The most jealous zodiac signs. The most jealous woman on the sign of the zodiac - who she

The jealousy of women, like their character, is also related to their zodiac sign. Let's look at the risk of zodiac signs, starting with the most unwinning.


The most unwinning zodiac sign does not imagine what jealousy is at all. In addition, when they are jealous, they also do not understand this at all and do not like it.


Women-maiden can not be jealous. If only because jealousy is suspicious, but she does not know how to suspect someone. On the contrary, it is able to immediately catch any changes that can lead to the fact that her partner will want to change it. And then she is ready to accept his choice and say goodbye to him.


Hysteria and suspicions are not for weights. They highly appreciate the harmony in their lives, and even ready to make friends with a potential rival. Although who knows, maybe they simply have such a cunning plan.


Women are firmly confident that the man who is next to her is simply unable to look at another woman. Well, and if such a casus suddenly happens, she will definitely find a replacement.


Although horoscopes argue that all the twins owners, in practice, jealous women among this sign are quite rare. Usually the situation is precisely up to the contrary - non-permanent twins are jealous.


These women are too proud to demonstrate their feelings - and jealousy including. She can even forgive treason - with sight. In fact, will definitely revenge. And if it repeats too often, the relationship will be completed.


They try to hide their jealousy for a cute smile, but it does not always work, as the disturbed grimace see them. And therefore compete with it somehow are afraid. And change too, by the way.


Sagittarius is very jealous, although they never speak about their jealousy. But but they begin to behave in such a way that few of them will definitely not seem to be - scandaling, angry and offended.


They are always jealous and for any occasion. And sometimes even without reason. Hot-tempered, they instantly arrange hysteries, but quickly calm down, and if the jealousy was groundless, they begin to apologize to the beloved.

a lion

A man approached by a lioness even look towards other women's rights does not have anything - this is already treason. After all, a man who is with her, actually in voluntary slavery. And if he suddenly leaves his way, he will not save him anything - and it expects him at least a public spanking.


For scorpions, jealousy is entertainment and warm-up. As a rule, all their scandals without the slightest occasion. But if the reason is still there, the half of the scorpion needs to urgently carry legs - if, of course, I do not want to die a terrible death. And her rival, by the way, too.


And here they are the main revisits of the entire zodiac. They are jealous silently - but from this their revenge will be only worse. Do not try to provoke fish on jealousy - its reaction is the worst thing that will happen to you in this life.

It is believed that the most jealous sign of the zodiac in men - Scorpio. However, there are other constellations under which incredulous and emotional representatives of strong sex are born. Two more signs came to the list of the most Yary modern modern Othello.


Scorpio can not afford not to flirt, but his lady for the same behavior will not regret anything!

They have a domineering character, possess "prosecutor's" thinking, so extremely demanding to a partner. In the desire to control his woman Scorpio always keeps her in sight. Men of this sign are incredulous, but if they love, then all the soul, and do not bring parting, as they consider passion with their property.

The love of scorpion can be compared with the grazing fire of the underworld. Knowing it, you should not provoke his jealousy with stories about the former. It is clear that they are in the past, but once the girl recalls, it means that he still loves. This is how Scorpio is thinking and grows, risking to poison my own poison.

A suspicious representative of the sign is able to emphasize the victim's psyche. He can arrange scandals and even afford the application. Scorpio with high intelligence understands that this is a problem. He knows his drawbacks and tries not to show them. To raise your favorite as much as possible, it will show unprecedented sensitivity and care. But less developed representatives of the sign become manic-picky and annoying in their jealousy. They bring scandals and provocations to despair. To calm the violent scorpion, it is better to provide him with evidence of love.

Girls who do not want outbreaks of jealousy and suspicion should not flirt with others even in a joke, including social networks.


Aries raffled an imaginary opponent without thinking

Representatives of fiery signs are considered unrestrained, and sometimes cruel. So, the habit of talking everything in the forehead brings them a bunch of problems, because in the rustling of jealousy there is a lot of offensive. And the problem is not always the opponent, and just passion in the relationship has become less.

The representatives of the sign often require confirmation of love, but they themselves do not show it too gently. If we bring to the example of a neighbor Vasya, which is attentive to his wife, the storm of jealousy will break. Saw grain doubt on the fiery soul is very simple, it is much more difficult to convince the Aries in the fact that his suspicions are in vain. It will become rushing, like a tiger in a cage, unable to take the attack of rage. Raise your hand on your favorite, in principle, maybe, but more often the opponent suffers - true or imaginary.

