How to learn to attract objects to yourself. How to learn to move the objects of thoughts

I think many wondered how to learn how to move the subjects by the power of thought. So why dream, sigh and envy look at those who know how to do it? After all, you can learn themselves and then demonstrate your skills in the company, to use them in everyday life. Now I will tell you how to manage the subjects of the strength of thought. I will share my experience and list the exercises that will help you in self-development.

You know, it will sound trite, but I just looked at the movie "Carrie" and admired the abilities of the main character. Yes, such a tricky reason inspired me to engage in self-development, to master telekinesis. At first I just decided that I had to collect all the will in the fist, for a long time to look at the subject and wait for it when it would move. Literally incited things, but they remained lying on the spot. Meditated before the start, but constantly distracted, I thought about outsiders.

After two weeks of such useless practice, I surrendered for some time, because I began to think that in real life It is impossible to do this. Fortunately, one of my acquaintance shared with me exercises and told that in my technique it was wrong (almost all). He instructed me and rejoiced my successes, and now I want to help you. Do not waste your precious time, following the wrong technique. Better immediately start practicing as it should. Then you do not have to retire.

When I started to do, then with suspicion referred to success. Here is another advice: never in yourself doubt. You will definitely work out, just believe yourself and motivate with failures. You can not imagine my delight when I finally moved the paper from the table. Immediately the eyes were rounded, I had a shock. I checked the situation a hundred times: maybe the window is open or the door, I accidentally moved. But no, the next day it turned out the same, soon the leaf succumbed to me and allowed to do everything I want.

The main thing is to keep up to its first positive result, after that it will not want to throw it. It gives so many strength and positive, then learning begins to pass faster and more confident. Now I can move the items alone with the power of thought. With practice, my skills improved, it takes less time, plus now I can move something pretty heavy.

Limit can be exhausted

In total there is a limit. I want to remind you that you will not be able to lift the closet and throw it into the wall with a swing. No cars, houses, bicycles. It's not at least the most trained person. Be prepared for the fact that first it will be hard for you to even affect a needle or sheet of paper. As far as I know, the record among those who are engaged in Telekinis was a portfolio that weighed four kilograms. And then it was possible to move to a couple of centimeters. Even if you fold the forces of yourself and a partner, it will come out of this little. Maintain energy in one room is extremely hard, you will shoot down each other and disorient.

So put yourself only to fulfill tasks and do not think that they will gain superhero power. With the speed, too, do not wait for miracles. Juggle things are just fairy tales that came up with filmmakers for a more colorful and exciting picture. The fastest - crawl at snail speed. And that if you are lucky. Undoubtedly, you master how the strength of thought to raise items. But they will not float over your head or fly around the room. Just hang for a couple of seconds and collapse.

Important! You must learn to extend this flight and work out the technique of smooth lowering the object to the floor.


Johann Wolfgang Goethe, the world famous writer, said such wise words: "No one knows what his strength, while they do not use them." I suggest you to finally learn about your ability and hidden talents that you can, be up to this point, did not suspect.

  • Plastic cup.
  • Matchbox.
  • Cone of paper.
  • Matching raft.
  • Rotation.

This is a set of exercises for beginners. Now I will tell you about each more. First you need to tune in to the desired way. This will help the right meditation. The first ten minutes you need to sit absolutely without thoughts in my head, how to merge with the air, dissolve in it. When you feel that you get one whole with a room in which you sit - go to action. Raise all the energy from your body, collect it in one direction - in your hands. You must feel how they are filled with force. Then visualize these arms in front of yourself, it is them you will move objects.

So, when the preparation is completed, proceed with training. For a minute you can not forget what you do all energy Hands. For convenience, you can even tie your real behind your back so as not to make machine and usual movements. Only the rope should not put too much on the skin, otherwise the pain and other discomfort distract you from the process.

