Sagittarius woman in love: characteristics of the sign. Love and sex horoscope for Sagittarius women

Sagittarius behavior

Love and compatibility

Sagittarius behavior

Sagittarius: characteristic behavior

  • Communication with a sign is not burdened with any awkwardness. They are kind-hearted and good-natured people. They behave naturally and at ease. Do not surrender reason to prejudice. Actions are controlled by the soul, and if she cries or laughs out loud, then there is not a drop of pretense. It's bright and the strong man with incredible imagination. Therefore, it is never boring with her. The surrounding people are charged with her cheerfulness. It is rare to find a Sagittarius who suffers from depression.
  • The horoscope says that a woman is not always endowed with the sensitivity and tenderness that is customary to expect from the fair sex. But her straightforwardness is not a means of offending someone. She does not even realize that in some situations it would be wiser to remain silent. From his environment, the sign requires reciprocal directness and is angry if they are denied this.

Career and stone by zodiac sign

Stone by sign and career

  • Picking up stones and talismans woman, focus on their practicality. So, if you dream of increasing or consolidating her financial position, then the zodiac will need Tiger's Eye(such as a bracelet). Sapphire will smooth out conflict situations and help not to heat up the situation (suspension). And the sardonyx stone will serve as a travel assistant (ring).
  • The role of a housewife is not for her. This is a highly qualified specialist capable of overtaking any male competitor. It is not for nothing that the zodiac often occupies leadership positions. We must pay tribute to their ability to organize people, to show initiative and creativity in any task. The choice of professions is great. The main thing is that the case allows it to manifest creative nature and constantly maintained interest, since the zodiac hates routine as in love and in the office.

Love and compatibility

Love and compatibility of signs

  • Relationships with men are an important part of the manifestation of the sign. Sagittarius is romantic, emotional, and passionate. In matters of the soul, they are guided exclusively by the heart. Personal life is freed from monotony and boredom. And often the zodiac experiences multiple marriages. Sagittarius prefers to omit conventions and may seem easily accessible on the first date. But this is not licentiousness, but the same straightforwardness. Due to innate sincerity, they do not waste time playing games and immediately communicate what they want. This helps to get closer to the opposite sex faster.
  • You can find out which sign is compatible Sagittarius, appreciating their weak and strengths... So, the second Sagittarius will bring happiness, with whom the days will become unpredictable, and life will not overgrow with cobwebs. Aries will understand the girl's rebellious soul and soften her selfishness, and Leo will increase the thirst for life.
  • True, it is worth noting that Sagittarius are in no hurry to get married and cling to independence. Being known as an old maid is not scary. They are comfortable living in seclusion and at the same time they do not turn themselves against men. The challenger will have to work hard to win her heart and bring her to the altar. To do this, you need to prove that, having put on the ring, the sign will not be trapped, no one is going to lock it in the tower and not let it out into the street. Fate will remain in her hands, and this will not be taken away. So no flowers, gifts and compatibility won't help if a Sagittarius is unsure of their future freedom.
  • In the family, she tries to put everything on the shelves. Be honest and honest. Any quarrels and misunderstandings are extinguished in the bud. The husband can completely trust her, although more than once he will be surprised by her strange, as for a married lady, actions.
  • Life kills her with its ordinariness, so the sign approaches the matter from an unusual angle. These are experiments with the interior, the way of cleaning, new smells. She cannot be weaned from spending money, but in marriage they will go to household needs.
  • Children adore their mother, as she always surprises them with new games, exciting conversations, and unforgettable walks. Her imagination is enough for everyone. But she is also demanding and will do everything to unleash their potential. Sometimes this has a negative effect, as the mother can force the baby to realize her failed dream.

The Sagittarius woman is a bright, cheerful, friendly lady. It is interesting to communicate with her on any topic. Her straightforwardness sometimes offends others. Thanks to good organizational skills, initiative, she is able to achieve success in her career. He appreciates personal freedom, so he is in no hurry to burden himself with the bonds of marriage. After marriage, he shows a creative approach to equipping his home: he makes bright colors into the interior.

Love and family

The Sagittarius woman often behaves familiarly with the opposite sex. Such ease of communication is regarded as ease of behavior. But the first impression is deceiving. Such a woman knows her worth and does not start one-day affairs. If she decides to start a family, then the spouse should not suppress her categoricalness and love of freedom. In response to his loyalty, she proves herself an excellent housewife and mother. She is demanding for children, strives to develop their potential to the maximum. In sex, the representative of this zodiac sign is a sensual and inventive partner.


The Sagittarius woman has good compatibility with representatives of such zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Aquarius. She has low compatibility with Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces.

Sagittarius woman and Aries man: promising union. A happy future awaits partners if they learn to find compromises.

Sagittarius woman and Taurus man: unpromising union due to the complete opposite of characters and different views of life. Their life together resembles a confrontation, which often ends in parting. They stay together if they make mutual concessions.

Sagittarius woman and Gemini man: harmonious union due to mutual willingness to compromise. Relationships last happily ever after, if partners do not nag each other.

Sagittarius woman and Cancer man: ambiguous union due to differences in characters and lifestyle. To build a happy relationship, partners need to learn how to have a constructive conversation and clearly assign family responsibilities.

Sagittarius woman and Leo man: a successful union due to similar temperaments, interests and goals in life. Relationships are strong when partners do not infringe on each other's personal freedom.

Sagittarius woman and Virgo man: a difficult union due to the dissimilarity of characters. Business cooperation helps to strengthen relationships.

Sagittarius woman and Libra man: promising couple due to complementary qualities of each other. Traveling together can help strengthen relationships and freshen up feelings.

