Rules for business communication by phone. Business negotiations on the phone

In our progressive century, communicative interaction occupies a domicile position. Most of the complex questions and tasks can be solved using telephone conversations. Thanks to communication through this means, people are able to conclude the most advantageous agreement or with the "incorrect settlement" to completely lose an important client. That is why each competent man must own the basics telephone etiquette. What is a business communication on the phone and how to behave correctly - the topic of our today's article.

Correct negotiations should learn any of us, because a person who leads a conversation is not able to see opponent and his actions. Slot potential customer In one way, so that he does not have a desire to throw a handset in the first minutes of the conversation - it will require a lot of effort. From the ability to conduct telephone conversations depends on the reputation of a person and the organization that it represents.

Preparation for the upcoming conversation

Before a serious telephone call, it is thoroughly prepared as follows:

  1. Tune morally.
  2. Formulate, and it is better to write a goal, plan and basic questions of the upcoming conversation on paper, which will always lie in front of you during the negotiations.
  3. Be sure to prepare all materials that can be useful during telephone conversations.
  4. It is necessary to remove from the negative and personal problems before the start of the conversation, since the voice is able to give an aggressive attitude that the client often accepts on his own account.
  5. Time for negotiations must be selected so that it is convenient for you, and the interlocutor. If a call to a business partner is scheduled, try to discuss the time with it convenient for him.

Basics of business communication by phone

When making a call, first of all it is necessary to pursue and report, for what purpose you call. At the same time, it is necessary to choose a friendly tone. The telephone conversation should take place without a long pause, it should be energetic and concise.

It is impossible to have psychological pressure in the negotiation process, since in this case it is unlikely that you will be able to conquer the location of the potential client. Try not to ask incorrect questions. In the case when the telephone call is international or intercity, it is necessary to follow so that it continues no more than six minutes. All business suggestions and requirements must be supported by arguments. Questions should be answered truthfully and briefly. The conversation plan is better to be predefined on paper.

At the end of the conversation, we will definitely say again all the arrangements to which you came along the conversation. Since the call was initiated by you, the end of the conversation should also come from you, excluding situations where the interlocutor is older than his position.

When at the end of the negotiations you give a promise to call back, try not to delay this and re-call during the day. Be sure to take into account that it is impossible to type partners on the home issue.

In a situation where by calling, you do not find a partner in the workplace, specify a convenient time to call him back and do not ask where he is now. From the point of view of business ethics, this is incorrect.

Observe such rules of business etiquette:

  • Try to shoot a tube to the maximum after the third call.
  • When answering from the workplace, you need to greet a person, voice the company's name, and then introduce yourself.
  • If the caller did not have introduced, politely ask him to call his name. For example, there will be phrases here: "I would like to know who I am talking with", "Could you introduce yourself?" Or "Sorry, how do I contact you?".
  • A response to the questions of the source should be as quickly as possible to find telephone numbers that can come in handy during the negotiations.
  • If you are calling on a lunch break, ask to answer someone else to not answer with your mouth stuffed.
  • Finish the conversation will have to call if the initiative goes from you, the act will look not ethical.

What errors do during a telephone conversation

Numerous studies that were conducted among business people indicated that about 56% of calls were carried out without welcoming phrases. Explaining the reason for the do not utter greetings of the businessmen, they said that it would say, as well as not with the hands of many times during the day to greet. It is important to remember that there is nothing in speech communication that it goes without saying, and therefore each phrase should be voiced.

In no case cannot interrupt the interlocutor on half of the conversation - let him express the idea to the end. Selling words need to be clearly, as well as monitor the tone of speech and its volume. There should be a pause between questions to give the right to respond to the interlocutor.

Negative emotions cannot be given will, as it can offend a business partner.

  • Do not remove the phone for a very long time.
  • At the beginning of the conversation, words cannot be pronounced: "say", "yes", "hello." If only this is not your longtime friend.
  • Make several conversations at the same time.
  • Leave the phone without attention even for a few minutes.
  • Use for notes paper nurses that are easily losing.
  • Many times pass the tube to colleagues.

