Npb 88 01 is it valid. design rules and regulations

There are two opposite opinions, but mineno:

1st from Deshevykh Yu.I.: http: // ...

"As I said, all the mandatory fire safety requirements are contained in the Technical Regulations, codes of practice and national standards. In addition, I have already said, Article 151 of the Technical Regulations establishes that all regulatory documents that were previously issued in the field of ensuring fire safety and do not contradict the requirements of the Technical Regulations ".

2nd from Vladimir Puchkov: http: // ...

"After the entry into force of the technical regulation on May 1, 2009, codes of practice and national standards come into force. They, first of all, should be used to confirm the fire safety requirements established by the technical regulations .... Only 12 sets of rules and only 84 national of the standard .... One or two more documents will be adopted in the near future. Russian Federation in the field of fire safety ".

How they should figure out everything among themselves remains a mystery. The country is slowly sinking into the darkness of legal misunderstanding of fire safety standards.


ФЗ dated December 30, 2009 No. 384-ФЗ " Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures "(hereinafter - the Federal Law) provides that the safety of buildings and structures, as well as associated with buildings and structures design processes (including surveys), construction, installation, commissioning, operation and disposal (demolition) is ensured through compliance with the requirements Federal law and the requirements of standards and codes of practice included in:

The list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of the application of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law (approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1047-r of June 21, 2010) is ensured;

The list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of the application of which on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law (approved by Order of Rostekhregulirovanie No. 2079 dated June 1, 2010) is ensured.

From 01/01/2013, a number of joint ventures were adopted and approved (by orders of the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Emergency Situations). Please tell me what standards should be followed in the design of buildings and structures at the present time, before making changes to the above lists?

Thanks in advance for the clarification.


No. 130-39 / 1203 dated 04/26/2013

Ministry of Regional Development of Russia

We send by accessory received to Rosstandart in electronic form an appeal dated 04/12/2013 on the issue of standards for the design of buildings and structures.

Application: for 1 liter. in 1 copy. only to the first address.

Head of the Department of Technical

regulation and standardization V.N. Klyushnikov

Serebryakova T.A.

from the Ministry of Regional Development:

8377-10 / VL-OG from 20.06.2013

The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation has considered your appeal received from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology in a letter dated April 26, 2013 No. 130-39 / 1203, and reports the following.

To confirm the compliance of buildings and structures at all stages of their life cycle you should use the requirements normative documents included in the "List of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of the federal law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ" Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures ", approved by order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology of 01.06.2010 N 2079 and "The List of National Standards and Sets of Rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law" Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures "is ensured, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2010 No. 1047-r "in the editions that are in force at the time of application of these requirements.

Director of the Department of Public Policy in the field

construction and architecture V.I. Levdikov

Isp. Bugaeva N.N ..

In my answer, I did not say that the NPB 88-2001 does not work.

On the contrary, I wrote that this document has not been canceled by any normative act.

However, another document SP 5.13130.2009 was adopted, which does not cancel NPB 88-2001.

I expressed my opinion that if the norms of the documents NPB 88-2001 and SP 5.13130.2009 contradict each other, then the norms of SP 5.13130.2009 are applied.

That is, NPB 88-2001 is valid in the part in which it does not contradict SP 5.13130.2009.

Thus, the FAS of the Volga District in its Resolution of 28.08.2012 on case N A72-9003 / 2011 stated the following: “The design of fire alarm systems is currently regulated by SP 5.13130.2009, which is a document of voluntary use, and not NPB 88-2001“ Fire extinguishing installations and signaling. Norms and design rules "approved by the Order of the GUGPS Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of 04.06.2001 N 31."

In addition, Federal Law of 22.06.2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements", defining the main provisions of technical regulation in the field of fire safety and establishing General requirements fire safety to the objects of protection (products), provides that from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law until the date of entry into force of the relevant technical regulations, the requirements for objects of protection (products), production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal (withdrawal out of operation) established by regulatory legal acts Of the Russian Federation and the normative documents of federal executive bodies are subject to mandatory execution in the part that does not contradict the requirements of the specified Federal Law (Article 151).

Question # 4607793 asked the following:

1. "Manual on fire safety (NPB88-01) has lost its legal force or not?"

