Hexagonal roof. Where can I find the correct drawing of a hexagonal arbor made of wood? Advantages of metal structures


You can relax, enjoying the delights of nature, or chat with friends or family in a suburban area with more comfort than just under open air... For this, they came up with gazebos - they allow you to comfortably sit on fresh air, protect from precipitation and the sun, and some also from the wind.

Arbor - why is a hexagon better and where to start building it?

The best shape for a gazebo is a hexagon. This shape is optimal in terms of ergonomics, strength and stability. From a practical point of view, a hexagonal arbor is easier to make, and its design is stiffer and more reliable than that of the latter or of a square (rectangular) one. In addition, the quadrangular options will take more space on the site with equal roominess. From the aesthetic point of view, a hexagonal building is also more advantageous than its counterparts of another form. It looks very elegant, original and will adorn the landscape of any suburban area as seen in the photo.

They begin the construction of a gazebo by choosing a place. It is best to place it next to trees or on the shore of a reservoir. Natural vegetation will not only protect the building from heating in the sun, but also provide additional coolness on a hot day, as well as protection from wind and precipitation in bad weather.

Then the dimensions should be determined. They will depend not only on the free space at the place of construction and the desired functionality, but also on your financial capabilities. The minimum dimensions are determined by what is supposed to be placed inside. It is quite obvious that for a good rest in the gazebo, it is simply necessary to provide for the presence of benches and a table. Perhaps someone will also want to install a tandoor or barbecue there (as in the gazebo in the photo presented), and maybe some other items or equipment. The placement of all these objects must be foreseen in advance so that after mounting the racks it does not turn out that the gazebo turns out to be cramped.

Determination of the size of the gazebo and the method of its construction

A simple and accurate way to determine the size of the gazebo is as follows:

  • on graph paper, we mark the boundaries of the space available for construction on the ground (we choose any convenient scale) - this will be a plan for future construction;
  • from the graph paper we cut out the figures of the objects necessary for placing in the gazebo (the contours and sizes in the selected scale must correspond to real objects);
  • place the figures on the construction plan so that they fit into the hexagon;
  • draw a circle around the hexagon;
  • we measure the radius of the circle and the dimensions of the hexagon, and then translate them into a real scale - these are the dimensions of the future gazebo.

By the way, the hexagon does not have to be strictly symmetrical - its two parallel sides can be longer than the others (for example, the input and the opposite). The design will turn out to be elongated, but in some cases it will allow you to fit into the boundaries of free space, it will be more convenient and original.

Now you need to decide whether to build a gazebo yourself or order its manufacture by those who are professionally engaged in this. If the construction of a complex and solid structure is planned as in the photo, then the second option is more reasonable. Created by the masters architectural form will be much better and better made than a structure built with your own hands. By the way, they will also offer ways to implement what was conceived and materials for the manufacture of a future gazebo.

A simple hexagonal gazebo can be built independently. The main thing is to take into account that such a building has a fairly simple structure: a base, 6 supports and a roof. If the building is not elongated, then each side of it is repeated in shape and size, and therefore also in the elements used. This greatly facilitates the preparation of materials, the construction itself and the decoration of the walls.

Basic principles of self-construction

The next step in self-made construction is the choice of materials. You can use a bar, a log, brick, metal, plastic and their combination. Power and solidity can be given to the structure using concrete and brick, and lightness, delicacy and decorativeness - using carved wood or plastic. Buildings decorated with forged steel ornaments look luxurious - a photo of such a gazebo stands out from the rest of the options. But such complex design elements, like those made of wood, will have to be ordered in the workshops.

A hexagonal gazebo with your own hands, made from the first "pile" to the last hammered nail on your own, can be made of coniferous wood (pine or spruce). Without the use of complex decorative elements in the design that require contacting specialists, its cost will be relatively low, and its strength will be sufficient.

In any case, before starting construction and purchasing materials, it is required to develop detail drawing or a sketch of a future gazebo with an indication of the dimensions of all its elements and parts, as well as ways of their mutual coordination and fastening.

