Games and exercises for brain development. How to develop the right brain hemisphere

The man departed from the world of animals and became a reasonable being. He began to perceive the world in a different way, which surrounds him. People began to communicate with each other, learned to write, mastered some engineering basics. All this contributed to the development of the human brain. Thinking, logic, imagination switched to new level. To understand how to develop a brain by 100 percent, you need to learn about what functions it responds.

Brief Brain Overview

The brain is the most mysterious body in man. Sometimes it is called a computer. People throughout their lives learn something new. The necessary information is remembered and keeping she needs it. But the fact that no longer useful is "destroyed" in the human brain.

The brain performs the following functions:

  • Thinking;
  • Speech;
  • Consciousness;
  • Feelings;
  • Coordination of movements;
  • Dream control;
  • Drawing up plans.
This list is much larger. Many psychologists write whole books on the topic of the brain. It is very difficult to explore and any physical intervention leads to irreversible consequences.

The human brain consists of two hemispheres. One of them is called right, and the other left. They are interconnected by corn body. Through it is the exchange of information of two hemispheres. If you damage the left part of the brain, it will entail damage to the right hemisphere. Fair and reverse. Of course, there have been cases when a man cut off the left side completely. After that, he continued to live a full-fledged life. The right hemisphere began to perform the functions of a non-existent left hemisphere.

The human brain is divided into two parts. Each hemisphere performs its specific functions. Their purpose is presented below.

  • Left hemisphere produces consistent information processing. It takes a step-by-step analysis. All information is simply analyzed. Left hemisphere works with numbers and numbers.
  • Right hemisphere processes information that comes from the senses. It perceives music, colors and is responsible for orientation in the world. The right hemisphere is able to carry out the synthesis of already available information. It allows you to solve puzzles and act not on the template.
This is enough to understand how the human brain is complicated.

How to develop brain abilities?

The psychologist Jung compared the conscious part and unconscious with Iceberg. His tip is consciousness. In turn, what is under water is unconscious. It is unknown on which depth is Iceberg.

This assumption can be attributed to the human brain. It uses only 10 percent of its potential opportunities. People need to develop their abilities. It is difficult to imagine what a person will be, whose brain will use one hundred percent of its capabilities.

Most likely, a new scientific revolution will occur. Follow the discoveries for discoveries.

To start developing brain abilities, you need to adhere to the following advice:

  • Get rid of hypodynamia. She arises from sedentary people. Drivers fall into the risk group, lovers constantly watch TV and sit at the computer. In hypodyamine, fatty acids are not cleaving. On vessels there are cholesterol plaques that interfere with blood passage. Blood supplies all oxygen organs. The brain does not receive O2 and begins to function well.
  • It should be enforced to the body of carbohydrates and phosphates. If a person wants to develop the ability of the brain, then you need to abandon vodka, wines, etc. But if you choose a smaller of evil, then the use of beer is significantly addicted to neurons than alcohol. In general, any alcohol-containing drink kills neurons. Beer also contains a lot of carbon dioxide. There is a double blow. The human brain is poisoned with alcohol and carbon dioxide.
  • Many non-carbonated water should be consumed. It removes most of the toxins and slags from the body.
    Brain's ability helps to develop water. It provides better communication between hemispheres. By 30 kilograms of weight should drink 1 liter of water. In stressful situations, the volume increases. From water, man will not be worse.

Ways to maintain and develop brain activities

  • Sports sports at least twice a week. Try more to communicate with other people. This communication should occur with a living person directly.
  • Fought food rich in vitamins and enzymes.
  • Giving up the body.
  • Avoid stress.
  • It should be learned to relax and master relaxation methods.
  • Adhering to these five items, it can be felt that the potential brain abilities increased and slowly begin to be activated.
How to develop a hemisphere of the brain

Develop only one hemisphere is inappropriate. You can solve the equations well, but not to understand the beauty of nature and the whole art. Also, a person perfectly writing poems and painting paintings does not always know how to fold or multiply two numbers among themselves.

