The company seal is no longer required for the LLC. The seal of the organization was canceled, the seal of the organization is not affixed to all documents

At the beginning of April 2015, Federal Law No. 82-FZ was issued, according to which printing is no longer a mandatory attribute of organizations.

What should be

Regardless of the organizational form, the cliché of the organization must contain its full name and address... Indication in a foreign language is allowed. Regulations do not regulate either the size of the cliché or its color.

Moreover, it is not known whether it is possible to indicate the abbreviated name of the company, as well as supplement the seal with such details as the inscriptions "for documents" or "for invoices." It can be concluded that the legislation left the affixing of the abbreviated name and inscriptions to the discretion of entrepreneurs.

The common size is 38-42 mm... Usually the company stamp is blue or purple... If it is lost or worn out, the company must make a new copy. The same applies to situations when the organization has changed the details indicated on the imprint (for example, address or name).

Federal Law No. 82-FZ allows for the possibility that the organization may not have a seal, however, the legislation obliges the use of printing on strict reporting forms, in work books, as well as in cash orders. It follows from this that as long as the mention of the obligatory affixing on some documentation is preserved in regulatory enactments, the company must have it.

Of course, there are some exceptions to the above rules. So, an entry in an employee's work book can be certified not only with a blue imprint of the company, but also with a stamp from the personnel department.

The use of seals is mandatory if the company with some specific counterparty did not prescribe in the contract a clause on its possible non-use. If there is no such clause, then the transaction may be considered invalid.

The stamp is placed on documents to give them legal effect. However, not all documentation needs this. On some personnel documents you can skip putting this props.

Some are stamped accounting papers(for example, estimates and orders). All constituent documentation, contracts, additional agreements are also required for certification.

The imprint is placed at the bottom of the text next to the signature of the official. The stamp should in no case fall on the decryption of the signature. Sometimes the mark “M. P." or "Place of the seal" and the imprint should be placed exactly on it.


Primary documentation in the company refers to the so-called primary accounting, which means the very first stage of generalization of operations in the organization... Primary documents are considered documents that can confirm the existence of any business transaction. All information that is contained in the "primary" should be reflected in the accounting.

The stamp is placed on those primary securities, which are made in a unified form. An example of a unified primary document is a consignment note made according to. If the company itself approves the form of any primary document, then affixing an imprint is not required.


The order is an internal document in the organization, i.e. he does not go beyond it. Thus, affixing an imprint on the order is optional, and in most cases it is omitted. If the employee asks for a copy of the order, then the copy is certified according to all standards, with a stamp and other appropriate details.

No internal company documentation is stamped. The only required requisite that must be present on the order is the signature of the head.

Company letterheads

The stamp is placed on the letterhead of the organization, depending on how the letterhead was made. So, if the company's letterhead belongs to strict reporting forms, then an imprint on such paper is required. If the letterhead of the organization is issued on multi-colored paper with the company logo, then the imprint is not put.

To certify a regular information letter on the organization's letterhead, it is enough to affix the signature of the official. In some cases, an imprint on the company's letterhead is required to be affixed. The seal is placed on letters of guarantee, as well as on powers of attorney (for example, to represent the interests of the company in court or to receive material values).


Placing a stamp on a document on which it is not stamped will not lead to any proceedings. However, if you do not put this requisite on the papers that are required to be certified in this way, then the consequences may be unfavorable.

A document that is not properly certified is deprived of legal force, and it will no longer be possible to consider it as evidence in court proceedings.

In addition to the above documents, are required to be certified the following types of securities:

When filling out a work book, you should take into account the following points... The stamp of the organization must be on the title side of the book. If the employee's personal data has changed - by inside covers. Upon termination of employment, the termination record must always be accompanied by the blue seal of the organization.

Typical prints

Depending on the organizational form of the enterprise print impressions may vary by outward appearance ... So, the imprint of an individual entrepreneur is a little simpler than that of an LLC or CJSC, and contains fewer required elements. Let's consider typical stamp impressions depending on the type and form of the company.

  1. Simple... Contains in the middle the name of the organization, and in the edging is the form of organizational activity, as well as ORGN and KPP. Also, the address of the company can be put in the edging.
  2. With microtext... In such seals, in contrast to the previous ones, there is a more complex edging, passing along the edge in 2 layers. In the outer layer there is a smaller text, which is written, for example, its registry number. In the inner layer of the edging, as well as in simple printing, there is the address, OGRN and, as well as the organizational form of the company.
  3. Ornamental piping. Large companies they prefer to use fantasy prints in their activities, in which a pattern goes between the inner and outer layers of the edging.
  4. For individual entrepreneurs... Contains, as a rule, the full name of the entrepreneur in the middle, along the edge such details as the address, as well as the TIN are put in.

