Erogenous zones of the scales. How and where to caress the signs of the zodiac? Erogenous zones of the zodiac signs

Let's say right away that the erogenous zones of Taurus on the body are the throat and neck. However, Taurus partners should take into account the fact that both men and women of this sign not only need stimulation of their sensitive areas.

Taurus erogenous zones - where?

Tactile contact itself is of paramount importance to them. So they just don't represent happy life without bodily contact with a loved one and without his touch.

This is due to the fact that touch is the main language of love for Taurus, therefore, in the absence of physical touch, they may not feel loved.

While with frequent tactile contact, their emotional vessel is full and they feel safe, surrounded by the love of the object of their sighs. Partners should always remember this and stroke, caress and kiss their beloved Taurus as often as possible.

As mentioned above, the main erogenous zones for those born under the sign of Taurus will be the neck, the area behind the ears and slightly below the ears, the area of ​​the collarbone. The nape of the neck, from the border of the hair to the transition between the shoulders and back, is also very sensitive to kissing and stroking. Therefore, it is these parts of the body that can be called the main "target" for their partners.

If you want to please your Taurus, start gently stroking the back of his head with your fingers, gradually moving to the neck. In this case, one should not ignore the deepening of the neck. By feeling your heart rate, you can easily determine how well you are doing in arousing your significant other.

After that, you can move on to affectionate kisses. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not advisable to touch Taurus's neck with nails, since instead of the expected excitement, he may only have a tickling sensation. Therefore, caress in this area should be carried out with the palm or fingertips.

Do not neglect the "accidental" touches, because the possibilities for their implementation are simply endless. So, for example, for a Taurus man, his half can straighten a tie or shirt collar, while not forgetting to touch the open part of the neck.

There are many opportunities for touching a woman's neck. For example, by touching this sensory area, you can straighten a chain or necklace.

Also, if the place and circumstance permits, anyone, both women and men of Taurus, is unlikely to be against the massage of the shoulders of the neck, which can then smoothly turn into an erotic massage. It will be very appropriate to relax before the love game.

How to work on the erogenous zones of Taurus

The sensitive area of ​​Taurus is the throat and neck. Begin with light finger strokes and gentle touches at the base of the head, then the neck, then move on to kissing the neck, and Taurus will soon feel aroused.

The possibilities for this kind of “accidental” touch are endless. For example, while straightening a Taurus man's tie, you can caress your throat or lightly slide your fingernails over it. You will be surprised by his quick response. On the beach, lightly touching a naked female neck or shaking sand from it will make a Taurus woman tremble with pleasure.

Taurus is especially inflamed by passionate kisses and light loving bites on the back of the neck. But remember: Taurus likes things to happen calmly and slowly, your approach must be carefully prepared, do not try to force events.

Astrologers are convinced that the location of erogenous zones on the body depends on a person's belonging to one or another sign of the Zodiac. With the help of a sexual horoscope, you can learn about the most sensitive areas of your partner and, thus, surprise him in the process of love games.


The erogenous zones of the representative of this Zodiac Sign are the face and head. Aries are quickly aroused by gentle touches on the earlobes, back of the head and lips. Biting, light tickling and gentle kisses in these places will give Aries true pleasure.


The erogenous zones of Taurus are the neck and shoulder blades. He just loves relaxing massages in this area of ​​the body. Stimulation of the neck and upper back first has a relaxing effect on the Zodiac sign, and then leads to arousal. Stroking the neck and back, turning into passionate kisses, will drive Taurus crazy.


Gemini's erogenous zone is the hands. According to the erotic horoscope, this is the most sensitive part of the body for this sign of the Zodiac. Caress for Gemini should be necessarily gentle and soft, turning into more confident and passionate.


Cancer's erogenous zone is the breast. He quickly becomes aroused about touching, kissing and stroking in this area. In the process of caressing, Cancer can get indescribable pleasure from any touch in this area.

a lion

Leo's erogenous zone is the lower back. Massage in this area can quickly arouse a representative of this constellation and awaken a real predator in him. The trough of the spine is especially sensitive. It can be included in a love game, for example, by swiping a piece of ice over it.