The sketch should be drawn up in accordance with the calculated dimensions and the desired structural and decorative solutions and also consider the use of the selected materials. One of the options is shown in the photo.

The degree of closure of the walls can be different. The openings can only have a railing or ornamental plants or openwork lattices. You can also completely close the walls by inserting glass and making insulation. Then, even in autumn and winter, rest in the gazebo (as in the photo) will proceed with special coziness and comfort. The roof is also installed in any shape. But, as a rule, it consists of exactly the same six triangles, converging at the top in one place.

After preparing all the elements of the future gazebo, it is necessary to make the correct marking at the installation site - draw a hexagon of the required dimensions on the ground. To do this, with the help of two pegs and a rope, draw a circle of the calculated radius. Then, on the drawn circle with the same radius, we mark 6 corners of the future structure. The resulting hexagon will be the base and the future floor of the gazebo, and supports should be installed in its corners. Further, in accordance with the developed drawing.

Arrangement of a comfortable recreation area on a suburban area allows you to calmly rest, enjoy the silence and the surrounding nature, read a book or a tablet.

One of integral elements the sitting area is a comfortable hexagonal gazebo. It protects from the sun and heavy rain, here you can have a cup of aromatic morning coffee or arrange a romantic dinner.

Types of designs and design options

Often, a spectacular gazebo becomes the central decoration of a summer cottage. Today you can find a huge variety of options for open or closed type different forms:




  • combined.

One of the most common options are hexagonal arbors, made from the following materials:

Wooden structures

The most common option in suburban areas is a hexagonal arbor made of wood. They gained mass distribution due to the original form and ease of bringing the project to life. In addition, construction wooden structure does not require high qualifications from workers, which means that the cost of work will be less. Of course, you can order a design development with carved elements, but in such cases there is no upper limit for the cost.

Environmental friendliness, excellent appearance, the possibility of effective combination with other materials, long term exploitation when carrying out preliminary protective measures add popularity to the construction of a hexagonal arbor made of wood.


Massive hexagonal brick gazebos are often an additional design element of the courtyard area with similar objects made of the same material.

Despite the lengthy construction work and the laboriousness of the implementation brick project in life, they are quite often found in suburban areas. Such buildings are not demanding in maintenance, they are fireproof, they have a long service life without the need for annual renovation works and also make it easy to create any design masterpiece.

The construction of a hexagonal brick gazebo already requires certain skills in masonry, so the cost of a specialist's services will be significantly higher than in the case of a wooden structure.

Made of metal

The metal hexagonal arbors are worthy of admiration and admiration. The ability to create graceful shapes and ease of implementation make them quite popular.

High resistance of the material to adverse weather conditions, long service life, unlimited design - these are just a small part of the advantages of the hexagonal metal structure over other analogs.

Great advantage metal arbors- they can be bought ready-made and simply assembled on the site. This is often one of the economical options.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building gazebos. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Forged items

Forged details in the design of the gazebo are always bright and effective. Whimsical, fantastic curls look organic against the background of miniature elements, pretty country buildings, trees and climbing plants. Metal forging makes it possible to bring the original design solutions and tasks.

Forged elements go well with various materials and can be used in the design of a hexagonal gazebo. Adorned with charming wrought iron elements, the hexagonal design is effective and original decor suburban area. Luxury forged elements fascinating forms contribute to the birth of a magical image.

Similar forged details used in different parts of the suburban area will help create an unforgettable, fabulous picture.

Projects and drawings of a hexagonal arbor

The development of a detailed project is an important milestone before starting construction. For the base, you can take a ready-made typical project or create an individual version, taking into account personal needs and ideas.

The hexagonal arbor project includes a detailed development of each element:

    type of foundation;

    material for the manufacture of the frame;

    roof features and coating material;

    floor and walls;

    decorative elements.

When drawing up a project and choosing dimensions, it is necessary to take into account its location and the available parameters.

On our site you can get acquainted with the most from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Seat selection

The choice of a place for a hexagonal gazebo is influenced by personal preferences, its purpose, availability free space within the territory of. Of course, in large areas, it will not be difficult to choose a convenient place. But in the conditions limited space it is quite difficult to determine a place for a massive gazebo.

