The most beautiful zodiac sign. Appearance horoscope: the most beautiful features of the zodiac signs

Despite the fact that beauty is a very subjective concept, and among each zodiac sign there are both attractive and not very attractive people, astrologers still adhere to the opinion that people of certain zodiac signs stand out from the rest.

Want to know which zodiac sign is the most beautiful?

According to numerous studies, Aquarius holds the palm in beauty.... The girls of this sign are not only attractive externally, but also internally, because they seem to glow from the inside. Nature has endowed them with natural and natural beauty without excessive aggressiveness and emphasis.... They have clear, fair skin, bright eyes, and beautiful lips. Most often they are athletic and fit, because they carefully look after themselves.

The second place is taken by girls born under the zodiac sign of Libra. These are funny, charming girls with a radiant smile, before which few can resist. They have a harmonious and proportional figure, they have grace and stature. Libra girls not only have a sophisticated taste and know how to choose the right clothes for their figure, but also have artistry and charm.

The third and fourth places are shared by Gemini and Cancer. The beauty of Cancer girls at first glance is not visible, because they do not have too bright or extravagant appearance, rather they are cute and smile wonderfully, their beauty is natural and natural. Gemini girls are very fond of trying on themselves. different images and play with your looks. Such girls always keep themselves in good shape, which also adds to their attractiveness.

The beauty of Scorpio and Sagittarius girls is not to everyone's taste. Their beauty is often too pronounced, overly emphasized and even aggressive. The beauty of these signs of the zodiac is not for everybody, it is rather exotic and is not considered a universal standard For some they will be very attractive, but for others, on the contrary, they will be ugly. But such signs of the zodiac are incredibly sexy, which greatly attracts representatives of the opposite sex.

Representatives of the zodiac signs Aries, Virgo and Leo create their own beauty. Most often, nature does not reward them with dazzling beauty, usually their appearance is very ordinary. Therefore, it is not surprising that they have to work hard on their appearance. Quite often they tend to be overweight, and their figure is not proportionate enough, but constant care behind itself makes it so that others do not even know about it. After all, these signs know how to present themselves, show their merits and hide flaws.

Girls born under the zodiac signs Taurus, Capricorn and Pisces are too busy to pay much attention to their appearance. The Taurus and Capricorn girls are in a hurry and go ahead to their goal, which they conceived to realize in life. Despite the fact that they carefully select clothes and use cosmetics, they do it more for show, because in to a greater extent try to develop their internal qualities, and not external ones. As for the Pisces girls, then they are closed, live in their own inner world and look outwardly cold and detached. They have good taste, but they rarely use it when choosing clothes or creating an image, since they believe that this is completely unnecessary and does not affect their inner harmony in any way.

Many people who are fond of astrology and believe in horoscopes sometimes ask themselves the following question: "What is the most best sign zodiac? "It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer, because you need to take into account individual parameters - strength, beauty, sexuality, spirituality, wisdom. Some show themselves well in communication, others - in creativity or raising children. It all depends on what qualities are most desirable for you.Astrology gives a lot interesting information O different areas, where each of the signs shows its best side. So, consider the list of the very best.

Best zodiac sign compatibility in bed

Fire, Earth, Air and Water are 4 elements, the most important factor compatibility (including sexual) that promotes lasting relationships. Therefore, while the pleasure of intimacy can be obtained with any partner, considering the relationship on a long-term basis, it is better to choose a companion from the same group that your sign belongs to. So, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are in good harmony with each other, and the intimate relationship between them is full of passion and fire. Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are voluptuous and reserved, able to control their desires. The best zodiac sign for Libra is Aquarius and Gemini. For air types attractive partners capable of experimentation and high intelligence. These qualities support sexual interest in them. And the group of aquatic representatives - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio - are extremely passionate, and as lovers they are simply inseparable. They seek to find in a partner not only sexual, but also moral satisfaction.

The most jealous zodiac sign

From an astrological point of view, Scorpio is considered the most jealous. By nature, he is suspicious, and if the partner gives him a reason for jealousy, even the smallest, then all the anger, indignation and irreconcilability of the companion fall on him. Taurus is in second place. This is the best zodiac sign for family relations but a creepy owner. Along with them, representatives of the entire fiery element belong to the status of the most furious jealous people. Leo, Aries and Sagittarius are leaders by nature, not going to share the primacy with anyone else. But they are jealous as leaders, not as owners. The calmest in this regard are Pisces and Aquarius. These signs have the inherent trait of changing themselves if they suddenly suspect a partner of treason. They strive in every possible way to correspond to the life partner, or in response they try to arouse his jealousy.

