Soon the Solstice Day is one of the most magical days a year! Signs and conspiracies on the sun, day of summer solstice.

If you plan to perform some rite on this day, you need to prepare for it in advance. First, you have to not eat meat for a week and not drink alcohol, even beer or other weak alcoholic beverages. Secondly, the last day is better to comply with full hunger, drink only water.

You should buy or make an independent black candle, which will be higher, the better, just do not overdo it so that it is sustainable enough. Buy a small piece of fabric, preferably monophonic, black or green. Take the three PICK as the oldest possible, what you can find while you are preparing to the ritual. On the day of the solstice, you must all be ready.


At midnight, put on the table with a canvas, put three piles on it and ignite a black candle. In the room you must be alone, the doors need to be closed so that no one distorts you and did not interrupt the ritual. The phone is better to turn off. And start reading a plot.
"Flame of candles black,
That in the hellish mouth flames
Besu beard is poured, his flesh is tormented.
Scump by bodily pain, Pyatakov Spump.
My, in the word, the Vedovo limit,
I'll leave the Besin on the spill.
Chad hello, flour does not torment.
Docked me (name) in wealth.
Like Gratis, delete harm.
I have to keep everywhere without ropot.
Taki you are pyataks three on the spill.
You throw them into the sputter, through a black path.
Besule of Ladyman in the admin bed
I have a wealth in a human metle,
So, the psalm from the book is black all closure.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

After you read this conspiracy three times, the candle should be attached, and the coins are then attributed to the cemetery along with the cloth and bury under any tree. If the tree grows at the grave necessarily, leave the bump on the grave. It can be candy, cookies, wine or vodka.
Remember and never violate such a rule, always coming on the cemetery, bring cemetery spirits to the spill for the work that you ask them. If you ask to pick up your poverty, and in return to give wealth, then you need to pay for it.
The soul is not asked for this for this, but something material from the products, always bring. In such a question, how to be aware of the measure. It does not play the principle, the more, the better, you thank the spirits, and not buy them. From the cemetery immediately go home, it is impossible to talk to anyone or look around.

Even if someone is called you, pretend that they did not hear. Take a shower or beware and rejoice, the things in which you were on the ritual and went to the cemetery be sure to be wrapped up. Please note that you should take a shower, not a bathroom, in standing water on the day of solstice are not clean. Water should be flowing. If it is hot on the street, you can go to the river.
The candle for the next evening should be lit, open the window or the window and it should burn completely. Sparks Collect and take to the intersection. This ritual is very strong and always triggers, if you do everything right. Never tell anyone that you treated the dark forces for help.

Many of your surroundings will also begin to suspect something when the money will start to come in literally nowhere. Even in a joke, do not hint anyone. For chatter higher power They can turn away from you, and wealth will change in deep lack of money.
Take care what you have, money love silence, remember it golden Rule. Such a conspiracy will act exactly a year. On the next year It is necessary to repeat the ritual.
Twice a year there are such days, do not miss the opportunity to change the life of your own and relatives and close to the better. It did not come up with us, many centuries, people enjoy these rituals, and they really change their lives for the better, you should only attach a little your work.

June 21 - Summer Solstice, Great holiday in the wheel of the year, the celebration of light and life. In the shortest night, dreams and reality are mixed with each other. This period is filled with magic and magic. Perfume of all four elements of fire, land, air and water are combined to have fun, rejoice with people.

June 21 is one of the most powerful days of the year when it is possible to "accommodate" his happiness, "program" to positive and joy.

Pancakes for loved

At the solstice (June 21), like the carnival, a pancake oven, symbolizing the sun. Pancakes spoke, paint holy water. For example, if a pancake is baked on the day, a pancake is pregnant, it will strengthen your. But since the solstice falls on the period of Petrov's post, when dairy products are forbidden, then the pancake must be lean, but it can be replaced with another product or a dish that resemble the sun (for example, orange, scrambled, etc.).

