Have you been born at the junction of the signs of the zodiac? That's what it means. If you are born at the junction of the zodiac signs, then you are a unique person

Do you know that there are border signs of the zodiac? Who applies to them and what characterization is inherent in this, no doubt, interesting people?

Traditional astrology divides the year for twelve signs of the zodiac. They are thoroughly described - we know what qualities they are characterized, we know their shortcomings, advantages, abilities, limitations, etc., etc. In addition, each of the signs is divided into three decades. People born in the central of them are quintessence of all features attributed to the sign. On people born in the first and third decades, the "neighbors" influence. But as it happens in the case of people born as if between the signs of the zodiac - directly at the turn of the change of one constellation of the patron to others?

This is a unique time when the energy of the world is changing, exposed to oscillations. It is no coincidence that these days magic is particularly strong. People at such periods are also born interesting, they are considered representatives of the border signs of the zodiac. What are their names? They have no special names - they simply indicate two neighboring signs. But about the horoscope for the border signs of the zodiac, about how these people live, what features they are peculiar to, you can say much more. Baister!

Border signs of the zodiac: Fish - Aries, March 19-25, the time of the prophets

People born in the sign of the zodiac between the fish and authentic, combine the extraordinary intuition and the sensitivity of fish with energy and the vital power of the punchy lamb. This is the time of spring equinox when energy gives its ward to foresee the future. Even if they do not define this ability as a gift of foresight, their intuition is always working without complaints. Aries Fish Border Sign always chooses the right path and takes the right solutions. In addition, these people have a huge moving, punching force - they are able to create a reality in accordance with their needs. We strive for happiness and achieve our goals. And also helps others.

Famous people born at this time: Glenn Clowz, Johann Sebastian Bach.

Border signs of the zodiac: Aries -Tells, April 18-22, time of heroes

In the case of the sign of the zodiac between the Ovny and Taurus, the very strong energy of the fire is connected to the energy of the Earth. This is an explosive mixture. People born in this sign are patient. They try to always keep their and loved ones under control. Always are the owners of the situation. Getting nervous when they lose control when something slippers out of their hands. Then they happen to explode. Border sign of Aries Taurus - these are people very stubborn, but also bold and compassionate. They have an instinct of patronage, which makes them become on the defense of weak, disadvantaged and offended. In life, they should be guided by the heart and more carefully listen to people telling them.

Famous people born at this time: James Franco, Jessica Lang.

Border signs of the zodiac: Taurus - Gemini, May 18-22, time of wise

The sign of the zodiac between the Taurus and the twins is a powerful combination of rational, landed and judicial bull and vividly interested in the world, unstable twins. It gives a very interesting mixture. People born at this time, characteristic of the thirst for knowledge. The Teltsovsk part keeps them in place, and the twin - forces information about other cultures. If people were born in the border sign Taurus Gemini, then they are excellent scientists or writers. I am pleased to go into the world, but in a special way, so that as much as possible to find on this path. Their analytical mind is sometimes well replaced by the voice of the heart, it is useful to listen to people, feel and try something to taste, and not just study with the help of intelligence.

Famous people born at this time: Cher.

Border signs of the zodiac: Gemini - Cancer, June 17-23, the time of enlightened

At the time of the sign of the zodiac between twins and cancer summer solstice. This is a special period of the year. Energy on such days is so great that it can push the boundaries of worlds and our views. In this excreasing, the sun reigns, which is immersed in the water of the enlightenment of cancer. People born in the border sign of Cancer twins are endowed with extraordinary sensitivity, creativity, artistic talent and excellent taste. Their imagination is just huge. Perfectly realize yourself in art. You only need to go down from time to time to the ground - in order to gain strength.

Famous people born at this time: Nicole Kidman, Paul McCartney.

Border signs of the zodiac: Cancer - Lion, July 19-24, time Siren

The zodiac sign between cancer and lion combines the royal power and strength of solar lions with sensitivity and emotion of cancer. Men and women born at this time characterizes unusual magnetism. They have some kind of magic influence on others. There are no people who would be able to resist their charm. Representatives of the borderline cancer lion lighten in the inner light and differ in good character. And the most interesting is that it sees these surroundings, but not they themselves. Do not appreciate yourself and are unnecessarily modest. And this, in turn, leads to imposing restrictions and non-use to the maximum of their capabilities.