What is the best zodiac sign in family relationships?

Cancer is considered the most domestic and family sign. For him, these values ​​always come first. He is caring, patient and responsible. For him, the main thing in life is a strong family, comfortable relationships, full of understanding, children and home comfort... According to astrologers, Taurus are also ideal husbands and wives. They are monogamous, they are serious about everything related to household responsibilities. If they marry, then once and for all. Perhaps their only drawback is stinginess in terms of expressing their feelings. It may seem to partners that Taurus does not like them at all, but this is not so.

Best female zodiac sign

In terms of family relations and home improvement, Virgo takes first place, followed by Taurus. No sign of the zodiac can boast of innate economic qualities and the ability to equip to be so skillfully. Capricorn women, according to many astrologers, can also add to this list. If we consider the signs from the point of view of external attractiveness, then the primacy should be given to Pisces, Libra and Leo. According to many astrologers, often beautiful people, equally this applies to both men and women, are born under the constellation Sagittarius. They are well built and pay a lot of attention to self-care. Although, by and large, a woman who looks after herself is always attractive, it doesn't matter what sign she was born under.

The most successful zodiac sign

Astrologers note that absolutely everyone can achieve success in life. But some mean by this position in society, status, others - material stability, still others - the ability to do their own thing. The best zodiac sign looking to save money is Cancer, followed by Taurus. Both are attached to what they have, they are in no hurry to spend money, they carefully plan expenses, especially for men. In third place is Capricorn. However, unlike the first two, he seeks not so much to accumulate, but to realize his ambitions, of which he has a lot. Career growth and development are important for him. These people are more likely than others to seek to occupy leadership positions. In this category, Dev is worth mentioning. They are very hardworking and do well under someone else's supervision. They enjoy the very process of work.

The finest sign

People born under the sign of Scorpio can be simply unbearable. Not only are they selfish and can easily offend a person, they are also vindictive. Another sign of the zodiac - Capricorn (woman or man, it doesn't matter) - is very cold, harsh and indifferent. He does not show feelings and can simply destroy if someone crosses his path. In third place are Gemini. These people are incredibly smart and cunning. Rarely are they able to admit their mistakes. Some astrologers consider it difficult for communication and Aquarius, because they tend to commit rash acts, do not think about others, who like to walk, live for themselves.

The most secretive sign

The most difficult sign in psychological terms is Capricorn. He is stingy with feelings, even having lived for many years next to him, it is impossible to guess about his true feelings, to understand what is in his head. To some extent, this also applies to the constellation Pisces. Tiger-woman (if viewed by eastern calendar) Is a person with a double bottom. All their emotions are inside. Although they are very artistic and receptive, they are great family men. But an unstable emotional background, a tendency to excitement, internal tension make relationships with them very difficult. The partner will have to try to maintain an alliance with them.

Another emotionally closed sign is Scorpio. Cancers are also quite secretive, it is difficult to understand them. They can be vulnerable and empathetic, harsh and cold. These are a symbol of powerful internal forces moving below the surface. And it is difficult to penetrate under it, since the people of this sign erect barricades and hide in their shell. As mentioned, Pisces are no less withdrawn. The tiger woman, and many other representatives of this sign, are endowed with a changeable, lethargic and very closed character.

The most harmonious sign

Libra takes the first place here. It is a balanced, diplomatic and open sign. All of their best qualities these people show up in communication and personal relationships. They strive for balance and harmony in everything. Feel serene in a calm, comfortable environment. We should also mention the Libra-Ox combination. In Chinese astrology, the Ox symbolizes willpower and determination. Libra born this year is charming, delicate and sensual. These are the most calm, balanced personalities from the entire zodiacal circle. They are attractive for their fairness, sincerity and balance in everything. For a man of this sign, it is important to be in agreement with everyone, to decide conflict situations in a peaceful way. Also, the Libra man (Ox) takes marriage very seriously and tries to build good relationship with the family of his chosen one. In general, this is an excellent combination of the year and the sign, the personality traits of the Bull and Libra complement each other perfectly.

The most spiritual sign

Surprisingly, here three completely different signs: Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius. Any person seeks to develop spiritually. From the natal chart of the horoscope, you can see how much attention he pays to this aspect of life. Someone may have developed intuition, someone believes in "subtle worlds". However, from the standpoint of spiritual strength, it is the three listed signs that are dominant. This is due to the fact that they can go forward, no matter what, focusing on their inner feelings, and not on external factors.

