Magic online divination on maps. Learning correctly guessing on ordinary maps

Each card of Oracle Madame Lenormman contains 2 images, in a large deck of Lenormans of them 6, this is a very complex deck, requiring knowledge in several adjacent areas, for example, astrology, numerology, geomantia, in the colors of the villages, as well as knowledge of mythology Ancient Greece. In a small image of the image two: the main pattern that is interpreted intuitively easily and is close in its meaning to the dreams, as well as a playing card - it is usually located on the side or on top of the center - this part of the card is more complicated in the interpretation and it is recommended to guess for beginners, focusing on the main symbol. Later, with accumulated experience, you can interpret the values \u200b\u200band gypsy cards.

Traditionally, Lenorman cards are interpreted in live positionbecause Each card is inherent in several values \u200b\u200bat once, for example, a child's card can be a child's syignificor, indicate something new, excessive credulity and naivety, inexperience, for the birth of a child.

Also in the deck there are bad-good-neutral cards, besides, cards are read by a special method, we will tell about it in more detail later: in pairs and triads, which also greatly expands the value of one card and does not require their inverted position. Depending on the Question of the Querant, each card can represent the person itself, some action, emotion, subject or lifestyle. Each particular value in a separate case you can easily determine when the main values \u200b\u200bof Lenorman cards will be examined. Exactly keywords Will help you understand the essence of the scenario in relation to the question.

For example, the Garden Map itself means social fame or collective initiative, and the child is simplicity. Combination of cards Garden and child means: some public initiative will be overwhelmed due to its simplicity. This is not the same as the child and the garden, because If 2 cards fell together, then the second card describes the first one, it characterizes the first card, its value becomes auxiliary for the main value. Location of Map Lenorman in the scenario strongly affects their interpretation. The rider and fox are the information is a false or cunning courier; And the fox and the rider - the deceiver talkative, speaks into teeth, a prominent criminal. The card that fell the first to influence the next card, its value is secondary and more as an adjective or definition. The next additional card is widerly unfolding this story, but also within the first card!

"Rider and Fox" and "Lisa and Horseman" - not the same

  • Keywords - a list of words from which you can choose the most suitable value of the map in the scenario.
  • Map description - description of the image on the map, taking into account the nuances.
  • Symbolism - key symbolism of the card, makes it possible to understand where the interpretation comes from and because Images archetyapic and in principle easily readable.
  • Characteristic - In this point, the connection of Lenorman cards with astrology, elements, body organs, deadlines and temporary frameworks, professions on Lenorman cards, as well as a map-advice, a warning card and a map-day.
  • Character - person under this card; People, occupation, main features.
  • The main value is the key block, because It reflects all the main aspects of the interpretation of Lenorman card values. Compare cards, the main values \u200b\u200bof which are closely related so that you can more accurately interpret their values \u200b\u200band not be confused at first.
  • Negative meaning (shadow of the card) - Everyone even the most good card has a negative side, for example, from an oversupply of quality, this item should be taken into account. When a positive map is described by the negative.
  • Questions of personal relationships are the most popular topic for divination - love and relationship. We tell what the value of Lenorman's cards in fortune telling on love.
  • Business and Finance Questions - The Second Popularity Theme for divination is the work and money. We tell how each card describes this sphere of life.
  • Medical issues - affected the main health spheres that each map describes
  • A person's card is very often asked about third parties, this description will help you give a person a person in general.
  • Interpretation of the card in the scenario - reveal the nuances of practical work.

The combinations with all the cards from the Lenorman deck - gives the keys to the way you can independently make interpretations by summing the values \u200b\u200bof two cards. Here are combinations, but naturally not full list of all possible options, but only an example of how to read cards together. In essence, it's how to fold syllables or collect proposals from given noun, verb, adjective, definition, pronoun. When reading the layouts, you will encounter various combinations that form pairs and triads Lenorman, they must always be analyzed individually and in the context of a given question.


Want to know your attitude towards you a loved one, or check how strong your feelings are? Then the alignment of Lenorman on the relationship is just what you need! In this article, you will learn about the history of the origin of this deck, as well as the most popular fortifications for love. Enjoy reading!

