Modern market heat insulating materials Great. To change the antique methods of insulation, such as straw, sawdust, chips and clay, as well as glass gamble, more modern - kermazite, mineral wool, foamizol, polyurethane foam and others.

And if part of the insulation is resistant to moisture, then materials such as: mineral wool, crumples or foamizole, have increased water absorption, which significantly reduces their thermal insulation characteristics.

Here, various couples come to the rescue and waterproofing filmsthat help keep all the beneficial properties of such insulation. One of these vapor-waterproofing is the filling of the isospan. The use of films and membranes in construction is an important component without which it is not necessary.

What it is?

This film, a membrane that helps protect against moisture and wind is not only insulation, but also walls, and roof. Produced from polymeric materials. It has an interesting property - one side passes steam, and the other is not.

Important. The use of this material is quite widely both as vapor insulation membranes and as a reflector of infrared radiation (species with a metallized surface).

Varieties of Isospan

  1. Izospan A. has a property to deliver the underpants space from condensate, well protects the insulation from moisture. There is a variety with flame retardant additives (ladding labeling), the appointment of which not only to protect against wind and moisture, but also to prevent accidental fire, for example, when conducting welding.
  2. Izospan in. Membrane-Parobarrier. It must be stacked to protect the insulation from the penetration of condensate from the room.
  3. Izospan AS. This diffuse membrane can be put directly on the insulation, without leaving the ventuzor, it saves both physical labor and money. It consists of three layers, has excellent water and vapor permeability.
  4. Izospan am. It has the characteristics close to the uzospan, vaporizolation also consists of three layers. It is necessary to put it right on the insulation, so that a special doomb is not needed.
  5. Izospan AF and AF +. Parosolation is designed to protect mineral wool and glass plates from wind and moisture. Absolutely nonsense - the class of fire hazard NG. Used in mounted facades.
  6. Izospan AQ PROFF. The universal three-layer membrane, perfectly protects against moisture and wind, is used as vapor barrier from moisture from external environment. You can put right on the insulation. In addition to excellent moisture resistance and vapor permeability, there has increased light resistance and durability.
  7. Izospan FS. Parosolation plus the ability to reflect infrared radiation, in fact two in one. Pins between the wall / ceiling of the building and insulation, performing functions steamwaterproofing and aluminum foil.
  8. FB isoPan. Kraft paper and metallized lavsan, combines the capabilities of foil and vaporizolation. It has increased heat resistance, due to which it can be used, for example, in saunas.
  9. Izospan C. Two-layer vapor barrier, with one rough side. Condensate accumulates on it, and then evaporates.
  10. Izospan D. Two-layer polypropylene tissue fiber. Very strong on the gap. Protects from moisture outside.
  11. Izospan FD. Polypropylene woven and metallized polypropylene film. Successful symbiosis, combining the functions of aluminum foil and vapor-waterproofing. Moreover, the material protects against moisture penetrating both inside the room and outside.

Scotch line and adhesive film includes FL, FL TERMO, SL, KL, ML PROFF labeling

This metallized tape, adhesive metallized tape, butyl rubber adhesive tape, double-sided nonwoven sticky tape.

One-sided adhesive marking tape ML PROFF is applied in particularly difficult situations. It has a magnificent adhesion, to any type of foundations, including uneven, is used to fix waterproofing to concrete, brick and other surfaces, as well as to strongly porous materials.

Types and variety of materials of the ISOSPan affect the imagination. You can find the material suitable for your needs. In addition, the ruler is supplemented with sticky ribbons and tapes, which is important, since the windproof of the IOSPAN should be properly applied - without gaps, both between themselves and between the insulated base, for which various tapes and ribbons are applied.

Product specifications

Where can I use such membranes?

The use of such waterproofing and vapor insulation membranes found its niche both in private house-building and in industry, where refractory membranes are successfully used.

In private house-building, they are used in the insulation of the roof from wind and moisture, they must be laid smooth side To insulation. If you confuse and laid the other party, all work will be a pump. So carefully read the instruction before starting work, where it is always precisely written, which side to the insulation is necessary to put the isospan of a certain brand.

The same recommendations can be given for pair-or waterproofing the ceiling by the attic. Before rigoring the film or membrane, skip it by defining which side is smooth, and what is not, then learn the instruction to do everything right. If the latter, on some strange coincidence, is missing, remember the simple rule:

if you have a film, one of the sides of which is rough, it is necessary to drain this side towards the street (or room). A smooth side must be addressed to the insulation.