Virgo's erogenous zone is the belly. The Virgo partner must definitely know that by caressing his lover of this Zodiac Sign the belly, he not only gives him pleasure, but also helps to relax and get rid of stress.


Astrologers do not distinguish certain erogenous zones on the body in the representatives of this Zodiac Sign. According to the Libra sex horoscope, the body of a person born under this constellation is completely covered with sensitive points. All Libra skin is very susceptible to touch and caress, so it is very easy to arouse a partner of this Sign.


Scorpio's erogenous zones are the buttocks and genitals. The sensitivity of these parts of the body in Scorpio is several times higher than the sensitivity in this area of ​​other constellations.


The erogenous zone in Sagittarius is the thighs. The inner thighs are considered a particularly sensitive area. Active stimulation of this part of the body will reveal a passionate and irrepressible lover in Sagittarius.


Erogenous zone of Capricorn - knees and elbow joints. Kissing and caressing on these parts of the body will intensify the desire of the partner of this Zodiac sign and make him lose control over his feelings and emotions.


The erogenous zones of Aquarius are the feet and ankles. Massaging these parts of the body will make Aquarius more sensitive in sex and reveal a passionate lover in him.


The erogenous zone of Pisces is the legs. Stroking and kissing from heels to thighs will awaken real passion in Pisces and desire... The only thing you need to know about this erogenous zone of Pisces is that caress should be very gentle and slow.

With the help of a sex horoscope, you can identify your erogenous zones as well as your partner's erogenous zones, which will help you better understand and feel each other in bed. We wish you happiness and do not forget to press and

21.03.2014 13:39

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The erogenous zone is a part of the body that is sensitive to caresses. Knowing male erogenous points, you can easily achieve vivid sexual sensations and win the attention of the opposite sex.

The erogenous zone is an area located on the skin. Fondling in this area on the body causes sexual arousal and, in some cases, even orgasm.

Knowledge of certain erogenous zones will help partners achieve sensuality in sexual relations, give each other a lot of pleasure and attract them to themselves. Women need to know the location of the erogenous zones in their men.

This will help to achieve vivid sensations during sex. In addition, every man will appreciate the attention from this side, since the strong half of humanity is not so stingy with romance and sensuality.

Male erogenous zones

It is safe to say that in general, men have the same sensitive areas as women. But all people are very individual, which means the zones too.

Video: “Erogenous zone. The most erogenous zones "

Why do you need stimulation of male erogenous zones?

Stimulation of male erogenous zones gives a special feeling and sometimes even delight. It is always necessary to pay attention to the main erogenous points, so to speak, universal: ears, neck, back of the head, lower back, abdomen. Knowing and special "places" you can please your partner with unforgettable experiences and diversify the usual sexual life.

stimulation of erogenous zones gives vivid sexual sensations

After you fully study the erogenous map of sensitive areas, you need to understand for yourself that there are different ways their stimulation. This knowledge will help you distinguish between ordinary tickling and real pleasure. If you caress a man correctly, you can bring him to the highest degree of bliss.

Ways to stimulate erogenous zones:

  • gentle touch with the fingertips, very soft, light and barely perceptible
  • scratching sensitive areas with nails, a woman's manicure can cause the most delicate and acute feelings
  • lip touches can be completely different: dry kisses, stroking lips, wet kisses, smacking and even sucking
  • tongue touches soft, hard, massage, circular motions and tickling with the tip
  • touching the erogenous zones of the female breast causes unforgettable sensations in the opposite sex
  • touching female feet can be both completely indifferent, so incredibly exciting, it all depends on individual preferences
  • light blows hot and cold on the erogenous zone cause arousal
  • additional tools: a feather, massage oil, whipped cream, a piece of ice - all in order to fully explore the body of a loved one

Video: “Erogenous zones. Pleasure Map "

Where are the erogenous zones in men according to the sign of the zodiac?

The map of the location of erogenous zones in men in accordance with the signs of the zodiac is completely diverse. The location of the sensitive points is influenced by the character and lifestyle of a man.