Sagittarius woman and Scorpio man: a difficult union due to a difference in characters. Relationships become strong and happy when partners adjust to each other.

Sagittarius woman and Sagittarius man: a promising alliance thanks to the excellent mutual understanding of partners. Joint travel helps to refresh relationships.

Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man: difficult union. Family happiness is possible with the active interaction of partners and respect for each other's ambitions. Joint business helps to strengthen relationships.

Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man: good union due to the similarity of natures. The main thing for such a couple is not to get bogged down in household chores.

Sagittarius woman and Pisces man: a difficult union due to the dissimilarity of temperaments. Striving for a common spiritual goal helps strengthen relationships.

Career and profession

The Sagittarius woman is a leader in life. She can become not only a good democratic leader, but also an ideal performer. Likes work that brings moral satisfaction. She gives preference to professions with a variety of functional responsibilities and the ability to apply a creative approach. The representative of this zodiac sign quickly lights up, but can just as quickly lose interest in the matter and not bring it to completion. She is ideally suited for work that involves a change of scenery. She can realize herself in the field of education, tourism, psychology or creativity.


The Sagittarius woman leads an active lifestyle. She has no time to deal with health, so she often ignores diseases. An effective cure for many diseases for her is a good mood. In order to avoid serious complications, the Sagittarius woman should be given due attention. preventive measures... Regular walks or mini cardio workouts are recommended. They tidy up the nerves and increase protective forces organism. The representative of this zodiac sign needs to monitor the condition of the joints and avoid injuries. It is recommended to control nutrition: do not overeat and drink alcohol in minimal quantities.

People born in the period from November 23 to December 21, as if created for love and passion. They are easily carried away, but it is not easy to keep them close for a long time. What do astrologers advise for those who want to start a serious relationship with Sagittarius?

How to conquer a Sagittarius man

The male Sagittarius is very attractive in the eyes of women. Girls who dream of a handsome prince often fall in love with him, because the man of this sign seems to be a knight without fear and reproach. He has such attractive features character like:

  • striving to improve social status;
  • friendliness and nobility;
  • honesty in a relationship;
  • energy and optimism.

For most women, the problem is that the sign wants to achieve the ideal in everything. That is, his companion should also be the best in any life situations.

How to get attention

Sexy and charming Sagittarius is surrounded by female attention, so it can be quite difficult to attract his gaze. Most often, a representative of this astrological period finds love at school or work. Therefore, a girl who wants to get Sagittarius as a gentleman should first make friends with him. Of course, the appearance of a lady is important for a man, but he values ​​her intellectual abilities no less.

This sign of the Zodiac does not like to seek the attention of a girl it attracts for a long time, so it will not be possible to fool him with empty promises for a long time. A sign in love is sincere and open and requires the same from his chosen one. Don't lie to him or get into violent arguments. He will not appreciate the obstinacy of the character and will prefer to communicate with more friendly girls.

Very often, his beloved and have a significant age difference. The sign loves to teach the younger and learn from the elders. He may be carried away by a girl of a different nationality or very different from him in social or material status.

Romantic period

The sign wants to be accepted as he is, therefore, from the very beginning, he will share with the girl as much information about himself as possible to determine the prospects for further relationships. A man will not suffer from unrequited love and will quickly find a replacement in case of separation.

Sagittarius has a good sexual appetite, which is why he often has affairs. But he will not swear in love if he only needs sex from a partner. In this situation, it depends only on the woman whether the relationship will go beyond intimate meetings. A male Sagittarius needs not only sex, but also friendly participation and an interesting companion. If a girl can perform all these functions, then she will be able to conquer the heart of Sagittarius for a long time.

The Sagittarius man will not tolerate restrictions and frequent manifestations of jealousy. From a partner, he needs trust and support in his endeavors. This zodiac sign loves to travel and change surroundings. The beloved should be ready to go to the ends of the world in search of adventure.

Marriage behavior

The Sagittarius man makes the decision to start a family rather late. No female tricks can push him to this. The love horoscope of this sign predicts at least 2 marriages, and it is the second that will become long and happy.

Family problems can arise from the tough and somewhat arbitrary nature of Sagittarius. Often they do not admit their mistakes and are too confident in their own righteousness. A man of this sign can exhaust his wife with suspicions of treason. With age and experience, this goes away, so a relationship restored after a breakup or a second marriage brings more happiness to both spouses.

Husband Sagittarius loves comfort and a pleasant atmosphere in the family, but worries about this, most likely, will completely fall on the shoulders of his wife. In his youth, a man treats his duties as a family man with a great deal of irresponsibility. In adulthood, his character softens, and the sign can become an ideal husband. His sexual appetite does not depend on the number of years: the representative of this sign is always ready for bed exploits.

The Sagittarius man loves sex and has a wealth of sexual experiences. Thanks to this, his wife will always be intimate happy. A representative of this astrological period striving for new sensations can offer a partner a threesome. If he cannot satisfy his sexual hunger with his wife, he will get nervous and break down on loved ones. A mistress or casual sex on the side does not suit an honest Sagittarius. He would rather leave his wife with one suitcase in search of a new love.

You should not sort things out with the help of screaming, tears or tantrums. It is better to calmly discuss and agree everything. Melancholy, grumpiness and boredom can also scare off a husband with this zodiac sign. You need to be like-minded with Sagittarius and at the same time maintain your own individuality.

How to conquer a Sagittarius woman

Ladies of this zodiac sign are distinguished by their bright appearance and love for pretentious clothes. Not everyone likes them, but they invariably attract the views of others. Those who want to start a relationship with a Sagittarius woman need to pay attention to the main traits of her character:

  • straightforwardness and optimism;
  • sincere and kind heart;
  • passion and romance.

