How accurate fortune telling on the maps. Learning correctly guessing on ordinary maps

The end date of the earth's life is the topic that causes fear of most people, so divination for the death of a person is a very unpopular rite. However, it will help you to find out how many years it is assigned to you in this world and, perhaps, will push the adoption of important solutions that cannot be postponed for later.

  • Divination for the death of a person on maps

    Up to this day a lot of the most a variety of species fortune telling. Some of them allow you to find out what is waiting for us in, others - what is prepared by fate and so on. The fortune telling to death is quite frightening and unpropered ritual.

    However, it still attracts some individuals. These people believe that it is better to know exactly how many years you have been assigned, and have time to do everything that has been planned. This is quite logical, because the realization that life is not eternal and in a certain moment will come The end can make an individual reconsider its goals, priorities and quite change your life.

    It is possible that actions will help even delay the date of death. One of the most common gypsy fortunes The death of a person is held on ordinary maps. If you are new, then it is better for you to get acquainted with all the subtleties of fortune telling on ordinary maps And it is a little practicing before being taken for such a ritual.

    You need to prepare all 36 cards, put them in front of yourself to the work surface, cover with your hands and focus. Think of your life, about what happened in it, scroll through all moments as a movie. It is important to remember everything since childhood.

    The ritual is carried out in full solitude. For lighting working surface Take advantage of ordinary wax candles. Mix all the cards well and in chaotic order spread them with a shirt up in front of yourself. His working hand Spend over them and stop over the card from which the cold will come. It is her who will tell you what your death will be. In this case, it all depends on the masta of the card.

    • Bubnova - It prophes out a long and happy life. Death will come naturally in deep old age.
    • Chervoy - also talks about a long life, but death is possible as a result of the disease that will be provoked by various types of stress. In order to extend your age, try to be less impressionable, do not take everything close to heart.
    • Trephic - It warns that life can suddenly cut off due to some sharp diseases.
    • Peak - The cause of death will be a tragic case.

    Many fortunewrites prefer to use tarot cards to get clear answers. This is quite justified, since it is this magic attribute more serious tool for divination. There is no specific ritual of a burning, which allows you to answer the question - when will I die?

    However, in humans, certain combinations may indicate when it will happen such an event. If the situation falls Strength, ace of swords either four swords, That is not excluded the likelihood of death from the oncological disease. A combination of any of these three cards with King of Swords Speaks about death from an unsuccessful operation.

    Union of one of three cards with Mago. suggests that death is possible from. Health problems will be due to a launched negative magic program.

    Therefore, helping should be found in both doctors and a specialist who will help remove damage. The death of an accident is likely if two cards appear in the scenario from this list: Strength, ace of swords, peace, king of wands, a dozen or nine swords.

    Another ancient method of predicting fate is also considered very accurate. With the help of a chiromantia, science, which allows you to decipher the lines on the palms of the individual, you can find out when death comes. An individual unique pattern of lines really opens the answers to any questions.

    The fact that there will be a situation that will be very threatened with your life will tell the sign of the cross, which is located on any area of \u200b\u200bthe palm. The incomplete cross warns that the danger is likely, but at the moment you have every chance to avoid it.

    The presence of a cross on the hill of the Moon indicates that human disadvantages, bad habits, improper attitude towards life can provoke death. If the cause of death should be a disease, then you will see on the health lines.

    Pay attention to it more often, because it can suggest how to extend your existence. To learn absolutely clear the date of death is almost impossible. But the painstaking analysis of the line of health, life and fate will help prompt the right year.

    The fortune telling to death is very frightened, and not every person can calmly treat the information that he will receive as a result of a burning. Therefore, practitioners do not advise to take into such a ritual to those who are not ready for him.

    1. I got to the site - Already delayed) youth remembered when the girls were walked to love and narrowed in the evenings. I never tried on the maps, and here everything is so interesting and it is clearly written - I decided to decompose ... Do not believe it! More than half coincided with what I actually happened)) I can't say anything about the future, but the fact that I felt very pleased! God will give - it will come true)

      I love to guess so, especially when with girls we are going to the bachelorette party, let's talk, let's drink and the pictures in your hands! Oh a beauty! And the most amazing and strange thing that everything comes true, up to the smallest detail. Once so walked a friend, and the map fell out so the husband changes. She did not believe. They have the perfect family - they loved each other before the loss of the pulse. And now I called and said that at home with his colleague found (she came for a couple of days earlier than she should). So do not believe the cards!

      What else is needed for fortune telling, the card! Everything is simple, understandable, and definitely do not make a mistake, everything is painted from and to. All the times they wondered and our generation is not an exception in general. I think it is better not anything and better will not come up with it!

      The girl was still loved to guess, but that was so to speak for a child. And now I decided to take it seriously, and I really like it, and the main thing is what the cards say - comes true! I think that it is worth practicing it more often, and then you can create something like a type of agency.