The most sensitive sign

Of the entire horoscope, Cancers are considered the most sensitive, Scorpios are in second place. From a deeper point of view, the Rat-Cancer is even more sentimental and emotional sign... This combination gives very susceptible persons who need to be very careful in life so as not to take the wrong person under the care. They easily read the experiences, suffering of others. These are people with the finest nervous system, completely intolerant of rude relationships. They need a reliable and understanding life partner more than others.

Using astrological characteristics, everyone will be able to determine for themselves the main disadvantages and advantages of a person. Do not forget that personality is determined by many other qualities, so you do not need to focus on only one stellar performance.

People who are fond of astrology are often interested in which sign of the zodiac is the most beautiful. Many consider Leo to be the height of perfection, others believe that Libra is worthy of this title, because Venus herself patronizes them, and still others sigh for Pisces. So what is the most beautiful zodiac sign?

The most beautiful zodiac signs among women

Of course, it is impossible to unequivocally answer under which constellation the most beautiful women appear. Perhaps even the most experienced astrologers will not be able to answer this question. After all, every woman is good in her own way, and everyone has different tastes. As often happens, what we consider to be a disadvantage, on the contrary, is the most important advantage of a woman, her highlight. But, nevertheless, statistics show that the brightest and most beautiful representatives of the fair sex are born under the constellations Gemini, Taurus and Aries.

This sign is patronized by Fire. Therefore, a woman born under the sign of Aries is endowed with brightness, self-sufficiency, it is impossible not to distinguish them from the crowd. There are hardly any men who can resist the Aries woman, because she instantly catches the eye. Often, her facial features are not symmetrical, which makes her especially attractive. Naturally, at first a man notices a spectacular appearance, but then he is chained by the personality of an Aries woman, strong, with a great will and ability to love. At the beginning of acquaintance, you might think that these women are unapproachable, but if you dig deeper, you can see that they are gentle and vulnerable creatures. More information on lunar calendars and the signs of the zodiac can be taken from that.

Among these women, there are often owners of a beautiful feminine figure. They love and know how to take care of themselves, which brings them great benefits, dress well, and their charm makes them the most attractive signs of the zodiac. Yes, Taurus women know how to win men! Behind their seeming defenselessness and fragility lies tremendous fortitude and iron nerves.

These eternal experimenters on appearance love to change and create new, always beautiful, images. It is in this thirst for change that the attractiveness of Gemini women for the opposite sex lies. Each new image embodies sexuality and grace. True, sometimes it happens that such a craving for change causes shock among the chosen ones of the representatives of this sign. But does Gemini care?

The most beautiful zodiac signs of men

Many women note the special attractiveness of men born under the constellation Scorpio. Of course, because among them are such stars as Leonardo DiCaprio and Gerard Butler - vivid examples of male attractiveness. Other girls like Capricorns and Gemini. Although, the attractiveness of a man, as women themselves note, rarely depends on external data, therefore, in any sign of the zodiac, you can find a charming man. Therefore, it is difficult to understand whether this very sign of the zodiac is beautiful or not, because it is impossible to collect statistical data on this. Women themselves are often attracted by a man's sense of humor, his charisma, and sometimes even the size of his wallet.

In the second quarter of the year, sociologists from the United States of America published the results of a study in which more than 250 thousand people were interviewed. As a result of this project, a rating of the most beautiful signs of the zodiac was published. Let's remind, last time, during which it turned out that the most dangerous are representatives of the constellation Scorpio. It turns out that this sign is not only cruel, but also beautiful. Only 1.5% was not enough for this constellation to take the first line in this top. Find out who is the most beautiful!

Capricorn - knows how to move beautifully

Despite the strict facial features, sometimes a grimace, this sign feels comfortable at any time of the day or night. Unlike other constellations, Capricorn always looks equally good. But the beauty of the zodiac sign is not in appearance, but in actions. It is in this way that they conquer their "second halves".

Speaking about the type in terms of appearance, experts say the following about Capricorns:

  • tall, slender figures;
  • have an even posture;
  • have a beautiful gait;
  • know how to flirt with facial expressions;
  • their gestures play along with them in the process of seduction.

They feel their body perfectly and use it competently.

Aries is a strong sign, a beautiful leader

Aries is a zodiac sign with powerful vitality. Charismatic people are true leaders who captivate others with their attitude and love for the world around them. Extroverts are very attracted by their attitude to work. They, like peacocks, dissolve their beautiful sides when they are actively working on something. Facial features are usually strict and neat. In work, Aries are also precise and consistent. Often they are pedantic personalities who are annoyed by the disorder and disrespectful attitude towards themselves.