You can find out which documents are stamped from this video.

Features of affixing

The seal is obligatory for affixing on all contracts, most personnel documents, as well as on. Letters of guarantee and certificates are null and void if they are not stamped. Nothing bad will happen if you put it on a document on which an imprint is optional. However, you should always put it down where his presence may be required in the future during the trial.

Some firms are developing special regulations or instructions for the use of printing. As a rule, it is approved by the head and contains such sections as a list of stamps used in the organization, the place of their storage, as well as the procedure for use.

The stamp is placed only next to the signature of the official who has the right to sign this type of documentation. As a rule, this is either the head of the company or a trusted person.

The legal meaning of this requisite is to certify the signature of the official who is included in the leadership circle of people working for the company whose name is indicated on the seal.

The imprint cannot be affixed next to the signature of an ordinary employee of the company. It is desirable that the seal does not enter the signature of the official, be readable and make it possible to distinguish all the information on it.

For more information about when you need to print on documents, see: 2010, no. 9, p. 73

Many organizations, in addition to the main printing, also use additional printing in their work. They can be identical to the main one, or they can contain various inscriptions indicating the type of structural division of the company (for example, "Human Resources", "Accounting", "Warehouse", "Secretariat", "Branch") or the type of documents on which the seal is put (“For financial documents” “For accounts”, “For information”, “For agreements”, etc.). This is especially convenient when you need to urgently deliver a seal, but there is no access to the main seal. However, counterparties are often suspicious of such seals and sometimes even ask to replace the document. The tax officer sometimes clings to special seals and Resolution of the FAS SZO dated 13.10.2009 No. A21-8887 / 2008... Let's find out if such claims are legitimate.

Is it possible to have additional seals

Doubts about the validity of documents certified by an additional seal arise due to the fact that the Laws on LLC and JSC indicate the obligation of the company to have a "seal", and not "seals » ; ... But after all, there is no prohibition to have additional seals. The courts agree with this s Resolutions of the FAS TsO dated 07.09.2010 No. A23-2563 / 09A-13-48; Third AAS dated March 31, 2009 No. A33-11861 / 2008-03AP-548/2009; The fourth ААС dated 14.12.2009 No. А78-4869 / 2009 and even recognize the presence of several seals as a custom of business a Resolution of the Fourth AAC dated November 30, 2009 No. A10-2163 / 2009.

What additional printing might look like

Let us recall how the main seal should look, and, based on this, select the types of additional seals.

1clause 5 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of 08.02.98 No. 14-FZ "On Limited Liability Companies"; clause 7 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies"

What documents can be used for additional printing

If the seal on the document is not required, then you can put any seal on it, even a stamp.

If the seal on the document is required, then you can use a special seal, but only if a few rules are followed.

Reader opinion

“We sent the driver to receive the goods by power of attorney with the seal“ For documents ”. The goods were not shipped to him - they said that such a seal was invalid. They explained that they were wrong, because the seal is round and the name and place of registration of the organization are indicated on it, did not help. I had to redo the power of attorney and go again. ”

accountant, Moscow

RULE 1. Special seals must meet the requirements of the main seal and FAS PO Resolution of June 29, 2009 No. A06-6474 / 2008; The fourth ААС dated 30.11.2009 No. А10-2163 / 2009.

RULE 2. Special seals are applied according to their purpose m Resolution of the Seventh AAC dated December 17, 2010 No. 07AP-10623/10; FAS VVO dated 04.16.2004 No. А43-10946 / 2003-25-340... For example, the seal "For invoices" should not be used on contracts, and the seal of the branch should not be used on documents of the head office. But the print "For Documents" has a general purpose, so it can be used for any document v Resolution of the FAS ZSO dated 11.11.2010 No. A70-4089 / 2010.

RULE 3. On contractual documentation, as well as on documents of acceptance and transfer of goods (works, services), a special seal is applied, if the contract does not prohibit it. T Resolution of the Seventh AAC dated December 17, 2010 No. 07AP-10623/10... For example, if the agreement does not stipulate that the parties can use only the main seal, then you can put on the documents the seal "For documents".