The temperament of alpha-male is unlikely, and naive women are so dreaming about it! Trying to manipulate such a man anyway, what to tame a predator - there is a chance, but little, and the danger of being eaten is great.

Jealousy, especially confirmed, tormented and the very Aries is so much that one day he will leave. Just because I accepted such a decision. By thinking alone, it may come back and forgive, but only once.

To avoid all this, you should not be sick, deceive and provoke uncontrolled emotions. It is better to solve all the problems in place using a soft and trust.


Capricorn will not show strong emotions, but the flames of rage will be rage inside it

Men of this sign are considered sullen, but restrained and able to keep themselves in their hands. Everything is so that the case does not concern jealousy, and it is strong at Capricors. Powdly indifference can hide a serious fire in the shower, but in order not to seem weak, these men try to control emotions.

Capricorn - people are rational. They rarely act on Namaum, especially in serious projects. Personal life and is one of these. It would seem that the feelings right here, but the Capricorn is used to always think his head. This gives him the opportunity to make faithful solutions and minimize risks.

Communicating with the chosen, the representative of the sign is studying it for a long time. If he decided she was suitable optionIn relations there are speakers: active courtship, gifts and other marks. In the period when everything is fine, the women's type "I want, I don't want", I "love, I do not like", cause a misunderstanding from Capricorn.

Humming to explain the behavior of the young lady, he suspects treason. At this moment, the cross can be put on the relationship: jealousy will eat a man from the inside, but everything will suffer from it. Trying to form a lost sheep, he can overlap her financial oxygen or come up with something else in this spirit.

To avoid a nightmare of jealousy, not only love should be enlisted, but also respect for Capricorn. A smart and self-sufficient woman who behaves correctly will never become an object for suspicion.

Jealousy - burning and unpleasant feeling. There is no man who has never experienced him at least once. Save relationships is easier if everyone is sure that his love is mutual.

The person is inclined to exercise his most negative emotions, especially when it comes to suspicion of treason. People learned how to restrain inappropriate jealousy, because they know about the consequences of such attacks: scandals, hysterics, tears, divorces. But from an astrological point of view, people of certain signs are stronger than others suspicure and distrust. We have drawn up the rating of the most jealous signs of the zodiac and noted how to behave with each of them.

Number one in ranking - Scorpio

The most jealous of the zodiac

The first rating from the point of view of astrology is Scorpio. Both men and women of this sign are prone to excessive jealousy. Although the scorpion itself is a fate of treason, he will not allow it to make his partner. This astrological sign is the owner, therefore will suspect every person in your environment, check the phone, mail, social networks. Surroundings, checks, interrogations are not excluded. Obsession will lead to the fact that he will begin to infringe on his half, reduce self-esteem, insult, exercise condescension. And if the suspicions are confirmed, then the scorpion will be ready to destroy your reputation and spread crowded rumors everywhere.

Tip: When this zodiac sign is in love, it is always jealous. To cope with this feeling, you need to build trust, open relationships from it from the very beginning. In no case cannot give reasons for jealousy. If the "storm" has already begun, then it needs to be waited, because nothing depends on you. Only patient and calm people will withstand relationships with this jealous zodiac sign.

The reason for jealousy can serve any trifle

Number two by rating - Aries. This sign is a typical jealous. However, it will not control each of your step, arrange interrogations and surveys, check personal correspondence and calls. Jealousy arises suddenly and the occasion can serve any suspicious look in your direction or the word you said. Aries openly declared his suspicion and, most likely, will arrange a loud scene with the remembrance of all your sins. In the rustling of rage can harm you and others. But the representative of this sign quickly leaves after the next attack. Despite its "fiery" essence, he is able to apologize and promise that this will no longer repeat.

Tip: Avoid the jealous setting of Aries is difficult, even if you have exemplary behavior. Since it quickly cools, then you should wait for the next scene of jealousy. At such moments, it is impossible to argue with a solid, to prove its rightness, justify. You need to quietly listen to all reproaches. The patient and submissive people can safely exist with a fiery mark.