Winning a Sagittarius woman isn't that hard main question: what to do with it next? After all, the representative of the sign always keeps some surprises and secrets.

How to pay attention

The Sagittarius woman does not suffer from complexes and prejudices when dealing with the opposite sex. It's pretty easy to get to know her and even have sexual contact on the first or second date. This does not mean the debauchery of Sagittarius, just in love, she makes decisions at the behest of her heart, but not her mind.

Like a man who is used to actively conducting free time... Hiking, cycling, sports competitions - these are the places where you can easily get to know the representative of this sign. Do not stand modestly on the sidelines - the sign will draw attention to the most energetic, brave and cheerful guy.

If you want to attract attention, you can ask Sagittarius for advice and listen to him. She will appreciate the calmness of a man in stressful situations and his ability to solve everyday problems.

Girls of this sign like strong externally and internally men. A guy in love with Sagittarius needs to be able to maintain a witty conversation and listen to his interlocutor. The appearance of a man is important: a stately, sexy, well-groomed and respectable man has every chance of attracting a Sagittarius woman.

How to build a relationship

A partner's sexual temperament is very important to a Sagittarius woman. She is active in bed, loves quality sex. Therefore, a lack of passion in a lover can cause discontent in Sagittarius and lead to strong quarrels. In adolescence, girls born during this astrological period can change several partners in a short time in search of the ideal lover.

Sex with a Sagittarius girl is full of passion, but she does not like to experiment. In bed, she only cares about her pleasure. This may alienate the partner, but it will not upset the sign representative. Very often she practices sex without commitment, which develops into friendships. The Sagittarius woman loves sex in unusual romantic places: a deserted beach or a summer meadow.

The sign does not like lies in any of its manifestations. The cheater runs the risk of losing trust and destroying the relationship, even if the woman is very in love with him. The representative of the sign tries to prevent quarrels and resolves conflicts through a compromise. A girl will never agree that a man is in charge in a pair. Love will quickly evaporate if the guy insists on his leadership in every possible way, raises his voice or is rude.

The Sagittarius partner must be ready to calmly accept the advice and teachings of his beloved. Sometimes it takes her several days to be alone for the love ardor to flare up with renewed vigor. The Sagittarius woman is very emotional, so a relationship with a man is doomed to failure. Mood swings can trigger negative emotions. If a man does not develop conflict situation, then the Sagittarius anger will quickly go out.

Family life

The Sagittarius woman does not seek to get married with all her might. She loves male company and attention, but does not suffer from his absence. Your beloved will have to try to convince Sagittarius to start a family. But even in this case, the marriage does not necessarily last a lifetime. Astrologers claim that Sagittarius women get married several times.

The honest nature of the representative of this zodiac sign does not allow her to have a lover. She enters into new relationships only after ending old ones. The husband should not be jealous of the Sagittarius spouse, suspicions will cause her extreme displeasure. A woman needs a certain degree of freedom and the opportunity to do what she loves.

For happy family life the husband must guarantee the Sagittarius woman not only good sex, but also a stable financial situation. She loves spending money on home improvement and doesn't like saving. Routine cleaning annoys the representative of the sign. She will make better money and hire a housekeeper. There is no need to hope that after marriage the Sagittarius girl will change and become an ordinary housewife. The sign is able to bring a creative touch even to dishwashing.

A Sagittarius woman should have common interests with her husband, since she does not like to be silent or talk about anything for a long time. Astrologers advise the couple not to stay at home, but to go out more often so that the representative of this zodiac sign does not suffer from a lack of communication.

Compatibility horoscope: Sagittarius zodiac sign woman characteristic in love compatibility - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

in the Women's Club!

If you lack the brightness of life, then the Sagittarius woman will be able to bring it in.

This is the brightest, impetuous and positive sign of the zodiac that only a horoscope has - a Sagittarius woman emits an incredible flow of energy, does not sit still, and compared to other signs of the zodiac, she is a bright ray.

Next to her…

What kind of a Sagittarius woman is she, in relationships and love, any horoscope will tell. She surrenders to feeling, she was born for love and vivid emotions, experiences romance with all her being, but does not tolerate boredom. This zodiac sign loves fresh sensations, thrilling experiences, and a boring calm life is not for her.

Sagittarius partner in bed - perfect couple for those who are looking for vivid experiences. She is stormy, passionate, not against experiments, wants and can do anything, and is able to surrender to love entirely.

In marriage, a Sagittarius woman can surprise with her ability to manage a household, this sign is not afraid of difficulties, there is always an atmosphere of kindness and joy in her house. She loves children, but she knows how to be faithful wife only with the person who can understand it.

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Is it worth it or not to start a relationship?

Establishing a relationship with this bright lady, or should not do this, will tell the horoscope of compatibility. What is a Sagittarius woman in a relationship, what is her characteristic with other signs?

1. Aries is an independent man, Aries knows what he wants, Aries is the owner, Aries is always right, he is in charge. With the lady archer, Aries is unlikely to make a strong pair - a short whirlwind romance is possible, but then a struggle will begin in which no one will yield.

2. A novel in which a bright Sagittarius woman and a romantic Taurus man turned out to be beautiful, but short. This sign of the zodiac will quickly get bored with her, the compatibility of the couple is low.

3. Gemini is the same independent sign of the zodiac as Sagittarius. A man has twins the same outlook on life, twins love vivid experiences, twins are bored alone. Horoscope points to good compatibility, Gemini and Sagittarius often make strong marriages.