Taurus is a zodiac sign with a beautiful smile

Taurus is the personification of sincerity and tenderness. This trait manifests itself perfectly in a smile. Such men and women are able to show sincere feelings, teach other people to demonstrate themselves. But unlike the "ostentatious" Leo, they do not act karmically, that is, they only like authenticity and transparency in relationships.

In addition, this zodiac sign with a beautiful smile attracts with honest eyes. You can look at them without embarrassment. At the same time, Taurus women, as a rule, have ease and mobility.

The beauty of the Gemini sign is an amazing character

The beauty of the Gemini zodiac sign lies in their multifaceted nature. Have you ever met a member of a given constellation who looks focused on a specific goal, is consistent, and doesn't seem inconsistent? Unlikely! This zodiac sign is quite windy, interesting and always interesting. They are capable of both the manifestation of deep philosophical thoughts, and of children's pampering. By the way, this is reflected in the facial features. Often the left side of the face is slightly different from the right side. According to a study by US sociologists, Gemini most often have heterochromia - multi-colored eyes.

Libra is the zodiac sign with the most beautiful figure

According to sociologists, it is the representatives of this constellation that have a predisposition to having a beautiful body. Moreover, unlike most representatives of other constellations, the Libra sign does not need to persist in order to look beautiful and slim. Of course, one cannot turn a blind eye to genetic predisposition, lifestyle and other aspects that affect appearance, but these are the results of the polls. scales- the zodiac sign with the most beautiful figure

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Virgo - fascinates with the inner world, a mystery

If you are familiar with the representatives of the constellation Virgo, the question hardly arises: which sign of the zodiac is the most beautiful. The fact is that they are a vivid confirmation that the beauty of a person is not limited to him. appearance... Virgo fascinates with her mystery, ability to flirt, intrigue and philosophize. This is an actively wise sign, which is inferior in its reasoning, except perhaps to the constellation Gemini. At the same time, Virgo women have charisma, they know how to focus the attention of fans on themselves. They easily impose their interests on the people around them, but rarely resort to this. As a rule, they have a beautiful figure, but do not differ in excessive passion.

Leo is a sign that knows how to show itself

Leo is one of the most beautiful signs of the zodiac. Of course, the representatives of the constellation are naturally given the skill of presentation. They are able to expose any subject and even a character trait from the best side. If there is a person in the company who easily convinces you to go to a restaurant or a nightclub, it is highly likely that this girl or guy is Leo.

Leo's appearance is usually no different. ideal forms but they are able to look great in any place, with different people. The point is that they feel beautiful, and they are.

Aquarius is a very sensual zodiac sign.

In terms of sensations, the ability to feel and understand other people, it is difficult to find equals for this constellation. Their ability to penetrate and convey their own emotional condition can neither bewitch. In the environment of every person, Aquarius is an irreplaceable person.

The appearance of Aquarius does not stand out in any way until they enter a strange wadden state, like cats, which are given to feel the surrounding biorhythms. At these moments, the representatives of the constellation "catch their wave" and begin to shine. Falling in love with others, they already remain in their hearts forever.

Pisces is a sign that inspires beauty

Pisces women inspire many representatives of the male half of the population to act atypical. Thanks to them, many discoveries were created, cult works were written. However, Pisces women and men can give energy not only to create useful things, but also to reckless actions. According to statistics, this constellation more often than others encourages its seducers to suffer from unrequited love.

Cancer is the most beautiful female sign

It takes a long time to find out which female sign the most beautiful didn’t have to! With a small margin from Sagittarius, Cancer received this status. 24.5% of the men surveyed believe that the most passionate, interesting and pretty girls these are Cancers. It's funny that astrologers consider such people to be excellent householders who easily create comfort around themselves. At the same time, the girls of this constellation value and love their families very much.

The facial features of Pisces girls are neat: strict lines, bewitching eyes, seductive lips. Until the Cancer woman finds a boyfriend, she can play with many men. But in marriage, he does not allow himself to flirt. Therefore, the most beautiful girls, as a rule, are in household chores.

Scorpio is as beautiful as it is dangerous

The ex-leader in the statistics of the most beautiful signs of the zodiac is Scorpio, who is ranked 3rd among women and 2nd among men. In general, according to the sum of answers from the participants of the sociological survey, this sign takes the second position in the ranking! It is quite simple to explain this factor:

  1. Scorpios beckon with their unpredictability;
  2. Easily find a common language with people;
  3. They know how to differ from other personalities.