Features Lenorman decks for fortune telling

Taro Mary Lenorman is one of the most mysterious and popular decks. Unfortunately, the original divination technique of this clairvoyant irrevocably rushed into the fly, as well as the original amrants gallery.

Years, the fortune teller Erna Drucebek made the reconstruction of the deck, as close as possible to the original and released the book, where Briefly spoke about the method of divination Lenorman. The description of the book, dated 1987, did not entered the entire gallery, but separate interpretations with original names.

To facilitate the perception of the book for the reader, the author used special images that were applied to the cards in a certain order - this simplifies the interpretation of the fallen values \u200b\u200baccording to the selected slander. The new deck was soon called the name "Gypsy".

Note! When the Tarot Lenorman deflux, the most important is the most important method of scenario, but the method of interpretation of the received cards.

Overview of the most popular layouts on Renorman maps

As practice has shown, Tarot Lenorman is most often used for layouts on the relationship. The deck will help in response to any questions related to any sphere of vital activity. I propose to consider the basic rules necessary for proper holding fortune telling.

  • Proper formulation of the issue is a fundamental factor for obtaining an accurate response. Concentrate your attention on the problem of interest, holding the cards in your hands with closed eyes.
  • Mix the deck thoroughly, removing the part of the card with your left hand towards yourself.
  • Lay out the tarot without a rush, from left to right, a shirt down (quantity depends on the selected color).

The alignment "situation" is one of the simplest and rapid layouts, so it is even suitable for beginners. With this divination, the questioning will be able to learn the prospects for solving the current problem, for example, whether plans come true that for this it is necessary, the presence / absence of "pitfalls", etc.

The beginning of divination is the choice of a person's personal map, which is guessing. If this is a woman, a peak ace is used (29 card), if a man is a worm ace (29 card). We do the same for the question.

The next step is to think about the issue. After shuffling, the decks need to find a personal map ("Blanca" - approx. Author) on the above technology. The card is stacked with a shirt down, there are four other cards in the form of "cross" (as shown in the scheme). Detailed interpretation You can find the values \u200b\u200bin the same article.

The first card (the highest one) - indicates the events that occurred in the recent past, describes the reason why it happened ", which pushed to the development of this problem.

Second card (left from the main card). Talks about the possibilities of eliminating the problem, lighting the most favorable paths Resolving the issue. Negative importance will tell about the obstacles, directly or indirectly interfering with a favorable outcome.

Third card (right from "Blanca"). Displays desires and plans. Here, the giaver will find recommendations necessary to solve the problem.

Fourth card (the lowest). Prediction of the future, the final result after the achievement of the intended.

For the design of the relationship, it is important to know the values \u200b\u200bof each card of this deck. But first things first.