If we compare with women, then, unlike them, in men, the nerve endings are not so globally located and are concentrated in "bundles" in different places.

male erogenous zones are not as "global" as female

The most common sensitive areas are:

  • ears: lobes, shells, area behind the ear
  • eyes: eyelids, eyebrow area, eyelash touch
  • mouth: corners of the mouth, lips, nasolabial septum
  • neck: nape, back of neck, collarbone
  • hands: under the elbow fold, fingers, webbing of fingers
  • legs: popliteal cap, feet, areas between toes
  • genital area, buttocks, sacrum
  • chest, nipples, belly, back

What are the most erogenous zones in Libra men?

The most sensitive areas in Libra men are the gluteal muscles and the sacrum area. The very first signs of attention can be given in any setting with gentle touches to the lower back. In more intimate encounters, try rinsing your partner's bare buttocks with your palms in a circular motion. This will give the strongest stimulation and excitement.

Since the sacrum of the scales is very sensitive, breast massage will be an unusually vivid feeling. Gentle nipples touching the female breast to the lower back and back will excite the partner and give affection. If you love the thrill, try spanking your partner's buttocks during intercourse.

erogenous zones in a Libra man

Erogenous zones in male twins, how to influence them?

Gemini men are very sensitive to touching their upper limbs. The most susceptible are the hands, fingers and forearms. This zodiac sign loves stroking and kissing hands. Biting and sucking on follangs gives a special vivid impression.

Kiss your partner on the back of the forearm, draw a thin wet line with your tongue from the hand to the forearm and work your way up to the armpit. Such caresses cause a storm of delight.

erogenous zones of Gemini

The most sensitive erogenous zones in male lions

We can safely say that Lvov's back is the most sensitive place. Petting in the bathroom will be incredibly pleasant and funny, where you can caress the Leo with a washcloth from the neck to the very waist. If you have moved on to more "close" caresses, then stroking Leo on the back or sometimes even thrusting sharp nails into the area of ​​the shoulder blades and buttocks will be relevant.

Try playing with Leo with a feather, ask the man to relax and tickle his body with a feather or brush. You can touch the skin of Leo with the tips of your eyelashes, it is very gentle and sensual. It is not uncommon to notice that the sensitive back turns red - this is a sign of excitement.

erogenous zones in Lviv

The most common erogenous zones in Aries men

  • Strong, determined and sometimes stubborn, Aries have many erogenous zones. Basically, all the sensory points of this sign are located in the head area. Erogenous points capture the face of rams as well. Therefore, women need to know that regular stroking, touching, kissing and tickling the head will give the partner affection and pleasure.
  • Try not to touch the face with strong massage movements: forehead, nose, cheeks, chin. Stroke the ram on the head as often as possible, run your fingers through his hair, or simply comb. Try massaging the most energetic areas: crown, back of head and temples. If you just run your fingertips across the cheek to the temples, any Aries will regard this as sexual attraction.
  • With rams, you can not be shy about biting, so practice not strong biting of your earlobes, lips. Just do not overdo it with pressing your teeth, as any affection can develop into pain... Kissing a ram should be very sensual. Slide your fingers along the lip line: from corner to corner and see how much the ram likes it. When kissing the ram on the lips, take the chin with your fingertips.

erogenous zones of Aries

Erogenous zones in male virgins, how to influence them?

Virgo men are extremely susceptible to fondling on the stomach and chest. Therefore, take a long time to have time to heal every inch of his body. Apart from the chest and abdomen, the groin area is incredibly sensitive. Therefore, touching the fingers and lips of the lower abdomen, inside thighs and genitals - the highest degree of pleasure.

In addition, Virgos adore cleanliness. Erotic games with a Virgo man in the shower will be incredibly pleasant. Try to act on sensitive areas with a stream of water from the shower, rub your stomach, chest, thighs, groin with a sponge. Massage of the abdomen with the tongue in circular movements will give Virgo tremendous excitement.

erogenous zones in Virgo

Erogenous zones in male bodies, stimulation of sensitive areas

Taurus has a sensitive neck. This part of the body is almost always open, which means that it can be influenced almost always. Effective will be:

  • gentle stroking of the back of the head with the fingertips
  • nape tickling and hair stirring
  • kisses on the back and side of the neck
  • caressing the area behind the ear

