How to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle. How to make a mousetrap at home with your own hands

With the advent of autumn colds, mice begin to actively move from summer territories to human houses and apartments. Every year we have to restrain the invasion of rodents and look for more and more effective ways struggle. There are only two ways to defeat the invasion of mice that have registered in a house or garage - get a cat or regularly install mousetraps. The bigger, the better. The easiest way to make a mousetrap plastic bottle with your own hands. Minimum costs, especially since there is plenty of material for traps. If you guess with the design of a mousetrap from a plastic bottle, then the problem can be done away with fairly quickly.

Which trap to choose

At first glance, the easiest way is to buy a ready-made mousetrap or make a similar design with your own hands. But this is only at first glance. The mouse, like the rat, has considerable intelligence, learns quickly and remembers well how to bypass mousetraps. Therefore, it will be useful to periodically change old plastic bottle mousetraps to new, more efficient and effective designs.

Most often, several of the most popular designs are used to combat domestic rodents:

  • Petal mousetrap, it can be done in a couple of minutes, there is a considerable risk that the mouse can escape from the trap before it is taken out;
  • A falling mousetrap, if you make a design from a plastic bottle exactly as described, then the effective operation of the device is guaranteed;
  • A mousetrap is a rocking chair, the most difficult to manufacture, but also the most effective. It can be done in several ways, the main thing is to follow the principle of work. Such mousetraps can work flawlessly for many years without any complaints.

Advice! Don't underestimate the ability of mice to get out of mousetraps. It is necessary to check the traps as often as possible, since according to statistics, about half of the rodents successfully get out of the trap.

You can get an idea of ​​​​the possibilities of mouse balancing act and understand how to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle from the video

What you need to know before making a mousetrap from a bottle

First of all, you should not count on the absolute effectiveness of the mousetrap, even the most successful and effective, at first glance, the trap can fail, so it will be useful to observe how the mouse falls into the trap and, most importantly, how it tries to get out of it. Such observations can be very useful when the time comes to make a new, more cunning mousetrap.

There are three factors to consider when planning a mousetrap design:

  • The plastic bottles from which the traps are made should be changed at least once a month;
  • Poisons and toxic substances cannot be used in mousetraps;
  • The laboriousness of making a mousetrap from a plastic bottle should be minimal, otherwise this activity will quickly get bored.

The mouse has the ability to capture the most subtle odors. If a dozen mice got into a mousetrap, then on a plastic bottle there will definitely be smells with "signals" of panic. Such mousetraps should be thrown away without regret, and a new trap can be made to replace the old one.

The material of the plastic bottle does not present a particular obstacle for the rodent, so it is important not only to catch, but also to get the mouse out of the trap in time, until the animal simply gnaws a hole and runs away with the bait.

Options for the most successful mousetraps

All of the mousetrap designs below do not require special skills and tools and are made, as they say, “on the knee” in a few minutes. To build a trap, use:

  • Adhesive tape and adhesive tape, nylon threads;
  • Plastic bottles with a capacity of 2 and 3 liters;
  • Scissors or stationery knife;
  • Bait.

Advice! A piece of salted bacon, roasted seeds and a walnut kernel work flawlessly as a bait.

Oddly enough, but cheese or sausage is much less effective than lard, such a bait dries quickly and loses its attractiveness.

Make an effective bottle mousetrap in 60 seconds

A simple and fairly effective mousetrap can be made from an ordinary three-liter plastic bottle. We use a walnut kernel as bait. Complete course how to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle is shown in the video

Initially, you will need to make a lure mount from two loops of nylon thread.

With a clerical knife, we make an incision on the wall so that we get a petal that covers a small window. The window size should be no more than 20 mm. Due to the rounded shape, the petal should easily bend inside the plastic bottle and not deviate outward, preventing the mouse from getting out of the trap.

We pierce the side walls of the bottle on both sides, stretch the thread with the bait and fix the suspension in a taut state with the help of matches and adhesive tape.

You can choose a place for hanging the bait at a height of at least 10-12 cm from the bottom, this is enough for an ordinary mouse, sometimes rodents show miracles of jumping, so the design of the trap can be supplemented with another bottle, into which everyone who will fall for the bait will fall.