Taurus is difficult to call the most jealous - he prefers to suffer one

Taurus closes the top of the jealous signs of the zodiac. It is not jealous of open, but prefers to suffer without showing his feelings. From this sign, you will never raise bright scenes of jealousy and clarifying relationships. He has another tactic - gradually start limiting your freedom and say that you should not work, because he earns enough, it can go to the store itself, and this dress just does not go. If you perfectly look, then for the calf it bad sign. His goal is to burn you from the outside world.

Tip: It's better not to provoke the Taurus, he will keep offended for a long time and to harm the offender. Avoid the attacks of this jealous sign, you can, every day I am convincing him in your love and devotion. It is necessary to praise him and say that you are extremely lucky to be next to him. If the Taurus openly reproaches you in infidelity, it is better to silent, listen to everything and wait for it when he calms down. Real betray usually leads to a rupture of relationships.

Lion is most afraid of falling self-esteem

Continues the rating of the jealousness of the lion, who, unlike the Taurus, will not start locking out his second half of the house, therefore he is a self-smaller and proud sign of the zodiac. On the contrary, he will show you to people to reinforce your position in society. Beautiful appearance partner - an indicator of his perfect choice. But with the time of the lion can overcome the paranoia. He will be afraid rather not your treason, but what he falls in the eyes of others, and self-esteem will be destroyed. Free to let you go where you wish. But at home, perhaps you will put an incredulous and offended partner, who looks contemptuously on you and does not want to talk.

Tip: The manifestations of the jealous nature of the lion can be avoided by love and compliments. It is necessary to praise your half, exceeding it over the other people. Smart Lion will not show emotions on trifles. In general, there should be a person with a slight character, which is guarding him. Lion will not forgive true treason.

Cancer need official confirmation of treason partner

Cancer received this place in the ranking, as it has excessive suspicion. While he will not be fully trusted, he will closely follow your behavior. The jealousy of this astrological sign is manifested due to the fear of losing you. If the cancer is in love, it is obsessed with its half. Like the Taurus, he would be glad to leave you at home under the supervision of relatives. This sign will make you feel guilty. Emotional blackmail is his path, with the help of this receipt, cancer will try to tie you to yourself. Suicidal threats are possible.

Tip: Cancers begin to jealous only after the real facts of your infidelity. It is almost impossible to withstand the jealousy of this sign, for him treason - tragedy. He emotionally tortured you and himself. Provisional behavior cannot be allowed. If you are really guilty in treason, it is better to stop relationships.

It is best not to give the Capricorn no reasons for jealousy.

Capricors love power, so they show their jealous temper through the total control of their halves. This sign simply will not allow you to change. It will control each of your step, call every minute, demand an explanation about where you were and what they did and check the entire circle of your communication, and will also be suspicious to treat everything in your wardrobe or a positive change in appearance. If Capricorn decides that you betrayed him, then breaks the relationship, but will hope that you will beg for forgiveness.

Tip: Prevent Capricorn's jealousy is simply - you can not give any reason for this. Do not behave vulgar and just flirt. It is necessary to become a reliable companion of this sign, to maintain his views, be practical and wise, not allowing frivolity. Periodically, the partner must admire Capricorn.

Scales are usually ready to compromise in the current situation

Representative air sign The zodiac is not particularly jealous and is prone to flirt and treason. It is quite calm to the intrigues of their half, until the real threat to your relationship appears. Jealous open with anger and manifestation of anger, scales will not be rage. They will be closed in themselves to sort out their experiences, or will bring partner to an open dialogue, where each participant can express its opinion. Scales are able to solve the problem created and all the forces will search for a compromise and the most favorable way out of the situation.

Tip: To suppress the jealousy of the scales is very simple - quite frankly and mentally talk to a partner about claims to your address. In relations you always need to support the representative of this sign of the zodiac, take care of him.

Virns love stability in relationships

Virgo is the most practical sign of the zodiac who loves stability. She does not like to openly jealous and arrange scandals. But these astrological signs are very worried about the violated order of things. They know their partner well, so you can easily feel treason. On Voiding Virgo will not waste himself. If you find out about real treason, it will break the relationship, since it will not share with its own. Previously destroy the object of your intrigue.

Tip: To negate the jealousy of the Virgin Easy. It is enough to convince it in the stability of your relationship. Typing this zodiac sign can be gifts, arrange a holiday for it, to surround care and attention and prove that it is the best.

