"Iron Curtain" - what is it? The origins of the Cold War. "Iron Curtain" and "Cold War

The law on the procedure for entering and departure from the USSR of Soviet citizens, which the Union Supreme Council accepted 20 years ago, on May 20, 1991, was the same progressive and revolutionary document, such as the 1990 Media Law. But he was not lucky, so to speak, "for technical reasons."

This law was impossible to introduce immediately and simultaneously. It was required to produce millions of foreign passports, re-refill, recommit the work of thousands of Ovirov and a lot more to do and prepare. Therefore, a special decree on the phased introduction to the articles of the law was published. And the final moment had to be postponed until January 1, 1993.

As you know, by the time of the Soviet Union no longer left. However, the law on entry and departure from the non-existent state only began to act in full, although in relation to Russian Federation. Then another three years went to prepare for the introduction of the relevant Russian law and Russian passports.

Nevertheless, up to the middle of the zero anniversary of the XXI century, many citizens of the Russian Federation (including the author of these lines) drove around foreign countries with a red and "serpstust-hammer". And European border guards reacted with great surprise to this document. Not so, of course, as in the famous poem of Mayakovsky: "takes - like a bomb, takes - like a hedgehog, like a razor double-up." The place of fear took bewilderment: how so, no states, and his passport remained.

In jurisprudence, such a periodically happens. This area of \u200b\u200bactivity and by itself is very conservative. Yes, there is still in addition the process of manufacturing all new and new specimens of documents does not sleep for political changes. That sometimes leads to curious situations, and not only in the legislative sphere.

So, for example, the USSR national team made his way through qualifying games for the 1992 Football Championship. But the union disappeared from the political map of the world, and a team of a non-existent single state was performed at the tournament, the so-called "national CIS team", which included players from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and - that today it may seem particularly amazing - Georgia. In the nineties of the last century there were a lot of similar paradoxical collisions.

Be that as it may, the Supreme Council of the USSR in May 1991, De Yura designated the disappearance of the notorious "iron curtain". Although de facto, this obstacle was eliminated somewhat earlier. And then the series of militia-bureaucratic procedures has already unfolded, which led the formal side in accordance with reality.

Thus, another argument appears in an endless dispute about who "gave freedom" to our citizens. Under the progressive law on entry and departure and under the decision on its introduction, the president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev and Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Anatoly Lukyanov are standing. It was they who consecrated their names following the revolutionary provisions of the first article:

"Every citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has the right to travel from the USSR and enter the USSR. This Law in accordance with the USSR international treaties guarantees the USSR citizens the right to depart from the USSR and entering the USSR ... An abroad passport is valid for departure from the USSR to all countries of the world ... Citizen The USSR cannot be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter the USSR ".

Similarly, it was guaranteed the right to depart to all citizens, except for convicted criminals, malicious deceivers and carriers of state secrets, and these restrictions were not observed too strictly. So, the borders of the USSR, and then the Russian Federation in both directions calmly crossed the thieves in law and criminal authorities such as the famous Vyacheslav Ivankov-Japan. If they were arrested and attracted to justice, then, as a rule, in the "Free World" countries, and not at home.

Well, as they say, freedom requires victims. And this freedom provided its fellow citizens the first and last president of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev. He can not be responsible for the hardness of the paper-typographic mechanism, due to which the possibility of final and irrevocable realization of these rights and freedoms came only a year after its voluntary resignation and the liquidation of the state he headed.

However, the irony of history is such that as soon as the traces of the "iron curtain" from Soviet began to disappear, and then from the Russian side, exactly the same curtain began to rise from the opposite. Especially and first of all - by the part of the emerging European Union and the United States of America.

And as soon as the citizens of the USSR disappeared the last obstacles and difficulties with the departure from their native country, so immediately they had difficulty entry into the most "free" and "democratic" states that were accustomed to referring to "capitalist". It was intolerable to be difficult, it is almost impossible to leave - it became just as difficult, and sometimes it is unreal to enter there. Where thousands of Soviet citizens rushed.

These are the laws of dialectics, repeating the formula derived by the Great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov: "All changes occur in nature occur in such a way that if something has been added to anything, then it takes away from something else." And, of course, on the contrary. Applying political and legal terms, it is possible to formulate this: if one part of the planet, the total amount of human rights and freedoms increases, then in another part it is proportionally decreasing.

For Russians, closed, in the West, as it turned out, enemies, the security officials are ordered not to go abroad, politicians are not allowed there. Yes, even tightened currency exchange and overseas accounts. All this makes it think about the prospects for the real freedom of movements of our fellow citizens across the border. We decided to remember how the Soviet Iron Curtain was descended over Russia. And you can make comparisons yourself.

Once, the "iron curtain" could even be touched by hand. A long time ago metal design Used in theaters: if a fire occurs on the stage, a special metal curtain descended, which was separated by the audience in the hall from the swollen flame. However, initially a purely technical term over the past 90 years is used in a completely interpretation. In reference books, this phrase is called a political metaphor that implies the political, economic and cultural isolation of the country (in this case, the USSR), from other states.

The right to be called the inventor of the winged expression could challenge several people. One of them is the Russian philosopher Vasily Rozanov, who in 1917 in his book "Apocalypse of our time" expressed the opinion that after the October Revolution over Russian history, as if the Iron Curtain was lowered over Russian history, as if in the theater, "with clanging, creak".

Soon the same metaphor in relation to the isolation of communist Russia, consulted in his speech at the Parisian peace conference, the then Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau.

u and most loudly sounded such a phrase in the famous Futonic speech of the British Premier Churchill, with which he spoke in 1946, and which marked the beginning of the decades of the Cold War.

In reality, the Iron Curtain dropped around the world's first states and peasants in the mid-1920s. Since then, for the overwhelming majority of people living in "Red", all other states have become an inaccessible mirage.

It was impossible to get to it: the border on the castle. An exception was only rare lucky ones - diplomats, scientists, musicians, high-class engineers ... And the "Stalin's Sokoli" - Soviet pilots, famous for their unique over-distant flights. (In 1937, the ANT-25 aircraft managed by the crew under the team Valery Chkalov, managed to fly from the USSR through the North Pole to America. Three pilots - Chkalov, Baidukov and Belyakov - for this feat, they received in addition to state awards and more than a thousand US dollars, which they were acquired in the same place, in the United States, unprecedented miracles of technology - household refrigerators and "tricky" American radiols.)

Valery Chkalov

Business citizen Lebedev

Former gentlemen, "exploiters", "bourgeois scientists", "adherents of hostile ideologies", which before the appearance of the "iron curtain" managed to go to emigration (and some and at all the new power almost pinks pushed back from the country of advice), could now Remove your luck.

Well, those who have launched with the departure for the cordon, from now on, they should have come to accept the rest of the rest of the rest with the situation of the ever-striking people of the second variety. Or try to find some "exclusive" ways to leave the Bolshevik Paradise.

Some tried to do it semiably. For example, the heiress of the famous merchant dynasty of Vera Ivanovna Firsanova (by the Revolution of Petrovsky Passage, Sanduna baths in Moscow) managed in 1928 to get from Belokamenna to together with theatrical troupe, who left the tour. So that such a journey becomes possible, Firsanov had to take free into the staff of the theater technical personnel - either in the costume, or in the Boutaport workshop ... Naturally, such a metamorphosis, an elevate checkpone, could not happen if it were not for a generous remuneration received from her then from theatrical administration.

Vera Firsanova

Once in France, Vera Ivanovna remained there. And after a few years she tried to rescue his husband Viktor Lebedev from Russia. The official appeal to the Soviet embassy unexpectedly gave a favorable result. In 1932, for Viktor Nikolayevich, they had all the necessary documents for departure from the USSR, he even bought Tickets for Express, the next from to Western Europe ... Is it really possible in the "country of Chekists" a similar "Happing End" was possible? The further course of events showed that this is only an illusion.

In the morning, on the eve of the departure of the citizen Lebedev V. N. discovered strangled in his apartment. Money and jewels prepared for transportation abroad, which were with it, disappeared. The villains who committed this crime did not even try to look for, and the "heart attack" was indicated as a cause of death in medical conclusion. (Interestingly, any of the valiant employees of the OGPU was awarded for a successfully carried out operation to curb the export from the capital of Lebedev's capital?).

