Collaboration plan for kindergarten and school. Planning work on the interaction of preschool institution and elementary school

Lobakova Larisa
Project Abstract in the preparatory to school group "My pedigree. Family tree"

Project Abstract informative - research activities in preparatory to school group on the topic"My pedigree. Family tree».


Introduce children with concepts « pedigree» and « family tree» , "generation";

Expand view "a family", expand the knowledge of their close relatives;

Learn to build family tree family, contributing to the aware of the child itself as particles involved in the history and life of the family;

Enhance a dictionary of nouns, denoting family members and high-quality adjectives and verbs on the topic "A family".


Develop monologue, attention during the preparation of descriptive stories;

Expressive movements during fizminutka.

Educate: Respect for senior family members; The ability to feel the energy of a kind, accuracy, the ability to bring the work started to the end during the manufacture treva.


Layout genealogical tree ;

Jug with water for the game;

Family photos;

Cards with model « genealogical tree» ;

Musical accompaniment;

Interactive equipment.

Preliminary work S. children:

1. Using the name, patronymic, profession and place of work of parents, grandparents.

2. Consider family albums with photos.

3. Joint activities of children with parents for compiling « genealogical tree» .

4. Riddles on the topic "A family".

Node's move.

Teacher. Guys, let's stand in a circle, form a dance. Show your palms. Throw their friend about his friend. Press your palms to the heart. What do you feel? (Children's responses.)

Teacher. It is a warmth of good hands and good souls. We offer our warmth, our hands our loved ones and friends and speak:

The morning comes

The sun gets up.

We are going to,

In a good way we go.

A friendly hands take

And smile to each other.

Teacher. What do you think the word hid in this picture? (On the desk rebus: "7 I")

Children. Word "a family".

Teacher. Do you think it means this word - family? (Children's responses). This means that you seem to be in your native family seven times. Close more carefully to your relatives. Your smile resembles a smile mom, gait - the gait of the dad, the eye color is the same as the grandmother, the ends of the face and the Mountain - like a grandfather. You look like your brothers and sisters. But the similarity is manifested not only in appearance, you inherited from parents, grandmothers and grandparents. Many character traits.

In our group Many guys. Each of you have your own family. What do you think families are all the same? Or maybe they are different? What is the difference? (Families are all different - there are big and small. People from different families are distinguished by last names, names, appearance, they live in different houses, in different apartments.)) The family is the most important thing, most expensive, which is in a person, so at all times the Russian people amounted to proverbs and sayings about the family. (score in different languages)

Fingering game

Guys kind - one big family. The most respected is considered the eldest member of the family - grandmother, grandfather or great-grandmother, great-grandfather. What do you think, why?

Children: They lived a lot. Wise.

Pedagogue: We still respect them for giving life to our parents.

Tell about your family. Who is it? (Children's responses)

The teacher exposes a rod from the pyramid, the rings lie next.

Causes a child who is a pyramid.

Pedagogue: Let's try to present the human genus in the form of a rings.

The biggest ring is your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers.

The next ring - grandfather and grandmother.

How do we call the next ring?

Children: Mother and father.

Pedagogue: The smallest left. What do you think of whom it means?

Children: Children.

Pedagogue: We got a pyramid. This is our family.

Fizminutka "A family".

One two three four (clap your hands)

Who lives in our apartment? (lift shoulders)

One, two, three, four, five (jump in place)

Dad, mom, brother, sister.

Grandmother and grandfather, (Show palm)

Cat Murka, two kittens (leaving right, left)

My cricket, scoop and i (turns to the right, left)

That's my whole family. (Clap)

On the Molbert model genealogical tree.

Pedagogue: For a long time, people tried to preserve the memory of their relatives for future generations. - Your immediate relatives: Parents, grandparents are your family. And you know what pedigree? (Children's responses.)

So, the guys have their own story. This is the time when you were born, took the first step, went to kindergarten. All this is from the history of your family. In the past, your family can also find a lot of interesting and useful.

Family Story, Oversey, pedigree. Since relatives were a lot, but it was necessary to remember everyone, then people decided to record their names, surnames to special notebooks, to then transfer this information to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. These records were called « pedigree» .

