A lot of butter. Why oil dreams: what do the dream books of Miller, Wanga, Freud and others say

In a dream, to see him - to good events.

Workers eat butter - for a promotion.

If the trader eats butter, the result is greater profits.

Buying butter at the bazaar means well-being.

Churning oil - to success in your business.

If in a dream you saw that you were selling butter, or you saw that someone threw butter at you - to great trouble, misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams from the Feng Shui Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation - Oil

Any dream about oil is auspicious and portends prosperity, happiness and gifts.

The more oil you see in a dream, the more good things await you in life.

Oil with a pungent smell in a dream, on the contrary, warns of flattery, deception, hypocrisy. Drinking oil in a dream is a sign of illness or trouble. To smear your head with oil in a dream - to receive money, important news. Sometimes such a dream predicts important changes in life. Spilling oil in a dream means that you will receive a lot of pleasure and gifts from loved one... Any food in a dream, abundantly watered with oil, portends profit and prosperity. But if the food contains cottage cheese or cheese, then expect a deception or some kind of trick. There are butter cakes - a bad dream, which, on the contrary, predicts losses. See interpretation: pancakes, pasta, mushrooms.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you want to decipher the dream about butter, then keep in mind - you need to remember: in the company with which products it was served to the table, or as an ingredient of which dish it was used.

The interpretation of the dream largely depends on this, because if you recall the proverb “How cheese rolls in butter,” then it immediately becomes clear that on the one hand, we are talking about well-being, wealth. On the other hand, it is about envy or even anger in relation to the lucky one who does not feel the need and sadness. So, why is butter in a dream?

Sandwich fantasies

The very name of the sandwich, literally translated from German, warns that this appetizer is inconceivable without butter, in particular butter. Hence, there are numerous predictions about what a slice of loaf or bread smeared with butter dreams of.

According to Miller, making a sandwich in a dream, taking into account your taste, with love, means that in reality you will have a prosperous future life, moreover, well-being both in material terms and in your personal life. Destiny will love and pamper you.

When in a dream you yourself try to spread chilled butter on a piece of bread, but it froze and crumbles, the dream book predicts some problems and difficulties in relationships with friends or a loved one.

Without much hassle, he will cope with any business in reality, the one who dreamed that he deftly made sandwiches, carefully spreading them. This vision is typical for people who are confident, sociable, and benevolent. That is why they are appreciated and loved by others.

Why did you dream that you were eating sandwiches in the company of your comrades? It's great if you managed to remember the characters of the dream, one of them will play important role in your life.

Was the dreamed sandwich flavored not only with butter, but also with a slice of cheese? Then, in the near future, a calm, well-fed life is waiting for you, full of entertainment, exciting adventures, pleasant gatherings with family and friends.

Pastry, pancakes

Dreamed of a sweet bun? Then a fateful acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex awaits you, the dream book promises.

But pancakes, generously oiled with butter in a dream, remind you to keep your ears on top, communicating with people who praise you without stopping, trying to win favor. Keep in mind that flatterers always pursue selfish interests. Yes, and the dream book warns that soon the dreamer will have to face swindlers, scammers, if the pancakes were with cottage cheese.

If you dreamed of boiled potatoes, poured with butter sauce, then be entrusted: luck accompanies you in all matters, the dream book promises.

On the counter of the deli

I am curious how the vision is interpreted that you are standing in front of a display case where there are many varieties of butter, but you buy only one piece. Such a plot does not exclude troubles in his personal life, quarrels with a loved one or household members. Buying butter in a dream, in a dream book, is an association with the dreamer's desire to atone for his guilt before someone, to “butter up” the offended person. And the French collection of sleepy predictions, assures that the oil in a dream is acquired by the one who misses his former partner, lover.

Quality and grade

Why dream of butter that has expired? If the product was clearly spoiled: rancid, and covered with mold, then in reality it will be necessary to work hard until the seventh sweat in order to achieve the desired result.

Often, mold on oil is a warning that the dreamer's strength and time will be wasted. Especially when it comes to material reward.