It is better to put the main seal on documents for government agencies. This will save the company from possible nagging and disputes on their part. And for convenience, you can make several identical seals.

Recall that printing is required, for example, on such documents:

  • power of attorney on behalf of the organization and clause 5 of Art. 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • contract s clause 1 of Art. 160 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • tax returns and calculations of insurance premiums (form RSV-1 PF R approved Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 12.11.2009 No. 894n and form-4 FSS R F approved Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated February 28, 2011 No. 156n);
  • certificates according to the form No. 2-NDFL approved By order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 17, 2010 No. ММВ-7-3 / [email protected] ;
  • document submitted to the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service at the request of the tax authorities s clause 2 of Art. 93, pp. 1, 3 tbsp. 29 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • unified forms of primary goods, providing for the requisite "Place of seal" (for example, an invoice according to the form No. TORG-12 approved Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 No. 132, acts in the form No. KS-2 and KS-3

Abolished the obligation for limited liability companies and joint stock companies to have a seal. According to the initiators of the bill, this should reduce the registration period of the company by one day. Maybe this is so, although it certainly did not take a day to make a seal, but the consequences of the implementation of this initiative were not very rosy.

The specified 82-FZ made a number of changes to several laws at once, excluding the seal of a business company from participation in the following legal relations:

  • The turnover of ethyl alcohol and products based on it.
  • Double warehouse certificates (Article 913 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
  • Registration of the issue of securities.
  • Registration of real estate.
  • Partially from labor law (Article 230 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  • From the APK and the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation (on a power of attorney for a representative - not necessary, however, the question in the application itself remained open).
  • From the Federal Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Exercise of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control".
  • From the Federal Law "On Customs Regulation".
  • From public procurement.

However, almost immediately a conflict arose with Rostrud, the department, which decided to clarify the obligation to affix a seal in the work book (Letter dated 05.15.2015 No. 1168-6-1). However, later they softened, and indicated that you can use the seal "for documents".

However, there are a number of laws and by-laws, from which the obligation to use a seal has not yet been cleared out. For example:

  • Forms of tax reporting - declarations according to the simplified tax system, according to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 02/01/13.
  • Instructions for filling out work books, approved. Ministry of Labor No. 69 dated 10.10.2003. Printing is required on 1 page of the work book + upon dismissal, at the end of the record of each employer (in the last edition, this obligation was canceled).
  • Typical application forms, for example, for a license. In particular, those approved for administrative regulations, etc. (for example, a sample application for a license to carry out activities in the field of providing communication services, approved by order of the Ministry of Communications No. 357 dated December 27, 2011).
  • Articles 94, 186.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Unified forms of documents, such as the form TORG-12, 2-NDFL, in which “MP” is one of the details of the form.
  • Here is the not so long ago adopted by the CAS (Code of Administrative Procedure, clause 6 of article 57).
  • This also includes the submission of reports to the FSS and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (however, if they are shown the charter, which clearly states that the company does not use a seal, they accept it without a seal).

Read also: Printing for individual entrepreneurs in 2019

In general, individual entrepreneurs are not obliged to use the seal in the legislation, although some do. But non-profit organizations are unlikely to be able to wait for this cancellation in the foreseeable future.

This is one of the sides of the medal about the non-binding nature of the press - the legislation is still not fully ready for its abolition. Especially a number of bylaws. Plus, the conservatism of many government agencies and private companies.

As conceived by the legislator, the seal had to be replaced with something. Or with special forms, or stamped paper, or special holograms, or even switch to electronic document management using electronic signature ( electronic signature). It can hardly be said that the majority of companies that have given up printing will switch to these protection methods. Rather, they will not replace anything. That will inevitably entail possible conflicts with counterparties or banks, which somehow cannot afford to trust companies that do not protect their documents. Or they will send it to a notary, as a proven way to certify what is written on paper. True, notaries and so more and more participate in the life of the company, take at least certification of decisions of meetings, and on the issue of increasing the authorized capital - and decisions of the sole participant.

Printing is one of the means of individualizing an organization. Moreover, the enterprise may have several seals. But do you always need to seal them when drawing up documents? This question arises both for the party preparing and issuing the document and for the recipient. Let's figure out on what documents and in what cases it is necessary to put a stamp.

The entire document flow of an enterprise can be conditionally divided into three large sectors - business papers, primary documents and tax documents. The first category will include various personnel orders, contracts, powers of attorney. In the second, there are primary documents recognized as such under the accounting legislation. And in the third - the documentation required for tax purposes (confirmation of expenses, benefits, etc.). Each of these categories has its own rules for the use of seals.