I replied: "Standards for fire safety" Fire extinguishing and alarm installations. Standards and rules for design. NPB 88-2001 ", approved. By order of the GUGPS Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of 04.06.2001 N 31, not canceled by any normative act. "

That is, they have not completely lost their strength.

2. Fire inspectors have nightmares that this document is not valid. Refer to the set of rules (SP-5)

I replied: "The second document ... has greater legal force than the first."

That is, if the norms of documents NPB 88-2001 and SP 5.13130.2009 contradict each other, then the norms of SP 5.13130.2009 are applied.

There was no question of the mandatory application of SP 5.13130.2009.

In addition, the question did not indicate which facilities were in question, which were commissioned or underwent major official repairs before the entry into force of 123-ФЗ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" and the Code of Rules or later.

I have not received any requests to comment on my answer.

I don't think my answer is incorrect.

Introduces to the attention of users the materials for the airbag 88 2001 - the norms and rules for the design of alarms and fire extinguishing installations. A whole section of the system is devoted to the answers of our specialists, explaining the features of the use of certain regulatory legal acts.

Here are just a few of the topics related to NPB 88 01 that our experts have advised on:

  • Which document specifies the procedure and deadline for the implementation of fire alarm documentation?
  • Is the statement of the supervisory authorities demanding to replace heat detectors and indicate the exact time of replacement?
  • Is it possible to install a powder fire extinguishing system in warehouse space located in the basement of the railway station?

NPB 88 2001 "Fire extinguishing and alarm installations" were approved by the RF Ministry of Emergency Situations № 60 of 31.12.2002, thus, today the standards are valid. At the same time, citizens whose professional activity intersects with fire safety and fire extinguishing systems, often refer to search engines and to specialists "Techexpert: Fire safety» with the question: are airbags 88 2001 operating or not?

Is NPB 88 01 in effect after the entry into force of FZ-123?

Doubts about the status of these rules and regulations are associated with the adoption of ФЗ-123 on technical regulations for fire safety requirements. However, neither this technical regulation nor SP 5.13130.2009 cancels and does not diminish the importance of norms and rules for fire alarms.

The main principle of NPB 88 2001 application is consistency with the requirements of 123-FZ, which entered into force on 01.05. 2009. NPB 88 01 "Fire extinguishing and alarm installations" are used when it comes to erected buildings, as well as facilities that are in the design stage. At the same time, the list of objects to which NPB 88 2001 does not apply is quite wide, including:

  • structures, the design of which is created according to special programs;
  • technological installations outside buildings;
  • warehouses with mobile shelving;
  • warehouses where goods are stored, sealed in aerosol containers.

NPB 88-2001



Fire-extinguishing and alarm systems.
Desinging and regulations norms

Designed by:
The federal government agency"All-Russian Order" Badge of Honor "Research Institute of Fire Defense of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" (FGU VNIIPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) (Ph.D. V.V. Pivovarov - topic leader; Doctor of Technical Sciences S.G. Tsarichenko, Ph.D. V. A. Bylinkin, S. V. Panov - sections 1-4, 10; B. V. Potanin, A. A. Speransky - section 5; S. M. Dymov - section 6; Doctor of Technical Sciences V.M. Nikolaev, Ph.D. N.V. Smirnov - section 7; Ph.D. V.A. Kushchuk, Ph.D. A.V. Dolgovidov - section 8; Ph.D. A.F. Zhevlakov, N.B. Arbuzov, Ph.D. A.N. Baratov - section 9; Ph.D. V.A. Aleksandrov , M.B. Filaretov, B.P. Starshinov - sections 2, 3, 11-15). The Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (E.P. Shastitko, V.A. Dubinin). ZAO Engineering Center - Spetsavtomatika (VD Smirnov, VV Grishin, EG Vechhaizer, VG Nosova) - except for sections 9 and 10.

Submitted and prepared for approval by the regulatory and technical department of the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service (GUGPS) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Agreed with the Gosstroy of Russia (letter No. 9-18 / 238 of 23.04.01).

Instead of SNiP 2.04.09-84, NPB 21-98, NPB 22-96, NPB 56-96.

