Family horoscope man Capricorn for the year. Capricorn - Horse

Capricorns shouldn't expect an exciting start, says the horoscope for 2014. Venus will be beautiful, but Uranus, Jupiter and Mars have lined up in hostile aspects for your sign until July, influencing many areas of your activity.

Most strongly this will affect the sphere of work, family and relationships (especially marriage). You may have desire to reconstruct some relationships in personal life and business. This will especially affect those born in the first nine days of January. You will be supported by friends and positive energies of Saturn. From August, there will be changes in your character and outlook: you will become not only stronger, but also more flexible. They will listen to you, while you can finally be more free. Nothing will be questioned anymore.

Love and relationships: horoscope for 2014 for Capricorn

In the new year, Capricorns need to stay away from cold logic and learn to think with their hearts. Try to be less constrained to learn how to show your emotions and feelings.

2014 begins with planetary love and beauty thanks to Venus in your sign, but the movement will be retrograde. This means that Capricorns are in a more nostalgic and brooding mood. Ex-partners may reappear on the horizon if any questions and business with them remain unfinished.

The sign of Capricorn is very contradictory: persistence is an absolute plus, but there is also a minus - stubbornness that defies logic. Jupiter will end its opposition with the arrival of July, leaving in the past illusions in love and mistakes in relationships. His opposition, which began in 2013, provoked annoying blunders in the life of Capricorns, excessive self-confidence and impulsiveness in relations with a partner. If you are familiar with all these misunderstandings, you just have to wait until July to improve your personal life. Before this period, you should also not make serious decisions about love and marriage.

This arrangement of the stars could be the cause of the annoying delusions of Capricorns, who are still alone. They could be deluded into believing new passions and feelings, and then realizing that all this was not what it seemed. The second half of the year, starting in July, will bring new opportunities and interesting acquaintances, even though Jupiter will be in a neutral sign. Saturn sextile to your sign will help make right choice partner, because now you will clearly see all the pros and cons. Capricorns will be able to observe progress in interpersonal relationships, the growth of social status and the maintenance of emotional balance.

Career and finance: horoscope for 2014 for Capricorn

Capricorns, get ready for a stellar career year! 2014 could be one of your most successful years, thanks to a huge conglomerate of planetary energies pushing you to the next professional level. Pluto and Saturn provide ample opportunities to excel.

The year begins with five planets in the sign of Capricorn - these are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto. Such a stellium of the planets suggests that you will be very busy, but this applies not only to your work.

The period of illusion and delusion at work will end with the transition of Jupiter to Leo (July 16). This will not only give Capricorns a second wind, but also allow them to see the results of their labors. These results may surprise them, but they are well worth the effort. Such stellar support, together with the patronage of Saturn, which remains in their sign until December 23, will give Capricorns' professional life more stability and confidence. Don't miss the financial opportunities for the second half of 2014, which you can successfully manage for yourself and your family.

Saturn in Scorpio will help materialize the long-term projects that began during this period. Despite your personal professional achievements, in 2014, teamwork will be invaluable. The creation of branches and networks is playing a key role this year. Carve out time in your busy schedule for communication, which will prove to be very constructive. It is possible that Capricorns will be able to establish the necessary connections with a very influential people in their chosen area.

Health: horoscope for 2014 for Capricorn

The general state of health and energy in Capricorns will be quite satisfactory for most of 2014, however, some diseases due to stress cannot be ruled out. A good prevention for them will be various forms meditation and exercises aimed at relaxation and recuperation. Problems and anxieties can bother Capricorns too much, so try to control your emotions. Concentrate your energy through creativity or hobbies. It will also help here correct mode and a reasonable dietary restriction that can work wonders!

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What type of Capricorn are you? A nimble mountain animal that tirelessly climbs to the very top of a cliff or a mysterious sea animal with a fish tail? Horoscope for 2014 Capricorn predicts that in the coming year you will have to play both roles. The presence of Jupiter in your opposite Cancer sign in the first half of the year will undoubtedly make you wave your fishtail.