If you are talking to the accent, try to utter phrases as clearly as possible. In no case do not clamp the tube with your hand to comment on the conversation to colleagues, because the interlocutor can hear everything. Thus, you will fall into an awkward situation.

In the case when the interlocutor voicates you a complaint, you can not tell him that this error is not yours, or this question is not in your competence. A similar answer will be able to adversely affect the reputation of the organization and will not assist in solving problems. If you have your own wine, be sure to bring apologies and try to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

There are some phrases that should be avoided:

  • "I dont know".
  • "We cannot solve it."
  • "You must".
  • "I'll be back in a second."

These answers are better replaced by neutral, which will be loyal and will not spoil the reputation of the company. When you are not able to give an accurate answer, it is better to tell me that you will try to clarify the information and call back. Use such phrases:

  • "I will clarify the information and you will call you back."
  • "We will try to resolve the issue."

Observing the culture of business communication by phone, you can prove yourself with the best side and confirm the positive image of the company in which you are working.

There is an opinion that telephone conversations Save time. However, the calculations have shown that managers have telephone conversations during the working day occupy from 3 to 4.5 hours, and employees - 2-2.5 hours. The shortcomings of telephone conversations were revealed. Their duration increases due to emotional color. This leads to speech fuzziness and incompleteness of phrases. Hence the message of business information leaves 2/3 of time, and on pauses between words and phrases, to the expression of their emotions about certain information -1/3 of time.

Quickly report certain laconic information removed from you or get those from it;

Quickly find out the opinion of one or another official in the question of interest;

Obtain consent to concrete actions in higher organizations;

Clarify whether the previous agreement is left to meet with someone.

It is important to choose the right time of telephone conversation. It should be borne in mind that:

For your information, it is convenient for the subscriber;

The subscriber must be at its workplace, taking into account the routine of the enterprise's day;

It is at this time that the phone of your subscriber is least loaded; It should be borne in mind that the most lively contacts by phone in institutions fall on December and January, on Monday and the first half of the day.

Telephone Includes a number of stages: a mutual idea, the introduction of the interlocutor to the case, discussion of the situation, the final word. Presenting the interlocutor, inform your last name, name and patronymic, place of work and the position you take. This will immediately configure him on how to conversation. Having introduced, it is desirable to ask the interlocutor if you did not prevent him with your call, whether he could pay attention to you. Only in the case of a positive response can be continued.

Rules for business communication by phone

1. When performing an urgent, not tolerance of the work:

a) do not remove the tube at all;

b) Remove it immediately and politely tell me: "Be kind, call me then. I am doing an urgent business. "

3. Recover the tube from the spawned phone replace neutral Reviews Type "Yes", "Hello", "listen" more informative: "Ivanov", "Department of personnel", "Plant". This eliminates errors and confusion, and therefore saves time. In addition, the compatibility of the review with the view specifies the business tone of the whole conversation.

4. When the call to the phone is missing at this time, the employee is recommended not to be limited to the simple state of the fact "it is not", but to give an answer about this type:

"It is not. Will be then. Maybe he can pass something? " And if you really ask you about it, do not rely on memory, immediately lock the request and place a note on the colleague table.

5. Remove the necessary phones with the mandatory indication of the surname, name and patronymic, institutions or that particular case you are associated with this person. At the same time, follow the following rules:

do not delay the interlocutor and make a primary record on the calendar, and then transfer it to where she should be;

any phone number that you know more than two or three times should be entered into a notebook;

once every six months Consisen her and cross out the numbers that no longer need;

each year change the notebook, and the old do not throw away.

6. For responsible telephone conversations (international, long-distance, higher management, etc.), it is necessary to pre-draw a list of issues so that in the excitement or a rush do not miss important moments.

7. The phone of telephone communication prescribes always to call yourself before starting the conversation, even if you expect you to know in vote.