Parosolation membranes work on the principle of input, but not release. Therefore, if you decide to sharpen the wrong side, violate the entire design of vaporizolation and thermal insulation cake. In this case, make the insulation correctly will not succeed.

Izospan - domestic vapor and moisture protection material having a very wide range of products. If you want to insulate your home correctly, do not forget about vapor and waterproofing. It will protect the insulation from the penetration of moisture and destruction. Steering vaporizolation membranes need strictly according to the instructions. So you can do everything correctly, avoiding further unnecessary alterations.

The Izospan brand is presented in the domestic market since 2001, products are produced by the Russian company HEX in Tver. Inherent Materials Made isosan specifications, High quality and durability allow you to deliver products for construction from Tver in one row with foreign analogues of European production. At the same time, the Izospan is cheaper, which provides the domestic brand unchanged popularity among professional builders and owners of country houses. We will tell you how the waterproofing is different from vapor insulation, consider the range of products, including building films of increased strength. Prophing Izospan D Specifications make it possible to apply the material as a temporary roofing coating.

Izospan is building films, membranes and ribbons designed to protect fibrous insulation and wooden structures From blowing wind and water, both in liquid and vapor. Scope of application - multilayer building structures, mainly external. These include scanty roofs, systems of outdoor building insulation (ventilated facades). Can not do without films and membranes during the construction of modern frame house. Use them and with wooden device inter-storey overlaps. Consider a Read more Assortment and characteristics of the Izospan, talk about the features of the use of materials in specific conditions of the private country construction.

In the photo isosepan d, which covers the rafter system. The developer did not have time to the warm time to store the roofing coating, but it is not scary. Durable polypropylene film will withstand until spring, snow and strong winter wind will not harm it

Multilayer building structures and moisture

To understand how to use the Izospan correctly, you will have to deal with some issues of construction technologies:

Modern construction technologies Include various multi-layered structures. They are most justified and popular in low-rise construction. These are frame walls, pitched roofs, overlaps, ventilated facades. The carrier part of the design - racks, rafters, etc., is often manufactured from wood. The gaps between them are filled with an efficient heat insulator. As a rule, fibrous materials are used: mineral wool, eco-eco-cellulose.

The frame of a multilayer structure requires vaporizolation from the inside and vapor-permeable membrane from the outside

Such insulation, along with useful propertiesPossesses and disadvantages: blurred when exposed to wind and wedge in conditions high humidity. As a result, their heat insulating properties Noticeably decrease. Wooden frame is also "afraid of moisture. It enters into porous materials from the air, as a water vapor. Most of the year, the humidity of the air in the house is significantly higher than on the street. Accordingly, from the inside of the house it is necessary to prevent the penetration of steam into a multilayer design. Isolate from steam. Outside the building air is usually less humid, which allows you to air, dry the insulation.

If provided good ventilation, free output of moisture from insulation and wooden carcass, their humidity will be minimal. Accordingly, vapor-permeable materials should be located in a multilayer design. The above is true for heated houses. For unheated and well-ventilated buildings, vapor permeation does not matter.

Please note: in a multi-layer heat-insulated structure from the inside - steam-free, and outside - vapor permeation. Never on the contrary. If, for example, to confuse the Izospan A and the Izospan B, the wall or roof will move, which will inevitably cause damage to the building.

From the inside of moisture, the vapor barrier film (vaporizolation) protects them, and the ventilation from the outside provides a vapor-permeable membrane (windscreen). Please note that wind insulation membrane should not touch roofing and wall decoration. For the output of water vapors between them, ventilation gap with holes in the lower and top of the walls and the roof should be located.

Differences of vapor-permeable membranes from vapor insulation films

On the station-building sites and forums, you can read, and from the mouth of builders and private developers to hear such terms as "Česospan Waterproofing", "Izospan Parohydrozolation" and "Izospan Film". And the sellers of building materials will also tell about the "superdiffusion membranes of isospan".