A flat area is required for construction. An area with multiple holes and irregularities will need to be leveled. If the site is complicated big drops heights and leveling is economically impossible - they will come to the rescue screw piles, allowing you to install any objects on complex terrain.

There are several typical solutions, hints, where it is best to put a hexagonal arbor:

    The ideal place for this would be a secluded corner, away from the road and neighboring areas.

    An empty far corner of the suburban area will hide the building from prying eyes.

    A hexagonal gazebo can become a bright border for dividing the site into functional areas.

    The gazebo looks spectacular against the backdrop of a chic pool or pond.

    It is easy to use as summer kitchen or an open veranda located not far from the house.

A magnificent hexagonal gazebo, surrounded by fruit trees and flowers, will attract the eye and involuntarily hide from view many of the site's imperfections.

Stages of work on the construction of a gazebo

There are many ways to build hexagonal gazebo- The specialists choose the necessary method depending on the project, the building materials used and the place on the site where the construction will be carried out. But anyway phased assembly a hex gazebo will look like this:


Pegs and rope are required for marking. To get a perfectly flat figure, you need to draw a circle. Draw six lines from its center, forming angles of 60 ° between themselves. The length of the lines is equal to the size of the diagonal of the arbor.

Restraining pegs are installed on the obtained points. The corners of the hexagonal arbor will be located here, piles or pillars will be installed under the foundation. A rope is pulled between the pegs. In this case, you should get a figure with the same sides and angles equal to 120 °. If the angle is slightly different, the shape is corrected. All diagonals drawn must be equal to each other.


A wooden hexagonal gazebo is a light construction, therefore, pile, shallow strip and columnar foundations can be used as a basis.

The depth of any foundation is at least 60 cm.

Video description

The main stages of filling strip foundation for the gazebo can be seen in the following video:


For the construction of the walls, you will need a beam and a board. They are treated with protective impregnations that prevent the formation of mold, rot and mildew.

The frame of a wooden hexagonal arbor is assembled from a processed bar. As a basis, logs are laid at a distance of no more than 50 cm from each other.

For construction you will need:

    timber for the frame;

  • rafters.

Support pillars are installed with a height of at least two meters. If a gazebo is being built large sizes, you will need not only corner, but also intermediate pillars. The support posts are fixed with steel corners, wooden braces and self-tapping screws. Middle part support pillars fastened together with bars that ensure the stability of the structure and allow you to fix the cladding material.

The floor is formed from a board not thinner than 30 mm. It can be coated with several coats of varnish or paint. For finishing, you can use another material that is resistant to a humid environment:


Strong winds and snow drifts leave their mark on the peculiarities of the construction of roofs for gazebos.

The roof can be made in one of the following variants:




    complex shape;


Which option to choose depends on the project.

For the rafter system, a strong beam is used, the diameter of which is at least 100X50 mm. The rafter system of a regular hexagon is connected in the center at one point. For rigid fixation of the rafters, side girders are additionally used. When building a small wooden gazebo you can do without them. In this case, you will need to install a center support post.

To form a roof along the entire perimeter of the structure, logs are installed and assembled rafter system using metal fasteners. To fix the roofing material on the roof surface, a crate is stuffed, the step of which depends on the characteristics of the material and its size.

The spectacular roof is the last step in the construction of hexagonal arbors. Captivating decoration adds finishing touches

For an elegant hex gazebo, it is best to avoid rough materials like slate and galvanized iron. As a roof, you can use ondulin, tiles, polycarbonate or profiled sheet.

Gazebo walls

The walls of the gazebo are an open field for the embodiment of any fantasies. Here you can implement a variety of design ideas using various techniques.

There is big choice building materials that can be used for wall cladding:

Wall cladding can be neglected and various decorative finishes can be used:

and many other options.