And then people came up with sketching their « pedigree» in the form of a tree (show genealogical treewhere leaves and branches depicted generations and family members. Thus, information about many generations of relatives remained in the memory of descendants for many years, even in centuries. And the tree began to call it « The genealogical tree» . Children, and how do you think it is easy to make pedigree his family? (Children's responses.)

It's hard, but we will try to create the first step genealogical tree.

Guys, no man who would be born in itself, everyone has parents. They, in turn, also have parents. Often people do not know their ancestors on their grandparents

Compilation genealogical tree.

Pedagogue: Go to the tables. Look around. We have found yourself in the Great Garden. Go each to your tree. Guys, your family is like a tree, and every member of the family is a leaflet. We will now grow a family tree of each of you. This tree is empty, without leaves. Your leaves genealogic Tree will be photos of grandparents, moms, dads. I suggest you place them on your birthday, that is, portray family tree. Below, we place your portrait and your native brothers and sisters. The next generation of your family is your parents - who is? Moms and dads. They were born before you. Mothers and Dad was a generation of grandparents. They lived even earlier. And who has great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers?

Consider work.

(Children take their trees and get up in a circle).

Teacher. Look at what beautiful trees We turned out. Feel what kind of strong, caring, good your family. All generations of your ancestors are the roots of this tree and help him grow, blossom, bring new fruits.

All your families together are the whole people! Let's close your eyes and try to feel what kind of power has our people when we are all together from generation to generation.

The game "Jug of kindness".

Pedagogue I have a jug with a magical water of kindness. She will help us even better treat members of your family and do good deeds. Now the music will sound. During sound, you must think about the wishes for your family. Who wants, can dance.

Music stops.

Pedagogue Children, come up everything to the jug. Each of you can tell water wishes to your family. Water is on our land everywhere. Wherever the members of your family, they will definitely get your fine wishes.

Children in turn wish their family all the best.

Pedagogue: Water charged from you very good energy and now we also get positive emotions with you. For this, I will treat you with this water.

Teacher distributes all "Magic Wilder" And children drink.

Project for senior preschoolers Dow. Topic: "My family"

Project participants: Children prepared for school of the MBDOU group "CRR-kindergarten" Fairy Tale "op d / s" chamomile " combined view"; parents of pupils; Teacher.
Duration of the project: October 2016

Project Type: Cognitive-creative
This is my whole family:
Mom, dad, brother and me.
Mom cooks and erases.
Dad nails scores.
Well, my brother goes to school,
And learn is very happy.
I play with toys
We attend kindergarten.
We love together we are in the kitchen
Discuss our affairs.
Because I have
Very friendly family!

Relevance. In conditions, when most families are concerned about solving problems of economic, and sometimes physical survival, the trend of self-sustaining many parents has increased from addressing the issues of education and personal development of the child. Meanwhile, it is in preschool age that the foundations for a person successful in the future are laid. The process of socialization is extremely important and necessary for each child. Family and kindergarten are two public institutions that are at the origins of our future, future adult citizens of our country. And on what our children grow, the future of our state will depend on.
Conducting most of the time with children, in joint activityIn games, in the process of conversations and conversations, I found out that most children are almost nothing but a name, do not know about their grandparents, not to mention the great-grandfathers. They make it difficult to tell about family holidays, the traditions of their family. To change this situation and the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the project "My Family" appeared. I believe that the project is the perfect way to reflect on the role of the family in the life of every child. Project work has great importance For the formation of the child's personality, strengthening and
development of child-parent relations. We, adults, teachers and parents, should help children understand the significance of the family, bring up love and respect for children to family members, instill a sense of attachment to the family and the house.
Children do not know the stories of their kind and family, interest in the study and preservation of family customs and traditions unstable. Many children cannot explain the significance of the family for a person. Not every parent is fully aware of the relevance of the problem under discussion and is hardly familiar with the methods and means of its decision. The need to create and implement the project "My family" was due to the above factors.
Objective of the project:
Clarifying the ideas of children about members of their family who live together, love each other, take care of each other
Project tasks:
To form ideas about family traditions and holidays.
1. To educate respect and love for relatives and loved ones.
2. Rail interest in his pedigree.
3. To introduce children with the concept of "family tree of the family."
4. Enrich the dictionary (relatives, pedigree, genealogical tree, ancestors,)
Expected Result.
During the implementation of the project "My Family" I plan to increase the level of knowledge of children about the family. Children will learn more about their family, about related relationships, about what family is that family has history and traditions, will have an idea of \u200b\u200ba pedigree as a family history.