In the case when the walls of the stone building walls are insulated using the method of the ventilated facade, vaporizolation is not only required, but is also categorically not allowed. We need only a vapor-permeable membrane that protects the layer of insulation from the street

It happens that the speakers themselves do not understand the difference between the materials or are incorrectly used by the terms. Often, this confusion leads to an irregular choice of materials, as a result of which the heat engineering characteristics of the enclosing structures are worse and their service life decreases. To avoid such mistakes, it is necessary to clearly understand what the materials are the materials of the ISOSPA and their analogues, as well as for what are used. In accordance with the appointment, they are divided into two groups: vapor insulation films and vapor-permeable membranes:

Parosolation films

Parosolation films of impenetrable water, water vapor and wind. That is, they are practically sealed. It is usually manufactured from polyethylene and more durable polypropylene, to increase strength can be rejected. They are also called "Parohydrozolation of the Izospan", but this definition is true only to a certain extent. Indeed, the film is waterproof.

If it is used in "Pie" scope roof, water condensate or leakage from the proceeded coating will not penetrate the attic. But for underground structures and flat roofs The standard filling for waterproofing isesan in is not the best, it is not sufficiently durable and the weatherproof. True, the characteristics of the isospan in, the cheapest film, low, is best Materialswhich can be used to waterproofing concrete floors. But no more.

The reflecting canvas of the ISOSPA is laid as insulation under the heating floor

The use of vapor insulation films:

  • Protection against increased humidity of multilayer warmed structures is mounted from the inside, from the side of the room. These are frame walls, pitched rafting roofs and wooden floors on the first floors of buildings without basements.
  • Protection against condensate and possible leaks stropil structures Unwaped torture attic. In this case, vaporizolation is placed on the outside, under roofing.

    Please note: vaporizolation can be placed in the "pie" of the pitched roof from the side of the street only when the attic is displeased and is well ventilated .

  • In internet shops wooden overlaps The film isoPan is laid under the insulation and above it. Floor isoan in wooden house does not fulfill the role as much vaporizolator, how much prevents the spread of the smallest fibers mineral Wat. indoors.

Holes in variable membranes are large enough to skip water vapors, but too small to penetrate liquid water. The membranes often have a rather complicated multilayer structure and when installing it is important not to confuse the orientation: the cloth unfolds the outside of a strictly defined side

Parpural membranes

Various membranes are one or multi-layer nonwoven canvas having the smallest holes. The size of the openings and their number is such that the membrane is not blocked by the wind, but with the difference of air humidity on the sides of the film, the diffusion of the water vapor occurs, where the air is land. This allows you to remove excess moisture from building structures, ventilate them. Liquid water, falling on a vapor-permeable membrane, unable to penetrate the barrier, interferes with the strength of surface tension. This, of course, is about a relatively small amount and water pressure: separate drops or a small rain. If the membrane leave unprotected roofing or wall-coated Under strong shower, water will throw through it.

The use of vapor insulation diffusion membranes:

  • Ventilation of multilayer enclosing structures and protection of them from liquid water (condensate). Located outside, from the side of the street. Frame walls, scope rafting roofs, wooden floors on the first floors of buildings without basements.
  • The membrane can be used in inter-wooden floors, but the film isogen is cheaper.

Please note: the vapor-permeable membrane differs from a vapor barrier film with the ability to skip water vapor. It is important to understand this difference.

From the scheme of understanding general principle Applications of Materials ISOSPA: Outside - Parley-permeable membrane, from the inside - vapor barrier film

What specifications are important for evaluating the properties of building membranes and films

To understand the differences between the materials of the Izospan, and also be able to compare them with products from other companies, it is desirable to know which indicators are most significant to evaluate the properties of building films. To go into details, the methods of measurement and formula of the calculation, the usual consumer to anything, but to name the characteristics important for the IOSPAP should be:

  • Parry permeability is the ability of the membrane to pass water vapor, provided that the atmospheric pressure on both sides of the membrane is the same, and the partial pressure of the steam is different. Characteristic - Parry permeability coefficient, unit of measurement - mg / (m · h · par).
  • Parry perpeturation resistance - the ability of the film to delay the water vapor, is measured in m2 · h · v / mg.

Both vapor permeability and punch resistance depend on the properties of the material and its thickness. Methods of definition and calculation of values \u200b\u200bare given in SP 50.13330.2012.

  • Water treatment is water pressure, which can withstand the web until the leakage is measured in millimeters of the water column.
  • The discontinuous load characterizes the strength of the canvas. This is the maximum load that is able to withstand the film or membrane without breaking. Measured in Santinutons (H x cm).
  • UV stability - time (months) during which the material may be under the influence ultraviolet radiation on the open air without deterioration.

In the photo isosan A, the labeling of the web reflects the purpose of the material its technical characteristics.

