregriction, and in the word, and in the case, And every feeling was presented, arbitrarily and involuntarily, with jurisdiction and by ignorance, and update all me, having promoted the temple of Vomblegotago, the life-gloomy and dominal spirit of the Spirit, which is the power of Vysnyago, and familiar to your all-time womb, and dwell in it. For you are an assistant to bombed, the presenter of the distinguished, the savory of the broken, the pier of the challenge, the defender and the intercession of those in extremes. Give the slave to your crushing, the silence of thoughts, the constancy of thought, the mind of the chawed, soberness of the soul, the humble image of thoughts, the sophisticated and sober mood of the Spirit, the temper of the prudent and landscaped, who serves as a sign of spiritual collens, also piety and the world as our Lord gave his disciples. May my prayer in the holy temple and your housing in your glory; My eyes will freeze the sources of tears, and yes, you wash me with my own tears, you clean the threads of my tears, cleaning me from the bad passion. Gathering the handwriting of my sin, scorching the clouds of my sorrows, MGLU and confusion of thoughts, removed from me a storm and the aspiration of passions, keep me in a gentleling and silence, silenced my spiritual surveillance, hesitated and rely on me with the joy inhale, cheerful to the right of the commandments Your son walked, I was right and unshamed with a unspanitious consistency. I give me a prayer to me, and a pure prayer, so that I was constantly the day and night, I had a word of divine scriptures and night, I decided to give me the words of Divine Scriptures, and I brought a prayer to the glory in the glory of the Son Your Lord of our Jesus Christ. He also applies any glory, honor and worship now, and always, and forever and ever! Amen.

Miliation to the Mother of God

What to pray you to ask you? You see everything, you know yourself: look into my soul and give her what she needs. You, all undergoing, all premier, - will understand everything. You, who hurt the baby in the manger and taking it with her own hands from the cross, you alone you know all the height of joy, the whole burns of grief. You, who entered the adoption of the whole human genus, look at me with maternal concern. From the Tenet Sin, bring me to my son. I see a tear, irrigated your face. It is necessary for me, you shed her and let her move tracks of my limits. So I came, I'm standing, I'm waiting for your response, about the Mother of God, Oh, Four, Oh, Vladychitsa! I do not ask anything, just stand before you. Only my heart, a poor human heart, exhausted in the longing of the truth, I will turn to your preching legs, Vladychitsa! Give everyone who calls you, to reach the eternal day to you and the face to worship you.

This article comprises: prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos Main - information is taken from the Corps of the World, electronic network and spiritual people.

To whom I will have, Vladychitsa? Who resserved in my sorrows, isn't it for you, the queen of heaven? Who is crying my and sinking my binding, isn't you, forekloric, hopefully Christians and refuge us, sinful? WHO WILL PROTECT YOU WILL PROTECT? We hear a slaughter of my womb and scream your ear to me, the Mother of Mother's Mother of God, and do not despise me, requires your help, and do not remove me, sinning. Inceckers and teach me, the queen of heaven; Do not retreat from me, the slave of yours, Vladychitsa, for the Raptation of my, but let me Mati and the intercession. I give myself a merciful cover to yours: bring me, sinning, to a quiet and serene life, but we are looking at Gresh my. To whom Bo is resorted by the borrowed Az, not to you, hopefully and refuge the sinful, hope for the ineffable mercy and the generotes of your salary? About Vladychitsa, Queen Heaven! You hope and refuge, cover and intercession and help. Queen is my preparing and ambulance, my preventive petition, to protect me from the enemy visible and invisible; Soften the hearts of evil people who work on me. About Mati Lord My Creator! You are the root of virginity and unfavorable color of purity. About the Virgin! You are supposed to help with a weak carnal passion and a painful heart, one and your son and the god of our imam interpreting; And your stupid intercession can get rid of any trouble and attack, about the foreloping and the Pressenger of God Mati Marie. Tormy with the verbose of verb and yoke: Rejoice, fertile; Rejoice, delighted; Rejoice, predicted: Lord with you!