Project implementation conditions:
1. Participation of parents in the project implementation.
2. Selection of games, proverbs, conversations about the family.
3. Creating interest in children to your family.

Material and equipment: Family photos; Cards with a model "Genealogical Drev"; musical accompaniment

Project passport

the name of the project "My family"
Type of project Cognitive-creative
The main developers of the project of Palaev Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Objective of the project To clarify the presentation of children about members of their families who live together, love each other, take care of each other.
Project tasks 1. To form ideas about family traditions and holidays.
2. To bring up respect and love for relatives and relatives.
3. Rail interest in his pedigree.
4. To introduce children with the concept of "family tree of the family."
5. Walk dictionary (relatives, pedigree, genealogical tree, ancestors)
Terms and stages of project implementation
I Stage: Information Organizational
Stage II: Practical
III Stage: Final
The content of the project implementation stages
I stage
Conversation "What is family"

Purpose: To make a story about your family according to plan, educate love and respect for members of your family. Consider photos depicting family members, family albums.
Scene-role game "A family"
Purpose: to educate in children love for parents, respect for the elders; continue to teach children yourself to invent the plot of the game, deploy scene linebring up goodwill to peers, the ability to play together.
Consider photos depicting family members, family albums.
Drawing drawings on the topic: "My family"
Didactic games "HOME LOOK".

"What can be pleased with mom"

Stage II
Production of photo albums "I and my family!"

Purpose: to educate a desire takes care of loved ones, develop a sense of pride for your family, develop hardworking, accuracy, care.
Games for the development of shallow motility "Family", "House". Purpose: promote the work of speech and mental centers of the brain; increase the level of speech competence of children; develop small motor; To achieve accuracy to coordinate the movements of the brushes and fingers.
Preparation of the genealogical tree
Purpose: introduce children with the concepts of "pedigree" and "genealogical tree", "generation"; Exercise in drawing up connected stories about your family on the basis of the genealogical tree
Proverbs and sayings about the family

Earth without water is dead, a man without a family is empty.
When there is no family, there are no house.

In the family and porripe.

Everywhere is good, but at home is better.

III stage
Protection of work.

Purpose: To form the ability to present your work, make up short story, respond to the teacher's questions, contribute to the education of the initiative of children.
Artists Preparatory Kids Group, Parents
Expected, the final results of the project Pupils will receive more information about their family that the family gives us support, support, warmth, communication skills. She helps us to develop in nature, teaches to overcome difficulties, etc. And the family is prosperous, the more attention is paid to every member of the family and the baby, including the more confident the child will feel in life.
Parents are active and interested project participants, focused on developing the child the need for knowledge, communicating with adults and peers, through joint project activities.

List of used literature.

1 Kozlova A. V., Dezulina R. P. "Work with the family": -m. : T. U. Sphere, 2004.
2. Zhukovskaya R.I., Penyevskaya L.A. Reader for senior children preschool age: Manual for kindergarten teacher
/ Sost Zhukovskaya., R.I Penyevskaya., L.A.
3. Kalmykova L.N. Hello, finger! How do you live?: Cartoek thematic finger games / Sost. L.N. Kalmykova.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2014.-247
4. Kovalko V.I. "Alphabet Fizkultminuts for preschoolers."

Appendix No. 1.