Assortment and Specifications Izospan

Depending on the appointment, the materials of Hexa are divided into four groups.

Parpural membranes

Appointment of vapor-permeable diffusion membranes We already know: they protect multilayer structures from wind and external moisture outside of buildings, providing water vapor output from insulation and wood frame. The abbreviation membranes of the company "Hex" contains the letter "a". Once again we repeat that construction membranes and films - fundamentally different materials. If the seller or potential contractor uses the wrong term "Film Izosan A" or an incomplete definition of "Waterproofing of the Izosan A", it is a reason to doubt its qualifications. The manufacturer produces five types of vapor-permeable membranes Izospan A, whose technical characteristics are different. There are differences and use:

  • Izospan A is a single-layer membrane, the simplest and inexpensive. Low waterproofing isoPan A, the characteristics of vapor permeability do not allow to use the material in the pitched roofs, it is used only in vertical wall structures, including ventilated facades.

  • Izospan A with flame retardant additives. The technical characteristics of the ISOSPAP AS LD are almost identical to the brand A, but the canvas has fire protection properties. It is recommended to use with the exterior warming of wooden buildings.

  • Izospan am - a multi-layer membrane, has an increased water, which makes it possible not only to apply it in "Pie" scope roof With high condensation, but also place directly on the insulation without clearance. It simplifies the design of the roof, saves funds.

  • The IOSPAP AS, the technical characteristics of the part of the parostow, coincide with the properties of the AM brand, is somewhat stronger, which is important for large areas of the roof with a significant step of the rafted.

  • Izospan AQ PROFF is a particularly durable membrane with high steaming and waterproof. It is recommended for any types of multilayer ventilated walls and roofs of responsible objects. The most effective, durable and inhabited membranes.

Parosolation films

Impermeable for water, steam and wind construction films. Mounted from the inside of multilayer walls and roofs of heated buildings, are also used to protect against atmospheric impacts of walls and roofs of unheated buildings outside.

  • Izospan B - the least durable, but cheap vaporizolation. It is not worth counting on the fact that the technical characteristics of the ISOSPA will be high. Izospan B, the characteristics of which in terms of strength and durability are left to desire the best, it will be perfectly suitable for economic structures, inter-storey floors. For a responsible object, at home in which you are going to settle for a long time, it is worth applying more reliable and expensive film. For example, the isospan C, the technical characteristics of which is higher.

  • Izospan C - film, which can be used not only as vapor barrier, but also as waterproofing when furnaces on the soil and on a concrete base.

  • Izospan D is a two-layer high-term vapor barrier film. The technical characteristics of the ISOSPAN DPR explorates it to withstand snow load, the canvas can be used as a temporary coating of the pitched roof. But no more than the period of UV stability, and this is 3 months in summer and 4 in winter.

  • Izospan RS reinforced with glass bowls that increase its tensile strength. As well as the brand "C", can be used in the device of floors on the ground and even for waterproofing of flat roofs. True, not as a coating, but only from the bottom of the multi-layer cake, to protect the insulation from the water vapor.

  • Izospan RM - three-layer reinforced vapor barrier film, designed for roofs and floors.

Reflective vaporizolation

Reflective isolation isoPan - film, whose technical characteristics allow us to say that the material combines four functions in itself: insulation from steam, water, wind and heat-stash building structures. Can not serve as a full insulation, but the infrared beam reflecting the infrared rays, the foil layer reduces the heat loss of the building. Varieties:

  • FB Izospan is made of craft-paper and metallized Lavsana, designed for baths and saunas.

  • Izospan FS is made of polypropylene, has a metallized coating. Used in multi-layered structures and highlighting of warm floors.

  • Izospan FD is similar to the FS brand, but has increased strength.

  • FX isoPan made from foamed polyethylene, applying a metallized lavasan layer on it. Insulation of the FX isoPan, the technical characteristics are quite high in terms of thermal insulation, is not very strong. Therefore, it is rational to use as a substrate for warm floors.

Connecting tapes

Ribbons are a construction tape on special foundations intended for gluing different species Pieces of isospan, sealing films and membranes. Separately, we highlight Sul - self-adhesive sealing tape. She has a different function. The slots are placed on rafters over the already mounted membrane. The tape is designed to prevent moisture penetration into wood through fastening elements (Nails, screws). It is recommended to use when the roof is slightly 22º.

We only in general, mentioned the range of insulating materials of Hex, more on their application can be found on the manufacturer's website.