Horoscope for 2014 Capricorn: a radical coup

You recently went through two difficult years. Three powerful planets lined up against you, and in 60% (sometimes 70%) of the planets exerted a stressful influence on you. Your character was being tested. You were pushed almost to the very edge. Not everyone could withstand this, but if you are reading this horoscope, then you have coped. This was a great achievement on your part. Very often, stressful situations came from the family. There have been many dramatic changes in the lives of your family members. The family could have collapsed or was on the very brink of destruction. Even now, the family is kept together on strings, on very thin threads. If you are a typical representative of your sign, then you prefer stability over change. You like to know where you are and what different circumstances may lead to. This can sometimes be annoying and cause feelings of frustration and insecurity. The problem is that Uranus is in the 4th house and causes sudden breaks and unforeseen changes in the home and family circle. But the horoscope for 2014 Capricorn says that you will learn to endure, fortunately, nature has rewarded you with angelic patience. This will go on for a while, but you will find your own way to deal with it.

Horoscope for 2014 Capricorn: spirituality and creativity

Since Neptune is in the 3rd house, it is very likely that you will want to dig deeper into some intellectual areas, and you may also be seriously interested in mystical and supernatural phenomena. Your hands-on mindset makes you an ideal candidate for community volunteer work.

Curious, but you were stressed in to a greater extent, from your own success. Almost always, you Capricorns have been at the very pinnacle of success, so you are the target. The person at the top is always a natural target. You have had to deal with the attacks of small bipods and competitors. If you are not higher than others, it is difficult, but if you are at the top, it is even more difficult. Each of your decisions was studied literally under a magnifying glass and was criticized. Sometimes you had to remind, even in a harsh manner, of your status.

Horoscope for 2014 Capricorn: positive and success

Love and marriage is the main theme of the upcoming 2014. It started from the moment Jupiter moved to the 7th house of love on June 26, 2013. In your life, a place is freed up not only for romantic relationships, the appearance of a new partner or the departure of an old one, as well as, possibly, marriage, but your whole social life, the entire social sphere, in general. And if you and your partner are truly a couple, then there is a chance that your relationship will be harmonious. Because main principle Jupiter is freedom, so anything that contributes to your freedom will make a difference in the new year. Since Jupiter is in Cancer, emotions matter, so not all problems you can solve only thanks to your strategic mind. You will have to become a sea creature. Your "second astrological half" Cancer reminds of Capricorn's tendency to accumulate material security and replace emotional instability with it. The horoscope for 2014 indicates that the water signs that complement the earthly Capricorn will play a confident role in the life of the representatives of the sign in the coming year. Relationships may develop with representatives of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio, romantic or otherwise. However, in the first half of the year, your schedule in terms of relationships and appointments will be quite challenging.

Horoscope for 2014 Capricorn: global changes

Pluto is responsible for transformation, sometimes for the bestowal of power and money, as well as for corruption, which is closely related to these aspects. Sometimes the transformation is internal, that is, it is the "evolution of the soul." In any case, this will be a privilege for you. Pluto has been in your sign since 2008. Therefore, you are in the process of self-renewal, your “I” is born the way you want to be. This situation will continue this year and for several more years. You are a typical person of type A. You are constantly moving, doing something, your brain is focused on several tasks at once. You always take full responsibility at work. It can be difficult for you to delegate things to another person. You are the leader everyone turns to for answers and advice.

During the transit of Pluto into your sign, almost everything in your life will undergo serious transformations. However, everything will not happen overnight. Of course, it is unlikely that you wake up in the morning and find yourself in a Stephen King novel. But when you look back in 2024, you will have a hard time recognizing your current life. What will be the opportunities? Your career may change. You can get a higher degree in a field that interests you. You can go to live abroad, get married or divorce. Horoscope 2014 predicts that you can get a monetary inheritance, you can make a fortune or lose it. Maybe you build a house, buy a house, get your dream job. How much experience you get from this transit will depend on what you have done with your life so far.