Famous people born at this time: Robin Williams, Jennifer Lopez.

Border signs of the zodiac: Lev - Virgo, August 20-24, the time of inventors

The vital energy and sunny magnetism of the Lion are connected here with the extraordinary talent and determination of the virgins. This is the time when rationalizers and inventors come to the world. And here it is interesting that we are not only talking about those who chose a scientific career, but also about ordinary peoplewho think about how to improve the world around them. Representatives of the sign of the zodiac between the lion and the Virgin greatly organize their work, and it happens that the authorities simply jealous. However, the tops of their capabilities are achieved in the case when they love and loved. It is love that is their "motor" and driving power. Of the shortcomings of the border sign, Lev Virgo - sometimes they are communicated not to completely condemn others.

Famous people born at this time: Coco Chanel, Kim Catroll.

Border Signs of the Zodiac: Virgo - Libra, September 19-25, Elf time

The zodiac sign between the Virgin and weights falls on the autumn equinox. This is the time of equilibrium and energy. People born in this period combine two strong and balanced energies. It often happens that they become perfectionists. Have a tendency to beauty and talent to magic. Not even consciously create strong amulets and personal protective rituals for their loved ones. However, family and friends are always in the first place. Representatives of the Virgin Border Sign of Scales are able to create around themselves warm, friendly atmosphere that attracts others. They also have the power of creating reality.

Famous people born at this time: Will Smith, Bill Murray.

Border signs of the zodiac: Scales - Scorpio, October 21-24, the time of seekers

People born in this sign of the zodiac between weights and scorpion combine natural curiosity to the world, which characterizes the first, with insight and the desire to open the truth that scorpions carry. They very accurately outline the indefinite moments in other people's versions of the world order and strive to find out any situation. Nothing will slip away from their gaze. Representatives of the border sign scales Scorpio believe in the truth and honesty, they require it from themselves and others. Are excellent scientists, but also by police too. The qualities of their "dark side" - they can be unnecessarily incredulous and fall into obsession.

Famous people born at this time: Pablo Picasso, Carrie Fisher.

Border signs of the zodiac: Scorpio - Sagittarius, November 20-23, Centaur Time

The combination of Scorpio and Sagittarius is a very interesting combination. Scorpions are very clever, concentrated people. This should add a sense of humor and the cheerfulness of Sagittarius - and we are ready for a recipe for an unusual personality. The zodiac sign between Scorpio and Saglot is people who have prestige among others. Are masters and teachers. The dark of them is the fact that only they themselves know their intentions. It is never clear, they are virtuosically manipulated by others or just motivate. Representatives of the border sign Scorpion Sagittarius are very consistent and always performed tasks assigned to them - even those that others seem impracticable.

Famous people born at this time: - John F. Kennedy, Jody Foster.

Border signs of the zodiac: Sagittarius - Capricorn, December 19-25, Awakening time

The sign time of the zodiac between the Arrel and Capricorn comes from the day of the winter solstice. This is the moment when the sun rules over the world dies and is reborn - even stronger and more beautiful than ever. He gives people born these days, unprecedented power and energy. They are very conscious and awakened, open to ancient knowledge, but also for new experience too. Thanks to this, representatives of the border sign Sagittarius Capricorn have an impact on others. Their open minds are able to change even zaradnogy structures. They see more others and stubbornly move towards the goal. Never give up and take all new and new attempts until they reach the result.

Famous people born at this time: Ricky Martin, Alissa Milano.

Border signs of the zodiac: Capricorn - Aquarius, January 18-21, Time of Leaders

People born in the sign of the zodiac between Capricorn and Aquarius, strong, powerful, clever, but also eccentric. Insecurity and oscillations to them alien. They always know what they want, and decisively seek it. Do not recognize compromises and half meter. If they are reasonably motivated, then they can find a way out of the worst situation, as well as the path to achieving the goal. Highly put a plank and have a gift of conviction. Representatives of the border sign Capricorn Aquarius are able to inspire others to fight. They are stubborn and persistent.