Determine how to apply the materials of the Izospan correctly, we can carefully studying technical materials on the manufacturer's website. Under the roofing, outside, builders set membrane Izospan am, and from the inside, from the attic side - Izosan D, the photo is well illustrated

In conclusion, let's say that we told only a small tolik of what you need to know for successful construction own house Using multilayer building structures. This task requires the performers of certain knowledge and carefully comply with the construction norms prescribed and recommended by manufacturers of technologies. If you are not going to independently study this question and work your own hands, trust the design and construction of your own home only to proven professionals.

Materials Izospan - Comfortable and durable films for construction having various appointment and features of application. They differ high operational characteristics And, depending on the modification, can be used as a moisture, steam and windproof layer almost at any stage of construction or finishing work.

Windband and moisture protection protective membrane films

Membrane films used to protect structural and thermal insulation elements of buildings from weathering, sediment moisture and condensate are made of polypropylene, known for their durability, environmental safety and resistance to various aggressive substances and microorganisms. The windproof membranes of the IOSPUP have several modifications:

  • Izosun A is a single-layer membrane with windproof and moisture protection properties, used when performing heat insulation of walls and roofs for wind and moisture protection insulation. Outer side Films are smooth, with water-repellent properties, internal - porous, due to which the moisture is provided from the insulation layer.
  • The two-layer option - the isospin AM, is distinguished by a high-strength duplicate layer, which protects the membrane film from damage during mounting work and operation. It has a high water-repellent ability.
  • Modification of the ISOSPAP AF is a wind-and-moisture protection film with fire protection, made by membrane technology. Flame protection allows the use of ISOSPAP AF in lightly wooden structures, as well as for windscreens of easily marked insulation.
  • Izospan AS - three-layer membrane film with increased water repellent properties. Laying is allowed directly on the insulation layer, without the improvement of the ventilation gap.

Hydro and vapor insulation films

The modifications of the isospan, used to protect all the elements of the building from the waters of moisture, both from the inside and outside the premises, as well as in inter-storey, undercoils. Made of polypropylene, have laminated external and porous interior surface. The loose structure allows you to accumulate condensate, but do not interfere with its further evaporation, due to which the whaling of moisture vapor from moisture-intensive structures is achieved and the appearance of condensate drops on them is preferably.

  • Izospan B refers to vapor insulation films, is used to protect walls, partitions, as well as layers of fibrous insulation from the penetration of water vapor from the inside of the building. In addition to vapor insulation properties, provide protection inland walls From mold and fungus, dust and particles of insulation. It can be used in buildings from any materials.
  • The Izospan C has higher hydro and vapor barrier properties, which is used as a moisture protection film in unheated attic, as a subcoase hydrocariolar insulation and as a moisture protection substrate for laying a laminate and parquet. High mechanical strength allows it to use it as waterproofing roof under metal tile. The Izospan C is able to withstand the roof leakage in the places of fastening and adjustment to the elements of the structure and perfectly protects the solo system from the wetting and formation of condensate.
  • Izospan D is universal vaporizolation for any structural elements, with very low vapor permeability and high density. It can withstand significant mechanical efforts, including snow load.

Izospan DM is a modification of a universal steam radiation coating with increased strength, anti-condensate layer and protection against UV radiation. The scope of application is much wider than that of the isyospana D, it can be used as a temporary coating of the roof and walls in the construction and finishing process.

Metallized films

The isooked with a metallized inner layer is represented by several modifications. Their scope is due to the property of reflecting infrared radiation, making it possible to provide additional thermal insulation of the premises in addition to pair-and moisture protection properties.

  • Hydroparo insulating film with a metallized reflective layer of IPPPA FB is designed for the internal protection of the bat baths, saunas, other rooms with elevated temperature, as well as to protect against moisture and condensate heated subcoase premises, attic, wall partitions and overlaps. As a reflective layer, a metallized lavsano canvas is used.
  • Izospan FD - polypropylene film with metallization, scope - protection roofing and wall structures From wind, moisture outside the room, and on the condensation of internal vapors. Can be used as an infrared screen. It has increased gap strength, withstands significant mechanical loads.
  • Modification of ISOSPAP FS is used as vapor and waterproofing different designs, as well as as an additional heat transfer layer at interior decoration. It has less density, respectively, lower price.

