Prayers thanks in the holy communion read. Prayers in front of communion and confession

Communion - one of the most important sacraments orthodox church. It clears the soul of a person and fills it with grace. The reading of the Thanksgiving prayer is an integral part of this ritual, because it is they who help express their babies and joy that every Christian is experiencing after the communion of the Saints secrets.

The holy sacrament of the communion was established by the Savior himself at the Last Supper: he divided the bread between his students and explained that, having to eat, they would perceive the holy flesh of Christ. Then the Son of God blessed the bowl with wine and called on the apostles to drink from her, explaining that this blood was shed for humanity. This sacrament of Christ has commanded to commit the time, so that it served as a reminder of his great sacrifice and opened people the way to life eternal.

To this day, the Holy Communion is one of the main rituals in the life of every Christian. Symbolically knocked flesh and blood of Christ, a person commits the holy secrets in order to enter the kingdom of heaven after the completion of the earthly path.

How to prepare for communion

The adoption of the Great Mystery is needed special spiritual and physical training. The Christian should analyze the path traveled, to realize his mistakes, repent of sins and raise a firm intention to get rid of them and change life for the better.

A few days before the communion, if health allows, you need to adhere to the post: limit the use of eggs, dairy products, meat. Should refrain from visiting entertainment events, from idle affairs and concentrate on spiritual life, devote more time to reading the Bible and Prayers.

Communion necessarily preceded by confession - repentance in perfect sins. Confession cleans the soul from heavy cargo, prepares her for the enjoyment of Divine Grace. It is also necessary to prepare for confession: for example, it is necessary to perform a special prayer rule.

How to approach communion

After the priest reads the main prayer - "Our Father" - you need to approach the altar. When the holy bowl is delivered, it is necessary to approach the priest in the order, holding hands folded on the chest (right on top of the left), call their name given when baptism, and take the holy gifts, then kiss the bottom of the bowl.

Thank you prayer Read after the communion of saints secrets.

Thank you prayer

Thank you, Lord, that I did not feed me, an unworthy of the sinner, but he honored to join the holy secrets. The Lord of the Heavenly, for the sake of people the dead and resurrection, who gave us the life-giving sacrament into good and consecration of our souls and bodies, albeit for me the saint of your sacraments will be in healing the soul and body, expulsion of the soul and evil, in the education of spiritual eyes my, in faith True, in love sincerely, in the execution of your great commandments, in addition to the Divine Your Grace and the Edema in the kingdom of Heaven. Our holiness is guarding, your grace remember and impede your life. For you have the joy of everyone loving you, Christ is God, and chanting glory to you all living on Earth forever. Amen.

Your sacred body, Lord God God, Jesus Christ, let me give me a way to the kingdom of heaven, and your honest blood will be in leaving sins. There will also be thanksgiving this in the joy of great and happiness. On the second coming, your ascemary of me, sinful, contemplate the glory of yours, on the prayers of the prechors of your mother and all saints.

Holy Mother of God, the light of the oppressed soul of my, hope, refuge, consolation and my joy! Thank you for the fact that he honored me, the sinful, communion of being the preching body and the holy blood of your son. Given the true light, enlighten my heart, open my spiritual eyes; The source of immortality gave birth, to return to the life of me, bending around the severity of sins; The merciful God is a merciful mother, hunt me, give me peace and humility in my thoughts, and the strength against sinful thoughts. I will send the saints of the saints before the end of the life path of the life path, so my soul was healed. Give me the tears of repentance, in order to pose and challenged you, blessed. Amen.

Live with the world and make as much good deeds as possible, help those who need care and help - after all, this is the main goal of every Christian. And daily prayers will strengthen your spirit and help not get away from the righteous way. Be happy, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

08.05.2017 06:10

During the celebration of Christian holidays, many are asked about the ban on certain actions. What...

Prayers after communion. The sacrament of communion.

Prayers after communion. Thank you prayer. Prayer after communion with gratitude. When to read? The words of prayer after the gratefulness grateful. Text of prayer.