In those years, of course, attempts to illegal border crossing. The classics of this genre were perpetuated in the final of his famous novel "Golden calf" Ilf and Petrov. They described the attempt to Ostab Bender move to the cordon right along the snowy virgin, - with cash capital, prudently "converted" into liquidity - a luxurious fur coat, golden cigarette and "striking" ...

The final of this operation for the great combinator turned out, as we remember, very sad. Although in reality to some of his followers, such operations were still possible ... However, justice for the sake of, I must say that many of the illegal people simply dose when trying to cross the border - drowned in the rivers, frozen, went on the bullets of border guards ...

In a certificate prepared in 1930, it was mentioned that only in the first six months in the north-western part of the border of the security officers were suppressed over 20 attempts to illegal leaving the limits of the USSR, during which 7 border regime violators were killed.

Recordsman Canafiev

Cases of flight and attempts to flee of Soviet citizens for the "iron curtain" were regularly observed in the post-war years.

The most resonant became, of course, stories related to the helm of aircraft. The first such "air breakthrough" was the terrorist act carried out in 1970. Two Lithuanians, Father and Son Brazinskasi, hijacked an an-24 aircraft with 46 passengers on board, who carried out a regular flight Batumi - Sukhumi. During the seizure of the plane, 19-year-old Stewardles Nadezhda Kurchenko was killed, two crew members and one passenger were injured. The airliner hijacked criminals committed landing in Turkish Trabzon. After his "feat" two years in prison, Brazinskas subsequently managed to move to America.

Pranas Brazinskas

For followers of these two Lithuanians, an attempt to "rescue" from the USSR by plane with captured hostages ended in most cases unsuccessfully: they were either "taken" on Earth fighters of our special detachments, or returned from other countries to their homeland as a result of diplomatic negotiations.

There were other, more original cases of attempts by Soviet citizens to overcome the Iron Curtain.

Amazing perseverance in his desire to escape "from the scoop" showed a resident of Simferopol Alexander Canafiev. In the late 1970s - the mid-1980s he tried several times to "leave to the west". The idea with an attempt to get around the Black Sea to the Turkish shores on an inflatable boat almost ended his death, but the 25-year graduate of the Faculty of Faculty of Faculty did not leave his dream.

Some time later, he managed to "lean" through the Soviet-Romanian border and even get to the capital -, however, there were detained Romanian special services and handed over to the Russian side.

Alexander, nevertheless, managed to escape ... And almost immediately immediately made an attempt to cross the border - this time from the Azerbaijan SSR in, but the border guards "said the malicious violator.

Such a persistent reluctance of a young man to build together with all Soviet citizens "The Light Communist Future" was regarded as a clear sign of the mental illness, and the next few years, Alexander spent on forced treatment in one of the psychiatric spare parts. Coming out of him, in the summer of 1986, once again ventured to overcome the Soviet-Romanian border. On the territory of the "fraternal socialist country" he was again detained and returned to the Soviet side. "Award" Alexander for the next test of the "iron curtain" for strength became prison termWho has shortened only taking the revolutions in the country.

Many pollocks endowed in the summer of 1959, the flight "to the capitalists" of the Soviet officer-Balti Nikolai Artamonov. When the newest desired destroying destroyer "crushing" stood in the Polish port of Gdynia, his commander Captain III rank Artamonov, taking advantage of the case, fled along with his mistress-pool in Sweden - right on the commander's boat.

At the same time, that the sailor-motorist fulfill his order, the captain pulled out a pistol from the holster and threatened the sailor that he would shoot it. (Remarkable touch to this story: When the boat got to one of the Swedish ports, Artamonov got out with his companion ashore, and the sailor ordered to return back to the destroyer, since he, they say, "there is nothing to do in the West.")

The rank was immediately under the care of the CIA. Soon he received an American passport addressed to Nicholas George Shadrin and worked for 7 years in an analytical division of American intelligence. Employees of the KGB, going to the traitor traitor, managed to turn it over, but later the ex-captain was suspected of a double game and decided to take it into Soviet territory. In the winter of 1975, the Chekists held a special operation: the artamonov in the favorable pretext was launched, and there, by making an injection, and leading to the unconscious state, took to Russia, hiding in the car. However, the former captain III rank did not live to meet with the investigators on Lubyanka: he died shortly after the intersection of the Austrian-Czechoslovak border soon after the intersection of the Austrian-Czechoslovak border.

Relatives for sale

From the 1970s, let's move again by 40-50 years ago.

Do not produce citizens from the country - of course good way Protect the self-sufficiency of the young Soviet state, but troublesome and low-visible. It is necessary to monitor, stop, performing "shares of forced influence," to search and confiscated value prepared for the exportation for the cordon ... A completely different thing is the former Russians who have left for emigration and eager to pull out of their less successful relatives from "Council". - These are ready for money to pay for the salvation of close people. And the Soviet officials remain only paper executive, entering the corresponding redemption amounts in them, and receive currency to the country.

So some residents of the USSR turned into a completely Darm "Export Goods". So profitable businessTrue, very much reminded the slave trade and the "remnants of serfdom" are very condemned by all revolutionaries. However, the Bolshevik rulers did not differ in particular scrupulousness when it was a matter of serious material benefits. They simply have passed such transactions.

About this article of Soviet "deliveries" abroad is still very little known. However, due to the help of the researcher of the Moscow history, Valery Lubartovich, the author of these lines has the opportunity to introduce the readers of the "MK" with documents relating to the story with the ransom from the communist unique family of the divorce German Roman Prov.

Roman Ivanovich Vesu before the revolution, he walked one of the solid Moscow entrepreneurs, was the reigns of several large banks. Even after the December uprising of 1905, he - from sin, - translated abroad the bulk of capital, and in 1917, when the authorities captured the Bolsheviks, hurried to leave.

But in Soviet Russia, the daughter of Roman Ivanovich (who became Rudolf on Nemthchine) - Eugene, who was married to the nobleman Nicholas Redlich. In the first years of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the Redlich family was evicted from their mansion in the center of Moscow, and a few more years later, Evgeny Romanovna, he was arrested at all as the "socially alien element". Perhaps for Redlich elder and their seven children, it would be quite sad if in 1933 herr did not apply to the USSR Embassy to the Soviet authorities with the official request to resolve his daughter and to travel to a permanent residence in Germany.

This statement was not embarrassed by the responsible comrades who are in the Soviet addicts by foreign and internal affairs. Well, and what, Nikolai Redlich was arrested and convicted?! Well, and what, that this family will go to the country, where fascism came to power?! - The main thing is that they pay good money for them!

In the archive at the mandrel of Rudolf, the papers are preserved, decorated over 80 years ago, with the organization of the departure of Redlichs from Russia. All this commercial operation was organized (apparently, for consumer intercourse!) Through the Berlin representative office of Inturist.

In paper dated on June 7, 1933, all "overhead costs" are scrupulously painted, associated with sending the family Evgenia Romanovna from the "Light Kingdom of Socialism" "under the heel of a brown plague."

Here, for example, for each of the older children should pay 1479 Reichsmarocks, of which 151 Mark went to pay for travel in the car III of the train class Moscow - Berlin, another 134 stamps "with kopecks" were intended as compensation to an intermediary - "Inturist", Well, the main part - 1194 Reichsmark 26 Pfenetigi, - was actually a redemption. (However, this is formally very impressive at that time, the amount was supposed to be listed by the Soviet side allegedly for the design of the passport.)

It should be noted that the "Humanists" from the USSR in this case approached the assessment of the citizens sold to the West differentiated. Compared with adult family members for young Andreas and Natalia, they requested a smaller price! (Truly, market approach: these, large, - five, but these are small, but three!)

As a result, the concern for the salvation of the daughter's family cost Rudolph to check almost 12 thousand Reichsmarocks. (Translated to a modern price level, this constitutes an impressive amount - about 250 thousand dollars.) However, it should be recognized that the Bolsheviks honestly worked for their currency. "Already four months after the design of the transaction, Herr, he met his beloved Zhenya with her husband and children in the Berlin Station.