To get married

But another one that can be performed on this day. To get married faster, in the evening June 21, the girl alone should collect 12 different herbs Or colors and put them under the pillow with the words:

"Fragrances of meadows, flavors of the field, carry me into a sleepy detriment. Langu girl, waking up his wife. True.

After that, you need to go to bed. The outflow bouquet is wrapped in paper and burn in a fire.

Ritual for change in life

To radically change your life, you need all night (from June 21 to June 22) from a spring or well (you can also have a stream), every hour drinking water with words from it in a glass:

"As water runs - it changes and my life will change."

The ritual is advised to perform, starting with the sunset, and before sunrise.

Solstice Day good and to make desire

In the morning, go to the window and looking at the sun, tell me:

"Sunny-father, a red sun, help me in the matter of mine, will be a dream of my dream, light bright lighting, the ray of Sogray."

After that, in your own words, make a desire. It is said that it should be done during the year ..

But what else can still be done on this day!

Ritual "Candles of Desires"

This is very effective techniquethat will help embody your dreams into reality. To do you need a thin candle and a candlestick, a secluded place and a table. During the fulfillment of the rite, you should have a pleasant and loose clothing, loose hair. Take a convenient posture, relax, burn the candle and say out loud your desire (it should be positive, should not bring harm to anyone). Next, looking at the candle, imagine it already implemented, imagine the bright picture of the performance of your desire until the candle will do. Then silently go to bed. In the morning, the flashers can throw away.

To enhance efficiency, you can make this technique seven evenings in a row, you can also make a new desire every evening, buying a candle for each evening depending on what your dream is related to:

White - Desires that concern beauty and health
Yellow - Dreams of happiness and joy
Green - Desires associated with money and any material benefits
Red - Love desires
Blue - If you want to get heavenly protection and patronage
Purple - for good luck and luck
Black - to attract power and power

Thoughts are material and soon your dreams will definitely come true!

Feng Shui Ritual for the fulfillment of desires

Who is familiar with the science of Feng Shui, knows that there are many statuettes and figures that help to attract the desired one. For this ritual, you will need a horse figurine with a raised left (you can buy it in any Feng Shui shop).

Write your dream on red paper (it's best to write in the present time, so you have already received what you wanted. For example, "I have ...."). Horse statuette in the southeast sector of your home. Under the figure, put a sheet with a written desire. It is believed that during the 21st day your dream will be implemented. Well, if the ritual you will perform on the growing moon.

Magic Bath for Desires

Very nice and useful for your body. The procedure for taking a bath with aromamasals can help you embody dreams to reality! Add to the bath with warm water such aroma oils (a few drops): sandalwood, patchouli, cardamom. If possible, make water to be pink or purple color (For example, with a foam or bomb for a bath).

Immerse yourself in warm water And as much as possible, imagine that your desire turned. In a relaxed state, you have a mow, think about what you will feel when you get the desired. When you come out of the bathroom, say three times "It turns out, it turns out, it turns out!"

Now it remains only to wait for your dream to come true (within a few weeks).

Choose a ritual who most of all came to your heart and attract good luck in your life. All of these techniques will help you concrete our goals and dreams, launch the work "Power of the subconscious", which will open the best way to embody the desires. And of course, do not ignore the capabilities that you have on the way. Remember how Mark Twain says "Once in life, happiness knocks on the door of everyone, but often this one sits in a neighboring zucchka and does not hear the knock"

According to astrologers, the day of solstice is the most dangerous time in the year. But folk signs Speak about the opposite, revealing us the magical purpose of this interesting period.

The unstable energy of the day for a day in a year can negatively affect the inner state of people. The time when the sun literally freezes in the sky, permeated with mystical power. This was sure the ancient priests of Druids, which made up the horoscope of the predictions of human life and events.

Summer solstice in 2017

Moscow time Summer Solstice in 2017 will come on June 21 at 7:24 am. The energy of the Sun will reach its maximum mark, but not only the heavenly luminaire will give us with its influence. According to astrologers, the impact of other planets that are part of Solar systemwill be much stronger.