      Since childhood, it was possible to look at and wonder the fortune telling the beloved grandmother, especially the fact that most of them came true in the truth. Until that moment, I generally hardly believed in the supernatural power, but my grandmother all told the opposite. Eh, what is me, the article helped me to plunge into the old good childhood and already try the cards in action) Thank you for such an informative material!))

      Thank you, an interesting article. In the fact that a person is interested to know his future, get an answer to the question - there is nothing crazy. The main thing is to remember that any divination is a touch of secret knowledge, therefore accuracy and accuracy are important in this matter. Failure to fall into dependence is a fairly widespread error that many, inexperienced young men and girls allow. If you use interpretation in the right direction, you can significantly improve the quality of your life, to protect yourself from wrong decisions. Perform fortune telling on playing cards You can absolutely different waysBut the interpretation of them will still be one.

      For me, card divination is art! Another mother, in my distant childhood, wondered his friends, and I looked at it from the side and did not understand what. Now, when I grew up, I can decompose the cards and myself, I can friends, familiar and of course myself. Gudas a lot, interpretations are also a bunch, but here on this site, it is significant, as it seems to me. First, I got acquainted with the most interesting fortune telling, and then memorized by heart. I can guess even without the Internet, if only the cards were at hand.

      I really liked the article. It is written everything is very accessible, starting with what it is necessary to do how to do it and how to express the result. It would seem that we still do not know about such a thing as a fortune telling on the maps, so I read this article, and after reviewing the entire site as a whole, I realized that I did not know much.

      I know a lot of fortunes on the maps, their great amount And here everyone is looking for suitable. Of all I have been tested, I prefer fortunate for the future, where you need to use 36 cards. My house has a special deck of cards, which is intended exclusively for fortunes and I keep it in such a place so that no one touches it (this is my superstition). The alignment I learned quickly and do on the machine, but I miss all interpretations of memory, I keep the site in bookmarks to have quick access to interpretations.

      In the divination, not everything is as simple as it may seem at first glance, first of all, there are many of them, and from the whole mass you need to choose exactly worthwhile, with a good explanation and interpretation. I am not a pro, I am important to accessibility, so I'm here. Leave a comment and definitely advise you to try.

      In our family on the female line, the ability to read cards and predict the future were always transmitted. Grandma shared with me some ways to predict the future. I started with gadas about guys and general issues about future. But when I started learning information on this issue, I came across your site! Everything is so detailed and understandable to you, now I have learned to various scholars and interpretations, and all your girlfriends are now asked to predict them the future!

      Thanks for the article, very interesting! The fortune telling has always been very delayed me, perhaps it passed to me from the great-grandmother (she had a fortune teller), especially always liked the fortune telling on the maps, in childhood we wondered with girls on the guys. After reading this article, I decided to arrange a bachelorette with girlfriends and wander on future husbands. We still want to make charms, according to this article

      Hello everyone and thanks for the article! It was very interested in divination on the cards on "what was and what would happen ...", as well as fortune telling for the future. Now in plans I have a risk with a change of work with great prospects and I'm a little scary! I want to try to turn to the maps, I wonder what they will say to me. I hope that they will help me take a weighted solution.

      Ltd., I think many girls in childhood were gadaling on maps. So it was interesting. I don't even remember who taught us now. But something always mystical in these actions was like a curtain peep. Thank you for the article. I wanted to take the card again.

      I never went to fortune tellakam! There are a lot of charlatans. Who would go, so it is only to proven people, for example, to the winners of the battle of psychics. Yes, just where you take them ??? Not really actually to get to them! And so you look at goosebumps, that only they do not speak people! And so involuntarily you begin to believe.

      I dragged into cards after several visits to the fortunehock. Oddly enough, all said she came true. I caught fire, bought cards, studied the values. At first it turned out not very. Interpretations are very much, you need to somehow bind the values \u200b\u200bof several cards with each other. Over time, I learned all the values \u200b\u200bby heart. Now I am quite safely lay out. Fascinating lesson!

      I will not say that the zealous fan of cards, but sometimes I use))) My acquaintance began with a banal interest and boredom. At the beginning I just studied this question from curiosity. He began to guess a little. So it was, but the girlfriend had problems, and we somehow did somehow in the evening. I thought I didn't say any garbage. But as we were surprised when a lot came true. So and how not to believe here.

      My girlfriend wondered grandmother. But he did not wonder everything in a row, so only his own. Then she taught her daughter, mother of my girlfriend. So we asked us a couple of times to spread it when I came to visit. Well, everything is clear! Also on the playing cards, only they never played. I then even a couple of times at the advice applied, she even remotely spread out, already feeling me. Well, everything is accurate, even the fact that just no one knew. Therefore, believed advice. But I resorted a couple of times. It is impossible to say much. Yes, and the forces in the distinguishing time it takes a lot.