8. All conversations should be a friendly tone. Even if the answer is accurate and full, but is given in a rough, non -actic form, it damages the authority and employee, and the organization that it represents has a negative effect on the essence of the case.

9. Recording telephones accelerates and becomes unmistakable if the voice recorder is connected to the phone.

If you call a person with whom you have already had to meet, but he may not remember you only by last name, it is necessary to remind him briefly about your last meeting. This will facilitate psychological contact and relieve the interlocutor from the need to think that he has a bad memory.

During a telephone conversation:

It must be borne in mind that words are expressive after mini


Figures, surnames and even questions best to repeat twice;

The most unpleasant words should be pronounced by the usual voice so that the interlocutor thinks in their meaning, realized why they are used by you;

Specifying a question, take a pause to the interlocutor had time to answer.

The article was prepared with the help of the book Ilina E. P. "Psychology of communication and interpersonal relationships."

"The conversation on the phone lies half the endrage between art and life. This communication is not with a person, but with the image that it takes shape when you listen to him" (Andre Morua).


Knowledge of the foundations of business etiquette and the ability to establish contacts is an integral part professional experience employees. According to statistics, for solving more than 50% of business issues, the phone is actively applied.

Indirect negotiations are largely different from direct business communication. Failure to comply with the bases of the telephone decidification imposes an imprint on the image and reputation of any organization. What are the basic rules of communication on the phone?

5 stages of training for telephone conversations

The result of negotiations on the phone largely depends on the planning. Excellent calls cannot be spontaneous. The preparation and planning of negotiations can be divided into 5 stages.

  • Information
Collection of documents and materials for holding a telephone conversation.
Determination of the goal of negotiations on the phone (receiving information, appointment of the meeting).
Drawing up a business conversation plan and a list of issues to be set.
  • Time
Selection of a convenient time for the interlocutor.
  • Setting
Positive mood is no less important than negotiation planning. In his voice, the most often audible smile, fatigue or negative emotions, that the business partner can attribute to his own account. In order for the voice to be "alive", telephone conversations are recommended to be standing with a smile!

Rules for communicating by phone in the business sector

  • At the beginning of the conversation, words cannot be used: "Hello", "listen", "say". The first and elementary rule: to be kindly presented, answering the call. For example: "Good afternoon. Tatiana manager. Company "Fortune".
  • Negotiations must be brief. It is impossible to discuss the deal or other business on the merits. To do this, you must appoint a personal meeting.
  • During the conversation, transfer the tube many times - a bad tone.
  • Negotiations are conducted only with decision makers.
  • The promise to call back should be performed immediately as soon as the problem is solved, or during the day.
  • If a specialist is absent in the workplace, information is exchanged using another employee or assistant manager. The content of the message through third parties or the answering machine must be planned in advance, complying with the rules of communication by phone. The secretary is asked to organize data transfer and control so that they come to the addressee in any case.
  • The entry to the answering machine starts with greetings, designations of the date and time of the call. After summary follow the words of farewell.
  • Can not be left unanswered phone calls, as any call can help get important information Or make a deal. Tube lift quickly to third beep.
  • Of course, you can not respond to two phones at the same time.
  1. Negotiate quickly and energetically. Clearly and clearly posing arguments, answering questions without prolonged pauses and uncertain phrases.
  2. A pause can last in the form of an exception for no more than one minute, if a specialist is searching for a document. When the interlocutor is waiting for longer, he has the full right to put the phone.
  3. Politeness is mandatory for calls. Rugan and screams in any case belong to the violation of ethics of communication by phone.
  4. When telephone negotiations, it is not recommended to use jargon, spoken and abnormative vocabulary. It is not desirable to use and terminology that may be incomprehensible to the interlocutor.
  5. It is impossible to cover the tube or microphone with hand, communicating with colleagues, as the interlocutor is likely to hear this conversation.
  6. Make a guest waiting for a visitor when you talk on the phone is a violation of business etiquette. In this case, you must apologize to voice the cause and assign the time of the new call.
  7. In case of failure, when the conversation broke out, the number called the number that called. At the negotiations of the representative of the company with the client, the customer or partner, the representative turns back again.
  8. Completing negotiations, one should once again voice joint agreements and agreements.
  9. Ends the conversation and says goodbye to the first one who called, or senior by the post, by age.
  10. Sincere words of gratitude are indispensable at the end of the conversation. For goodbye, you can register the interlocutor to cooperate: "See you tomorrow" or "phoning in ...".