This zodiac sign is not the most of the same type. There are both girls and men who do not look alike. Nevertheless, charm is visible in all of them. I would like to get to know the representatives of the constellation better.

Sagittarius is the winner of the rating of beautiful signs!

Most beautiful sign zodiac - Sagittarius, taking into account the sum of points, both among the male half of the respondents and the female part. 23% of guys consider the representatives of this constellation the most beautiful girls, which is only 1.5% less than that of the Cancer sign. At the same time, 25% of women named Streltsov as handsome guys, which is the highest result in this top.

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As studies of various fashion magazines show, the most beautiful girls are born under the sign of Leo. Some astrologers call Aquarius and Libra the most attractive. And on forums on the Internet, you can often find statements that the first beauties are Scorpios.

However, whoever holds the "palm" is so unfair to the representatives of other signs! After all, men melt from the mysterious gaze of Pisces, they are toned by the eccentricity of Sagittarius and the unpredictability of Gemini beckons. In general, in every representative of the zodiacal pantheon there is something that attracts the opposite sex.

And today we will tell you what is the peculiarity of each of the twelve signs, and define their most outstanding features of external and internal attractiveness.

But first, let's say that, unlike character and preferences, the Zodiac does not have the strongest influence on appearance. Much also depends on the signs in which other planets are located. personal horoscope, as well as from genes, that is, from parents and other ancestors. So among the representatives of any sign there are both "Beauties" and "Monsters". Not to mention the fact that beauty is a subjective concept, and what seems to some to be the height of attractiveness, others perceive as outright ugliness.

Therefore, we will concentrate on the best aspects of the representatives of each zodiac sign.

Aries (march 21 - april 20)

Aries girls rarely leave anyone indifferent. They know how to make sure that they are noticed and remembered. These ladies draw attention to themselves with bright outfits "in contrast", but once you look into their faces, you no longer want to look at what they are wearing. Their appearance harmoniously combines the will and the desire to win, the desire to live, love and be loved, originality and challenge, and also, surprisingly, defenselessness. And even if a certain asymmetry is visible in their appearance, it is perceived as a "highlight", and not as a disadvantage.

Women born in the first decade of Aries often have a full figure, but if they choose clothes and accessories correctly, their curvaceous forms attract no less interested glances than the slender legs of some young lady.

Beauties born under the sign of Aries: Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Tatiana Navka, Celine Dion.

Taurus (april 21 - may 20)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

The first thing that attracts Taurus girls is their ostentatious softness and enormous personal charm. Men buy into this instantly and only then, having already fallen in love, they discover that behind the seeming complaisance there is an iron will and steel nerves. But by some incredible coincidence, they still continue to consider their lovers "white and fluffy", defenseless and vulnerable, as well as the most beautiful.

And they are absolutely right, because the Taurus ladies are comfortable, they will never be the first to start a quarrel; the representatives of this zodiac sign carefully look after themselves, skillfully use cosmetics and have a delicate taste in the selection of clothes. So even if suddenly nature has not endowed them with classical beauty, they still rarely remain in the shadows.

Taurus beauties: Renee Zellweger, Uma Thurman, Penelope Cruz.

Gemini (may 21 - june 21)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

Gemini girls are many-sided. They change so rapidly that it is impossible to keep track of them. Today in front of you is a vamp woman with blood-red lips, sharp nails and a fatal look, and tomorrow - a modest peasant woman (ed. - a peasant woman) with hair braided in a braid or tied in a tight knot at the base of her neck. It all depends on what role this lady plays, that is, on what at this particular moment is consonant with her attitude.

The beauty of Gemini women is ambiguous, and someone perceives them as goddesses, and someone does not react to them at all. But in any case, their hands cannot be ignored. As a rule, they live their own lives, separate from the rest of the body, tell something or refuse something when their owner seems to agree with the interlocutor. And sometimes it seems that the monologue leads the whole body of the Gemini woman. And it's incredibly attractive and erotic.

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

The beauty of Cancer women rarely immediately catches the eye, you need to be able to see it, feel it, and realize it. However, the one who managed to do this is unlikely to exchange such a lady for a brighter person. In the representatives of this sign, the features of a loving and caring mother, a faithful companion and mistress of the house, to which you always want to return, are intertwined.