      15 years ago, even on youth, went to the fortuneteller. To her, then the record was in 3 weeks and we went to your girlfriend. So, absolutely everything came true with my girlfriend. The appearance of a husband, even his habits, then described me - after so many years I look at him and surprise. She was making a girlfriend then that her husband would be a foreigner. And it came true! He came from Kazakhstan to study to us)

      I started reading this article and did not notice how time passed. Now I am in not the best situation and turned to the cards, the fortune telling "what was and what will happen." I plan to change the scope of work and place of residence, very worried and fear, I do not know the right decision. And no one can tell me (but I kind of decided already, but still there is a fear of this decisive for me. Let the cards and inanimate, but I believe that they suggested me correctly)

      I started reading this article and with my head plunged into the children's memories: the grandmother loved the cards very much, helped many of his friends and neighbors in the village to lay cards for the future and decision making. I trained a little and I told me about my destiny, now I remember the words of grandmother and Diva I give, as she clearly and exactly, I predicted everything to me on the layout ..

      I generally think that card fortune telling is like a separate science, creative processrequiring large number Knowledge and intuition. There are a lot of fortunes, but there are good and interesting, the main thing is to completely interpret them and give the value to decrypt in the right direction. Some of the despusts described have heard from a neighbor, it is fond of card layouts.

      In the family of her husband, on the line of the mother-in-generation, women had abilities to read cards and predict the future. Miscellaneous Miscellaneous stories told from childhood, as and in what ways, his aunt and sister predicted the future with the help of cards. Sister is still alive, but there is no aunt, here I wanted to turn to my father's sister to make me layout, read your article and became interesting.

      At first glance it seems that there is nothing difficult in the fortune telling and there is no need to learn the right interpretations. But in fact it is like a separate science, you need to know many nuances and be able to understand. There is a lot of fortune telling a lot with the cards there, I liked the ones that you led here, everything seems to be available and easy, I will try to do with my girlfriend, it is well versed in values.

      We have a grandmother wondered on the maps only for future. Mom also goes, very well everything comes true. A lot of someone asks to teach, but Mom says that it is very difficult. I read the articles, I did not see anything difficult. I will go to visit to the girlfriend we will try to guess yourself.

      Love with girlfriends to sit in the evening to gossip. Discuss love affairs and naturally to guess on the maps. It happens so they will be allowed that there is already a dawn on the street, you have to sleep until lunch. Then we are discussing anyone again, and how it can be avoided. Maps good thing all always comes true. They are always at hand and you can guess everywhere.

      I love to guess, your site is a find. Very clearly written and painted. I made a printout of the designations, and laying in the album. But I have a lot of girls come, and they are asked to guess everything is happy. And the more now the shints are so from those who want to know their fate there is no penalty. Your site to help me Thank you for being.

      Fortune telling on the maps I found very complex, but here very simple. I sit rewritten values, since there is no Internet home. We will study with your daughter, as we succeed or not. After all, today the shints. In all the parameters, a good time to start studying this and find out the future after all, everyone hunting to find out what wakes on regardless of the circumstances.

      Gadal girlfriend to real, past, future. The past all coincided even to shock asked how I know what she did not tell anyone. And the real I think she hides from me, as he says that it is not true and that it is all good. And I know that cards do not lie, she argues that they lie. The future she told her thinking and said let's see what it will be.

      This at first glance it seems that it easily, spread the cards, looked at the interpretation. In fact, this is a whole science with your rules and theories. And one must take into account several points at once. My sister and I tried many times, but we don't work with us) It seems more convenient for us, it seems to me that there is no big difference - what will fall out, it will fall.

      I went to the fortuneteller and she paid for me on the maps. She told everything about me, my character, present and the future. I don't know about the future) and everything else is exactly in the apple. It is just magic and magic. And when she wondered, I felt strange, I was shaking me, then I left the heat.

      And I use fortune-money "to predict some particular event" very often. For example, if at work or in family life there is a situation when I do not know what to do. So far, not once this fortune tells me. Even other people's advice do not help as cards. Only it is necessary to put all bad thoughts in a good mood and remove all the bad thoughts.

      Maps are excellent advisers and assistants. How many times they saw when what advice to ask, or a solution to the problem and seems to seems a little options, but what in the end to choose? We often use card prompts, I believe them and it turns out that they do not apply me.

      I copied the interpretation of all the masters, I will try to memorize. And then my girlfriend gadal me before, but lately it doesn't really like her predictions, there are a lot of bad events, so I think, and the truth does it say to me or it's so that some kind of

      If you are on the crossroads and do not know whose courtship to take when there are a lot of fans, as an option to consult cards. You can clarify the situation and understand the clarity of the intentions of the workers. In such affairs, the heart is not always a prompt, it is better to resort to different options

    With the help of an ordinary deck from 36 playing cards, you can predict events for the near future, find out the answer to the question of interest. To learn fortune telling, it will not take a long time. There are simple ways that are even a newcomer. Most girls prefer to deal with the prediction of their future for Christmas and the shields, because it was during this period that the fortune telling is the most accurate and truthful. The forces of evil and good come to the ground, the face between reality and other measurements becomes thinner.

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        Simple folds

        There are many interesting Christmas and bachers designers. The easiest alignment is on three playing cards. You need to pull them out of the deck (arbitrary) and decompose from left to right: the first card is what was in the past, the second - real time, the third - the events of the future. The values \u200b\u200bare listed below.

