How to pull a submersible pump out of a well. How to get pumps out of wells yourself? Wrong Techniques for Solving Stuck Pump Problems

Water production from the well is carried out using pumping units... Sometimes such equipment needs to be raised to the surface for repair or preventive purposes. But what to do if the pump gets stuck while pulling out and how to cope with the problem yourself?

To remove the hydraulic device without damaging it, the cause of the problem must be determined. The pump can get stuck in the well in the following situations:

  1. The electrical cable is loose. In this case, during the lifting process, the pump suddenly locks in a certain area. This happens as a result of the sagging of the power wire, which wrapped around the body of the device and blocked the passage in the charge.
  2. There is a lot of sediment in the well. The pump does not move, but the cable runs smoothly. Such a stop of the movement of the hydraulic device when it is pulled out may indicate that the well is clogged with sediments, which are most often formed from sand during infrequent operation of a water source. Moreover, sandy deposits can accumulate in a layer several meters thick.
  3. There is damage in the walls of the sedimentary pipe. The pump stops at one point and you hear a banging sound. The reason for this may be the appearance of dents, violation of the integrity of the joints or damage to the edge of the sedimentary pipe.
  4. Equipment misalignment. This problem occurs when the electrical cable is slack or when the lifting cable is jerked violently. Also, sometimes the pump will skew if it is lifted with a hose or power cord. Such actions lead to not correct placement structures in the pipe. In this case, there is no knock of impact, and the device simply unexpectedly gets stuck in a certain place in the well.
  5. Foreign objects have fallen into the water source. The hydraulic device can be blocked by various fasteners of the device or debris trapped in the opening between the shaft wall and the pump.

Sometimes a more complex breakdown occurs - this is a rupture of the hoisting rope. There is such emergency situation mainly when the cord is worn out.


Having determined the reason for the pump stopping when lifting it inside the well, you can try to fix the problem yourself.

When the cable is sagging

This situation does not belong to the category of the most difficult, but it still requires careful and fairly clear actions:

  • the pump should be carefully lowered to the bottom of the well;
  • the cable, which will weaken during such actions, must be carefully pulled up;
  • when the electrical wire reaches almost the same tension as the lifting cord, you can begin to remove the pump from the water source.

With the concept of a pump, it is necessary to use not only a cable, but also a cable with a hose. All elements should be tightened together, tightening them every one and a half meters with special connecting parts - clamps or clips. You need to get the device without sudden movements, smoothly and gradually.

silted pump

When silting a well

If sediment has formed during regular use of the water source, then the problem is quite easy to fix. The pump must be gently rocked while tensioning and loosening the lifting rope. From such movements, water will gradually penetrate into the formed gap under the device, contributing to the erosion of sand accumulations.

In such a situation, 20 minutes is enough to raise the pump. But it should be borne in mind that the entire process of emptying the pump from the sludge must take place without sudden movements that can damage the equipment.

Sometimes the sediments in the borehole solidify. This process usually occurs if the source has not been used for a long time. It is difficult to wash out solid sediments, but it is quite possible. For these purposes, use:

  1. Water under pressure. This method is used in the presence of a small layer of silty hardened deposits. Washing should be done with water at a sufficiently high pressure. To eliminate stubborn formations at the bottom of the well, a long flexible hose is used, which reaches the bottom of the source without any problems.
  2. Descaling chemicals. For these purposes, the means that are used in everyday life to decompose deposits are suitable. But it must be taken into account that to erode solid accumulations at the bottom of the well, you will need a large number of such substances, and this will lead to quite considerable costs.
  3. Citric or acetic acid. The funds are diluted with water and poured into the pipe. This method is rarely used as acids can damage pump parts. But if you plan to replace the device, then this option perfect for removing formed deposits.

If you have a metal cable, you can try to create vibration with a hammer. To do this, pull on the lifting cord and tap on it. Such actions can quickly destroy the hardened small layers inside the water source.