Those who patronize the sun will be able to harmonize their character traits, to show hidden talents, generate ideas, create and surround the care of the neighbor. But the danger of the very long day suits people who were born under the care of other patron planets. Solar energy can make their adjustments to your plans and routine of the day.

Summer solstice - truly magical day. This is the longest day of the year, followed by the most short night. The powerful energy of this day can be used for its own purposes - to make ancient rituals, rites and find out their fate.

Magic Day of the Summer Solstice

Centuries of the centuries put out special magical properties. It is not surprising that the solstice period began to celebrate even before our era. At this time, the power of the daylight reaches its limit and has a positive impact on people. It was believed that the day of the summer solstice had the strongest energy, which is able to help perform cherished dreams.

The way that the Sun has now gone, now presented the tradition of the Day of Ivan Kupala, who, before the adoption of Christianity coincided with the astronomical solstice. But the longest day did not lose its meaning, but on the contrary, and nowadays are filled with rites, rituals and interesting events:

  • any rituals and magical actions are fueled by solar energy and are significantly enhanced;
  • the otherworldly world opens its doors, it is possible to communicate with the souls of the dead;
    Astral creatures seek to come to contact;
  • fortune telling on the maps of Tarot, Runa, coffee grounds give truthful and accurate answers to questions about the near future;
  • love spells, conspiracies and prayers have an effective force during the summer solstice;
  • flowers lavender, calendula, fern leaves, willow, Ryabins attract love and perfectly complement many rituals on happy life;
  • The sun is a secret healer, so any beginning to healing and strengthen the body has esoterically powerful power;
  • collecting the healing herbs on June 21 will help you save them beneficial featuresCharged solar energy and powerful force for a long time;
  • on the Solstice Day, you can also put powerful protection against the incoming evil and negative on yourself and your home.

Ritual on the execution of desire

On the day of summer solstice, June 21, you can make desires. Glowing wreath from wildflowers. In the process, think about your desire, try to experience only positive emotions. Put the wreath on the head. This is the symbol of the sun, the symbol of the whole being and life. If you are in nature, he will raise the fire and sacrifice something to fire - it can be a piece of clothing, old wallet, shoes and other personal belongings.

Throwing his thing into the fire, tell me: "Paid!". Thus, you paid for the execution of your desire. If you are in the city, you can freeze the candle and carefully set up something small out of personal belongings. Be careful with fire. Say the same words. The fire should be ground himself.

Ritual for money

If you want to attract a stream of abundance in your life, take the whole trifle from your wallet on the day of the summer solstice and put it under the threshold of the house or in some opening or gap entrance door. It will take quite a bit of time, and you will feel how money starts to appear in your life literally from nowhere.

Ritual for life change

To radically change your life, on the night of June 21-22, you need to flip as many items as possible in your home. Put the cups and glasses upside down, turn the shoes, turn the chairs. All that can be put on the contrary or upside down - turn over and put.

During this ritual it is important to think about what your life is in your hands and from now on you begin to change it. After telling "home upside down, another life will start with a new day!". Go to bed. In the morning, as necessary, you can return the inverted items into their usual position.


On the day of summer solstice, it was customary to create chambers and talismans. The most famous charm, which was done on this day, is a witch staircase. In order to make it, you need to take a fly yellow or gold color and nine beads of any colors. Next, you will need to blame the witch staircase.

The chart of the guard is very simple - ribbon on the tape of beads according to the scheme: a node-bead-node-free piece of ribbon, a knot-bead-node, etc. Having risen each bead, you need to make one desire, or repeat the same thing. After weaving the end and the beginning of the tape must be fixed with nodules. This charm can be suspended at the entrance door or carry.

Amplifying your energy, you can avoid negative influence Planets on the day of summer solstice.

We wish you to meet this magical time with pleasure, in a great mood. Let nothing disturb your inner state!

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Summer solstice - truly magical day.