Let's start with business papers. Literal reading The Labor Code allows us to conclude that it is not necessary to put a stamp on personnel documents (orders, instructions, etc.). Including printing is not required and on employment contract(Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This conclusion is also confirmed by the Resolution of the Goskomstat of Russia dated 05.01.2004 N 1, which approved the unified forms of personnel documents. None of the forms has a specially designated place for the stamp of the organization that drew up the document.

So, perhaps, the only personnel document on which the seal of the employing organization is needed is the work book. In it, the title page must be certified with a seal (when filling it out or making changes - clause 2.2 of the Instruction approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 N 69) and a note of dismissal (clause 35 of the Rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.16.2003 N 225).

Now for the other most common documents - powers of attorney and civil contracts. By virtue of the direct indication of Art. 185 of the Civil Code, a power of attorney on behalf of legal entity must be certified by the seal of this organization. But on "civil" contracts, the seal is not required - there is no such requirement in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Confirms this and arbitrage practice(Resolutions of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District of February 26, 2004 in case No. KA-A40 / 799-04 and of February 15, 2002 in case No. KG-A40 / 384-02).


Requisites for the primary accounting document are listed in clause 2 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of 21.11.1996 N 129-FZ "On Accounting". Seal impressions are not named in this list. At the same time, the Law states that primary documents are drawn up according to officially approved unified forms. It follows from this that the primary document, on which there is no seal, will be invalid only in one case - if certification by the seal is provided in a unified form.

for instance, in the unified form of the consignment note (N TORG-12), a place is provided for the stamp of the consignee. That is, without the buyer's stamp, such a document will be deemed to have been drawn up with violations.


The situation with the stamp on tax documents is in many respects similar to the primary ones. A seal is needed only if it is directly provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation or the form of the document. Moreover, if we are talking about income tax, then we must remember the rules of Art. 252 Tax Code RF. It, in particular, states that the costs taken to reduce the base must be confirmed by documents drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In most cases, the "primary organization" acts as supporting documents. This means that in cases where the props "M.P." provided by the unified form of the primary document, in the absence of a seal imprint, the document is considered to be drawn up in violation of the law. And cannot confirm the expenses incurred.

Note. Civil law does not oblige all organizations to have a seal. So, in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there are no rules at all that regulate the production, accounting and use of seals. At the same time, in the laws dedicated to specific organizational and legal forms of legal entities, there is still a mention of the need to have a seal. for instance both joint stock and limited liability companies are required to have a round stamp. It must contain the full corporate name of the company in Russian and an indication of its location (Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 N 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies", Article 2 of the Federal Law of 08.02.1998 N 14-FZ " About limited liability companies "). Similar requirements are contained in the Federal Laws of November 14, 2002 N 161-FZ "On State and Municipal Unitary Enterprises", of 01/12/1996 N 7-FZ "On Non-Commercial Organizations". Therefore, unitary enterprises and non-profit organizations must also acquire a seal.

It should be noted that the number of seals belonging to one person is not limited by law. Also, it is not prohibited to print more complete information about the organization.

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Do I need a stamp on the document?

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7. The use of an imprint of a seal when drawing up documents

Printing is a mechanical device, a device containing a printing cliché for subsequent affixing of a print on paper. The seal imprint certifies the authenticity of the signature of the official on the documents.

In GOST R 6.30-2003, the name of the props has changed in comparison with, the new name is "seal imprint", which is more consistent with the essence of the props.

An imprint of the seal in accordance with GOST certifies the authenticity of the signature on documents certifying the rights of persons registering facts related to financial resources, as well as on other documents providing for certification of the authenticity of the signature.

Each organization has a round seal with its own name to certify the authenticity of the signatures of officials. A number of organizations in accordance with the Federal Constitutional Law "On the State Emblem Russian Federation»Uses a seal with a reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation or an official seal to certify the authenticity of the signatures of officials.

Requirements for official stamp are established by GOST R 51511-2001 (with amendments No. 1 to GOST R 51511-2001).

In addition, the organization can use seals of structural divisions and other round and triangular seals with a narrow functional purpose(for packages, for passes, etc.). The seals, in addition to the name of the organization, may have images of trademarks, emblems, symbols, as well as other details established by regulatory legal acts.