Large volumes of solidified sediments in the well require repeated procedures. The erosion process can take more than one day. It can be accelerated periodically by turning on the equipment for pumping water, as well as by making attempts to swing the pump.

In case of damage to the sedimentary pipe

In such a situation, the pump can be removed by moving the pump with a cable:

  • rotate around its axis;
  • slightly change the vertical position of the device.

Small inclines must be done carefully, without undue effort, otherwise the lifting cord may break.

If the sedimentary pipe is damaged, do not punch the device through the problematic structural element with sudden movements. These actions will lead to an even greater fixation of the device inside the well.

The option of withdrawal through the opening in the pipe is possible if its internal section is much larger diameter pump. But only in the absence of serious dents on the walls of the sedimentary structure, which significantly narrow the passage. If the pump is jammed at a short distance from the surface, you can try to remove the pipe to the point of damage.

Severe displacement of the sedimentation device requires the involvement of professionals with special equipment. In rare cases, crushing of the stuck structure and removal in small pieces is required. But such a process is time consuming and expensive. Therefore, in such a situation, problem wells are often preserved and new ones created.

If the pump is skewed

In order to remove the pump, which is stuck as a result of an incorrect position, it is necessary:

  • loosen the cable;
  • lower the device down so that it returns to its original position;
  • lift the pump up.

Such manipulations should be carried out with the same tension on all outgoing cables - electrical wire, cord and hose. An incorrect position of at least one element will cause the subsequent skewing of the device.

If the pump does not move from its place and it is not possible to lower it at all, then it is better to turn to specialists who can get the equipment with special tools without damage.

If foreign objects get in

Often the pump gets stuck in the well due to various parts falling into it. There are several ways to solve this problem:

  1. Gently stir the equipment inside the source. An object preventing the pump from lifting may fall.
  2. Push through the part. This can be done with a crowbar or a long stick. In this case, care must be taken, as you can accidentally damage the device itself.
  3. Lower the pump down. If it is not possible to lift the equipment to the top, then you can try to lower it a little. When this is successful, you need to pull out the anti-rise element. Hooks, ropes, nets or sticks are used to remove debris.

If all methods have failed, then it is better to contact a specialist. Improper actions by yourself can damage the design of the equipment.

If the lifting cord breaks

Pulling the pump out when the lifting cable breaks is much more difficult. In this case, all methods depend on the complexity of the situation:

  1. Lift the device with an electric wire and a hose. If, when the cable breaks, the remaining cables remain intact, then sometimes it is possible, by carefully pulling them together, to remove the pump from the well. But it should be borne in mind that these elements are not strong enough and can break at any time.
  2. Hook with a hook. This method is used if the pump has a rather heavy structure and removal by pulling the cable with a hose is impossible. A hook is tied tightly to the end of a strong cable or rope to a strong cable or rope. It is lowered into the well to hook, and then pull out the pump. The rest of the whole cables are used for safety net.

If all the elements holding the pump have broken off and the device has fallen into the well, it is recommended to use this option. A device in the form of a corkscrew is attached to a metal bar, which is lowered into the well and screwed directly into the body of the stuck device. It is quite difficult to get the pump in this way and after removing it, its structure will be damaged.

To avoid problems with removing the pump from the well, it is necessary to take into account the following points when arranging a mine:

  • drilling of the source must be carried out in compliance with all technological requirements;
  • pipes for wells should be selected based on the characteristics of the soil, the possibility of its displacement when weather conditions change;
  • to prevent breaks or sagging of cables, it is recommended to connect all three elements coming from the pump with special clamps;
  • the cable for lifting the pump must be one-piece, durable, and also resistant to corrosion;
  • to avoid the ingress of foreign objects into the water source, a head should be installed in the upper part of the mine;
  • when installing the pump, it is necessary to take into account that its diameter should be slightly less than the section of the sedimentary pipe.