1:601 1:606

This holiday has many names in the people. Ivan Kupala, Ivan-Herbal, Yarilin Day, Soncecres, perfumes day, dew holiday - this is all the names of the Day of the Summer Sunstream in different times from different nations.

With the adoption of Christianity, the pagan festival of the juggles did not disappear from Slavic culture, but was transformed on John the Baptist, who accounted for on June 24 at the old style. But after the transition to the Gregorian calendar, the day of John the Baptist shifted on July 7th. IN modern Russia The celebration of Ivan Kupala does not coincide with the day of summer solstice.



According to astrologers, the day of solstice is the most dangerous time in the year. But folk signs talk about the opposite, revealing our magical purpose of this interesting period.

The unstable energy of the day for a day in a year can negatively affect the inner state of people. The time when the sun literally freezes in the sky, permeated with mystical power. This was sure the ancient priests of Druids, which made up the horoscope of the predictions of human life and events.

2:1408 2:1413

Summer solstice in 2017




Moscow time Summer Solstice in 2017 will come on June 21 at 7:24 am. The energy of the Sun will reach its maximum mark, but not only the heavenly luminaire will give us with its influence. According to astrologers, the impact of other planets that are part of the solar system will be much stronger.

Those who patronize the sun will be able to harmonize their character traits, to show hidden talents, generate ideas, create and surround the care of the neighbor. But the danger of the very long day suits people who were born under the care of other patron planets. Solar energy can make their adjustments to your plans and routine of the day.

Summer solstice - truly magical day. This is the longest day of the year, followed by the shortest night.. The powerful energy of this day can be used for its own purposes - to make ancient rituals, rites and find out their fate.



Signals on the Day of the Summer Solstice 2017


  • The water, which was gained in the morning of June 21, is considered healing. The water was gained from wells and springs, washed it on the same day and drank.
  • The girl who had a nine fires had a nine fires for Ivan's all night, this year will certainly marry.
  • If on the day of solstice the Bouquet Ivan-da-Maryi hang at the entrance to the house, then all sorrow and misfortunes will bypass the house side.
  • Rain for the holiday of Solvet bad admission. Thought that the gods were angry, and do not allow the fires to slaughter and hold rites on well-being.
  • In order to penetrate the coupal night into the house, it is necessary to put in the door and window shoals, as well as under the threshold or plug a spiny or burning plant - nettle, branches of rosehip, raspberries, blackberries, etc.
  • Abundant dew in the morning of June 21 promised a rich harvest. She was collected and for the year they were singing sick children.
  • A clear starry sky on Ivana Bucala foreshadows warm, but rainy autumn.
  • In the evening, Ivanov did not have to go to the bath and flew her herbians broom collected on this day. After such a par, even seriously ill people were cured.
  • Those who had a birthday fell on the day of the summer solstice, on 21 or 22 June, possess magic power And they can treat people.
  • If there is some man in Kupalskaya night by chance or deliberately will share water, to be your husband and wife with him.
  • The couple in love will definitely hold the hands to jump over the Kupan Bonfire on the day of the summer solstice, then they will definitely live a long happy life together.
  • Calcles from the Kupovsky bonfires are collected and folded around the house, overlooking the roof. It is believed that they protect the farm from pests, thieves and fires.
  • The night of summer solstice is the shortest per year, the night from June 20 to 21. Christians are called St. John's Eve.
  • To jump over the bonfire on the solstice - the crop will be good.
  • Cut the cattle through the smoke of the fire - it will be healthy.
  • Children born in the summer solstice possess the power of the evil eye.
  • If you collect in the summer solstice, a hunter and put above the door, evil spirits Will not be able to enter your home.
  • If the fruitless woman nude will collect St. Summer in the summer solstice - it will become fruit.
  • If it rains in the summer solstice, nuts are bad.

Summer solstice and predictions:

5:580 5:585
  • To find out who will die in the next 12 months, sit at the stage of the church in the evening. You will see the vision of local residents who will die.
  • To see the narrowed, the girl should prepare bread, cheese and wine and leave the door open. There will be a ghost of the future husband, bow and raise a glass.