The simplest mousetrap options

The simplest version of a mousetrap from a plastic bottle is shown in the video

A simple device can be made by hand in a few seconds. You only need to cut off the neck, and cut the edge of the remaining container with scissors in the form of triangular teeth, 30-35 mm long.

The jagged edges are bent inside the bottle, and the bait is placed on the bottom of the trap. As conceived by the creators, the mouse gets inside the mousetrap, and will not be able to get out of it because of the teeth.

More effective option mousetraps can be made from a plastic container according to the diagram below.

You need to cut off the top of the bottle, turn it over, remove the cork and install it back into the cut off part. It turns out a design that resembles an old non-spill ink bottle.

A good falling mousetrap can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle with a window cut out in the neck area. The bait is placed at the bottom of the bottle, and the trap itself is tied with a cord by the neck and laid on the table.

To trigger the mousetrap, it is laid on the edge so that the bottom part with the bait is behind the edge of the tabletop. The mouse, having climbed into the bottle, breaks the balance, which leads to the capsizing of the container and hanging on the cord.

Getting out of the mouse container is quite difficult. It will be necessary to remove it from the trap in time, until the cat pulled it along with the trap.

How to make a mousetrap - rocking chair

The most perfect mouse trap can be made using the swing or pendulum principle. The principle of operation of the mousetrap is in many ways similar to the previous version of the trap, with the only difference being that the bottle does not tip over from the table, but tilts under the weight of the mouse, blocking the exit from the trap.

A typical design of the device is shown in the photo. You can see the principle of operation in more detail in the video.

In order to make a trap, you will need a bottle with a capacity of 1.5 liters, preferably with a long and narrow neck. Since the mousetrap must swing freely under the weight of the animal, you will first need to determine the line on which the center of gravity is located. To do this, you can put an ordinary faceted pencil on the table, and a container on it. Moving the bottle left and right, we find the equilibrium position, mark the line with a marker.

By design, the bottle should swing on the axis of rotation, which can be used as a piece of flat steel wire or a bicycle spoke. We mark the middle point on the balance line and with an awl we punch two holes through which we pass the axis of rotation.

A plastic container with a steel axis will need to be installed on a stand. To do this, you can use a small piece of board, 35-40 cm long. We nail two wooden blocks of the same size to the board, on which the axis of rotation will rest. When swinging, the neck of the bottle should rise and fall by at least 20-30 mm.

It remains to make and install a locking block. The height of the bar is selected so that in the raised position the lower edge of the hole for the cork is on the same level with the upper edge of the wooden block. Thus, the mouse can easily climb up the bar into the trap. Under the weight of the rodent, the bottle will rotate and close the entrance to the container. It is clear that the weight of the bait should be half the weight of the rodent, optimally 3-5 g, no more.

Plastic bottle and bucket trap

The oldest and most proven mousetrap can be made from a half-liter bottle, wire and a galvanized bucket. Initially, you will need to drill a hole equal to the diameter of the wire in the bottom and in the bottle cap. The latter plays the role of an axis of rotation, so the plastic container should rotate freely, effortlessly. The length of the wire is chosen 5-7 cm more than the diameter of the bucket.

To the bottle, dressed on a wire, they additionally put on a tin lid used for conservation. From the side of the bottle, a bait is tied to the lid and the entire structure is placed on a bucket. You can attach a wooden plank or plank to the bucket to make it easier for the animals to climb up. If there are a lot of mice in the garage or basement, then the bucket must be wiped from the inside with oil or poured with water to make the surface as slippery as possible. During the night, up to ten animals can fall into the trap, so you have to take measures so that the mice do not escape from the trap.

The mousetrap works quite simply. The mouse, trying to get to the bait, goes to the spinning bottle and falls down. Due to the slippery surface of the plastic, it is almost impossible to catch on the bottle. Unlike previous designs, such a mousetrap can be freely left overnight without fear that rodents will damage the trap or be able to slip out of it.

Instead of a bottle, you can use any object with large diameter and smooth surface. Can install a ruler, a piece of tap polypropylene pipe and even a piece of glass. Wood and raw metal work the worst.