Horoscope for 2014 Capricorn offers several invaluable solutions during this transit: develop a positive attitude; live for today; be grateful and express gratitude anytime, anywhere; achieve whatever you desire with the belief in success. Books can help you with this: any books by Esther and Jerry Hicks, the book "Live Now" by author Eckhart Tolle and "Heal Your Life."

In 2014, Capricorns will be able to achieve a lot and raise their social status... From the very beginning of the year, representatives of this zodiac sign will be immersed in work. New opportunities will open up before them, which will be fraught with difficulties. But Capricorns can do everything. They will be able to show their abilities and prove their professionalism.

The first half of the year will be a good period for making decisions. During this period, Capricorns will be accompanied by unprecedented luck. But you shouldn't rely on it alone. To achieve good results at work, Capricorns will need to show their assertiveness and hard work.

People of this constellation need to prepare for the fact that at work there is not a very friendly atmosphere. Capricorns will be opposed by ill-wishers. However, everything will be resolved peacefully if the representatives of this sign show their patience and condescension. Business trips await Capricorns in mid-2014. Traveling can be of significant value and can be a step towards career advancement.

At the end of the year, Capricorns can relax and reap the rewards of their work. Everything that they have done in a year will be appreciated. Substantial profits and even promotions can be expected.

In a love relationship, Capricorns expect a change. Already at the beginning of 2014, lonely Capricorns will be able to find a loved one. But they should not rush to develop the relationship further. Perhaps this love gave rise to boring loneliness. Capricorns should sort out their feelings and draw the right conclusions.

For family Capricorns, the year will be unstable. Conflicts and misunderstandings on the part of the second half will fall to their lot. This can lead to a permanent break in the relationship. To avoid such a development of events, Capricorns are advised to be softer and try to compromise.

The second half of 2014 will be rich in emotions and passion. Capricorns will be able to fully enjoy the society of their passion, relations will become brighter and stronger, trust will appear. In general, the relationship with the second half will develop the way Capricorns will behave. If they want to maintain love and respect, then they should dampen their assertiveness and stubbornness.

In 2014, Capricorns will have to face many people who can gain trust and benefit from it. Capricorns should be more careful with unfamiliar people and rely on their rational thinking.

In the second half of the year, Capricorns may need outside help. They should put aside prejudice and pride and seek help from close friends. They will not refuse and will do their best to help solve the problem. At the end of the year, Capricorns will understand that the world is not so cruel and they are surrounded by reliable and loving people... Representatives of this zodiac sign in 2014 should communicate more often with friends, rest and relax. Then they will be able to better concentrate on work, new goals will appear, relations with people will develop easier. And so that luck does not leave you in 2014, do not forget to put and

02.06.2013 13:27

Now is the time to learn about the dark side of each zodiac sign. According to astrology, representatives of some constellations ...

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina named a list of the most stubborn, decisive and unshakable signs of the Zodiac according to the horoscope. These...

It is likely that difficult situations will arise in all spheres of life, and it will not be so easy to achieve the set goals. At the same time, no out of the ordinary events are foreseen, all difficulties will be really surmountable. It is only important that Capricorns themselves not only understand this, but also do everything in their power to overcome this or that obstacle, otherwise the stars will not be able to help them. And celestial bodies Solar system that will readily bestow Capricorns with their favor, there will be at least three: Saturn, Mars and the Sun. As a result of the successive combinations of these celestial bodies in 2014, there will not be a single moment when Capricorns will be "without cover." At the same time, the influence of the negatively minded Moon and Jupiter will periodically break through to the representatives of this zodiacal constellation, and at such moments, increased concentration and strict consideration of the maximum number of external factors will be required. As a result, from this point of view, it would be logical to divide 2014 into five time stages, each of which will be characterized by its own set of distinctive features.