Conversation "What is family"
Purpose: Enrich spiritual world children; to educate love and respect for all family members. Desire and the need to take care of loved ones and attention to them; develop sociability and sociability; Exercise children in the ability to talk about their impressions connected, consistently, competently, using complex sentences; improve the dialogic form of children's speech; enrich vocabulary Children.
Structure occupation
Teacher. Guys, today I will play with you an unusual game. I will ask questions, and you answer them. With your help, I can point the tenants to this wonderful house.
1. What are the most native people for a child? (Father and mother).
2. What is the youngest family member? (Child).
3. And the most senior family members? (Grandmother and grandfather).
4. Do your moms and dads have native brothers and sisters? (Well no). Who are they coming to you? (Aunt and Uncle) Do you? (Nephew and niece).
5. Do they have children? (Well no). Who are they coming to you? (Cousin and cousin).
6. How many cousins \u200b\u200bdo you have (sisters)? (Children's responses).
7. Who do you come to your grandmother? (Granddaughter and grandson).
8. Who is your mother your grandmother? (Daughter).
9.. How do you think these are strangers or relatives? (Native people).
10. How can you call, in one word of these people? (Relatives)
11. The most joyful day for each person, which only happens once a year and everyone has his own? (Birthday).
12. How do you think good have a lot of relatives? Why? (Children's responses).
13. What is such a family? (Children's responses).

Educator. What do you think the word hid in this picture? (The tutor shows a card on which the rebus depicts: 7 I.)
Children. The word "family".
Educator. Do you think it means this word - family? (Children's responses).
This means that you seem to be in your native family seven times. Close more carefully to your relatives. Your smile resembles a smile mom, gait - the gait of the dad, the eye color is the same as the grandmother, the ends of the face and the Mountain - like a grandfather. You look like your brothers and sisters. But the similarity is manifested not only in appearance, you inherited from parents, grandmothers and grandparents. Many character traits.

Didactic games

Purpose: promote the development of a child's memory, logical thinking, to learn to call actions that can be attributed to home work, improve the dialogic form of speech.
Material: ball, pictures depicting various actions of a person during homemade work.
The course of the game.
Educator. You already know what domestic work is. Let's play: I hand over the ball and call the actions that can be attributed to your home work. Each of you will have to call the action and pass the ball to another. Try not to repeat.
Children. Cooking, cleaning room, ironing linen, washing dishes, crane repair, garbage removal, cleaning of the palace, buying products, wash linen, etc.
"What can be pleased with mom"
Purpose: Promote the development of memory from a child, imagination, improve the dialogic form of speech.
Material: Ball.
Stroke Game
Educator. Guys, let's stand in a circle, form a dance. Now we will play the game with you, we will pass a ball to each other. Mom is close person, which is always there: and in joy and in sadness, we love her, we value it, it does not want to be upset, but I just want to please. Think and tell me than you can please your mom.
Games for the development of shallow motility.
Fingering gymnastics "A family"
Purpose: Provide a short-term active vacation for preschoolers during a node, intensify the breath, the development of shallow motility of hands, eye and manual coordination.
The course of the game.
Educator. Guys, let's get up in the circles and play the game.
Once, two, three, four (cotton in your hands)
Who lives in our apartment? (turns to the side with the raising shoulders)
Once, two, three, four, five (cotton hands)
I can remove everyone: ( index finger Recalculate I.
Dad, mom, brother, sister, bend alternate fingers on hand)
Cat Murka, two kittens,
My shoe, cricket and
That's our whole family!

Finger exercise "House".
Purpose: promote the work of speech and mental centers of the brain; increase the level of speech competence of children; Prepare a hand to a letter by improving a small motorcy; To achieve accuracy to coordinate the movements of the brushes and fingers.
The course of the game.

Educator. Oh, look, teremok, (hands above "house")
It is not low, not high,
Does not hang on it the castle, (fingers are connected in the form of "lock")
Who, tell me, live here?
Let me go to yourself! (Palms make a "cup", hands forward)
Cookies treat
I can do everything around the house - (I bend your fingers, starting with the Mizinza)
Sew, cook, clean,
I myself see everywhere
I will wash and wash the floor.
Well, no one answers, (put the hand to the ear, listen)
What does this mean? (Shoulders rise up).
If the house is empty, (hands above "house")
Will this house is mine! "
Pedagogical project: my family

Proverbs and sayings about the family.
Purpose: replenish literary baggage proverbs and sayings.
The consent of the way in the family is treasure.
The consonant seven grief does not take.
In the family, according to, it is going on perfectly.
The family is strong when there is one roof over it.
Family without children that flower without smell.
Family pot always boils.
In the family and porripe.
There will be no good, if the family is entering.
In a good family, good children grow.
In your home and walls help.
Everywhere is good, but at home is better.
The whole family together and the soul in place.