However, there is another explanation for what it means to see moldy butter in a dream. Dream Interpretations hint that you should not pin special hopes on relatives and friends. Unfortunately, they will not meet the expectations of the sleeper, and therefore he may experience a feeling of disappointment.

In addition, the moldy product also suggests that in reality an incident may occur, as a result of which the dreamer will be unfairly accused of something.

Shoot down, pour over

Why did you dream that you knocked butter down on your own? Then, according to old beliefs, you will get exactly what you deserve. In other words: how much you drown, so much you burst.

Did you have a chance to warm up, melt butter in your night dreams? This is a great sign that promises that the physical condition of the sleeper will improve markedly. If he is ill, he will certainly recover soon.

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Oils seen in a dream portends extremes in a business that is pleasant for you.

Collection of dream books

Oil- mitigation of a tough situation.

If you are given oil in your sleep- it portends friendliness and affectionate greetings.

Oil- showing respect; spread on bread- career advancement.

Oil- losses, difficult times, a difficult path to success

See butter or olive oil- to illness; spill vegetable oil or butter anything- to a conflict, stressful situation; eat butter- to illness; eat any vegetable oil- in the diet, it is necessary to abandon butter and switch to vegetable oils.

See- illness and loss; pour out- you are being pursued; to be doused- good deeds; drink- friends make your life easier; see blazing- joy and pleasure; linseed oil - winnings; lubricating oils- things are going smoothly.

Lenten oil to the sick- for recovery.

See (or eat) a lot of butter- to great happiness and wealth.

Dreaming butter- means that soon you will have a son or daughter.

But if in a dream you buy oil- a dream predicts deep grief.

If you dreamed about vegetable oil- a heavy loss awaits you, which you will not be able to avoid.

Oil spilled in a dream- a sign that soon your money matters will get better.

Get oil in a dream- a harbinger of the fact that you will complete your business with great profit, but only if you show scrupulousness and honesty.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The oil is even rancid- to well-being.

Ukrainian dream book

Oil to see- happiness, health; drink- disappointment in love.

There is oil - well-being.

Oil, smear- someone "smears" you with their language, they talk about you.

Esoteric dream book

Any oil- to well-being.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Oil- good, respect; knock down- grow rich; cow- fulfillment of the desired; there is- kissing, from someone respect, prosperity; to spread- they say about you, promotion; drink vegetable oil- disease; pour- recovery; shed- loss; shower- benefit.

Vedic dream book by Sri Swami Sivananda

Daniel's medieval dream book

Have butter- good news.

If someone is sprinkled with oil- this portends to him the protection of the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Be anointed with oil- to wealth, joy, good, both now and in the future.

Get the oil- to joy.

English dream book

Butter, be it in a butterdish, on bread or in porridge- always dreams of good, it is a harbinger of a holiday and fun. To a lover it- promises a quick wedding. Tired of litigation- promises to win the case. After such a dream, your friend will finally return home safe and sound and will forever remain for you that true friend that you “know in trouble”. If you were in danger, now it will certainly bypass you.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

A dream involving lubricating oils- First of all, it testifies to sad thoughts. In addition, your health may deteriorate and you will have to go on a diet.

"Anoint" someone's hand- is to give a bribe or tip. Are you trying to bribe someone or is someone trying to bribe you?

General dream book

Shoot down oil in a dream- in reality means that you set yourself difficult goals, but by showing diligence and hard work, you will achieve what you want and become a wealthy person.

To a peasant such a dream- promises good harvest, and the woman- an economic and energetic husband.

If you dream that you are lubricating something- it speaks of upcoming events in which you will be the driving force.

Large amount of oil- excessive enthusiasm for something pleasant for you. Oil trade for a man- means failure in love relationship when he was counting on an easy victory. For a woman to lubricate something with oil in a dream- a sign that great opportunities will open up before her.

Rubbing oil in a dream- means recovery, getting rid of some life difficulties.

If you dreamed that you were pouring sunflower oil- the news that you learn the next day will turn out to be false rumors.