        • Another easy option Divination is a quick alignment to 9. It is necessary to mentally formulate any question that can concern both the gadget and other person. Pull three any cards from the deck. Their meaning will be the answer to the question. Come up with two more questions and decompose three more cards. The interpretation of the dropped characters can be read below.

          Choosing your card

          In order to get the most exact predictionYou need to select a suitable card that refers to a gadget person, as indicated in the figure below:

      1. 1. Bubnoye chose young people under 25;
      2. 2. Worms - if you guessing / extinguishing from 25 to 50 years;
      3. 3. The lady and the king of Tref - a woman and a man over 50 years old;
      4. 4. Peaks typically denote rivals or enemies.

      The right choice of your card

      On a certain event in the future

      Divination on playing cards for an event:

      1. 1. Carefully shook the card deck and lay out the card that will designate a gadget person to the center of the table.
      2. 2. Sign any event (it can be a wedding, childbirth, holiday, arrival of guests, moving to another city, etc.).
      3. 3. You need to shoot from a deck of three cards, having them above your card, under it and on it.
      • 1 - its card;
      • 2, 5, 8 - how the event passes;
      • 3, 6, 9 - result than everything will end;
      • 4, 7, 10 - what will prevent in achieving the goal.

      The interpretation of cards from the defold is located below.

      On the relationship with your loved one

      Card fortune telling in love:

      1. 1. Select a map that is suitable for a gadget person, and put it in the center of the table.
      2. 2. To lay out under your card two, which are on top of the deck.
      3. 3. Then you should carefully shifted the card deck and lay out three cards from above and below your card.

      Signal scheme (order - by numbers).

      • 1 - its card;
      • 2, 3 - what's on the heart (thoughts);
      • 4, 5, 6 - the future (associated with the beloved);
      • 7, 8, 9 - causes of events.

      To the present, past and future

      You need to guess with the onset of darkness - in the evening or at night.


      1. 1. It is necessary to drag the cards well.
      2. 2. Remove the upper fingers of the left hand.
      3. 3. Lay on left to right the first five cards from the deck.
      4. 4. Another 5 cards lay out on top of them one on each.
      5. 5. Repeat again.
      6. 6. To post one card into the sixth stack.

      As a result, there should be five parts of three cards and one thing aside, as shown in the figure below.

      • 1 - about the fortuneful;
      • 2 - what's on the heart;
      • 3 - about loved ones and relatives;
      • 4 - past;
      • 5 - the future;
      • 6 - the most important card - the heart calms down.

      The value of the dropped cards can be found below.

      Equipment of desire

      This method of divination will help to know whether the innermost dream will come true or remains unsinkable. Rules:

      1. 1. You need to decompose the entire deck of 7 pieces on 5 parts with a shirt up.
      2. 2. On the ownership of the last card (36th), a desire should be made.
      3. 3. Open the first stack. Delete all cards that do not match the selected suit, then remove the pairs (if any).
      4. 4. Similar actions should be done with all parts.
      5. 5. The remainder of the card deck should be decomposed on the 4 pieces of the shirt. Throw away in turn in them inappropriate suit and pairs.
      6. 6. The remaining maps will be decomposed first for three, then into two parts. At the very end, it is necessary that one part remains.
      7. 7. See which cards it remains in it - if all are large, then conceived very soon. If there are others, the desire will not come soon.

      It should not be laid out the cards for a desire several times in a row, if the end result does not suit a person, they can "lie" the following times.

      Salvation per year

      Signal scheme for reptile.

      "For year the coming" - for this divination it will take the standard card deck By 36. Previously, you need to select a map that matches the person on which the divination is carried out. Putting it in the middle of the table with a shirt down and, thoroughly shifting a deck, lay out 16 pieces with a shirt up into four rows, left to right and bottom to top. These cards symbolize future 6 months. It is necessary to put another any card over the rows - it will mean a specific person (event), which will influence this six months.

      Then you need to post 16 cards from the bottom of the lady or the king from left to right and from top to bottom are symbols that will open future events in the remaining six months. Share at the bottom of the last two cards: the first is that it will leave the person forever, the second is the reason for all his trouble in the future.

      Deciphering characters should be started with a card combination, and then proceed to individual values.

      The meaning of each card and their combinations

      Paired cards:

      • Two Aces - you should take a weighted solution and not repeat the previous errors. Three are a high probability of a fatal error. Four - useless pastime, you should correctly appreciate your capabilities and arrange life priorities to achieve great success.
      • Two kings - all the conceived will become a reality. Three - do not hover, you can miss a fateful chance. Four - stunning success, success, luck.
      • Two ladies are the naiveness and gullibility of a person, these traits of nature will bring him a lot of problems. Three - female cunning, cunning girlfriends, gossip, conspiracies. Four - rivals in love relationships, competitors in business.
      • Two currencies - financial stability. Three are deep disappointment, a reputation loss due to a slander of a foreign person, betrayal of loved ones. Four - large material losses, serious problems with money.
      • A pair of a dozen - you need to analyze the information well before making a choice positive thinking will help achieve success. Three dozens - large debts, transgers, large losses up to complete ruin. Four - you should seek friendly support and ask for advice from native people.
      • Two nines or eights - a cold calculation and a reasonable approach will help make plans. Three are a big risk of making a mistake in professional activities, you need to be more attentive. Four - disagreements in the family, clarifying relationships with a loved one, alienation.
      • A pair of seven - a joyful event, pleasant news. Three seven - big profits, crazy money. Four - a long road, a romantic journey or a business trip abroad.
      • Two six - you need to show exposure and patience. Three - the patronage of a very intelligent and influential representative of the opposite sex. Four - hypocrisy, betrayal, deep sadness, loneliness.