  • The room should not be a draft, since the plastic cup is easy to shake even with a simple breathing. Try to direct your fictional hands in his direction. Do not waste efforts to raise it. Just push, press up. You first chase not for beauty and accurate technique, and for the result. Enjoy yourself and motivate yourself with the exclamations: "Move!", "Stick!", "Spin!". Again, these exclamations do not have to go outside the limits of your head.
  • Moving items of thoughts training ordinary matchbox. Operate it for a short distance, and then try to close.
  • Roll from paper cone. At the same time, it is not necessary to glue two ends with glue, as it also gives severity. Suspend the cone on the rope and make it rotate. Yes, at first, no Yula and Hurricane will come out. Attempt to simply promote and stir suspended.
  • Compare the task with matches. Remove all content out of the box. Pour into a deep and spacious plate cold water. It turned out imitation of a small lake, a pond or a reservoir. Your task is to put a raft to swim. You must become a busting of the wind, which sets the direction and route. I do not advise you to influence water and try to create waves. Work with cardboard transport.
  • Now hang on the rope match. By the way, if it is hard for you, then replace the props on the needle. They are different size and weight, so go across the growing. These items will be promoted easily.

Here's another one little secret: still remember how the challenges in mathematics about "Item A and Item B" decided in school? So, mentally imagine two points and carry items from one to another. Sometimes you can even invent a small bridge.

Sitting starts

It is commendable that you have become on the path of self-development and decided to experience the limits of your body. I ask you not to relate to telekienesis as some nonsense, quarrel, or fun. Come to this case seriously and sincerely believe in success. Do not disappoint as a result. I repeat once again: it's easy and quickly or anyone will never succeed, even at the most stubborn and capable student.

In Texienesis, as in the study of English language, there is one general rule: We must train and exercise every day. Touch the skill at the exercises for beginners, and then go to more complex. There should be no such thing that you want both the cone to rotate, and the raft can be allowed on the water. The main thing is not the amount, but quality. It is not necessary to learn a bunch of exercises and be able to make them somehow. Bring one to the ideal, then proceed to another.

Another small tip: Do not demonstrate your first steps to perfect friends. You are still inexperienced, any extraneous movement will distract you. You will be worried and nervous, want to impress. Therefore, unwittingly focus not on the movement of the object, but on the thoughts about how you look from what you think about you. It is necessary to dissuade skeptics and prove it that the movement of objects of thoughts is possible. And this kind of evidence spend a lot of time.

We conclude

Patience and a little effort. If you really want to master this direction, then nothing will prevent you in the implementation of the goal. For this, it is not necessary to have some special talent from the birth, in the topics of enlightenment all are equal. Someone learns to process their energy and manage it, and someone lowers hands. I wish you good luck and never give up!

A few more than a few years ago, people could only wonder and dream about how simply unusual people move objects. They were considered to be magicians and wizards, they were afraid and respected. Many dreamed of themselves to learn to telekinesis, agreed with suppliers, acquired special literature, read, trained, but ... nothing went out. It turns out that some fifty years ago, all printed literature in this direction was produced by enterprising people, ready to earn their first capital, literally in the air.

Often, the advice that could be read in such books was very much like a well-known fantastic work, where a schoolboy boy named Harry with one wave of the magic wand was impossible. Over the past century, in Russia, the super supports of all two people were revealed, and each of them absolutely did not want to learn this specially. As they say in their publications and advice, you do not need something very much desired. Everything will happen by itself, and how they managed to move the pencil from the spot, lead water in a glass container in the air, and also lift the bird feather in the air, they shrugs shrug.

Concept of Telekinis

Telekinis or psychocynez is the ability to move items without bringing hands. The scientific concept of this phenomenon sounds like the interacting resonance of the human body and any objects, when the interaction of which occurs:

  1. Formulation by the brain of directional send.
  2. Managing the nervous system by consciousness.
  3. Activation of internal reserves of the body, namely currents and are the main engine that affects the movement of external items.

Let's imagine yourself on the site of a person who learns to the skills of telekinosis. For example, he stands in the middle of the room, on the floor and intently looks at the heavy sofa. Trying to move it from the place alone only. When a person strains his gaze, he intently looks at the subject, begins to see a sofa in another direction. This is called Monovzor, \u200b\u200bwhen a person, as if going beyond his body, sees the subject in another projection. He considers the sofa - sees its contour, the rear walls, a box that is inside. That is, he sees the "skeleton" of the subject and what is inside. Next, the person begins to hear the sound that is more like vibration or the noise of "white" color. It is difficult to describe in words, but all the insides are intense, a person feels the beat of the heart and the impulse that gradually falls down to the solar plexus. The outlines of all items in the room become blurred, the boundaries are erased, sounds are dulled. And it is at this moment that the human body and item is included in the same state - resonant. The sound is heard, which the person's ear perceives as very loud - this is the sound of the moving item. The sound "cuts" the brain and the body runs through powerful "goosebumps". At this time, the vendor movement occurs.