The name of the material happened from the name of the firm that produces it. Under it implies several completely different properties and destination polymer films. All products of this brand are usually divided into three main groups:

  • protecting from water and wind membrane isosan A. They are widely used in roofing, as well as facade work As the protection of the elements of the roof design, as well as the inside of the atmospheric precipitation. At the same time, the film is capable of passing the steam through itself, withdrawing it to the outside. This property of such membranes does not make moisture to form condensate on the insulation or details rafter system Roofs. Some varieties have fire retardant processing. Average vapor permeability is determined near the indicator of 3500 g / m² per day. It must be said right away that the material cannot be used on the roof having an angle of inclination less than 35ºС. Mandatory requirement - Installation should be made only under normal weather;

  • the films that do not transmit water and pairs belong to the Ring of Izospan V. Unlike its fellow, the indoors are mounted. After all, his task is not to allow a couple to penetrate the room in heat insulating layer And to form condensate there. The insulation plates closed such a membrane, always remain dry, which protects them from the formation of plaque and fungal colonies. Instructions for the use of Isyospan BBB will be set forth in more detail;
  • Izospan C is called not only to protect the layer of insulation from wind, high humidity and steam, but also to create an additional insulating effect due to a special coating that can reflect infrared rays. It greatly reduces the energy consumption of the dwelling, creating a good savings to heating. It has a structure consisting of two layers. One layer is always smooth, and the other grungy, which is better holding condensate. The material is very aqueous, more than 1000 mm. waters. Art. His steam penetration resistance is 7.0 per / mg.

Specifications of Film Films:

Parry-permeable membranes are source
Mark. Density, gr / m² Structure Parry permeability, gr / m² / day, not less
BUT 110 100% PP. 177/129 1000 250
AM 90 110/90 850 880
As 115 165/120 1000 1000
Paro-waterproofing isospan
Mark. Density, gr / m² Structure Loading load longitudinal / transverse, n / 5cm Waterproofness, mm. Factory, not less
B. 70 100% PP. 128/104 7 1000
C. 90 197/119
D. 105 1068/890
DM. 105 560/510
Reflective Paro-Waterproofing Izospan
Mark. Density, gr / m² To thermal reflection,% Loading load longitudinal / transverse, n / 5cm Resistance to vapor permeation, m²cap / mg, not less Waterproofness, mm. Factory, not less
FB. 132 90 330/310 peregonmens water reproducable
FD. 800/700
Ds. 92 120/80
Mark. Thickness, mm. To thermal reflection,% Loading load longitudinal / transverse, n / 5cm Resistance to vapor permeation, m²cap / mg, not less Waterproofness, mm. Factory, not less
FX. 2-5 90 176/207 peregonmens water reproducable

Helpful advice! Instructions for the use of Isyospan B suggests that in the event of a break of a film about any sharp items, it can and should be repaired. For this purpose, damage is sampled with a special sticky film.

All listed varieties with their differences, have a number of positive, common qualities for them:

  • they are convenient in the installation and delivered in a roll form;
  • not afraid of ultraviolet radiation;
  • do not miss moisture;
  • their cost is quite suitable for everyone who is engaged in construction or insulation of their housing.

Let us consider in detail the instructions for the use of Isyospan B and its technical and high-quality characteristics, since it is this kind of membrane that uses the greatest demand due to very successful combination consumer properties and prices.

Specifications of vapor barrier Izospan b

TO this kind Two-layer vapor insulation membranes that can not only restrain moisture, but not allowing a couple to penetrate them through them. They are 100% consisting of polypropylene. These films are produced in rolls that have a width of 160 cm. One roll can be covered with a surface, an area of \u200b\u200b70 m². The film density is 70 g / m². These membranes are quite durable, since their gap load along the fibers is 128 N / cm, and across 104 N / cm.

Parry permeability indicators are very low and are located near the mark of 22.4 g / m² / day. Water removal - 1000 mm. waters. Art., That is enough. Stability K. ultraviolet rays It is observed within 4 months of continuous impact. The technical characteristics of vapor barrier is Česospin B allow it to be used in a large temperature range, which ranges from -60 to 80ºС.