      Interpretation of individual maps of different textures with a complete description of the combination of cards.


      • Six - a long trip will not bring the desired result. If there is a severe tambourine nearby - heavy painstaking work is expected to be paid. Eight worms nearby - a favorable period will come soon. The trephic king promises the patronage of an influential person.
      • Seven - slander and false. If there is a worm ace nearby - great joy. Peak currency - big money loss. A dozen treph - in life there will be huge disappointments and losses.
      • Eight is a strong insult to a relative or disappointment in a loved one. The worm dozen nearby is joyful news. The peak king is the long-awaited retribution for the person who offended. Trephic eight - significant losses.
      • Nine - disease, emotional tension, bad state of healthMoral decline. Valts Buben near the merit will be paid well. The worm six - good news from distant relatives.
      • Dozen - major troubles in business sphere. Bubnovy eight next to a peak dozen - do not fit into debts, they will be very difficult to give. Cherry Six - Soon the position of the affairs will improve significantly. Tref Tens - Improving health status.
      • Valts - bad news, sad events. If the Trephic Lady stands nearby - should not be frank with outsiders to avoid unpleasant consequences.
      • Lady - Elderly Envious. Near the worm nine - unrequited feelings, mental torments. Peak seven is a grand scandal, family disorder. King Tref - Friendly support in a difficult situation.
      • The king is an influential and very rich man. If there is a dozen peak, a trephing seven or a nine tambourine is an unsuccessful life period.


      • Six - plans are not destined to come true, broken dreams and vain expectations. The worm seven next to the six - a pleasant meeting. Peak currencies - heart experiences, resentment.
      • Seven - successful holding business negotiations. Near the nine tambourine is a very profitable deal. The worm six - soon life will change for the better. Peak currency is a predicamental status.
      • Eight - Tears, strong stress, emotional shock. Chervoy Ace near - an unpleasant conversation with the beloved will take place. Peak ten - warning about possible injuries and severe illness.
      • Nine - Successful completion of an important case. The Bubnovaya Dozen promises the fulfillment of all the innermost desires, the peak currencies - the ill-wishers will no longer build a goat.
      • Ten - creative victory, rapid career growth. Seven Tuben - financial prosperity, appearance of a stable source of income. The worm dozen - life will be easy and careless, filled with bright events and unforgettable impressions. Tref Six - failures in work.
      • Valts - the appearance of a messenger with bad news. Bubnovaya dozen - close people will always come to the rescue. The worm dozen is the break of a love relationship, the betrayal of a loved one. Peak ten - the likelihood of an accident is great.
      • The lady - the unpleasant lady of the average years dismisses gossip about a person, false information can cause great harm. Peak Ace near the lady - chronic bad luck in love and professional activity. Tref ten - useless troubles, vain time spending.
      • The king is success in love relationships. The worm seven - good luck accompanies a person in all endeavors. Peak currencies - loss of beloved, forced separation. Tref Nine - Cheerful pastime, soulfuline, inner harmony.
      • Ace - a government house. Peak ten next to the ace - a warning about a long trial.


      • Six - family well-being, a pleasant present from his beloved. Bubnovy Ace next to the six - receiving a sum of money. A worm seven - a long-awaited date or meeting will be held soon. Peak Ten - a solemn event will end with great disappointment.
      • Seven - a romantic date. Peak seven is a problem that has been tormented by a person for a long time, will soon be resolved. The trephic king is unexpected joy.
      • The eight is a spiritual conversation. The worm ace near is big and mutual love. Peak lady - a unpleasant conversation will take place, which will end with a big scandal.
      • Nine - an ambulance wedding or an invitation to a significant event. Bubnovaya lady throws tears and deep sadness, and peak ace - treason of lover. Tref currencies are pleasant troubles, homemade cares.
      • Dozen - dear gift. The worm lady nearby - a loved one is devoted and honest with his chosen. Peak nine foreshadows an ambulance separation, and the Trephal Ten is a stunning success among representatives of the opposite sex, love adventures.
      • Valet - the desire will soon come true. Lady Bubnova - Guests on the threshold. The worm ace is a fantastic luck. Cross nine - a favorable monetary investment.
      • The lady is married and very attractive special. The worm nine is a new passion. Trephic eight - a series of unpleasant incidents.
      • The king is a handsome young man who is married. The worm dozen next is a big luck. Peak ten - major problems in all spheres of life.
      • Ace - in love relationships are expected stability and harmony. Trephic six - a very successful business trip will be foreseen, which will help to receive a long-awaited increase in position.