Who can learn

The ability to master telekinesis is extremely rare. Only one or two people out of a million are capable of moving an object without effort, lift it into the air and perform other actions that cannot be performed at a distance. For example, ignite or repay the fire, disconnect, bend metal subjects And so on. Scientists have not yet found this phenomenon scientific evidence and continue to breed their hands. But there is an opinion that every person has such abilities. Just not everyone notices them and does not try to develop.

To the question, is it possible to learn how to move objects at a distance, the specialists in this direction respond to the affirmative: "Yes, you can. You just need to adhere to some rules. "

Fundamental rules:

  1. It is necessary to have a huge desire, and also have a hardness of character and believe, believe and believe that everything will work out.
  2. Learn to relax.
  3. Be able to concentrate.
  4. Learn to own and body, and consciousness.
  5. Be ready to train every day, without a break.

Check your potential

Look inside yourself, inside your consciousness, check ourselves, your potential. To learn to telekinesis, you need perseverance and regular training. You can learn this phenomenon with both the teacher and on your own, conducting domestic training. The main rule of classes:

  1. You need to do every day.
  2. Do not distract and learn to focus.

We start working with energy

Classes should be held in a relaxed atmosphere. Turn off all items, playing sounds: TV, radio, telephone, close the windows. Even the sound of arrows wall wrappers can create interference.

  1. Relax the body, try to close your eyes and feel your energy, its stream.
  2. Inhale, exhale - Slowly release the air, trying to send energy into hand.
  3. Try to feel the stream, feel how energy is going in the palms and absorbs in the pillow of the fingers.
  4. Put your hands in front of your palms together. Try to feel the density of the space formed between them.
  5. Place between palms any item. Raise up palm over the subject, feel warm.
  6. Close the hands to the subject slowly. Focus.
  7. You must feel a slight tingling or feel that the distance between the palms is compressed, as if attracting them to each other.
  8. Smoothly touch the item and also slowly remove the hand to the side.
  9. Catch the feeling of resistance when the subject "does not let go of your palm.
  10. Remove your hand and relax.
  11. Relax.
  12. Try to let go of energy.

it phased description First classes. In subsequent classes, it is necessary to try to create an energy sensation with any, different in size and weight of objects. Spend an experiment with different distances, trying to gradually increase the distance between you and the subject. Permanent workouts will allow you to experience energy at a distance from two to three meters.

During the period of workouts, seek the feeling of tingling in the palms and the tips of the fingers, gradually increasing the distance between the objects. Get the feeling of "push."

During the study period, it is necessary to achieve daily workouts to feel the energy of the space even closed eyes. Training can be started with a long distance sensation. Only after the counting of these phenomena, you can try to move a small object from the place, without the use of physical contact.

Mastering visualization

Before start learning, you need to mentally "draw a small point on the subject. First of all, you need to free yourself from all without exception. Make it is very difficult, but over time you will succeed. Look at an imaginary target and think about it, representing that the eyes send rays to this point. When this stage of learning will be behind, and you will be able to perform without effort and special concentrations, you must add the second exercise - circular rotations head.

After - the exercise becomes more complicated and to one point you need to "paint" the second, slightly above the first. Now your task is to transfer a look from one to another point so that the points are shifted - the top was downstairs, and the bottom moved to the top. This is the most important rule in the mastering of Telekinis technology.

After counting the above methods, you can move to the most important - real objects. In the same way, as with the movement of imaginary points, you need to practice moving objects.

Do not stop there: patience and perseverance will help you understand whether you have special abilities who just need to "wake up", or you can comprehend all the basics and learn to telekinesis yourself.

Lovers of fiction, unknown side of the world, otherworldly, UFOs and other things - all of you heard about and, unlike those who just like to read about the hobbits before bedtime, you dream and live the idea to master telekinesis. We will tell you how to move objects, but we do not guarantee that it will come out.