Gazebo - required attribute any suburban area. The elegant buildings are especially admired. complex shapes and the hexagonal gazebo is no exception to the rule. Construction companies offer many solutions to create a true masterpiece that allows you to relax and unwind after hard day or spend time with your family outdoors in any weather.

Before proceeding to construction works, you must draw an approximate shape (structure) of the future structure. It is necessary to decide on the height of the roof and what kind of covering will be on it. The cross-section of the crate, the pitch of the rafters and other subtleties depend on this.

In the West, the design of the gazebo is taken seriously. Everything possible options future loads are calculated thoroughly. For construction, multi-page documentation is being developed, similar to the construction of a house. All this is necessary, regardless of whether you build yourself or commission others.

gazebo roof project sheets

When designing any object, it is a good idea to keep in mind the rule of the golden ratio. In short, this rule assumes that the ratio of segment A to segment B is 1.6180339887.

Judging by the photo of the garden gazebo, this law was not taken into account. If you try to change the design, according to the proportion, you will get a different look. In my opinion, this option is more attractive.

the rule of the golden ratio in the gazebo

All these points must be taken into account at the stage of drawing a drawing. At the time of construction, hardly anyone will offer you the golden ratio. Although this rule has been used by people for a long time and often, ranging from pyramid builders to modern fashion designers.

The first detail that any roof begins with is the Mauerlat. The entire upper part of the structure rests on this beam. So that the structure does not fly away when strong wind, the Mauerlat must be fixed. This can be done "barbarously" by wrapping a wire 4-6 mm around. You can culturally - drill a hole in the bar, put on the installed in and secure with a nut and washer. The timber is connected to each other along the perimeter in a half-tree. Hurricanes on mainland Europe are rare, but for some reason, this event occurs the day after construction is completed. For the same reason, it is necessary to thoroughly fasten the rafters.

rafters and maurlat basic elements

The rafters are the main bearing element on the roof. The cross-section of the rafter leg must be sufficient to withstand snow and wind loads. Depending on the area, the load on the horizontal plane can be from 80 to 560 kg / m2. The numbers seem unrealistically fantastic. But 20-30 cm of snow at high humidity, during warming, they quickly begin to add new kilograms.

The top of the pillars of the gazebo should be at the same level. The bottom filing of the overhang gives a readable line. If the difference in the height of the posts is more than one centimeter, then the skew will become noticeable. The overhang, as usual, is done by building the rafter leg with a bar and hemming the boards.

The first, along the overhang of the roof, is attached cornice plank... She acts as a dropper. This simple invention prevents water from trickling down the walls and cladding when it rains. It is better to fasten the tin bar with self-tapping screws - it is not very convenient to hammer nails into OSB.

roof overhang on the gazebo

For each coverage there is minimum slope, at which there will be guaranteed no water leakage. So for a roof with bituminous tiles (our case), the minimum slope is 12-15 degrees.

If the pillars of a hexagonal or octagonal structure are located in then the roof structure will be symmetrical and attractive.

The lathing device depends on the intended coverage. So for bituminous shingles, a board of 20x100 mm is enough for this with a step of 30-50 cm, followed by continuous sewing of OSB.

What is the preference for roofs with shingles for summer buildings?

  • Individual bitumen layers are easily assembled and, later, changed during repairs, just as easily.
  • Component parts withstand temperature fluctuations and deformations more easily. In contrast to continuous layers of coverage.
  • A high degree of waterproofing is achieved with low costs for the purchase of material and installation.
  • There is no need for subsequent maintenance (painting, cleaning from rust ...)
  • A wide range of colors offers various options design.
  • Low weight.

Among the disadvantages can be called the need for a continuous coating.

In order to learn another experience (bourgeois) of building roofs on garden gazebos, it is enough to type in the search bar YOU TUBE something like device on the roof of the gazebo. And you will be greatly surprised by the variety of roofs in the summer buildings. I, personally, was struck by the covering of the gazebos with rolls of green lawn grass... I guarantee you will get lost in your search for a few hours. And if you already had ready-made solution future garden structure, then it will be revised.