Taboo, or what expressions should be avoided?

Unwanted expression Telephone communication rules
"Not" This word, especially at the beginning of the sentence, "strains" the interlocutor, complicates mutual understanding. Disagreement is desirable to express correctly. For example, "We will go to meet you and replace the product, but it is no longer possible to return money."
"We can not" Refusal to the client to approach - it means sending it to competitors. Exit: Suggest an alternative and pay attention primarily to what is possible.
"Call back", "no one", "all at dinner" A potential client will no longer call, but will choose the services of another company. Therefore, it is necessary to help him solve the problem or agree on the meeting, invite to the office, etc.
"You must" These words should be avoided using softer wording: "It is best to do ...", "It makes sense to you ..."
"I don't know," "I'm not answering for it," "This is not my mistake" He undermines the reputation of a specialist and organization. With the lack of information, it is better to answer: "An interesting question. Can I clarify it for you? "
"One second wait, I'll see (find)" Customer deception, since in a second it is impossible to do business. It is worth saying the truth: "The search for the necessary information will require 2-3 minutes. Can you wait? "
"Am I distracting you?" Or "can you distract you?" Phrases cause negative and complicate communication. These questions put the resulting person in an awkward position. Preferred option: "Do you have a minute?" Or "Can you talk now?"
Questions "Who am I talking to?", "What do you need?" The phrases are unacceptable because they transform negotiations into question and violate the rules for communicating by phone.
The question "Why ..." The interlocutor may think that you do not trust him.

7 secrets of successful calls

  1. The rules of conversation on the phone with clients assume that the resulting negotiations are stacked at 3-4 minutes.
  2. Pose and intonation are as important as the information transferred during the conversation.
  3. How does the interlocutor say? Quickly or slow. Successful managers Condition to adapt to the pace of speech of the client.
  4. Single "yes", "no" it is preferable to change the responses to the detailed answers. For example, the client is interested in whether you will be on Friday, it is worth not only to answer "yes", but also report the work hours.
  5. If the conversation was delayed, instead of apologizes, it is better to thank the interlocutor. Apologizing tone of the rules of conversation on the phone with customers are not allowed.
  6. The mark and records during telephone conversations in the notebook will help restore the course of an important conversation. A business man will not use a piece of paper or a calendar sheet for this.
  7. The peculiarity of the phone is that it enhances speech disadvantages. For its diction and pronunciation, you need to closely. Improve the technique of negotiations will help recording on the voice recorder and listening to their conversations with customers.

When the client calls ...

The client could not even call himself, immediately starting to express their problem. Therefore, you need to tactfully ask: "Sorry, what is your name?", "What organization are you from?", "Be kind to tell me the phone number?"

Customer Service Communication Rules are related to the fact that only accurate information can be transmitted if you have the necessary data. A client who did not wait a clear answer will no longer contact your organization.

Sometimes you have to deal with an angry or nervous client. His complaint is better to listen and not interrupt. It will be capable of a constructive dialogue, only when will speak. Having heard an insult should be put up.

Calls in public places or at the meeting

Meeting and business meeting is a time when the rules need to refrain from calls. Live voice is a priority. Negotiations that distract the attention of those present are unacceptable.

Answer a call on a business meeting or meeting means to show the interlocutor that you do not appreciate him and spent the time with him that the called person is more important.

There are I. good reasons, for example, a relative disease, a major contract. The communication rules on the phone assume that those present must be informed before the meeting or the meeting, agree with them the arrival of the call. The conversation should be carried out very quickly (no more than 30 seconds), if possible in another office.