4. But cancer is a zodiac sign from another planet. His horoscope clearly indicates that they have low compatibility - he is looking for a completely different girl. But there are exceptions, and a Sagittarius woman can make an interesting pair with cancer.

5. But if a female archer and a male lion meet, no one will separate them. Bright, bold, alike, they make perfect compatibility.

6. Male virgin from another world. Virgo is a calm sign, Virgo is looking for a gentle and fragile young lady, Virgo is not inclined to adventure. A Sagittarius woman is unlikely to like a Virgo at all, their paths rarely intersect, and compatibility is low.

7. And the scales - good friend for a woman of this zodiac sign. The horoscope says: Libra is contradictory, Libra is emotional, Libra needs support, Libra is bored alone. Lady Sagittarius is a good friend, but no more.

8. You can often find such an alliance in which together a bright Sagittarius woman and an energetic Scorpio man, they are attracted to each other. But in order for a Sagittarius woman to understand such a person as a Scorpio man, and so that the relationship does not collapse, they both will have to learn to yield. Both the scorpio man and the wayward archer want to be the first, and they will have a hard time.

9. The horoscope claims that the compatibility of such a union as a Sagittarius woman and her reflection, a Sagittarius man, is extremely high. This is where the two halves found each other!

10. Such a union as a bright Sagittarius woman and a conservative Capricorn man is very unlikely - they are different, and are unlikely to attract each other at all.

11. But if a Sagittarius woman meets someone like an Aquarius man, a miracle can happen. Truly, bright sagittarius and extraordinary Aquarius - the perfect couple who can live a happy and fulfilling life together.

12. Pisces is the complete opposite of this lady. Fish are calm, fish swim with the flow, fish have a gentle character, fish seek peace and harmony. However, these opposites attract each other and can form a bright and harmonious union.

According to the eastern horoscope

The eastern horoscope will reveal in more detail the features of this bright personality and help you get to know her better.

  • Sagittarius Rat is an intelligent woman who knows how to achieve goals and accumulate money. She has developed intuition and intelligence, and is looking for an environment of smart people.
  • The bull is a woman who rapidly defends interests, fights for justice and protects the weak. She is a strong fighter, assertive, fearless and does not know how to give in, and on the way to the goal she sees no obstacles.
  • Sagittarius Tiger will achieve whatever it wants. She is not evil and not predatory, but so impetuous and fearless that the enemies retreat without starting a fight. Any goal will be achieved by this lady, she will take whatever she wants.
  • The cat balances this sign and makes it more harmonious. This is a pleasant lady - soft, very sexy and charming, bright and positive, kind and even pliable.
  • The dragon makes this sign responsible, with features of perfectionism. She does everything perfectly, brings every case to perfection, loves to be the first.
  • The snake is a dangerous nature. She does not fight, but achieves her goals cunningly, bypassing, sometimes she is ready to step over honesty for the sake of her desire. Very smart and cunning, but not evil, she only has the best people among friends, she loves the most precious things.
  • For Horse own desires at the first place. She is bright, creative, sometimes unpredictable and can seem a little crazy at times. She has an incredible amount of energy, you can't keep up with her, and it is difficult to understand how she manages to achieve success in several areas at once.
  • The goat is unbalanced, capricious and unpredictable. She does not sit still, but her desires change with the speed of light, it is difficult to understand her. Ranima, takes everything to heart, quick-tempered.
  • Monkey Sagittarius is a combustible mixture. He does not sit still, yearns for new experiences every day, climbs mountains, jumps with a parachute, conquers depths and peaks and is not afraid of anything. If she is bored with a person, she just leaves without regret.
  • Sagittarius Rooster is a warrior woman, she is uncompromising, courageous, will sacrifice everything for the sake of the goal and for the sake of loved ones. She loves extremes and does not tolerate stability.
  • If the Dog is up to something, it cannot be stopped. She will be able to cunningly bypass difficulties and enemies, find incredible solutions to problems, and will always take what she wants.
  • And the Pig is vulnerable and trusting. This woman is like the sun, open to everything and everyone, not afraid of evil, but from this she is defenseless and vulnerable, in need of protection.

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Sagittarius - unique mark, but each person is unique, and there are no identical people. Communicate, observe and be interested in a person to get to know his nature, and let the horoscope become your assistant!

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Sagittarius - compatibility with other signs

People born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius are distinguished by their love of life, are not afraid of difficulties and easily cope with them. However, being a frivolous and amorous nature, it is hard for Sagittarius to find a soul mate with whom you can live a long life, but if Sagittarius still really fell in love, then he will put the whole world to the feet of your soul mate.

Sagittarius compatibility with other zodiac signs

It is worth noting that Sagittarius compatibility with most other zodiac signs in marriage is excellent. Sagittarius are open-minded, dismissive people, marriage with a person born under this sign will be a real holiday full of bright events, fun and adventure. If a Sagittarius really for real loves his soul mate, then he will be faithful to her all his life. Sagittarius are wonderful lovers, in bed they will not let you get bored, constantly surprising with something new and bringing real pleasure to your partner.

If we talk about the compatibility of the Sagittarius girl with other signs of the zodiac, then it should be noted that Taurus, Libra and Aquarius will be an excellent pair for her. If a man wants a long and lasting relationship with a Sagittarius woman, then he should not "tie" her to domestic life, such women are freedom-loving personalities who need communication, travel, etc.

As for the compatibility of the Sagittarius man with other signs of the zodiac, then he can have a good union with most representatives of the zodiac constellations. He is a bright, sociable, disposing person, but a complex relationship can be expected between a Sagittarius man and a Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio woman.