The above designs of mousetraps are not an absolute panacea for the invasion of mice. Devices help to catch enough a large number of rodents, but over time their effectiveness decreases. After a couple of weeks, the animals will learn to bypass the trap, therefore, the more often the location of the traps, their design and shape change, the more successful the pest control will be.

In the fight against mice one of the usual and enough effective means are mousetraps.

Bucket mousetrap

Option number one

Take a bucket and insert a metal rod into the top.

Put a tin can with a volume of 0.33 or 0.5 liters on it along it - for example, from a beer, or a plastic bottle.

The jar (bottle) should rotate freely enough on the rod. Put bait on it.

Place the bucket so that the mouse can reach the jar, and fill it with water to half or less.

When the mouse smells the bait, it will climb onto the bottle. The jar (bottle) will turn over and the mouse will fall into the bucket.

If you use a jar, then it is important to choose the distance between the edge of the bucket and the edge of the jar so that the mouse cannot step on the jar, but can jump; if a bottle, position it so that the mouse first hits the neck of the bottle.

If you want to make a weapon of mass destruction of rodents - place the bait in a ring around the bottle, and the mice will climb on it continuously.

The main thing is to have enough buckets.

Option number two

Just attach a strip cut from a plastic bottle to the edge of the bucket and place the bait on it. The strip will sag under the weight of the mouse and the mouse will fall into the bucket.

Mousetrap from a glass jar

In spring and autumn, residents of houses and apartments are faced with a problem that is as old as the world - the invasion of mice. They have always caused trouble for people, especially those who have stocks of grain, etc. To fight mice, there are many means and traps that can not always be called humane.

Although they are pests, not everyone can just kill this animal. There are many ways in which you can get rid of uninvited guests in a humane way. Moreover, such methods of struggle do not require you to invest money and effort. We are talking about making a mousetrap from plastic bottles.

Everyone has such a container, so a mousetrap made will cost a penny. Let's find out the advantages of manufacturing these structures and the technology itself.

What is the advantage of a bottle mousetrap

Most traditional mousetraps are quite dangerous if there are children and pets in the house. After all, they can fall into a mousetrap and damage their body parts, and poisons that resemble seeds can attract them. As a result, poisoning and abrasions. In addition, buying a lot of traps for a huge family of rodents is quite expensive.

A plastic bottle mousetrap is good because it will not harm anyone. Children and animals can be calm. And the fact that it will take absolutely simple materials, speaks in favor of improvised designs. You will not need much time for manufacturing, since the design is quite simple. Due to its design, the mousetrap is very humane and after catching a rodent, it can simply be released away from home.

Note! Homemade mousetraps are reusable. With one such design, you can catch many mice. It is enough to install it in the right place.

An important component is bait

If you want your mouse trap to be successful, bait is a must. It can be even the most high-tech, however, without a bait, the likelihood of a mouse entering the trap is minimal. Mice are not stupid creatures and will not climb anywhere for fun. Therefore, before considering how to make a mousetrap, you need to figure out the bait for it.

What do mice just love? Cheese? Not really. Undoubtedly, they love him, but this is just a banal stereotype that advertising and television dictate to us. Mice respond much better to sunflower seeds, which are not only tasty, but also smell good. Mice look for food by smell, so smell is important. For greater effectiveness, you can lightly fry them in sunflower oil. In addition, rodents do not disdain bread, which can also be moistened in oil for fragrantness. And to make sure pests go into the mousetrap, take sesame oil. It has a great option.

Advice! You can also use lard, crackers or popcorn.

When you have the right mouse bait in your arsenal, you can start making a trap out of plastic bottles.

Mousetrap from a bottle - option 1

For this simple design, you will need a minimal list of materials. It can be done in 10 minutes. You will need:

  • 2 l plastic bottle;
  • wire;
  • stationery knife.

That's all. In the photo you can see what the finished structure looks like.

So, all you need to do is make one cut and connect the two parts of the bottle. Just? Absolutely. Visually split the bottle in half, identifying the half. The part where the neck is located, visually divide in half again and make a mark. It turns out that you divided the bottle into 2/3. On the mark, using a clerical knife, cut off the top.