To avoid breakdowns, it is necessary to periodically clean the filters and the well itself. Prevent education various deposits regular use of the source will help. If this is not necessary, it is recommended to occasionally run the pump in idle mode. It is also required to check the condition of the tensioning and fastening elements at least every six months.

The correct approach to the arrangement of wells will help to avoid the unpleasant moments associated with lifting the pump. But still, if such a problem arises, then you can try to pull out the device yourself. In this case, the main thing is accuracy and the absence of excessive efforts, which can aggravate the situation and cause the pump to malfunction.

Many users of autonomous water supply systems find themselves in a situation where the pump is stuck in a well. If you take the wrong action in such circumstances, it can lead not only to damage pumping equipment, but also to the fact that the well will be impossible to operate in the future. That is why when pumping equipment gets stuck in a well shaft, it is important to know how to do the right thing. This will save not only own strength, but also the financial resources that otherwise will need to be spent on purchasing new equipment or drilling a new well.

Why do pumps get stuck in wells?

Asking the question of how the pump can get stuck in the well, you should know the main reasons for this situation. Let's list them.

  • The cable is slack, which provides electrical power to the hydraulic machine.
  • A large amount of silt has formed in the well.
  • The pipe walls in which the pump is located are damaged.
  • There is a foreign object in the pipe in the well.

The distance between the pump casing and the inner walls of the pipe in which it is placed can be quite small (only a few centimeters), so it is almost impossible to determine the state of such a narrow lumen without the use of special equipment. That is why, in order to find out why a pump is stuck in a well, you often have to focus on various signs.

Causes of occurrence and ways to correct the situation

How to get the pump out of the well? First, you should find out the cause of the problem and only then take certain actions.

Slack in the electrical cable

Quite often the pump gets stuck due to slack in the power cable. A clear sign of this is that the device does not move upward when it is lifted out of the shaft, even if you apply considerable effort. The electric cable can not only sag, but also wrap around the body of the hydraulic machine.

If you find that the pumping equipment is stuck in the well due to a slack in the electrical cable, carefully lower the unit, then take up the slack in the cable and try to lift the pump again, making sure that the hose, cable and cable on which it is suspended are not slack. To avoid such situations, the electric cable borehole pump attached to its hose with special clamps, which must be replaced with new ones each time the device is lifted. It is undesirable to neglect such a simple procedure. Otherwise, you will have to decide how to get the pump out of the well.

Strong silting of the well

It can be difficult to get the pump out of the well for the reason that due to long-term operation filled big amount silt and sand. In this case, the pump is blocked by a layer of silt and sand at the bottom of the well, the depth of which can be two to three meters.

It is not easy to get a stuck pump out of a well, the bottom of which is filled with silt and sand, but it is quite possible. To carry out this procedure, the body of the device should be gently rocked with a rope. They act in such cases as follows: by manipulating the cable, the stuck pump located in the lower part of the well is pulled up and lowered down until its body breaks off from the sludge adhering to it. As a result of such actions, the sediment under the body of the hydraulic machine will be washed away, and after that it can be carefully removed from the well.

The problem with silting up a well and, accordingly, with a deep-well pump stuck in it, arises in cases where its shaft has not been cleaned for three or even five years. In order not to puzzle over how to get the pump out of a well in which a large amount of silt and sand has accumulated, its shaft should be subjected to preventive cleaning every year.

Deepening in limestone

Get stuck submersible pump maybe in a limestone-type well, if its mine has not been serviced for a long time. Wells of this type are not silted up, and equipment gets stuck in them due to the fact that its body is deeply buried. As a result, the water around it remains stationary for a long time, the calcium and iron salts contained in it interact with oxygen and precipitate. This sediment, characterized by a sufficiently high density, accumulates both at the end of the pump and on the elements of the pipeline system it serves.

It makes no sense to flush the well if a limestone sediment has formed in it, since such sediments, as already mentioned above, are characterized by a fairly high density. The jammed pump should be pulled out of the limestone according to the above method, slowly swinging its body with the help of a cable with which such a device is connected to the surface. When performing this procedure, it is better to turn on the hydraulic machine so that the water pumped by it quickly erodes the formed limestone sediment.