Queen is my preparing, my hope, the Mother of God, the priviful hitch of the sirah and strange subsidiaries, which are grieving joy, inspired by patroness! See my batch of seeing my sorrow, pomping, I can be sad, shames, sly, is strange. Miscellaneous of my weight, allow the one, Impo Volishi: Yako is not imam in wanting to help you, nor a bird's present, nor Bogia comforter, Tokmo to you, about the Bogomati, Yako yes, save me and covered in eyelids. Amen.

About the Most Holy Devo, Mother of the Lord Vynyago, the intercession and the cover of everyone, who are resorting to you! Watch from the height of the Holy Handie on me, the sinner (name), seizable to the preching image of yours; I hear my warm prayer and bring Ye before beloved the son of your son, our Lord Jesus Christ; his mind, yes, ozarks the gloomy soul my light of the Divine grace of God, yes will save me from all kinds of need, grief and illness, yes low to me a quiet and peaceful life, the health is bodily and mental, and it umiths my head and healed my wounds, let me push me For good deeds, my mind from the Thiege Thiege Thickness, I will consider the fulfillment of my commandments, I will take rid of my heaven of kingdoms, and I will not deprive your heaven. About the Most Holy Mother of God! You, "all the grieving joy", hear and me, sorrow; You, referred to as "sorrow", quench and my sadness; You, "busty unalitable", save the world and all of us from malicious fiery armed arrows; You, the "recovery of the dead," do not, not, and for me to die in the abyss of my sins. On the boo bose all my hope and hope. Budge to me in the life of a temporary intercession, and about the life of eternisters before your son, the Lord, by our Jesus Christ, Guodatais. Teaching me to the worker with the faith and love of serving, the same, the Most Mother of God, the Mother of God, is reverently honorably to the condense of my days. Amen.

Virgo, Veldist, Virgin, Page of the Nature and Words who born the only beggar of God, the Word, Creator and Vladyka with all the visible and invisible creatures, one from the Trinity of God, God and the Man, who pretended to the inhabitants of the Divine, Celebrate all the shrines and grace, in which, for the favor of God and Father , with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, bodily dwells the fullness of the Divine; Inracted by Bogrigent advantage and the preview of the Honor of the Angels, the royal crown of the apostles and the prophets, the prenemic and wonderful courage of the Martyrs, the victorious of the victims and the grooves of the Ventes and the devastations of the Militias and Renovation and the glory of the reverend, the uncompressive travel companion and the mentor of the silence, the door of the revelations and spiritual secrets, the source of light, the gate of eternal life, the inexhaustible river of the mercy, the inexhaustible sea of \u200b\u200ball Bograypoints and miracles, you ask you and begging you, the compassionate Mother of Personal Lubya, whether , humble and unworthy of your slaves, Reviews are bless with the captivity and humility of our, rub the scroll of the souls and bodies of our, rushing visible and invisible enemies, be for us unworthy, before the soup of our enemies of our strong pillar, sworn weapons, strong militia, promotion and incruise Early, show the ancient now on us and wonderful gracefulness of yours, and you know the lawless enemies, that your son is and God is the king and the lord that you are truly the Virgin, who gave birth to the truth of God, that everything is possible to you, and what neither email, Lady, you have the power to commit In the sky and on earth, and for any petition to bestow what is useful: sick health, which is in Mori silence and good shipping. Traveling up letters and guard them, prisoners save from Gorkago slavery, comforting sad, make it easier for poverty and any other bodily malformation: everyone freedoms from mental illness and passions, invisible to your reprehension and suggestions, in order, well and incomprehensively committing this time life, we have suffered Through you and the eternal benefits in the kingdom of heaven. The faithful, who are honored by the terrible name of the Son of Your Personality and the mercy of your son and the mercy of yours and in all of you who have your own gudataaisu and compete, strengthen the invisibly against the surrounding enemies, the rushes of a cloud of despondency, tighting their souls, save them from the shower, and give them a bright The most grateful and joy, laying the world and serene in their hearts. Save your prayers, Vladychitsa, this is predominantly dedicated to the flock, the whole, city and country, from hunger, earthquake, sumps, fire, sword, invasions of the interemphetics, internecine breeding, and all the righteous of the anger will turn off, on the favor and grace of the Son And your God, Jesh, approves every glory, honor and worship, with his original father, with a sign and life-friendly spirit, now and always, and forever. Amen.