Fish is rheore rarely, but very painfully worried

Fish jealous essentially and rarely. They are the most balanced from all the signs of the zodiac. For them, family and calm in it are important. These signs will not arrange loud proceedings, follow you, constantly suspect. They are able to forgive treason or easy partner's behavior, if they know that it does not hurt their relationship. These signs are offended than jealous. They will never break the relationship because of a simple jealousy, stop the connection with them, in general, difficult.

Tip: Do not force fish to jealous, as the representative of the watermark is painfully experiencing similar emotions. To get rid of the jealousy of this sign, you need to praise and support the partner. You can arrange homemade gatherings and convince the satellite in your reliability, because the fish are able to forgive and put themselves at the place of the interlocutor.

Aquariols need to feel in the first place from a partner

Aquarius is not inclined to show jealousy. It rarely draws attention to the behavior of a partner with other people, definitely will not follow you and tormented in question. You are free to do what you wish. The main thing is that your intrigues do not harm relationships. Aquarius itself is also inclined to friendship with representatives of the opposite sex, therefore allows you to do this satellite. It will break the relationship only if it feels in second place. It is important to be special.

Tip: To cope with the jealousy of Aquarius, it is enough to be honest and open. The representative of this sign of the zodiac must be respected and elevated. Open dialog will allow you to resolve any controversial situation, but still do not give reasons for jealousy.

Gemini is very sorry in terms of relationships

These zodiac signs are rarely jealous. In addition, they are not owners. Light flirt and communication with the opposite sex this sign does not perceive as a threat to its own relationship. Minor treason can also forgive, without arranging loud scandals. But the twins always recognize whether you have someone on the side. They possess a begging mind and know everything about you, even if externally calm. Gemini will not forgive intellectual treason. Here, the jealousy may arise about which they will report without hysteria. Forgive these signs of the zodiac quickly, since they do not like negative emotions and advocate the light alliance.

Tip: Prevent jealousy twins easily. Spend more time with them for joint activities. A good conversation on curious topics is also able to relieve tension in communicating with this zodiac sign. Admire the twins as a person, an interlocutor and an equal partner.

We must really try to bring the Sagittarius

Last in Rating Sagittarius who is not inclined to jealousy, although is emotional sign zodiac. It may be angry due to the frank flirting or treason, but not more. This astrological sign does not apply to a partner as a property, because it does not like restrictions and in relation to itself. He is not inclined to suspicion, so it will not wipe yourself and you. Do not accept frames and shortcuts, is open to all new.

Tip: You need to try, so that the Sagittarius showed his jealous character. With the man of this sign of the zodiac you just need to be honest and open. It is not necessary to hide the mumbling intrigue or flirt, since the lie he perceives sharper.

Astrology, of course, affects the behavior of most people. It is difficult to restrain the emotions of the Aries or Scorpion or to derive the fifth or twins. And even the most calm and unauthorized signs of the zodiac can be brought if you give constant reasons for jealousy. People of "fiery" signs also know how to restrain their gusts. That is why it is worth listening to astrology and be alert: in many cases it turns out to be right.

Jealousy is equally inherent in all signs of the zodiac, however, to varying degrees. Representatives of each sign of the zodiac have their own characteristics in the manifestation of emotions uniting them for any principles. The jealousy of the signs of the zodiac is no exception, which is why it has the right to exist and the horoscope of jealousy. Of particular difference in jeliasis among representatives of the same sign of the zodiac has no sign. However, a big difference in the manifestation of jealousy and the consequences of jealousy between a man and a woman, even among representatives of one jealous sign of the zodiac. How jealous zodiac signs can be characterized by one capacious motto for each sign.

Jealousy Zodiac signs

Aries The big owner, and do not come to his property, and then "worries" at first with his suspicion, and then offended and trying to part: "I am an unsurpassed lover, a wonderful family man, a master of all hands, and in general I am the most wonderful in the world! You lied to me when I said that I am the best! I can't trust the one who never loved me! "

calf The second of the power of jealousy The sign of the zodiac and the horoscope of jealousy is impossible, without a special accent on these jealies. The biggest owner in all spheres of life is characterized as well as the desire to own in love: "You are my property! No one has the right to pick me up with me that I do not give myself. I won't want to hear anything. You are mine, and I will not give you anyone. Generally now knock someone! .. "

Twins Test jealousy due to the sensation that there is no intimacy and mutual understanding. Especially painful experiences that someone can receive more from a partner than it is in terms of emotional intimacy: "I felt joy and sadness with you, I tried to understand your experiences, and it made me happy. I gave you so much emotions, it hurts me to know that you give emotions to another .. "