Drafting the genealogical tree.
Educator. For a long time, people tried to preserve the memory of their relatives for future generations. Since there were many of them, but it was necessary to remember everyone, then people decided to record their names, surnames to special notebooks, to then transfer this information to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. These records were called "pedigrees."
-And, then people came up with sketching their "pedigree" in the form of a tree, (showing the genealogical tree), where the leaflets and branches depicted generations and family members. Thus, information about many generations of relatives remained in the memory of descendants for many years, even in centuries. And the tree began to call the "genealogical tree".
- Children, look at the easel of the tree. What is the size of the leaved at the top, and what at the bottom?
Children. Top - small. And below - big.
Educator. Go to the tables. Look around. We have found yourself in the Great Garden. Go each to your tree. Guys, your family is like a tree, and every member of the family is a leaflet. We will now grow a family tree of each of you. This tree is empty, without leaves. The leaflets of your family tree will be photos of grandparents, moms, dads. I suggest you place them on your birthday, that is, to portray the genealogy tree. From above, place your portrait and your native brothers and sisters. The next generation of your family is your parents - who is? Moms and dads. They were born before you. Mothers and Dad was a generation of grandparents. They lived even earlier. And who has great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers?
(Children lay photos).
Educator. Listen, as I say the word "Seven - I". "A family". Consider how many photos fit on your tree? Who else is members of your family? (The story of the child about his family members.) Who else wants to talk about members of his family?

Acquaintance with the history of the family and the pedigree is most often not included in the circle of educational tasks of the parents. They seek to teach a child to read, write, learn a foreign language, dance or play on a musical instrument.

And on the one hand, they can be understood. The child lives so much in the family, the mother with dad knows other relatives too. And for successful implementation in life, knowledge of the history of your family is optional.

Unfortunately, this is so, and it is sad. IN modern world The study of its history, pedigree is rather something unusual, a cute hobby than something natural and everyday. But forgetting about their ancestors, we not only lose some of our history, but also lose their originality, involvement in the family, respect for the roots.

Acquaintance with his pedigree enters the program of moral education of children of preschool age in kindergarten. But, alas, work is not always conducted, because without connecting parents to this topic to acquaint the child with the history of his own family problematic

And the topic is complex and for adults themselves too. Do you make a lot of your friends drawing up your genealogic (break the tongue) Tree? And what, except the name-last name and place of living, do you know about your grandmothers and great-grandmothers?

Why do you need to study the history of my family?

Dating a preschooler with a pedigree, the creation of a genealogical tree (by the way, in working with young children this term can not be used, enough words - the tree of the family), is an interesting exciting business that unites the whole family.

And an interesting family business is always favorably affected by children. For the baby, it means a sense of cohesion, unity, in such situations he feels support for the whole family and is filled with internal confidence and resources, which will continue to help cope with difficulties.

I really miss my grandmother, which was not a few years ago. They lived in a real hut, in a real village with the most real Russian stove, in which I cooked us soup and baked pies. And one of the most expensive children's memories is when we in the winter with my brother are lying on the furnace, and your grandmother sniffs socks or knitting us mittens and rustic rustic horns about wolves.

Now I am no longer sure that these stories were real, but in childhood we were crazy about them and crumbled my grandmother to tell them again and again.

In addition, the study of the family history can be your new tradition, and traditions, as you know, help children feel constancy and confidence in the changing world.

New knowledge is expanding the kid's horizons, introduce it with temporary characteristics, the concepts of "then" and "now", "was" and "became". Stories about how His ancestors lived, not that without a phone, but even without cars develops thinking, intellect and child speech, enriches his inner world.

How best to acquaint a child with a pedigree?

1. No matter how trite, but try to make a tree of your family. For the baby, it is not necessary for the ancestors to the 7th of the knee. It will be enough for you, brothers and sisters, if they are, grandparents and aunt with uncles. The family type itself is in one place (on the crown of the tree) acts on the child impressive. He realizes himself and other relatives in one whole, feels self-involved in them. Draw the coat of arms of your family and come up with her motto.

