Without medicines and doctors, recommendations for parents. Consultation for parents "without drugs and doctors" Consultation on the topic

Dear Parents!

We kindly ask you to comply with the legislation on the ban on smoking in our organization.

Clarification of legislation.

From November 15, 2013, the law "On fines for smoking" (with the exception of individual provisions) entered into force. Organizations and citizens can now be fined for violation of the "anti-baccane law".

On November 15, 2013, most of the provisions of Law No. 274-FZ entered into force "On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and the Federal Law" On Advertising "in connection with the adoption Federal Law "On the protection of citizens' health from the impact of the surrounding tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption", in which fines are established for violating the requirements of the Federal Law of 02.23.2013 G No. 15-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 15-FZ). Innovations to touch, in particular, sellers of tobacco products, advertisers, advertising producers, premises owners, in which smoking is prohibited. Law No. 274 - FZ provides for penalties for violation of the rules for selling tobacco products. If the organization and entrepreneurs in their territory will not ensure compliance with the prohibitions, they can also be fined.

For citizens, smoking in the wrong place may result in a fine of up to 1.5 thousand rubles, and smoking at the playground - up to 3 thousand rubles.

Smoking until the personal business of the smoker, its individual harm, the right of freedom of choice, while the smoke and / or smoke-glowing cigarette does not inhale the people around him.

Toxic effect on the body of passive smoking is known for a long time. The smoker with a cigarette spreading the tobacco smoke makes the non-smoking, who is with him in the same room, passively smoking, wants it or not.

In children from families, where one or both parents smoke at home, more often arise colds, bronchitis and pneumonia. These children are more often sick in early childhood, more often skip school and generally get a smaller health stock for future life. Smoking of parents by 20-80% increases the risk of respiratory system, inhibits the growth of light child. It is known that smoking mothers increase a few times the likelihood of a child with a defect. They may include cleaners of lips and bone snacks, deformities of limbs, kidney polycystosis, interventricular septal defects, skull defects and others. These defects are associated with exposure hypoxia which occur under the action of carbon monoxide tobacco smoke. M.atheric smoking and the impact of the surrounding tobacco smoke causes the lack of placenta regarding the transport of amino acids, which partly explains the delay in the intrauterine growth of the child.

The impact of tobacco smoke on the child before his birth, in particular, leads to a delay in the growth of light, the development of respiratory diseases, accompanied by shortness, especially in children preschool age. This effect is subsequently affected by respiratory health throughout life. The test shows that children who have been subjected to various psychoactive substances before birth, faced problems in behavior and training. As a result such a child can handle it worse with school programwhat flows considerable consequences.

If a pregnant woman is simply in a smoky room, through the inhaled air, it still exposes the fruit of the fries. The sensitivity of the embryo to Nicotine is so high that he reacts even to the fictitious smoking of the parents, that is, the cigarettes are not yet buried (!). This is a purely psychological reaction. From the point of view of the biochemistry, it is inexplicable.

In addition, according to statistics, if one or both parents smoke, then up to 80% of children in such families begin to smoke already in adolescence.

Feed children from tobacco smoke!

Harutyunyan Veronica, Educator MBDOU "Cheburashka" Article of the Republic of Adygea

Objectives: fasten the concept healthy image life; develop a negative attitude to smoking; Conduct an experiment, clearly showing the harm that can cause a person smoking.

Equipment: adaptation that shows negative results SmokingTrechlite Bank, plastic cover, fringe and glass tube, piece of wool, cigarette, man layout (we are dealing in parts, so that there would be easy and trachea)

Preliminary work.

Conversation about a healthy lifestyle, as affecting the bad habits of people on their health.

Travel course.

Children sit on the carpet. The teacher appeals to them:

I release a lot of smoke

Clean air pollution,

I take health,

And for the lungs, the first enemy I am. (cigarette)

Correctly guys are a cigarette.

The first cigarette usually offers a good buddy. And usually the guys agree. The reasons for which the child agrees to smoke a lot:

  • ordinary curiosity;
  • just because other boys or girls smoke;
  • fear of being not in the company and that it can turn away from you for this reason;
  • desire to do called parents (especially if there was a quarrel on the eve) .