In order not to encounter a deep-well pump stuck in a limestone-type well, one should not only subject its mine to regular maintenance, but also properly install pumping equipment in it.

Mechanical damage to downhole pipes

Mechanical damage to pipes (dents, divergence of joints, etc.), in which the downhole pump is located, can also cause it to jam. If, when lifting the device from the well pipes, a sound of impact appears, this clearly indicates that there are mechanical damages in them. To extract the borehole pump in this case, you can try to give its body a rotational motion.

Ingress of a foreign object

The cause of a deep-well pump stuck in the well can also be a foreign object in the gap between its casing and the well pipe. Any object falling into it will cause the equipment to jam. If a serious effort is made to retrieve a stuck pump from a well in such a situation, it may simply fall into its well. If the pump falls into the well, it is almost impossible to lift it to the surface. That's why best advice if the pump is stuck in the well due to a foreign object, use the services of specialists from companies dealing with maintenance and repair of pumping equipment.

What not to do and what to do

When retrieving pumping equipment stuck in a well, its users often make erroneous actions that can only lead to a worsening of the problem, and not to its resolution. Let's consider such actions in more detail.

Excessive effort

This often results in a break in the cable or hose that holds the pump and the device can fall into the well. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to remove the stuck submersible pump with the utmost care. When placing the pump in the well, you should initially use a cable for this that can withstand increased loads.

Usage various devices(hooks, assault cats, etc.)

In most cases, the use of such devices to retrieve a pump stuck in the well results in both the pump and the device for retrieving it remaining in the well. This situation will significantly complicate the task of removing the pump, which is stuck in the well shaft.

Using a crowbar tied to a rope or cable

In the event that such scrap falls into the well, one can not hope for the prospects for its further use.

If we talk about the most effective and safe methods for removing a pump stuck in a well, then among them we can distinguish such as:

  • sampling the cable holding the pump in the well, fixing it in a taut state and tapping ( this procedure should be performed several times until the pump begins to rise along the well pipe);
  • pushing a stuck pump into the lower part of the well, for which a load is used tied to the end of a cable or rope (in this case, a piece of steel pipe corresponding diameter).

A pump stuck in a well is a headache for many homeowners. Incorrect actions in such a situation can lead not only to equipment damage, but also to the complete loss of the well. By figuring out how to get the pump out of the well, you can save energy, time, and money.

Why can equipment get stuck at all?

The reasons why it is not possible to freely pull the pump out of the well can be different. The most common among them:

  • slack in the cable;
  • silting of the well;
  • mechanical damage to the pipe walls;
  • foreign objects trapped in the pipe.

And since the gap between the pipe walls and the equipment can be only a couple of centimeters, it is simply impossible to see what happened there without special equipment. Therefore, you will have to find out the causes of the problem by the symptoms.

To get the pump out of the well, you need a lot of effort and skill - you have to be patient

Videos will help you assess the difficulties associated with well workover:

Remedies for Jam Cause

Possible situation # 1:

  • Symptoms: The pump is stuck while lifting and does not move up despite considerable effort.
  • Diagnosis: This is most likely the most common and most easily fixable problem: loose cable that is wrapped around the pump housing.
  • What to do? Carefully lower the pump down, take out any slack in the cable and raise the pump again. In this case, make sure that the cable, cable and hose do not sag.

It is very easy to avoid cable sagging. It must be attached to the hose with special clamps. Each time the pump is lifted, they will have to be removed and then new ones installed, but these are trifles compared to the efforts to pull out the stuck pump.

Possible situation # 2:

  • Symptoms: It is impossible to get a pump out of the well onto the sand, which has served faithfully for several years without any problems.
  • Diagnosis: The well is silted up, the pump is blocked by sediments, which can reach several meters.
  • What to do? The structure must be “rocked” by carefully operating the rope. It must be pulled upwards, then released until it is possible to tear the pump away from the sludge. Water will enter the gap and the sediment will be gradually washed away. The pump can then be carefully removed.