As Valery Lubartovich told, a similar story occurred in the family of Osorgic. Husband, Georgy Osorgin, died in the camp at Solovki in the fall of 1929. And his wife Alexander Mikhailovna, the nee Princess Golitsyn, was redeemed in a year together with two young children with his relatives who settled in Paris. By the way, one of these children exchanged for the currency - Mikhail Osorgin, - subsequently became a priest and for more than two decades was the rector of Russian orthodox church in Rome. And why did they spend money received by the Soviet side for the future shepherd of the shower of human human? .. - Well, this currency may also go for a good cause. It was useful, for example, to buy machines or medical equipment.

This terrible Rasha

On the other side of the "iron curtain", they were also worn - according to his "fault" - curious things. In many leading capitalist countries of the local residents, they diligently defeated from the "communist infection", which could leak from the Soviet side.

In, Canada, England, the Scandinavian countries very selectively allowed the penetration of objective information about life in the USSR - our films, books, magazines, paintings telling about "Rasha" offered to people in the west in very small quantities. (But the production of American militant films was established largely, where the main negative heroes were the Bolshevik monsters killers, ruthless Russian warlords, insidiously trying to destroy the countries of "true democracy" ...) Turns were not encouraged in the USSR: the potential travelers told all sorts of horrors about What dangers and deprivation are waiting for civilized Europeans in "Red Russia". As a result, those who still went to the "Extreme Voyage" to the Soviet Union, safely returned from there, were acquired in the eyes of compatriots the halo of real heroes.

Another very demonitive, but few people who had a famous fact that was able to hear from Alexander Purevako - the former chief editor of the USSR and the Soviet University (more often called students of Moscow Radio).

"We are talking about broadcasting from the Soviet Union to the US audience," said Alexander Sergeevich. - Americans love to repeat that, unlike the Soviets, the showerful "Voice of America", they never created interference to the transfer of our radio from Moscow. However, it is not. They were simply found by the other, - not so obvious as the work of the "Deproaching", is a way to isolate most of their citizens from Soviet propaganda. "Moscow Radio" has always broadcast its programs on short waves, and in America for many years specially slowed down the production of short-wave radio receivers. They were produced in small quantities and cost very expensive ...

The "iron curtain" gradually began to "wind" together with a decrease in the passage of the "Cold War" passions. On the 1980s in the USSR, Gorbachevskaya perestroika was in full swing, he collapsed and crumbled.

Alexander Podrababin: On March 5, 1946, the leader of the British Conservative Conservatives Winston Churchill spoke in Westminster College of the American city Fulton with a speech, in which he said: "From Szczecin in Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic to the continent, an iron curtain dropped to the Continent." Then, from that day, the countdown of the Cold War began, and the term "iron curtain" himself entered the international political lexicon and firmly strengthened in it, denoting the means of self-insulation of the Soviet Union from the Free World. True, it should be noted that the Herbert Wells wrote about the Iron Curtain in 1904 in his fantastic novel "Food of the Gods", and in 1919, French Prime Minister Georges Clemencesso spoke about the "iron curtain" at the Parisian peace conference.

"Iron Curtain" - one of the most vivid totalitarian regime. Not the only but very demonstrative. The ban to leave the country is a substitution of totalitarian dictatorship in case of mass discontent of the people with an existing mode. In the Soviet Union, this system lasts until 1991, when the law "On the procedure for departure from the USSR" was adopted, who had repealed the need to receive visa visas in Ovir - Visa and Registrations of the Ministry of the Interior.

In the Soviet Union, as, however, in other countries of the Socialist Block, there was a system of field visas. That is, in order to go to another country, it was necessary to get not only an entry visa at the embassy of this country, as in many cases it is necessary and now, but also a visa visa from its own authorities. She was put in a Soviet passport, and before the restructuring of the usual person to get it almost impossible. It was the privilege of the Soviet and party nomenclature, and it also resolved the issue of issuing visa visas to all Soviet citizens.

The intention to emigrate from the country Soviet government considered as a betrayal of the Motherland. True, it confused about those who put the goal to leave the socialist paradise. It was easily able to make a little.

The most popular category of Soviet emigrants were Jews, claiming their intention to repatriate on their historical homeland in Israel. In different years, it was difficult to do or easier, but almost always a statement about the intention to repatriate inflicted unwanted consequences. What troubles expected people who submitted departure to Israel?

Heads the head of the Department of Public Relations and Media of the Eurasian Jewish Congress Roman Spector.

Roman Spector: First - deprivation of work. And this is probably the worst. The second is arrest. It did not depend on the quality of participation in some kind of movement, it was not connected actually with the category of failure. Jews were by that time hostages, nothing depended on their desire. Some strong gebache power solved how many Jews, when and for what reason to let go. The very idea of \u200b\u200bvacation, of course, was a reaction to the desire of the Jews to leave the country. At first it was a pronounced, deeply hardened Zionist will, which was such heroes, which Yasha Cossacks, now Yasha Kedmi, burned the Jews around the world, which began to fight for the right of Jews to go to Israel. Since there was some procedure that depended on the filing, people served and fell into two Westerns. One of them was called a ban on the country's bombing due to work secrecy - these are the so-called "secrets", the second is the relatives of those who have banned, the category of so-called "poor relatives". And the quantity, region, all this was planned by the authorities only in order to somehow show that all the same Jews have the right to leave, but there were very few such "lucky ones". For the arrest and under the gulag came people when there was some kind of discharge, we all worked in favor of some kind of investigator, especially when such a department ordered him. Today's speaker of the Israeli Parliament, Knesset Julius Edelstein fell for bars, because he taught Hebrew. But Hebrew taught many more other people, why Julik was behind bars - this is a question that should not be addressed to me, and those gabeshniki that it was determined.

A significant number of people who received permission were sent not to Israel or used Israeli visas in order to be in Austria, Germany, American states, and so on. Reverse stream or reedamigration, as we call it, was always. This is in general enough small rods, which did not rise above 7-10%, depending on some circumstances. Since not all the Jews were equally infected and in their behavior of the craving for the promised land was not so pronounced, they were in search of the best share first went to Israel and some other countries without finding the right social statuswithout finding the desired work and the necessary earnings, they returned, enriched with the language, new realities. And the smallest part of them replenished the ranks of activists and already by the time of the established Jewish institutions with us, here in Russia.

Alexander Podrababin: Another category of legal emigrants were dissidents, more precisely, a small part of them, whom Soviet power released abroad. Why did she do it? The human rights activist Pavel Litvinov tells.

Pavel Litvinov: I think that simply not to remain in Russia. It was believed that they would give less harm to Soviet power abroad that they would hear them less. They had a contradiction all the time: on the one hand, they wanted to get rid of dissidents, on the other hand, they did not want to be an easy way to emigrate, less freedom. There were different periods. When a democratic movement began in 1967-1968, the emigration was pure abstraction, that is, no one left, we did not hear that someone would leave, no one returned. Communists could leave, and then do not leave, but to go, sometimes remain non-return. I remember, we said that in principle there should be freedom of emigration, but it all had nothing to do with the case. Then the KGB decided to use Jewish emigration in order to drank someone from dissidents. But it was an absolutely new phenomenon, it began in 1970-71. I think that politicalamigrants played a big role, I, in particular, together with Valery Celidze, we published the magazine "Chronicle to Protection of Human Rights", reissued the "Chronicle of current events", published books. I spoke on Radio Liberty, "Voice of America". Corrected with people in Moscow. Thus, we have created additional channels of information, the movement has become truly international. I think that by last practice it is unlikely to return, but it is impossible to predict, the mode can become so worse that these will be the details of the additional fascization of the regime. It seems to me unlikely.

Alexander Podrababin: Some success in the struggle for departure from the country achieved ethnic Germans and Pentecostals, but in general, for most Soviet citizens, the border remained on the castle. However, there is no such castle that could not hack folk crafts. The flight across the border was a dangerous, but not so rare.

The easiest way was used by the "Non-return" - people who have not returned from the west of tourist trips and office business trips. It should be noted that the Non-return - the concept is older than the Soviet power. Even at the beginning of the XIX century after the victory over Napoleon, more than 40 thousand lower ranks of the Russian army remained in the west. Alexander I even wanted to return them to Russia forcibly, but nothing happened.