A man talking on the phone during a private meeting, in a restaurant, at the meeting looks uncultural and stupid.

Business conversation on the phone. Example

Option 1

Leader: Satellite Center. Good day.

Secretary: Good afternoon. Union of consumer societies. Morozova Marina. I call about the holding of the competition.

R: Alexander Petrovich. Listen to you.

P: Yes. You can book a conference room for 150 seats.

C: Thank you. It will suit us.

P: Then it will be necessary to send us a warranty letter.

C: Good. By mail with notice you can send?

P: Yes, but there will be three days to go.

C: It's long.

P: You can send it with a courier.

C: So, do it. Thank you for the information. Bye.

P: Total Good. We look forward to collaborating.

Business conversation on the phone. Example 2.

Manager: Hello. I would like to talk with Ivan Sergeevich.

Exhibition Director: Good afternoon. I listen to you.

M: It's Baluyev Vladimir, Maxi Stroy Manager. I call about negotiations to clarify the rates.

D: Very nice. What exactly are you interested in?

M: Did the cost of the exposure square meter rose?

D: Yes, grown. One square meter In the pavilion from September 1, costs six thousand rubles, and in open exposure - three thousand.

M: Clear. Thanks for the information.

D: please. If you have any questions, call.

M: Thank you. I will ask if necessary. All the best.

D: Goodbye.


The ability to apply the communication rules by telephone with clients becomes an integral part of the image of any organization. Consumers prefer firms with which it is pleasant to deal with. Effective business communication - the key to successful transactions, and therefore financial well-being Enterprises.

A, - Hello, "Intercontragress".

B. - Hello, I called you yesterday relative to the symposium.

A. - Good afternoon, listen to you.

B. - Can you provide us with a room for a hundred thirty - one hundred forty person?

A. - Yes. We can book a conference room for one hundred fifty places.

B. - This is suitable for us, thanks. And how to make a rental of furniture?

A. - In the application you need to specify the name of all items and their number.

B. - How to send you an application?

A. - You must send a warranty letter to our address. In it you also specify all types of services and their cost.

B. - Clear. Can I send a letter by mail and fax?

B. - And after how many days do you get it?

A. - The letter is usually two to three days.

B. is quite a long time.

A. - You can send with a narrative, then it will come to us within two hours.

B. - So we will do. Thank you very much for comprehensive information.

A. - Please. All the best.

The most important mistakes in the culture of communication by phone.

1. Do not ask if the wrong number scored: "Where did I get?", "And what is this number?" Just specify: "Is it 555-34-56?".

2. It is impossible, removing the phone and responding, now it is necessary to say: "For a minute" and make the caller wait until we hand over with your affairs. If you definitely can not talk to talk, for example, because you have to open the door, tell me: "I will call you back in a few minutes," and do not forget to fulfill this promise.

3. Do not risk typing a memory number, if not quite sure that remember it.

4. Do not play a very witty game "Guess who?" If your colleagues do not recognize your voice.

5. Do not ask: "What are you doing on Saturday afternoon?", If you want to offer some reason at this time. This question suggests a refusal in advance if the interlocutor is busy or an indefinite answer. You can put it in an awkward position, forcing it to admit that on Saturday evening he is not busy. Better explain what's wrong, and offer if the interlocutor is free at this time, meet him.

6. Do not say "Hello" when you take off the phone if you are working in a large firm. It is better to pronounce its name.

7. Do not forget that conversations with employed people need to be briefly.

8. Do not allow the visitor to listen to you during a telephone conversation, and ask to come in a few minutes or stop the conversation.

9. Improvisation, call without pre-training necessary materials. Not recorded keywords, conversation plan.

10. Do not lift the handset for a long time (you need to raise up to 4 calls).

11. Speak "Hi", "Yes" at the beginning of the conversation. It must be said: "Good morning (day)."

12. Ask: "Can I help you?", Will asked correctly: "How can I help you?".

13. An unclear goal of the conversation.

14. Adverse time to call (lunchtime, end of the working day, etc.).

15. Monologists instead of listening to answers to the questions.

16. Not subsequent entry business conversation, not acceptable to record on random pieces.

17. Leave the phone unattended at least for a short time.

18. To speak: "No one", "please call back." You need to record information and the caller's number, promising to call back.