This problem most often occurs if the well has not been cleaned for three to five years. Annual cleaning will minimize the risk of siltation in the well.

To pull the pump out of the well, it is sometimes used special equipment

Possible situation # 3:

  • Symptoms: The pump cannot be pulled out of a limestone well that has not been serviced for a long time.
  • Diagnosis: The situation is similar to the previous case. Wells are not susceptible to usual siltation of wells on limestone, therefore, it can be concluded that the so-called "reverse siltation" has occurred. Its cause is the excessive deepening of the pump, as a result of which the water around it stagnates. As a result, the calcium and iron salts contained in the water combine with oxygen and turn into sediment, which accumulates on the pipes and the end of the pump.
  • What to do? Attempts to flush the well to get rid of the plug will fail as the sediment is very dense. As in the previous case, you will have to slowly and carefully swing the pump. In this case, it is recommended to turn on the equipment so that the water will quickly wash away the sediment. Further Special attention should be paid not only to regular maintenance of the well, but also to the correct placement of equipment in it.

Possible situation # 4:

  • Symptom: The pump is stuck in the middle of the borehole, a banging sound may be heard.
  • Diagnosis: The pump is prevented from advancing due to pipe damage caused by the joint broke, a dent has formed, a flattened edge, etc.
  • What to do? In this case, carefully rotate the pump. Equipment may slip by dangerous place, but there is no guarantee of a successful solution to the problem.

Possible situation # 5:

  • Symptom: The pump is suddenly stuck in the middle of the well.
  • Diagnosis: An object (a bolt, a pebble, etc.) was dropped into the well, which fell into the gap between the pump and the wall and jammed the equipment.
  • What to do? The most reasonable thing in this case is to call a team of specialists, since the likelihood of coping with the problem on your own is negligible.

"Folk recipes" for a stuck pump

In an attempt to save money on the services of the brigade and independently resolve the issue of how to get the pump out of the well, the owners summer cottages turn out to be very inventive. Often this is expressed in energetic, but completely wrong actions, such as:

  • Excessive force that breaks the rope or hose. All operations for removing a stuck pump must be done very carefully. Even when installing equipment, you should purchase a high-quality steel rope, which can withstand increased loads.
  • Using crampons and hooks and other similar devices to pull the pump out with the broken cable. If they break off and remain in the well, the task of retrieving the stuck pump will be several times more difficult.
  • Attempts to move a stuck pump with a crowbar tied to a rope or cable. Experts consider scrap falling into the well to be the most reliable "killer" of the well. Restoring its normal operation in this case is almost impossible.

And yet, several "power" techniques invented craftsmen can be effective. For example, you can select a cable and keep it taut. Periodically, the cable is tapped, if after that there is a slack, the cable is selected, pulled, tapped again, etc. The procedure can take several days.

Additional devices must be securely fixed with a cable so that they do not fall into the well.

Another method is to push the pump down with a weight. To do this, take a piece of steel pipe of a suitable diameter, about a meter long. A metal "ear" is welded to the top of the pipe, on which a separate cable is fixed. After that, the cable, cable and pump hose must be passed inside this pipe.

The structure is lowered down so that the pump is moved from its place under its weight. When this happens, you need to carefully pull all the components out of the well at the same time: both the pump and a piece of pipe. It is worth considering that the weight of the device can reach fifty kilograms.

If the pump is stuck tightly, and it was not possible to move it from its place by any means, it remains only to contact the specialists. Using special equipment, such as an underwater video camera, they will be able to accurately diagnose the problem and suggest optimal solution... However, it should be remembered that such services are very expensive. In addition, not every well with a stuck pump can be saved. Competent design and arrangement of wells, use quality materials and regular maintenance will help prevent many problems.