From the Soviet "non-returns" can be called such famous peoplelike world chess champion Alexander Alekhin and Champion of the USSR in Chess Victor Corrun, director Alexey Granovsky, Singer Fedor Shalyapin, Genetic Timofeev-Resovsky, Daughter Stalin Svetlana Allyluweva, Ballet dancers Mikhail Baryshnikov and Rudolf Nureyev, historian Mikhail Elena, actor Alexander Godunov, Pianist Maxim Shostakovich, Soviet ambassador to UN Arkady Shevchenko, film director Andrei Tarkovsky, winner of the Olympic Games and three times world champion Hockey player Sergey Fedorov, writer Anatoly Kuznetsov. This is from the most famous.

And there was still a lot of people, at their own fear and risk of concerned from the Soviet paradise. different ways. Oceanographer Stanislav Kurilov, to whom the Soviet authorities allowed to investigate sea depths exclusively in the territorial waters of the USSR, took a ticket to the ocean cruise from Vladivostok to the equator and back without entering the ports. This did not require the receipt of a visa. On the night of December 13, 1974, he jumped from the stern of the vessel into the water and with a lasty, a mask and a tube, without food, drinking and sleeping for two more days sailed about 100 km to one of the Isles of the Philippine Archipelago. After the investigation conducted by the Philippine authorities, he was deported to Canada and received Canadian citizenship. And in the Soviet Union, Kurilov received a correspondence sentence by 10 years in prison for treason.

Sitting with me in one camp in the early 80s Vladimir Bogorodsky, to whom the Soviet authorities did not give permits to repatriation to Israel, told how he spat on legal ways to emigrate and simply switched to the Soviet-Chinese border. From the Chinese, he demanded to give him the opportunity to fly to Israel or meet with American diplomats in Beijing, but the Chinese Communists turned out to be no better than Soviet. They offered him an alternative: either stay in China, or return to the Union. So, instead of Israel or America, Volodya spent three years in Shanghai, and then the relationship of Moscow and Beijing Warmels, the fugitive was brought to the Soviet-Chinese border and transferred to Soviet border guards. He received three years camp for the illegal transition of the border and was happy that he was not 15 years for treason.

The plane has always been the fastest and most convenient means of movement. Including from the socialist camp in the free world. Mandrels, one way or another, involved in aviation, fled abroad on airplanes, as a rule, military.

Most of these shoots took place after World War II, but there were cases before. For example, on May 1, 1920, four aircraft from the 4th fighter air group of the first aviation squadron of the Red Army flew from the airfield Nice under Borisov to scatter leaflets over the territory of Poland, against which the Bolsheviks fought. Back only three fighters returned. Former lieutenant colonel of the tsarist army, Peter Abakanovich flew on his "Newroup-24-bis" to the Poles, landed at the airfield in Zhodino. Then he served in Poland's air force, twice got into the plane crash, during the Second World War in Resistance, fought with the Nazis, participated in the Warsaw uprising of 1944, and after the war he continued to fight the communist regime in Poland. In 1945, he was arrested, in 1946 he was sentenced to shooting, but then replaced the death penalty for life imprisonment. In 1948, he died in a prison of the gaze from the defeating guard.

In 1948, the Yak-11 training aircraft was hijacked to Turkey directly from the flying school in Grozny. It must be assumed, the cadet entered the military pilot, already having clear intentions.

In the same 1948, Petr Pier Pirogov and Anatoly Barza flew on the Soviet military aircraft Tu-2 from the kolomyy air base to Austria. American occupation authorities in Germany provided them with political asylum. A year later, Anatoly Bars, it is not known for what reason, returned to the USSR, where he was shot in half a year.

On May 15, 1967, the pilot of Vasily Upatko flew on the MiG-17 plane from the Soviet air base in the GDR into the territory of West Germany. He did not land, but he catapulted in the area of \u200b\u200bAugsburg. Later he received political asylum in the United States.

May 27, 1973 Avgenikhnik Lieutenant Evgeny Vronsky took off on the SU-7 combat aircraft from the Gearssenhain Group soviet troops in Germany. Having minimal piloting skills, obtained on the simulator, the Vronsky all flight flew on the fluster mode and did not even remove the chassis after the takeoff. After crossing the FRG border, the Vronsky catapulted. His car fell on a forest massif by the city of Braunschweig and soon the fragments of the aircraft were returned to the Soviet side, and Lieutenant Vronsky received political asylum.

September 6, 1976 Senior Lieutenant Victor Belenko ran on the MiG-25 aircraft to the Japanese Island Hokkaido. After the study of the aircraft by American experts, the plane in the disassembled state was returned to the Soviet Union. After this escape in the launch system, the button from the fighter appeared a button that removed the lock on the shooting over its aircraft. She received the nickname "Belenkovskaya".

But they fled from the Soviet Union not only on military aircraft. In 1970, 16 Jewish refusers from Leningrad planned to catch the Civic aircraft An-2, buying all the tickets for this flight. It was assumed to plant a plane in Sweden, but all participants in the operation were arrested by the KGB bodies still at the airfield, that is, before they managed to do anything. Ultimately, all sentenced to long time imprisonment.

What was not able to make Jewish refusal, 30 years later, managed to implement Cuban refugees. On September 19, 2000, the 36-year-old pilot Angel Lenin Iglesias with his wife and two children flew exactly on the same An-2 from the Cuban city of Pinar del Rio. All other passengers and the second pilot were also relatives of Iglesias. There were 10 people on board. The aircraft took a course on Florida, but he ended in fuel, and he brought in the Gulf of Mexico. With tight fit on the water, one of the passengers died. The rest picked up by Panama Dryhead, which delivered those saved in Miami.

In the Russian-French film "East-West", it is told about the fate of the family who returned from emigration to the Soviet Union and faced here with the realities of the Stalin dictatorship. The prototype of the main character was Nina Alekseevna Krivoshein - the Russian emigrant of the first wave, the wife of the Belog Guard officer Igor Krivoshin, who was sitting at the Nazis in Buchenwald, and in the Communists - in Gulage. Unfortunately, the authors of the film did not bother to mention in the credits that the script was written on the book of Nina Krivoshein "Four-Thresses of our Life". The son of Nina Alekseevna Nikita Krivoshein, the former Soviet political prisoner, sentenced in 1957 to the camp term for an article in the French newspaper "MOND" with the condemnation of the Soviet invasion of Hungary, recalls his Solagers, who tried to escape from the Soviet Union.

Nikita Krivoshein: I knew Vasya Saburov, who served in the border troops, took, descended from the tower on the Turkish border and went to Turkey. Then it turned out to be in the United States. Then he was told that his homeland forgives him, he could not live without him, he returned and received 10 years. I knew Levu Nazarenko, a resident of Minsk, who sat on the train, went to the station Batumi, had a breakfast and on foot Popper to the Turkish border. There he met two shepherds. He received 10 years. I knew the Moscow Student, who, in those days it was possible, agreed with the Scandinavian crew that they would spend on board the aircraft. But being a good son, before his departure told his father: "Dad, goodbye. I want to go to Scandinavia so something." Dad played in Pavlik Morozov, on the contrary, and immediately called where it follows. The plane was put in Riga, and he received 10 years. Here are a few examples, such examples are still preliminary, starting with the Solonevich brothers who managed to escape from Solovetsky camps and relocate in Finland, and then in Latin America, not to mention countless non-returns.

Alexander Podrababin: In the early 1990s, the "iron curtain" collapsed with the crash of the international communist system. Departure became free, field visas were canceled who wanted - emigrated, the rest could free go to other countries to visit, learn, work or relax during the holidays. Article 27 of the Constitution of Russia, which claims that "everyone can freely go beyond the Russian Federation," did not remain only on paper - it actually acted and guaranteed the right to freedom of movement.

Clouds began to thicken a few years ago. In 2008, regulations were published in the country, prohibiting free travel abroad for certain categories of persons - debtors on administrative fines and taxes, defaulters of alimony, defendants in lawsuits. In all these cases, legislation already existed mechanisms for recovery and coercion - from the arrest of property to administrative and criminal cases. The question of the "closing of the border" for a citizen began to decide the judicial act, but not at the court hearing with a honest competition of the parties, but a personal bailiff. For example, in 2012, bailiffs were banned from a country of 469 thousand citizens. In the first quarter of 2014, 190 thousand Russians were traded from the country, mostly debtors of banks.