  1. Rider. Indicates the rapid start of new love relationships. This may be a new passion, accompanied by an emotional surge, passion, etc.
  2. Clover. Existing relationships are permeated with joy, harmony, reciprocity. You have everything perfectly - there is a success, heat, financial welfare, support for your loved one.
  3. Ship. Means an ambulance separation with the second half or indicates different interests, characters. Another interpretation option is separate accommodation, a joint trip is possible. It can also symbolize the beginning of the relationship under the condition of openness and honesty with a partner.
  4. House. You want to create a family, you have a stable union, a serious relationship. May indicate a meeting of a couple in love or an important date.
  5. Wood. Calm measured union with durable, well-established feelings for each other. In some situations symbolizes conservatism or secret love.
  6. Clouds. Relationships are accompanied by quarrels, experiences, conflicts - It is necessary to talk to each other.
  7. Snake. Treamed both treason, betrayal, deception by partner. Another value is envious, enemies, gossip surrounding.
  8. Coffin. Negative - a fundamental relationship. Widowing, divorce, gap, resentment, misunderstanding.
  9. Bouquet. Happiness starting love in the "candy-bought" period, romance, etc.
  10. Spit. Neon understanding, unexpected quarrels, rejection from a partner. Perhaps intervention from another person.
  11. Broom. Fights, quarrels, permanent crossings.
  12. Owls. Depression, Melancholy because of feelings for a partner. Man is not ready for an open dialogue.
  13. Child. Infantility in beginning relationship. Excessive confidence of the second half, sincerity, harmony.
  14. A fox. Cunning, treason, deception, false. Using a partner for your own purposes.
  15. Bear. Passionate Union, full sexual compatibility.
  16. Stars. Creative relationships, harmony, related souls.
  17. Stork. The desire for change is ready for marriage, living, pregnancy, the birth of children.
  18. Dog. A man struggles for his feelings. Trust, consent, loyalty.
  19. Tower. A service story is possible. Relationships are more similar to business than love.
  20. Garden. Couple prefers active relationships, in a circle of friends.
  21. Mountain. Alienation, obstacles, feelings cooling.
  22. Fork. Take the decision, make a choice - stay together and disperse.
  23. Rats. Meanness, mercantility, envy.
  24. A heart. One of the most favorable maps of the scenario.
  25. Ring. The probability of imprisonment of the Union, the proposal of living together, the beginning of a serious relationship.
  26. Book. "Karmic" relationship, an alliance based on life experience.
  27. Letter. Striving for continuous communication. Negative cards nearby - difficulty in it.
  28. Man. A great influence on the situation of a man.
  29. Female. Great influence on the female situation.
  30. Lily. Partner is a patron of gadgetting. As an analogy - the guardian angel.
  31. The sun. Emotionally rich relationship. Harmony, pleasure from the Union.
  32. Moon. Excessive concern, developed maternal instinct. Relations from the "Parent - Baby" series.
  33. Key. One of the subspecies of the "karmic" relationship.
  34. Fish. Strong friendship, platonic loveloyalty.
  35. Anchor. Relationships leading to marriage.
  36. Cross. Fateful union. Working out problems through the "Sansary Wheel".

Lenorman's alignment on the attitude of a person "What he thinks about me" is rightfully considered one of the most the best fortunes On this deck. It makes it possible to study in detail the relationship with your beloved / beloved.

Attention! With such a fortune, paired combinations should be taken into account and separate values Fallen cards. Its correct depends on the position of the map in relation to the "Blanc" (a personal map of the gadget).

The beginning of the divination is the choice of "Blanks" on the above method (for a man and women 28, 29 cards, respectively).

The structure of divination is three vertical lines characterizing the past, the present, the future (see the Lenorman Sign Scheme on the relationship). Each of them is conditionally divided into three more parts - it simplifies the interpretation.

The first vertical part consists of six positions that reveal the events from the past pointing to the root cause of circumstances, the forces that contributed to the problem.

  • 1 - hopes that were assigned to gadgets his ideas, plans.
  • 7 - emotions, feelings of the questioning remaining in the past.
  • 16 and 8 - events that occurred in the physical plane. Great power has 8 card (immediate proximity to "Blanco"). 16 adjusts, complements its value.
  • 9 - Council, help, support for loved ones. Ideas, thoughts that determine the way of thinking of the gadget.
  • 15 - The influence of subconscious on the motives of the questioning, hidden feelings, emotions.

The second vertical part is the four positions that reveal the thoughts of the time of time.

  • 6 and 14 - reflect the mental state of the questioning problem.
  • 10 and 2 - indicate the mental process in the head of the gadget. A more priority card - 2, as it is located near "Blanks".

The third vertical part is six positions displaying the future course of events.

  • 3 - Independent assessment of the situation is gadgetting.
  • 4 and 12 - evaluation of events developing in physical terms. The near future demonstrates the 4 card, and remote events - 12.
  • 5 and 13 - Display emotional state gadgets after a while. 5 Position in priority, its value adjusts the 13 card.

This fortune telling on Tarot Lenorman will help describe your relationship on a hidden, subconscious level. It is considered the most popular schedule responsible for many issues related to the future union of two people.

Choose two Maps "Forms", which will display a man and a woman who are guessing. Mix the remaining maps by setting the question of interest. Divide the deck into two equal parts, putting them with a shirt up.

The next step is the folding of the cards. From the part of the female "forms", take the cards, placing them in the manner indicated in the scheme. A similar operation should be done with the male part of the "Blanks".