Thank you prayer after communion

Days of unity of spiritual rest with God are called communion. In addition to ordinary days, when everyone can ask and prays, there are and specially designed for it. In the days of communion, the believing people will update bodily and spiritual.

There are a big set various prayerswho are aimed at thanks to God, for taking all people, regardless of the number of their sins.

Prayers after communion text

Such a text of prayer is aimed at saying thanks to the Almighty "Thank you for everything that he suffers from people. And also in prayer there is a petition for protection, and pardon.

Text of prayer:

"The body of your holy, Lord Jesus Christ God, let me in life eternal, and your blood is precious - in the forgiveness of sins. Yes, I will be thanksgiving to joy, health and merry. In the terrible and the second coming of your controversy. The sinner, to be to the right of your glory, at the petitions, all clean your mother and all your saints. Amen. "

It is given to the petition for a long life, as well as about the past of pardon in a terrible day.

Prayers after communion, thankful: when to read?

In the names of the prayer, the time of reading is already spelled out, it can be performed after the communion. It is possible to thank God at any time of the day, however, it is recommended to read the texts of prayers after passing the communion.

The Holy Mother of God acts as an intercession before Most High, and therefore there is a separate prayer to appeal to it.

Pray and give gratitude to God have the right to all believers. Regardless of nationality, financial position, as well as from gender.

Ask for pardon and thank it is never late! The most important thing that gratitude was sincere and clean. Performed on a sober head, and from the whole soul.

Mystery of communion

Before carrying out this action, the father should be cleaned, one should also not be made any food before communion.

After confession during the communion, all people are built in the queue, and pray;

At the time of the removal of the bowls with gifts, three bows must be made;

At the coming of your queue, it is necessary to approach the bowl and call your name (full) after which it is widely open to open your mouth and take the communion (swallow, and kiss the side of the bowl);

After the manipulations carried out, you need to approach the table and drink a cup of water diluted with a small amount of wine, after which it is immediately a small piece of prosphora.

At the end of the communion leave the temple is necessary after the closure of the royal gate.

Prayers after communion: what is the interpretation

The first thing to be done after the ceremony of the communion is to be given the words of gratitude to the Almighty Lord, for the fact that he is the intercessor of all Orthodox believers, despite all the familiar sins.

The text of the first prayer may be as follows:

"Thank you to the Most High for what you accept the sinful, for what I allowed me to join your shrines, for the fact that he honored me with a sacred rite of communion.

Herply, who died for us and resigns, who gave us the life-giving their mystery, for the benefit and sanctifying the body and soul, I ask you, do it so that they live in me, heal the soul and body, protect the eye and the enemy, open eyes and My heart and direct the mental strength on faith unshakable, love is clean, filled with wisdom to keep your commandments, give your grace of God.

Save in me the memory for the grace of yours, helping to live not for yourself, and for you, Lord benefactor. By leaving the worldly life in eternal I got into your peace of rest and universal happiness.

You are the Lord - the true goal and the joy of all believers, let them sing your name forever God. Amen."

The following prayer words - thanks to the Lord of St. VasilyThe Most High gave him faith and the opportunity to understand the holy church sacraments and to be cleaned by soul and thoughts. Vasily appealed to the Lord with these words:

"The Holy Lord The creator of our world, thanks you is low for all those benefits that I have, for the communion to your sacraments light. I pray to you a humanity, save me under my wing, let me with clean thoughts and conscience to pass to your shrines to ask for eternal life And for forgiveness for sins of deeds. "

You are the Most High Bread and the Light, the submitter and the source of the Spirit of the Righteous, to you in the prayer. Amen.

How to behave after the communion?

As you need to behave after the rite of communion, how to maintain the beneficial grace, how to use the gift for good and bog.

Judging by spiritual and everyday experience, sometimes it is easier to get what to keep what you already have. If we talk about the gift from above, then it is very difficult to use this gift for the recipient. With imperative use, the benefit can turn into evil when they neglect the Lord.

One of the bright examples is the history of Israel. The reverse side of the light gift with unworthy election - heavy life strikes, even in the scriptures of the Eucharist, the deaths and heavy twigs of unworthy communion were said.