All these solutions looms the shadow of the Soviet Union: the departure abroad is regarded as a gift to citizens, and not as their inalienable right. In fact, why a person who has money debts in front of organizations or citizens cannot temporarily go abroad, say, for treatment or to a dying relative? He will certainly become a non-return? Will run away from debts and ask for political asylum? What else can our power be suspected? In that he will spend money that could return to debt repayment? What does this look like from the point of view of the law and the right of citizens to freedom of movement?

The lawyer Vadim Prokhorov is divided by its impressions.

Vadim Prokhorov: Article 27 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, namely the first part of it, guarantees freedom of departure and entry from the Russian Federation. The development of this provision of the Constitution adopted a federal law on the procedure for departure from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation. In this law, the 15 article establishes a number of grounds for which the departure of Russian citizens from the Russian Federation may be limited. What are these grounds? There are 7 grounds. The first base is access to the information constituting state secrecy or completely secret information. The second base is the passage of an urgent military or alternative civil service. The third foundation is to attract as an accused or suspected of committing a crime, from my point of view, the most obvious basis for restricting the departure, this is generally fairly fairly. The fourth base is contained in places of imprisonment by the court sentence before serving a sentence. The fifth is the most slippery, a delicate basis, as having some commitments of a civil-law, as a rule, imposed by a court decision, including debt obligations, credit, not fulfilled obligations. The sixth base is when obviously false information was informed when applying for a passport. Finally, the seventh are employees who served in the federal security service authority, respectively, until the end of the contract. This is the foundations for which the departure may be limited. If we look in more detail on these foundations, it is clear that there is a certain collision between the constitutional norm, which allows you to freely leave the country and enter into it, and the requirements of the federal law that allow the relevant departure to limit. Some foundations seem to me quite logical. For example, detained or suspected or accused of committing crimes. Another thing is how our law enforcement and judicial system works - a separate conversation. But in general, criminals or potential criminals must be limited to the issue on them to resolve them. The most slippery foundation is those who have a civil law commitment, that is, do not fulfill the relevant decisions of the court, they evaporate, including maliciously, from paying alimony and so on. There is really a difficult balance, because on the one hand, this is a constitutional right to enter and check out. Why do you need to limit a person in this? On the other hand, I, for example, as a practitioner, the acting lawyer, a civilistist perfectly understand that, unfortunately, the legal and economic situation in Russia is such that often people are quite deliberately shy away from the performance of their civil obligations. There is a really problem here, it is possible to limit the constitutional law of a citizen for departure by protecting the rights of his recovers, his creditors. It seems to me that the question is not obvious, it does not have a definite answer, from my point of view. It is necessary to defend constitutional rights, on the one hand, on the other hand, unfortunately, the level of legal consciousness of society is that for some reason the debts often are often not considered debts. Yes, the restriction on departure as a kind of long yam can be called otherwise.

Alexander Podrababin: Perhaps such a debt recovery system is really effective. Similarly, effectively, for example, torture in relation to the arrested criminals - under torture, they quickly give out their accomplices. An even more effective than the blackmail of the arrested fate of their loved ones - there is few people stand here, in order not to confess in the crimes committed, and in imperfect too. However, the overall question sounds like this: is it possible to protect the rights of some citizens, breaking the sake of this right of others? And if possible, then to what extent, and where is the border that it is impossible to go into the legal state?

In 2010, the ban on departure from the country touched FSB staff. They were allowed to leave abroad only on a special solution and only in the event of the death of close relatives or urgent treatment, which is impossible in Russia. The exact number of employees of the FSB of the public is unknown, but according to different estimates it is at least 200 thousand people.

In April 2014, the internal institutions were prohibited from departure to most countries to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Drug Control Service, the Prosecutor's Office, the Federal Bailiff Service, the Federal Migration Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations. That is, those who are usually referred to power block". In total, it is about 4 million people. And what any, and these are also citizens of Russia, having the same constitutional rights.

Why the authorities needed such measures against the support of their regime, not quite understandable. Regulations These are not published, there are no official comments. Some believe that this is a kind of revenge of the heads of power bodies, many of which were under Western sanctions in connection with the intervention of Russia in the events in Ukraine. Others believe that this is only the first step towards the total ban on departure for all citizens of Russia. A particular sign of politeness for society: We start with your, and then it will reach the turn to you!

The former Soviet political prisoner Nikita Krivoshein lives in France does not believe in the return of the "iron curtain".

Nikita Krivoshein: I read that the restrictions by civil servants, some categories of civil servants, people working in the defense industry, having access to public secrets, but the same limitations may not be the same, but such restrictions still exist in France for Such categories. I read that restrictions were introduced for non-payers of alimony and people who did not pay on loans - it seems to me funny, but somehow I am convinced that the resorts of Turkey and Spain will not empty.

Alexander Podrababin: The assumption that the "iron curtain" may well come back and cover the continent again, not as absurd, as it may seem at first glance. In the neighboring Belarus, for example, for several years forbidden to leave the country from some opposition.

After capturing this year, the Crimea, all who wanted to preserve Ukrainian citizenship and did not want to take Russian, overnight became foreigners. Now they should receive a residence permit and cannot hold at home for more than 180 days a year. The leader of the Crimean Tatars, the former Soviet dissident and the Political Prisoner Mustafa, the Russian authorities, were generally banned from entering Russia and in the Crimea. Now he cannot return to his home in Bakhchisaraye, to his family and his homeland, which he and his people managed to defend at Soviet power.

So, the prototype of the future "iron curtain" acts in both directions: someone, as always, is not released from here, and someone is not allowed here.

The question of freedom of movement, the right to leave the country and return by no means idle. Today, for many people, he has clear practical value. One question: Leave or stay? Another question: if you leave, when?

If you ask the younger generation, what is the iron curtain, difficulties may arise. Of course, when you were not a witness to those or other events, it is difficult to imagine them. However, asking the same question to people born in the era of the late USSR - will immediately follow. After all, they lived during this period, they do not know what the notorious iron curtain is. Let's try and we will reveal the curtain of the mystery and tell you more, why it originated when I stopped exist, and we will also try to answer the rhetorical question - was it generally needed?

The background appearance of the iron curtain

In 1945, the Second World War was over. Germany was defeated - the fascist troops were pursued from all sides - the Americans and the British from the West, Soviet soldiers from the East. The countries occupied by the Germans at the very beginning of hostilities were released, and not someone, but the Red Army. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary - Peoples received their freedom and the right to life thanks to Russian soldiers. Of course, the Soviet leadership pursued its goals in the liberation of these states - it was necessary to create puppet governments, and fully submitted by Moscow, but with the form of politics, pleased for citizens.

For the whole world, these countries were democratic, but in fact they were not these. In most cases, the coming to power of the necessary people occurred either by the help of a coup, or falsified elections. Soviet agents, "Gray Cardinals", which were appointed by advisors, were actually a basements, performers of the whole "black" work to eradicate dissent in the country. All parties, with the exception of the communist, were dissolved, their activities are strictly prohibited. Thus, by the end of the 1940s, all Eastern Europe turned out to be separated from the rest of the European part of the so-called iron curtain.

So what is it?

Of course, you should not understand this literally - there was no metallic barrier between states. For the first time, the term "iron curtain" said the British Prime Minister in his speech in Fulton in 1946. However, in fact, this phrase was used much earlier - after the 1917 revolution and the subsequent civil war in Russia. Philosopher Vasily Rozanov compared the revolution and establishing the Soviet power with theatrical action, after which the curtain of iron is lowered with a creant and clanging. The share of truth in his words was.

Just since the period of the civil war marked the beginning of the isolation of the young Soviet state (it increased by the end of the 1930s), it was also believed that the USSR himself contributes to its isolation, because he wanted to develop internally and not depend on external factors. Western countries believed that the life of Soviet Russia is short-lived, therefore it is not worth spending their strength and time on it.