No wonder in schools, technical schools and universities there are not only profiling items. For example, physicists also explore Russian, history, psychology and other humanitarian disciplines. Similarly, the philologists occur. Together with humanitarian disciplines, they have strictly mathematical items.

The above examples reported that you need to develop both hemispheres in parallel. For this, there are exercises for the development of the brain.

Exercise 1

First you need to stroke your abdomen clockwise. The field of performing this exercise with your left hand should be tapped by the head vertically from top to bottom. Osiving and this movement, a person must perform them at the same time. At first glance, everything is simple. But after the combination, almost everyone will begin to be confused. The left hand will automatically try to make circular movements. After the goal is completed and the confusion stops, the position of the hands should be changed.

Exercise 2

Put both palms on the stomach. Left hand is strictly on the right. Now it is necessary to do exhale. It should be like a blooming candle. For this exercise one minute is given.

Exercise 3.

This exercise allows you to actively synchronize the work of both hemispheres.

You need to raise both hands up or in front of yourself. From a person it will be necessary to draw a square in the air with a left hand, and the right star. All this is done at the same time. As soon as progress manifests itself, the position of the hands changes.

Exercise can be complicated. This will require drawings of other forms. It all depends on the imagination of the one who performs the exercise.

For the development of the hemispheres of the brain, a special program was created - neurobika. Such exercises allow you to look at everyday business in a new way. In other words, you need to try to do something common in an unusual way.

Exercise 4.

Try to get out of bed on the other legs. You can try to brush your teeth with another hand. Drinking tea, sugar should be stirred left, and not right hand.

Exercise 5.

This exercise should be performed with good friend. You need to tie my eyes and walk along with your companion.

When performing this exercise, you will need to answer questions below.

  • How did the fight against uncertainness happen?
  • What senses were activated?
  • What sounds stand out?
  • Which heard was alarmed, and what calmed?

How to develop the right brain hemisphere

As mentioned above, both hemispheres are needed. For example, in one day to give preference to logical training, and in another to engage in imagination and art.

Initially there was a question about, and how to develop a brain by 100 percent. Output one - develop both hemispheres.

The imbalance of the development of both hemispheres begins with childhood. People do not know how to think abstract and empathize.

Exercise 1

Man should start drawing. The right hemisphere synthesizes, and does not analyze. You need to take the world Abstract. To do this, you can become a designer own apartment. Learn to trust your intuition in choosing wallpaper and color.

Exercise 2

In psychology there is the concept of Empathy. A person should not just empathize with other people, it takes to look at the world through the eyes of another. In this case, there is a deep relationship to what is happening in the lives of other people. This exercise is developing right hemisphere.

Exercise 3.

A person must often listen to spiritual music, which can be squeezed or just relax. The musical composition should not shove a person.

Exercise 4.

Right hemisphere controls the left side of the body. Man all actions better to make left hand. There is such a concept of "Arab letter". A person can develop the right hemisphere if it will write and read on the right left.

How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain

For the development of the left hemisphere there are a number of exercises.

Exercise 1

You need to solve several tasks per day. They can be mathematical or logical.

Exercise 2

A man solving crosswords develops the left hemisphere. In this process, the action is analytical. The intuition in crosswords does not use a person.

Exercise 3.

All actions to do the right part Body. For the right hand, this happens by itself. Lefters may experience difficulties with the performance of this task.

All listed exercises will help develop a brain. The main thing is to improve both hemisphere!

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability to logical thinking, systematization and critical thinking. In a harmoniously developed man, both hemispheres work simply and balance each other. We train and achieve perfection.

3. Load the right side of the body

All actions perform right hand. Lefters will have to be not easy, and right-handers for which it will not be difficult, can be advised to make gymnastics, where more attention is paid to the right side of the body: jumping on the right foot, slopes to the right.

4. Making Massage

On our body there are points corresponding to different organs. For the cerebellum correspond to the points located in the footsteps at the bases of the thumbs of the legs. Just below - the points of both hemispheres. Massaging such a point on the right foot, we activate the left hemisphere.