That is why it is important not only properly prepared for the rite of communion, but also to behave correctly after the benefit received.

The first question that literally literally on the surface is whether communion is possible on the day instead of evening prayer about repentance and the crushes to read the prayer at night after the communion with gratitude? Not just ask to the alms of the Lord, but ask you to "enter the body and soul, bones and joints, forgive all the sins." These words are very strong and carry a special meaning, repeated repetition of such simple words On the day, the communion will increase in the soul of gratitude to the Lord, gives rise to chastity and the desire to pass as often as possible.

John St., after Liturgy, very often remained in the Altar, where he read the gospel, she moved the sacred rosary, prayed tirelessly, and the worldly walked on his work with effort, so he did not want to leave the sacred altar. Such a kind of lesson is that the modern pace of life, worldly workload and concern affair harms concentration on faith.

After the rite of communion, you need to try not to rush into routine cases, to be in silence, clean the thoughts and surrender to Divine reading.

There are no accurate statements, but one of the opttaic elders is most likely of Wronophy, in those days when the rite of communion occurred is useful to read the Scriptures of John the Bogoslov. In that way that these texts will configure Vraganin on the perception of the secrets of the Lord. But it is rather not advice, but the outlines of the general contours of the rules that per day the communion should be devoted to the maximum of time to explore the Lord of the Word and the works of the righteous.

After the Christian touched the sacrament of communion, and in his heart there is a corner of God, invisible forces of evil who owned them retreat. All evil and all sinful passion run away from the fit.

But the evils do not dorm. They are trying with all the tricks and tricks to push Vraianin in the puchin of all sorts of worldly worries, to omit the unfortunately, oblivion, facilitating, petition and insensity. And sometimes because of the negligence, human evil forces is quite successful. We must learn how to use the communion as victorious weapons sent to us over, connect with the Savior, and do not dip in a rampant sin and the soundness that reigns everywhere.

The wealth of gifts given to us with the communion is important to understand and feel, on these thoughts the sacred people will judge the world. And we will have exactly as much as faith and righteousness for the living life have accumulated, and in the terrible hour of the Court, it is precisely a sentence.

And remember, sometimes you do not need to expect anything, you need to learn how to use all the way that we already have. And in this situation, this concerns adequately to keep the reverent communion of the Lord.


There are a lot of questions on communion and related rules, and in the opinion of the reisons such topics must be included in themes sunday schools, To explore the rules and charter of temples. But it is impossible to leave such issues with unscrews, otherwise the wrong concept that came to the generation may be filled with one, and to turn into a tradition, which will not lead to the Lord, and on the contrary will take away from him.

Thanksgiving prayers after the Holy Communion

When will honor the fertile communion of the life-giving mysterious gifts, I'll take it immediately, the refractory. And hotly from the soul so tell God:

Glory to you, God! (3)

Thank you Prayer, 1st

Thank you, Lord God, what you do not reject me, sinner, but honored me to join the shrine of yours. Thank you that I was unworthy, coming up with the most prechive and heavenly gifts you
honored. But, Vladyka Personalubets, for the sake of us deceased, and resurrected, and who gave us these terrible and life-giving your sacraments into blessing and consecration of our souls and bodies, make them to be in the healing of the soul and body, in the reflection of any enemy, in enlightenment My hearts of my heart, in the world of my peace of mind, firmly in faith, in love is non-estate, in perfume with wisdom, in compliance with your commandments, in the multiplication of Divine Your Grace and your kingdom acquisition. In order to keep by them in consecration, I always remembered your mercy and lived no longer for myself, but for you, our lord and benefactor. And thus, leaving the nearest life in the hope of everlasting, I reached the place of eternal peace, where the incessant voice of celebrating and the endless pleasure of your facial beauty grew into the unspecified beauty of your face. For you are the true goal of the desire and unmearable the joy of those who love you, Christ, God, and you are angry with all the creation. Amen.