Sprinkler installations
Deluge installations
Installation piping
Fastening of pipelines
Control nodes
Plants water supply
Pumping stations

Application area

Application area
Classification and composition of installations
Safety requirements

Application area

Safety requirements

Application area
Requirements for protected premises
Safety requirements

Installations of water and foam fire extinguishing
Installations of gas and powder fire extinguishing
Aerosol fire extinguishing installations
Water mist extinguishing installations

General provisions when choosing the types of fire detectors for the protected object
Requirements for the organization of fire alarm control zones
Placement of fire detectors
Fire control devices, fire control devices
Hardware and placement
Fire alarm loops
Connecting and supply lines of fire alarm systems and control equipment


P. 1.1.3; Doctor of Technical Sciences V.A. Gorshkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences Yu.N. Shebeko- application );

Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences natural Disasters (V.E. Tatarov, E.P. Shastitko, V.A. Dubinin);

CJSC Engineering Center - Spetsavtomatika ( V.D. Smirnov, V.V. Grishin, E.G. Vechhaiser, V.G. Nosova) - except for sections and.

INTRODUCED and prepared for approval by the regulatory and technical department of the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service (GUGPS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia).

AGREED with the Gosstroy of Russia (letter dated 23.04.2001, No. 9-18 / 238).

Prepared taking into account Amendments No. 1, approved by order of the GUGPS EMERCOM of Russia No. 60 dated December 31, 2002.

Changed items, tables and formulas are marked with an asterisk.




Date of introduction 2002-01-01


1.1 *. These standards apply to the design of automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems for buildings and structures. for various purposes, including those being built in areas with special climatic and natural conditions. The need to use fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems is determined by NPB 110-99, the corresponding SNiP and other documents approved in established order.

1.2. These standards do not apply to the design of automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems:

buildings and structures designed according to special standards;

technological installations located outside buildings;

warehouse buildings with mobile shelving;

warehouse buildings for storing aerosol products;

warehouse buildings with a cargo storage height of more than 5.5 m.

1.3. These standards do not apply to the design of fire extinguishing installations for extinguishing class D fires (according to GOST 27331), as well as chemically active substances and materials, including:

reacting with a fire extinguishing agent with an explosion (aluminum-organic compounds, alkali metals);

decomposing when interacting with a fire extinguishing agent with the release of combustible gases (organolithium compounds, lead azide, hydrides of aluminum, zinc, magnesium);

interacting with a fire extinguishing agent with a strong exothermic effect (sulfuric acid, titanium chloride, thermite);

spontaneously combustible substances (sodium hydrosulfite, etc.).


In these standards, the following terms are used with appropriate definitions.

Automatic water feeder- a water feeder that automatically provides the pressure in the pipelines required for the actuation of the control units.

Automatic fire detector- a fire detector that responds to factors accompanying a fire (according to GOST 12.2.047).

Autonomous fire detector- a fire detector that responds to a certain level of concentration of aerosol combustion products (pyrolysis) of substances and materials and, possibly, other fire factors, in the body of which an autonomous power source and all components necessary for detecting a fire and direct notification of it are structurally combined (according to the airbag 66-97).

Automatic fire extinguishing system- fire extinguishing installation, automatically triggered when the controlled factor (s) of the fire exceed the set threshold values ​​in the protected area.

Autonomous fire extinguishing system- a fire extinguishing installation that automatically performs the functions of detecting and extinguishing a fire, regardless of external sources power supply and control systems.

Addressable fire detector- a fire detector that transmits to an address control panel your address code together with a fire notification (according to NPB 58-97).

Accelerator- a device that provides, when the sprinkler is triggered, a decrease in the response time of the sprinkler air signal valve.

Battery gas fire extinguishing - a group of gas fire extinguishing modules united by a common manifold and a manual start device.

Auxiliary water feeder- a water feeder that automatically provides the pressure in the pipelines required for triggering the control units, as well as the estimated flow rate and pressure of water and / or aqueous solution before the main water feeder enters the operating mode.

Gas fire detector- a fire detector that reacts to gases emitted by smoldering or burning materials (according to NPB 71-98).

Fire extinguishing aerosol generator- a device for obtaining a fire extinguishing aerosol with specified parameters and supplying it to the protected area.

Remote activation (start) of the installation- switching on (starting) from starting elements installed in the protected room or next to it, in the control room or at the fire post, at the protected structure or equipment.