Sagittarius compatibility with other zodiac signs in love

So, with whom can Sagittarius build a strong relationship, and with the representative of which sign he will fail:

Sagittarius woman: characteristics, compatibility, eastern horoscope

If nature has rewarded someone with a generous hand, then these are Sagittarius women. It does not matter whether they are lucky or not, whether their affairs are arguing or everything goes to pieces, they remain optimists. Boldly, brightly and cheerfully they walk through life from a young age to white gray hair. If we talk about a Sagittarius woman, her characterization should begin precisely with the words "love of life" and "optimism". And, of course, like all signs of the zodiac of the fire element, they are characterized by violent activity and lack of restraint in emotions.

Also in early age such girls and girls stand out among their peers. They boldly experiment with their appearance, albeit not always successfully, but not trivial. They change styles, every semester they like new music, then different philosophical movements, later they start looking for a political position. In short, their main goal is to try everything and find themselves.

In adulthood, these are effective people, gushing with ideas. True, these women of the fire sign do not always find the strength to bring the matter to the end, but it is easy, literally in one storm, to take on new areas of activity, master the sciences.

If you meet a Sagittarius on your horoscope, then the characteristic of women of this sign is such that it is better not to get in their way - they will be swept away without any pity. They are categorical, do not accept compromises, almost do not know how to forgive, but they desperately fight and can take revenge if you crossed their path. But such is the element of fire, and Sagittarius is fully his daughter.

Cupid's arrows and fiery passion

Sex and passion are the elements of women of this zodiacal constellation... However, like most conquering warriors, they can quickly lose interest in their trophy. So men who want to keep Sagittarius will have to get creative.

Outwardly, women of a fire sign always look catchy, attractive. Their bright plumage attracts men, but they are not flirtatious at all. They communicate in short, they love jokes, laughter, noisy parties, they are always in the thick of things. This behavior seems provocative to many men, and they try to take the object by attack. And in vain: all they can count on for such a "victory" is one night. After that, they will have to puzzle over who was the winner.

In the love sphere for Sagittarius women, everything is ambiguous. They need a man who can put up with their violent nature, but at the same time he must be passionate and share the hobbies of his partner. Such people on the way are not often met, because a successful, brilliant, cheerful and brave woman, such a woman is often left alone. However, this does not sadden her: her main interests are far from the field of love battles.

Family: martial law or protracted truce

Men literally follow on the heels of the girls of this zodiac sign. But, unfortunately, Sagittarius - the characteristic of the sign and the women born in it is exactly that - does not seek to create a family. Many girls would like to be in their place, because from a young age to late maturity, these representatives of the fire element have no end to matrimonial proposals. But life isn't fair: Sagittarius needs something completely different.

They do not want to see in their partner neither a protector, nor a fat wallet, nor a permanent sexual partner. They need a partner for sparring in life, for eternal arguments, quarrels, the search for truth. If they find something like that, they will torment and harass him until the end of their days, making his existence stormy and bright. In their family life there will not be a single insipid day, and if they disperse, they will desperately miss this "family happiness".

As a housewife, Sagittarius is of little use: she knows how to do everything perfectly, but often does not see the point in this. So the household should be prepared for the fact that at some point she will simply get tired of cooking and cleaning, and they will have to interrupt with sandwiches and not ironed shirts. From time to time, this fiery woman is ready to return to her duties, but only in order to master something new - the cuisine of Indochina, making fountains with her own hands, growing poisonous plants.

Children of the fire element

Despite some eccentricity of nature, the Sagittarius woman is a very responsible mother. She always has everything under control, although she allows her children a lot, be they toddlers or teenagers. And he himself is not averse to taking part in their life, study, fun. Spartakiad? Mom will be in the forefront. Catamarans racing? Take your mom to the team! Flying in a wind tunnel? Why not!

Children of Streltsov will feel in their mother a loyal friend, an interesting interlocutor, advisor, and mentor all their lives. But sometimes they will miss a little of irrational motherly love.

Skeet Shooting: Career and Money of Sagittarius Women

Representatives of this zodiac sign are very sociable, they are good in positions where it is necessary to find a common language with people, and even better, to calm them down, pacify them, help them recharge with optimism. They easily join any team, in their own way, but they do not communicate in a familiar way with their superiors. They can be trusted with the organization business negotiations or a corporate party.

They literally gush with interesting ideas regarding business and its development. New projects are pouring out of them like a cornucopia. There is one but: it is difficult for them to bring something to the end. Therefore, it is better to pair them with painstaking and reasonable signs that will help the Sagittarius woman direct her own energy in the right direction.

The best incentive for fire signs is praise. However, Sagittarius understands very well that they cannot be free without a hard coin. They do not rely on their husband or lover in this matter, but strive to earn money on their own. With their remarkable mind and efficiency, it is not difficult to get what they want. So they have money all the time.

Compatibility with other signs in love

The main motto of this warrior is “either all, or nothing,” so either her partner must fit her completely, or she will sooner or later run away from him. In a man, she is looking for intelligence, open-mindedness, versatility, powerful sexual energy.

With Libra and Aquarius, Sagittarius women can have very strong friendship, alliance in business, tender or passionate love relationship... Unfortunately, such marriages are fragile, since neither Libra nor Aquarius are able to fight for the love of a fickle and eccentric girlfriend.

If we talk about Sagittarius woman and compatibility in marriage, then Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius will be the best candidates. True, this relationship will be more love than family, but they have every chance of a long existence.

Aries, Taurus and Scorpio are able to give the young ladies born in this fiery zodiac sign a stormy passion. They will share not only bed, but many views on life. After the end of the romance, they will surely have a strong friendship.