You got two elements from a plastic bottle, one is shorter, the other is longer. It remains quite a bit, to collect a mousetrap. It is enough to insert the smaller part into the larger one, neck down. And to fix it, you can use a stapler, wire or glue. The mousetrap from the bottle is ready. It remains to make it effective.

There are two steps for this:

  1. Lubricate the neck walls with oil. Not only will it be slippery, but it will also attract mice.
  2. Sprinkle seeds or bread crumbs on the bottom.

The mouse will easily fall into the bottle, but will not be able to get out.

Advice! Since the plastic bottle is a light product, the structure may fall and the mouse will come out. To prevent this from happening, strengthen it or simply glue it to a wooden block.

Mousetrap from a bottle - option 2

The second way is not much harder. Even vice versa. The work needs all the same plastic bottle and stationery knife. That's all. The creation technology is as follows:

That's it, the trap is ready. It remains only to place the bait inside. The principle of operation is simple: the mouse will climb inside without problems, but it will not be able to get back, due to the design. As you can see, these are simple options for which you do not need to be an engineer. And in such a mousetrap many rodents can fit.

Mousetrap from a bottle - option 3

This method is already more complicated than the previous ones, but in general it is simpler than simple. Here is what it looks like when finished.

Here important role playing balancing. All that is required is to cut off the neck of the bottle. Everything. Next is the matter of technology. At the top of it, as shown in the figure, do small hole and tie a rope. The length of the rope should be such that, having fallen from the table, the bottle is 5 cm above the floor. One end is tied to a bottle, and the other can be fixed to a shelf, a pipe at a table, etc.

To combat rodents, a lot of preparations and devices are produced: poisons with an attractive smell, spring and electric mousetraps, ultrasonic repellers. As a rule, the acquisition of these funds flies a pretty penny. A do-it-yourself mousetrap is practically free and at the same time does an excellent job of catching rodents.

For people unable to kill an animal, such traps are the only way out: most of them lure the mouse into a trap without causing her the slightest harm. We will figure out how to make a mousetrap at home simply and without much effort.

Disposable traps

Disposable mousetraps will have to be reinstalled after each rodent caught. For their manufacture, improvised materials (ropes, bowls, plastic bottles) and simple tools (scissors and an awl) are used.

1 option

The classic mousetrap is a snap-top lid, making it quick and easy. You need a small container: a jar of 0.5-1 l, a deep plate, a disposable plastic cup. You will also need a coin or a nut, a bait is tied to them with a short rope. The coin is set on the edge and the edge of the container rests on it. The mouse yanks the rope after climbing into the jar, and it falls, preventing the pest from escaping.

This elementary mousetrap from a jar can be improved: instead of a coin, you can cut a rectangle about 2 cm wide from thick cardboard or plastic and sharpen it on one side so that it is convenient to put the bait on it.

Option 2

If food spoiled by rodents is found on the table, a disposable mousetrap from a bottle is most convenient. To make it, you will need a bottle of 1.5 liters, a rope about a meter long, an awl and strong scissors. We cut off the neck from the bottle at a distance of about 5 cm from the cork, pierce the hole at the top with an awl and tie a rope through it to the bottle. The second end of the rope must be fixed on the table, for example, tied to the handle of the pan.

To catch a mouse in such a bottle, it is placed on the edge of the table so that the bottom with the bait hangs in the air. The mouse, having climbed inside, outweighs, the whole structure falls down and hangs on a rope. It remains to drown the rodent or take it outside the house.

3 option

The simplest mousetrap, but at the same time quite effective, is made from a plastic bottle as follows: using a clerical knife, you need to cut the bottle into 2 parts in the place where it begins to narrow.

Turn the neck over and insert into the main part, the sections must be placed at the same level and fastened with tape or glued. A bait is placed at the bottom of the bottle, the neck is lubricated with any edible oil. The mouse, once inside, slides down and cannot get out.