5. Develop a fine motor

The head of the mother's little finger to touch the tip of the thumb with the right, and the tip of the little finger is the right - the left one. The thumb left at the same time will be at the bottom, and the right - at the top. Then quickly change your fingers in some places: thumb The left hand will be at the top, and right - downstairs. The same is done with index and unnamed fingers.


A positive effect on the activation of the left hemisphere and exercises, which improve the relationship between both hemispheres.

  1. At the same time with his left hand stroking themselves through the stomach, but they told the right on the head. Then the hands change.
  2. We draw a star in the air in the air, and the other is a triangle (or other geometric figures, most importantly - so that they are for different hands different). When one exercise, we will get enough easily and quickly, change the figures.
  3. The same drawing simultaneously draws right and left hands, observing the mirror symmetry.
  4. Left hand take over the right ear, and right - for the tip of the nose. Floating in your hands and change your hands: right to touch the left ear, and the left is the tip of the nose.
  5. Improve the coordination of movements and develop both hemisphanage dancing, in particular Tango.

Everyone got used to the fact that you need to develop memory, attention, intelligence, body to improve your body. But for some reason, few people pay attention to the brain itself, from which the development of all this in most cases and depends. Even the body will not develop and improve it, if before that, the brain will not fit well and does not think about how to approach work on the body.

It is well known that the brain consists of two parts: left and right. Someone functions better than the left side, someone's right, and the happiest - both. Win, naturally, the latter who use their wealth maximum.

Left hemisphere thinks logically. The right helps to create a new one, generate ideas, integrate. However, it is possible to be a mathematician with a well-developed left hemisphere and at the same time do nothing new. And you can be a creator and pour ideas to left and right and not to implement one of them because of the inconsistency and illogicality of your actions. Such people are often found. And there is not enough of them only one: work on improving their brain, bringing it into a harmonious state.

Psychophysiologists have long developed a system of exercises to harmonize the hemispheres of the brain. Good in this respect musicians, such as pianists. From early childhood, they instill harmonious perception of the surrounding. After all main tool For brain development - these are hands. Acting with two hands, a person develops both hemispheres.

Exercises on synchronization of work Hemisphey

Many of them are well known since childhood.


I take my left hand for the tip of the nose, and the right - for the opposite ear, i.e. left. At the same time release the ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of the hands "with exactly the opposite." I tried, in childhood it turned out better.

"Mirror draw"

Put a blank sheet of paper on the table, take a pencil. Pain simultaneously with both hands mirror-symmetric drawings, letters. When performing this exercise, you must feel the relaxation of your eyes and hands, because while simultaneously work both hemispheres improve the efficiency of the entire brain.


Alternately and very quickly move your fingers, connecting into the ring with big finger Index, medium, unnamed, little finger. First, you can each hand separately, then simultaneously with two hands.

Now remember the lessons of physical education. No wonder we were forced to do exercises in which you needed to get to the right leg and vice versa. After all, they also develop our hemispheres, and help them work consistently.

The next training helps to shoot emotional stress, improves performance, develops attention, thinking and inter impass. Exercise is difficult and interesting.


I explain the procedure. Around you is a leaf with the letters of the alphabet, almost everyone. Under each letter, the letters l, P or V. The upper letter is pronounced, and the lower denotes movement with his hands. L - left hand rises to the left side, P - right hand rises in the right side, in - both hands rise up. Everything is very simple, if it were not so difficult to do everything at the same time. The exercise is performed in the sequence from the first letter to the latter, then from the last letter to the first. The following is recorded on the leaf.

This is how you can develop your precious brain for the benefit of yourself. Train on health and with pleasure! And most importantly, feel the difference between yourself former and yourself trained!

Coordinate work of the brain hemispheres

This simple practice allows you to revive one hemisphere from monotonous work and connect to it is non-working. To do this, you will need A4 format paper, on which you are horizontally, on the line, the marker draws two lines of the cross, as laid on the side of the letter H. Hang this sheet at the eye level, so that you are comfortable to look at it. Then you can not shoot, let him hang and reminds you to take care of yourself.