2. Get a family book or photo album with real printed photos. Every year, looking through such a book or an album, firstly, you will again be able to survive all the events of this year, secondly, the child will have a sense of time flow, understanding that it goes. And thirdly, he will be able to feel at the physical level, to feel part of his family history.

3. Pay attention to the child to those pictures and illustrations where the family is depicted, for example: F. Goya. "Family of King Charles IV"; V. Bayuskin "For lunch"; Y. Kugach "On Saturday", "At the cradle"; V. Pereov "Fishing"; K. Makovsky "Santa Stories", "Family Portrait"; I. Korzukhin "Grandma with granddaughter."

V. Dragunsky "My sister Ksenia"; V. Oseev "Sons"; E. Blaginina "Grandma Care", "Sit in silence"; L.Voronkova "Babushkina of the case"; M. Druzhinina "Postcard"; T. Tahistova "Family"; V. Berestov "loved you without any special reasons"; D. Non-"Mammoth Mammoth"; N. Magay "My Mom and I";

4. Periodically show the child photos of your own relatives, parents. Pay attention to the kid to the conditions in which your ancestors lived, tell about them interesting, funny stories.

Expand the knowledge of the child about the relative relationship, explain who is sideways, a girl, Swat and Kuma, than aunt and uncle on the street differ from his native aunt and uncle.

5. Get out only your family traditions and holidays. In addition to the State Family Day, celebrated July 8, boot the day of your family or your pet's day or any other day. Come up with your corporate family recipe for cake or salad. Stick your old traditions and create new!

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Signatures for slides:

The project "My Pedigree" fulfilled the educator of MBDOU D / s №4 Ми ведянанныйн Добинцеве S.N.

Project Passport Type of Project: Group, Creative, Research. Duration: Medium (1 week) Project participants: Preparatory children speech therapy group MBDOU D / s №4, educators, speech therapist, parents.

Project Passport The relevance of the topic to each person is interesting to find out where he is going on, who were his ancestors, where his real "Malaya Rodina". Where does I come from? The question looks simple, but actually has a very deep meaning. Interest in your past, your roots, knowing the knowledge of where you come from is in the blood of every normal person. You can bring a lot of examples when people find traces of those from whom they have occurred. These knowledge helps them to realize and evaluate themselves, their past. The life of a person begins with the family, here is the formation of him as a citizen. The family is the source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, what any civilized society is being built, without which a person cannot exist.

Project Passport The purpose of the project to contribute to the consolidation of interest in his family, to educate love and respect for parents and ancestors, form and develop personality, develop partnerships with family.

Project Passport Tasks: to get acquainted with the history of the creation and development of each family; show the need to know your pedigree; Contribute to establishing closer relationships of children and their parents.

Project Passport Result: Parents received a lot of advice and recipes for the preparation of pedigree, realized the significance of this work. They have pride in their ancestors, the desire to be no worse, responsibility to them and their children. The children expanded their horizons. They have developed interest in family history, family traditions, pedigree. The work contributed to the upbringing of a sense of pride for family, love and respect for parents. In addition, the children became more friendly and received the skills of conflictial communication.

Passport of the draft form of work on project implementation. Physical culture of physical culminate "My whole family"

Passport of the draft form of work on project implementation. Health Fingering Gymnastics "Ten Start" Novikovskaya Fingering Gymnastics C.25. "Draw a little man" Novikovskaya finger gymnastics C.24 "Russian Family" A.K.Michina, Little children Great rights, p.78 Articulating gymnastics " Delicious jam"," Pancakes "T.V.Buned" speech therapy gymnastics. "

Passport of the draft form of work on project implementation. Socialization. Conversations: I and my family. Secret named. The most good, dear most. Dad in the house and house is working. My grandmother is friends with my grandmother a long time ago. My grandfather told me. Is it easy for a person when he is alone? Origin of surnames. What is a genealogy tree? Games: Locking the picture determined by the age of ending the proposal of selecting a sign of the organization of the exposition from children's work and photographs "Take a look at the family album"