Deciphering the positions of this defold

  • 1 - the course of relationships in the present interval.
  • 2 and 3 plans, the thoughts of each partner relating to the development of relations.
  • 4 and 5 - the degree of senses of partners to each other.
  • 6 and 7 - your expectations of your second half and vice versa.
  • 8 and 9 - hidden desires, emotions, feelings, actions of a loved one.
  • 10 and 11 - actions, emotions that "in sight" (yours and beloved).
  • 12 - Soviet Council.
  • 13 - Prospects for the development of a relationship for a man.
  • 14 - development prospects for a woman.
  • 15 - Final Outcome for the Union

Note! To find out how to calculate the 15 card in the Lenorman's scenario on the relationship "Two", first lay down the number of cards located near the man and women. This procedure Relevant to calculate 13, 14 values \u200b\u200b- they will help you find out the future of your union. Provided if the number is greater than 36, deduct the "interfering" numbers. 15 The map will become summarizing in this fortune.

Calculation on the maps Lenorman on the attitude of a person to me

Have you just started new relationships? Want to know how long they will last? Then try a simple alignment on Taro Lenorman "New Man." Spread the cards according to the following scheme, looking at the interpretation of the values \u200b\u200bbelow.

  1. Indicates thoughts, feelings, the emotions of the partner in relation to you
  2. The answer to the question - "how he treats me"
  3. This and follow-up card will give an accurate forecast of the prospect of the further development of the Union.

I am sure that the information of this article was useful for you - now you know exactly how the second half belongs to you. And if you have already mastered the maps of Lenorman, try to do. Watch for updates on the site, find out even more interesting! Well, be sure to share with friends in Soc. networks. Until the following meetings!

    I never believed in the fortune telling ... I always believed that some kind of nonsense was carrying, and I also ask for money for it ... I didn't know the present girl with my grandmother. We came for dinner to her, that with the go, let me tell about me about me, about which I also didn't say anything about me. In general, all evening with an open mouth listened to her! And in the near future predicted me to promotion! Will come true - be sure to marry her granddaughter)

    So everything is interesting and described in detail! I never thought that there are female and men's days for fortune's! I always wondered on Sunday, when it is impossible to guess! Currently and decided to try fate - he can find out what's new. Yes, and about the narrowed very much I want to remove anything at the cards!

    Please tell me, and the fortune telling to the king's love, it will wait until the desired king falls out, and if it turns out no, then it means that he does not like or how?

    Well, just very interesting! Especially, I don't really understand such things in such things, and I don't believe much, but for some reason this site made me take and repay. Especially badly impressed me that there are rules and features at fortune investment, reading I realized that the point in this is really there. And there is regarding the desired fortunes, then they are really not difficult, we coped with my daughter and spent the time.

    Tightened straight on a joke! Fortune telling lungs, really simple, both performed and in the interpretation. I am always interested in the question of love relationship, this is the whole, so I tried all the deposited divisions, not once, of course, after a while, and I liked everything. Sections with fortune tells on the site a lot, and the horoscope is. In general, I'm here for a long time.

    Every girl should know about the existence of such fortunes. From the older times, all these fortune tells go to us and I believe that there is no sheepskie in it. I still walked my grandmother on the beloved, and I believed her. Time passes, and we have already become forgotten, in this age technologies that there are such old traditions like fortune-telling.

    I think that fortunate on the maps at least once in my life was interested in or maybe every girl was fond of. It is always interesting to look into your future. Learn about your narrowed. It was very informative to familiarize themselves with the rules of the scenario. Please, try to repay.

    I noticed that my sister had recently been fascinated by fortune investing, in whole evenings, it was ready to hang around at the computer. Everything has nothing to do, I looked at the site that it was so stuck to a computer.? Oh neither cool, but the fortune telling for the future I was interested. And really the news for me was that there are men's days for gadas ?? I tried to paint for the future. The truth is cool. All that I posted yourself - I checked everything.

    So interesting! Even online can be repayed, just think! We earlier did not dream about it! I remember, in the girls encyclopedia, the sections were with fortune telling - so I rubbed them to holes, so it was all interesting)). And now, even online you can pay, so cool! I wonder in love with your site, so much interesting information Here, which day I sit, learn, I don't want to go out!