Anyone who spends most of his life in a noisy city sometimes wants to take a break from this hustle and bustle. In this case, it helps many country cottage area... And the presence of a gazebo can help to relax and relax in nature as much as possible. And since not everyone has it, consider simple methods its construction.

A properly constructed gazebo will be able to perform several functions at once. In rainy weather it will shelter you from the rain, in the scorching sun it will give you a refreshing shade and, most importantly, it will allow you to enjoy communicating with loved ones in nature.

Let's divide the process into stages:

Site selection

The bottom line is to provide a convenient passage for you and your friends or family to the gazebo. It will also be good if the building is located under the tree or near it. Thus, the roof will not get too hot under the sun, which will provide even more comfort.


Supports for pillars are poured depending on the number of corners. The photo shows the foundation for a hexagonal gazebo made of concrete and bricks.

But instead of bricks, you can also use racks. In order for the shape of the gazebo to turn out to be correct, draw a top view in advance and calculate the required dimensions. Then mark the area with the pegs and twine. After that, in the place of the stakes, dig holes about 50 centimeters deep. Next, place the beams with a section of 20 by 20 centimeters there, so that they peep out 20 centimeters above the ground. Thus, you will need bars with a length of 70 centimeters in an amount equal to the number of corners of the gazebo.

Exactly with the same parameters, you can use a profile pipe for the base. If you do not plan to make a base, but the floor will be a tile or concrete screed, consider the height of the pipe with the height of the gazebo.

Good for mixing concrete. But if it is not there, you will need a trough in which you can conveniently knead and then fill the hole with it. Concrete mortar mixed in a ratio of 1/3/2/2 - 1 cement, 3 sand and 2 granulation, 1 - 2 water. It is important to maintain this consistency, as this affects the quality of the solution. Add water periodically. For example, after mixing the cement, add a little sand, then wait until everything becomes homogeneous and add again. The overall consistency of the mass should be similar to gray sour cream. Vary the proportions relative to the required volume.

In the process, while the concrete solution is still wet, using a thread and a level, check that all racks create an even horizon. And don't forget about the need for a central support for the rigidity and durability of the floor.


If you made a support from wood, then knock down the boards using the example of the finished base in the photo. After that, the floor is sewn up with a board 2.5-3 centimeters thick.

It is not advised to carry out such an operation with metal, since it tends to bend. You can also make a tile floor or by making concrete screed... Large slabs will look very aesthetically pleasing. Of the more openwork options, there may be a marble floor.


In the version with metal, your frame is already ready and it only needs rigidity. It can be strengthened by means of partitions, but more on that later. For a tree, everything is different. Bars 15 by 15 centimeters and a length of at least two meters are vertically attached at the corners. Installation is carried out with metal corners and self-tapping screws.

At the beginning, we will mention that, if you wish, you can make a beautiful gazebo without parapets.

If you want fencing, an approximate height of 90 centimeters will be needed. And the choice of material will not be small:

  1. You can sew panels from wood or tree branches. In this case, the workpieces are made according to the size of one side (from corner to corner).
  2. Polycarbonate. One of the most popular materials for making gazebos. It can also be cut into sections.
  3. ... You can do it yourself if you have the right tools or order.
  4. Hedge. Having created only a side, you can start a weaving plant, for example, grapes, on it.
  5. Metal sides. Fastened with welding joints. Subsequently, you can decorate with decorative elements.

The photo shows one example.

Please note that the fence can be continued, which will not allow uninvited birds to interfere with your rest and will create additional shadow.

Rafters and roof

The rafters in the form of modules are mounted on the ground and then installed on the roof. Metal and wood are equally well suited for this. Only the assembly methods will differ. When installing wood, nails and bolts, and for metal, bolts and welding.

The schematic drawing shows an example of a "skeleton" of a roof.


There is a fairly large selection of materials for the roof: profile decking, polycarbonate, slate, tiles and other coatings. Before installation, lay a waterproof material so that the roof is effective in the rain. After that, the material is cut out, if necessary, and attached to the beams of the rafter frame. Calculate overlaps and lengths to avoid wasting material and save your budget.

paints and varnishes

Regardless of whether you have chosen metal or wood, it will be useful to cover the gazebo with paint or colorless varnish. This will make the building more beautiful and extend its service life for you.