Looking at this sheet, calmly and deeply breathe, you make only two simple exercises, known since the lessons of physical education:

  • tries on the left elbow of the right knee, then the right elbow of the left knee, it is desirable that at the same time the back was straight. Such cross movements must be made six, only 12. You can do and count.
  • tries to the left elbow of the left knee, then the right elbow of the right knee, it is desirable that at the same time the back was straight. There are also six such parallel movements.
  • Again 12 cross movements;
  • Another 12 parallel movements;
  • and the last 12 cross movements.

All this will take you not more than 1.5 minutes, and the effect you will immediately feel in a markedly smashing head.

In fact, the exercise is used to correct the left-hand and relaxation children. It is taken from applied kinesiology - modern science about the body and is based on observing the chest children. If the baby has not passed the staging of crawling, he may have problems in joint work Hemisphey, which means that it will not use his potential, working only half the brain. We will apply these knowledge in preventive purposes to restore the agreed brain work.


Here is a special program that has been developed for many years at seminars. This was attended by both athletes and people who tied their lives with meditation.

Exercises were called training consciousness. At first glance, they will not be pleasant. With their help, you are aware of how easy it can be in difficult life situation And how difficult it is to find a way out of this and reborn. Training consciousness is primarily a complex of exercise, as well as mobility in all senses.

An American therapist Jean Howston found that during the workout of consciousness significantly increases the indicator of intelligence. Obviously, exercises lead to the fact that new nerve cells are formed in the brain. A large number of These cells lead to an increase in the possibilities of intelligence.

Such exercises are ideal for fulfilling the requirements of any complexity and coordinated work of both hemispheres of the brain. They also increase our concentration. The program contributes to the development of coordination between the brain and the body (coordinated work of the brain and parts of the body). By using the left hemisphere, it does not come to mind to attract the right, which would be useful in many situations of exercises help coordinate the work of body parts.

This type of gymnastics can continue to be enjoyed and is more effective than it seems at first glance. Alya began to start with simple exerciseHeavy may cause pain.

Stroking the abdomen and tapping on the top

The first part of the exercise includes stroking the belly with his right hand clockwise. After that, knock on the left palm of the painter, with the goal of slight slaps to increase mental abilities. Pay attention to the fact that the movements are straight on top and vice versa.

The third step will be decisive: a combination of both movements. At the same time, note that by mistake not to confuse the movement: Right hand rotate through the stomach, and the left is moving from top to bottom.

After you are accustomed to these movements, you can change hands. Such exercises are well developing coordination.

Describe the circles

This exercise can be performed both sitting and standing, but it is better to start with performing standing. First, go on left footIn order not to lose the balance. Then start with the right foot to draw circles on the floor clockwise. If it turns out, you can proceed to the next exercise. Describe circular movements with the right hand parallel to the floor, but is already counterclockwise. After that, go to the third task: do both exercises at the same time. Right foot - clockwise, and right hand counterclockwise. This can lead to confusion, but in this and is the difficulty of tasks - one hemisphere is made to work.

Since the left hemisphere is more developed in women, and the right of men, respectively, and the body is divided into two parts: what is above the lowerwranger - the male pole, below the belt-Zhensky. This division is conditionally, but it corresponds to the prototypes of Tai Chi, signs where black-points lie on the White Male Yang-Field, and on the contrary, on the black yin-field. Accordingly, the right "female" hemisphere is responsible for the right "male" part of the body, and for the left "female" - the left "male" hemisphere of the brain.

The more you will be able to combine exercises thus, the easier it will lead to harmony our life, as well as combine men's leadership features with passive female qualities based on sensations.

Having mastered these exercises, you can change the direction of workout.

Change the load fully and start to train the left part of the body. You will immediately feel how the workout of the right part has advanced. And between two parts, experience is exchanged.

A good physical condition favorably affects our mental state, since in the body everything is closely interconnected. Interact microcosm of our body and macrosmosmos of the world and the whole universe.


Now you can start performing complex coordination exercises. Get straight and lift up right hand. This position is called the click Now, having described the semicircle, lower the hand down, this end position is called the clack.