Passport of the draft form of work on project implementation. Cognition viewing family albums. N O D is the most expensive person. My younger brothers and sisters. Senior family members. I.F.Mulko. Socio-moral education P. 50, Z # 3, p.51, s №4, p. 53, З № 5 N.V.aleshin. Acquaintance with others. C.26, Z№ 19

Passport of the draft form of work on project implementation. Artistic creativity Lrack. Panel from sausage "with dad". Crafts from plasticine. Pp. 3 Padok from the salty test "Papin Portrait." Drawing "My Mom's most beautiful" applique "How my dad slept when was small" Lykov, p.144, p.65

Passport of the draft form of work on project implementation. Communication Explosion of proverbs and sayings about the family. Family riddles.

Passport of the draft form of work on project implementation. Reading fiction. V. Belov "Mine Daughter" K. Shushinsky "Bone" L. Tolstoy "Old Grandfather and granddaughters" A. Barto "How Vovka Babuchi helped" Vsheomylinsky "The grandmother trembled hands" Shiorgin TA "Kidnapped name"

Passport of the draft form of work on project implementation. Music song "Family" Composer: Grigory Gladkov Words: Elena Plotnikova "Our Friendly Family" Sl. Perevikchikova, Muz. and execution of A.comarov

Passport of the draft form of work on project implementation. Presentation of the project Representation by the families of their genealogical trees.

Apply your palm to the chest, where you have a heart. Listen to how it beats. Feel and imagine how your palms are filled with warm and kindness of your heart. Now share the warmth and kindness of your heart with each other, holding hands. Smile to each other. In such a good mood we will go to the place.

The family is the word native! How many light and warmth are in it! How we are proud of our relatives, for all their merits, for all their affairs!

An abstract classes in kindergarten for senior preschool children. Topic: "My family. Pedigree"

Purpose: Expanding the ideas of children about the history of the family in the context of the history of the native country.
- consolidate the ideas about related relations and relationships.
- know the concepts of "pedigree", "family tree"
- Be able to make a genealogical tree
- educate love and respect for members of your family.
Preliminary work
Acquaintance with others:
a) "I and my family" (as followed by a family album);
b) Stories of children about members of their families.
Conversations "My Family", "My Brothers and Sisters" (using the photographer), "I feel good when ...", "weekend in our family", "On how to behave with my mother, with dad, With the rest of your family "
Drawing up the stories "My relatives", "Our Family Traditions"
Methodical support:
- photos of family members
- Drawing of a tree (for each child)
- Panel with a tree image.

- Guys, what is a beautiful morning today. I am glad to see you all. Yes, let's give each other a good mood. I smile you, you smile to me.
"All children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Tightly hand
And smile to each other. "
- Guys, attach your palm to the chest, where you have a heart. Listen to how it beats. Feel and imagine how your la-dashes are filled with warmth and kindness of your heart. And now let's share the warmth of our hearts with each other and let him in the group.
Look at the picture. Who is depicted on it? What do you think this kid is happy? Why?
- Tell me, please, are you happy kids?
- What do you think, why are you happy or what you need for happiness?
(children's responses).

Salmoning crossword about family.
* Lives in your family girl, well, and you (sister).
* Who climbs out of the diaper, it's a small (child).
* Who loves you more? Who is gentle so blue? And cares about you not shy at night eyes? (mum) .
* Let your family bypass bad weather, I wish you the children of huge (happiness).
* It is given to you, and others enjoy (name).

That's right, the family is the main thing. For happiness, each person needs to have a family.
Here, listen to the poem of Mikhail Schwartz "Family"

On Moltert Picture 7 I

Reading the poem M. Schwartz "Family"
Family-word strange
Although not foreign.
- How did the word happened
It is not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are their seven?
Do not think and guess,
And you just need to count:
Two grandfathers
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, i
Moved? It turns out seven people
A family"
-And if there is a dog?
Eight "I"
-No, if there is a dog,
It turns out. In! a family!