Don't stop at one color. Choose the color to match the color of the roof, plants, furniture inside, or just to your own mood. If the roof is made of polycarbonate, then the number of color combinations only increases.

For a wooden floor, you only need treatment with special means of protection against insects and temperatures and coating with paint.

You can also cover the floor with ceramics. To do this, you need to have a more or less even screed. Further, under the level, it is laid out on the glue. Remember that the stationary or floor will be on the street 24 hours a day all year round... Therefore, choose a tile that can withstand the load. This will help save yourself from unnecessary costs.

An equally beautiful and convenient solution would be to choose paving slabs. A semblance of tiles as in the photo or flat tiles will look beautiful. For cooking, you need a granulation pillow and paving slabs of your choice.


Regardless of what you need a standard set: a hammer, a saw, a hacksaw for metal, a drill. If you are going to make a gazebo with a metal frame, then welding of seams is best suited for fastening. Bolts and nails will only be needed to secure the roof and parapet cladding. In the wood version, it is best to bolt the joists together using wide washers to prevent the head from pushing through the wood. For concrete, either a container and shovels convenient for manual mixing will be needed. There will also be a need for consumable tools such as brushes, nails, bolts, electrodes for the welding machine.

Materials (edit)

If the frame is made of wood, then the following materials will be needed:

  • Beam 10 by 10 centimeters - racks and trusses.
  • Slats 25 * 30 millimeters for cladding a parapet or lattices for windows;
  • For the roof they will come down edged boards 25 mm thick.
  • The floor is covered with a board no thinner than 4 centimeters.
  • Fasteners - corners and screws;
  • Roofing sheets - OSB works well.

By choosing metal as a material for the frame, the entire structure can be assembled from one type of workpiece. Best for a gazebo shaped tube with a cross section of not less than 50 millimeters or a corner with walls of 25 and 50 millimeters. The roof in this case can be made of wood or polycarbonate.

In both cases, the footage is calculated independently, as it depends on the scale of the construction.

The squaring of cladding materials such as roofing and cladding is determined by the dimensions of the frame. Consumables also vary based on the assembly method.

Types of gazebos

The classification of gazebos in your house according to any parameters does not make sense, because in our time, the variety during construction has reached unprecedented proportions. This is caused not only by the imagination of modern masters, but also by the abundance of materials. Combinations of plastic, concrete, wood, metal and brick are just the tip of the iceberg. In particular, plastic can help you not expensively, but it is very beautiful to decorate both the interior and the exterior of your building, regardless of its design.

After reading the guide on how to make a hexagonal gazebo with your own hands, you have all necessary knowledge for the construction of any shape or design. You just need to apply this knowledge in practice

If you wish, you can build a closed gazebo. This will require additional funds - insulation, windows and a door. Also, the floor in such a gazebo can be made ceramic. And inside it will add coziness, a fireplace built into the wall or a brazier with an exhaust hood.

Such a gazebo can easily turn into a summer kitchen, if you have the necessary household appliances. In this case, a portable gas cylinder will not be superfluous, it can be connected both to a barbecue, as well as to a comfort.

All of the above applies to rectangular arbors or square shape... Forms can be with big amount corners or round. It all depends only on your imagination. Also, for a four-angle shape, you will need additional supports, one in the middle of each side.

A gable roof for such gazebos is made in the same way as a pitched roof, only with other shapes. Roof structures are made in the form of the letter "A".

Quadrangular gazebos accommodate less people than the rounded versions.

Besides experimenting with the shape, you can try different kinds cladding of walls or roofs of a building. You can make the roof semicircular and use polycarbonate or corrugated board. It will look very original.