Differential heat fire detector- a fire detector that generates a fire notification when the temperature rise rate is exceeded environment the set threshold value (according to the airbag 85-2000).

Dispenser- a device designed for dosing foam concentrate (additives) to water in fire extinguishing installations.

Deluge sprinkler- sprinkler with an open outlet (according to GOST R 51043).

Deluge fire extinguishing installation- fire extinguishing installation equipped with deluge sprinklers.

Smoke ionization (radioisotope) fire detector- a fire detector, the principle of which is based on the registration of changes in the ionization current arising from exposure to combustion products.

Smoke optical fire detector- a fire detector that reacts to combustion products capable of affecting the absorbing or scattering ability of radiation in the infrared, ultraviolet or visible ranges of the spectrum (according to NPB 65-97).

Smoke fire detector- a fire detector that reacts to particles of solid or liquid products of combustion and (or) pyrolysis in the atmosphere (according to NPB 65-97).

Fire extinguishing agent stock- the required amount of extinguishing agent stored at the facility in order to quickly restore the estimated amount and reserve of extinguishing agent (according to GOST 12.3.046).

Locking and starting device- a locking device installed on the vessel (cylinder) and providing the release of the extinguishing agent from it.

Fire alarm control area (fire detectors)- a set of areas, volumes of premises of the object, the appearance of fire factors in which will be detected by fire detectors.

Installation inertia- the time from the moment the controlled fire factor reaches the threshold of the sensitive element actuation until the beginning of the supply of the extinguishing agent (composition) to the protected area.

Note ... For fire extinguishing installations, in which a delay in the release of a fire extinguishing agent is provided when people are evacuated from the protected premises and the shutdown of technological equipment, this time is not included in their inertia.

Fire extinguishing agent supply rate- the amount of extinguishing agent supplied per unit area (volume) per unit of time.

Delay camera- a device installed in the pressure alarm line and designed to minimize the likelihood of false alarms caused by the alarm valve opening slightly due to sharp fluctuations in the pressure of the water supply.

Combined fire detector- a fire detector that responds to two or more fire factors.

Linear fire detector (smoke, heat)- a fire detector that responds to fire factors in an extended, linear zone.

Main pipeline- pipeline connecting switchgears of gas fire extinguishing installations with distribution pipelines.

Maximum differential thermal fire detector- a fire detector combining the functions of maximum and differential heat fire detectors (according to NPB 85-2000).

Maximum thermal fire detector- a fire detector that generates a fire notification when the ambient temperature exceeds the set threshold value - the detector response temperature (according to NPB 85-2000).

Local activation (start-up) of the unit- switching on (starting) from starting elements installed in the room pumping station or fire extinguishing stations, as well as from starting elements installed on fire extinguishing modules.

Modular fire extinguishing system- a fire extinguishing installation, consisting of one or several modules capable of independently performing the fire extinguishing function, located in the protected room or next to it.

Fire extinguishing module- a device in the body of which the functions of storing and supplying a fire extinguishing agent are combined when a starting pulse is applied to the module drive.

Pulse fire extinguishing module- fire extinguishing module with the duration of the fire extinguishing agent supply up to 1 s.

Nozzles- a device for the release and distribution of fire extinguishing agent.

Standard rate of fire extinguishing agent supply- the intensity of the fire extinguishing agent supply, set in regulatory documents.

Standard fire extinguishing concentration- fire extinguishing concentration established in the current regulatory documents.

Fire extinguishing aerosol- combustion products of the aerosol-forming composition, which have a fire extinguishing effect on the fire source.

Extinguishing agent- a substance with physicochemical properties allowing to create conditions for stopping combustion (according to GOST 12.1.033).

Fire extinguishing concentration- the concentration of the extinguishing agent in the volume, creating an environment that does not support combustion.

Sprinkler- a device for spraying or spraying water and / or aqueous solutions (according to GOST R 51043).

Main water feeder- a water feeder that ensures the operation of the fire extinguishing installation with the estimated flow rate and pressure of water and / or aqueous solution for a specified time.

Room leakage parameter- a value that numerically characterizes the leakage of the protected premises and is defined as the ratio of the total area of ​​permanently opened openings to the volume of the protected premises.