19. Maintaining parallel conversations.

20. Non-specific arrangements in the end.

21. Use an informal communication style in a business environment.

22. Do not turn the conversation into questioning, asking questions like: "Who am I talking to?" Or "What do you need?".

It is necessary to monitor its diction. You can not clamp a microphone with your hand when you pass something from the conversation to those who are near - your comments can hear a partner talking to you by phone. In the case of saying complaints or complaints, do not speak partner, that this is not your mistake that you do not do this and that you are not interested.

In terms of official communication, tone is not allowed. The tone should be calm, discreet, even regardless of the folding setting. Even if your interlocutor is annoyed and expresses discontent, manifests emotional incontinence, owning himself and suppressing a desire to answer the same way, you have an additional advantage. Learn to own themselves psychological training and constant attention to his speech. IN conflict situations It is impossible to dump the whole guilt on the other side. Recognition of at least partial responsibility for what happened removes the situation of the "go of the ball" (alternating mutual accusations) and takes a conversation again in the row of a constructive dialogue. It is known that a friendly attitude towards the interlocutor, willingness to listen to him - the basic rule of Russian etiquette.

Communication on the phone is a conversation of two blind, which in their voice is built in your head the image of the interlocutor. Who is calling? Who calls? Is there an opportunity to talk to your interlocutor? What if you pulled out a man from under the soul? What do you think will be the director's response to such a call.

The main thing at the beginning of the conversation is to create a trust relationship, and then spend a conversation in accordance with the purpose of which you call. To do this, follow the following communication rules by phone.

Rule 1. Plan negotiations

Before starting a conversation, think good:

  • convenient time to call and its duration;
  • clearly define the purpose of your call;
  • make a conversation plan.

Think out the answers to the following questions:

  • What are you going to tell about yourself and the company in which you work?
  • What questions do you intend to ask the interlocutor to find out his needs and create the necessary motivation for a further meeting?
  • What are the objections, and your possible answers?
  • How are you going to complete the conversation and agree on the meeting?

Rule 2. Remove the handset on the 3rd signal (in the event that you call).

Telephone business etiquette runts communication with the client. On compliance with the business etiquette, the client judges the company's corporate culture. Lay up the phone on the 3rd call: on the first call - to postpone the case, on the second - tune in, on the third - smile and remove the tube. If you do not take the phone for too long, it indicates the low corporate culture of the company.

Do not fuss. Many instantly grab the phone. Anyone needs at least a time for seconds to concentrate and tune in to the conversation.

Rule 3. Talking by phone, be sure to smile.

Remember when you smile, your voice becomes more pleasant. So, smile more often. Some phone profile places the mirror on the contrary to see the expression of their face while they say. All this allows you to control the presence of a smile on the face.

Rule 4. Welcome the interlocutor.

Welcome the interlocutor as good as possible and energetically. Come up with several ways to say hello. Let you have various options, for people of different sex and age. The conversation with the client is better to start with the words "Good afternoon (morning, evening)." They are more lively and have than just "Hello." Remember that at that end of the wire, someone also wants to be respected, understood and, maybe at that moment he helped him ...

By the content of the first words and the voice of the voice, the client determines your professionalism, chooses the style of communication with you. Your voice is clothing, hair color, temperament and facial expression. Remember that when telephone conversation, you will not be able to accompany the words by facial expressions and gestures. Here, first of all, the sound of your voice is important, the ability to competently express your thoughts and, of course, as an indispensable condition, respect for the interlocutor.

Rule 6. Name yourself by name.