Cancer It divides everyone around the "family", those whom he ranks them and is always ready to fight for them and in everything, and the "others". Forcing Cancer, the partner is no longer a family, but also does not become completely strangers. Representatives of this sign are difficult to let and rebuilding their lives: "I trusted you so much that I put you in my world and my life. You betray me, I can not forget it and completely forgive, even if we can survive it together. "

a lion And his lion jealousy is not ready for compromise and finding out who is wrong. He knows exactly what the partner makes a mistake. The idea that he is in something bad or imperfect, for Lion is unacceptable: "I am too good to let someone take my place and claim your love! You or my, or I'm not interested! But you think well before making a decision, then not to bite elbows! "

Virgin whose jealousy may not just wake suspicion, but also to cause the most real disgust and squeaming (without even catching up on "hot") able to deprive themselves and a partner of a full emotional sex life: "It is disgusting somehow ... Touch it's unpleasant, and in general any contact. At least tests need to pass now, I'm not 100% sure of you .. "

Libra It turns into a depressive state precisely the lack of a feeling of support and understanding in the family. Representatives of this sign have a clear understanding of decency and family, even the barely noticeable deviation from the norm displays them from equilibrium, and even more so explicit reasons for jealousy: "Everything is not so, everything collapses. It is not clear how to live further. Annoying human dishonesty first. Painfully…"

Scorpio The most jealous sign of the zodiac, continuous suspicions, surveillance behind the partner, the charges always accompany relations. Trust is a luxury, inaccessible with simple mortal, on scorpious opinion: "I do not believe you, no matter what you tell me! I have to make sure that you are true to me. And if you decide me to quit, I will kill you, and then myself! Well, I'll find it certain! Hurt and brutally removing! "

Sagittarius , confident in its half, may seem at all jealous. It is up to the first time or even simple suspicion. Forget and forgive, that the damage to his pride, he will most likely not be able to: "You put me with a fool in the eyes of others. I believed you, and I consider this betrayal! It was possible to at least try, so that no one recognized anything. I hate you, despite the fact that I love. "

Capricorn And the Cozernia jealousy brings thoughts about the Mix of Taurus and Scorpio in their manifestations. Of course, it is somewhat weaker than expressed and comes more in fact: "I did not allow the thought that you could deceive me. It is very unexpected because it is especially painful. How could you "score" on everything we have experienced together?! I will make you no less hurt than you, if you make sure my jealousy is not blunt! "

Aquarius Not the most jealous zodiac sign. His relationships are based on friendship, and the feeling of loss of a loved one is similar to the loss and betrayal of a close friend: "I appreciated our relationship very high, and I had no man closer. Somehow it is not decent, not human, not in a friendly, in the end ... "

Fish In its mass the most unwretched zodiac sign. Love for harmony, the desire to understand everything and enter someone else's situation applies to this manifestation of relationship: "I love you, but it hurts me very much. Let's talk about it, I will try to understand you. I do not promise to forgive, but I will try. Perhaps we are better to stay a little without a friend and think everything ... "

Conclusions and basic ideas of the horoscope of jealousy

Horoscope of jealousy gives overall characteristic how zodiac signs are jealous of the main features. The exact attitude towards jealousy, loyalty, love, relationships can be found only by analyzing full horoscope Personality, the position of all planets and their aspects.

The most jealous signs of the zodiac - element of fire

Pretty jealous signs The zodiac is representatives of the fiery element (Sagittarius, Lev, Aries). The soreness of the experiences of jealousy for these signs is associated with confidence in its irresistible, and in fact, it is thanks to convictions in their exclusiveness and uniqueness they are tied to their halves seriously and for a long time.

The desire to be with a partner leaves with the loss of confidence in it.

Jealousy Zodiac Signs Earth Earth

To summarize how zodiac signs of the elements of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are jealous, but it is possible to allocate the main feature. Actions when the suspicion has already crushed, similar to: This is the test of each step, full control of the location, to telephone conversations.

The jealousy of the zodiac signs of the earthly element turns them into Sherlocks of Holmes, regardless of the level of development of deduction and intuition.

Non-jealous zodiac signs - Element air

The jealousy of the zodiac signs of representatives of the air element (twins, scales, aquarius) is based not on love or desire to own partners, but in proximity and mutual understanding it is the loss of friendship, the feeling of communication between it and partners can destroy harmony, cause jealousy and suspicion.