Try to help the Taurus man tie a tie and caress his neck and throat as if on purpose. Biting and blowing in the same area will be gentle and sensual.

erogenous zones in Taurus

Erogenous zones in male cancers, ways to stimulate them

  • The most sensitive place of Cancers is the mouth. Cancer men are incredibly fond of passionate long kisses, in which not only lips are involved. In such kisses, there must be contact and penetration of tongues and often even teeth.
  • But they are no less susceptible to caresses on the chest. Therefore, do not forget to caress the nipples, upper abdomen and collarbone.
  • Women are advised to caress Cancer's breasts during intercourse, you can stroke them with your fingers, touch your nipples and the ends of your hair. Such stimulation will not leave him indifferent and will show him as a confident good lover.

erogenous zones of Cancers

How to caress the erogenous zones in male scorpions?

Scorpio is a strong and confident zodiac sign. The most sensitive area of ​​a scorpion is the genitals. You can touch them with anything: hands, feathers, clothes, sex toys - in any case, the effect of such caresses will be exciting.

This sensitivity does not disappear even if you touch the body through clothing. The most vivid experiences are given by caressing the genitals with the tongue. If a Scorpio man is given such affection on a regular basis, then we can say with confidence that he will be completely in your hands.

erogenous zones of Scorpio

How to caress the erogenous zone in Aquarius men?

Surprisingly enough, the erogenous zones of Aquarius are the legs. You can fondle them everywhere! Try giving your man a sensual massage in which he will touch his fingers and calves to your intimate parts of the body - the effect will be strong and exciting.

Aquarians are sensitive only to gentle and pleasant caresses, so while caressing their calves, thighs and ankles, do not forget that your touch should be barely felt. Try to play the game "Erotic Dice" with Aquarius. These cubes can be purchased at any sex store. Allow yourself and your partner to touch any part of the skin with absolutely any part of the body.

erogenous zones of Aquarius

Erogenous zones in Pisces men and their stimulation

Fish have sensitive feet. Give your man a massage after a relaxing bath, or play with him right there. Let his feet touch the most intimate parts of your body. After the bath, you can caress the feet and toes of the Pisces man with a feather or brush.

Steaming your feet in the bathroom makes your feet more sensitive. If you don't mind, lick the areas between your toes with your tongue and tickle the instep of your foot. Touching the genitals with your feet can give not only arousal to a man, but also an orgasm.

erogenous zones of Pisces

What are the erogenous zones in male Capricorns?

Capricorn men are very fond of lush female breasts. They are incredibly pleased when a woman touches her face, neck, abdomen, back and genitals with her excited nipples. Gives strong stimulation in the same way gentle kiss in the navel and caress under the knee and elbow cups.

A Capricorn man will be turned on by a back massage, especially if done naked. Stroke your back and touch your tongue to the shoulder blades. In a circular motion massage the inner and outside hips.

erogenous zones of Capricorns

Sagittarius erogenous zones and their stimulation

Sagittarius is sensitive to touch in the hips and buttocks. Regularly stroking all sides of your thighs will make your Sagittarius man feel intensely aroused. In addition, you can strongly excite a Sagittarius man by pinching his genitals with your hips.

Sagittarius are quite relaxed and therefore do not hesitate to show their sexual fantasies. Rubbing the whole body of Sagittarius with oil and subsequent intercourse will give great pleasure. Put your palms on Sagittarius' shoulders, hug him with your legs - this will allow him to turn on and show himself "from his best side."

erogenous zones of Sagittarius

Video: "Secrets of Sex. Erogenous zones on a man's body "

All men want to satisfy a woman, or at least should want to, in order to prove that they are males. Well, in order to do this, they need to know where the erogenous zones are. But sometimes men are so inept and ridiculous, they spend half their lives in search of the G-spot and still cannot find it. And then we have no choice but to show them the way to these zones.

If you know what you like and what turns you on, do not forget to hint about this to your man. And if you don't know, then you have nothing left to do but recognize yourself, and then this article is for you.

In men, everything is simple, the most erogenous zones are the genital zones, and that is why oral sex is a great way to excite, that is why you do not forget about all the outer parts of the genitals in your caresses. You can and should fondle all the other parts of the male body, but you need to focus on what is below the abdomen.