Famous people born at this time: Janice Joplin, Christian Dior.

Border Signs of the Zodiac: Aquarius - Fish, February 17-21, Time Mages and Single

People born in the sign of the zodiac between the aquarity and fish combine the secret wisdom and the insight of the first with sensitivity and empathy. This leads to the fact that they become real magicians. It seems that they are not from this world - ephemeral, dreamy, mysterious. Representatives of the border sign of Aquarius of fish have a tremendous force of attracting good fate and well-being. However, the only way to implement magic to life is its ways of expression expression and directions. creative abilities. They must learn to curb fantasy and think constructively.

Famous people born at this time: Kurt Cobain, Rihanna.

Incredible facts

Most of us know their zodiac sign. However, if you were born in one of several days when the sun was moving from one zodiac sign In another, it is believed that you were born on the border of these signs.

Kuspid - means the border separating two astrological signs.

A man born during the transition from one sign to another was born on a cure, and often combines the features of both signs of the zodiac. This is because the dates of the boundaries change gradually, depending on the moment when the sun moves to a certain constellation every year.

From the point of view of astrology, this provision hasof particular importance for you .

Capricorn - Aquarius (January 16 - 22) - Kuspid mystery and imagination

What happens if you connect the energy of the skillful Capricorn and the eccentric Aquarius? You'll get a completely unique person. If you were born between January 16 and 22, then you were born on the custare of mysteriousness and imagination, and you will never be bored.

Whether you are externally expressive or shy, most of the experiences will still happen within you. You have very bright dreams and a rich fantasy you need to express creative if you want to be happy.

You are prone to news unusual lifeAnd it is difficult for you to balance the two different sides of your personality - you are restrained, but sociable, crab safety, but independent, and conservative, although you have an extraordination.

Those who were born at the junction of Capricorn-Aquarius, love to speak and entertain, they love to conduct conversations on any topics that stimulate intelligence. That is why it would be diligently they worked, and no matter how devoted themselves to achieving some kind of purpose, it will never be boring.

Although persistent work and high standards lead them to success in many endeavors, it is difficult for them to build personal relationships. It's connected with the need for independence, a tendency to alienation, criticality, and sometimes even selfishness.

But if you can put your friendliness, loyalty and humor, you quickly head your friends.

Aquarius - Fish (February 15 - 21) - Casual sensitivity

What happens if you connect the energy of an extraordinary Aquarius and dreamy fish? If you were born between February 15 and 21, then you are an embodiment responsiveness and imagination.

These are spiritual, artistic, peace-loving, friendly and incredibly original people.

People born on the border of these signs are most often called eccentric and extraordinary, they are attracted by ghostly ideas and new experience. They have high intelligence, but not so well solve practical affairs.

They can be sociable or shy, Or combine both of these qualities. It is connected with the fact that the time spent with other people helps them get rid of stress, but at the same time they are so sensitive that they often prefer to hide alone and their imagination.

In addition, the location on the border of the Aquarius and fish is one of the most intuitive, which often gives their owners with a telepathic look at the world. Immersing in spiritual and philosophical questions, these people do not work so well with everyday worries.

They can often lose things, forget about a date, late or not come to the meeting. But you should not be angry with them, as they are often in thought, how to make the world is better.

Fish - Aries (March 17 - March 23) - Renaissance

If your date of birth combines the energy of dreamy and creative fish and energetic Aries, then, most likely, you know what you want and want it right now.

The most difficult way to people born during this period is intimacy, as they appreciate personal space and need people who will know them well And love for what they are.

Virgo - Scales (September 19 - 25) - Beauty Cusp

If you were born at the junction of the signs of virgin and scales from September 19 to 25, you can be called a beautiful person both inside and outside. The energy of these signs of the zodiac is well combined and creates very balanced people who have both high intelligence and artistry.

You are controlled by the planet of communication of Mercury and the Planet of Love Venus, which gives you the rational qualities of the Virgin and creative and social traits of weights, in other words, all the best.

People with beauty casual is always aware recent trends, they are love beautiful things, including art, people and nature. They strive to maintain an attractive appearance and follow the beauty of the house, but they should be careful not to become too superficial.