The first temporary phase will run from early January to late February. At this time, it will be extremely difficult for Capricorns to move in the intended direction and complete the tasks set before themselves. Although, of course, those who did not have any tasks at all will not notice any special difficulties at this time, but by the spring they will lose all that little that is. For people careless and irresponsible, 2014 will become, without exaggeration, a real hell, the outcome of the path through which it is impossible to predict. But for those Capricorns who are ready to fight for their happiness and for their success, the stars will definitely help. And no matter how hard it is, you cannot lose faith either in yourself or in the world... Probably, one of the old colleagues will not behave quite honestly and this will not have the best effect on the Capricorn business. You need to be ready for this and promptly take all the necessary measures. In terms of personal relationships, there is a likelihood of a fairly large-scale conflict between Capricorn's relatives and his passion. To exclude this possibility, it is necessary to timely reveal all possible reasons and reasons for similar problems and neutralize them. Here, Capricorns will be helped by diplomatic skill. Unfortunately, in the field of health, some problems are also possible - exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The second time stage will begin with the dawn of spring (in March), and will end in its second month (at the end of April). At this time, it will become a little easier for Capricorns (since Mars and the Sun will go into their active phases), but you should not relax anyway. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that due to someone's carelessness, negligence and laziness in production, Capricorns will consistently have two or three fairly large problems. In the future, the problems can get quite serious development, but if they are identified in time and neutralized by the end of spring, everything will be in order. Although in this situation the stars recommend not to wait, but to act. There is a real chance that all problems will be solved even in the phase of their inception. Perhaps you will have to become a little tougher in terms of personnel policy, but, on the other hand, is there any point in keeping an incompetent employee, because of whom the company incurs losses? Against the background of some work difficulties, at home Capricorns also not everything can turn out exactly the way you want it. But on the other hand, there will be confidence and stability in relations with the “second half”. And in order to maintain such a successful state of affairs, Capricorns will have to try very hard. What exactly will need to be done - the stars do not say, but most likely, Capricorns need to be prepared for a sharp change in all their plans. Conservatives celestial bodies The solar systems have never been maintained.