To streamline the use of seals in the organization, an instruction on the use of seals is being developed. The instruction is approved by the head of the organization in connection with the special importance of verifying the authenticity of the document.

The instruction may have the following sections:

- a list of seals used in the organization;

- places of storage and positions of persons entitled to use seals;

- the procedure for using seals.

The instruction must also contain lists of documents certified by the official seal (seal of the organization), seal without reproduction of the coat of arms or other symbols, seal of the structural unit. The preparation of instructions should be linked to the development of a table of unified forms of documents of the organization, in which there is a column "seal".

The instructions determine the place of storage of seals and persons authorized to organize the storage, use of the seal and monitor its correct use.

The list of seals includes:

- title and number of copies of each authorized print<*>;


<*>The permitted number of copies of each seal is not stipulated in regulatory enactments. In GOST R 51511-2001 (with amendment N 1 2002) “Seals with reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. Shape, dimensions and technical requirements"In clause 3.5 it is supposed to produce a stamp for this legal entity" not in a single copy ".

- positions of persons authorized to store, use seals and control the correctness of their use.

The procedure for using the seals is established by the organization in accordance with the current regulations and taking into account the specifics of documenting its activities.

The terms of use are established for the reprint of each permitted seal according to the following approximate scheme:

The basis of the instruction is a list of documents certified by the official seal.

The organization's seal has been canceled, and not all documents are stamped with the organization's seal?

It may contain:

staffing table;

- samples of signatures for opening accounts, etc.

Changes and additions to the list are allowed only at the direction of the head of the organization.

The use of seals in the organization is allowed only to employees specially appointed by the order of the head. The right to use the official seal is granted to the first leaders, officials from among the employees of the preschool educational institution or the financial service.

A seal imprint is affixed on documents drawn up in compliance with current regulations signed and agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure.

The seals are subject to registration in the preschool educational institution and are issued to structural units to users against receipt in the registration form. In departments, prints are stored in securely lockable cabinets.

Destruction of seals occurs in cases of liquidation of an organization, termination of activities as a result of a merger, acquisition, transformation, renaming of an organization or a separate structural unit, as well as mechanical wear of a cliche. Destruction is carried out according to an act with a mark in the registration and accounting forms.

Registration and registration forms of seals, as well as sheets certified by the preschool educational institution service with their impressions are included in the nomenclature of the organization's affairs.

Based on regulatory legal acts and its own experience, the organization compiles a list of document titles certified by the official seal (organization seal), and lists of document titles for each structural division, certified by the seal of the corresponding division. The lists establish who personally and in what cases has the right to certify the authenticity of the document's signature. The right to have and use the seal should be recorded in the regulation on the structural unit.

The location of the stamp of the stamp in relation to the signature in valid legal acts not installed. It is recommended to place the seal imprint so that the signature and all information on the seal imprint are clearly visible.

It is possible to place an imprint, without touching the signature, in a free space.

Restoring printing if the printer says "paused"

Stopping the printer can often be a real disaster for the user and shut down the entire business. If the product has been offline and suddenly stops printing, try troubleshooting on their own, without involving a master. Of course, if you are poorly guided in the settings or "are not friends" with technology, then it is better not to risk it, but immediately contact the specialists.

The most common problem encountered by users is that the printer stops printing unexpectedly and the device status displays Paused.

Causes of the problem

The printer says "Paused" and does not print the running document? The first step is to check the USB cable and power cord, perhaps there was a temporary disconnection that caused a malfunction. Most often, it is because of this problem that the computer takes the device offline.

Printing paused

Also, the HP printer writes that the work is suspended if the cable is not connected, i.e.

Cancellation of round stamp. Algorithm of actions of legal entities after April 7, 2015

in fact, the device is turned off. Make sure the cord is intact, not damaged, and may need to be replaced. These are the most common reasons for a device to go offline, but sometimes the problem lies elsewhere, for example, a paper jam in a tray or a network printer simply lost its connection.

How to troubleshoot

First of all, the device, which is in "uncontrolled" mode, must be returned to " working condition". To troubleshoot the problem, focus on the "root" of the problem. If he writes that the HP printer is suspended and the reason lies in a faulty or unconnected USB cable, then you just need to replace it or connect to the power supply.

If the problem is otherwise, then follow these steps to exit offline mode:

  • In the "Start" menu go to the "Devices and Printers" section;
  • In the window that appears, find your device and double-click on it with the mouse to bring up a drop-down menu;
  • Select "Printer" in it and uncheck the box next to the inscription "Work offline".