In a dream, you set fire to sunflower oil- tomorrow you will learn a lot about your colleagues.

Drink sunflower oil- to the disease.

Women's dream book

A sign of good health and ongoing plans.

Rancid oil- portends prosperity acquired by hard physical labor.

Sell ​​oil- to a small profit.

If a woman has a dream in which she lubricates her body with oil- this portends that soon she will rush headlong into frivolous entertainment.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Eastern female dream book

In whatever form the oil dreamed- This good sign; lovers oil- dreaming of an imminent wedding, businessman- to a good deal, the military- to a quick and safe return home. If you were in danger- it will pass by.

Modern combined dream book

There is fresh golden oil in a dream- predicting good health and successfully completed plans. This dream promises you the acquisition of wealth and knowledge.

If you dreamed that you were eating rancid oil- skill and prosperity will be your reward for hard physical work.

Sell ​​oil- to a small profit.

New family dream book

If in a dream you ate fresh golden butter- your plans will come true, and your health will not disappoint. You will also acquire wealth and knowledge.

Rancid oil- also dreams of prosperity, but acquired by hard physical labor.

If you sold oil in a dream- don't expect big profits.

The woman who smeared her body with oil in a dream- will go headlong into frivolous entertainment.

Dream interpretation for bitches

Butter - good health, good business.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the linens inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

What is the dream of butter for? Authors different dream books different opinions on this score. Let's try to figure out how to correctly interpret such a dream. Try to remember the night vision that appeared to you in the kingdom of Morpheus, in all details and look for a suitable interpretation.

Authors various dream books different opinions about what butter may dream of. Interpretations may differ depending on how fresh the oil was, how it smelled, what you did with it in the kingdom of Morpheus - ate, bought, treated someone.

Therefore, try to remember exactly what happened in the dream and look for a suitable prediction.

Interpretations from Miller's dream book

Psychotherapist Gustav Miller believed that butter seen in a dream could mean the following:

  • The butter is fresh, it looks very nice, and I want to try it. Such a dream is a dream for the implementation of all planned plans. What you dreamed about will come true. You will also be healthy, financially prosperous, there will be enough time for work, personal life, and self-development.
  • Stale, old, tasteless butter dreams that you will also be able to achieve your goals, but you will achieve the result only at the cost of incredible efforts. You will have to work hard to fulfill all plans
  • Dreaming that you are selling butter in the market? IN real life get a small profit. A trifle, but nice
  • If a woman dreams that she uses oil for cosmetic procedures, it means that in real life she is frivolous, lives one day and is ruled by emotions, not reason.

Interpretations from Freud's dream book

The famous psychotherapist interprets dreams in terms of relationships with the opposite sex. Its interpretations are as follows:

  • If in a dream you see a stranger spreading butter on bread to make a sandwich, in real life you will soon meet a very attractive young man. You will establish pleasant communication, you will develop a relationship filled with love and mutual understanding.
  • If you dream of frozen butter that you are trying to spread on bread, but nothing comes of it, then problems are coming in the relationship with your partner. You are too cold to him - try to give more warmth, care and attention, then conflicts will be avoided
  • If you dream of a “sandwich falling with butter down,” or if you drop a package of butter on the floor, then in real life you will have to feel guilty. You will not offend your loved one out of malice by saying a bunch of unpleasant things. Try not to offend your partner, otherwise a quarrel cannot be avoided.
  • Had a dream about buying butter in a store? This means that in real life you have already been guilty before your partner and are trying in every possible way to make amends with gifts. But this will not help - he needs your attention and kind words, and not attempts to appease

Interpretations from the esoteric dream book

IN esoteric dream book just one prediction: if you dreamed about butter, you will be happy in real life. Everything will turn out extremely well, you will be both financially wealthy and lucky in your personal life

Interpretations from the English dream book

  • Butter almost always dreams of good events. Very often it portends a storm of fun - perhaps you will find yourself at a celebration, a major event. Joyful and very positive emotions await you
  • If one of a pair of lovers dreamed of butter, it means that a wedding will take place soon. Your relationship will move to a serious level, you are ready to get married, raise children and build love for many years
  • If a participant in a legal dispute dreamed about butter, he will win the case and receive compensation for the damage caused.
  • If you dreamed about oil when your loved one is away from you, look forward to seeing him soon. He will be next to you again, and you will carry the relationship through your life.