Horoscope for 2014 Capricorn

Zodiac horoscope for 2014 for Capricorn

Capricorns in 2014 will not have to count on a quiet life. The stars have ordered that they have to come to their success through overcoming obstacles. And barriers and underwater rocks on their way will begin to appear with enviable regularity, you will only need to have time to turn the steering wheel. However, everything has its own meaning, and staying in constant tone should be the best training for Capricorns for the position that they will soon take. This will most likely not happen in 2014, but it is this time period that is intended to melt the representatives of this sign into a professional of the level that is represented in society by single copies. This year will not bring unbearable tasks to Capricorns. At least for their level of training, all the twists and turns will turn out to be suspiciously simple. More than once or twice, circumstances will arise that will be insurmountable for others and will cause bewilderment among Capricorns with this very insurmountability for someone. Simply put, Capricorns will be asked for help in situations that seem primitive to them and can be solved with one simple effort. Actually, those who hold all the threads in their hands do not realize that the owners of only one single connection may have difficulties. The main task of the year for Capricorns is to realize their exclusivity and learn to be lenient towards those for whom such a level of perception of reality as theirs is not available. In the winter months of early 2014, the stars will give Capricorns an idea of ​​what they will have to contend with throughout the entire period. In the sphere of business interests, a certain tension is formed, caused by the betrayal of one of the trusted colleagues or regular partners. This is not to say that Capricorns will not notice this or will be the loser, they will simply not be able to believe in this state of affairs for a long time. When there is no doubt left, they will shake off the remnants of their former affection and decisively deal with the scoundrel. The main thing is not to think too long, otherwise the situation can take an uncontrollable turn. At home at this time, there will also be a confrontation, however, Capricorns will observe it from the side. Most likely, the spouses of representatives of this zodiac sign will enter into confrontation with the rest of the family. In this situation, Capricorns can act as an arbitrator, impartially considering the essence of the dispute and making a fair decision. Some of the participants in the conflict may not like the verdict, but the representatives of the sign will have the courage and tact to gently point out the wrongness of the disputant. As a result, both sides will agree to reconciliation solely for the sake of Capricorns, who at that moment will be dear and desirable to both. Capricorns themselves will feel unwell in winter, and therefore their usual aplomb and authoritarianism will turn out to be slightly muted, which in fact will help them deal with the first two problems quickly and rather subtly. But this will deal a tangible blow to your well-being. Most likely, some old sore will aggravate, and you will have to intensively treat for some time. In March and April, it will become easier in terms of well-being and family relationships. Frightened by the disease of Capricorns, relatives will begin to blow off dust particles from them. In addition, for the sake of peace in the family, representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign will go to some unprecedented violation of their plans and possibly organize an event that in the most technical way will remove the cause of the periodically arising conflict situations... Perhaps Capricorns will borrow money and disperse, finally, with their parents. The spouses will like it very much, the parents are not a fact, but, in the end, everyone admits that Capricorns did the best. But at the service, a new bunch of problems are formed. And again, the human factor will be drawn at the forefront. True, this time it will only be about the lack of experience and competence of a number of employees, on whom, solving household problems, Capricorns will assign too difficult a task. It will be necessary to try to compensate for the losses before the onset of the warm season, otherwise another wave of problems will superimpose, and the boat of the Capricorn enterprise may start to swing. Actually, it will not be difficult to improve matters, but unpleasant. We'll have to fire someone, make personnel changes, and look for new employees on the side. It is possible that the material base will also have to be strengthened. In a word, in the first half of the year, Capricorns can spend a lot of money. From now on, the financial sector will be under constant control, you may have to turn on the economy mode to its fullest. And with all this, the committed actions both at home and at work will be positive and will improve the quality of life by an order of magnitude. In the summer of 2014, Capricorns may end up in a hospital bed, especially if they do not take measures to stop the malaise in the winter. But we must proceed from the fact that this is exactly what they will do, sorting out problems in other spheres of life. The representatives of this zodiac sign will have a long and difficult time to get out of the crisis. In addition, it will take at least a month to recover from an illness. Capricorns can minimize the blow of fate in only one way: immediately consult a doctor as soon as the first signs of impending deterioration in health appear. Do not wait that it will pass by itself, do not self-medicate, but go straight to the hospital. By the way, this will not disturb the general state of affairs. At work, Capricorns will be able to organize the process in such a way that the machine will start working by itself. Everything here will be clear and stable. Old cadres, frightened by recent layoffs, will crawl out of their skin to earn the trust of Capricorns, newcomers will try for the sake of a career. Yet again the serious reason the absence of Capricorns will fill everyone with compassion and the desire not to fail in any way. Households will unite to fight a common misfortune, and here, too, problems will not arise. Capricorns can easily afford their summer vacation during this period. By the way, they haven't had such an opportunity for a long time, so whatever happens is for the best. Returning to business in the fall, Capricorns will find that some lag has nevertheless arisen. People will have nothing to do with it, they will do everything in their power. Capricorns will do the right thing if they somehow encourage the team. Representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign will be able to return the leading positions to the enterprise with one decisive jerk. You may need a non-standard approach, some unexpected project, the implementation of which will immediately leave competitors far behind. I must say that Capricorns will make some notes on it in the hospital or on a vacation tour. In the fall, it will remain to formalize and implement all this. It will be necessary to see how the collective will revive, and with what adoration it will begin to look at Capricorns. No, whatever you say, but sometimes you can cheer in order to show a master class on your return and earn your well-deserved respect and indisputable authority. Things will finally get better in December. Capricorns will feel great. In the area of ​​business interests, a hefty bonus awaits them. Not only subordinates will notice the post-hospital demarche of Capricorns, the bosses will also appreciate it. At least, the representatives of this sign of the zodiac will hear plenty of hints about the upcoming increase from all sides. But it will look much nicer material reward, which will fall off Capricorns in full. It’s not just good at home. Spouses and parents will begin to see only advantages in each other and will stop noticing shortcomings. Capricorns will finally be able to see what truly treasure they got when distributing marriage certificates. And if, apart from jokes, in the most difficult situation 2014, the Capricorn spouses will behave with dignity, and is this not a manifestation of true love?