Prayer of St. Vasily the Great, 2nd

Vladyka Christ God, the king of the ages and the creator of the whole world! Thank you for all the benefits that you gave me, and for the communion of the most pretty and life-giving your sacraments. I pray for you, the good and humorous, will save me under the cover of yours and in the shadow of your wings and give me with a clean conscience to the last my breath adequately coming off the shrines of yours in the forgiveness of sins and the eternal forces.
For you are the bread of life, the source of sanctification, the governor of goods, and you fame with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Prayer Rev. Simeon Master, 3rd

I have given in food flesh your voluntarily, you are the fire that is unworthy! I do not burn me, my creator, go better in the body of my body, in all the joints, in the inside, in the heart, and burn all my sins. The soul of cleaning, consecrate the thoughts, the knees approve with the bones together, enlighten the five main senses, all naught me with fear before you. Always protect, guard and take care of me from every harmful to the soul of business and words. Clean, wash and arrange me, decorate, doctors and enlighten me. Javi is my inefficient, a single spirit, and no longer the inadequate of sin, to fled from me on taking communion all the villain, any passion like from your home, like from fire. Probasy for yourself I imagine all the saints, the heads of the worms of the faithful, the forerunner of your wise apostles, and beyond them - your immaculate, clean mother. Accepting their prayers, my blessing Christ, and the son of Light the presence of your minister. For you, a common good, consecration, and the radiance of our souls, and you, as we like to God and Lord, we all fame in every day.

Prayer 4th

Your sacred body, Lord Jesus Christ God, will be in my life eternal, and your blood is precious - in the forgiveness of sins. Yes, there will be me thanksgiving in joy, health and merry. In the terrible and second coming of your controversy, the sinner, to be to the right of the glory of your mother, at the request of the wonderful of your mother and all your saints. Amen.

Prayer 5th, to the Most Holy Virgin

The Most Holy Mother of the Virgin, the light of my soul, hope, cover, refuge, consolation, my joy! Thank you that you made me unworthy, becoming a convicted of the preching body and the precious blood of your son. But, born true light, enlighten the spiritual eyes of my eyes. The source of immortality gave birth, revive me, killed by sin. The gracious god loving the blessing of the mother, nice me and give me a donency and scroll into my heart, and humility in my thoughts, and calling to the thoughts of good when the captive is my mind. And I do not ask for the last sigh of me to take the shrine of the precent sacraments into the healing of the soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and thanksgiving to me to sing and glorify you in all the days of my life, for you are blessed and glorified forever. Amen .This miner. For you, a single good, sanctification, as well as the radiance of our souls, and you, as we like to God and Lord, we all frank every day.

Prayer is right. Simeon God Visor

Now you let go of your wife, Lord, according to your word, with the world, for you have seen the eyes of my salvation, which you prepared before the face of all nations: the light of the revelation of the pagans and the glory of your people, Israel.


Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Immortal, Pomerize us. (3)

Prayer Holy Trinity

All the trinity, hind us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyka, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake!

Lord have mercy. (3)
Slava Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, and now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Prayer of the Lord

Our father, who in heaven! Yes, your name will be sainted; May your kingdom come; May will be the will of yours and on earth, as in the sky; Our urgent bread give us today; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but get rid of us from the evil.

Tropear to St. John Zlatoust, Archbishop Constantinople, voice 8th:

Beating like a light fiery of your grace / universe enlightened; /
estressing treasure for the world you collected, the height of the humility showed us. / But, in words, you are instructed by us, / Father Ioanne is malicious, / moths the Word, Christ of God, about saving our souls.

Kondak, voice 6th

Glory: I took you from heaven the Divine grace / and our mouths all learn to worship the one in the Trinity in the Trinity, / John Zlatoyous, all-wide, Rev., / Supply: / For you, our Mentor, Divine Expressive.

And now:

[ If the liturgy of St. Vasily of the Great, Archbishop of Caesia, read the tropear Vasily Veliku, voice 1st:

Throughout the land, the voice of yours took place, / for she accepted the word of your word: / they are the truths of Faith warheadly, / the nature of the existing existing, / human customs of the well-budged, - / the royal priest, the Father Rev., / Moli of Christ of God to save our souls.