Magic Day of the Summer Solstice


Emergencies of centuries The sun was empowered by special magic properties. It is not surprising that the solstice period began to celebrate even before our era. At this time, the power of the daylight reaches its limit and has a positive impact on people. It was believed that the day of the summer solstice had the strongest energy, which is able to help perform cherished dreams.

The way that the Sun has now gone, now presented the tradition of the Day of Ivan Kupala, who, before the adoption of Christianity coincided with the astronomical solstice. But the longest day did not lose its meaning, but on the contrary, and nowadays are filled with rites, rituals and interesting events:

  • any rituals and magical actions are fueled by solar energy and are significantly enhanced;
  • the otherworldly world opens its doors, it is possible to communicate with the souls of the dead; Astral creatures seek to come to contact;
  • fortune telling on the maps of Tarot, Runa, coffee grounds give truthful and accurate answers to questions about the near future;
  • love spells, conspiracies and prayers have an effective force during the summer solstice;
  • flowers lavender, calendula, fern leaves, willow, Ryabina attract love and perfectly complement many rituals for a happy life;
  • The sun is a secret healer, so any beginning to healing and strengthen the body has esoterically powerful power;
  • the collection of healing herbs on June 21 will help you to preserve their useful properties charged with solar energy and powerful power for a long time;
  • on the Solstice Day, you can also put powerful protection against the incoming evil and negative on yourself and your home.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desire


7:683 7:688

Glowing wreath from wildflowers. In the process, think about your desire, try to experience only positive emotions. Put the wreath on the head. This is the symbol of the sun, the symbol of the whole being and life.


If you are in nature, he will raise the fire and sacrifice the fire - It can be a piece of clothing, old wallet, shoes and other personal belongings.
Throwing your thing into the fire, tell me: "Paid!". Thus, you paid for the execution of your desire.



If you are in the city, you can freeze the candle and carefully set up something small out of personal belongings. Be careful with fire. Say the same words. The fire should be ground himself.

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Ritual for money

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If you want to attract the stream of abundance into your life, take the whole trifle from your wallet on the day of the summer solstice and put it under the threshold of the house or in some opening or gap at the entrance door. It will take quite a bit of time, and you will feel how money starts to appear in your life literally from nowhere.

8:1458 8:1463

Ritual for life change


9:503 9:508

To radically change your life, on the night of June 21-22, you need to flip as many items as possible in your home. Put the cups and glasses upside down, turn the shoes, turn the chairs. All that can be put on the contrary or upside down - turn over and put.

During this ritual it is important to think about what your life is in your hands and from now on you begin to change it. After telling "home upside down, another life will start with a new day!". Go to bed. In the morning, as necessary, you can return the inverted items into their usual position.





10:567 10:572

On the day of summer solstice, it was customary to create chambers and talismans. The most famous charm, which was done on this day, is a witch staircase. In order to make it, you need to take a fly yellow or gold color and nine beads of any colors. Next, you will need to blame the witch staircase.

The chart of the guard is very simple - ribbon on the tape of beads according to the scheme: a node-bead-node-free piece of ribbon, a knot-bead-node, etc. Having risen each bead, you need to make one desire, or repeat the same thing. After weaving the end and the beginning of the tape must be fixed with nodules. This charm can be suspended at the entrance door or carry.

Intensifying its energy, you can avoid the negative impact of the planets on the day of summer solstice.

We wish you to meet this magical time with pleasure, in a great mood. Let nothing disturb your inner state.


According to astrologers, the day of solstice is the most dangerous time in the year. But folk signs talk about the opposite, revealing our magical purpose of this interesting period.

The unstable energy of the day for a day in a year can negatively affect the inner state of people. The time when the sun literally freezes in the sky, permeated with mystical power. This was sure the ancient priests of Druids, which made up the horoscope of the predictions of human life and events.

Summer solstice in 2017

Moscow time Summer Solstice in 2017 will come on June 21 at 7:24 am. The energy of the Sun will reach its maximum mark, but not only the heavenly luminaire will give us with its influence. According to astrologers, the impact of other planets that are part of the solar system will be much stronger.