However, they calculated - the USSR not only did not fall apart after the end of the Civil War, but also began to develop a rapid pace, which could not be disturbed by the United States and the United Kingdom. And the Soviet leadership, seeking to show that life in the country is good and convenient, invited many intellectuals from abroad, offering them housing and benefits. So to speak, they let dust in the eyes. But the enemy was not a scroll shit - the United States was taken by everything to suppress opponent.

In 1944, the country announces its currency - the dollar is the only estimated, and after the death of Franklin Roosevelt, who has always been loyal to the USSR and to Joseph Stalin in particular, by the president, who said that there could be no joint decisions from the USSR. Of course, such provocations could not be without the attention of the Russian leadership. And in retaliation in the USSR and the countries friendly to him (read - conquered anew) dropped the iron curtain.

What he represented

To a greater extent, these were limitations of citizens in a particular case. In 1946, Eastern Europe is referred to as the Eastern Block (Soviet), which was covered by the policy of Moscow (unofficially, of course). What did he conclude? First of all, there were restrictions on the departure from the communist country. It was incredibly difficult to leave even on vacation to the capitalist country - in most cases, a refusal sounded for humans. The same concerned and work in the Soviet bloc - foreign journalists were not allowed or carefully checked, and the diplomatic corps was minimal.

Stalin went further and stressed in one of his performances that communism exceeds capitalism in many respects. In response, Churchill uttered his famous speech in Fulton, the United States, where he noted that "all Eastern Europe, from Shttitin on the Baltic, to Trieste on Adriatic, hidden behind the iron curtain. All the ancient capital with world history - Warsaw, Bucharest, Budapest, Sofia - turned out to be conquered by Moscow. This is not the liberated Europe for which we fought. "

Of course, the USSR won from the communization of liberated countries - countries supplied raw materials and industrial resources to Moscow. It was especially difficult for those who participated in the war on the side of Germany - Romania and Hungary. They were forced to sign a humiliating agreement on truce with the Soviet leadership. And without that poor countries underwent robbery. Machines, grain tons exported to the USSR. Sometimes whole plants were dismantled and moved to the territory of Russia.

The coma of that, the iron curtain is not only an entry and outbound blockade, but also cultural. The Soviet Union carefully watched what information comes to citizens, from where, who is the source. It should not be thought that in the West was different - countries also sought to protect the inhabitants from the anegous influence of the communist infection. Any contacts with foreign citizens should be under the control of the authorities. If something happened not according to plan - the Soviet citizen carried punishment, and quite severe. Recall at least an example of the legendary Soviet actress Zoe Fedorova, which paid for the love of his career and health.

In 1945, she met an American diplomat Jackson Tate. I got acquainted quite close. Yes, so that in January next year daughter gave birth from him. Of course, it would be a scandal, and the actress married another (Soviet citizen, of course) so that the child was recorded on him. However, all the secret becomes clear, and Fedorov sentenced to 25 years in the camp for "espionage." The term has been reduced, but health has already been undermined. Restore career never succeeded.

If someone was able to overcome the iron curtain and leave abroad, the Soviet leadership developed his answer - deprivation of citizenship and the impossibility of returning to the USSR to the end of life. Thus, many cultural figures are writers, poets, directors, actors - became "non-repulsions." And, of course, the leadership carefully hid a true state of affairs in the country, showing the foreigners who come to the country, a beautiful picture of a good, well-full life of the Soviet Union.

How long could the curtain exist? It is difficult to say, but it fell already in the late 1980s, when the policy of publicity was announced in the Union. In 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, and this event, one might say, was the turning point that finally destroyed the iron curtain. He went into the past with the fall of the USSR -strane, who claimed that communism was invincible. However, only 70 years old were enough. But after so many decades of isolation, the new Russia received freedom. In all senses.

Did he needed? The question is rhetorical. On the one hand, the USSR developed successfully, hoping only for his strength, people lived in equal (if possible) conditions, not knowing what was happening for the hill. But there were a lot of restrictions. How many broken fates and broken families occurred due to the iron curtain. Therefore, everyone will answer for ourselves, did he need, or is it another whim of the Soviet leadership?

"Now the" Singolar World "is often said. This expression is absurd, since the word" pole "in meaning is inextricably linked with a number two, with the presence of the second pole."

S. Kara-Murza, political analyst.

The history of the Cold War is not only the story of rivalry of two ideologies, but also the history of the rivalry of two economic systems, which were essentially antipodes to each other. What is remarkable this topic? It covers the beginning of what we all witness in our life.

What am I talking about?

Read between the lines. For having eyes, yes will see ...


"Iron curtain - this expression gave life to the device that used earlier in the theater - the iron curtain, which, to protect the auditorium from the fire, lowered the scene in case of fire on it. It was very advisable in the era when on the stage for its lighting are forced to There were open fire - candles, oil lamps, etc. For the first time, such an iron curtain was used in France - in the city of Lyon in the late 80s - early 90s. XVIII c. "

Vadim Serov.

It is believed that the well-known "iron curtain" dropped to the country of the Soviets in the 1920s, roughly speaking, as soon as they created the USSR, so immediately the curtain and covered so that they would not fly the mud from the West. I'm afraid to disappoint some, but it is not.

The country of the Soviets existed, developed no self-insulation, and it did not have closure, even on the contrary, the Soviet government made every effort to eliminate this closure. For this purpose, well-known writers, people of art and other figures from around the world are invited to the USSR. The goal of all this was to break the veil of a lie, whom the West enveloped us, and to give the opportunity to evaluate what was happening in our country more or less truthfully.

In addition to the writers and artists, the usual people came to the USSR: some of them were invited as experts on a major salary, and some of them arrived, according to ideological reasons (people wanted to build society of the future). Naturally, after some time, returned to his homeland, they all brought with them the baggage of information about the country of Soviets.

But the Western powers did not attach to this much, they did not see more in Russia a serious opponent for the next decades, although they did not stop their attempts to snatch from us an extra piece (campaign 14 states).

"Russia, which was a western type civilization - the least organized and the most striking of the great powers, - now is a modern civilization in extremis (lat. With the last bulk - approx. Auth.). ... History does not know anything like more collapse. Survived by Russia. If this process lasts another year, the wreck will become final. Russia will turn into the country of the peasants; the cities will be empty and turn into ruins, railways tauchery grass. With disappearance railways The last residues of the central power disappear. "

Herbert Wells, 1920

However, the drum growth rates of the USSR were extremely scared by the West, showing them that they were strongly calculated at our expense, even taking into account the insertion of sticks in all of our wheels and wheels.

Then, from the sleeve was pulled out the trump Ace of the West - Adolf Hitler (you can read more about this in the article - ") and the war was unleashed by its scale, Dotol was unprecedented by humanity.

"In the event that the Germans are borrowed, then it is necessary to help the Russians, and if it turns out otherwise, it is necessary to help the Germans. And let them kill each other as much as possible."

Truman, " NEW YORK TIMES ", 1941

As they say (they, in the West) - "Nothing Personal, Just Business."

Trap on the bear.

"Who manages the money of the country, is the absolute owner of the entire industry and trade."

James Abram Garfield, 20 President of the United States, 1881

In July 1944, an international Bretton Woods Conference was held in the USA, in the United States (New Hampshire). The meaning of this conference was reduced to two main points: the dollar is the only currency that is now allowed to have gold content, yet the rest of the country must refuse to provide gold to their currencies, in return for dollar support (buy a dollar to print their currency), and the second paragraph - The dollar becomes the main settlement currency (all international trade should now be conducted only for dollars).

The USSR signs the Bapton Woods Agreement, its ratification (approval) is scheduled for December 1945.

April 12, 1945 killed Franklin Delado Roosevelt. The reason for the murder was his friendly relations to the USSR and Stalin personally. This event shows again that the presidents in the United States are just a pawn in a big game.

"You were the closest to equal cooperation when Roosevelt was in America, and we have Stalin."

S.E. Kurginyan, political scientist.