Children listen to the poem, discuss its content. De-monsit sensory perception to the poem.
The teacher emphasizes the attention of children on the word "family", offering to answer the question: "Of how many words is the family?" Let's check. Children call family members and keep an account (two grandparents, two grandparents, mom, dad and child).
- Let's talk about the family. What is family? Responses of children.
- The family is Mom, Dad and Children. Family are loving and caring parents and their child. Only relatives can be a member of the family. - But the family is not just relatives, these are people who love each other help, respect, speak gently with each other. What do you think the word is the first to pronounce a child?
That's right, mom.
Game "Mom What?".
(Only, affectionate, caring, native, kind)
Guys, think and tell me what you look like with your family and what there are differences.
Children are determined characteristic difference Each family is the similarity of family members. Then children define the second characteristic difference between the family - the common last name. They are invited to name the surnames and the names of their parents.
The game "Name patronymic" is held. With a ball.
The educator draws the attention of children to the fact that in addition to the name and name, each person has patronymic. Patronymic is given to a child named Pope, for example, if Pope Sergey, then the patronymic of the child Sergeevich.
Teacher calls male name, and children say, which is half the middle name; Girls are called middle name for her daughters, and boys for sy nearest lines:
Alexander - Alexandrovna - Alexandrovich;
Oleg - Olegovna - Olegovich;
Ivan - Ivanovna - Ivanovich;
Vasily - Vasilyevna - Vasilyevich.
The family is friendly, funny, dance, beautiful, sports. All families are different - there are small and big, if there are many children in the family - this is a large family. People from different families differ in the names, names, appearance. Each family has their own traditions. Family traditions are the rules of behavior adopted in the family who are observed in the family.

I have a family
Very friendly she.
With my mother we face pancakes (imitation of movements.)
Unprecedented tasty!
We are digging with my grandfather's grandfather. (Imitation of movements.)
With grandmother flowers plant. (Imitation of movements.)
With dad we are playing football. (Imitation of movements.)
Ball in the gate score.
I love very much (grab myself with my hands.)
Your cute family.

Family are native people living together, your relatives. Tell me, who is called relatives? Loved ones by kinship people. Relatives are called grandparents, brothers, sisters. And what does the word "race" mean? Rod is all relatives who have the same La Liu. We have on the table with rings.
Any genus can be represented in the form of these rings. The first ring is (grandfather and grandmother). Next ring, how do we call it? (Mother and father)
This ring is children, i.e. you. The following is your future children. What did we do?
Children: Pyramid.
- On the pyramid you can tell about the pedigree of any family. So what is a pedigree?
Pedigree is a story of any kind or family. And then people came up with sketching their "pedigree" in the form of a tree.
(Showing the genealogical tree, where leaves and branches depicted generations and family members.)
And the tree began to call the "genealogical tree"

After all, we did not bother themselves, we are all branches and Li-pesters of a huge human tree.
How the tree grows, each family is growing, and each family is growing - from the most ancient ancestors (roots) to young representatives of the genus (green leaves). Mom and dads in the family tree can be compared with branches, grandparents - with a strong trunk. It is thanks to such an association that a schematic representation of the pedigrees of each family is called the genealogical tree (trees).
- The pedigree tree is an image of the history of the genus in the form of a white-branched tree. The pedigree tree helps to keep the memory of before, thanks to him, we better know the story of a kind. Like a tree strongly at the expense of its roots and the strength of the family keeps on its roots. With the help of a family tree, you can learn about the life of your ancestors. Such a tree has each of us. Some have a lot of some Ma Lenes. This is the flow of our ancestors. The tree leaves its roots far in past centuries. Thus, knowing their roots, we can sometimes objectly clear our choice yourself, and your origin too.
Genealogy or genealogy - a systematic meeting of information about the origin, succession and kinship of families and childbirth; in more wide sense - Science of related links.
Educator: - And now let's sit at the tables. Look, in front of you on the plates are photos, please find your own.
- At the very top of the crown of a tree, your photo is located (Colin, Tanina, etc.) If you have a brother or sister, then you are admitting it next to your photo, and below the right - dad, left - mom. Even below the parents, their parents, that is, your grandmothers and de-docks.

- Today we talked about a pedigree tree
* What do you remember most?
* Liked your tree of life, why?
* Will you keep at home with your parents work on your deres?
* What did you know from our classes?
(Answers Guys)