Submersible pumps used in autonomous systems water supply, sooner or later even with correct operation have to be removed from the source for routine inspection or repair. Sometimes the unit completely fails and the pump needs to be replaced in the well. But you should know that in some cases it is rather difficult to perform this operation.

The most common situations in which it is required to remove the pump from the well in order to replace it or make repairs are as follows:

  • burned out the engine of the unit, which drives its blades in motion (in the case of a membrane submersible device, the electromagnetic coil may fail);
  • an incorrectly selected pump in terms of power and performance for a specific well;
  • damage or burnout of the cable supplying equipment;
  • silting or sanding of the well;
  • break in the cable holding the pump in the well;
  • failure of the pressure pipe connected to the unit branch pipe;
  • breakdown of the device due to improper installation;
  • decreased equipment performance;
  • jamming of the unit in the well due to the twisting of an electric cable around it, etc.

Dismantling the old pump

Replacing a borehole pump, namely, removing it from a well, is a rather complicated procedure, despite the seeming simplicity of the process. The complexity of dismantling equipment is influenced by the depth at which it is installed. It is customary for experts to divide 3 levels of difficulty in lifting pumping equipment.

  1. Raising the apparatus from depth up to 30 m... This is the easiest way to dismantle the pump. In this case, the weight of the unit with the pipe connected to it is negligible. One person will be able to cope with the extraction of such equipment from the well.
  2. Dismantling the unit located at a depth of 30 to 100 m. Artesian pumps, for example, of the ETsV brand, are already operating at such depths. It is more difficult to lift the unit from such a depth, since the length of the pipe connected to it is longer than in the first case, and, accordingly, the entire structure is heavier. In addition, the mass of water in the discharge pipe should be taken into account. Therefore, you will not be able to remove the equipment alone. We'll have to resort to the help of several people. Also, to lift the entire structure, you will need to use lifting devices, for example, a winch or a manipulator.
  3. Removing equipment from depths more than 100 m... As a rule, galvanized or stainless pipes... Sometimes instead of metal pipes use HDPE pipes that can withstand a pressure of 16 atmospheres. Ultimately, the weight of all equipment is very heavy. To extract it from an artesian well, you cannot do without a crane or a winch.

The extraction procedure itself is quite simple in theory:

  • disconnect the equipment from the mains;
  • disconnect the standpipe from the water supply at home;
  • Pull the pump (by the cable) slowly and carefully, disconnecting the sections of the extracted pipe (if it is metal).

Disassembly problems

But sometimes the removal of equipment becomes impossible due to various problems.

The pump is silted up

Silting of the unit body in casing- This is a fairly common problem when removing the device. Silting occurs if the device for supplying water from the source is rarely used. It is the layer of silt that has accumulated in the casing that interferes with the removal of the device from the well.

In this case, to get the equipment out of the casing, it is used swing method. The essence of the method is forced up and down movements of the pump, due to which the space around the unit will be flushed with water and freed from accumulated sludge.

It is very important to carry out the rocking process slowly so that the flushing takes place evenly. Pulling the cable should also be done without undue effort. Otherwise, the device will jam in the pipe even more, or the cable will simply break.

If the rocking fails to free the equipment, you will have to resort to the help of firefighters. They, having lowered the fire hose into the well closer to the pump, wash away the accumulated layer of silt with a strong pressure of water.

If the well in which the unit is stuck is drilled in limestone, then possible reason jamming of equipment can be limescale on the casing.

Advice! In this case, the rocking method with the engine on is used to retrieve the unit, so that the casing is cleaned more intensively.

Unit stuck in well while lifting

Often when lifting equipment from a well due to sagging electrical cable or sagging rope, it sticks firmly in the casing. In this case, the cable (rope) wraps around the body of the unit and does not allow it to move freely. The pump is “released” according to the following algorithm.

  1. Try lowering the unit to the bottom. After that, unwind the loop formed around the device by slowly swinging the cable in different directions while pulling the cable (cable).
  2. When lifting the unit, remember to synchronously tighten all the elements connected to the pump: hose, cable and cable.
  3. Secure all elements with cable ties every meter.
  4. Lift the equipment slowly and with the utmost care.