Oh, Vladychitsa! Yes, not the tasteful and Vousy, we nourish you by the Lady: Yavi and rend on us your holy, living, effective dominion. Javi, for everything can be good, I can Mati all-incumbent all-bad kings; Outleeping the darkness of our hearts, reflect the arrows of the slices, flattering on us movable. The world of your son, your world is so reigning in our hearts, but everyone is blindly exclaimed: who, after the Lord, is our lord, all-inclusive, all-stock and abstreat of our assumption? You are exalted, Ladyman, on the abundance of an unspeakable divine grace to you, on the wrong jergeon and the strength of the throne of God and the gift of the Almighty Prayer are given to you, on the wrong holiness and the purity of the blessing, to you, the power of the powerfulness from the Lord is given, To save you, defend, implicit, clean and save us, the legacy of your son and God, and yours. Save us, oh, the prechile, all-inclusive, reminding and all-aggregate! You boasts of our Savior Savior of our, which of all the names favor more thance the Savior Savior. For us, we are interested in seaside, it is intended to fall, because we are taxed by the flesh of multiiliate, surrounded by the spirits of the Evil Primbus, sexually segmented by sin, we live in the world of adulterators and sinful, seducing in sin; And you are above all sin, you have the sun's sun, you are the most prediendly, all-inclusive and all-stock, you tend to clean us, deserved sins, as a mother cleans their children if we call you humbly about help, you tend to raise us, increasingly falling , to guard and save us, viscasted from the perfumes, and instruct us to march to any savory path.

What to pray you to ask you? You see everything, you know yourself: look into my soul and give her what she needs. You, all undergoing, all premier, - will understand everything. You, who hurt the baby in the manger and taking it with her own hands from the cross, you alone you know all the height of joy, the whole burns of grief. You, who entered the adoption of the whole human genus, look at me with maternal concern. From the Tenet Sin, bring me to my son. I see a tear, irrigated your face. It is necessary for me, you shed her and let her move tracks of my limits. So I came, I'm standing, I'm waiting for your response, about the Mother of God, Oh, Four, Oh, Vladychitsa! I do not ask anything, just stand before you. Only my heart, a poor human heart, exhausted in the longing of the truth, I will turn to your preching legs, Vladychitsa! Give everyone who calls you, to reach the eternal day to you and the face to worship you.

Also read on our website:

Icons of the Mother of God - information about the types of icon painting, the descriptions of most icons of the Mother of God.

Life of saints - section dedicated to the lives of Orthodox saints.

Novice christian - Information for those who recently came to the Orthodox Church. Instructions in spiritual life, basic information about the temple, etc.

Literature - Collection of some Orthodox literature.

Orthodoxy and Okkultism - View of Orthodoxy for fortune telling, psychic, evil eye, damage, yoga and similar "spiritual" practices. - Orthodox Internet Distance Learning Course. We recommend to pass this course to all novice Orthodox Christians. Training over the Internet goes twice a year, sign up for the following courses today!

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Prayers for the Blessed Virgin

About the Most Mrs. Ladychitsa Virgin Mary! Erend us, the slave of God ( names) From the depth of sinful and get rid of us from death sudden and from any evil. Guess, Mrs., we are peace and health and enlightened the mind and eyes of heart, sinners, the kingdom of your son, the sin of your son, the Christ of our son: Jaco's powers of His blessed with his father and the Most His Spirit.

Most Holy Devo, Mother of the Lord, show me, we bring up, and the slaves of God ( names) The ancient grace of yours: lowered the spirit of the mind and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. She, Mrs. Prechaya! Milostiv to me Budi Zea and on the Scary Court. You boas, Mrs., the glory of Heaven and the hope of terrestrial. Amen.

Unwair, unlable, unwanted, therapy, non-invalid Bogopevo, the Virgin Mary Marie, Ms. World and Hope! Watch on me, sinning, in the hour of this and the eggent of the pure blood of your inseciomeznozno bore the Esi of the Lord Jesus Christ, I prefer me to make my mother's prayers; That ripe convicted and weapons of sadness in the heart of a vulnerable, you vulnerable my soul my Divine Love! Togo in the UzAs and rules of the horsepower mourning, tears of crushing to me darue; With a free one to death, the soul is severely whimpering, diseases of them freedom, and I can Slavs, worthy of the famous forever. Amen.