    When I was a little, the fortune teller said that I would be very big in my life, but unhappy love. And now, every time I start to meet in a girl, in Torto from all I check her feelings with rites and cards. I do not know what was about unfortunate loveI guess I have not met her either or lied the fortune teller. Everything is fine:)

    thanks to the author for the article! I really liked the fortune telling on the "4 valets", just once to find out the attitude of four men at once! That's what I need! And, by the way, for me the discovery that not only their meaning is influenced by the interpretation of cards. I keep an article in "Favorites" as a crib, because the whole value is immediately and not to learn! More such interesting articles!

    That's what progress has come! Now it's not necessary for man and finger. Especially girls who are busy, but love to pay. All online. But as before, they gathered for the holidays, for fortune telling. The whole event was, so to speak, a reason to visit. I will give a reference to her article, let him remember how it was.

    Sometimes I can use online exercises, but with simple questions. Which are clearly formulated to obtain a specific answer. I believe that 95% of success depends on the question of the question of the issue itself. Because on really serious questions sometimes need to get a prompt, and you will not do this in online.

    I think that you can guess online, many times did it and everything comes true. Another thing is that all the same contact with a real person is better. But this is not always possible? And it happens so that you urgently need. Probably for such cases and there is online divination. Or, as described in the article, it is possible to deal with yourself and scatter.

    I agree with you about an individual approach, it seems to me that everyone will be pleasant and not even affair, and the fact that sitting at a specialist, he sees you, will add some information, when necessary, I will deal with info and put in your mouth))
    And in online fortunes, asked - received the answer when the coincides when not.
    Bad just say nothing about online divinationIn fact, it all depends on whether you believe in it or not, many coincides))

    As for me, it all depends on whether you believe it or not ..
    Of course, if it treats skeptically to this, then nothing good will succeed in this ... Even to a professional come to a reception with a skeptical attitude, the result will be far from the best, and no matter in the man itself who conducted a session. And the point in ourselves! My opinion.

    I did not know what to guess for women is better at certain days. And in fortune telling on the maps I believe. Several times I had fortune-telling, about the past when they told, already goosebumps on the skin, everything was true. And much of what was predicted already came true. I think that in certain life situations It is better to resort to the services of professional fortune-law.

    Really simple, but for me more confidential than all magicians and fortunelocks, fortune-telling. I often appeal recently to this article, as it is now free, it's often called on dates, but to start with someone with a relationship for me so far doubtful, as it's not good for men. Here is this way I do a check for the future.)

    And I often find out the attitude of the man to me often. In general, I think that the correctness of the answer depends on the clearly set and correctly formulated issues, therefore, painstakingly make them before fortune. I like such fortune tellivations with efficiency, not always, by the way, I do the layout itself, sometimes I appeal to online fortune telling.

    Now I know that there are days in which it is better to guess, there are days when it is undesirable to resort to fortune-telling for love and relationships. I did fortune-telling for the future of your beloved, he had a difficult period and he fucked right in his eyes from difficulties, did not know how to help him. Upon gadania, it turned out that problems would fall out for a month and everything will return to the circles. There was hope and relief, cute became less disturbing, now counts the month)

    In general, I am more confidential about such simple uncomplicated fortune telling on the maps. They and the future suggest, and clarify the evening, we love girlfriends to gather at some Friday, to celebrate the end of the week and wander on men, we have fun in the evening in this way. We are constantly addressed to your site, but we use this article most often.

    I directly embraced excitement in this fortune. It is really absolutely not difficult, everything is available, nothing needs to be additionally, just follow the steps described and correctly extinguish values. Delayed straight seriously, spend the evenings with these fortune tells) just now interest love relationship, so I tried all kinds of fortunes that you described, thank you)

    These are the most sick questions for girls) Lyuboff, future and relationship. I am no exception and also tried to pay out. All week I was waiting for Saturday) That would certainly) I have all fell well, however, it is true. We love each other very much, and if that, I saw here and have seen here)

    And we only know how the simplest fortune telling on the maps. But we are going to pay the company every Christmas. Now good - you have on site online version appeared, I myself very often guess. And for children, and in the name, and on the relationship. If you correctly interpret, then everything comes true.