      • Six - a short-term business trip. A worm seven nearby - a lush wedding ceremony not far off. Peak seven is a warning about an unpleasant incident that can happen during the trip. Tref Tens - Young Person will soon receive an invitation to a romantic date.
      • Seven - financial problems, big waste. Chervoy seven - you should be careful and more rationally use your finances so as not to become bankrupt. Peak lady - monetary obligations to the state, major loan. Tref Tens - Soon the brilliant proposal will come, which will bring huge profits.
      • Eight - neglect of family values \u200b\u200bfor the material benefits. Ace Tuben is a valuable loss, material problems. Tref Six - a dubious event, an unjustified risk.
      • Nine - cradle money, getting an inheritance. Worm king nearby - close person Make an expensive gift, it can be a vehicle or real estate. Three currencies - to get a large amount of money, you need to be patient.
      • Dozen - work change or rapid career growth, increase wages. Peak seven nearby - temporary material problems. Tref Tens - Material prosperity, abundance.
      • Valts - troublesome event, fuss because of money. Peak nine - is planned a large quarrel with sweethearts on monetary soil. Trephic seven - collapse in business, love failures.
      • Lady - Young girl with blond hair. Bubnov Ace near - engagement, a proposal for marriage. Peak seven - melancholy, unfortunate sadness. Trephic seven - started not crowned with success.
      • The king is idle and a pretty man. Bubnovaya seven nearby - a man is very rich and generous. The worm eight - a young man will give a real fairy tale and will make the cherished lady's dream.
      • Ace - big money, an unexpected gift. Tref Tens - you need to be attentive to prevent an error when drawing up a financial report. Peak eight is an unfavorable period, cash losses, family quarrels and misunderstanding.

    Believe or no fortune telling - to solve only you. But know that fortune telling on the maps not only allows you to look into your future, but also, this is a great way for an interesting pastime. In order to pay on the maps, you will need a deck from ordinary playing cards and some free time.

    Black Rose

    Most often everyone attracted to fortune-laws on the fulfillment of desires, which are easy even for beginners. To find out whether your dream will come true, you will need only to read the description of the divination, shuffle a deck of 36 cards, make a desire and pull one card, to decrypt the value of which will be the answer to your question.

    • Ace worm or a tambourine - the desire will be at the same time;
    • Chervoy pictures - a desire will come true, just you need to wait a little bit;
    • Chervoy 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - the chances of the fact that everything will turn out and considerable;
    • Bubnovaya picture - there are big problems on the way of execution of desire;
    • Bubnoy 6-10 - decide small problems And the desire will come true;
    • Trephic or peak ace - wishes are not destined to come true;
    • Pictures of black suit - the fulfillment of the desire for a big question;
    • Figures of black suit are the chances of fulfilling the desire to be extremely small.

    Men's thoughts

    To the simplest fortune telling for beginners who will be able to tell that your favorite man's heart is a fortune telling "male thoughts." To carry out it, you need to mix the deck of 36 ordinary cards, thinking about who you are guessing.

    Then remove the deck with my left hand to the heart and pull out 6 cards from it not in order. At the same time, it is very important to believe that this fortune telling truthfully. 1 card symbolizes what your man thinks, 2 is what he has on his heart, 3 is your future, 4 - his desires, 5 - His concerns, and 6 will tell about what is happening at your beloved in life.

    We look at what is depicted on the maps and read their description.






    The description of this divination suggests that it will be the perfect help for beginner fortune-up. It will be necessary to take a deck of 36 ordinary cards, shuffle them, makes a worrying question, and at the same time sincerely believe in the truthfulness of the answer, and then lay out face up, saying: "Ace, six, seven ... king", and then everything is again in a circle. If the named cards correspond to the inverted, then put them in the direction to then check out.

    At the same time, the worms make us believe that everything will be fine, because they symbolize love, friendship, sincerity and loyalty. The tambourines predict us wealth, fun and pleasure. Trephs predict success in conceived and cash receipts. But the peaks commemorate the diseases, sadness and trouble, so they should believe and try to prepare themselves for the worst so that it is not too painful blow.

    After watching the masts of the dropped cards, we read a description of the cards themselves and compare them for yourself.

    So the ace is the most significant card and enhances the value of any of them, which is next to it. For example, if you are guessing a man, the worm ace near the currency symbolizes mutual loveBut peak, unrequited.

    The kings symbolize the income, so if the king falls out of the entrusion of the tambourine cards, it means that the bosses governing enjoys love, and if the king is row with a lady and a currency, then this means respect for colleagues.

    Ladies are women surrounded by gadgets, currencies are men. It is worth looking at the suit that will determine their relationship to the gadget: worm - love, tambourine - friendship, trephies - work, and peaks - dislike.

    10 - Messages, Naturally, worm dozens are romantic and love letters.