Instructions for the use of isospan B

Before using this material for vaporizolation purposes, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with some requirements for its installation:

  • when coating the insulation, mounted on vertical or inclined surfaces, work must be carried out from top to bottom. The material strips are fastented in a horizontal direction with the adhesive 15 cm. Special adhesive film allows you to isolate joints;
  • which side to the insulation of the IOSPAN B is put, not everyone knows. Meanwhile, it is very critical, since incorrect laying completely levels the effect of using this material. It is necessary to remember that the smooth side is always placed on the insulation, and the rough direction is directed;

Scheme of proper use of films for vapor barrier in the process using clay

  • fasten the membrane to the protected surface with the help of bars from wood, clamping slats and a construction stapler.

Since this vapor insulation material has a wide scope of application, consider the features of the installation into several types of surfaces. When creating a vapor insulating layer in the attic, the membrane can be attached to the rafters in two ways.

- This is a line of polypropylene nonwoven materials intended for vapor and waterproofing of structures.

Izospan protects constructive elements And insulation from:

  • rain, snow and wind;
  • moisture generated inside the building;

Apply isogen in structures:

  • roofing;
  • insulated walls;
  • attic overlap;
  • floor on a concrete basis;

The technology of manufacturing nonwoven canvas is fully automated. But at the same time, at each stage, quality control is carried out.

Izospan has a hygienic, fire certificate. Also, the products have been checking for compliance with construction standards and gestures. As a result, a guest certificate was issued on it. The isospan has no analogues among such products of domestic production.


Characteristics of Izospan B, C, D, DM:

Choosing parosolation materialsYou must pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Parry permeability.
  2. Strength.
  3. Density.
  4. Water care.
  5. UV stability.

The highest vapor permeability (3000gr / m2 / day) in Isyospan A, but it has the lowest water reference rate (330 mm.), Which makes it possible to use it only on roofing with an inclination angle over 35 °. But nothing prevents this material in.

Izospan AS and AD have a parry permeability coefficient of 1000 and 1500 g / m 2 / day, respectively, but it is advantageously distinguished by the water purification indicator - 1000 mm. Both .. As a result, they have become the main materials used in the insulation of the roof.

If it is assumed that some time lapse the roof will remain without a coating, it is necessary to use the AQ PROFF iso-source. He one has UV stability for 12 months.

The best indicator of the load on the gap from Isospan D - 1068/890 N / 5cm, but it has the lowest vapor permeability - 3.7 GR / m2 / day. This allows the use of material as a temporary roof for 3-4 months.

Uzospan in vapor permeability is 22 gr / m 2 / day, and the indicator on the break is only 130/170 N / 5 cm. In this regard, it is necessary to attract qualified specialists to its laying and not to leave the outdoor material.

Izospan C is an intermediate option.


  1. Polypropylene film with a smooth top and darous bottom side. Vile is necessary to desert condensing moisture and preventing her rolling on decoration Materials. Install in front of the insulation in such structures:
    • insulated roofing;
    • walls;
    • overlap;
  2. Laminated canvas with smooth and darling side. Due to the increased density, the scope of application of this material is expanding. It is used:
    • On unheated roofs, as moisture insulation.
    • In floors (including above basements and attics), as a vapor polypoletor.
    • In floor structures.
    • IN concrete screedlike a hydrobarrier.
  3. Polypropylene tissue laminated by film. Izospan D find wide application as:
    • Additional moisture insulation on unheated roofs.
    • Vaporizolation for any designs in need of protection from water vapor.
    • Waterproof interlayer in the screed.
    • Temporary roof.
  4. MEMBRANES WITH MARKING A, AS, AM, AQ PROFF Protect the insulation from wetting, weathered and dispose of condensate from roofing or wall pie to the system of waterproof. Advantages of use:
    • The residues of the moisture falling into the layer of insulation from the room are easily displayed.
    • Reduced to a minimum probability of penetration into heat insulation material Atmospheric precipitation.
    • It becomes impossible weathering of mineral wool.
  5. Membrane A.The polypropylene membrane has a smooth water-repellent side and a rough condensation. Membrane this type It has a low coefficient of water treatment, so its main purpose is the protection of the insulation on the facade.
  6. Izospan AS, AM, AQ PROFF.As, Am is a membrane of vapor-permeable material and a dense airproof substrate. Used to protect:
    • Frame wall walls.
    • Ventilated facades.
    • Insulated roof.
  7. FB, FD, FS, FX Cireplators Looking in the room the smallest moisture particles and radiant energy. Advantages of using heat-hydrochlorizing reflective films:
    • The loss of heat is reduced through enclosing structures.
    • Reduced heating costs.
    • The probability of formation of mold in wet rooms is eliminated;
  8. FB steam insulator.FB isoPan made from kraft paper, which is covered with a layer of metallized Lavsana. Due to the fact that the material is environmentally friendly and withstands the temperature to + 120 ° C, it is used for insulation of walls, roofs and and saunas.
  9. FD, FS vaporizolytor. FD, FS is a polypropylene film reinforced with a metallized layer. In the Izospana FD, a vapor barrier film of the brand d is used as the base layer, and in FS - brand V. Manufacturers recommend using the described vapor polypoletor for interior decoration:
    • paril;
    • mansard;
    • as a heat transfer screen;
  10. This material - It is a foamed polyethylene, duplicated with a metallized film. Polyethylene with a layer of bubbles is an excellent heat and soundproofer, and the metallized layer prevents the heat leakage, delays steam and water. Izospan FX is the most cost-effective, safe and durable steam-noise and heat insulator. Its disadvantage is the maximum operating temperature - + 90 ° C, which makes it impossible to use it in pairs. It is actively used as:
    • Substrates with a warm floor device.
    • Reflective screen for.
    • Insulation mansard roofs In tandem with classic materials.