Kondak, voice 4th

Glory: You were the unshakable foundation of the church, / putting all people
inviolable heritage, / capturing it by your teachings, /
opening heavenly Vasily Rev.

And now: CHRISTSANIS OF CHRISTIAN NEW, / POESS TO THE CREATS CONTINUED, / DO NOT FROM THE PRESTING VOICES OF SINNESS, / But soon come, for the benefit, to help us, / with the faithful of you: / "Hurry with interpreting and speeding up the prayer, the Virgin, / always faithful You!" ]

[ If a liturgy of the honored gifts was performed, read the trophar with the Holy Gregory Doyeslov, Pope, voice of the 4th:

Grace of Divine Over Having received, / Glorious Gregory, from God, / And His power is strengthened, / march through the evangelical you areveling, - / because
all-wide, the reward for the works you took from Christ - / His moths, and our soul will save.

Kondak, voice 3rd

Glory: The imitator of the head of the shepherds of Christ / was you, Father Grigory, / Songs of the Inok to the Courtyard of Heavenly Direction, / Therefore, you taught the sheep of Christ His commandments. / Now they are banging with them and enjoy / in the abode of heaven.

And now: CHRISTSANIS OF CHRISTIAN NEW, / POESS TO THE CREATS CONTINUED, / DO NOT FROM THE PRESTING VOICES OF SINNESS, / But soon come, for the benefit, to help us, / with the faithful of you: / "Hurry with interpreting and speeding up the prayer, the Virgin, / always faithful You!" ]

The honor of the Higher Cherubes / and incomparably a sornyous seraphim, / niriously, the word gave birth, / True the Mother of God, you are great.

From Easter to Ascension instead of this prayer reads ::
« Glowing, glowing, the new Jerusalem, / for the glory of the Lord over to you climbed! / Likuy now and sneak, Zion! / You are rejoice, clean the Mother of God, / About the Resurrection of the birth of you. "

After communion, everyone is in purity, abstinence and a few, in order to preserve Christ adopted in itself.

Prayers after communion

Glory to you, God! Glory to you, God! Glory to you, God!

Prayer 1.

Thank you, Lord my God, that you did not reject my sinner, but it encouraged to be a member of the shrine of yours. Thank you, what made me, unworthy, coming up with the preching and celestial gifts of yours. But, about a human-loving lord, for the sake of us deceased and resurrected, and granted us terrible these and life-giving your sacraments into beneficiaries and the sanctification of our souls and bodies! Give them to me in the healing of the soul and body, in the reflection of any enemy, in the enlightenment of my hearts of my heart, in the peace of mind of my forces, into a physical faith, in non-class love, in the multiplication of wisdom, in perfecting your commandments, in the increase in your grace and the absorption of yours The kingdoms so that I, guarded by them in your holiness, always remembered your grace and lived not for myself, but for you, our lord and benefactor. And so graduating real life With the hope of eternal life, she reached the eternal peace, where the unceasing singing of enjoying bliss and the infinite joy of contemplating the in -ureous beauty of your face, for you, Christ, our God, - True pleasure and the ineverance of the joy of those who love you, and you praise all creations forever. Amen.

Prayer 2, St. Vasily Great

Vladyka Christ God, the king of ages and the Creator of everything! Thank you for all the benefits that you gave me in the adoption of the preching and life-giving your sacraments. I beg you, merciful and human-loving, save me under your hands and in the shadow of your wings and give me to the last my breath with a pure conscience adequately coming to the shrine of yours to leaving sins and eternal. For you are the bread of life, the source of the shrine, the gift of goods, and you fame with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and always forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 3, St. Simeon metaphratest.