In fact, the superficiality is alien to them, as they have acute analytical mind and hardworking.

If you were born during this period, you need a life order to go smoothly in life and looked presentable. It should be careful and not to get involved in appearance and excessive waste of money for material things.

Scales - Scorpio (October 19 - 25) - Drama Cuspity and Critics

If you were born at the junction of signs of scales and scorpion from 19 to 25 October, then you are controlled by two planets of the passion of Venus and Pluto, which is a very sexy combination. Moreover, sometimes it is sometimes difficult to cope with such intelligence, energetic, dust and sexuality.

These people have prudence of the scales and thoroughness of Scorpion, and this is the force with which you need to reckon. They have such a strong and personality that they need to be careful not to become too arrogant, and not insist only on their own.

These are wonderful leaders who have the ability to embody your dreams.

Scales managed by intelligence, while scorpions - strong and deep emotions. This can lead to a conflict of mind and heart, but they, as a rule, strong personality, especially if they can find the balance between the intellectual and emotional side of their identity.

You feel the need to reach the essence of each situation, and you will be much happier if you can doubt your inner criticism and simply relax.

Scorpio - Sagittarius (November 18 - 24) - Customer Revolution

If you were born at the junction of scorpion signs and Sagittarius from 18 to 24 November, you are full forces and Bunlet Energy.

You are energetic, adventure, power, generous, passionate and have a sense of humor. You are managed by Pluto, Mars and Jupiter, which is a dynamic combination of the tension of the scorpion and the activity of Sagittarius. it fearless personalities Can be out of control.

If they can send all this energy to something productive, they will achieve success in all endeavors, as they are not afraid to run forward, say what they think and grow professionally.

Water and fiery element creates sophisticated personalitywhich is often misunderstood. If you can balance aggressive qualities and learn more to adapt, you will become stronger, generous and friendly person.

You may have conflicts with the authorities because of the Bunlet Nature and the frankness inherent to you, so you better work independently. Try to be less selfish and take into account the feelings of others, and also more often forgive mistakes of other people.

Sagittarius - Capricorn. (December 18 - 24) - Kupid. Prophecies

If you were born at the junction of signs Sagittarius - Capricorn from 18 to 24 December, then you are real providez, which goes to a certain success.

Optimistic Sagittarius and practical Capricorn create an amazing combination by hanging their owners with a careless attitude and a realistic look at the world to dream of big plans and turn them into reality.

You sociable and friendly, but at the same time reliable and responsible. You are always ready to try with any endeavors and you can succeed in the profession related to languages \u200b\u200band travel.

The most difficult thing to you will balance the desire for the rapid movement of the archer with slowness and the measured pace of Capricorn. But regardless of how you choose the direction, you have sufficient equilibrium space Energyto Becoming the best thing you choose.

These people love to begin ambitious projects that can change the world and can bring them to the end. But since they make tremendous efforts, they expect from others the same.

You need to try not to give away from others and more time to pay friends and the formation of long-term relationships.

. If you were born at the junction of two zodiac signs, this horoscope for you!

Most of us knows their zodiac sign, but if you were born a few days before or after the transition of the Sun from one astrological sign to the next, we can assume that you were born at the junction of two characters. Such people are unique in their own, among them there are many extraordinary personalities that do not fit into the generally accepted framework. Find out what moves you and how the birth at the border of two characters affected your character.

Horoscope "Border Guards": Capricorn Aquarius (January 16-22) - Peak Secrets and Imagination

What happens if you combine the energies of a stable Capricorn and the bizarre Aquarius? A unique person - this is what! If you were born between January 16 and 23, you were born on the "peak of secrets and imagination." You never boring. Externally, you can be extravagant or vice versa, calm and shy, but in the depths of your soul, emotions will always be buried. Such people have bright dreams and a rich fantasy. If you want to be happy, you need to manifest yourself in creativity. While hardworking and high standards bring success to these people in most career undertakings, they may be harder to maintain personal relationships.