Supply pipeline- pipeline connecting the control unit with distribution pipelines.

Incentive system- a pipeline filled with water, aqueous solution, compressed air, or a cable with thermal locks, designed for automatic and remote activation of deluge fire extinguishing installations, as well as gas or powder fire extinguishing installations

Supply pipeline- a pipeline connecting the source of the extinguishing agent with the control units.

Fire detector- a device for generating a fire signal (according to GOST 12.2.047).

Flame detector- a device that reacts to electromagnetic radiation from a flame or a glowing hearth (according to NPB 72-98).

Fire post- a special room of the facility with round-the-clock stay of the personnel on duty, equipped with devices for monitoring the state of fire automation equipment.

Fire alarm- a device for generating a signal about the actuation of fire extinguishing installations and / or locking devices.

Fire control device- a device designed to generate control signals for automatic fire extinguishing means, control their state, control light and sound annunciators, as well as various information boards and mnemonic diagrams (according to NPB 75-98).

Fire alarm control panel- a device designed to receive signals from fire detectors, provide power to active (current-consuming) fire detectors, issue information to light, sound annunciators and centralized monitoring consoles, as well as generate a start pulse for starting a fire control device (according to NPB 75-98).

Fire alarm and control device- a device that combines the functions of a fire alarm control device and a fire control device (according to NPB 75-98).

Distribution pipeline- a pipeline with sprinklers (nozzles) installed on it for the distribution of the extinguishing agent in the protected area.

Switchgear - a shut-off device installed on the pipeline and allowing the passage of a gas extinguishing agent into a certain main pipeline.

Estimated amount of extinguishing agent- the amount of extinguishing agent determined in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents and stored in the fire extinguishing installation, ready for immediate use in the event of a fire.

Fire extinguishing agent reserve- the required amount of extinguishing agent, ready for immediate use in cases of re-ignition or failure of the fire extinguishing installation to fulfill its task (according to GOST 12.3.046).

Manual call point- a device designed for manual activation of a fire alarm signal in fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems (according to NPB 70-98).

Fire alarm system- a set of fire alarm installations mounted at one facility and monitored from a common fire post.

Connecting lines- wires and cables providing the connection between the components of the fire alarm system.

Sprinkler Sprinkler- sprinkler with a shut-off device for the outlet opening when the thermal lock is triggered (according to GOST R 51043).

Sprinkler water-filled fire extinguishing system- sprinkler fire extinguishing installation, all pipelines of which are filled with water (aqueous solution).

Sprinkler aerial fire extinguishing system- sprinkler fire extinguishing installation, the supply pipeline of which is filled with water (aqueous solution), the rest - with air under pressure.

Sprinkler fire extinguishing system- automatic fire extinguishing system equipped with sprinkler sprinklers.

Fire extinguishing station- vessels and equipment of fire extinguishing installations, located in a special room.

The degree of leakage of the room- expressed as a percentage, the ratio of the total area is constant open openings to the total surface area of ​​the room.

Thermal lock- a shut-off thermosensitive element that opens at a certain temperature value.

Thermal fire detector- a fire detector that responds to a certain temperature value and (or) the rate of its rise (according to NPB 85-2000).

Fine spray (torch) of water- water obtained as a result of crushing a water jet into droplets, the arithmetic mean diameter of which is 150 microns or less.

Point fire detector (smoke, heat)- a fire detector that responds to fire factors in a compact area.

Control unit- a set of locking and signaling devices with accelerators (retarders) of their operation, pipeline fittings and measuring instruments located between the suitable and supply pipelines of water and foam fire extinguishing installations and intended for their start-up and monitoring of their performance.

Installation of local fire extinguishing by volume- installation of volumetric fire extinguishing, affecting part of the volume of the room and / or on a separate technological unit.

Installation of local fire extinguishing on the surface- installation of surface fire extinguishing, affecting part of the area of ​​the room and / or on a separate technological unit.

Installation of volumetric fire extinguishing- installation of fire extinguishing to create an environment that does not support combustion in the volume of the protected room (structure).

Surface fire extinguishing installation- installation of fire extinguishing, affecting the burning surface.

Fire alarm installation- aggregate technical means for fire detection, processing, presentation in a predetermined form of a fire notification, special information and / or issuing commands to turn on automatic fire extinguishing installations and technical devices.