The intercession is a diligent, fragrant Lord Mati! To you, I resort to AZ, the pupinous and more of all the people of the sinner: the won praying of my prayer, and the cry of my and the lance of hear. Yako lawlessness is my forehead of my head and Az, I am a ship in the Pochini, I immerse yourself in the sea of \u200b\u200bmy sins. But you, all-inclusive and merciful Vladychitsa, do not despite me, desperynago and Gresh dyingly; Pommuyu me, Kayuchagosya in the evil decele of my, and turn to the path of the right lack of ankanese soul. On you, Mother Vladychitsa, I have all the hope of my. You, Mother of God, Save and follow your telescope, now and are confronted and forever. Amen.

The Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mary, a single pure soul and body, a single eighteenth full of purity, chastity and virginity, the uniform fully pretended by the Human grace of all sorts of breath, the smallest of the best forces here is still incomparably surpassed the cleanliness and shrine of the souls and body, proud the soul And the body turns out the perfectness of my life of my life, to cleanse passionate my mind, immaculate prefigure and the landscaping of my wandering and pinching thoughts, bring my feelings and guide them, freeing me from tormented by me Zlago and Gnusnago skill to unclean prejudice and passions, stop all Sin, overshadowed in me, donate sober and disinterested to correct your excuses and falls, so that, having freesed from sinful darkness, I made a daring to glorify and picked you, the uniform Mother of Truthful Light - Christ, our God; Because you are alone with him and about him blesses and famous any invisible and visible creature now, and always, and forever. Amen.

About the Most Holy Devo, Mother of the Lord Vynyago, the intercession and the cover of everyone, who are resorting to you! Watch from the height of the Holy Handie on me, the sinner (name), seizable to the preching image of yours; I hear my warm prayer and bring Ye before beloved the son of your son, our Lord Jesus Christ; his mind, yes, ozarks the gloomy soul my light of the Divine grace of God, yes will save me from all kinds of need, grief and illness, yes low to me a quiet and peaceful life, the health is bodily and mental, and it umiths my head and healed my wounds, let me push me For good deeds, my mind from the Thiege Thiege Thickness, I will consider the fulfillment of my commandments, I will take rid of my heaven of kingdoms, and I will not deprive your heaven. About the Most Holy Mother of God! You, "all the grieving joy", hear and me, grumble; You, referred to as "sorrow", quench and my sadness; You, "busty unalitable", save the world and all of us from malicious fiery armed arrows; You, the "recovery of the dead," do not, not, and for me to die in the abyss of my sins. On the boo bose all my hope and hope. Budge to me in the life of a temporary intercession, and about the life of eternisters before your son, the Lord, by our Jesus Christ, Guodatais. Teaching me to the worker with the faith and love of serving, the same, the Most Mother of God, the Mother of God, is reverently honorably to the condense of my days. Amen.

Prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The ancient world was waiting for the arrival of the Savior for a very long time. And this thought is saturated all Old Testament. But why the Messiah did not appear in the human world for so long!? The whole thing is that only a woman who was ready to give birth to the son of God, who was ready for the great feat of self-denial and endless love. She had to fully entrust her life to God and would agree to the immaculate conception of her son. We passed the century and only when Mary's Virgo appeared on the light - it became possible.

Who is the Holy Mother of God

The Mother of God is the most humble and clean Virgin, which ever was born on earth.

In Christian confessions, the Holy Maria is referred to in different ways:

  • Virgo or Salne, because Maria in his ministry God remained a virgin and conception God's Son. was immaculate;
  • The Mother of God, because she is in the earthly life of the mother of the Son of God;
  • Spearness, as Maria with humility adopted the command of God to give birth to a son from the Holy Spirit.

Holy Scripture About the Virgin

The Scripture contains a description of only a few episodes of the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who reveal her personality. All information about the life of the mother of God can only be found in the church legend, which contains ancient legends and church-historical writings.