It is impossible to move the thought

The essence of Telekinza is by no means believe that you might think and pose a remote to your hands. On the contrary, you must understand that it is impossible that there are impossible things in the world, and everything that is impossible can still be changed. That is, first of all, realize that the movement of items of thoughts is impossible, and then believe that you can make it impossible.


In order to develop the ability to move the items of thought, you need to start with the movement of emptiness.

In a free minute, sit comfortably and long look into the emptiness. Several dozen minutes - and everything in order to see the emptiness. What is emptiness? The emptiness is nothing concrete, everything around, but nothing definite.

Do not imagine that I shift the curtains, just see how emptiness moves in space.


The second step towards managing the subjects of thoughts is work on your own hands. Raise your hand to the eye level, completely relax her, and realize that it moves precisely because you want it. Squeeze the fist, emphasizing the brain on this, also with the rest of the body. Next, learn how to move your hand, do not strain the muscles.


Classic inventory of those who decided to learn how to move things by force of thought is a pen. Put it in front of yourself when good lighting and start viewing for a long time studying as a new acquisition to the smallest details. When to watch it was tired, repeat it to yourself that it is impossible to shift it with thoughts, of course (you must believe that it is impossible!). Further move it!

The pen should move for 1 mm, and this, of course, did not work the first time. So, you should work on the fantasy and imagine that you have shifted it, see it that is moving.

Many days will be held on the passage of each of the stages, as a result, you should do the most important of them - the direct, real movement of the pen.

Just try to do this, understanding that it may not work, but maybe it will turn out.

This will not happen from the first, and not with a hundredth attempt. But there are people who do this impossible, which means you can.


Start with exercises on the "movement of emptiness". See anywhere and subconsciously "move the emptiness." This will teach you to concentrate attention and look.

Try to relax the muscles of the body, but your hands, however, should move. Do hardly until the tension in the muscles does not fit.

Start classes on the movement of material things. Take a small piece of paper and overcap it perpendicularly twice in half. Stick sewing needle or pin in the cover from, traffic jam, lump. On the needle of the middle put a bent leaf.

Try to focus on the sunny plexus, feel your hands, how warmth is moving out of it. Feel on the tips of your fingers and on light tingling and warm. If you turn your palms to each other, then you must feel some tension, as if there is an inflated balloon between them.

Relax, sit comfortably. The exercise space should be well lit. Apply your hands to the sheet and, concentrating, try to turn it with the strength of thought.

At this moment, do not think about, relax, throw out all thoughts out of my head, breathe deeply. You should only want the leaved to turn and internally see this process.

Do not be discouraged and do not doubt your abilities. If it does not work immediately, then be sure that success will come after three to five days of permanent workouts.

Remember: The most important thing in this business is faith in yourself and your abilities. If you are confident - you will definitely achieve the desired result.

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  • how to move the thought

In the world's usual movement skill, or, is nothing but an illusion. Simply put, focus. In order to demonstrate such a focus, for example, your children, not necessarily be a copperfield. Let's try at home to move the subject mentally.

You will need

  • - Powerful magnet
  • - table or board
  • - small metal object


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Not all metals and alloys are subject to magnet action. Choose products that are well attracted.

When showing focus, try not to touch the magnet about interior surface Table, it can spoil everything.

If the table is rather fat, or has any technological protrusions, it may complicate the task. Perfect fit dining tablesconsisting only of countertops and legs.

Helpful advice

Go closer to the object "Telekinza", make distracting movements so that the viewer does not pay attention to the left hand.
Alternatively, the magnet can be adapted to the knee. In this case, both your hands will be free, but you will slightly lose in freedom of moving the object.

Telekinosis is the ability to move items One strength of thought. More than once, scientists described cases of non-contact movement of things, and they could not give these facts as a scientific explanation. Most often for the ability to move items The thought, as well as music, needs a certain gift, but this can be achieved through persistent workouts.

You will need

  • - plastic cup;
  • - match;
  • - Thread.


For starters, do it. Perhaps in your family there were already people who own. Share your grandparents. If you are lucky, and Paramal owners are present in your genealogy tree, it will be much easier for you to move itemswithout touching them. In addition, you can even do without workouts, since your abilities can wake up at any time.

If you did not find it in your family, do not be discouraged, you can achieve everything yourself. Find some point (if you have new wallpapers without spots, draw it yourself) and every day, within 15 minutes, concentrate your attention on it. You must be comfortably sitting and relaxed. Imagine that rays come out of your eyes, which rest in the point.