And even if the Cancer woman does not sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow spectrum, she quietly warms, kindly and condescendingly smiling, as her patroness, the Moon, smiles from heaven. And if it suddenly occurs to her to dress up, then she will easily "plug in the belt" those who take leading positions in the ranking of the most beautiful characters. By the way, Cancers themselves are not outsiders there and, despite the lack of an enchanting appearance, they usually stand at 3-5 positions.

Cancer beauties: Zhanna Friske, Natalya Varley, Nonna Grishaeva.

Leo (july 23 - august 22)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

Lionesses, as already mentioned, are recognized beauties, and it is surprising that they attract attention even if their appearance, to put it mildly, is far from ideal. There is something in them that makes them beautiful even in the absence of this very beauty. The sun, their heavenly patron, has endowed the representatives of this sign with incredible charm. It especially manifests itself when the Leo woman smiles. Her face changes dramatically, and from an ordinary, unremarkable person, she turns into the Swan Princess or the goddess Bast (ed. Bast, or Bastet - in Ancient egypt so they called the goddess of love, joy and fun, hearth and fertility. She was portrayed as a woman with a cat's head) - as you like.

Lionesses know how to charm, you can't take that away from them. But sometimes they get tired of outside attention and disguise themselves, hide, stop emitting light. However, not for long. After all, for them the adoration of others - necessary condition existence.

Beauties born under the sign of Leo: Sandra Bullock, Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lopez.

Virgo (august 23 - september 22)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

Girls born under the sign of Virgo make themselves. They may not have innate beauty, but, as a rule, others rarely notice it. Virgos know how to present themselves in such a way that men, and women too, have no doubts - they are lucky to be next to such an attractive and charming person.

Representatives of this sign carefully look after themselves, watch their figure, devote a lot of time to cosmetic procedures, they have great taste, so they are always pleasant to look at.

And they constantly emanate a subtle smell of freshness. forest herbs, even if they use a rather aggressive and sweet perfume. These ladies know how not only to attract attention to themselves, but also to keep it, so their fans would definitely give them an apple with the inscription “Most Beautiful”.

Virgo beauties: Salma Hayek, Sophia Loren, Cameron Diaz.

The beauty of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius

Libra (september 23 - october 22)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

Libra girls are incredibly attractive. As a rule, they possess a special article that draws the attention of others to them. They have the figure of ancient goddesses, beautiful hands, expressive face. In general, nature has worked wonderfully well, creating these women.

True, sometimes they spoil everything themselves, choosing clothes that do not suit them, or a hair color that is actively knocked out of their harmonious appearance. And this despite the fact that Libra has a delicate innate taste! Sometimes it seems that they themselves are frightened or ashamed of their beauty and are trying to get rid of it. However, sooner or later, they realize that they are hurting themselves, and return their splendor. And Libra women are very artistic, and this also becomes their advantage in the struggle for a leading place in the ranking of the most beautiful signs of the Zodiac.

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

Scorpio women can hardly be called unconditionally beautiful. Although they consider themselves the height of perfection. And, in principle, they are doing the right thing, because very few people question their attractiveness. But their beauty is rather exotic than familiar to our eyes. And they "take", as a rule, emanating from them sexuality, and not the correct facial features and cuteness.

And the Scorpio ladies make them compete with themselves and conquer themselves, and this rarely leaves representatives of the opposite sex indifferent - men like the process of hunting. Sharp on the tongue, Scorpios do not allow you to relax, they constantly attack, without waiting for others to do it, and slip away as soon as one of their fans decides that they have caught this incomprehensible and dangerous creature.

Beauties born under the sign of Scorpio: Julia Roberts, Sophie Marceau, Demi Moore.

Sagittarius (november 22 - december 21)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac

Ladies Sagittarius can be anything - angular, sharp, not very beautiful, but this does not change anything. Both men and women are drawn to them all the same. They are forgiven for what other people would never be forgiven for anything. Maybe it's all about charisma, generosity - mental and material, the ability to entertain and captivate, that is, in all that is strengths representatives of this zodiac sign.

However, it would be unfair to say that Sagittarius women are unattractive in appearance. They are often amazingly beautiful, especially if they make a conscious effort to do so. It's just that sometimes they pay so little attention to how they look that their natural data is lost, fade. However, if they set themselves the goal of "conquering the whole world", then it is impossible to pass them by.

Beauties born under the sign of Sagittarius: Milla Jovovich, Svetlana Svetikova, Scarlett Johansson.

The charm of Capricorns, Aquarius and Pisces

Capricorn (december 22 - january 19)

The most beautiful girls according to the signs of the zodiac