Fire extinguishing installation- a set of stationary technical means for extinguishing a fire by releasing a fire extinguishing agent.

Centralized gas fire extinguishing installation- installation of gas fire extinguishing, in which gas cylinders are placed in the premises of the fire extinguishing station.

Fire alarm loop- connecting lines laid from fire detectors to junction box or a control panel.


3.1*. Automatic installations fire extinguishing should be designed taking into account the regulatory documents in force in this area, as well as construction features protected buildings, premises and structures, the possibilities and conditions for the use of fire extinguishing agents based on the nature technological process production.

3.2 *. Automatic fire extinguishing installations must simultaneously perform the functions of an automatic fire alarm.

Fighting class C fires is possible if this does not create an explosive atmosphere.

3.3 *. The type of fire extinguishing installation, the method of extinguishing, the extinguishing agent are determined by the design organization, taking into account fire hazard and physical and chemical properties of produced, stored and used substances and materials, as well as the characteristics of the protected equipment.

3.4 *. When installing fire extinguishing installations in buildings and structures with the presence of separate rooms in them, where, according to the norms, only fire alarm, instead of it, taking into account the feasibility study, it is allowed to provide for the protection of these premises with fire extinguishing installations, taking into account the requirements of clause 1.6 of NPB 110-99 *. In this case, the intensity of the fire extinguishing agent supply should be taken as standard, and the flow rate should not be dictating.

3.5 When the fire extinguishing installation is triggered, a signal must be provided to turn off the technological equipment in the protected room in accordance with the technological regulations or the requirements of these standards.


4.1. Execution of water fire extinguishing installations must comply with the requirements of GOST R 50680, foam - GOST R 50800.

4.3. Installations of water, foam low expansion, as well as water fire extinguishing with a wetting agent are subdivided into sprinkler and drencher.

4.4. The area for calculating the flow rate and the operating time of installations in which water with an additive is used as a fire extinguishing agent are determined similarly to water fire extinguishing installations according to Table 1.

Room group

Irrigation intensity, l / (s ∙ m 2), not less

Maximum area controlled by one sprinkler sprinkler or thermal lock of an incentive system, m 2

Area for calculating the consumption of water, foaming agent solution, m 2

Duration of operation of water fire extinguishing installations, min

Maximum distance between sprinkler heads or fusible locks, m


foaming agent solution







60 9


2. When equipping premises with deluge installations, the area for calculating the flow rate of water, foam solution and the number of simultaneously operating sections should be determined depending on the technological requirements.

3 *. The duration of operation of foam fire extinguishing installations with low and medium expansion should be taken: 15 minutes - for rooms of categories A, B, B1 for explosion and fire hazard; 10 minutes - for premises of categories B2, B3 for fire hazard.

4. For fire extinguishing installations in which water is used as an extinguishing agent with the addition of a wetting agent based on a foaming agent general purpose, the intensity of irrigation is taken 1.5 times less than for water.

5. For sprinkler installations, the values ​​of irrigation intensity and area for calculating the flow rate of water and foam solution are given for rooms up to 10 m high, as well as for lampposts with a total area of ​​lanterns not exceeding 10% of the area. The height of the lamppost with a lantern area of ​​more than 10% should be taken before covering the lantern. The specified parameters of installations for rooms with a height of 10 to 20 m should be taken according to Table 3.

6. The table shows the intensity of irrigation with a general-purpose foaming agent solution.

7 *. If the area protected by water and foam fire extinguishing installations less area to calculate the water consumption indicated in the table, then the consumption of water or foam solution for a fire extinguishing installation is determined based on the actual area.



St. 1 to 2




St. 2 to 3




St. 3 to 4




St. 4 to 5.5



1. Groups of rooms are given in the appendix.

2. In group 6 it is recommended to extinguish rubber, rubber goods, rubber, resins with water with a wetting agent or low expansion foam.

3. For warehouses with a storage height of up to 5.5 m and a room height of more than 10 m, the intensity and area values ​​for calculating the consumption of water and foaming agent solution in groups 5 - 7 should be increased at the rate of 10% for every 2 m of the room height.

4. The table shows the intensity of irrigation with a general-purpose foaming agent solution.