    I need advice from knowledgeable people, A man never shows his emotions, feelings, his nature is such, we have a pretty close relationship with him, as it seems to me, even some kind of strong connection. From different layouts, it is possible to conclude that it is not in love with ... but does not let me close to yourself what to do about it?

    Probably, of all fortunes, this is the only thing that I get) Well, still fortune telling Yes / No, when the arrogant falls on one of the options.) It's easier to go. And so interested it is often that the men think about me, I will not marry that you just get tired of the relatives, they say "when, when, come on, and then it will be too late." And someone somehow no one's soul lies at the moment .. when I appeal to the tips to the cards.)

    Tell me, is it possible to somehow affect the relationship if I am not satisfied with what a divination by cards? What can be done to shift meaning to a more positive positive good side? I love my boyfriend and I do not want to parting with him, but it turns out to be fortunate ((

    Tell me, please have any certain days in which it is better to do these fortune tellivations? Or, on the contrary, do not need some, there are forbidden? Now in such a situation incomprehensible, like and love, but I do not understand what can lead to ... I need an answer, I don't need to make a decision, and the girlfriend and mom begin to vote, they say, let's get married Rather, who will take you yet ...

    In my relationship, the guy too cry with me. I sometimes even seem to me who of us two guy, and who is a girl, because he loves me so much and is experiencing because of our quarrels ... Sometimes there are thoughts, maybe, yes, well, he is in a bath?! I will probably check out ... some kind of man is not a man in relationships with me

    And I remember well how with the girls from nothing to do to do all sorts of cards, fortune telling ..) Even with some classmates they took a "fee", because it was so fascinated by this case, what a good hand was impatible)) We were brought to pay all sorts of sweets-buns )) business was here such)

    I wondered on your website online, I really liked the result, everything is described in detail all I advise everyone, at least for the sake of interest to see what happens. I am very surprised by the result, all the truth, everything coincides, about the relationship and about a new guy with recognition in love and Rugan with their relatives, everything is very true.

    My classmate learns to guess on the maps, and we often sit on the Internet and guess. On future husbands, nothing is happening or do we do something wrong? And the grandmother says that we are too small, and we will not say anything cards. Is it possible to guess under the age of 12 and will not harm it in the future.

    I guess at once on 4 guys. I had that two people love me a long time ago, but that I loved very long and very much, loves another. What do i do. After all, these two I do not like at all, they are some modest, and not decisive. Maybe I don't want to be wary that I love. Tell me what should I do?

    And I went to the fortune tells when there were problems with the guy. We swore because of jealousy, but no reasons were given to each other. I told me that this is not my fate, and you have to throw it. I listened to her and we broke up but not for a long time. A week later, he called me for her husband. We are very happy. I do not know how believing or not. Everyone has its own opinion.

    I wondered to the question marry or not here it fell that it was marrying now I sit and wait when. You have fortune-telling when it is the wedding that would be the exact date to find out. Start preparing for the wedding. If someone has something to write, I will be very grateful, myself is already tired of looking. The whole interruption has not found anything.

    Thank you for so quickly and easily answer any exciting question online. I look at your service a couple of months, I choose the most effective methods, On-line fortune telling for love gives very interesting results and predictions, I go here very often.

    Until the gap did not happen to the guy did not think about all sorts of fortune telling there, but then I decided to see what how. As a newcomer, everything is understandable and very affordable, the schemes are given visual, and how many schemes will not understand there are examples of video, what can be easier and more affordable for understanding? Thank you

    I learned a lot useful information. If I knew about a new deck and candles before. I have my own cards for predictions that are securely covered from outsiders. That's the days of the week for men and women learned for the first time. So many nuances, and because they directly depends on the prediction result.

The future is mysterious and foggy. Sometimes, in moments of weakness and insecurity, there is a desire to find out what is waiting ahead. It is no wonder in the famous song: "... so people are arranged: they wish to know, want to know, want to know what will be." The information obtained helps boldly join tomorrow, make decisions on which further life depends.