Cancer and Capricorn can be considered unsuitable for Sagittarius on the love front. Often it is with these signs that women have a misunderstanding. Her frivolity and inconstancy can become a reason for a break. She will consider partners too boring in order to connect her life with them. Lovers of a measured, calm life - Virgo and Pisces evoke similar feelings in her. With them, Sagittarius hardly build both business and love relationships.

Sagittarius and the Chinese horoscope

Women born under the constellation of Sagittarius are less likely to change due to the impact of their Chinese annual symbolism. Their character undergoes only minor changes. In general, they remain unwavering warriors and "people without roots."

  • Sagittarius-Dragon. An excellent combination of stars provides such a woman with ample opportunities. Such ladies are more peaceful than other Sagittarius, they do not seek to insist on their own everywhere. Thanks to dragon wisdom, they can build a successful career, financial well-being and an excellent strong family.
  • Sagittarius-Snake. The character of the Sagittarius woman under the influence of the Snake becomes a little more calm, but this is only at first glance. She is capable of being in a visible state of rest for a long time, but only before the start of decisive action: at the right moment she will ruthlessly go into the attack. In a family, he will get along only with an active and active man.
  • Sagittarius-Horse. Passion and determination are the main qualities of a Sagittarius, and the Horse only enhances them. In work, such women are tireless, in their careers they achieve significant heights, actively earn money. At home, it is difficult to cope with them, they tend to insist on their own and crush a lover or husband for themselves. Calm signs are more suitable for them. Spiritual practices and physical activity are recommended to tame the ardor.
  • Sagittarius-Goat. Such women are happy to study, master new areas of activity, easily change their place of residence, work. The emotionally stormy Sagittarius also becomes artistic, so that those around him are simply swept away by either hurricane hysterics or sparkling gaiety. The life of the Sagittarius Goat is filled with events and adventures, but marriage can calm her down for a while.
  • The Sagittarius Monkey is a very restless creature that loves to be the center of attention. It is difficult for her to concentrate on something, she constantly rushes from one activity to another and rarely achieves good results... At the same time, such a woman gets along well with others, and if she manages to find associates, she can lead them to success.
  • Sagittarius-Rooster. If a woman was born in the year of the Rooster and under the influence of the sign of Sagittarius, gifts of fate await her in all fields. Her character is more balanced due to the prudence, thrift and thriftiness of the Rooster. In communication, she is also less harsh than other signs. eastern horoscope, which provides her with a lot of friends and assistants in all endeavors.
  • Sagittarius-Dog. Sagittarius is a straightforward sign and sometimes even too frank in expressing his thoughts and emotions. If such a woman was born in the Year of the Dog, then there will be trouble: her excessive rigidity will be unpleasant for many. However, at home, the representatives of this zodiac sign everything is fine: she is devoted to her home, her husband and her children.
  • Sagittarius-Tiger. Energy multiplied by power - that's what Sagittarius-Tiger is. For such a woman there are no barriers, she will sweep away everything on the way to the desired goal. However, this hurricane can sweep away friends, and even lovers and husbands. Only excessive directness of statements and increased anger can hinder a successful career or business.
  • Ox-Sagittarius puts above all not a career, but a family. The tough, straightforward disposition of such a woman softens somewhat. They strive to create a reliable family hearth; they are happy to devote time to their children and their spouse. The windiness of Sagittarius, born in the year of the Ox, is practically not characteristic.
  • Sagittarius-Pig. Such a Sagittarius woman more people thoughts rather than actions. She is less impulsive and more consistent than the typical Sagittarius. Most often, Pigs manage to realize themselves both in the family and in the labor field.
  • The Sagittarius Rat is just a personality gushing with energy. She not only generates ideas, but also manages to bring a lot to life. She has a positive attitude towards people, and they respond to her with friendly disposition and love. Due to the latter circumstance, women born under the sign of Sagittarius may experience conflicts on the family front. But she, fortunately, knows how to avoid them.
  • Sagittarius-Rabbit (Cat). If Sagittarius was born in the year of the Cat, then there is simply no limit to his charm. Such a woman is energetic and charming, and often these qualities help her out where ingenuity and workaholism do not help. For success, Sagittarius-Rabbit needs a reliable rear, so she'd better keep her sexy temperament and violent temper.

Straightforward and optimistic

Women who were born under the constellation Sagittarius are capable of a lot. Their main problem is straightforwardness and unwillingness to put up with the rules. If they manage to restrain themselves, then they can handle any business.

Zodiac Sign Sagittarius Woman: characteristics, compatibility in love and marriage

Zodiac sign woman Sagittarius (23.11 – 21.12 ) Is not just a hunter, she is a professional, moreover, rather reckless and purposeful.

Not all men manage to keep such a gift of fate nearby. If the other half notices that her chosen one is lying, then the relationship will end right there. The main feature of Streltsov is no diplomacy. Everything should be clear and clear. The candy-bouquet period with women Sagittarius is more reminiscent of a knightly tournament, where the code of honor is observed, in particular, the commandment when a defeated enemy is offered a hand to rise from the ground. An opponent who claims the heart of the same beauty as the winner has the right to cling to her. A stab in the back is prohibited, so the Sagittarius woman will destroy anyone who dares to even look askance in the direction of her hero or squeeze out a laugh when he turns away.