I will give Roosevelt's words:

"Under the leadership of Marshal Joseph Stalin, the Russian people showed such an example of love for the Motherland, the firmness of the spirit and self-sacrifice, which the world has not yet known. After the war, our country will always be glad to support the relationship of good neighborhood and sincere friendship with Russia, whose people, saving themselves, helps salvation In the whole world from the Nazi threat. "
Personal Message Stalin FollowingTehran conference (Passed: November 28 - 1 December 1943):
"I believe that the conference was very successful, and I am sure that it is a historic event confirming our ability not only to lead the war, but also to work for the future of the future in full agreement."
"I am expressing in a simple language, I perfectly revealed with Marshal Stalin. This man combines a huge, adamant will and a healthy sense of humor; I think the soul and the heart of Russia have their true representative in him. I believe that we will continue to get very well and With him, and with all Russian people. "
"Starting with the last meeting in Tehran, we work in a truly good cooperation with the Russians, and I believe that the Russians are quite friendly. They are not trying to absorb the whole of Europe and the rest of the world."

Quotes speak for themselves.

Exactly 2 hours 24 minutes, after the death of Roosevelt, his place is occupied by Vice-President of the United States and an agile anti-communist Harry Truman. Literally into Russian, "Truman" translates as "real man" (English "True Man") \u003d)), but this is a joke.

The first thing is that Truman, it prohibits the execution of any instructions from the former, Roosevelt administration.

"Enough, we are not interested in any more in alliance with Russians, and therefore, we can not fulfill agreements with them. The problem of Japan and without the help of Russians."

From this point on, any friendship can be forgotten.

On the eve of the Potsdam conference (he passed: July 17 - August 2, 1945), Truman receives an encrypted message: " The operation passed this morning. The diagnosis is not yet completely completed, but the results seem satisfactory and are already excellent expectations.". It was a message about the successful test of the atomic bomb. And on July 21, the US military minister stimson, accompanied at the conferenceTruman , Receives photos of the tests and shows them to the president.

And Truman goes to the offensive.

During the conference, he is trying to hint Stalin about the presence of atomic weapons in the United States.

Churchill describes this scene: "We stood on two and three, before breaking. I was, perhaps in five yards and watched with a closer interest behind this important conversation. I knew that I was going to say the president. It was extremely important to know what impression it will produce in Stalin. ".

A little later, Churchill will suit Tryuman: "How did everything go?" - I asked. "He did not ask a single question," the president replied ".

And on August 6 and 9, 1945, the United States commits two nuclear strike in Japanese cities - in the city of Hiroshima (up to 166 thousand dead) and in the city of Nagasaki (up to 80 thousand dead).

"Military and civilians, men and women, old men and young people were killed without a dismissal of atmospheric pressure and thermal radiation of the explosion ...

These bombs used by Americans, in their cruelty and terrifying effects, are much superior to poisoning gases or any other weapons, the use of which is prohibited.

Japan protests against the US abrasion of internationally recognized principles of warfare, disturbed both when using the atomic bomb and at the previously used incendiary bombers who killed old men, women and children, destroyed and burned the Sinto and Buddhist temples, schools, hospitals, residential neighborhoods, and T D ..

Now they used this new bomb, which has a much larger destructive effect than any other weapons used by the accommodation. This is a new crime against humanity and civilization. "

According to the American report of 1946, there was no military necessity in the use of atomic bombs:

"Based on a detailed study of all facts and after an interview with surviving Japanese officials, according to this study, definitely until December 31, 1945, and most likely until November 1, 1945, Japan would have capitulated, even if atomic bombs were not reset And the USSR would not enter the war, and even if the invasion of the Japanese islands was not planned and was not prepared. "

After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Americans planned the subsequent atomic bombings of Japan, but later decided that it was more expedient not to spend bombs, as it was created, but to begin to accumulate them.

Reserves of nuclear weapons in the world.
Bomb explosions were an incidence act. Send Stalin here is unambiguous: ratify the Bretton Woods agreement or bombs can also fly to you, by chance.

On September 4, 1945, the United States Joint Military Planning Committee prepared Memorandum No. 329: " select approximately 20 most important goals suitable for the USSR strategic bombing and on the territory controlled by it". As the arsenal builds, the number of cities was planned to increase. The USSR at this point was not only such a weapon, but even a strategic bomber capable of distant flights.

December 1945 came. The USSR ratify the Bretton Woods Agreement abandoned the cut.

But atomic blows in the USSR did not follow. Stalin weighted all the "for" and "against" too well.
One of the important reasons for the failed attack was the Americans themselves, namely their deliveries to us on Land Lisa.

And from mid-1994, approximately 2,400 storms-attack aircraft R-63 "Cynoborma" were delivered to the USSR, the best American fighters at the end of the war, which was the modification of the above-mentioned P-39. In the war with Germany, "cinema" failed to participate, and in the war with Japan practically too.

Thus, it turned out that by the end of the war we in service with the full set of the latest American fighters were in service (I think a good relationship with Roosevelt played our role here), and all atomic bombs, at that time, were delivered using long aviation, vulnerable to fighters.

So it turns out that the Americans defended us, from themselves.

America was not able tooke with us in honest battle, even combining your strength with Europe. The Soviet Union was no longer in the teeth for this moment. So begins the West by all the forces to increase the joint military power so that it is possible to enjoy it in the USSR as soon as possible. The USSR also remained only to strengthen air defense and accelerate work on its atomic program.

The curtain is descended.

"The most important thing is to choose the right enemy."

Joseph Goebbels.

On March 5, 1946, Winston Churchill, speaking in Westminster College in Fulton (USA), divided the world into two poles: those who are with us and those who are with them, the so-called bipolar world. The speech was also attended by President Truman.

This speech was the official start of the Cold War.

"Neither effective prevention of war nor the continued expansion of the World Organization cannot be achieved without the fraternal union of English-speaking nations. This means a special relationship between the British Commonwealth and the British Empire and the United States.

From Shattin on Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic on the continent, the iron curtain was lowered. On the other side of the curtain, all the capital of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe - Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia. All these famous cities and the population in their areas were within the limits of what I call the Soviet sphere, all of them in one form or another obey not only to the Soviet influence, but also a significant and increasing control of Moscow.

Almost all of these countries are managed by police governments,<...> They have no genuine democracy. "

But Churchill was not the one who first introduced the concept of "Iron Curtain" in relation to the Soviet Union. He borrowed this expression from the Article Minister of Folk Enlightenment and Propaganda of Germany, Joseph Goebbels:

"If the Germans will devote weapons, the tips are occupied, according to the Yalta conference, all Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, together with most of the Reich. The iron curtain drops to the entire gigantic territory controlled by the Soviet Union, which nations will be exterminated.

Everything that remains will be human raw material, a stunning wandering mass of millions of desperate, proletarized working animals that will know about the rest of the world just what the Kremlin will want. "

This article was written by Goebbels on February 25, 1945, immediately after the Yalta conference, on which the further fate of the world was peaked.

His Article Goebbels tried to make discord grains in the ranks of the Allies (antgitlerian naturally) and desperately pour out the last chance of salvation in the West, in the face of inevitable death: "Now Bolshevism is on Oder. It all depends on the persistence of German soldiers. Will Bolshevism be pushed to the east or his rage will cover the whole of Europe.<...> Everything will be solved by us or will not be solved at all. That's all alternatives. "

Article Goebbels had an action, but only after the fall of Germany and the death of her leading top. Then Churchill and takes the words of Goebbels for his speech in Fulton.

"Wops Churchill deeper, he would know that for the first time the term" iron curtain "was used in Scandinavia, where the workers protested in the early 20s against the desire of their rulers to exist from the" heretical ideas "from the east."

Valentin Falin, Dr. East. science

Not for that we fought with Hitler to pass the power of Churchill.

Stalin immediately responded to the Fulton Speech:

"It should be noted that Mr. Churchill and his friends are strikingly reminded in this respect Hitler and his friends. Hitler began the case of unleashing the war with what proclaimed a racial theory, announcing that only people speaking in German represent a full-fledged nation.

Mr. Churchill begins to unleash the war, also with racial theory, arguing that only the nations speaking in English are full nations designed to finish the fate of the whole world.

The German racial theory led Hitler and his friends to the conclusion that the Germans as the only full-fledged nation must dominate other nations. The English racial theory leads Mr. Churchill and his friends to the conclusion that the nation speaking in English, as the only full-fledged must dominate the rest of the nations of the world.

In essence, Mr. Churchill and his friends in England and the United States impose nations not speaking in English, something like an ultimatum: admit our domination voluntarily, and then everything will be fine, - in otherwise Inevitable war. "

Parable about good samaritanine.