In modern society, many types of fortune telling are in demand. One of the most popular and ancient - predictions on the playing cards, but not on those who have already enjoyed earlier. A new deck will be required.

The fortune telling was an integral part of the life of ancestors. Fatefully decided in the fourteenth century, when playing cards were just started to master the minds of people. There are several sample options, choose the appropriate. The ability to teach the future of any person.

Preparation for gadania

Learn it is not difficult to learn how to feel the mental connection with the attribute. Buy a new deck. For thirty-six cards there are special conspiracies that will strengthen contact with the owner.

Select for fortune telling a suitable day. Special are suitable, personal datesAvailable, or Holidays: Birthday, Christmas, Friday 13, Halloween, etc. There are "the most favorable" days - the thirteenth numbers of any month and the shock.

Printing a deck, squeeze it in my hands. Stay alone to outsided sounds did not interfere with focus and establish a connection. Close your eyes, relax. If we decided to use a conspiracy, we will involve words in a whisper.

Before you fortunate a deck, as you follow with your left hand, toward the heart, remove the part of the cards from above and move to the bottom. For a session, everything is ready.

☞ Video plot

How to start guessing on ordinary maps newcomer

People invented many card layoutswho give an answer to any question. Among the known are the three simplest, suitable beginners:

  • Troika;
  • Fan;
  • Fifteen.

By choosing a suitable alignment and learning in advance, specify the question of interest. Do not disturb the maps on trifles, ask questions that are important. If it comes to another person, keep his image in thoughts or put a photo and look at it.


This alignment is suitable for everyday issues. If you are interested, how today is today or where a person is located, the method is chosen correctly. Left hand Swim a deck and get any three cards from it. Match the value with the result obtained. If the answer is unclear, pull three more cards. The fortune telling continues until you know the answer.


Ask about love, work, further fate.

  1. Choose a map that is associated with you, for example, lady worms.
  2. If the divination implies another person's participation, take a separate card for him.
  3. Shuffling the deck, spread the cards with rows of three pieces in each other.
  4. Find in the unfolded maps of the one that they guess in advance is you.
  5. From above is the future, the bottom is the past, and neighboring cards reflect the present.


Drag the deck and select any fifteen cards from it. Fold them in five stacks, three pieces each:

  1. The first - personifies the present person;
  2. The second - refers to his personal life;
  3. Third - to friendship;
  4. Fourth - tells about the goals and dreams;
  5. Fifth - will indicate on caution or future tips.

The value of cards

Each card and make their meanings: "Chervi" is identified with love, "crossing" - with business and career. At first, the first time will have to come with every fortune, but soon you will learn to understand intuitive and prompts do not need.

☞ Video plot

Divination on maps is sin or not?

Estimation of centuries The attitude of religion to fortunate was negative. In Orthodoxy, it was believed that only the devil was indicated for the future of a person, directed the wrong way. However, over time, stereotypes have changed.

Orthodoxy still does not approve the use of maps, but after a couple of fortunes, he does not fall into hell. In addition, some of the sins are possible to atone. As for other religions, the attitude towards the prediction of fate is loyal.

If you decide to check the fate with the help of ordinary cards, there are several recommendations that will make fortune telling true.

  1. Buy a few deck of cards for different types gadas. Let each have its own purpose to increase the percentage of prediction accuracy. Choose a deck with different shirts to always distinguish them.
  2. Try not to resort to gadania more often once a week and not asking questions, answers to which are unimportant. The higher the value of the divination, the exact result.
  3. Use special conspiracies for a deck of thirty-six cards, it will help to make a fierce spiritual connection with the owner.

Why prediction may not come true

  • Do not guess on Sundays and on Monday.
  • Do not bury B. bad well-being, bad mood, staying in a state alcoholic intoxication. The result will be inaccurate.
  • Do not transfer a deck in other people's hands, so as not to weaken the connection with the owner.
  • Keep cards separately from other things. They need rest and replenishment of energy.

By remembering these rules, proceed to the study of the value of each card, choose the nearest suitable day and begin to guess. For the first time, predictions will seem fuzzy and blurred. Enriching your experience with maps, it will be easier to see fate. As soon as learn to completely trust your cards, they will open all the truth.