Horoscope "Border Guards":Aquarius Fish (February 15-21) - Sensitivity Peak

If your date of birth combines the energy of bizarre Aquarius with dreamy fish, you were born on the "peak of sensitivity". Such people are spiritual, artistic, peace-loving and friendly. They are inherent originality, far-sighted ideas and wisdom. These people have a powerful intelligence, but sometimes they turn out to be too impractical and unsuccessful. For them, it is much more important to delve into spiritual questions and philosophical ideals than just to manage the details of everyday life.

For this reason, they are often scattered, forgetful and instended. But do not be angry with them: they simply are too busy thinking about how to make the world is better at a much deeper level.

Horoscope "Border Guards":Fish-Aries (March 17-23) - Success Peak

You combine the energy of a dreamy, sensitive sign of fish and a decisive, ardent Aries. Your character is an intriguing mixture of flame impulsivity and dream. And this is a great combination, because it means that you are not just dreaming, but also embody your dreams here and now. You are a leader who combines fearlessness and compassion to others. Such people have a natural ability to set goals and motivate others to achieve success.

If you can bail both sides of your personality, you will become very successful person: Fish will be able to temper the hasty of the Aries, while Aries can embody the dreams of fish into reality.

Horoscope "Border Guards":Aries-Taurus (April 16-22) - Power Peak

Authoritative and bold people born on the border of the Aries and Taurus are inborn leaders. The energies of these two characters are well combined: impulsive Aries is actively moving towards the target, while the practical Taurus takes on all the details. However, you should pay attention to the fact that you are not considered with the opinions and desires of others.

It is not always bad - it's easy to find a balance, soften your aggressive instincts and learn to respect the feelings of others.

Horoscope "Border Guards":Gemini Taurus (May 17-23) - Energy Peak

People born between the signs of Taurus and the twins, from about 17 to 23 May, are endowed with physical strength and endurance, including psychological. Such features give them the ability to adapt to many different situations and people. If these people see the goal, they go to the end, sometimes not noticing that, like a candle, burn from two ends.

Therefore, it is very important for them to learn to take care of yourself and not overload. If they learn to get along with people and listen more, they will be successful.

Horoscope "Border Guards":Gemini-Cancer (June 17-23) - Peak Magic

If you were born at the junction of twins and cancer signs, about June 17 to June 23, you are an amazing person! These are funny, curious, caring, devotees, sensitive and inspirational people. At the same time, they may be excessively emotional, frivolous, selfish and depressive. Fast and fresh twin energy is combined with a slower and more thoughtful nature of cancer, creating people simultaneously and bright.

These people love to explore history and philosophy, try new recipes, play with children. They vitally need to love someone! Without love, they can become capricious or depressed.

Horoscope "Border Guards":Cancer Lion (July 19-25) - Peak Contradiction

People who born at the junction of the signs of the lion and cancer combine the vulnerability of the cancer and the courage of the lion, which leads to a variety of contradictions in their character. The life of these people is full of extreme attacks and falls! These passionate, creative and cheerful people are often inconsistent and prone to hysterics.

They should be done by volunteer work, because to help others - this is a great way to gain balance and focus on something other than yourself. If they learn to balance their extremes, their life will be filled with love and durable relationships.

Horoscope "Border Guards":Lev-Virgo (August 19-25) - Fault Peak

You were born on the "peak of faults", but everything is not as scary as it seems to you. Lion is a sign of fire, and Virgo - the sign of the Earth. This means that your personality has opposite elements. Such people are very hardworking and passionate. They devote all their lives with a certain case. The lion is a loving and inborn leader, and Virgo is a hardworking, detail-oriented and devotee.

Since you were born between such different signs, it is difficult to say in which direction you will develop. Sometimes lions-Virgin need fame and attention, like lions, and sometimes they look more like the virgins and prefer a calm, less social lifestyle.

Horoscope "Border Guards":Deva-Scales (September 19-25) - Beauty Peak

If you were born at the junction of the signs of Virgo and weights - you are a wonderful man both inside and outside! Such people are always balanced, calm, rarely doubt the correctness of the choice made. They are practical, slightly stupid, calculating in relations with the opposite sex. But at the same time romantic, they like, when they care for them, praise, thank.