The meaning of the Marshall Plan, it was reduced to the allocation of financial assistance to countries for the Second World War.

Good will gesture say you. Alas are not, in America "Only business." Each of the countries received assistance, had to sacrifice part of his sovereignty.

The doctrine of Truman, contained concrete measures against the expansion of the Soviet sphere of influence and dissemination of the communist ideology ("the doctrine of deterring" of socialism), as well as aimed at the return of the USSR to its former borders ("the discarding doctrine" of socialism).

Father the founder of "doctrine doctrine" is considered the American ambassador to Moscow (of that time). It was he who formulated and outlined in his telegram dated February 22, 1946, even before the speech of Churchill in Fulton, all the main trends in the future cold war. The telegram was called "long", as it contained about 8.000 words.

I will give excerpts from the telegram:

The full text of the telegram, you can read here (link) or at the end of the article, in the add. Materials.

It was George Kennan to formulate the idea, according to which the Soviet Union should be defeated without entering him in a straight military conflict. The rate was done on the exhaustion of the Soviet economy, because the western economy was much more powerful (why was it more powerful? Yes, because they have evolved until we fought, and our gold snapped).

Thus, by mid-1947, two types of foreign policy orientation are finally formed on the world map: the Soviet and Pro American.

And on April 4, 1949, the countries received economic assistance from the United States according to the Marshall plan, sign the North Atlantic Agreement (NATO). Here is a combination of two strokes.

But in August (29 numbers) of 1949, the USSR successfully tests its first atomic bomb - RDS-1. And two years before, in early 1947, a long-distance bombard is created in the USSR, capable of delivering nuclear charges. They were famous Tu-4.

A little about our bomber.

On August 3, 1947, the three aircraft Tu-4 opened an air parade in Tushino, which was attended by foreign military representatives. At first, foreigners did not believe that Soviet aircraft fly in the sky, because only the United States had similar bombers, it was their newest development. But, no matter how I wanted to admit it, the aircraft were Soviet. And the reason for the disbelief of foreigners was the similarity - the aircraft were accurate copies of the American B-29 "SuperFortress" (superreprost).

In 1949, Tu-4 was adopted and became the first Soviet carrier aircraft atomic weapons.

Thus, the position of the two forces in the world was relatively equalized. Now, with our bare hands it was not to take.

"He started a cold war Truman. And he began her from fear, from weakness, not from strength. And why? After World War II, capitalism as a building turned out to be strongly battered. It was discredited in the eyes of millions of people. He gave rise to a great depression. He gave rise to terrible War. He gave rise to fascism and gas chambers.

The Soviet Union was in this sense a real alternative. And it happened on the background when Europe was in ruins.

That's the Greek Communists will come to power.

The Italian Communists in the 43rd year had 7 thousand people. In the 45th year, they had 1.5 million people.

And here the Truman and his environment had a fear that Stalin would take advantage of the possibilities that were revealed before it. Moreover, in China there was a civil war where the communists won. India continued to fight for independence. The liberation wars were already in Indonesia and Vietnam, or were ready for it.

That is, the Soviet Union, as Americans believed, can take advantage of this situation in order to create a real threat to American capitalism, an American lifestyle. The Soviet Union had to be stopped. That was the reason why the Americans began a cold war. "

A.L. Adamashin, Russian diplomat.

The Soviet system was dangerous for the West not so much from an ideological point of view as with the methodological one. Mostly it concerned the economic component.

"The principle of state policy (Soviet - approx. Avt.) A permanent, even modest, improving the welfare of the population was made. This was expressed, for example, in large and regular price reductions (13 times in 6 years; from 1946 to 1950. Faised threefold, and meat 2.5 times). It was then that the specific stereotypes of mass consciousness were attached to the state ideology: confidence in tomorrow and the belief that life can only improve.

The condition for this was the strengthening of the state's financial system in close connection with planning. To preserve this system, the USSR went to an important step: refused to join the IMF and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and on March 1, 1950, he left the dollar zone at all, transferring the ruble rate to the Golden Base. In the USSR, large gold reserves were created, the ruble was unconverted, which made it possible to maintain very low domestic prices. "

In each country, there is a certain amount of goods and services (commodity equivalent, TE), the number of these goods and services is constantly growing, or decreases (depending on the situation in the country, but it is definitely not standing in place) and there is a money mass, the purpose of which is to serve Universal Equivalent Sharing (DE - monetary equivalent). The money mass is always attached to the goods and must approximately correspond to their quantity (that is, TE \u003d DE). If there is more money than the goods, it is called inflation ( TE< ДЭ = инфляция ); If the money is less than the goods, it is called deflation ( TE\u003e DE \u003d deflation).

But the Central Bank (in this particular case I mean the Fed) constantly prints extra money, in other words, it creates inflation (TE< ДЭ ) и для того, чтобы уровнять соотношение "товар-деньги", цены на товары и услуги растут. Вот и вся математика.

What happened in the USSR Stalin?

And there was everything exactly the opposite: the amount of goods grew, and the Central Bank did not printe money on the contradiction, that is, he created deflation (TE\u003e DE), and in order to level the "product-money" ratio, the prices of goods reduced (ie. Grew money solvency).
"The essential features and requirements of the main economic law of socialism could be formulated approximately in approximately the following way: ensuring the maximum satisfaction of the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the whole society through continuous growth and improvement of socialist production based on higher equipment. Less: instead of ensuring maximum profits - ensuring maximum Satisfying the material and cultural needs of society; instead of the development of production with breaks from lifting to the crisis and from the crisis to rise, is a continuous increase in production ... "

Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President.

But why did the US chose such an illogical and extremely unstable financial system? The answer is not difficult - "just business." The Fed is a private company, and the inflationary financial system is just a way to profit for this company.

"The main features and requirements of the main economic law of contemporary capitalism could be formulated about this way: ensuring maximum capitalist profits by exploitation, ruin and impoverish the majority of the population of this country ..."

And now I will explain what inflation is, since many do not understand the essence of this term.

For example: 10 people live in the country, each of them has 100 rubles (that is, in total in the circulation of the country 1000 rubles), but then the Central Bank is pressing another 1000 rubles. And I have a question for you - how much money has these people? Yes, they had all the money, but their price (solvency) was halved. In other words, the population of the country was simply robbed by 1000 rubles. This is the inflation system - producing extra money, the Central Bank simply robs its population. But here again, I remember that the Fed is a private office, and therefore it turns out that he robs not "his population", but simply the "population" (and no matter what country). " Nothing personal just business".

"Goods and services that in 1913 could be purchased for $ 1, now stand 21. Let's look at it from the point of view of the purchasing power of the dollar itself. Now it is less than 0.05% of its importance in 1913. We can say That the government with its banking cartel as a result of the inactive inflation policy has stolen 95 cents from each dollar. "

Ron Paul, American Politician, 2009.

With the death of Stalin, the practice of reducing prices in the USSR was discontinued. Khrushchev canceled the golden content of the ruble, translating the Soviet currency, following the example of all countries, for dollar support.

"The success of the Soviet system as a form of power within the country has not yet been proven. It is necessary to clearly demonstrate that it can withstand the decisive test of the successful transition of power from one individual or a group of persons to another.

Lenin's death became the first such transition, and his consequences were destructive on the Soviet state for 15 years. After the death or resignation of Stalin will be the second transition. But even this will not be a decisive test. As a result of the recent territorial expansion, the Soviet power inside the country will experience a number of additional difficulties, which once already subjected to harsh tests of the royal regime. Here we are convinced that never since the termination civil War The Russian people were not in the emotional plan so far from the doctrines of the Communist Party, as at present.

In Russia, the party has become a giant and today by the successful apparatus of the dictatorial rule, but ceased to be a source of emotional inspiration. Thus, the internal strength and stability of the communist movement can still be considered guaranteed. "

What was Stalin's genius? He understood that the ideological component should be constantly changing under the changing needs of the country, then you mean to be flexible, but his followers did not understand this, exactly what Kennan also said.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, many thought that the United States came out winners in the Cold War, but the collapse of the USSR was not the end of the war, he was only the end of the battle. Today we can observe the information war - a new round, a new battle in one big war - the battle of the Empire ...