Representatives of the air element are not too jealous zodiac signs.

Jealousy of water element zodiac signs

But what could be common in capable of forgive fish, family and stable cancer, and scorpion, which is rightfully called the title of "the most jealous zodiac sign"? Top different signs Element of water in relation to jealousy, however, have one general feature. Representatives of water elements are able to preserve their relationship, despite the jealousy.

They experience very strong emotional experiences, but if these relationships are in the category of stable, will not break out with their half, even if the memory of this event remains with them forever.

Many people know the unpleasant and destructive feeling of jealousy. It brings to madness, makes it makes emotional and rapid acts that often do not complete anything good for both floors. However, each person is treated in different ways with different strengths. Often, in order to understand how much a man is able to jealous his woman, it is worth find out what Zodiac signs the most jealous And what the stars say about it.

- Dear, are you jealous?
- No, damn! I envy you guys write to you, but I do not!

To help people avoid problems in relations or in the family, astrologists were ahead rating of the most jealous among the signs of the zodiac.Any of the signs has a specific behavior manner and its features during zealous scenes, which some may arrange without any reason or cause. Since the stars dictate their manners of the behavior of men born under them.

What is the most jealous zodiac sign in men?

The real Othello themselves among the signs of the zodiac can with confidence to name the scorpions, rasters, crayfish, lions and calves.

  1. The most jealous sign of the zodiac in men is undoubtedly scorpion. He himself is not particularly loyalty, but the partner will not even take a look at the opposite sex. This sign is rather strongly tied to its second half as emotionally and physically. The coma of that, is a very suspicious sign, can scour and seek evidence of treason checking even personal beloved things. It is worth only to him to suspect anything, he will immediately do everything to get to the truth. This sign does not need a direct reason for jealousy - the Scorpio will find himself, even if there is no reason. It can remember any stories about the past novels of the partner and jealous of it even to memories.

  2. Aries that appeared under the sign - temperamental, hot-tempered personalities. This is a fiery sign, so their jealousy can flame as a flame and manifest themselves not only verbally, but also transmitted in facial expressions. With them a minor scene of jealousy may grow into a real scandal. To enter with them in a dispute at such moments is simply useless, it is best to wait until the storm subsides and sit down at the negotiating table. They love the truth and confidence, therefore it is better to be 100% honest with them and not to conceal anything, nor give at least the slightest reason for zealous emotions.

  3. Cancer is also considered a rather jealous sign. They are not moving a sense of property, not a sharp desire to dominate, but just the fear of losing a loved one. Men of this sign have many complexes about appearance and their male dignity. If you give this sign at least the slightest reason for jealousy, then the rest is he thinks himself. It is very well developed intuition, so in the case of treason, cancer will surely guess the betrayal. This sign is not just jealous of your chief, he suffers, experiencing tremendous mental pain. Cancer, who gave rise to jealous, with time it can start moving away from his beloved and a wall can grow between lovers.

  4. Lion pretty loving signwho really appreciates his beloved, considers it the best and requires reciprocity from her in this regard. He does not tolerate strangers on its territory. It is capable of sudden manifestations of jealousy, the reason for this can serve as a normal call on the phone of his woman from an old friend. Lions are very proud and proud personals, so treason can be quite strongly hit by their nature. For them, it is unacceptable to allow someone to become higher. A woman should not praise the other in the presence of his Men-Lion. In the measure of its pride, the lion will never suit the scandal against the backdrop of jealousy in the open, it will depict an incredibly offended person and will be able to behave with his beloved, who will have to guess what causes such behavior.

  5. Taurus in nature has all the spikes of the owner. If he gave his heart to someone, he considers his soul mate chosen by him in every sense. He craves that the partner belongs to him completely and always reminded this, he does not suit him. He can hare a having noticed even a minor flirting and then it will not stop it. During an attack of anger, he does not control himself and can start to twist everything that comes across his path. It is not necessary to glow the situation in a relationship with this sign, he needs to provide internal comfort otherwise he will find it along with the other.

it The 5 most jealous signs of the zodiac among men.

With which it is better not to play and try not to give them extra reasons for jealousy. Since some of them can see the wrong reason for the causes and breaking instantly, arranging scandals that can negatively affect the relations of both partners and lead to treason or rupture relations.

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