Then, the same is repeated with your left hand. And again the position with the hand raised upwards is indicated as a click. Now, describing the semicircle, lower your hand 90 ° into a horizontal position. Alya left side of the body is the position of the clack. The next movement, the hand down, is called the click. Thus, for the left side there are three changes to the position: the upper and lower - click, and in the middle of the clack. Coordinate the work of both parts of the body in one rhythm of click-click-click-click-click-click at first will not be easy. Start exercises from a slow pace, then the movement will automatically enter the right rhythm. Despite the seeming impossibility of execution, it is a very simple exercise. The result will be unexpected and stunning

Taking advantage of the exercise for a few minutes, you will get a striking effect. I recommend performing exercises before important eventsin which coordination is especially important. For example, before a long cycling trip, they are as relevant as the subsequent stretch, which by tensioning the cutting muscles leads them again into the form.

For many it is no secret that for happy life You need to constantly train your body. Then you will have a lot of energy, you will feel better and hurt much less. However, many forget that to improve the quality of life, it is also necessary to train your brain. It is from this that the level of your life will depend on. That is why, within the framework of this article, I will scatter the most effective exercises for the development of both hemispheres of the brain.

After graduating from the university, I got a job. Every day I did what I was taught for the year of study. I knew myself for each day. The problem was that I stopped learning and, as a result, I lost the ambition. I noticed that my life just pulled me to Rutin, all the days are the same and no global goals, I am not able to achieve. Then I thought and began to study the problem.

In that period of life, I came across those 5 exercises that I will describe below. A few months later, I began to notice the first results. I became more creative and collected at the same time. As a result, I not only got promotion, but also launched my small business project, which paid off and already brings me money. And all that turned out to be for this is not to stop in the development and work on both hemispheres.

Basic brain principles

The human brain is one of the most mysterious and incomprehensible mechanisms created by nature. It is customary to compare with electronic computing machines. Throughout his life, a person learns something new, accumulating useful information. And if any data is losing their relevance, they are automatically forgotten. To consider all the functions that are able to perform our brain will need a lot of time, but I will list the most basic ones:

  • memory;
  • speech;
  • thinking;
  • perception of oneself;
  • consciousness;
  • general perception of the world;
  • imagination.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, which are associated with a corrier substance, with which the information is transmitted from one part of the brain to another. Each of the hemispheres is responsible for some functions. However, in the history there were cases when, due to injury, one hemisphere began to perform the tasks of another. Despite this, initially every part of the brain has its own purpose.

The left hemisphere takes on the functions of logical thinking and operations with calculations. It is capable of processing information from outside in a strict sequence. The right hemisphere is more responsible for creativity and sensory perception. That is how we perceive smells, music, colors and are able to understand art. Also, this is the hemisphere helps us navigate in the surrounding world. In addition, it is the right hemisphere that allows us to think creatively and find unusual solutions.

Everything described above is the most bases of the brain. However, this information is already enough to at least understand how the hemispheres of the brain work. The most important thing is that with the help of special exercises, we can develop our brain, honing those or other functions. The main task is to ensure that both of our hemispheres work synchronously and were as efficient as possible.

What will give the reader the development of both hemispheres of the brain

Before you develop both hemispheres of the brain, consider a little more, but what exactly will we give us. With focused training, you will have such important skills as:

  • ability to concentrate on an important;
  • orientation in giant information streams;
  • rapid adoption of the most faithful solutions;
  • training in a short time;
  • instant capture of the essence of things.

It is these listed skills that helped businessmen with world name to achieve their high results. In order to learn this too, it is necessary to regularly do special exercises to synchronize the work of the brain hemispheres. Such exercises can be compared with classes in the gym. Without regular training, our muscles become weaker. And if the load will not be completely, then they are simply atrophy. The brain works exactly according to the same program.

With insufficient mental activity, you will begin quickly stupidly, and vice versa, with regular training in the brain there are many neural connections, the blood supply of the brain is improved.

For efficient work The brain needs to start the occurrence of new neural connections with new knowledge and impressions. During our period standard process Training This is coming by itself. I mean the age when it is customary to learn or pretend that you study. it kindergarten, School and University. The amount of new information incoming to our brain during this period was sufficient to maintain the brain in more or less working condition.