They know how to find a common language with representatives of different social layers, so there are good diplomats from them. Virgin scales are deep thinkers with acute analytical skills and strong labor ethics, but because of their laziness and reluctance can not change anything from welcome heights.

Horoscope "Border Guards":Scales-Scorpio (October 19-25) - Drama and Critics Peak

If you were born at the junction of scales and scorpion, you are controlled by two passionate planets - Venus and Pluto. It makes scorpion weights incredibly sexy, attractive and, as a rule, very beautiful. These people are very important to engage in public activities - without this they become closed and oppressed. In their business, they easily reach heights and gain popularity.

However, intelligence, drive, brightness and sexuality of these people can cost too much surrounding! They possess strong leadership qualities and stubbornness. They need to ensure that not to become arrogant.

Horoscope "Border Guards":Scorpio-Sagittarius (November 18-24) - Revolution Peak

These people are full of strength and rebellious energy. They guide the planet Pluto, Mars and Jupiter. These are fearless, energetic people who are not afraid to freely express their opinions and pursue their goals. If they can learn how to direct all this energy into the productive track - will be successful in most undertakings.

For them, it is important to constantly be something busy. Strong, generous, with a good sense of humor, these people are the most faithful and fun friends. Do not try to limit their freedom. If they manage to curb their aggression, they become a soul of any company.

Horoscope "Border Guards":Sagittarius Capricorn (December 18-24) - Peak of Prophecy

If you were born at the peak of the Capricorn, about December 18 to December 24, you are a high-dimensional person who seeks to change the world. Optimism and Fearless Sagittarius are perfectly combined with the hardworking and practical character of Capricorn. This leads to the fact that a person dreams of big, and then embodies these dreams into reality. These people are mobile, sociable, love to travel a lot.

They are successful in the career, but not looped on it. It is very important for them to feel their significance, feel that they live in this world is not in vain. Pretty sociable and good-natured, but open only a few people. If this horoscope helped you better understand yourself or your loved ones, share this information with your friends!

If you were born at the junction of two signs of the zodiac, this horoscope for you!

Most of us knows their zodiac sign, but if you were born a few days before or after the transition of the Sun from one astrological sign to the next, we can assume that you were born at the junction of two characters. Such people are unique in their own, among them there are many extraordinary personalities that do not fit into the generally accepted framework. Find out what moves you and how the birth at the border of two characters affected your character.

What happens if you combine the energies of a stable Capricorn and the bizarre Aquarius? A unique person - this is what! If you were born between January 16 and 23, you were born on the "peak of secrets and imagination." You never boring. Externally, you can be extravagant or vice versa, calm and shy, but in the depths of your soul, emotions will always be buried. Such people have bright dreams and a rich fantasy. If you want to be happy, you need to manifest yourself in creativity. While hardworking and high standards bring success to these people in most career undertakings, they may be harder to maintain personal relationships.

If your date of birth combines the energy of bizarre Aquarius with dreamy fish, you were born on the "peak of sensitivity". Such people are spiritual, artistic, peace-loving and friendly. They are inherent originality, far-sighted ideas and wisdom. These people have a powerful intelligence, but sometimes they turn out to be too impractical and unsuccessful. For them, it is much more important to delve into spiritual questions and philosophical ideals than just to manage the details of everyday life.

For this reason, they are often scattered, forgetful and instended. But do not be angry with them: they simply are too busy thinking about how to make the world is better at a much deeper level.

You combine the energy of a dreamy, sensitive sign of fish and a decisive, ardent Aries. Your character is an intriguing mixture of flame impulsivity and dream. And this is a great combination, because it means that you are not just dreaming, but also embody your dreams here and now. You are a leader who combines fearlessness and compassion to others. Such people have a natural ability to set goals and motivate others to achieve success.

If you can balance both sides of your personality, you will become a very successful person: the fish will be able to temper the hasty of Aries, while the Aries can embody the dreams of fish into reality.

Authoritative and bold people born on the border of the Aries and Taurus are inborn leaders. The energies of these two characters are well combined: impulsive Aries is actively moving towards the target, while the practical Taurus takes on all the details. However, you should pay attention to the fact that you are not considered with the opinions and desires of others.