Lord, who voluntarily giving me a flesh to me, you are the fire, burning unworthy! I do not burn me, my creator! But pass to the members of My Body, in all the compositions, in the inside, in the heart, and the thoughts of all my limits were trampled. Cleaning the soul, consecrate the thinking, strengthen the joints and bones, enlighten the five main senses, all naught me with fear before you. Always protect, guard, take care of me from any harmful things to the soul and words. Clean, Omoy, decoken me; Inceckers and enlighten me. Make me with your temple of the United Spirit and no longer a housing of sin, so that after communion, any villain, any passion fled from me, as from your home, like from fire. Intercessors for ourselves, I present to you all the saints, heads incorporeal Forces, Thy Forerunner, the wise Apostles, and with them Thy immaculate, prech Mother. Their prayers, my merciful Christ, accept and make the slave of your son of light. For you, gracious, one consecration and precipitating our shower. And you, as appropriate to God and Vladyka, we are all the glory to send every day.

Prayer 4.

Lord Jesus Christ, our God! Your holy body will be in me the eternal and precious blood of yours - to leaving sins. May I have been thanksgiving in joy, in health and fun. In the terrible, the second coming is your opinion of my sinner to become on the right side of the glory of your prayers for the prechors of your mother and all saints.

Prayer 5, to the Most Holy Virgin

The Most Holy Mother of the Virgin, the light of my soul, hope, cover, refuge, consolation, my joy! Thank you that he honored me, unworthy, coming up with the precho-body and precious blood of your son. Boring true light, enlighten the spiritual eyes of my heart! The source of immortality, revive me, killed by sin! As a freeing mother of merciful God, give me a crushing in my heart, and humility in my thoughts, and calling to the thoughts of good when the captive is my mind. And I donate me to the last my breath to find the shrine of the preching sacraments in the healing of the soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and confessions to chant and glorify you in all the days of my life, for you are blessed and glorified forever. Amen.

Now you let go of your slave, Lord, according to your word, with the world; For you have seen the eyes of my salvation, which you prepared before the face of all people, the light to the enlightenment of the pagans and the fame of the people of Your Israel (Luke. 2, 29-32).


Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Immortal, Pomerize us. (Three times with a bow)

Slava Father and son and the Holy Spirit, and now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Most Holy Trinity, nice us. Lord, our sins. Vladyka, forgive our lawlessness. Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Slava Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Our father, in heaven! Yes, your name is holy; Yes, your kingdom will come; May will be the will of yours and on earth, as in the sky. Our urgent bread give us to this day; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but get rid of us from the evil.

Tropean St. John Zlatostoma

Beating like a light fiery fiery of your grace of the Universe enlightened; Lost treasure for the world you collected, the height of the humility showed us. With the words of yours to sign us, the father of John is malicious, moths of the Word, Christ of God, about saving our souls.


Glory: I accepted the Divine grace from heaven and you learn to worship all in the Trinity of all in the Trinity, John Zlatoyous, all-grained, Reverend, adequately praise you: For you are our mentor, the divine thantening.

And now: Protect Christian Non-Distilted, the petition to the Creator is unchanged! The prayerful voices of sinners do not form, but soon come, as a good, to help us, with faithful to you: "Hurry to interference and speeding up the prayer, the Virgin, always protecting you!".

If the liturgy of St. Vasily is held, readtrophar Vasily Great:

Over all of the land, your voice was held, for she accepted the word of yours: they were the truths of faith to bewildered, the nature of all existing, the human customs of the priesthood, a royal priest, the Father Rev., the moths of God of God to save our souls.


Glory: You were the unshakable foundation of the church, by hanging out all people in an integral treasure and capturing it by your teachings, Yeah Vasily Vasily Rev..

And now: Protect Christians ...

If the liturgy of the honored gifts was performed, readtropear St. Gregory Dobeslov:

Grace divine over God received, Gregory nice and strengthened by his power, stride by gospel you have desired; Therefore, all-grained, the reward for the works you took from Christ, the moths, and our soul will save.


Glory: Imitator of Christ was the chief pastors are you, Father Gregory, the hosts of the monks to the fence heaven directing, and taught the sheep of Christ to His commandments. Now they are bothering with them and enjoy in the abode of heaven.

And now: Protect Christians ...

Lord have mercy (12 times). Glory, and now.