Use reflective films for wall insulation and ceiling can only be indoors with forced ventilationSince these materials have a zero parry permeability rate.

Pros, cons and varieties

Heat-reflective vapor barrier film


  1. Environmental Safety.
  2. A wide range of.
  3. Democratic price.
  4. Reliability and durability.
  5. Resistance to the formation of mold.


  1. Low resistance To fire.
  2. Performs its functions Only with proper laying.

By appointment, the material is divided into three types:

  1. Paro and moisture insulationfilms.
  2. Moisture and windproof Parry-permeable membranes.
  3. Heat reflecting Parosolation films.

The first type includes vapor insulating films of the grade C, B, D protecting the layer of insulation from moisture, evaporating out through the enclosing structures.

Advantages of using a vapor barrier film:

  1. Increases service life insulation.
  2. The likelihood of condensation is reduced and infection of the designs of fungus and mold.
  3. The probability of penetration into the room is eliminated. Volatile particles insulation.


Izospan Installation Scheme on Insulated Roofing

For laying material you will need:

  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • construction stapler;
  • nails;
  • wooden rails;
  • scotch;

Laying of the roof of the roof:

  1. Insulation of the roof begins with the fastening of a vapor barrier film (B, C, D) to carrier carcass or to the draft trim.
  2. Fix material with brackets or galvanized nails. For additional sealing of the seams, the SL or KL is a special tape.
  3. The panels roll horizontally in the bottom-up direction. There are 15-18 mm from the adjacent cloths.
  4. In the process of mountingYou need to monitor the tight fit of the film to the insulation.
  5. Over thermal insulation A, AS, AQ PROFF.
  6. Fastening isosun and antiseptic controlles to raftersnails or self-drawing, so that the gap 5 mm is formed. Izospan AS, AM, AQ PROFF, on the contrary, should fit tightly to the insulation. Therefore, it is attached to rafaling brackets or galvanized nails.
  7. Installation starts from the bottom of the skates. On the stall, the membrane is raised into the drainage chute. The canvas roll horizontally, watching there is no distortion. It is important to consolidate the material in the tension. A permissible sagging is no more than 2 cm. Horizontally, the canvases must overlap each other by 15 cm, and vertically - by 20 cm.
  8. To condensate can evaporateIn the zone of the skate and at the bottom of the roof, ventilating holes are provided.
  9. On top of a vaporizolation membrane Mount the crate.

The isospan will perform its function only if it is properly laid. The lifeline of the material must be addressed to the room, and smooth - to the insulation.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the isospan a is the most affordable materialBut its installation due to the need to create a ventilation clearance costs more than the cost of stronger and durable analogues.

Wall insulation:

  1. For ventilated facades Suitable isosan A and AM. In cases where there is a possibility of ignition, material from the LAPs is used.
  2. The membrane is fixed over the insulation with a smooth side outside. The panels are rolled so that there is a total of 10 cm.
  3. Fasten the isospan on a framework of a building with a bracket. Through a virtual membrane vertically enshrined the controls on which they attached facing material. So that during operation, the effect of acoustic cotton does not appear, there should be no uninstalled and saving sites along the entire length of the canvas.
  4. For moisture removalThe design necessarily provides a ventilation gap at the bottom of the trim. The isospan is placed in such a way that the moisture accumulated under the trim is drained into waterproof.