The main information about the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary is contained in the "First-choicehelege Jacob", written in about 150. After R. Kh. Virgo Maria was born in the family of the righteousness of Joachim from Nazareth and Anna from Bethlehem. The parents of the Virgin Mary were outdated from noble royal childbirth. They lived together in harmony to old age, but God never gave them children. But the time came and their pious was marked by the Most High and Angel told them a joyful news that soon they would have a noble daughter.

Follow an important event In the life of the future mother of God is a moment when a three-year-old girl parents led to the Jerusalem Temple to dedicated to God. The baby independently overcame fifteen steps, and she came to meet the high priest Zakhariya, who was given an indication of over the story Glump of the sanctuary, where none of believers had the right to go.

At the age of 14, Virgo Maria independently decided to devote all his life to God and gave a vow about virgin. At the same time, she was engaged with the older Joseph, which came from the royal genus David through Solomon. They lived in Nazareth and the hoop took care of the Virgin Mary, provided it and defended it if necessary.

About the Annunciation, when the Holy Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to the Most Holy Virgin Mary with the good news of the birth of the Son, tells in his revelations of Saint Luka. With great humility and humility, a young woman took the news that she should become the mother of God. Angel also appeared to Joseph and said that Mary Mary was conceived from the Holy Spirit. And the husband took the command of God to accept the Virgin as his wife.

When it came to end the end of the life of the earthly to the Holy Virgin during her prayer on the Eleon Mountain, Archangel Gabriel went down from the sky. In his hands, he held a paradise décor branch. He said that in three days the earth's life ended the Most Holy Theotokos and the Lord will take her to him.

So it happened. A minute of death, the room where Virgo Maria was located, illuminated unusual light. And Jesus Christ himself appeared surrounded by angels and took the soul of the Virgin. The brainstorm was buried in the cave at the foot of the Eleon Mountain, where her parents were previously buried.

Introduction to the Church of the Holy Virgin

On December 4, the believers are celebrated by the Great Church Holiday - the introduction to the Church of the Holy Virgin. It is on this day that the moment is celebrated when Maria was given to his parents to serving God. On the very first day, the high priest Zakhariy led the girl in the sanctuary, where it could later go every year on December 4th. In the temple, the girl spent 12 years, after which he independently decided to preserve the Nity in the name of serving God.

A significant day began to celebrate the church for a long time. This is due to the fact that, thanks to the introduction of parents to the Temple, Virgin Mary began his way to serve God, who allowed people on earth to receive their Savior. In all temples on this day, services occur. Prayers, spoken by believers, make the praise of Mary's praise and ask about the intercession of the Virgin before the Most High for everyone praying.

Of course, such a great festival associated with a significant event in the church world has been reflected in icon painting. On Icon on Introduction, Virgo Mary is always depicted in the center. Other actors are parents on one side and the Girl's high priest Zakhariy. Often on icons are depicted in the temple, it was their little Maria who overcame without any help.

In the calendar cycle, this church holiday coincides with the end of the autumn season and the beginning of the winter period.

The Russian Orthodox people also celebrated this day:

  • Holiday of a young family;
  • Opening of the gate of winter;
  • Entering.

Folk signs on this day:

  • After that, it was forbidden to dig the land on the street, so women needed to take care to stock clay for household needs;
  • From this day and before the ninth Thursday, it was not necessary to use racks for ducting linen, otherwise it was possible to cause bad weather;
  • On holiday, it was forbidden to engage in work related to the beating and friction, it was impossible to clean and dig the land.

Since this is a big religious holiday, it was necessary to hold it in harmony and peace with the surrounding people. Very good on this day to invite close friends to visit or go to visit them. Since the introduction always falls on the Christmas post, then on this day it was allowed to diversify the table with fish dishes and drink some wine.

Prayers for the Most Holy Virgin

Orthodox experiencing special and very deep feelings for the Mother of God. It is for all believing people with a model of piety and holiness. To the Most Holy Virgin addressed great amount Prayers, in her honor in great church holidays Worship services are performed and special canons are read.