After you have learned to concentrate your attention without any problems, complicate the exercise. Now you do not look at the point, turning your head. If this exercise was gone without difficulty, draw a slightly lower point on the second point and, concentrating on the top, smoothly translate the look at the bottom. You must have the feeling that your view was stuck to the upper point and pulls it down.

Take the plastic and put it in front of yourself on a hard stool. Sit yourself at the same time. Making over the glass of the PASS (which - you will tell you your intuition), the power of thought is to move it from the place. With a thorough and regular execution of this exercise, the result should appear within a week.

Take the match, tie it for a thread and hang. Now, making the passes with your hands, try to make a match turn around your axis. The result should also appear during the week.

After you have successfully mastered the exercises for moving a plastic cup and matches, you can move the larger itemsGuided by the same principle.


  • How to learn Telekiev
  • how to raise the subject

The concentration of attention and thoughts requires a lot of mental strength. Any external stimuli can distract a person from the concentration object. It is difficult to focus on the fulfillment of routine work. Special exercises and a fresh look at the usual things will help you maintain a steady interest in a thoughtful problem.


An important factor for concentration is the absence of external stimuli. When you read a book, write or reflect on something, distract your attention can any sound, movement. The most difficult to concentrate in crowded and noisy places. If you work at home, and your loved ones are watching TV, loudly and constantly ask any questions, you do not fully focus on the task set. Try to extinguish yourself from external stimuli as much as possible. Find a secluded and most quiet place where you can work more productively. If you find a place does not work, try to mentally burn out from the events around you. Imagine that your head is in a large glass bowl, and all external sounds bounce off from it, not reaching your attention.

When you need to concentrate on routine work or a boring lecture, which does not cause, try to find something new in it. Take a look at the usual things on the other side. Suppose you are listening to the tenth report at the conference, your attention was scattered and thoughts Gone in an unknown direction. Imagine yourself who first faced the outlined theme as if you were accidentally hit the hall. Find in the outlined report moments that could interest you. It may be different from your opinion on already things that have previously unexplored numbers, facts and terms of terms. You may be interested in unusual style Speech speaker and skill Available complex material.

Learn to concentrate thoughts Special exercises will help. Put any item - an apple, a vase, matchbox or clock. Focus on the selected object. Consider it from different. Pay attention to the color, volume, shape, sensation when touched to the subject. Try to clearly hold attention and reflect on the subject of at least two minutes. As soon as notice that your attention has been gone from the object of concentration, gently return it back and continue the exercise. Perform an exercise every day for 5-10 minutes. Soon you will be easier to control thoughts.

Concentration - Skill Fix attention On one object for any time segment. However, the pace modern life, the abundance of information and routine cases is often not allowed to focus on something one. This affects work or school. How to learn how to move everything unnecessary to the distant plan?


Create the correct setting. First of all, it is worth minimizing the impact of distracting factors. For someone, this is a working TV or loud conversations around, someone cannot abandon social networks, and someone is important in the workplace and comfortable armchair. Finding out that it prevents the most easier to concentrate, it will be much easier to create a convenient setting: turn off the TV, disable Internet access, remove unnecessary from the table or get comfortable.

Watch for health. It is impossible to work in full force, feeling not very good. Even minor headache leads to a decrease in the level of concentration and performance. The ability to focus worsens and due to chronic. After all, it is during sleep that the brain cells are restored for. To avoid a psychological recession, try to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

During reading solid text, it becomes hard to absorb read. In this case, you can make graphs, schemes, mental cards or the thesis plans. The brain engaged in the processing of the information received is much more difficult to be distracted by foreign objects.

Not always work delivers. Therefore, the temptation is greatly unpleasant or tedious into a distant box. The ability to focus on closely related to self-discipline, as well as the ability to achieve their goals. At the end of each working day, make a list of cases for tomorrow and try to abide by it. Persening in this beginning will lead to the fact that you can regulate your attention yourself and direct it to a particular object.

Long-term concentration leads to fatigue. This is due to the overvoltage of certain parts of the brain. Therefore, to maintain good performance during the working day, be sure to arrange breaks. Take from the school schedule. Organize hourly "changes" of 10-15. The main thing is not to sit in the same place, communicating with colleagues or playing in computer game. It is better to walk, break the muscles, massage the neck or make the gymnastics for the eyes.