Devices and printers in the menu

Print some test pages to see how well the malfunction was fixed.

It is important! If it still says that the printer is paused and does not print, the reason may be stuck tasks. Some of the files that you send to print were never printed for some reason. They gradually accumulate in the tasks of the device, and it ceases to function smoothly, switching to offline mode occurs.

To troubleshoot the problem, go to the printer control panel, if there are indeed many unprinted files accumulated there, delete them. This can be done in the following way:

  • On the control panel, press the line "Printer", a list will appear, from it select "Clear print queue";
  • On each file, right-click and click the "Undo" line.

Of course, this method will take you a lot of time, especially if there are a lot of documents, but you can perform selective deletion. Print one document for a sample and make sure that the device works without interruption.

Printing a document on a printer

If it doesn't help

Another way to eliminate the "Paused" inscription is to go to the "Devices and Printers" menu, select the required machine, open the "View the print queue" section. Then click "Printer" and in the drop-down list uncheck the box next to the line "Pause printing".

If it says that the "activity" of the network printer is suspended, go to the machine's settings and select the "Properties" section. In the window that opens, you need the "Ports" section, in it check the SNMP status. If there is a check mark next to it, just uncheck it and click OK.

SNMP status

As you can see, do not panic if a message appears on the screen that the device is paused.

With the right approach, you can troubleshoot on your own without spending a lot of time on it.

In contact with


Delicately order a seal or stamp from a private master

The best seals and stamps in Moscow from a private master. Making any seals, stamps, facsimiles in as soon as possible on optimal price with complete confidentiality. The term of production of a seal, stamp or facsimile is less than one day. Production of seals from imprints, copies of stamps from imprints on paper. I will restore your seal, stamp if it is lost or worn out. I don’t ask unnecessary questions. Production of seals with a picture, medical stamps, seals with a logo, with graphics. Restoration of seals and stamps. I will do what others have refused

8-926-213-06-06 Elena

[email protected]

If you want to make a copy of the seal, stamp, facsimile (signature), then:
1. Put a stamp or sign your signature (for making a facsimile) on paper
2.Scan with a resolution of 300dpi or take a photo (so that you can see as much as possible) the print and send the file to me by e-mail:

[email protected]

  1. Then call me 8-926-213-06-06 Elena and inform me about the order. And that's all ... wait for your order !!!

Making stamps without documents. Private master in Moscow next to the metro. Printing on an overprint without documents. Urgent production of seals without documents. You can send an imprint by mail. The term of production is 24 hours. Make a triangular seal without documents in Moscow. I work next to the metro. Delivery of orders to your office. Order triangular seal without documents private master... Make a seal without documents. Extensive experience in stamp production. Modern equipment for production. Without unnecessary hassle and bureaucracy

Triangular stamp
Triangular stamps are produced with 60 ° vertices. The maximum size of such a stamp is 120 mm, but the most widespread are seals in the form of a regular triangle with a side length of 43-45 mm. Enough wide application found seals with a side length of 50 mm.

If you have a need for a non-standard triangular die, it can be made to order for you.

The most popular tooling for triangular seals is manual. Currently, consumers are offered various options: metal and plastic, large and small, of various colors and shades.

If you need a triangular print of a polyclinic, you should pay attention to high-quality automatic equipment from renowned manufacturers... Since this seal certifies almost all documents that are issued in medical institution, it is often used. It is the automatic equipment that can help save time on processing certificates and sick leaves. After all, making prints with its help is much easier than if the cliché is placed on hand-held equipment.

Basic elements of triangular shape printing
The main elements of seals of any form include:

  • contours;
  • text content;
  • Images.

If the seal is triangular, these elements have their own characteristics.

The print can have several contours. The safety contour is not part of the print, but is present during the manufacture of the stamp, so that it is possible to cut the seal to required parameters... The finished cliché may contain double outer, middle inner, single or double inner contours. You can use artistic print border options.