    9 and 8 - successes or failures in affairs.

    7 They will answer questions about meetings.

    Description 6 will tell you how your trip will be successful.

    Foreign for marriage

    The most frequent question that women ask is when they get married. To find out if you need to read a simple description of the marriage divination for beginners and carefully follow the instructions. But first of all it is worth remembering that if the girl goes, then her card is a bubnic lady, if a woman is a worm.

    Then we take a deck of 52 ordinary cards, tasuch, and then start to lay the first 20 cards face up. If your card is our map among them, then the fortune telling is stopped - this means that this year you will marry, you just need to believe in this entire soul.

    If your card is not among them, then we replace one of 20 cards, tasing them and lay out 4 pieces in 5 stacks. Then we look into which of the stack is your card, and read the description of the result of divination:

    • 1 - You will soon marry;
    • 2 - You will not marry;
    • 3 - get married after a while;
    • 4 - will be engaged, but marriage will not;
    • 5 - You will never marry.

    But again, if you believe this fortune, you decide only you, so if you didn't like the result, just forget about him and live on.

    Love does not love

    Another way to fortune telling on the maps, which can complete the training of a beginner fortune-up and will allow her to learn the most important thing about his beloved man - this fortune telling "loves - does not like." It relates to fortune tells-solitaires.

    So that Solitaire decomposed and was truthful, you need to mix the deck, drawing in my imagination of your man, remembering the slightest details about it. Then remove the card to the heart and start laying the solitaire. To do this, lay out a number of six cards face up, and under it another number of the same number of cards, and after the second next to the third, and so on, until the end of the deck. At the same time, look closely what is shown on the maps, and if the male is a map of one dignity from each other, then they should be removed, and they will move the remaining cards in their place, and if they are equal again, they will be removed again.

    The remaining cards again tasuch and lay out this time for five columns, then four, three and, finally, two. Now we count how many pair of cards left, because the decryption of this divination depends on their quantity.

    • 1 - Your chosen one wants to call you married.
    • 2 - Your man entails true love to you.
    • 3 - He likes you.
    • 4 - He whips about you.
    • 5 - He thinks about you.
    • 6 - Your beloved has another woman.
    • 7 and more - go the next time.

    In this article:

    Any fortune-telling on the maps can be considered simple and affordable, especially if the design technique does not imply complex combinations. On 36 playing cards, you can guess only provided that they were not played before and they didn't get into the outsider at all, that is, only giar to them!

    Ideally, you need to buy a new deck. It is better for maps to be paper, not plastic. At the same time, many fortune -akers are recommended for each type of fortune telling to have a separate deck.

    How to go on the maps

    It is possible to give the correct answer only according to the specific type of fortune telling and scenario. So, fortune-telling can be for love, fate, desire, money, all above listed immediately. The success of the event directly depends on the observance of all rules of divination. And such rules exist, and for each divination and technology - their own. For each of the following despusts, we will definitely give the rules and options for interpretation of cards, as they also differ.

    The main rules of fortune telling on the maps include:

    • the use of a new deck that was not used and will not be used for games and solitaire;
    • do not do in front of the cards and clearly formulate the question, place the task, since the lie on your part gives a response from the map side;
    • before any layout, be sure to focus on what concerns you and mentally ask for assistance maps, only after that, ask your question.

    "Black Rose"

    This fortune telling will help get an answer to a specific question or whether your desire will come true or not. One hundred percent accuracy in the end you may not receive, but it is free to the situation on the situation as a whole, and all because the divination itself is quite simple. You can get more complete answers from more complex divination.

    Take a deck of cards in 36 units, focus on my desire or question, get one of the cards from a carefully planned foot and in the list below, find it up.


    • Ace - your desire is not destined to come true.
    • Any figure - the desire is unlikely to come true, but there are chances, albeit minimal.
    • Ten - six (inclusive) - the desire can come true, although the chances are not great.


    • Ace - a desire will not turn.
    • Figure - execution of conceived in question.
    • Ten - six - the likelihood of the desire is very small.


    • Ace - you can rejoice, your desire is destined to come true.
    • The figure of any dignity is most likely you will not be disappointed.
    • Ten - six - the chances of fulfilling the desire are very high.


    • Ace - Over time, the desire will surely come true, but not in the near future.
    • Figure - desire to come true, only his implementation will be accompanied by large quantity Problems.
    • Ten - six - because of the problems you will not feel joy from the performance of desire.

    Gypsy divination

    Gypsy fortune telling will help you open the veil of the future and clarify many moments in love and friendly relations. Take a deck of 36 cards, focus on the question and carefully drag the cards. If the fortune telling is made by a third party, ask him to remove part of the deck to yourself. If you are guessing personally, you need to remove the cards yourself.

    In three rows, spread down nine cards, and then decipher the alignment. Thus, 1, 2 and 3 cards are the past, 4, 5 and 6 cards - your present, 7, 8, 9 is the future.