Honest cherubimov and incomparably sorry Serafimov, defiantly the word gave birth, the true Virgin of the Virgin Major.

Slava Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, and now, and always, and forever. Amen.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of the Mother of Your Mother and all saints. Amen.

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The word ninth. The fact that should protect himself in every way after prayer, tears and generally after good deeds 134. Vopr. How does the Rev. Neal teaches himself after prayer and other good deeds, for example, confession, the admission of holy Tain? "When the Lord God, thank you,

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Thanksgiving prayers after the Holy Communion Because to honor the gracious communion / life-giving mysterious gifts, / I will immediately be diligently. / And hot from the soul so tell God: Glory to you, God! (3) Prayer 1 Thank you, Lord God, what are you

From the book for what we live by the author

About silence after prayer "After the prayer of the home and church, to preserve the dignity, you need to be silent, and even a simple, insignificant, apparently, the Word will go down from our soul." Therefore, from the church, we, if possible, diverged

From the book of 100 prayers on fast help. Self strong prayers On healing Author Berestova Natalia

Thanksgiving prayers after the healing of prayer Pantelemon healer of the Holy Martyr, healer and the miraculous Panteleimon, the all-racing wake of God and the prayer of the attitent of Orthodox Christians! Adequately adolent to Panteleimon, hedgehog there is only awareness,

From the book of prayers in Russian author

Thanksgiving prayers after the Holy Communion (Voicing Persisions :) When will honor the fertile communion of life-giving mysterious gifts, I'll take a diligence at once. And hotly from the soul so tell God: Glory to you, God! (Three times) prayer 1 thank you,

Thanksgiving prayers after the Holy Communion

(Notifying verses:) When will honor the fertile communion of the life-giving mysterious gifts, I'll take it immediately, the refractory. And warmly from the soul so tell God:

Glory to you, God! ( Three times)

Prayer 1.

Thank you, Lord God, what you do not reject me, sinner, but honored me to join the shrine of yours. Thank you that you, unworthy, coming up with the most prechive and heavenly gifts you honored. But, Vladyka Personalubets, for the sake of us deceased, and resurrected, and who gave us these terrible and life-giving your sacraments into blessing and consecration of our souls and bodies, make them to be in the healing of the soul and body, in the reflection of any enemy, in enlightenment My hearts of my heart, in the world of my sinceum strength, in faith firmly, in love is non-estate, in perfume with wisdom, in compliance with your commandments, in multiplication of Divine Your Grace and your kingdom acquisition. In order to keep by them in consecration, I always remembered your mercy and lived no longer for myself, but for you, our lord and benefactor. And thus, by leaving the living life in the hope of eternal life, I reached places Eternal rest, where incessant voice celebrating and endless enjoyment of your face grew up on the unspecified beauty of your face. For you are the true goal of the desire and unmearable the joy of those who love you, Christ, God, and you are angry with all the creation. Amen.

Prayer 2, Holy Vasily the Great

Lord Christ God, the king of the ages and the creator of everything mira! Thank you for all the benefits that you gave me, and for the communion of the most pretty and life-giving your sacraments. I pray for you, the good and humorous, will save me under the cover of yours and in the shadow of your wings and give me with a clean conscience to the last my breath adequately coming off the shrines of yours in the forgiveness of sins and the eternal forces. For you - the Bread of Life, of consecration Source, Giver of good things, and to You we ascribe glory to the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer 3, St. Simeon Metaphratest

I have given in food flesh your voluntarily, you are fire, burning unworthy! I do not burn me, my creator, pass better in my body members, in all the joints, in the inside, in the heart, and burn all my sins. The soul of cleaning, consecrate the thoughts, the knees approve with the bones together, enlighten the five main senses, all naught me with fear before you. Always protect, guard and take care of me from every harmful to the soul of business and words. Clean, wash and arrange me; Decorate, doctors and enlighten me. Javi is my inefficient, a single spirit, and no longer the inadequate of sin, to fled from me on taking communion all the villain, any passion like from your home, like from fire. Priests for myself I imagine all the saints, the heads of the hostilities of the obsolete, the forerunner of yours, the wise apostles, and beyond their - your immaculate, clean motley. Accepting their prayers, my merciful Christ, and the son of Light make your minister. For you, a single good, sanctification, as well as the radiance of our souls, and you, as we like to God and Lord, we all frank every day.