Those who patronize the sun will be able to harmonize their character traits, to show hidden talents, generate ideas, create and surround the care of the neighbor. But the danger of the very long day suits people who were born under the care of other patron planets. Solar energy can make their adjustments to your plans and routine of the day.

Summer solstice - truly magical day. This is the longest day of the year, followed by the shortest night. The powerful energy of this day can be used for its own purposes - to make ancient rituals, rites and find out their fate.

Magic Day of the Summer Solstice

Emergencies of centuries The sun was empowered by special magic properties. It is not surprising that the solstice period began to celebrate even before our era. At this time, the power of the daylight reaches its limit and has a positive impact on people. It was believed that the day of the summer solstice had the strongest energy, which is able to help perform cherished dreams.

The way that the Sun has now gone, now presented the tradition of the Day of Ivan Kupala, who, before the adoption of Christianity coincided with the astronomical solstice. But the longest day did not lose its meaning, but on the contrary, and nowadays are filled with rites, rituals and interesting events:

  • any rituals and magical actions are fueled by solar energy and are significantly enhanced;
  • the otherworldly world opens its doors, it is possible to communicate with the souls of the dead;
    Astral creatures seek to come to contact;
  • fortune telling on the maps of Tarot, Runa, coffee grounds give truthful and accurate answers to questions about the near future;
  • love spells, conspiracies and prayers have an effective force during the summer solstice;
  • flowers lavender, calendula, fern leaves, willow, Ryabina attract love and perfectly complement many rituals for a happy life;
  • The sun is a secret healer, so any beginning to healing and strengthen the body has esoterically powerful power;
  • the collection of healing herbs on June 21 will help you to preserve their useful properties charged with solar energy and powerful power for a long time;
  • on the Solstice Day, you can also put powerful protection against the incoming evil and negative on yourself and your home.

Ritual on the execution of desire

On the day of summer solstice, June 21, you can make desires. Glowing wreath from wildflowers. In the process, think about your desire, try to experience only positive emotions. Put the wreath on the head. This is the symbol of the sun, the symbol of the whole being and life. If you are in nature, you will raise the fire and sacring the fire - it can be a piece of clothing, old wallet, shoes and other personal belongings.

Throwing his thing into the fire, tell me: "Paid!". Thus, you paid for the execution of your desire. If you are in the city, you can freeze the candle and carefully set up something small out of personal belongings. Be careful with fire. Say the same words. The fire should be ground himself.

Ritual for money

If you want to attract the stream of abundance into your life, take the whole trifle from your wallet on the day of the summer solstice and put it under the threshold of the house or in some opening or gap at the entrance door. It will take quite a bit of time, and you will feel how money starts to appear in your life literally from nowhere.

Ritual for life change

To radically change your life, on the night of June 21-22, you need to flip as many items as possible in your home. Put the cups and glasses upside down, turn the shoes, turn the chairs. All that can be put on the contrary or upside down - turn over and put.

During this ritual it is important to think about what your life is in your hands and from now on you begin to change it. After telling "home upside down, another life will start with a new day!". Go to bed. In the morning, as necessary, you can return the inverted items into their usual position.


On the day of summer solstice, it was customary to create chambers and talismans. The most famous charm, which was done on this day, is a witch staircase. In order to make it, you need to take a fly yellow or gold color and nine beads of any colors. Next, you will need to blame the witch staircase.

The chart of the guard is very simple - ribbon on the tape of beads according to the scheme: a node-bead-node-free piece of ribbon, a knot-bead-node, etc. Having risen each bead, you need to make one desire, or repeat the same thing. After weaving the end and the beginning of the tape must be fixed with nodules. This charm can be suspended at the entrance door or carry.

Intensifying its energy, you can avoid the negative impact of the planets on the day of summer solstice.

We wish you to meet this magical time with pleasure, in a great mood. Let nothing disturb your inner state!