    Interpretation of cards:


    • Ace - booze.
    • King is a noble man, an employee.
    • Lady - jealousy, anger, annoyance, enemy.
    • Valts is an incorrect act, in vain trouble and spending forces with time.
    • Ten - unrealized plans.
    • Nine - disease, hospital, ODR patient.
    • Eight - wait for guest invitations (festival, feast).
    • Seven - tears, sadness, sadness, disorder.
    • Six - Far Road, Evening Trip.


    • Ace - an important thing is expected.
    • King - father, beetor, father-in-law, chief, employee man.
    • Lady - mother, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, employee, neighbor.
    • Valts - troubles, problems, the need to seek help.
    • Ten money, profit, income.
    • Nine - affection for someone or something.
    • Eight is a value like a seven - a meeting and negotiations of a business character.
    • Seven - meeting and business negotiations.
    • Six - business trip, business trip.


    • Ace - family, house.
    • King - family man or divorced.
    • The lady is a beloved woman, sometimes - mother.
    • Valts - the subject of your concern, pressing questions that you decide at the moment
    • Ten - dreams, plans, expectations.
    • Nine - a date, love relationship.
    • Eight - the value, like the seven - a date, meeting, conversation, dispute.
    • Seven - a date, meeting, conversation, dispute.
    • Six - ride.


    • Ace - the news of a large scale relatively business relationship or connections, developments.
    • King is a young guy or someone's son.
    • Lady - young girl, girlfriend, beloved, woman of a married man.
    • Valts - problems, troubles, anxiety.
    • Ten - love relationships.
    • Eight is a value like a seven - conversation, conversation, discussion, meeting.
    • Seven - conversation, conversation, discussion, meeting.
    • Six - a very ambulance road.
    Before you start deciphering the defold, appreciate its general nature, allocation of prevailing suit


    This alignment will allow you to look not only at the present, but also the future with the past! At the same time, you will learn the truth not only about yourself, but also by my surroundings and for this there are enough decks of cards in 36 units.

    To begin with, drag the cards, remove any three of it and put in one row. Under the first next, put three more cards, the same repeat under the second next. Total you have nine units, get the tenth - the final, which post under the middle card of the third row. The name of the tenth map is "Castle".

    Horizontal rows personify temporary layers. The first (top) row will tell about the past, the second (average) - about the present, the third (lower) is about the future.

    The first (left) card in the first row is your distant past; Third (right) - recent events; Accordingly, the central card is an intermediate period.

    The third (lower) row is a present. On the first card you will learn about the closest prospects, according to the last - about distant (through decades).

    Otherwise, the same cards are interpreted, but not horizontally, but vertically, that is, by columns or speakers. In this case, they all talk about the present, except the castle, telling about the near future.

    The left column (first row) is relatives, the average - the beloved person, the right (third) - friends and employees.

    Peaks are a minor melody, as it comes in the sorrows and sophistication, problems with health and even death or death. Trephists will become precursors of troubles, clashes, incidents, deceptions, lack of money, errors negative consequences. The tambourines foreshadow and luck, positive emotions and events, as well as minor losses and mistakes. About the happy future and complete harmony can only be a cinder.

    Interpretation of cards

    • Ace peak - trouble in work.
    • Ace Cross - Unpleasant news, "Duck", false information, falsification.
    • Ace Bubnov - an unexpected legacy, a large amount of money; wedding.
    • Ace worm - big joy; Sudden love.
    • King, lady, rings Peak - Mature Persons in years - solid, important, serious, authoritative, wealthy.
    • King, lady, currens Crusades - middle-aged people, but occupying good positions.
    • King, lady, currency bubne - young wealthy people.
    • King, lady, currency worm - close to gadget people whose age should indicate the cards located nearby. For example, six will indicate young man, dozen - on the old one.
    • Ten peak - disease.
    • Dozen Cross - Disputes, Disagreements in Key Questions.
    • Ten Bubnovaya - a big amount of money.
    • A dozen worm - you have a reason for strong and bright joy.
    • Nine peak - obstacle, difficulties, small breeding, collision with the law and its representatives.
    • Nine Cross - a big mistake, the need to find out the relationship or an unpleasant meeting.
    • Nine Bubnovaya - luck and good luck in financial matters.
    • Nine worm - luck in love affairs; Little separation will end soon.
    • G8 peak - shock.
    • Eight Cross - trouble, grief, tears.
    • G8 Bubnovaya - material profit, increase in any sphere.
    • Eight worm - nice leisure in a pleasant society.
    • Seven peak - bad news, gossip; Serious conflicts, malice, insult, trouble, problems at work.
    • Seven Cross - Business offer, Conducting a truce, Profit.
    • Seven Bubnovaya - Financial receipts, award, pleasant surprise.
    • Chervoy seven - unexpected joy, visiting a pleasant company; In some cases - the engagement.
    • Six peak - you humiliate, come across serious difficulties.
    • Six peasants - dissatisfaction, negative road on emotions.
    • Six tambourine - the need to perform a severe and troublesome order that makes profit and benefits; Road in the morning.
    • Six worms - a romantic date, a pleasant way accompanied by positive emotions; Sometimes - career growth.