The only difficulty is that this plastic bottle mousetrap should stand so that the mouse can easily reach the neck, for example, near the shelves. For mice, you can make paths so that it is easier for them to climb. Then the bottles will have to be weighted by pouring some stones or sand on the bottom.

reusable traps

Making a reusable mousetrap is not much more difficult, the designs of most of them are elementary and do not require special skills. Such traps can be checked every few days, throwing out the caught rodents. True, they cannot be left for more than a week, otherwise the room will be saturated with the smell of decomposition.

Seesaw principle

The design of the first reusable mousetrap, which is easy to make yourself, is based on the principle of a swing. It will require any container with a volume of 5 liters or more with a wide mouth: a bucket, a saucepan, plastic containers. Across the edge of the bucket, with the help of adhesive tape, a rigid wire, knitting needle or wooden twig is fixed.

You also need a plank a few centimeters wide and a little less than the diameter of the bucket. Suitable, for example, a ruler or a rectangle cut out of thick cardboard, plastic, metal.

We position this plank so that it rests on a knitting needle, one edge lies on the edge of the bucket, and the other with the bait placed on it is in the air. In order for the mouse to climb onto the board, a homemade mousetrap is installed on a stool at the edge of the table. You can make a ramp from the board and attach it to the trap.

To make the trap reusable, the balancing board must be attached to the spoke and positioned so that it returns to its original state.

spinning drum

The basis of this trap is the same as the previous one: a bucket and a bridge leading to it. In order to drop the rodent into the container, a rotating cylinder is used. To make it, you can take a small plastic bottle or a tin can. A small hole is made in the bottom of the bottle, and then it is put on a knitting needle. The needle is placed on the bucket as a continuation of the bridge and fixed.

A mousetrap from a bucket will work for a long time if the bait is placed around the entire circumference of the bottle. You can smear it or attach it with a rubber band. The mouse, attracted by the smell, climbs onto the drum, which turns, and the rodent is in the bucket. If the mouse is not going to be released outside the house, water is poured into the bottom of the bucket so that it chokes.

trap trap

How mousetraps work, easily letting a rodent inside and not letting it go back out. A simple option can be made from the same plastic bottle: cut off the top, and cut the edge of the main part into narrow triangles 5-7 cm long. The resulting teeth are bent inside the bottle, and the bait is placed there. The mouse easily squeezes into a trap between elastic plastic strips, but can no longer get out.

A more complex reusable version of this design can be made by yourself from wooden box. A round hole is cut out in one of its walls at a distance of no more than 5 cm from the bottom. Steel wires 5-7 cm long are inserted along its perimeter at a distance of 1 cm from each other so that they are inside the box. The mouse, having climbed into the hole, falls through the wires and remains inside the box. Rat traps are made in the same way, you just need to increase the diameter of the hole.

glue trap

When catching mice, you can use and special glue from rodents. It is sold in hardware stores and supermarkets in the pest control section. According to the instructions, such glue is smeared on a cardboard box, and a bait is placed in the center. The mouse, hitting it with even one paw, sticks tightly. This is far from a humane mousetrap, the rodent in it dies long and painfully.

The disadvantage of this tool is the ability of the glue to stick to curious pets and smear everything around. You can avoid this by building reusable homemade mousetraps. A hole for a rodent is made in the shoe box on the side, a sheet of paper with applied glue is placed under it inside the box, and a tasty-smelling bait is placed in the depth. After that, it remains only to replace the paper.

Bait selection

World cinema has long inspired everyone that rodents love cheese more than anything in the world. In fact, it is quite difficult to catch a mouse on any dairy products. The most effective way to attract them to traps is to use:

  • lard, especially smoked,
  • smoked sausage,
  • white bread croutons,
  • unrefined sunflower oil,
  • Sesame oil,
  • roasted sunflower seeds and peanuts.

The maximum attraction for rodents is bread soaked in sesame oil.

Baits need to be changed periodically, because mice, sensing danger, stop responding to the smell of treats.

A mousetrap from improvised means will not require special efforts and financial costs, and the result from its use is often better than from industrial products. And in some cases, there is nothing left but to make a mousetrap with your own hands. It will take much less time than looking for a working store late at night or dragging yourself into the city from your summer house. Having decided on what materials are in the house, you can always find suitable option from a huge selection of homemade traps.