Also, butter can promise a solution to pressing problems, troubles will go away, your well-being is no longer threatened.

Interpretations from the French dream book

  • If in a dream someone brings you butter as a gift, it means that the case, the outcome of which worries you very much in real life, will end successfully and with great benefit for you.
  • If a married woman saw butter in a dream, it is highly likely that in real life she will soon become pregnant.
  • Melted butter dreams of a great tragedy - you will lose a loved one, and for a very long time you will not be able to come to terms with the loss
  • If you buy a package of butter - expect trouble, a great grief will happen in your life, which cannot be avoided
  • Dropping butter on the floor will improve your financial situation. You will finally be able to pay off your debts, get a promotion. Perhaps you will receive an expensive gift or become a rich heir

See in the video what else butter can dream of:

Interpretation of the Assyrian dream book

The authors of the Assyrian dream book give a very laconic interpretation: in their opinion, butter is a dream of partnership, long-term friendship, or the emergence of a new business partner with whom you will profitably cooperate.

These are the interpretations set forth in the most famous and popular dream books.

By the way, if you dream of not just oil, but a whole plant for its production, this is an extremely auspicious sign that portends great luck in all areas of your life. Good luck will accompany everything - both in business and in personal life.

Oil plays a very important role in our life, and this applies to both butter and vegetable.

However, not everyone knows what to expect when it was seen in a dream.

Of course, a lot will depend on the details of the dream, so you should remember the whole plot of the dream up to the smallest details.

So, let's figure out what the oil is for and what to expect from such a dream.

Creamy or sunflower?

In general, the appearance of oil in a dream should be interpreted as a positive sign that promises excellent prospects and success for a person who has such a dream.

In ancient times, this product was available only to wealthy citizens and high-ranking officials, but that time is long gone, and today this product is in abundance in any family. Thus, the symbolism went precisely from the old days and has survived to this day.

    The butter that you dreamed about is a symbol of happiness in your personal life. This positive sign promises good period a relationship that will be full of good news and events;

    sunflower oil is a symbol of peace and tranquility. Great sign, foreshadowing the departure of all troubles and anxieties, your life will stabilize again, confidence in the future will appear, happiness and harmony will return to the family.

What portends?

1. As mentioned above, butter is an auspicious sign that promises you prosperity. However, you do not need to think that everything will come very simply, for this you have to work hard, but, in any case, all your efforts will be well rewarded, and you will be able to provide yourself with a comfortable life. So, you can apply for a new, more important and highly paid position, promises you a promotion, profitable cooperation, a serious win or some other profitable niche. So do not sit still, everything is in your hands!

2. If you dreamed in a dream how you see or eat oily, greasy porridge - this is also a good harbinger that promises you a good deal. Therefore, be vigilant in business, do not miss the opportunity to significantly improve your material well-being. Take the initiative, take every chance - and your courage will be rewarded!

3. If you see butter in a dream that you whip with my own hands- this is a sign that you will have to work very well and fruitfully, but at the same time all your efforts will be rewarded. Remember that you will definitely succeed, but for this you cannot sit with folded hands.

4. If you see yourself buying sunflower or butter - this is a warning sign that you should be very vigilant in business, try to bypass offers that seem vague and unpromising to you. This period is very dangerous, so do business only with trusted partners, as there is a great risk of being deceived and incurring serious losses.

5. If in a dream you smear oil on your body and hands, this is not good sign promising an early illness. For young girls, such a dream means that one should beware of rash adventures and dangerous entertainment, as in the end one can remain very disappointed in people.