Guys, how do you think smoking good or bad and why.

(Listens to children's answers)

And what do you think it suffers first in our body?

(Listens to children's answers)

Do people suffer from around and why?

(Listens to children's answers)

Guys, you are absolutely right. First of all, the smoking person ruins his health, and the health of others. Especially because of the harmful smoking suffers the young body of teenagers. But we know with you that it is much more pleasant to lead a healthy lifestyle and much more useful than smoking. And now we will show.

Fizkultminutka "Athletes"

We are athletes at least where

This is yes, it's yes! (cotton in your hands)

Love to run, love to jump,

Lack and press up (movements on the text in place)

And how the fish is bending. (Exercise "Fish")

We are athletes at least where (hands on the belt, turns to the sides)

This is yes, it's yes! (cotton in your hands)

We raise dumbbells,

On the path we step,

Stood on the heels, then on socks, (movements in the text)

Our victories are very close. (jumping legs together - apart, cotton hands above your head)

Well done. And now, imagine that we came to the laboratory of studies of the human body. Today, we will see and clearly make sure that smoking brings serious harm to the body. Taking a cigarette in the hands, and a bitching, a person does not see what is happening in his body. Almost all the first tightening causes dizziness, some - vomiting. Why? Now we can clearly see.

Before you the so-called smoking machine. It consists of ordinary three-liter banks, plastic lid, fringe and glass tube. Bank as it is environmentAnd also does not give smoke to spread all over the room where experience is performed. A tube is connected to it through the hole in the lid - this is "trachea". It holds tobacco smoke from a cigarette into a lung man. (pursue an analogy on the layout of the human body, body) .

Guys, look carefully. Wat it will be our lungs. Watts need to wet, since in the human body all organs are moistened. We put this piece of wool in a glass tube, one end of which passed through a hole in a plastic lid, a cigarette is inserted, and to another end - a fringe.

And now we will see what will become with the light-our cotton, after interaction with the cigarette.

(Teachers) Experience begins with the ignition of the cigarette using a fringe. She pulls the air, and then with her help "smokes" the whole cigarette. Drawn the attention of children to how many smoke passes along a glass tube from a cigarette in the lungs and how much smoke is allocated to the environment. At the end of the experience from the tube, a roller is extracted, which changed its color and smell. Thus, the children see the whole process of turning the battle of a pure-white in dirty yellow, places black, feel its smell and understand that the lungs that are becoming such, will never be healthy.


Guys, look at Wat. What happened to her? Because of which?

What conclusion did you conclude? What did you like best?

Kutihina Tatyana Vladimirovna


Recently, in connection with the unfolded anti-bacade propaganda, it is increasingly possible to hear the voices of avid smokers about the fact that there is a violation of their rights to freedom of smoking. Indeed, B. last years Several regulations on the restriction of smoking in certain places came out. This applies to common areas, transport, sports facilities, cultural institutions, fire hazardous objects, etc.

Smoking defend the right to ruin own health In favor of a rooted habit, without taking into account the fact that the people around them are eligible to clean air, not poisoned with tobacco smoke poison. A person who is in one room with smokers becomes a smoker "impaired", the involuntary victim of passive smoking.

Such forced smokers fall under the influence of a "side stream" emanating from the burning or smoldering cigarette, while the main stream is directed directly into light smokers. At the same time, the smoker itself inhales only ¼ part of smoke from his cigarette, and everything else falls into the air. Surely, most non-smoking experienced a state of discomfort, being in a jammed room: irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and the upper respiratory tract, dry throat, cough, sneezing. Tobacco smoke prevents focus on work, weakens attention, reduces the ability to assimilate the material.

Long passive smoking contributes to the development of the total "bouquet of diseases" in the non-smoking, characteristic of smokers. After all, in the "side stream" contain all high-tech chemical components as in the main stream. Among them should be allocated carbon monoxide, nicotine, nitrogen oxide, cyanide, aldehydes and other, solid and liquid substances that adversely affect breathing, the composition of the blood, urine, nervous, cardiovascular system, etc.

Especially alarming the fact that among numerous chemical substancescontained in tobacco smoke are highly carcinogenic compounds that have the ability to be summed in the human body and be in the future launching mechanism in the development of oncological diseases and above all lung cancer.