And for a woman, everything is much more complicated and at the same time simpler. Any part can serve as an erogenous zone female body... Moreover, most often the genitals are not the most erogenous zones.

What to do with these erogenous zones? Kiss! It is erotic kisses that help arouse a partner. Everything will do here, touching with lips, tongue, etc. A man is also aroused by what he sees, while a woman is aroused by what he hears. That is why a man will be more excited if you have a beautiful business. And a woman will be more aroused if all sorts of pleasant words are said to her in bed.

An interesting fact is that with age, nth changes can occur, and the erogenous zones can become different. That is, what excited earlier now does not excite, but excites something else. That is why it is imperative that sexual partners discuss sexual preferences, and not rely only on intuition and shrewdness. Yes, you can go on a journey through the body and do "miracles" by watching how your partner reacts, and that is exactly what you have to do for those couples who cannot, or do not want to talk to each other and discuss such things.

In order to be a good sexual partner, you do not need to be ashamed of your body, your desires and your actions. What is happening in the bedroom should not go outside the bedroom, so anything is possible.

And erogenous zones also differ depending on the signs of the zodiac. True or not, astrologers say this is:

Capricorn- Women who were born under this zodiac sign get excited easily from caresses in the abdomen and back.

Aquarius- prefer kisses on the neck and behind the ear.

Fishes- love to be caressed by their legs and hips.

Aries- prefer to be caressed their face, forehead and played with their hair.

Taurus- the erogenous zone of a Taurus woman - the neck.

Twins- prefer to be fondled by their back and hands

Crayfish- A cancer woman gets aroused when her breasts are fondled.

a lion- erogenous zone of the back

Virgo- reacts well to belly caresses.

scales- back.

Scorpion- has a very sensitive genital area.

Sagittarius- erogenous zones of the thigh.

Here we are talking about the most erogenous zones, but a woman, as mentioned above, can be any part of the body as an erogenous zone. A person has the opportunity and the right to enjoy sex. Enjoy it and take EVERYTHING from life !!!

Erogenous zones. Where are they? What they?, 7.0 out of 10 based on 7 ratings

Let us tell you a secret: erogenous zones at the sign of Aquarius - calves and ankles. From touching these parts of the body, kissing and caressing, the sexual desire of Aquarius is noticeably increased. They like it when they use a sponge to rub their ankles and lower legs with a sponge.

How to find erogenous zones in an Aquarius man

The Aquarius man is interested in a woman primarily as a person, and not as an object for sex. For many women, this is a wonderful stereotype of a man. Everything happens to him deliberately and slowly. He loves varied and long-term caresses. For him, this is an important part of the game.

At first glance, it may seem that he is a true artist in love, but delaying sex for too long can ruin everything. Therefore, it is better not to rush your partner, so as not to miss the orgasm in the delight of preliminary kisses and caresses!

The Aquarius man can happily try himself in the most unusual exotic erotic endeavors. In love, he is rarely repeated, in the field of sex, he can be a true "scientist". He reads all the books that come to hand and related to this issue. He can agree to any whims of his partner, stop him with statements, his behavior is immoral, impossible.

The Aquarius man is the embodiment of inexhaustible and very violent sexual energy, you just need to find erogenous zones. Moreover, he himself may not even know his own erogenous points, because there are quite a few of them and are located throughout the body.

How to find erogenous zones in an Aquarius woman

The Aquarius woman does not get aroused quickly. Animal passions are completely incomprehensible to her. She idealizes love and prefers tenderness and affection. With such a woman, you should not count on uncontrolled behavior during sex.

However, it all depends on whether you can get it started. And if you succeed, then everything can be completely different. At the same time, she can become extremely inventive and will treat new entertainments with keen interest. There is nothing in sex books that she won't try and maybe even refine some ideas.

The Aquarius woman is especially sensitive in the calf muscles. She can fall into a real trance from stimulation of the ankle joint and lower leg. The erogenous zones of the Aquarius woman also include the cheekbones, respectively, kisses and caresses can certainly make a good impression.