Methods for manufacturing electronic, humane and plastic mousetraps.

Rodents in the country and in own house- not nice neighbors at all, but evil enemies. They are not only capable of destroying feed stocks in the barn, but also cause a lot of inconvenience. Some hungry individuals are able to gnaw on the insulation of wires, which often provokes a short circuit.

You can fight rodents with the help of improvised means or poisons. It is not recommended to use poison if you have small children or pets in the house. In such cases, a mousetrap that you can make yourself will help you out. Pretty simple and affordable option- a plastic bottle trap.


  • Plastic bottle
  • stapler or wire
  • Scissors
  • Bait

Instructions for making a trap from a plastic bottle:

  • Take a two-liter bottle and cut it into two parts. The upper part, where the neck is, should be half as much as the lower one.
  • Insert the part with the neck into the other part of the bottle, you should get something similar to a watering can in a glass.
  • Lubricate the neck sunflower oil. This will enhance the slip. Put food inside the container, that is, at the bottom of the bottle. She will serve as bait.
  • Re-insert the neck part and attach it with a stapler or wire. This will prevent the neck from slipping inward.
  • The mouse will be able to squeeze through the slippery neck into the structure, but will not be able to get back out.

There is another option for making a mousetrap from a plastic bottle. In this case, the principle is based on the rotation of this bottle.


  • Scotch
  • plastic needle
  • Bait
  • Bucket
  • Rail


  • Take a small plastic bottle and pierce it lengthwise with a needle.
  • Put the edges of the knitting needle on the bucket. Attach the bait to the bottle with tape.
  • Place a board on the bucket to make it look like a slide. The mouse will rise to the bait and fall into the bucket due to the rotation of the bottle.

It is also one of the most simple options, but not very humane, since the rodent can no longer get out of the glue and dies. For such a trap, you need to purchase special glue in the store. It's called "Mouse Glue".


  • piece of cardboard

Instructions for using the glue trap:

  • As a basis, you can choose cardboard or a plastic pallet.
  • Put a layer of glue on the tray, and put a piece of cheese or something edible in the center.
  • Place the trap in the center of the house and wait. A hungry mouse will come for a treat and stick to the trap.

The easiest option is a mousetrap from a bucket and a ruler. It is made very simply.


  • Bucket
  • Ruler
  • Knitting needle
  • Bait
  • Board

Manufacturing instructions:

  • Take a bucket and fill it a third with water. Lay a knitting needle a little closer to the center of the bucket, and a ruler or a thin wooden rail on it.
  • Attach the bait to the end of the rail or ruler. Make a path to the bucket from the board. The mouse will climb the board like a bridge and land on the ruler.
  • As soon as the center of gravity shifts, the ruler will tilt towards the water and the rodent will fall into the bucket.
  • Loading such a trap is easy. It is enough to put a piece of cheese or something edible on the edge of the ruler.

There are many options for making a humane mousetrap. For this you can use glass jar or a plastic bottle. Such traps do not kill the rodent, but leave it unharmed.


  • Plastic bottle
  • Rope
  • Nail
  • Bait


  • You don't have to cut or craft anything. It is enough to choose the right bottle.
  • A plastic bottle of juice will come in handy.
  • Tie a rope to the neck, and connect the other end of the rope to the nail. You can just tie the rope to something heavy.
  • Now put the bait inside the container and put the bottle in an unstable position. The mouse will fit into the bottle, and when it gets to the bait, the center of gravity will shift and the container will fall.
  • Since the bottle is on a rope, it will remain hanging. You will be able to release the mouse into the street and not kill it.

Do-it-yourself electronic mousetrap: diagram, instructions for use

The principle of operation of such a mousetrap is quite simple. The mousetrap has a motion sensor. As soon as it works, a low current discharge is applied and the animal is killed. People who are a little versed in electronics will be able to make such a device. Instructions for making an electronic mousetrap can be found in the video. Several electronic circuits for collecting a mousetrap are presented below. VIDEO: How to make an electronic mousetrap?