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Move the ability to move distance, or academic telecision, has not been described by scientists and is shown in thrillers and science fiction films. There is still no unambiguous opinion, due to what items move. Most often, this ability is congenital, however, through persistent workouts, this can be learned.

Move the subjects of the power of thought - Tales is it or still reality? Nowadays, this phenomenon pays a lot of attention, we can see the transfer of telecisenesis on TV, read about it in magazines and on the Internet. But how to understand if you can learn and yourself move objects to look or thought?

What is it

Telekinosis is a human ability move objectswithout touching them. From Greek, this word is translated as "movement at a distance", and this name accommodates the entire meaning of the phenomenon.

Otherwise, it is called psychocynez - this word is translated as "soul, breathing." The story knows examples when a person could move the objects of thoughts.

Recall the notiveness Ninel Kulagin - This woman moved different items, not touching them. She used her mental energy and argued with scientists that it is possible.

In the results of the research it was said that at the time of the movement of the item near her fingers appeared fine and brilliant dotted lines, which fixed the equipment.

So looks like mental energyAnd everyone has it, you just need to learn how to use it, and this will require the ability to concentrate and direct energy into one point. This can be achieved by training.

How does it comes fact Telekinza? Items are moving due to mental efforts directed to them for the following reasons:

  • The brain forms a signal, directs it exactly to the target.
  • Consciousness controls nervous system And manages it.
  • Internal body reserves are activated, currents are produced, which are sent to the subject and move it from the place.

What feels a man at the time of their commitment volve effort To move the subject contactless? Let's figure it out. First, first, he concentrates his view on the subject in such a way that one day it begins to see more, as if to embrace the whole item - the monovor manifests itself.

A person in this state can feel the subject to all his body, to see that he has from the bottom, inside and so on. After that, the noise begins to grow in his ears, everything in him goes into a tense state, but the body remains externally relaxed.

He feels the energy that, borrowing in the head, goes into solar plexus. The world turns into a blurred picture, the outlines become fuzzy - this is the state of the trance. For a person, as if the border of reality is moved, the sounds become quiet and go to the distant plan, the white noise increases everything.

At this moment, the human body and the subject he wants to move, go to state of resonance. It is now that it can be shifted by the power of thought, sending a stream of energy to it.

In 5 minutes at home

Telecines requires high energy costs, and you must be prepared for the fact that after training you can get very tired. If it doesn't scare you, it is quite possible to learn how to move items thoughts at home.

There are exercises that take away from you no more than 5 minutes, but will effectively work on the development of abilities. But first remember simple rules "Never start exercising if you feel bad and before starting classes, throw out extra thoughts from my head so that nothing distracts you.

It may not work immediately, in order to learn how to concentrate and free consciousness from all extra, many experts recommend before teaching telekinesis Some time to do yoga or meditations.

Fast learn to telekinesis at home You will help the next exercise. His goal is to accumulate energy. Sit more comfortable and place the palm of each other opposite each other.

Imagine how energy flows pass through you, and the energy accumulates in solar plexus. Feel a slight tingling or heat from what it passes through you. After that, send energy into the palm and imagine how it moves from one palm to another, flowing on the wrists, shoulders.

You have enough just 5 minutes on this exerciseAnd, if you do it regularly, your abilities for teleciasis will noticeably increase! Over time, it is worth paying a little longer to him, and you will see how your energy is increasing.

Next exercise too takes 5 minutesBut it is necessary to do it regularly. Sit opposite the mirror or ordinary glass, Mentally draw a black point on it and concentrate on it. Imagine how golden energy flows are going out of your eyes and the bridges and are collected at this point.

Remember that at this moment you should be very comfortable, nothing should distract. Over time, you should go to the second part of this exercise - to start rotating your head, without tearing away from the point. At the same time, try to the rays of energy remained there as if chained to this place.

Then, after a couple of weeks of such training, imagine two points and move attention with one to another. Try to feel the effort to make you think that you move the same point with effort of thought.

Quickly and simple

To master Telexiene In all perfection, long-term workouts will be required, but you can try to check yourself on the tendency to it easily. That is, everyone has the abilities, just someone is harder, someone is easier, like any science.