Non-smokers, being in the same room with active smokers, inhale up to 14 mg of high-tech substances, which are delayed in the lungs up to 70 days. Absolutely unacceptably finding in the smoked room of pregnant women. Tobacco poisons most negatively affect not only the health of the future mother, but also on the development of the fetus. Through the placenta, they easily penetrate the blood of the fetus, causing miscarriages, premature birth, the birth of weakened, male children. Well, after birth, the ingredients of tobacco smoke can, getting with maternal milk to breastfish To affect his physical and mental development, as the result of forced smoking suffers from the supply of brain with oxygen and other vital substances.

In smoking nursing mother in one liter breast milk Contains to O, 5 milligram nicotine. Milk has nasty smell And taste, so the child often refuses the chest or sucks sluggishly, milk prematurely disappears. If your baby knew that he was hiding behind the smoke cigarettes, he would ask: "Do not smoke mom!"

But, the worst thing that in pursuit of fashion in recent years has been joined to tobacco smoking girls and young women. At the same time, the earlier the girls begin to smoke, the greater the damage occurs in its reproductive system, reducing its ability to childbear.

Girl - future mother Must be aware of what risk it goes, it is frivolous to be fashionable. At all times, the Meril of Humanity and humanity of the era was attributed to childhood. Any avid smoker, if he's in a right mind, would not want to smoke his children. But, if he smokes in the apartment even in the absence of children, then the cigarette smoke and his poisons still remain in the apartment. From the air they settle on the items, toys, clothes and digested with the whole surface of the child's skin.

Educators B. children's garden Always know whose parents smoke in the apartment because the locker with the clothes of this child makes a specific smell of non-stubs. It is proved by scientists that if the child lives in an apartment, where family members smoke one pack of cigarettes per day, then in the urine of the child, the number of nicotine is found corresponding to three smashed cigarettes.

Here is the danger of smoking parents, maybe not wanting, expose their "indirect blood buoylooks"!

Children's years permeates one continuous theme of growth, development. Day of day, the child is designed to go further in the development of his strength and abilities and the parents should help him. And if the parents do not occur to abandon the laid part of the evening alcohol "with a closer" and packs of cigarettes per day, they are subjected to a harmful effect of a young organism under physical and mental development. As a result of forced smoking, the child is reduced protective forces The body occurs gross impairment immunity, children are more and harder. They have violated metabolic processes, as a result, disharmony occurs in the development of a child, a teenager; The growth slows down, the proportions of the length of the body and limbs are disturbed.

Prolonged impact on the young body of tobacco poisons leads to a change in the respiratory function of the lungs, causes allergic diseases. The road to a big sport, most often for these children, will be closed, and sometimes the road to the chosen profession. These adolescents often have a weak muscular strength, disturbed movement coordination, throw accuracy. Forced smoking has a detrimental effect on human mental abilities, weakens attention, impairs memory. Nervous, undisciplined children and unmanaged adolescents are more common in smoking families.

Smoking parents contribute to the acquisition of children to harmful habits. Ruthless statistics said that 80% of smokers rose in families where parents smoked. Imitating parents, the child takes their household recovery to smoking. From the early age He sees in the house beautiful boxes cigarettes, lighters, ashtrays; Often plays with them. The child consists of the opinion that smoking is a normal phenomenon and, of course, being a teenager, it will not believe frightening inscriptions on packs and words about the danger of this habit and will replenish the rows of smokers.

Smoking or not smoking is a personal matter of an adult. But at the same time it is necessary to remember that each smoking makes harm not only to their health, but also the health of the surrounding people forced to inhale poisoned air. Smoking in the society of non-smoking, especially women and children, should be recognized as an unacceptable, asocial phenomenon, as it begins the threat to the health and life of people.

Moms and dads,

Grandmothers and grandfathers,

Boys and girls

And even kids!

We want to offer you

Without a smoking life live.

To be healthy so easy:

Juices drink and milk,

Do physical education,

Music, literature,

Live, dream, create, love

And, of course, do not smoke.

Like pipes do not smoke

We ask you: DO NOT SMOKE!!!