Do not forget about additional elements exterior. They may include a brazier, street benches, tables, hanging flowers and whatever else comes to mind. When building, keep in mind the main thing, the purpose of the gazebo is to arrange for you as much as possible comfortable rest.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • The ability to make the gazebo portable. In this case, you can make installation with bolts, which are then easy to untwist and assemble. If the concrete is not solid, then you can install the gazebo where you like or move it, freeing up the necessary space or simply changing the environment.
  • Wide open spaces for imagination. For inspiration, you can look on the Internet how you can decorate a gazebo. For example, if you get tired of the parapet trim, you can easily repaint or replace it with another one.
  • Budget independence. You can make a modest gazebo and gradually decorate or sheathe it with more interesting materials.
  • If the gazebo is collapsible, then you can redo it, thereby increasing the covered area.
  • By making the walls brick, the owner will reliably protect himself from wind and rain


  • The tree is rotting. Therefore, wooden structures must be treated with special agents to prolong life.
  • Fire hazard. This applies more to wood and plastic. When using these materials, carefully follow fire safety precautions.
  • Service. Nothing lasts forever, so repairing even the smallest chips will significantly extend the life of your building
  • Polycarbonate coating, although practical, is not cheap at the same time. In addition, it amplifies the sound of falling drops in the rain.

The area around the cottage or country house very good for relaxation. However, spending time in the sun or rain is not entirely comfortable. A comfortable gazebo will save you from bad weather. There are many different types structures, but one of the most interesting is the hexagonal building. It is not easy to build, so the services for the construction of such a structure are not cheap. A DIY hexagonal gazebo is a great way to create unique building and save on builders' services.

Benefits of an unusual shape

Rectangular gazebos are more practical in the construction phase itself. However, hexes are superior to them in other respects:

  • Appearance. Gazebos with a base in the form of a polyhedron look really impressive. This applies not only to walls and foundations, but also to the roof. The multi-sided roof of the hexagonal arbor stands out from the range of the usual two and four-sided roofs.
  • Strength. The more planes the gazebo has, the less pressure precipitation and others put on it. external conditions... The shape of the hexagon has been tested for millions of years - what is the value of a honeycomb that can withstand strong pressure.
  • Roominess. Gazebos in the form of polygons look very compact, but at the same time they are much more spacious than rectangular buildings of equal area.

However, before building such a facility, do not forget that the process can be difficult.

Types of structures

Traditionally as building material steel and wood are used for gazebos. Hardware less practical, and their construction requires welding skills and a lot of money. Wooden gazebos are more comfortable. No special skills are required to work with this material. A person who owns simple carpentry tools will be able to make a hexagonal gazebo out of wood.

There are only two types of wooden gazebo designs: based on a frame and a bar. The first option, as a rule, is used in areas with architecture made in the same style. The second type is more versatile. On its basis, you can design a building in absolutely any style. In addition, wood for frame gazebos does not require specialized processing, which cannot be said about the material for the log house. Cutting down a tree for crowns is extremely problematic for a layman. To do this, it is better to use the services of firms for the manufacture of ready-made log cabins, which only need to be assembled, and then the roof is laid.

Gazebo design

After you have decided on the type of frame, it's time to decide in what style your gazebo will be made. Buildings with loaches look extremely advantageous on the site. They are based on gratings in the openings of the walls of the gazebo. Plants wrap around the lining and create a pleasant shade inside the gazebo.

When creating a drawing of a hexagonal gazebo, determine the type of roofing in advance. There are several of the most popular materials:

Advice! When choosing a roof for a hexagonal gazebo, do not forget to calculate its weight.

Interesting design ideas for gazebos

Any owner wants to have on his site not only a comfortable, but also an interesting gazebo. In small architectural objects, it is much easier to embody bold design ideas.

Carved elements

Simple rectangular supports look very ordinary. The carved pillars are much nicer. It is not necessary to own chisels to get hold of such decorations on the site. Many firms sell ready-made carved supports for gazebos at affordable prices.

Closed structures

For those who like to relax all year round, a closed gazebo is suitable. Such buildings look very original, especially when combined with unusual finishing materials. Special charm closed gazebos give florid window frames and stained glass windows. For the winter season, they are removed and the doors are opened (to avoid condensation and decay). This is done if the gazebo is not in use.