The problem is that most people stop learning something after the end of formal training in educational institutions. In their lives, routine processes prevail for which it does not have to use their intelligence. And without the appropriate load, our mind weakens, and the person after 25-30 years starts gradually fooling. That is why it is so important to regularly perform special exercises. Below I will describe the most effective of them.

5 Exercises for the development of both hemispheres of our brain

Below are 5 common exercises that are ideal for the development of both hemispheres of your brain. After performing them, you will notice how smarter, start noticeing more and understand.

Exercise number 1 Mirror drawing

To perform this exercise, take a sheet of paper and two pencils, one in each hand. Start drawing both hands simultaneously. Let it be something simple. Draw a square, circle, eight, star. Gradually, images need to complicate. Write your name. If you do, try to draw a full picture.

Exercise number 2 random words

To perform this exercise, take a few random words and tie them into a story. First it will be difficult. It is possible for a ligament it will be necessary to make several long proposals. If you practice, then you can easily connect any of the words taken at random with just a few phrases.

Exercise number 3 words

Excellent exercise for the crank brain. Helps improve concentration, increase attention and load both hemispheres at once.

The task is to, quickly, without informing, call color. It may seem that it is quite simple, but the left hemisphere begins to concentrate on words, and the right on color. It confuses much. Well, if you perform this exercise with a partner who will show you words, and you need to call a color or read what is written. It is a partner says that at the moment you need: call color or read the word.

Exercise №4 Reality Reality

This is an excellent visualization exercise. The main thing is to launch imagination as much as possible, including visual, auditory and olfactory memory. Get rid of any external stimuli, turn off the TV, disconnect the sound on the phone. Close your eyes. Try to remember a well-known person to you: the features of his face, the color of his eyes and hair. Now try to reproduce the sound of his voice, the smell of perfume. Add an image with new items.

After you learn to reproduce with your imagination of people, you can move on. Now you can create a new universe in your imagination, parallel to the one that is. Similar exercises are noticeably developing creativity, imagination and creative thinking.

Exercise number 5 Neurobika

This is a kind of charging for our brain. It activates the work of all the senses at once. This technique for the first time came up with a neurobiologist from the United States named L. Katz. The main essence is that it is necessary to make things we have to do in a non-standard manner, for example:

  • walking around the apartment, tightly knitting his eyes;
  • write with the help of the left hand if you are right-handed and, on the contrary, if left-handers;
  • change the usual route to work or study;
  • try to feel the taste of food, the smell of flowers;
  • identify things only with tactile sensations;
  • do new jobwhich you have not been involved before;
  • trying to find non-standard answers to the usual questions.

All new actions provoke the occurrence of new neural connections. The main thing is not to miss the moment when new actions will become something familiar. Continue to develop in the same vein. In this matter, the main thing is not to stop and then you will definitely achieve results. On the site you will find many useful articles that will help you on this difficult way. Good luck.

Good day, dear reader! Today we will discuss the unique creation of nature - the human brain, or rather his right hemisphere, and the exercises that will find in this article will help to develop and activate its functions. Now I will explain why I wanted to make an emphasis on this topic. First, it is responsible for creative skillsAnd its development will help reveal the potential laid in us. Secondly, a system of education and education was sent only to the left hemisphere, which led to the imbalance of our thinking. Therefore, it is necessary to harmonize the work of the whole brain.

If you analyst and logic clean water (This means that you have a leading left hemisphere) and feel that you lack creativity and creativity, do not hurry to get upset. There are methods and exercises that will help include the sleeping right hemisphere. I will describe these ways in detail at the end of the article, but for now we consider the role that the right hemisphere performs.

Functions of the right hemisphere

  1. Intuition
  2. Imagination
  3. Orientation in space
  4. Processing of non-verbal information
  5. Holistic perception
  6. Understanding Metaphor and Humor
  7. Musicality
  8. Painting
  9. Emotions
  10. Dreams

Thanks to the right hemisphere, we can intently perceive the faces of people, emotions, distinguish between voice intonation. Metaphors and jokes are perceived not literally, and their hidden meanings become understandable, associations and imagination are used. In addition, the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body.