It is not always bad - it's easy to find a balance, soften your aggressive instincts and learn to respect the feelings of others.

People born between the signs of Taurus and the twins, from about 17 to 23 May, are endowed with physical strength and endurance, including psychological. Such features give them the ability to adapt to many different situations and people. If these people see the goal, they go to the end, sometimes not noticing that, like a candle, burn from two ends.

Therefore, it is very important for them to learn to take care of yourself and not overload. If they learn to get along with people and listen more, they will be successful.

If you were born at the junction of twins and cancer signs, about June 17 to June 23, you are an amazing person! These are funny, curious, caring, devotees, sensitive and inspirational people. At the same time, they may be excessively emotional, frivolous, selfish and depressive. Fast and fresh twin energy is combined with a slower and more thoughtful nature of cancer, creating people simultaneously and bright.

These people love to explore history and philosophy, try new recipes, play with children. They vitally need to love someone! Without love, they can become capricious or depressed.

People who born at the junction of the signs of the lion and cancer combine the vulnerability of the cancer and the courage of the lion, which leads to a variety of contradictions in their character. The life of these people is full of extreme attacks and falls! These passionate, creative and cheerful people are often inconsistent and prone to hysterics.

They should be done by volunteer work, because to help others - this is a great way to gain balance and focus on something other than yourself. If they learn to balance their extremes, their life will be filled with love and durable relationships.

You were born on the "peak of faults", but everything is not as scary as it seems to you. Lion is a sign of fire, and Virgo - the sign of the Earth. This means that your personality has opposite elements. Such people are very hardworking and passionate. They devote all their lives with a certain case. The lion is a loving and inborn leader, and Virgo is a hardworking, detail-oriented and devotee.

Since you were born between such different signs, it is difficult to say in which direction you will develop. Sometimes lions-Virgin need fame and attention, like lions, and sometimes they look more like the virgins and prefer a calm, less social lifestyle.

If you were born at the junction of the signs of Virgo and weights - you are a wonderful man both inside and outside! Such people are always balanced, calm, rarely doubt the correctness of the choice made. They are practical, slightly stupid, calculating in relations with the opposite sex. But at the same time romantic, they like, when they care for them, praise, thank.

They know how to find a common language with representatives of different social layers, so there are good diplomats from them. Virgin scales are deep thinkers with acute analytical skills and strong labor ethics, but because of their laziness and reluctance can not change anything from welcome heights.

If you were born at the junction of scales and scorpion, you are controlled by two passionate planets - Venus and Pluto. It makes scorpion weights incredibly sexy, attractive and, as a rule, very beautiful. These people are very important to engage in public activities - without this they become closed and oppressed. In their business, they easily reach heights and gain popularity.

However, intelligence, drive, brightness and sexuality of these people can cost too much surrounding! They possess strong leadership qualities and stubbornness. They need to ensure that not to become arrogant.

These people are full of strength and rebellious energy. They guide the planet Pluto, Mars and Jupiter. These are fearless, energetic people who are not afraid to freely express their opinions and pursue their goals. If they can learn how to direct all this energy into the productive track - will be successful in most undertakings.

For them, it is important to constantly be something busy. Strong, generous, with a good sense of humor, these people are the most faithful and fun friends. Do not try to limit their freedom. If they manage to curb their aggression, they become a soul of any company.

If you were born at the peak of the Capricorn, about December 18 to December 24, you are a high-dimensional person who seeks to change the world. Optimism and Fearless Sagittarius are perfectly combined with the hardworking and practical character of Capricorn. This leads to the fact that a person dreams of big, and then embodies these dreams into reality. These people are mobile, sociable, love to travel a lot.

They are successful in the career, but not looped on it. It is very important for them to feel their significance, feel that they live in this world is not in vain. Pretty sociable and good-natured, but open only a few people. If this horoscope helped you better understand yourself or your loved ones, share this information with your friends!

Birth at the junction of two signs of the zodiac - True luck! People celebrating their birthday during this period are truly unique. After all, they combine only the best features of not one, but at once two zodiacal patrons.

Editorial "So simple!" It suggests to understand what is the feature of such extraordinary personalities, and that drives them throughout life.