Sagittarius women rarely compromise, but this is justified by the fact that they are ready to accept the conditions of the opponent if he turns out to be more dexterous. Negotiations with such professionals often end in skirmishes, because a sharp-tongued zodiac sign will always be in a winning position. For strong natures, this is great quality, if you need to establish a business, and not scatter in words of gratitude, when there are no prospects for the development of at least one direction. Having a Sagittarius woman in the camp of enemies is dangerous. The instinct of self-preservation is inherent in Capricorn, but not in Sagittarius, so choose words and phrases so that the bow and arrows do not end up in the hands of someone who looks like a downtrodden birdie. Appearance Sagittarius is deceiving: under a light dress there may be a loaded revolver, which she will pull out if she feels danger. But with such a friend, you can go to a club or commit an adventurous trick. It will cover even when you need to lower your jeans to go with a whip over the rounded buttocks.

Sagittarius woman in love and marriage

Unlike the Sagittarius man, women strive for marriage in any way. It does not matter to them that the second half is not yet firmly on its feet, there is no own housing and financial means so that the family does not need anything. If a Sagittarius woman decided to keep the fire in the hearth, then she will do this even when her chosen one is on the run.

She will never admit to an unhappy marriage, therefore, left with small children in her arms, she will begin to earn a living on her own. A Sagittarius man would never allow this.

Often, jealousy becomes an obstacle on the way to family life, but Sagittarius women will be able to overcome this obstacle. Sincerely repenting, they take off their quiver of arrows for a while and, wearing an apron, spend the whole day in the kitchen. They have an innate ability to cook, so that the husband and children will never go hungry, and what is included in the Sagittarius menu always has excellent taste.

Sagittarius women rarely become mistresses, although some adventurism is inherent in young girls. Embarking on a love adventure, they quickly lose interest in the object caught in the net, letting it go in all four directions and not remembering evil. For men who are distinguished by constancy, it is quite difficult to remain indifferent to the outings of a wife or girlfriend, but in order to maintain harmony in a relationship, it is worth taking your ladies to parties. A short flirtation under the supervision of a watchful eye acts like Theraflu, relieving the symptoms of a mild cold in a couple of hours.

Compatibility horoscope for Sagittarius woman

In addition to their zodiac sign, Sagittarius women have a good relationship with Leo and Aries, since the temperaments of all three signs are surprisingly similar. The outlook on life is the same as the attitude towards marriage and children.

However, an ideal marriage can only be with Gemini: a man who can live in a black and white world is not just a prey, but also something that balances the concepts of good and evil, in which Sagittarius unconditionally believes.

Sagittarius woman health

Jupiter awarded Streltsov with excellent health, so you can keep yourself in shape with simple exercises. The only thing they should avoid is prolonged stress. Physical and mental strength is the weak link of any Sagittarius, so several things at once can cripple the health of even someone who looks athletic.

It is important for a Sagittarius woman to understand that not all fights end in victories, so defeat must be treated with humor. V otherwise, nervous system will have to be treated, and for a long time, so a stroke at a young age is a disease that has taken by surprise more than one representative of the beautiful half of humanity, born under this zodiac sign.

If you do not monitor your shoes, you can catch chronic tonsillitis. A huntress with a constantly stuffy nose will not seem so attractive prey even to a bear that has crawled out of its den.

And yet, the Sagittarius woman often herself becomes the subject of hunting on the part of men. There are too many positive qualities so that they don't notice it. This means that sometimes the hunter allows herself to be a little - not a victim, no, she does not allow this! - a tamed noble deer, removing a delicacy with soft lips from an open palm. But - only until he feels false in this situation.

After hard day surrounded by constant problems, such a companion will help to escape from the gray everyday life. She will willingly teach you how to get real pleasure from life. Of course, in order for your compatibility and the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman to allow you to be around long enough, you need to try. But the result obtained will be worth all the effort spent.

A lively and interesting interlocutor who can turn your head or "break off" all the best impulses of her boyfriend. The Sagittarius woman is not the easiest prey for the gentlemen who are drawn to her. After all, her sincerity, cheerfulness and openness become an excellent alternative to intrigue and ulterior motives.

Noisy, cheerful and cheerful Sagittarius girl always attracts attention in any company. She knows how to rejoice and laugh heartily. A friendly and sincere attitude towards everyone is devoid of falsity and play. She is always what she is, and it is beneath her dignity to portray what is not really there. She has a very violent fantasy that allows her to give out a lot interesting ideas and immediately implement them. You will never get bored with such a companion.

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius, which is part of our Zodiac, are not characterized by manifestations of melancholy and pessimism. And in order to become discouraged or depressed, such a woman needs to endure many strong blows of fate.

Sagittarius woman traits

The main trait that a Sagittarius woman possesses is her straightforwardness. She always says what she thinks, and does not think at all about the reaction to her words from others. A woman can afford such behavior, since she knows exactly her own worth and is well aware of her advantages and disadvantages.

Truthfulness is also manifested in relation to oneself. Self-confidence makes Sagittarius a very strong and unyielding person who can stand up for himself and his opinion. Any rumors and gossip in her direction will in no way affect her conceit.

In order to enjoy work, a person born under the sign of Sagittarius entering the Zodiac must be able to create, seek and realize herself. She does not like control and pressure, they will prevent her from coping with the tasks. At the same time, it is important for her to bear social responsibility and be needed by someone. In a male team, such an employee will feel confident and will be able to keep everyone in good shape.

In her personal life, it is quite difficult for her to choose a gentleman. After all, she immediately calculates possible compatibility and does not hesitate to voice a refusal if a man does not suit her.

Sagittarius woman love compatibility

The compatibility of the Sagittarius woman in love with other signs of the zodiac is very problematic. With all the positive characteristics, it is quite difficult for ladies born under the sign of Sagittarius to find love and a life partner. Especially when you consider how easily they mislead their boyfriends.