Seal must be in every legal entity. This norm is enshrined in the law. LLC, CJSC, OJSC and other organizations must use a round seal, the imprint of which includes the full company name of the enterprise in Russian and a link to the place of its territorial location. The company name can also be indicated in a foreign language. The seal imprint appears in the list of document details, in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork "(adopted 03.03.2003). At the same time, the seal, for example, is not included in the list of mandatory details of a number of primary accounting, with the exception of bank papers, cash receipts, shipping documents, etc. if the letterhead contains two letters "MP" ("Place of seal"). The same applies to acts of completed work (services). The use of a seal is also provided for on a power of attorney, which is given by the organization to an employee (this position is specified in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - clause 5 of article 185). from 02.07.2010 N 66n), however, according to the Orders of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 15.10.2009 N 104n and from 05.05.2008 N 54n, the forms of tax declarations (for VAT, income tax and others) must be sealed. Mandatory certification with the seal of the organization is provided for the most important: the first page of the work book, travel certificate (form N T-10), the act of acceptance of work under a fixed-term employment contract (form N T-73). V Labor Code RF (Article 57), the requirement for a seal on an employment contract is not spelled out, but in practice, a seal is usually put. Given the fact that there are many documents for which there is no unambiguous decision on the presence or absence of a seal, the organization should develop its own order (regulation, instruction ), in which it is necessary to register a list of documents that require certification by the seal. An approximate list of them is listed in the State System of Management Documentation - 1988, 1991. The options may be as follows: - acts (work performed, expertise, write-off, acceptance of objects, etc.); - consumption rates (for example, for precious metals); - samples of impressions of seals, as well as samples of signatures of employees who have been given the right to carry out financial and economic operations; - letters of guarantee; - correspondence with the management and structures of various state bodies (for example, with the tax service, extra-budgetary funds, etc. .). Seal you can make not one, but several (documenting this fact) - for each separate division of the organization. Each seal will have its own specific purpose - for passes, for documents, for invoices. Seal on the document you need to put in the place of the sheet, where there is "MP" ("Place of seal"). If it is not there, the seal is affixed so that the imprint overlaps part of the word - designation of the position of the person who signed the document. In this case, the signature must be clearly distinguishable, like all information from the seal imprint.


  • print for documents where to put

The presence of a seal on a document indicates its importance, authenticity and official status. However, in the course of the activities of enterprises, from time to time, questions arise as to whether where and what seal should be put.

First of all, the rules for affixing a seal depend on its type and accessory. So, a stamp is put on the documents of state institutions seal with the image of a two-headed eagle. Commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs certify documents with a standard round print containing the name (last name, first name and patronymic), registration data and, if desired,. In addition to the main seal, which is used for especially important and strategic purposes: creating and making changes to constituent documents, concluding contracts, processing payment orders and checks, official letters, etc., you can make additional ones: for inquiries, financial documents, personnel department. Moreover, their purpose should be indicated on the print. seal yu certify the signatures of the first persons - directors and their deputies, and additional - employees of the relevant services (accounting, personnel department, etc.). The imprint must be affixed in such a way that it partially captures the title of the position of the person who signed the document, and the signature and seal details are clearly visible. The state system of documentation support for management (GSDOU), approved by order of the USSR Glavarchive on 05/23/1988, provides a list of documents on which the main or stamp seal... There is no newer edition, but as applied to the present moment it is approximately as follows: - acts; - powers of attorney; - contracts; - conclusions; - applications (for a letter of credit; about refusal of acceptance, claims, etc.); - travel certificates; - samples of impressions of seals and signatures; - letters; - payment orders, requests, checks, for currency transfer, etc.; - regulations on the organization; -; - cost estimates; - agreements; - certificates (archival, limit, on the payment of insurance amounts, on salaries, etc.) etc.); - specifications; - title lists; - certificates; - organizations; - staffing tables. seal Yu. In addition, there are unified forms of documents with the requisite "M.P." -. In such cases, there is usually no question of whether where to put seal but you need to observe general rule: The print must be clear and legible.


  • how to issue a seal

Stress in Russian it is not fixed, that is, it does not always fall on a certain syllable, as, for example, in Hungarian or Finnish. Defined rules there is no such thing as how to put it, so the issues of Russian pronunciation often concern not only foreigners, but also the native speakers themselves.

Often, people who have heard Russian since childhood believe that they have no problems with the placement of stress. But is it? Check if you correctly pronounce the words that belong to the category of the most "problematic": alphabet, pamper, rattle, creed, witch, dispensary, laugh, call, icon painting, catalog, kilometer, quarter, compass, misanthropy, obscenity, white , centimeters, lighten, dowry, beetroot, convocation, refresher, concentration, seal, compel. In the words “”, “ports”, “bows”, “boards”, as well as in their forms, it is always put on the first syllable. And here are the words “