6. If you oil your own head in a dream - this sign promises you glory and recognition. You can be sure that your efforts will not go unnoticed, you will be honored and respected among colleagues, bosses and even in the family circle. Therefore, do not listen to anyone, but persistently follow your goal and do not doubt a bit that you are doing everything right.

7. If you dreamed about how you spill sunflower oil, this is a favorable sign that promises you a good profit. Moreover, money can come from the most unexpected places, so soon your well-being will improve a lot!

8. If you dreamed of butter that another person gave or treated you - this is a sign that you will be able to make a profit, but only if you work hard on yourself, save a good relationship with other people and set realistic goals for yourself.

9. Seeing butter on the table (on a platter, bread or any other kind) is a sign of some kind of celebration and fun. So, good company, delicious food and a pleasant stay await you.

Miller's dream book oil

American psychologist Gustav Miller interprets oil dreams as follows:

    eating fresh butter in a dream is a good sign promising good health, prosperity and the implementation of all plans. Chances are good that very soon you can become the owner of a large real estate;

    eating butter while feeling bitterness in your mouth is a good sign that you will be able to fulfill all your dreams and plans, but they will not come easily to you, you will have to work hard;

    if you sell oil in a dream - to a small income;

    if a woman lubricates her body with oil in a dream, this means that soon in real life she will be completely absorbed by frivolous entertainment;

    if you whisk butter, this is a sign that you are setting yourself difficult tasks, and you can achieve them only through a lot of diligence and work;

    to see oil in a dream for a villager means excellent harvest this year;

    if a woman saw butter in a dream, this is a sign that she will have an economic and enterprising husband;

    if you dream a large number of sunflower oil - this is a sign of your excessive passion for something interesting for you;

    for a man, the trade in sunflower oil means problems on the personal front, although initially everything seemed quite simple;

    if a woman lubricates her body with sunflower oil, this is a sign that excellent prospects will soon open up in front of her.

What is the dream of sunflower oil according to Vanga's dream book

    to see how you diligently rub oil into your body is a sign that you will be able to get rid of the problems that gravitate you; if you are sick, it means that you will recover soon;

    if a girl lubricates herself and everything around with oil (objects, furniture, and so on) - this is a good sign that promises her unprecedented prospects;

    if a man sells oil in a dream - a collapse awaits him in his personal life;

    if you whip butter in a dream, in reality your tasks are difficult to accomplish;

    if a girl whips butter, it is a sign that she will soon marry a purposeful and practical young man.

What is the dream of butter according to Freud's dream book

    watching another person spread butter on bread - to a pleasant acquaintance with a person with whom you will quickly find a common language;

    if you are trying to spread cold butter on bread in a dream, and this process is not easy for you, it means that in real life you will not be able to restore harmony soon;

    if you dropped oil on the floor in a dream, this is a sign that you, trying to open your partner's eyes to what is happening, accidentally offend him;

    buying oil on the market is a sign of a sense of guilt towards your “counterpart”, which you will try with all your might to make amends. However, just your care and attention will be enough.

Why dream of sunflower oil according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    Seeing fresh oil in a dream is a good sign that promises happiness and prosperity;

    to see rancid oil in a dream - you will be able to achieve your goals in business and love only through hard work and patience.

Why dream of butter according to Adaskin's dream book

    whipping or eating butter in a dream is a sign of wealth and good health. Even if the oil is rancid, your well-being will only improve;

    if you lubricate your body with oil, this is a sign of frivolous hobbies;

    if you spill melted butter, this is a loss, but if the drops get on your clothes, expect a quick profit;

Islamic dream book: oil in a dream

    if you saw sunflower oil in a dream - this is a sign that your well-being will be gained in an honest way;

    to see butter in a dream is a sign of prosperity and profitable deals; for a peasant, such a dream means a rich harvest this year;

    if you drink oil in a dream - be careful, there are many ill-wishers around you, there is a possibility of damage or the evil eye;

    drinking oil sediment in a dream - you will get profit only through humiliation;

    if you are sick and rub your body with oil, expect a speedy recovery.