The pump fell into the well

If, when removing the unit, it fell into the well, then it is not always possible to get it. But of course it's worth trying.

  1. Craft from steel wire hook "cat".
  2. Weld steel wire to the hook. Its length should be equal to the depth of the well plus another 50 cm.
  3. Lower the hook into the hole and when it reaches the fallen pump, start rotating the wire to try to snag the hose.
  4. If you succeed in hooking the hose, then try to slowly and carefully pull the apparatus out of the well. It can be retrieved using a winch or other lifting equipment.

When the pump cannot be removed, it can be left in the well, provided that it does not interfere with its filling with water. Sometimes a non-removable assembly destroy with a bailer(see picture below)

The unit is broken into small pieces and either recovered in parts or left in the well.

You can also call the drillers, who will use a special drill to make the hole usable again. You should be aware that this operation is not cheap, but it will cost much less than the cost of drilling and completing a new well. In addition, after cleaning the well, it will be necessary to replace the downhole pump with a new one.

Rules for installing a new pump

Before installing the pump in the well with your own hands, you need to prepare the casing.

It is important to know that it is forbidden to test the equipment “dry”, that is, without immersion in water. Even if switched on for a short time, it will fail.

Then connect the cable to the unit... It is needed in order to lower the device into the well or, if necessary, get the pump out of it. Usually use a cable made of of stainless steel or covered with plastic. Also, as a safety cable, you can use a nylon cord. The breaking strength of the rope should be at least 5 times the weight of the equipment. The cable is threaded through special holes located in the upper part of the unit, after which the loop is fixed with metal clamps.

Connect the discharge pipe to the device with a fitting.

Tie the power cable and cable (without tension) to the discharge pipe using plastic ties. Next, start lowering the unit into the well, holding it by the safety cable. This operation will require the help of at least 1 person.

Advice! The device should be lowered slowly, making sure that the electric cable is not pulled or sagged.

After the equipment is immersed to the required depth (calculated in advance), the upper part of the head should be put on the casing, after having connected a safety cable to it.

Connect to electric cable coming from the unit, capacitor box.

Switch on the unit and check its operation for 30 minutes. At the very beginning of the start-up of the apparatus, the water may be cloudy. But after a short period of time, it should go clean. If no malfunctions were found during the pump test, then you can continue with the installation of the unit.

Cut the riser pipe coming out of the wellhead to the required size (with a small margin), put a fitting on it and connect it to the surface (underground) piping system. The final stage of the installation of the device is sealing of the power cable in the sealed lead-in.

This completes the installation of the downhole unit. Further, you can connect a storage tank or a hydraulic accumulator with a pressure switch to the pipeline. In the latter case, you will get a complete pumping station , which will be able to uninterruptedly provide water supply to the water supply system of private housing construction.

Pump stuck in the well, how to pull it out

Having spent many years in the field of drilling water wells, we have seen countless different situations and one of the most unpleasant is the one that we will now talk about.
We recommend that you take what happened seriously and do not rush into action, here you can easily create more big problem than the existing one.
First, we will deal with the causes of jamming, describe popular situations and tell you what to do if a pump is stuck in a well and how to get it to the surface. All from experience, no theory and guesswork, just what we have seen over the years of work.

Why is the pump stuck in the well

To begin with, let's figure out the reasons for this phenomenon, so as not to run into something like this in the future.