Agree, these are important functions that are developed to a greater or lesser extent in all people. Now imagine what opportunities can be opened if you make your brain more productive work. Intuition will become more acute, empathy and sensitivity will distinguish, hidden abilities and talents will be revealed.

Who has been developed right-hand thinking

Usually in women, the right hemisphere works better than men. This is one of the reasons why misunderstanding arises between the weak and strong floors. Thanks to this thinking, women prevail such properties as intuition, imagination, dreaminess, and in men - logic, analyticality.

It used to be believed that the right-hander is more developed left-sided thinking, and left-handed right. Now Neuropsychology specialists come in the conclusion that it is not entirely true. Studies were carried out using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). When the right-hander wrote, the activity of waves from the left hemisphere increased, when Leftche wrote - on the contrary. This test only proved once again that each side of the brain is responsible for the opposite side of the body.

Many famous artists, sculptors, composers are more active, the right side of the brain, but also the left hemisphere is not lower than the average. Therefore, it is necessary to improve your brain to achieve a balance in its work.

How to activate the right hemisphere

In order to improve brain activity, workouts are necessary. For the left hemisphere, the solution of mathematical tasks will help, solving crosswords, and for the right - the work of creativity. It is logical to indignant "How do we do creativity, if our right hemisphere does not work?!" I will dispel your fears, you can start with small steps available to everyone.

Listen to the music. Of course, here it is not about any music. Modern musical culture (pop, rock, hip-hop) are capable only to litter the brain. Better add several compositions of meditative music to your playlist, or as advised modern psychologists something from the classics (Tchaikovsky, Bach, Mozart, Wagner and others). Close your eyes and visualize images and pictures that are associated with this melody.

Contemplate. Most good choice For contemplation - Mandala. This is a schematic pattern that symbolizes the model of the universe. Pick up the image of the mandala to your taste, relax and look at the center for a few minutes. After a while you can notice the kaleidoscope effect, do not be scared, it should be. Buddhist monks use mandala in spiritual practices. For several days, they lay it out of colored grains, and after meditation, the beautiful fruit is erased.

Draw. Even if you do not have artistic abilities, you can draw pictures not for an exhibition or sale, but in order to activate the right hemisphere. For example, draw a mandala or any other pattern that does not require technical skills. It is best to use paints or colored crayons.

Meditate. Meditation technician is a limitless set. At all, it is not necessary to look for the one that is aimed at the development of right-hand thinking. Any meditation improves the activity of the entire brain. Read the article meditation for beginners at home to learn more about meditation. The most important thing to learn to watch and direct your thoughts into the necessary channel, at least for a short time. Meditating people work intuition well, imagination, natural talents are revealed, these are signs of right-hand thinking.

Exercises for development

Arab letter. As you probably know, arabic Writing and read on the right left. This style of writing is developing right-hand thinking. I suggest and you try this writing. For this, it is not necessary to learn Arabic. Just write to the right left on your native language, Only the main thing is that it does not go into the habit!

Mirror drawing. Prepare a sheet of paper and two pencils, one take into your left hand, the other in the right. Start drawing at the same time both hands are the same, simple geometric shapes. This exercise helps to balance the work of two hemispheres.

Drawing in the air. This method is also aimed at harmonizing the work of the two sides of the brain, only he is slightly harder than the previous one. Draw a triangle in the air with one hand, and another circle. When you start to get, you can change the shapes.

Strokes and patting. Probably, everyone in childhood tried such a reception. A circular movement on the stomach is made with one hand, and the other light pattering on the head, then you need to swap the hands. It would seem that there is a difficult? But people with the imbalance of the two hemispheres this exercise is not easy.

Here's actually, such simple exercises that will help to reveal the potential covered in you. If you like the article, share her please with friends by clicking one of the buttons social networks. And I will also be very happy with your comments and additions.

Sincerely, Ruslan Zvirkun