A lot of prayers are represented in the prayer, with which various reasons can be asked for help from the Most Holy Mother of God. As a woman, she had a lot of trouble and sorridge in the period of earthly life. She fate prepared a fate to lose his own son. The Mother of God knows what needs and dismiss. Therefore, any human trouble finds in the soul in the Music Mother's Mother of God's understanding and sympathy, and any sin delivers her unbearable suffering and she is ready to ask God for the forgiveness of the believer.

Mother's prayers for children

Mother's prayers are very important and effective. They will definitely hear the Most Holy Mother of God. And it doesn't matter how old the child, because always mothers can ask for blessings and protection for him in the mother of God.

It should be remembered that prayer must come from the depths of the heart. It is important to know that it is impossible to pray for the good for your children to the detriment of other people. This is a great sin. Strong prayer The following is considered.

It is read on cover and sounds as follows:

If the child is sick, then you can contact Most Holy Virgin With the following prayer:

A prayer for the Most Holy Virgin about the conception of a child is read at Christmas. Its text sounds like this:

Prayer for sleep coming

In the evening rule of the Orthodox believer also includes prayer to the Most Holy Virgin.

You can use another prayer in the evening:

Babies necessarily require spiritual protection. Therefore, in the evening, moms should be prayed to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for a children's coming dream.

To do this, you can use such a prayer:

Prayers for health

Prayers to the Holy Virgin about health are considered one of the strongest. If you pray for your own health, you can use the following prayer. It is necessarily praining to the icon of the Virgin Mary, but you can do it both in the temple and at home.

Pray for the health of family members, you can another prayer directed to the mother of God:

Prayer "Virgin Delo, Rejoice"

Miraculous is considered the prayer of the "Virgin Delo, rejoice." This is due to the fact that it was these owls that appealed to the Virgin Maria Archangel Gabriel, when she brought her good news about the immaculate conception of the Son of God.

Listen to the audio prayer "The Virgin Delo, Rejoice":

In the original, the prayer in the church language sounds as follows:

In prayer, an appeal to the Virgin Mary is already applied, as the Virgin. But further emphasizes the fact that the Lord will be with her and will support it in the decision. The phrase "blessed in the wives" indicates that God's power of Virgo Maria is glorified among all other wives. The word "ferthod" is emphasized that the woman received the grace of God.

In Russian, this prayer can be translated as follows:

The prayer "The Mother of God Devo ..." is a miraculous Word of God, which is able to give the grace of Saints Heaven. This prayer reflects the aspirations and hope to get help from the Virgin in every grief, as well as to pour for forgiveness and salvation for themselves and their loved ones.

Prayer "Queen is my predictory"

One of the most used prayers, which contains an appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos is "Queen is my preplarative."

It is believed that she:

  • Brings joy to those in need and grieving;
  • Helps offended and offended;
  • Protects poor and wandering.

The text of the prayer sounds as follows:

This prayer is read in front of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, in case there is a need to preserve pregnancy. It is also recommended to read it every day, including in the morning and evening rule.

Any prayer directed to the Most Holy Mother of God should be read correctly. It is important to have a deep faith in the fact that prayer will be heard and assisted. It is impossible to read a prayer carelessly. In each word and phrase, deep respect and respect for the mother of God should be felt. Praying the Holy Mother of God is only in positive mood. In addition, if a believer plans to handle the Prayer of the Blessed Virgin, he must love and read his own mother.

To the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as the Most High and all soles, should be handled with pure thoughts. In the soul should not be hatred, envy and malice. Orthodox faith allows you to pray in your own words. But if a believer will be decided to use the original, then you need to pre-disassemble the entire meaning of the prayer text. Then the original text must be learned to read the prayer, not stuffing. It is allowed to insert B. prayer appeal By the Most Holy Theotok, his own petition for help in his own needs. It is important that your request for help does not contain threats to other people and was not harmful.

When visiting the temple, it is necessary to pray at the icon of the Holy Virgin. Be sure to put candles at the same time. After prayer, you need to stand for some time in silence and think about your life. This will help you buy the desired calmness and set up yourself to the fact that everything that is notice from heaven, you need to accept humbly. In particularly severe life situations, it is allowed to turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary silent. This can be done throughout the day in a secluded place, renovated for a second from all household problems.