Clearly name your name and surname. Then name the company you imagine. ("My name is ... Company" Three Whale "). Here are options that can be called extremely harmful and unsuccessful: "Guess who calls you", "Don't you know me?". These issues create psychological discomfort in another person. Put yourself in the client's place, and you will feel irritation. Do not be surprised if the client resists your suggestions after such a greeting. To an unsuccessful idea, you can take a turn "bother you ...". After this phrase, the person at the other end of the wire begins to worry. Try not to think about the lame monkey. Is it possible? The particle "not" is erased, and the second part of the phrase is perceived. You also become the culprit of this "anxiety."

Rule 7. Find out the name of the interlocutor.

To do this, use the phrase "My name is ... SorryAnd how can I contact you. " But do not hurry with recognition of the customer name. It is better to do that after the buyer adapts to the setting. In the future, when communicating, periodically call the client by name. Pronounce the name - means to show respect for a person. It should not be pronounced by a patter, better with feeling and at the same pace, in which there is a conversation. If the client is unusual or interesting name, comment on him with a bias in a good direction (tell me the person that he has an interesting name, most like it).

The following options can be called unsuccessful: "Who am I talking to?", "Who is?", "Who is the device?". And do not try to do guessing: "Is this Ira? Not? Tatyana Lvovna? Not? And who then? ". Or worse: "And where did I get?". What is the standard response, said irritable voice: "Where are you calling?".

You can come up with a lot different options, Type "I can talk to Alexander Sergeevich?".
If you have forgotten the name with whom the last time they spoke, it is better to ask "Could you remind me of your name?"

Rule 8. Find out: Can you talk to you.

It is very important! It is possible that at this moment your client is engaged in responsible and important things for him. Or your conversation is currently inappropriate for some other reason. Use the phrase "to you (and better to call the interlocutor by name) is convenient now to talk?". Remember, violating this rule, you can lose the client forever. Your deal did not take place. Call B. opening time necessary clients and with the necessary suggestions. Business calls to do at the beginning or at the end of the working day.

The first phrases say slowly, calmly and clearly, do not pour out a waterfall of information on the interlocutor - let him tune in to the conversation. Highlight Voice Essential meaningful words, change intonation. Use short messages: i.e. One sentence is one thought. Your voice, if possible, should be deep and "velvet", but observe the measure, do not replay. You can also adapt to the volume, rhythm, and the pace of speech of the client. The interlocutor will be nice to the interlocutor. The sound of your voice is determined by the pose, facial expression, posture. Tune in to the conversation - literally and figuratively. Speech is not easy to move the lips and language. Light, diaphragms, ladies, voice ligaments, mouth, tongue and lips participate in the organs. Of course, the cigarette in the mouth, a chewing, lollipop, coffee during a conversation, noise in the room, music - destroy the rapport telephone conversations.

Rule 10. Follow the plan.

You have a goal of the conversation and the prepared plan. Do not attempt to solve all problems at once on the phone. Especially avoid talking about the price of its products, cash issues are best solved at the meeting. Prepare necessary materials, handle, blank paper. Speak specifically, and about the main thing. Listen carefully to the interlocutor. Specify the customer questions, directing the conversation to the direction you need. Remember, your main goal is to agree on a meeting when you can discuss the details and sign the contract. To do this you have to create good motivation At the client.

Rule 11. Use the techniques of the active hearing

They demonstrate your interest and involvement. "So ...", "understandable ..." and others. Control time of the conversation. Do not let the client go away. Answer most questions questions and summarize the interlocutor to the meeting.

Rule 12. Make a meeting.

Contracting the meeting, make sure that your interlocutor correctly understood you, and recorded the day and hour of the meeting. Please ask the interlocutor, is it convenient for him to call him back on the eve to make sure that the meeting will take place? All these activities are useful for your customer to plan his time and adequately prepare for the meeting. Inviting your interlocutor to my office, call the exact address and tell you in detail how you can drive. Use the standard phrase: "You have a pencil at hand, please write down how it will be more convenient for us to get to us."

Rule 13. Thank the interlocutor for the call.