So, take a plastic cup and put it on the table in front of yourself on the side. Sit before him, focus, breathe deeply. Try to plunge into a state close to the trance, can help meditation techniques. Throw unnecessary thoughts from your head, focus on subject to you.

Now try to collect all your energy and the maximum effort of the will to move the glass. Nothing succeeded? Dont be upset! Everything has its time. Change the stack position and try again. Even if you cannot work out at once, do not stop attempts. If you exercise regularly at least three times a week, one day you will succeed.

Another way to learn move items - Exercise in the concentration of attention. Draw on a piece of paper bold dots and hang it on the wall at the eye level. One point should be higher, and the other is below.

Concentrate first on the one that is lower and then slowly transfer your attention to the upper, then back. Do so for a few minutes. Well, if you hang such a piece of paper opposite the desktop and you will be several times during the day take this exercise.

It will help in mastering the telekinease and an exercise with a match. Fill a deep bowl or saucepan clean waterYou can take a boiled or flowable, but ideally it should be spring water.

Now throw a match there and begin to concentrate on it. Direct all the energy on it, all my will. Imagine how from your eyes rays of energy are basedthat push the match and force it to move in the water.

A good way is an exercise with pen, pencil and thread. Take the listed items, tie to one end of the penny, and to another - a pencil.

In addition, you will need an ordinary bank for which you need to put a pencil so that the feather hung and rested on a thread. Now you need concentrate on re And try to move its energy.

Do not approach the design too close, then it will not move from energy, but from your breathing, but such a work will not bring results.


To master the telekinosis it is useful to conduct energy practices. One of the exercises is carried out as follows: you need to close your eyes and relax, feel like all the space around you permeated with energies.

Try to grab, catch one of the streams, breathe it into yourself. Now exhale, trying to send energy to own hands. Feel how she passes through you, as he enters the palm, in the tips of the fingers, pulsates there.

Connect the palms, disconnect, bring the Cupsometh that you want to move from the place - at first it should be something easy - a fever or cap from the handle. Move your palms over the subject, on the side of it, slightly touch it, and then assign your hands.

Try feel warm, voltage between it and your skin. Then breathe deeply and exhale, relax. Repeat everything first, and so several times.

Well helps in the disclosure of this ability an exercise called "Moving emptiness". Relax, free your head from thoughts, sit comfortably and concentrate at one point.

Look at this point unreal and concentrate on it. Now imagine that move the strength of thought Air unit from this point to another. Move the emptiness several times a day.

Another interesting exercise - Movement of pins. Take the plastic bag - better from the can, it is softer - and the pin. Stick the pin into the center of the lid so that it takes the vertical position and did not fall. Put the design in front of you and begin to fully focus on it.

Attach your whole will to at least slightly move the pin, scroll it around your axis. If you do it regularly and correct energyOver time, your efforts will be rewarded.

Trying to move the strength of thought and a piece of paper. To do this, take it and put it at the level of the eye, for example, on the shelf. Now focus and direct energy to it, trying to turn it over. Most likely, you will not succeed at all, but here you can slightly move or move the leaves quite possible.

If you are sick or tired, in no case do not start exercise - so you will spend valuable energywhich could go to recovery. Before classes, try to relax, listen to calm music, take the bath, burn the aroma.

To concentrate and direct your energy per point, you need to get rid of experiences and everyday worries that distract and take strength. This can help simple meditation - For 5-10 minutes, sit with a straight back and closed eyes and deep breathe.

Imagine how the golden energy is concentrated inside you, as it fills each cell of your body. Relax all the muscles in stages, starting with the crown and to the tips of the fingers on the legs. At the end of the meditation, take a deep breath and open your eyes. Now you ready for exercises.

There is a theory that may be uncontrolled. So do not be surprised if at that time you started exercise, during the quarrel or disputes you have the items in your house, the things are moving.

Such phenomenon known For a long time, he is called Poltergeist, but in fact it is the uncontrolled energy of a person, with impulses and emotions escaped to freedom.

Because of the nervous shocks, the human brain is part of a special state in which it can direct the energy so that the effect of telekinease is created. Therefore, be careful in your experiments and try as little as possible nervous, because it can lead to injuries!