Gazebos with hearth

If you want to enjoy hot meals cooked on a fire even in winter, then you should look at the gazebos with barbecue or barbecue. You can arrange an authentic fireplace with stones and coals right in the center of the gazebo, or you can purchase an ordinary ready-made barbecue oven. First of all, you need to decide on the size of the gazebo and the budget that you have.

Important! In buildings with a hearth, it is necessary to have an exhaust hood and metal protection around an open fire.

Thatched roofs

The country style is very simple to perform, but at the same time it looks impressive. The key element of the gazebo in this style is the thatched roof. For the roof of a country bungalow, reed or wooden shingles are used. So that the frame of the gazebo does not stand out from the overall picture, round polished logs are used for supports.

Making a drawing of a metal structure, you can adhere to the principle of "nothing more", or you can create a real masterpiece of blacksmithing art.

Glass walls

On small areas glass buildings are relevant. Hexagonal gazebos for summer cottages using glass look very easy and visually save space. Building in such style will fit for plots with modern architecture and to houses with large windows.

Modern materials in design

Polycarbonate is a relatively young material. But at the expense of urban appearance and low cost, it enjoys great success in the design of buildings with unusual shapes. Both walls and roofs are made of polycarbonate. The material will perfectly protect the gazebo from rain and wind, without making the structure heavier.

Step by step assembly

How to build a gazebo? Before starting work on the construction of a hexagonal gazebo, it is worth doing everything preparatory work... First, an exact drawing is performed. The dimensions of the structure, as well as the docking points, are entered into the gazebo diagram. In addition, the drawing should indicate the methods of fastening the elements. It also contains materials for the floor, frame and roof of the gazebo. Such a detailed description will allow you to get the most accurate idea of ​​the future design. It will also save time and money.

Before determining the area and placement of the gazebo, it is necessary to calculate its capacity. The location of the table and benches should also be drawn. After all the preparation steps have been completed, you can start pouring the base. So that the construction process does not cause difficulties, it is worth using a simple instruction with photographs.

The step-by-step work on assembling a gazebo with 6 corners looks like this:

  • Prepare a twine, the length of which will be equal to the radius of the circumference of the arbor. It is necessary to tie it to its ends on a peg.
  • One of them is driven into the center of the circle, and with the help of the other, a circle is drawn on the soil.
  • After that, at any point on the circle, you must install two pegs. The first one is taken out from the center of the ground and transferred to the nearest point of the circle (as in the figure). After that, with the help of a rope and two pegs, 6 points are outlined around the entire circumference, at which the supports will be placed.

Now that the outline of the gazebo has been determined, you can start building the foundation. The simplest type of base is columnar. It is quite simple to build it, and a minimum amount of materials is used. Typically, such a foundation is built for wooden or frame gazebos. It is usually made of masonry concrete blocks. A shallow hole must be dug under each of them. In this case, the foundation has a height of 1 block.

In order for the frame made of beams of a wooden arbor to be maximally connected with concrete blocks, it is necessary to install a reinforcing bar in them. The joints of the beams are overlapped, and then mounted on the rods.

Above the beams, about 15-20 cm of the rod remains. The appropriate holes must be drilled in the racks. For the lags, on which the floor will rest, it is necessary to set 4 concrete block... They must be cut in pairs into the foundation beam.

After that, you need to install wooden columns. They must be fixed strictly vertically. To do this, use board trimmings. Once the racks are installed, it is necessary to equip them with a strapping bar.

In the middle of the racks, it is better to make a railing. A fence is attached to them. TO top harness fix the board. In its middle part, a hexagonal pillar is installed in a vertical position. It is he who will serve as a support for the rafters.

The rafter legs are placed on the central post at an angle. They must be securely fixed with self-tapping screws both to the post and to the strapping. If necessary, cover the roof with tiles, OSB plates are laid on the rafters. Before that, a crate is mounted on the rafters.

The slabs are cut on the ground. It is screwed to the roof with self-tapping screws. It is recommended to sheathe each overhang with a metal strip.