The behavior of this seductress and coquette leads to the fact that an opinion is created about her availability and the desire to go further. In view of this behavior, many will rely on, for example, intimacy. This is how her admirers perceive her, but they are mistaken. The flirting Sagittarius girl is able to point out to men their superficial judgments at the moment when they try to "cross the line." Anyone, even the most experienced seducer, can be plunged into extreme despondency by a harsh refusal received from the object of courtship. Sagittarius at the right moment calmly and coldly rejects the claims of a gentleman who is unable to understand the true depth of such a woman.

For this sign, lying is unacceptable and they are not shy about telling the truth. Therefore, a boyfriend who is aimed at testing himself for compatibility with Sagittarius needs to be prepared for the truth about himself. Such a companion will not think about male pride and will not soften the blow. It's just that the moment you make a mistake, she will directly tell you everything she thinks.

In love, a Sagittarius woman values ​​sincerity and strives for equality. She does not see anything shameful in quarreling with her lover on business, and then making peace with him. Cunning and cunning are not for her. She expects the same attitude from her partner.

This woman can fall in love only for her spiritual qualities, which she will not be prevented from considering by excessive tinsel. The Zodiac gave her such an opportunity. In response to sincere feelings, the partner will receive peace of mind and undemandingness from her. Such a woman knows how to forgive mistakes and support when a man needs it. She is able to show how easy it is to get pleasure from familiar things and will be able to charge you with a positive mood.

Not all men are suitable for a Sagittarius woman. After all, she is so bright and multifaceted that the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with many men will be very difficult.

The most harmonious union can be created by two Sagittarius. They will see only the best in each other, and understand their partner perfectly.

With an Aries man, a Sagittarius woman will also be happy. He has a solidity and assertiveness, which, at times, this lady lacks. He will help her realize even the most daring plans, and their similar temperament will make intimacy just perfect.

A proud man under the sign of Leo entering the zodiac will look down on his Sagittarius partner. But this look of his will be full of sincere admiration and admiration. He will forgive such a passionate lover a lot, even spending a lot of money on surreal projects.

Compatibility with a Libra man with a representative of the Sagittarius sign is possible. Despite the low level of initiative, he is able to organize and implement what was conceived according to her plans. He can easily smooth out sharp corners and slow down on sharp turns.

A beautiful romance awaits the lady of Sagittarius and the man under the sign of Aquarius. But at the end, the relationship will turn to friendship, since the Zodiac orders Aquarius to save the world.

The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with some men is very difficult. With some zodiac signs, it may simply not be possible.

The connection between the seemingly similar partners of Sagittarius and Gemini will end quickly. Mutual overestimated requirements will reduce compatibility in other areas to "no". And Gemini owes nothing to anyone.

Men born under the sign of Pisces will bypass Sagittarius women. They will be scared off by such irrepressible energy, and according to the properties that the Zodiac has endowed them with, they prefer the concept, not its embodiment.

Scorpio men, after meeting Sagittarius, will not agree to a second role. Self-centered and narcissistic, they will not be able to pass the compatibility test with a flirtatious flirt.

After an affair with a Cancer man, the Sagittarius lady will surely have a sediment in her soul. And he seemed to be kindled by her idea, but he will not move forward to implement it.

Very rarely, a Sagittarius woman may be interested in a Capricorn man. But after a closer acquaintance, she will prefer to leave, since she does not understand the world without a miracle.

The compatibility of a Sagittarius woman in marriage with other signs is very ambiguous. Of course, you can call the representative of the sign of Sagittarius, which is included in the zodiac, to marry. But whether she will agree is a question. After all main value for this woman it is freedom and the ability to do what she likes. And the bonds of marriage are a cage, even if it is golden. Therefore, making a choice between her beloved man and her freedom, she may well stop at the latter.

There are many old maidens among the representatives of this sign, but they are not much weighed down by such a fate. After all, they do not have to give up all their interests, of which Sagittarius has a lot. They don't need to pass up the opportunity to travel and be attached to home or family. The energy and desire for diversity that the Sagittarius woman possesses does not allow her to enjoy family peace and comfort.

And if compatibility is important to you, then you need to give her freedom of choice and direct creative thinking in a home course. She will make a wonderful hostess. Such a woman will pamper her household with unique and delicious meals... She can also embody interesting design solutions in the interior and channel your imagination to other household chores.

If you want a Sagittarius woman's family compatibility, then don't be surprised when she suddenly packs up her bags and goes on a trip. She needs it, and it is important to respect such a need. For communication, a Sagittarius wife may prefer another, but you should not be jealous of her. She builds a family on sincerity and trust, so there is no need to disappoint her.

From the representatives of this sign, wonderful lovers are obtained. They know how to do everything with brilliance and grace. In the sexual sphere, the Sagittarius woman seeks to learn new sensations, to experiment.

Sex for women born under the sign of Sagittarius, entering the zodiac, is a source of pleasure. Knowing the erogenous zones of the signs of the zodiac, in particular the Sagittarius woman, you can give her a lot of pleasure. If the partner does not have a fiery temperament and is not capable of openness, then this can be the beginning of the end of their relationship. After all, the impossibility of expressing oneself through bed and denying oneself pleasure can become the basis for stress for such women. And this will lead to the fact that Sagittarius will be unhappy.

Disharmony can lead to the fact that this woman will look for another way out of this situation. And it can be the search for sensual pleasures on the side. At the same time, all ties will be broken with a permanent partner, since she will not be able to portray what in fact does not exist.

If the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with a partner is good, and she is supported on both sides, then such a relationship can last long enough.