  • The main reason for getting stuck in a submerged well pump too deep, deeper than recommended.
    We have come across cases when people feel sorry for the money spent for each meter, and they lowered the pump to the maximum possible depth.
    There are situations when the customer saves money and invites his workers to perform the arrangement, but they did not calculate the depth, for example, they forgot that the caisson had already eaten 2 meters of the total depth of the well.
    Or read the tips where it is recommended to put the pump at a depth of 1-2 meters from the bottom.
    All this leads to the penetration of the submersible pump into the open wellbore. In the process of work, it is slowly brought in by sludge, maybe something else will break off from above and fall. As a result, when you try to get it, you pull up, and the pump is stuck and it is not known what to do.
  • Second reason why submersible pump stuck in a well: non-compliance with the clearances between the pump and the casing. For example, in an attempt to give the best possible price, many drilling companies say that it is possible to install a 4 "pump (98 mm) in 117 mm casing. The inner diameter of this pipe is 101 mm, and in cold water it tapers to 100 mm. Moreover, plastic pipe can be easily deformed and, when trying to reach the pump, it wedges tightly.
    More details about the diameters of the pumps and how they are combined with the diameters of the casing pipes, we wrote in this article.
  • In some cases, the pump may cling to the casing or the casing may have burst.

The main reason for the appearance of everything written above is excessive economy and, as a result, the admission to work of unskilled performers, shabashniks or people with no experience at all. And also, unwillingness to follow what is written in technical passport to the well.
As a result, we have an incorrect installation of the borehole pump.

The pump is stuck in the well, how to get it

In the event that the pump hits an open hole, there is not much chance of pulling it out, but you can pull on the propylene pipe and try to lift it that way. It is strong enough and occasionally it is possible to get it for it. In 99% of cases, the safety cable will not help you to remove the pump from the well, the attachment of the cable to the pump is very flimsy, you will simply rip it out of the pump ears.

The safety rope will save only if the pipe has fallen off or some other trifle has happened.If it is still possible to lift it, then the pump will be all twisted and inoperative, but the main thing is the well is intact.

A common situation from experience: the owner decided to get the stuck deep pump on his own, the workers pulled, pulled for everything they could. The cable and cable broke off, all this fell into the well on top of the pump. The cable ripped itself apart and the pump got stuck even more. As a result, it was necessary to call the drillers to eliminate the consequences and restore the working capacity.
There were similar situations with vibration pumps, like the Kid. When trying to get it, a cable, a cable and even a hose fell into the hole.

The main danger in trying to reach a stuck pump is to make a bad situation completely hopeless. There is no universal advice, there is no device for getting a stuck pump in a well ... Therefore, do not bring to drilling a new well, to lift a stuck pump call the drillers... All manipulations with the well are performed using a drilling rig. The drilling team will come with their tool, take a passport for the well and decide how and which tool to use. Perhaps they will try to drill him out with a core pipe so that he can go into it and raise him that way. But there is a danger that the pump is at an angle and it will push the core pipe sideways, after which it will drill a hole in the casing.
There is also an option to try to wind the pump with the help of a machine and pull it out in parts, or lower it to the bottom of the well, so as not to interfere with the new one. The decision will be made by experts, looking at the passport for the well. If there is no passport, then it is necessary to conduct a survey of the well, and this is an additional cost. Moreover, the drilling company does not guarantee 100% delivery of the pump, the chance is always 50/50, but you have to pay the money for going and work. This is understandable: people will spend time in which they could drill and get money. Therefore, it is cheaper to throw a shallow well (up to 50 meters) and drill a new one.

  • And the most hopeless option: they try to knock down a periodically jammed pump with a crowbar. Workers lower the crowbar on a rope into the borehole and knock on the pump. Often this scrap remains in the well, after which you can safely drill it all over again. It will not work to get scrap from the well.

How to get a broken pump out of a well

If the pump just fell into the well or the wire fell on the pump, then it will be easier to get it. The pump itself does not hold anything, it does not cling to anything, which means that you can try to build a hook from the wire and try to pry the wire. Very rarely, but it succeeds. Further, the pump itself will slowly rise. The main thing is not to drop the wire into the hole. The more iron falls there, the less chances to save the situation. Therefore, be careful with fittings, wires and other metal items.
But, given the not very difficult nature of the work, it is better not to put the well at risk and call the drillers who will bring the equipment and try to resolve the issue.

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