Prayer 4.

Your sacred body, Lord Jesus Christ God, will be in my life eternal, and your blood is precious - in the forgiveness of sins. Yes, there will be me thanksgiving in joy, health and merry. In the terrible and the second coming of your controversy of me, a sinner, to the right of your glory, at the requests of the Mother of Your Mother and all your saints. Amen.

Prayer 5, Most Holy Theotokos

The Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mary, the light of my soul, hope, cover, refuge, consolation, my joy! Thank you that you made me unworthy, becoming a convicted of the preching body and the precious blood of your son. But, born true light, enlighten the spiritual eyes of my eyes. The source of immortality gave birth, revive me, a dead sin. Gracious god loving Mercy Mercy, nice me and give me to me Deal and scroll into my heart, and humility in my thoughts, and vocation to the thoughts of goodWhen the captive is my mind. And I do not ask for the last sigh of me to take the shrine of the precent sacraments into the healing of the soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and thanksgiving, that I sing and praise thee all the days of my life, for You are blessed and glorified forever. Amen.

Now you let go of your wife, Lord, according to your word, with the world, for you have seen the eyes of my salvation, which you prepared before the face of all nations: the light of the revelation of the pagans and the glory of your people, Israel.


Glory, and now.

Most Holy Trinity.

Lord have mercy. ( Three times)

Glory, and now.

Our Father.

A priest: For your kingdom is: Reader: Amen.

And the Tropean of the Holy, whose liturgy was performed.

Saint John Zlatoust, Tropear, Glow 8

Beating like a light fiery fiery of your grace of the Universe enlightened; Estressing treasure for the Mira You collected, the height of the humility showed us. But, in words, you are instructed by ours, Ioann is malicious, the word, Christ of God, about saving our souls.


Kondak, voice 6

I took the Divine Grace and your mouth and you learn to worship the one in the Trinity in the Trinity, John Zlatoyous, all-grained, reverend, praise you: for you are our mentor, the divine thanensive.

And now: Protect Christians Reliable, the petition to the Creator is unchanged! The prayerful voices of sinners do not despose, but soon come, as a good, to help us, with faithful to you: "Hurry with intercession and accelerate the prayer, the Virgin, always protecting you!"

Lord have mercy. ( 12 times)

Glory and now:

The highest honor the Cherubim and incomparably more glorious Seraphim, virgin birth to God the Word, the true Mother of God - you magnify.

By the name of the Lord bless, Father.

The priest says let go of a small:

Christ, the true God of our, according to the prayers of the Major Mother, Reverend and the Godheads of our and all saints, raises and save us as good and humans.

We are: Amen.

If the liturgy of Vasily the Great was performed, then read:

Holy Vasilya Great, Tropear, voice 1

Over all of the land, my voice was held, for she accepted the word of your word: they are the truths of faith, Gogodnoyno outlined, nature total There is an existing explanatory, human customs benevoles, - a royal priest, the reverend, the moths of Christ of God to save our souls.


Kondak, voice 4

You were the unshakable foundation of the church, putting all people with an inviolable heritage, imprinted by your teachings, opening the heavenly Vasily Rev..

And now.

If the liturgy of the honored gifts was performed, then read:

Saint Gregory Doyeslov, Tropear, Glas 4

The grace of the Divine Over Having received, the glorious Gregory, from God, and His power is strengthened, you wake up the gospel, - because, all-wide, the reward for the works you accepted from Christ, - His moths will save our souls.


Kondak, voice 3

The imitator of the head of the shepherds of Christ was you, Father Grigory, Songs of the Inok to the Courtyard of Heavenly directing, because you taught the sheep of Christ his commandments. Now they are banging with them and enjoy in the abode of heaven.

And now: Protect Christians Reliable: - See above .

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