Magic properties of zodiac signs

  • Capricorn - Volider
    The characteristics of the character of pragmatic Capricorn are perfectly combined with so bizarre water. If you were born between January 16 and 23 - then you are a real lucky one with endless fantasy and bright dreams. All around Well, just adore you, because you are not bored with you.

    Fortunately, the stable character of Capricorn does not give an alarm in you to make reckless actions. It is difficult for you in your personal life, for the time you are incredibly successful in the works of workers. But here you have to choose ...

  • Aquarius - Fish
    The fancy of the Aquarius and the dream of fish makes such people well very sensitive. They are creative, original and wise. Without problems make a dizzying career, the truth often put overwhelmed goals. Such border guards are often scattered, but only due to the fact that they constantly dream about changing the world for the better.

  • Fish - Aries
    If you were born from March 17 to March 23, you were fortunate enough to combine the very sensitivity of the fish and the ardent character of the Aries. It would seem that the character is not completely combined, but in this and the whole charm! It is important to dominate Aries, because the fish are always ready to give slack.

    Well, if you have to keep both sign in harmony, you will become extremely successful. After all, the fish can temper the hot-tempered character of the Aries, and the Aries are capable with the ease of incarnation into the reality of the dream of touching fish.

  • Aries - Taurus
    Such people are inborn leaders. The energies of the Aries and the Taurus are combined well: while impulsive Aries reaches goals at any cost, the practical calf is following the details. True, to achieve success, the April border guards will still have to publish emotions and learn to respect others.

  • Taurus - Gemini
    Such personalities are strong and enduring, with something not only physically, but also psychologically. Communicability and resources of twins allow these people with ease to adapt to complex situations. The main thing is to take care of yourself and not overdo it in an attempt to achieve goals as soon as possible. But a strong family is, without which such border guards will not be able, because the family gives them the lack of confidence and support.

  • Gemini - cancer
    The bright energy of twins is very harmoniously combined with thoughtful nature of cancer, giving the world of people incredibly fresh and sunny. June border guards - real soul Companies. They are funny, caring and inspirational personalities, which you just need to love someone. They adore children, culinary experiments and philosophical books. If you were born from 17 to 23 June - you are an amazing person!

  • Cancer - Lev.
    If the domineering lion will listen to the wisdom of family cancer, everything will be wonderful. The nature of such personalities is rather controversial and changeable. They can be creative and cheerful, and can be very wounded and hysterical. It is worth learning to balance both signs, then life will be full of success and love.

  • Lev - Deva.
    If you were born in the period from 19 to 25 August, your patrons signs are also contradicting each other. You are very persistent and talented, and many will envy your strength and persistence. Lev is a real leader and a loving family man, but the Virgin is something and it is ready to work without end. Most often, signs can not get along in harmony, because one is trying to oust another to the background.

  • Virgo - scales
    Congratulations, you were fortunate enough to be born on the "peak of beauty." Everything in you is fine, and all you die. You are balanced, calm, romantic personality that will never doubt the correctness of the choice. True, sometimes laziness and unwillingness can change your careers to deprive you and prevent such desired heights.

  • Scales - Scorpio
    People who were born on the border of these contradictory signs, well, very not easy. But truth is born in flour. Venus and Pluto make these signs extremely beautiful and attractive. They are inherent in leadership and stubbornness, but the main thing is not to do the nose. They easily reach career heights and conquer such popularity. Yes, yes, without public life, they just get enough.

  • Scorpio - Sagittarius
    People with crazy energy that do not always know how to direct it in the right direction. And if you are able to cope with it, they will be extremely successful. Generous, faithful and fun friends, they are always a soul of the company. Still would! It happens that the November border guards are exacerbated by the sense of justice. But before scattering accusations in all directions, try to count to one hundred.

  • Sagittarius - Capricorn.
    Fearless Sagittarius is in full harmony with hardworking Capricorn. Sagittarios Capricorns are high-dimensional people who are trying to change this world with all their might for the better. They are very self-sufficient in life and profession. They are communicable and live without traveling. They are easily able to embody the most incomprehensible dreams in reality, only want to want!

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